The ten fastest built houses on the planet. Bystrostroy: the fastest construction projects. Panels that have stood the test of time

The editors of RBC-Real Estate decided to compare several common methods of building individual housing in a short time.

Photo: Depositphotos/photography33

The fastest and cheapest technologies for building houses are the following:

  • block (houses made of cellular concrete: foam concrete, sibit, polystyrene concrete, gas silicate, expanded clay block, etc.);
  • frame (which includes all types of frames: on wood, glued beams, metal, plastic, etc.);
  • multilayer enclosing structures of the "sandwich" type;
  • houses from fixed formwork.

In this context, we will not consider one of the most popular materials for low-rise buildings today - brick.

Foam blocks

Photo: Depositphotos/sever180

Brick and stone low-rise housing construction in Russia is unconditionally the leader, occupying about 60% of the market. The share of more economical wood is approximately 23%

The fastest way to build a house is if the preparatory - and the lion's - part of the work has already been done somewhere. Most likely, this is a plant for the production of various building structures. However, one of the most popular materials for individual housing construction in a fast format - foam blocks - can not only be brought in ready-made form, but also manufactured directly at the construction site using vibropresses. The laying of foam blocks with a thin seam makes it possible to obtain sufficient resistance to heat transfer with a reasonable thickness of the structure. The material is durable - it does not burn, does not rust, does not rot, etc. Due to the almost perfect geometry and large sizes foam concrete provides a high speed of construction. Depending on the complexity of the project, the construction period of the box is from two weeks, "turnkey" - up to three months.

Houses made of these materials are 10-15% cheaper than, for example, frame houses. Technologies are offered on the market that make it possible to achieve the cost of construction under a roof - 11-12 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m of the total area of ​​the house, for self-finishing - from 20 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m depending on configuration. Although if you look at the ratio price - quality - time, then foam blocks are still relatively long way, which has a number of disadvantages. One of the main ones - due to the high hygroscopicity and tendency to get wet foam concrete, the surface of the foam block walls needs exceptionally good protection from the effects. external environment which is not always achievable. The difference between the foam block, gas silicate, expanded clay, etc. is in some consumer properties.

Characteristics of cellular concrete


Volume. Weight


Heat transfer Kcal/m*h*g

Impact moisture


Requires protection

foam concrete

Requires protection

aerated concrete

Requires protection

Polystyrene concrete
Heating prohibited

Requires protection

Requires protection


Sandwich panels

This is the slogan of frame construction common in Europe and America. The most common technology for prefabricated frame housing construction is the construction of houses from SIP panels (sandwich panels, SIP - Structural Insulated panel). This three-layer construction- two oriented cement-bonded, metal, magnesite or plywood boards and a layer of insulation between them (usually solid polystyrene or polyurethane foam pumped under pressure). Sometimes houses are insulated mineral wool. On the outside, the walls are clad facade plaster or sheathed with siding. The panels are mounted mainly on a wooden, and sometimes on a metal or composite frame. Timber-framed houses in Russia are often referred to as Canadian.

Main advantages frame houses- low cost of construction, lightness of structures (massive foundation construction is not required), all-season and ease of finishing - due to ideally even surfaces of the material, there are no "wet" processes during construction. Frame houses have low heat capacity of walls and ceilings - to create comfortable temperature it is enough to heat only the air in the room. Cottage from SIP-panels with an area of ​​100-300 sq. m is being built by a professional team in five to seven days, that is, a month and a half after the start of construction, you can already live in the house. It is risky to build longer without skills - any violation of technology leads to a loss of consumer properties. The turnkey estimate is calculated based on the terms of reference, depending on the quantity and class of materials used (the economical option will cost about 16-17 thousand per 1 sq. m).

At the same time, some materials used in "sandwich construction" may be unsafe for humans. Sometimes in the production of insulation, as well as in particle boards, phenol-formaldehyde resins are used as a binder, which causes the emission of this harmful substance to the air living quarters. Cotton wool is also a source of carcinogenic dust. If it's about wooden structures a lot depends on their quality.

