Small white wildflowers. Beauty and benefits of the Russian land - meadow and wildflowers

Acanthus(Acanthus, Branca ursina, Bear Paw, Bear Claws, Holly) inspires creativity. Decorative, garden plants suitable for composing fresh cut and dry bouquets, appropriate in a man's bouquet. Many creative people were inspired by seeing this flower.

Aconite, Fighter (Aconitum) - According to legend, Aconite grew out of the shed blood of the three-headed guardian of the underworld Cerberus, captured and taken out of the kingdom of Hades by Hercules. Aconite is given as a sign of sympathy and friendship. This flower is suitable for men and women, colleagues and business partners. Despite the beauty of the flower, aconite is very poisonous and you should be careful with the bouquet and possibly with the person who gave it. In ancient Greece and Rome, people sentenced to death were poisoned with aconite. There is a hypothesis according to which Tamerlane was poisoned with Aconite.

Alpine rose, Mountain Datura (Rhododendron) - "Be Careful." The shortest and most high-mountainous rhododendrons.

Alpine star, Edelweiss (Leontopodium) - is a flower of Happiness, Love and Courage. Only sincerely loving hearts are mountains allowed to pluck edelweiss with impunity.

Amaranth- a symbol of immortality, faith, fidelity, constancy in love.

Pansies , Violet tricolor, Ivan da Marya (Viola tricolor) - "All my thoughts are about you", I miss, fun, entertainment. The shape and color of the flower resembles a man. In French the name of this flower is Pensée and translates as thoughts, meditations. In Russia, it was believed that Pansies were not for the living and it was not accepted to plant them in the garden. In England, it was believed that if you pick these flowers on a clear day, it will certainly rain (although rain is not uncommon there).

Asparagus, Asparagus (Asparagus) - in the language of flowers symbolizes gullibility and simplicity. Asparagus has decorative leaves, so asparagus sprigs are added to bouquets and compositions.

Artemisia, Wormwood, witch herb (Artemisia) - feminine principle, dignity. It was believed that wormwood protects from witches and mermaids, drives out all evil spirits from the house. However, magicians use wormwood smoke to communicate with otherworldly entities.

Asphodelus, Asphodelus, Asphodelus (Asphodelus) - is a symbol of oblivion, death, mourning, grief and afterlife. It was also believed that Asphodel could drive out evil spirits from dwellings.

Basil(Ocimum basilicum) - disgust, hatred. Basil is presented as a gift, to put it mildly, to a person unpleasant to you, if for some reason you cannot say nothing. Hindus believe that basil helps the departed get to a better place after death. Basil has been used frequently in magic and alchemy.

Periwinkle(Vinca) - symbolizes the happiness and harmony of young spouses, excites passion. The periwinkle is also a symbol of vitality. If you put a periwinkle in a bouquet of flowers, you will achieve love. Periwinkle helps to keep love in the family, makes marriage lasting, drives out evil spirits from the home.

cornflower, Cornflowers (Centaurea) - "I dare not express my feelings to you", delicacy, grace, simplicity, and also - gaiety and loyalty, among some peoples - hatred. It is customary to give cornflowers to young girls better than blondes as a sign of sympathy. Present this flower if you want to offer just friendship for now. The name of the flower comes from the mythical Centaur Chiron, who knew the medicinal properties of all plants. In Christianity, cornflowers indicated the shelter of the cross on which Christ was crucified.

Lady's slipper(Cypripedium calceolus) - capriciousness, inconstancy. The slipper giving Venus says that you are a capricious, windy person and he accepts you so but is ready to tame you. The lady's slipper is listed in the red books of Europe and Russia.

Verbena, pigeon grass, iron grass (Verbena) - sensitivity. Like the herb of love, verbena helps against anger, extinguishes emotions, and leads to a cheerful mood. It was believed that verbena attracts wealth and is able to fulfill any desire, for which it is enough to rub it, was used to cleanse the home.

Heather, Common heather (Calluna vulgaris) - protection, wishes will come true.

Bindweed(Convolvulus) - beauty, bombast. The giver of bindweed invites you to spend this wonderful evening with him, no more.

Catchment(Aquilegia) - a symbol of healing from greed (greed) and recklessness, in Christianity a symbol of the holy spirit. Among different peoples, the catchment flower was associated with an angel, a dove, or an elf's shoe.

Hyacinth(Hyacinthus) - determination, games and sports. Blue hyacinth - consistency, integrity; purple - goodbye, sadness; red and pink - play; white - "I will pray for you, beauty"; yellow - "I'm jealous." From the program "Blind" - "Get a bouquet of hyacinths to a big deception", in that case there was a blue hyacinth. According to some reports, the smell of hyacinth stimulates positive emotions, relieves stress and increases performance.