Light steel thin-walled structures

To some extent, a competitor of a wooden frame in the IZhS market is light steel thin-walled structures (LSTC) made of galvanized steel. Abroad, the technology has been successfully used for more than a dozen years. In our country, the practice is not very common. Nevertheless, a certain steady demand for a metal frame has already developed. Lightweight steel structures are used both as independent load-bearing structures in low-rise buildings, and as elements of roofing systems and half-timbered walls.

Light steel thermal profiles form the basis of thermal panels. They are made of high-strength structural steel with a thickness of 0.8 to 2 mm. Corrosion resistance is achieved by galvanizing with a coating thickness of 18 to 40 microns inclusive, due to which, according to experts, the service life of the material increases to one hundred years. Metal constructions, unlike wooden ones, are not subject to shrinkage, which allows you to order windows and doors almost immediately, perform Finishing work and thus reduce construction time. Strength steel structures makes it possible to make wider openings between the bearing elements, to use any roofing and facing materials. The total cost of a house from LSTK with an area of ​​​​about 110 square meters. m - a little over 2 million rubles.

Foam glass

Photo: Depositphotos/Jeanette.Dietl

Russian scientists-builders have recently developed new technology production of prefabricated house kits for low-rise construction. The basis of the technology is a material unique for the world practice - an analogue of foam glass - thermogran. It turns out that the wall is practically a single-layer panel made of a homogeneous material with a finished outer surface for wallpapering. The wall is only 250 mm thick. Heating is provided in the floors. Overlapping, enclosing and roofing structures made of this material allow the house to have a relatively small weight. Accordingly, the foundations do not require capital expenditures. Houses are planned to be "planted" on a stove or on screw piles. Installation time - up to ten days. Estimated selling price two-story house 180 sq. m will be approximately 20 thousand per 1 sq. m. m.

Experimental houses were previously built on a metal frame. However, now manufacturers have switched to a glass-magnesium frame.

Modular houses

Of course, not all of them are described above. fast technologies for low-rise construction. Yes, and they have a lot of different derivatives. There are unique new developments. However, the fastest way to deliver a house is to buy modular option. Installation time is one to two days. The cost of construction, in particular for one of the Chinese firms currently building low-rise housing in Yakutia, is in the region of 15 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m.

By the way

Comparative analysis"ideal" walls

Brick wall: plaster - 5 mm; brickwork - 250 mm; insulation with mineral wool - 100 mm; air gap - 20 mm; facade cladding with brick -120 mm.

Foam block wall: plaster - 5 mm; foam block - 200 mm; mineral wool insulation - 100 mm; air gap - 20 mm; facing of a facade a brick - 120 mm.

Glulam wall: sheathing with inside GKL + GVL - 25 mm; frame for sheathing - 27 mm; timber - 150 mm; mineral wool insulation - 100 mm; gap - 20 mm; facing of a facade a brick - 120 mm.

Wooden frame: sheathing on the inside GKL + GVL - 25 mm; wooden frame filled with mineral wool -150 mm; crate - 44 mm; fiber cement panels under a brick -15 mm.

LSTK: sheathing on the inside of GKL + GVL - 25 mm; steel frame filled with mineral wool -150 mm; crate - 44 mm; fiber cement panels under a brick -15 mm.

Some smart people define life plans with the expression "Raise a son, plant a tree, build a house." It is assumed that this occupation is long-term - a tree, like a son, cannot grow in one year, and you cannot build a house in a month. Long time and so it was: Noah built his ark for about 50 years, the pyramids were built for decades, and many castles in Europe required no less time. Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany) was built for 24 years, Bran Castle (Dracula's castle) - almost a century. Like communism in the USSR.

But let's not talk about the past - now he has stepped far ahead, allowing you to build amazing buildings in as soon as possible. Some of them are majestic skyscrapers that grow in a few months, others are environmentally friendly, compact and, most importantly, cheap houses that are designed to provide housing for the growing population of our planet.

Bystrostroy: the fastest construction projects

This 57-storey building was built by Chinese engineers in 19 days. Yes, my friend, this is exactly the number of days that you managed to waste this summer. And skillful Asians manage to build a skyscraper during this period.

3 floors a day - this was the speed at which Mini-Sky City was being built. 1,200 builders worked on its creation. The total area of ​​the building is 186,000 m². It housed 800 residential apartments and office space for 4,000 people.

The prefix "Mini" is not accidental - for the construction company Broad Sustainable Building it was a pilot project (such as a demo version). IN next year they expect to build a 220-story skyscraper Sky City (without any "mini") in just 90 days. He must be the most tall building in the world. At the same time, built in just 3 months.

9th place. Heijmans ONE - a house in one day

If you are not a millionaire (according to statistics, the number of millionaires among visitors to our site is an extremely small percentage), then building your own house is not only expensive, but also a lengthy exercise. But with Heijmans ONE, everything is different - its installation takes no more than a day.

Outwardly, it does not look very attractive, but there are two reasons for this: availability and environmental friendliness: recycled materials are used to create Heijmans ONE, the roof of the house is equipped solar panels, and the inside of the house is trimmed with wood.

Such buildings are used in the Netherlands as environmentally friendly and affordable housing, which is installed on abandoned plots of land: in this way, the territory is gradually ennobled without bureaucratic delays with the purchase of land (cheap and cheerful). Rent at Heijmans is about $800 per month.

Let appearance not particularly impressive, inside the housing is quite cozy. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, bathroom and living room, and the bedroom is on the second floor.

8th place. INSTACON (Mohali, India)

On December 3 and 4, 2012, engineers from the Indian construction company CMD of Synergy Thrislington managed to build a 10-story building in just 48 hours, thereby installing new record. The total area of ​​the building is 25,000 m². Hundreds of workers were ready to work around the clock to complete the fastest construction in India on time.

7th place. Archiblox (Melbourne, Australia)

Archiblox is another environmentally friendly clean house, which is built in such a way as to minimize the harm caused environment. At the same time, it differs in many ways from Dutch budget housing - instead of installing ready-made blocks, workers have to work hard on this building from environmentally friendly materials.

The total area of ​​the house - from 50 to 70 square meters (various models). The compact layout and energy-saving technologies make it quite economical and even more - Archiblox produces more energy than it consumes. At the same time, it has everything you need: a kitchen, a bath, a living room, a bedroom, a laundry room and even a solarium. The minimum construction period for such a house is 12 weeks (as you can see, by a small group of workers). True, pleasure is not cheap - such housing will cost $ 205,000. But you can sell electricity to neighbors.

6th place. 30-storey hotel (Changsha, China)

Broad Sustainable Building surprised with another ambitious project - a 30-story hotel in Changsha, built in 15 days. The high pace of construction does not mean that BSB has neglected safety or workmanship. This speed was achieved due to the fact that almost all the main modules were prefabricated at the factory and assembled together on the construction site.

5th place. Homeshell (London, England)

Homeshell is the British equivalent of Heijmans. Low cost buildings, environmental friendliness and rational use space - these are the 3 main advantages of this house.

Homeshell was developed by Richard Rogers. This is a three-story house, which is designed to reduce the cost of purchasing and renting housing. You can mount Homeshell in less than a day. Also, everyone's favorite energy-saving technologies are not disregarded - according to the assurances of the developer, the British eco-house will help reduce utility costs by 90%.

4th place. Ark Hotel (Changsha, China)

I think you already understood that the Broad Sustainable Building company specializes in building large-scale projects in the shortest possible time. The Ark Hotel is one of BSB's greatest achievements to date. This 15-story building was built in 48 hours.