Gypsophila, Kachim (Gypsophila) - caution, shyness. In a mixed bouquet or composition, the semantic load of Kachim is lost.

Elecampane, Nine-forces (Inula) - mutual love, strength, sacrifice, health. It was believed that elecampane attracts grooms to the house. Among the Slavs, elecampane possesses nine super powers and cures nine diseases, in China they speak of 99 diseases.

Delphinium, Larkspur (Delphinium) - modesty, sadness, unpretentiousness. Pink delphinium is impermanence. All parts of the plant are poisonous.

Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) - Goodbye, goodbye, thanks for a great time.

Oregano, Oregano (Origanum) - joy, significance. Zeus got his strength from the milk of a goat that fed on oregano.

Angelica, Angelica - inspiration. Angel Grass.

St. John's wort(Hypericum) - hostility. It pacifies the beast in a person, heals, brings happiness, courage, love, protection and good luck.

Strawberry(Fragaria) - perfect excellence, hint, "Pay attention: your happiness is near!" A symbol of prosperity and abundance.

Goldenrod(Solidago) - success, "Appreciate any luck."

Iris, Iris (Iris) - friendship, wisdom, trust, faith, hope, fearlessness, eloquence, sadness. The Japanese character for "warrior spirit" is written in the same way as Iris. Iris was often used in the symbolism of different peoples, including the Slavs.

Reed(Scirpus) - humility.

Clover(Trifolium) - "I would like to know ...", expectation, fertility, homeliness, a symbol of good luck. White clover - "Think of me." Four-leaf clover - good luck and fulfillment of the desired.

Bell(Campanula) - humility, humility, constancy; talkativeness; "Why are you torturing me with whims?"

Coreopsis, Lenok, or Parisian beauty (Coreopsis) - cheerfulness, fun, optimism. "Everything will be fine!", "The best is yet to come!"

Mullein(Verbascum) - good nature.

Nettle(Urtica) - slander, dislike.

Crocus(Crocus) - fun, freshness, joy, vigor, rebirth, affection. Yellow Crocus - "Are your feelings true?"; purple - "Are you sorry that you fell in love with me?"

Lily of the valley(Convallaria) - reliability, reliability.

Linen(Linum) - family symbol, household chores, destiny, stability, constancy.

Burdock, Burdock (Arctium) - importunity and boredom.

Buttercup(Ranunculus) - childishness, wealth.

Lyadvenets(Lotus) - revenge.

Poppy(Papaver) - eternal sleep, oblivion, imagination, dreaminess, youth, sociability, desire for pleasure. Red poppy is a pleasure; white - consolation; yellow - wealth, success.

Mother and stepmother(Tussilago) - maternal love and care; proven justice.

Moss(Department: Mossy - Bryophyta) - maternal love, mercy.

Mint(Mentha) - chastity. Peppermint - warm feelings.

Forget-me-not(Myosotis) - memories, true love, sincerity, constancy, loyalty.

Dandelion(Taraxacum) - happiness, loyalty, devotion. The person who gives a dandelion is cheerful and sociable, a little frivolous. For you, such a gift means: "Do not be sad", "I am glad that we are together now", "I want to stop this moment."

Holly, Holly (Ilex) - family happiness, protection, hope, deity.

Fern(Department: Fern-like - Polypodiophyta) - charm, magic, grace, trust and patronage. The fern will emphasize feminine magic and mystery.

Pion(Paeonia) - happy wedding, fun life, compassion, shyness.

Ivy(Hedera) - harmonious love, loyalty, friendship, affection, desire to please.

(Tanacetum) - hostility.

Meadow plants are a fairly rich community that develops more dynamically than mountain or steppe ones. Meadow flowers and grasses compete for light, nutrients, water, therefore they grow much more actively than their forest counterparts, as well as representatives of the mountains and steppes. There are thousands of species of meadow plants, and most of them can be grown in your backyard plots.

You can find photos and names of meadow flowers and grasses, as well as a description of meadow plants on this page.

What are meadow plants

Camassia (CAMASSIA). Liliaceae family.

(out of six known species, three are cultivated) - plants of mountain meadows in North America. They have an ovoid bulb, belt-like leaves in a near-ground bundle, above which a leafless, tall peduncle rises with a cluster of large star-shaped flowers.

Types and varieties:

(C. quamash)- height 25 cm, has a multi-flowered (20-35 flowers), dense inflorescence, blooms in early June.