Broad Sustainable Building differs from most construction companies in that instead of building, they are essentially assembling. All major components are prefabricated and then put together like puzzles. In this regard, BSB is the flagship in modern construction, with might and main using and developing new technologies in construction. And the Ark is a beautiful pearl in the portfolio of these brave builders.

3rd place. Dom'Up

There is a category of people who dreamed of a treehouse in their childhood. They like to relax in nature, they probably have a tent and they feel better away from civilization. So Dom'Up is just for them - it's a treehouse tent that can be assembled almost anywhere.

2 Dutch people worked on the development of Dom'Up. Suspended platform with an area of ​​16 square meters has an octagonal shape. Mounted on a galvanized steel frame wood flooring. The house itself is suspended between several trees - for stability and more similarity with a UFO that hovered in the air.

One person can assemble it in less than 2 days - so it's not the best best option for a trip to nature for the weekend, but good way spend a vacation reunited with nature. Or forever exchange the bustle of the city for the tranquility of the forest. True, for this you have to go to warmer climes - winter version Dom'Up is currently under development. Yes, and this beauty is worth more than $ 20,000.

2nd place. 3D printed house (China)

If all these super-fast projects seem like a funny exotic to us, then for the people of China, such technologies are not a hobby, but a necessity. Not surprisingly, this is where 3D printing began to take full advantage.

Winsun created a giant 3D printer that built 10 houses in 24 hours. At the same time, recycled materials were used as materials. Yes, as a result, we have not the most luxurious house that you can imagine, but its cost is only $ 5,000 for 200 m².

3D printing technology will eventually be able to greatly alleviate the problem of housing in third world countries. Yes, and here, let's not prevaricate, such houses would find their buyers.

1st place. Habitat for Humanity International (Montevallo, Alabama)

Habitat for Humanity International is an international organization that builds affordable affordable housing for low-income people around the world. These guys, in a team with local volunteers, have already built over 300,000 homes in about 100 different countries.

In December 2002, they managed to set a world record for the speed of building a house: a three-bedroom apartment building was erected in 3 hours, 23 minutes and 34 seconds. The project was planned for several months and required detailed study. In this, HFHI members were assisted by both local volunteers and some construction companies. In addition, the builders held a small rehearsal the day before and clearly distributed the work.

As a result, they managed to finish everything in less than 3.5 hours. During this time, not just a “box” was erected, but plumbing was completely laid and electrical installation was completed. The previous record was held by the same organization: in Auckland, New Zealand, Habitat for Humanity built a four-bedroom house in 3 hours and 45 minutes.

Any construction is always an expense, and rather big. But even if your budget is small, you should not give up trying to get your own housing, because you can always build a house inexpensively if you know what and how you can save money. However, it should be understood that any savings should not be at the expense of the strength, comfort, beauty and durability of the home. In our article, we will tell you how to quickly build a house with your own hands and at the same time manage with a minimum budget.

Ways to save

To begin with, it is certainly possible to build a house cheaply, but since you and your family will have to live in it, the quality of construction should not suffer. Moreover, the made house should not be:

  • Too small. The usable building area should meet the needs of your family.
  • Uncomfortable. It is necessary to choose a layout option in which all family members will be comfortable and cozy in such a house. It is equally important to provide for the zoning of the house, separating the sleeping (quiet) area from the living room, kitchen and hallway.
  • A well-built home doesn't have to be expensive. To build cheap house, you can use inexpensive, but good-quality materials, economical construction technologies and simple installation methods.

To make your home quickly and inexpensively, you can save money in the following ways:

  1. At the very initial stage, you can save on choosing a project. Moreover, we are talking not only about the use of a standard project instead of developments made according to custom order, but also about economical planning solutions, as well as the selection of durable and inexpensive structures.
  2. To build a house cheaper, you can save on finishing work. That is, you should use the simplest and most inexpensive Decoration Materials for walls, floors and ceilings, inexpensive plumbing. From this, the comfort of living in the house will not decrease, but the savings are obvious.
  3. It is better to carry out the purchase and delivery of materials on your own, and not entrust the contractor. So you can control everything, choose less expensive materials.
  4. It is much cheaper to build your own house than to hire a team of workers. But this option can be implemented if the construction of houses for you is at least a little familiar work.

Don't skimp on this

If you decide to build the cheapest house, but want it to be warm and economical, then you should never save on the following things:

  1. If you entrust the construction process to a team of workers, then you should not save on technical supervision. Even having at least some knowledge about the construction process and materials, you still cannot fully control the quality and correctness of all construction works. And the strength and durability of the entire building depends on this.
  2. Even if you buy a typical project of a house, it is worth ordering its binding to your area and climatic conditions. So you can build an inexpensive house, Constructive decisions which will be adapted to your climatic conditions, soil characteristics, standing level ground water. It would also be useful to perform a heat engineering calculation of the thickness of the enclosing structures so that the house is warm in winter, and there is no overspending of materials on excessively thick walls and heaters.
  3. If you decide to build an inexpensive house, then you should not save on engineering systems and communications, because the comfort of your stay in the house depends on it. Electricity, water, sewerage and good heating- all this should be of high quality and work properly for a long time.

Economic housing options

To build a house inexpensively, you need to choose the optimal construction technology. To date, several technologies are known that allow you to build a house quickly and inexpensively:

  • frame-panel housing construction;
  • frame-panel houses;
  • building a house from a bar;
  • use of aerated concrete blocks.

The construction of prefabricated houses for each of the above technologies has its pros and cons. So that you can choose the best construction option that will allow you to build a house relatively inexpensively and quickly, it is worth studying the advantages and disadvantages of each technology.

Frame housing construction

The speed of construction using this technology is the highest. A house can be built even in a few weeks. The resulting structure will be sufficiently warm, durable and resistant to weather influences. Life time frame house can reach up to 75 years.

You can build a house cheaply using one of two frame technologies:

  • Frame and panel construction in the first place in terms of installation speed. For the construction of the house, ready-made or home-made sandwich panels and a frame made of timber are used. The construction technology is so simple that the structure can be built independently.
  • For the construction of a house frame-panel technology it will take a little more time, but the cost of construction will be cheaper than the previous installation method. In this case, at the construction site, the wooden frame of the house is first erected, then it is sheathed with wood sheet material. In the gap between the racks of the frame is laid thermal insulation material, then the walls are sewn up from the inside with OSB or moisture-resistant plywood. Be sure to use a wind and hydro barrier in the construction of the walls.

The advantages of the technology include the following:

  1. Due to the low weight of the building, you can save on the manufacture of the foundation and volumes earthworks. Moreover, the walls themselves at cost are cheaper than building a house of brick or concrete.
  2. Such a house warms up very quickly and retains heat well. Walls 20 cm thick protect from the cold in winter no worse than a brick wall 0.5 m thick.
  3. Due to the low thermal conductivity of the material, you can significantly save on heating your home in winter.
  4. Such buildings do not shrink, so finishing work and moving into the house can be done immediately after the construction of the box.
  5. Since there are no wet processes during construction, house installation can be carried out even in winter.

Cons of frame technology:

  1. The high tightness of the frame house is its main disadvantage, because for a comfortable stay in the house you will have to equip high-quality supply and exhaust ventilation.
  2. The environmental friendliness of such a building is in question, because the OSB contains synthetic resins, and the polystyrene foam itself, which is used to insulate the house, cannot be called an environmentally friendly material.
  3. Increased flammability. Moreover, polystyrene foam releases toxic components during combustion.
  4. The durability and safety of such a house is in question, because if you wish, you can cut a hole in the wall with an ax.