(C. cusickii)- height 70 cm, loose inflorescence, blooms at the end of May.

Camassia Leuchtlin (C. leichtlinii)- height up to 100 cm, loose inflorescence, large flowers (up to 5 cm in diameter), blue or blue, blooms in June, up to 20 days.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with normally moist clay and loamy fertile soils; drainage is required in leveled areas.

Thermopsis (THERMOPSIS). The family of peas (legumes).

Thermopsis lupine(T. lupinoides)- a perennial from the meadows of the Far East with a long rhizome and high (up to 140 cm) straight stems, leafy beautiful gray trifoliate leaves. Inflorescence is an apical drooping raceme of bright yellow large flowers. The plant is very decorative, forms a thicket, but ends the growing season in the middle of summer.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with loose fertile soils.

Reproduction. Cuts of rhizomes (at the end of summer) and seeds (sowing before winter). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Loose deer (LYTHRUM). Derbennikov family.

Loosestrife willow (L. salicaria)- a large (100-150 cm) short-rhizome perennial growing in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere on wet meadows, river banks and reservoirs. The stem, bearing numerous narrow-lanceolate leaves, ends in a terminal raceme of bright purple small flowers. The bush is dense, austere, showy.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with moist clay soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing before winter), dividing the bush (in spring). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Miscanthus (MISCANTHUS). Family of bluegrass (cereals).

Rhizome tall perennials (100-200 cm) from wet meadows of the Far East, forming large dense sod, erect stems, lanceolate, hard leaves.
Fan-shaped silvery panicles are very beautiful.


Miscanthus chinese (M. sinensis)- dense, slowly growing curtain.

Miscanthus sugar-flowered (M. saccharifiorus)- forms a loose thicket.





Growing conditions. Sunny areas with rich, wet, peaty soils.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush in spring and seeds (sowing before winter). Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Aquilegia, catchment (AQUILEGIA). Buttercup family.

Speaking about which meadow plants have the largest number of species of varieties, they immediately call aquilegia. This flower has about 100 species and dozens of hybrid varieties. In nature, they grow in meadows and rocks in the temperate regions of Eurasia and North America. These are graceful plants with beautiful leaves and the original form of a flower. A rosette of trifoliate leaves, often of a beautiful bluish hue, departs from a thick, branching taproot.

Types and varieties. High (above 60 cm):

Aquilegia hybrid (A. xhybrida)- large flowers of all colors.

"Ballerina"- flowers are pink, double.

"Crimson Star"- the flowers are red-white.


Hybrids McCanns(McKana Hybrids)- the tallest (up to 120 cm) aquilegia with upward large flowers of all colors.

Aquilegia sticky (A. glandulosa)- lilac-blue flowers.

Aquilegia ordinary (A. vulgaris) - purple flowers with a short spur.

Olympic Aquilegia (A. olympica)- with drooping blue-white flowers.

Low (height 10-30 cm):

Alpine aquilegia (A. alpina)- purple flowers with a short spur.

Aquilegia fan-shaped (A. flabellata)- large blue flowers with a pale yellow edge without spurs.

Aquilegia blue (A. caerulea)- flowers are blue with white, spurs are thin.

Aquilegia canadian (A. canadensis)- with red-yellow flowers.

The last two species are rocky plants of North America.

Growing conditions. Sunny and semi-shaded areas with light sandy soils. Cut off after flowering aerial part plants, new leaves grow by autumn.

Reproduction. Aquilegia are youngsters, so they are transplanted in the 3-4th year. They easily propagate by seeds (sowing in spring or before winter), the division of the bush is poorly tolerated.
Self-seeding often appears. Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Boltonia (BOLTONIA). Aster family (Compositae).

In the meadows of the eastern United States, 4 species of tall perennial bolton grow. Their height is up to 150 cm, branching stems, leafy with narrow linear leaves.
Numerous small (about 1 cm) baskets, white, pinkish, very graceful, collected in a loose brush.

Look at the photo of this meadow plant: the bush, despite its height, is very graceful, transparent.

Growing conditions. Sunny places with rich, moist soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring) and dividing the bush (spring). Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

What other plants belong to meadow

Below are the names of meadow plants and their photos with a description.

Buzulnik (LIGULARIA). Aster family (Compositae).

Powerful herbaceous plants of the wet meadows of Asia. Leaves are large in a basal rosette, stems are straight (80-120 cm) leafy; baskets yellow in corymbose or racemose inflorescences.

Types and varieties:

Buzulnik toothed(L. dentata = L. clivorum).

Buzulnik "Othello"

"Desdemona"- with dark-colored leaves, leaves are large, kidney-shaped, baskets are large in a corymbose inflorescence.