Aerated concrete houses

You can quickly build a house from aerated concrete blocks. Building a house box from this material is much more profitable than building from brick for several reasons:

  1. If you are looking for how to build a house cheaply and quickly yourself, then aerated concrete is exactly the material that will allow you to achieve what you want three times faster than using traditional bricks.
  2. The built house practically does not shrink, therefore, after installing windows and doors, you can immediately proceed to finishing and settling in the dwelling. This is especially important if it is important for you to get your housing as soon as possible.
  3. The low thermal conductivity of the material contributes to the preservation of heat in the house. As a result, in winter you can save on heating. Moreover, the walls are 1/3 thinner than brick structures, just as well retain heat in the house.
  4. Due to the small specific gravity and significant dimensions of one block, a house can be built with your own hands without the use of construction equipment in the shortest possible time.
  5. The porous structure of aerated concrete allows the walls to breathe. Thanks to this, a microclimate favorable for humans is formed in the room.
  6. Gas blocks give a flat, smooth surface that does not need additional leveling before finishing.

Important: when building such a house, it is better to use not an ordinary solution, which will contribute to the formation of "cold bridges", but a special glue that gives a tight and thin seam.

When deciding what is cheaper to build a house from, it is worth considering the disadvantages of aerated concrete:

  1. Due to the high porosity, the material is very hygroscopic, so it must be carefully protected from moisture with special finishes outside and inside the premises. A damp gas block loses its thermal insulation characteristics.
  2. Aerated concrete walls cannot be left unfinished, so you cannot save on finishing materials.
  3. To rely on aerated concrete blocks roof structure and floor slabs, it is necessary to equip a monolithic armored belt, and this entails additional costs of money and time.

log houses

Choosing what to build cheaper house, you should pay attention to profiled and glued beams. Of course, glued laminated timber is not like that cheap material but profiled products chamber drying no worse for performance characteristics and at the same time have an affordable price.

Among the advantages of timber houses, it is worth noting the following points:

  1. High thermal insulation characteristics. A wall made of timber with a thickness of 22 cm is equal in terms of thermal conductivity to brick wall 0.6 m thick.
  2. Walls made of profiled and glued beams look so attractive from the outside and inside that they do not need any finishing.
  3. Due to the lightness of the material under the structure, it is possible to make a shallow lightweight foundation.
  4. The timber construction technology is quite simple, so you can build a house yourself.
  5. The building made of wood is environmentally friendly and has a special favorable microclimate.
  6. The speed of construction is another plus in favor of this technology.
  7. A house from a bar can be built even in winter.

Among the shortcomings of the technology, it is worth mentioning the following:

  1. Wood is susceptible to rot, mold and insect damage, so periodically you will have to renew the protective antiseptic impregnation.
  2. A house made of wood shrinks, so immediately after the construction of the box, it will not be possible to move in.

Attention: on shrinkage of a house made of wood natural humidity may take 6 to 12 months. The construction of glued and profiled kiln-dried lumber will shrink in 3 months.

  1. Wood is a combustible material, so all elements must be treated with flame retardants.
  2. It is necessary to strictly observe the construction technology and use interventional insulation so that the house is warm and comfortable, and the structure itself lasts a long time.

If the house was built quickly, it will not last long. This misconception still exists in the suburban real estate market. In fact, there is no reason to call prefabricated houses faceless, of the same type, and even more so short-lived. Construction technologies today are so different from those that were a couple of decades ago that at home, so to speak fast food- this is just an example of profitable construction. Just a few weeks - and ready comfortable and cozy house already in your area. They are comfortable and cozy. And most importantly - such houses are much cheaper than, for example, stone structures, brick or log.

Quick Build Options

The speed of construction is ensured due to the fact that the house is literally assembled on the site as a constructor from pre-processed and prepared parts. All necessary details - preparations, are made at factory. This guarantees the quality of joints, connections and seams. And also provides ease and simplicity of installation. It can be simpler than such a house, except perhaps a sea container or a steel shell garage. But why give up comfort for the sake of simplicity when you can choose one of the options from the catalog.

Our projects of aerated concrete houses

Panels that have stood the test of time

Houses that are assembled from special panels have long gained popularity among buyers of suburban real estate. The technology is very simple. Ready-made or designed by the company's architects individual project produced in production bearing structures and panels. One such panel is a large sandwich or layer cake, in which layers of insulation are interspersed with layers of moisture-proof material and sheathed with DSP, OSB, chipboard, etc.

One of the advantages of such structures is that all the necessary communications can be carried out behind such panels or inside them. Also, when developing a project and during its production, you can take into account all network engineering, and release modules with already built-in heat and power networks. It remains only to assemble the elements together on the prepared foundation.

When all finishing works (internal and external) are completed, the house will look very neat and aesthetically pleasing. It will also not be inferior to a brick house in terms of its quality parameters and characteristics. For comparison: a 150 mm thick plywood panel is comparable in its heat-saving properties to brickwork in 700 mm.

Building a house from aerated concrete YTONG

Frame technologies are popular as always

Frame-panel houses were created as if specifically for the Russian climate. Even in standard project can take into account all the wishes of the client. Given the fact that these houses have been on the market for quite a long time, they proved to be reliable, in no way inferior to their counterparts built using other technologies.

It's all about correct frame and the lining itself. The frame is like a human skeleton. He repeats all the curves of the future home. And sheathing with special plates can add practically any thermal insulation properties. In terms of decoration, such houses are extremely unpretentious. Here you can use any material, from wallpaper to plastic lining.

Building a house from Porotherm ceramic blocks


Monolithic houses in the understanding of most people are expensive and long. But in fact, this is not entirely true. By technical properties and its durability monolith can only be compared with a brick. But in time, the monolith can be erected even faster. It will take only a few weeks for a beautiful house to appear on the site with the help of Plastbau fixed formwork.

Our advantages

Fixed construction cost no change Honest, transparent estimates and free analysis of competitors' estimates
Free individual architectural project when ordering construction Own experience of living and operating country houses
Demo hall of construction technologies in the office with consultations Successful work in the construction market since 1990

Our certificates

When the dream of own house already close to execution, I don’t want to wait extra months at all. In this case, it is very easy to fall for the bait of managers who glorify technology. rapid construction.

And in fact, in just a month or two you will have a luxurious house that is in no way inferior to brick monolithic ones. And you will spend much less money. Is it so?

Rapid house building technologies

Firms offering construction of a house in a month most often use the technology of frame or panel construction.

In short, in this version, the frame of the house is made of wood or metal, and then filled with slabs or insulated panels.

Managers promise good sound and heat insulation, durability and, most importantly, speed of construction. It is difficult to refuse such a gift, and even a budget one.

Disadvantages of quickly building houses

If you decide to build a frame house, then it would be nice to understand all the intricacies of the matter yourself - from the choice of material to the gasket concealed wiring. There are many pitfalls and each of them can make you regret your choice. fast option building a house.

1. Difficulty with materials

All other materials that are so widely used in the West - waterproofing films, special insulation for plates and many others are either not available in Russia or are much more expensive than there.

2. Work flaws

Even a small oversight of workers in the process of creating frame wall can get you in big trouble. Before installing drywall, it is important to check the integrity of the vapor barrier. If it is damaged, then the insulation will gradually collapse.

3. Poor ventilation system

Frame houses built in Russia, as a rule, have poor ventilation. And she is needed in the house. Therefore, before construction, it would also be advisable to create a project for future ventilation.

Conclusions - is it worth chasing fast construction?

If you do not keep track of all the above trifles, then frame house will be short-lived and of poor quality.

What to do if you do not want to delve into all the subtleties of "fast" houses? You can simply turn to the proven technology of monolithic construction.

brick and monolithic houses- this the best option For Russia.

Yes, here no one will promise you to build a house in a month, the terms will be somewhat higher. But finished house will be durable, reliable and easily inherited by your grandchildren!

An example from the construction company Topdom.

If your funds allow you to build brick house, then forget about the idea of ​​​​fast building. And to be sure of your choice - find out from us the terms for the construction of a solid brick and concrete house according to your parameters.