Buzulnik Hessei (L. x hessei).

Hybrid toothed buzulnik and Buzulnik Wilson.

Buzulnik Przewalski (L. przewalskii)- the only drought-resistant species of buzulniks with finger-like leaves and a candle-shaped inflorescence.

Buzulnik narrow-headed (L. stenocephala), variety "The Rocket".

Buzulnik Wilson (L wilsoniana)- with a pyramidal inflorescence.

Buzulnik Vicha (L veitchiana)-the tallest buzulnik with heart-shaped, sharp-toothed leaves, inflorescence - an ear.

Siberian Buzulnik (L. sibirica)- the leaves are rounded, the peduncle is straight, the inflorescence is spike-shaped.

Growing conditions. Sunny and semi-shaded areas with rich moist soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing before winter or spring) and dividing the bush (in spring). Divide and transplant rarely (after 8-10 years). Planting density - 3 pcs. per 1 m2.

Cornflower (CENTAUREA). Aster family (Compositae).

Typical plant of meadows of the temperate zone of Eurasia and mountain meadows. Bushes with lyre-shaped or oval, often silvery leaves, collected in a basal rosette, and large bright flowers-baskets are very effective. Baskets consist of numerous funnel-shaped flowers along the edge and small tubular flowers in the middle.

Types and varieties. Bushes grow:

- (C. montana)- is used in culture more often than other species, it has lanceolate silvery leaves and inflorescences of deep blue-violet color.

Variety "Parham"- a basket of purple-lavender color.

cornflower "Alba"- white.

Rosea is pink.

"Violetta"- dark purple.

(C. macrocephala = Grossheimia macrocephala)- the highest cornflower (up to 120 cm) with yellow capitate heads.

(C. dealbata = Psephellusdealbatus) differs in very spectacular dissected, below the grayish lyre-shaped leaves and bright pink baskets.

The variety "John Coutts" the middle flowers are yellow.

And at "Sternbergii"- white.

Russian cornflower (C. ruthenica)- height 100-120 cm, light yellow basket with a diameter of 5-6 cm.

The thicket is formed by:

Cornflower soft (C. mollis)- can grow in partial shade, leaves are oval, silvery, above them are low (about 30 cm) peduncles with blue baskets.

Fisher's cornflower(C. fischerii)- forms a loose thicket of silvery leaves 30-50 cm high, baskets are pink, fawn, lilac.

Growing conditions. Open sunny areas with fertile, loose, neutral, moderately moist soils.

Reproduction. Cornflowers grow quickly, multiply well by dividing the bush (spring and late summer) and seeds. Seeds can be sown before winter (October-November) and in early spring... Seedlings appear quickly (after 10-12 days). Seedlings bloom in the second year. Planting density -3-9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Gaillardia (GAILLARDIA). Aster family (Compositae).

Short-lived perennials and annuals of dry meadows and prairies of North America. Straight branchy pubescent stems up to 70 cm high extend from the shallow rhizome. The leaves are oval, the inflorescences look like yellow-red daisies on long stems.

Types and varieties:

Gaillardia large-flowered (G. grandiflora)- forms of Ostisty.

Variety "Dazzier"- red middle, orange border.

strong> "Croftway Jellow" - pure yellow.

"Mandarin"- red with yellow, their height is 50-70 cm.

Dwarf variety "Goblin".

Dwarf Gaillardia variety "Kobold" 20 cm high, red with yellow tips.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with loose soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), seedlings bloom in the second year; dividing the bush (in spring). It is necessary to divide and replant every 3-4 years. Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Heliopsis, sunflower (HELIOPSIS). Aster family (Compositae).

Perennials of meadows and prairies of North America. Tall compact bushes (up to 150 cm) of straight, branched leafy (oblong leaves) stems. At the top of the stems there is a paniculate inflorescence of yellow baskets.

Types and varieties:

Heliopsis sunflower (H. helianthoides).

Heliopsis rough (H. scabra)- leaves are opposite, rough.

Terry varieties:

"Golden Plume"

"Goldefieder"(yellow basket with a green center).




Growing conditions. Sunny areas with any dry soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing before winter) and dividing the bush (in spring). Division and transplant in 5-7 years. Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Doronicum, goat (DORONICUM). Aster family (Compositae).

The genus includes about 40 species growing in meadows and sparse forests of the temperate zone of Europe and Asia. These are rhizome plants with oval basal leaves and large (up to 12 cm in diameter) yellow "daisies" raised on high peduncles. All species are spring-flowering, their leaves die off in the middle of summer.

Types and varieties:

(D. orientale = D. caucasicum = D. cordatum)- a typical ephemeroid from the forests of the Caucasus with a long, beaded rhizome, forms thickets, blooms in early spring.

"Little Leo" - undersized variety.

(D. plantagineum)- Plants from the meadows of the Pyrenees, the rhizome is short, beaded, forms bushes up to 140 cm high, blooms in late spring.

Variety Excelsum(up to 100 cm high).


"Mme Mason".

A shorter variety of Doronicum - "Grandiflorum".

(D. austriacum)- baskets in corymbose inflorescence, blooms later - in July, leaves persist until autumn.

Doronicum poisonous (D. pardalianches)- height up to 180 cm, shade-loving, forms abundant self-seeding, stable.

Growing conditions. Eastern Doronicum is grown in shaded areas under the canopy of trees with loose forest soils; e. plantain grows well in the sun and in partial shade on loose fertile soils. They are moisture-loving, do not tolerate drying out of the soil.

Reproduction. Rarely by seeds (sowing in spring), more often by segments of rhizomes with a bud of renewal in summer, after the end of flowering. Planting density - 9-12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Swimsuit (TROLLIUS). Buttercup family.

Beautiful spring plant wet meadows of Eurasia and North America. About 30 species are known, differing in the shape of the flower. All have a powerful root system, beautiful palmate-separate leaves on long petioles, collected in a dense bush, 30-70 cm high, spherical flowers (open or closed).

Species with spherical closed flowers, 50-70 cm high:

Asian swimsuit (T. asiaticus)- The flowers are orange-red (they are called "frying").

(T. altaicus)- orange flowers with dark spot(stamens) inside.

(T. chinensis)- blooms later than other species (at the end of June), orange flower with prominent orange nectaries.

(T. ledebourii)- tall (up to 100 cm) plant with golden-orange flowers.

Hybrid bathing suit(T. xhybridus)- yellow, orange flowers, large, often double.

Species with a cupped, more or less open flower, low (height 20-40 cm); flowers are yellow:

Dzhungarian swimsuit (T. dschungaricus).

Half-open swimsuit (T. patulus).

Dwarf swimsuit (T. pumilus).

Growing conditions. Sunny places with rich moist soils. Mulching with peat is recommended. Light shading possible.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (spring, late summer), every 6-8 years. Freshly harvested seeds (sowing before winter). Seedlings bloom in the 2-3rd year. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Small petals (ERIGERON). Aster family (Compositae).

These beautiful, long-known plants in culture are also called lilac daisies. Of almost 250 species of small-petals, only 3-4 species are grown, and mainly cultivars, hybrid forms. These are perennial short-rhizome plants that form rather loose bushes, often with lodging stems. Leaves are oblong in a rosette, inflorescence-basket, more often in a corymbose inflorescence. Ligulate flowers are narrow, located in one plane; the median ones are yellow tubular. The height of the bush is 30-60 cm.

Types and varieties:

Alpine petal(E. alpinus)- height 30 cm, baskets are lilac-pinkish.

Hybrid petals (E. x hybridus).

Variety "Azure Beauty"- with blue flowers.

Jewel Mix- lilac-pink flowers.

"Summerneuschnee"- with white and pink baskets.

Small petals beautiful (E. speciosus)- from mountain meadows of western North America, bush height up to 70 cm, baskets up to 6 cm in diameter, purple with a yellow center. Abundant flowering from mid-June to August. The seeds ripen in August.

Growing conditions. Plants are undemanding, prefer light rich moist soils and sunny habitats. After the end of flowering, the shoots are cut off.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring) and dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Tansy (TANACETUM). Aster family (Compositae).

Common tansy (T. vulgare)- a large (height 100-120 cm) plant from the meadows of Eurasia with a thick short rhizome, erect rigid stems covered with pinnately-separated, bristly, dark green leaves. Dense flat golden-yellow small baskets are collected in corymbose inflorescences at the ends of the stems.

Growing conditions. This type of meadow plants prefers sunny habitats, tolerates a lack of moisture well. Stable and unpretentious. After the end of flowering - cut off.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring and autumn), dividing the bush (in spring and late summer), weed. Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Beautiful meadow flowers

In this section, you can familiarize yourself with the names of meadow flowers and see their photos.

Monarda (MONARDA). A family of lamellar (labiate).

Monards are beautiful meadow flowers that grow only in the temperate zone of North America in dry meadows and prairies. These are tall (up to 120 cm) long-rhizome perennials with a straight, rigid leafy stem and tiers of small fragrant flowers in racemose inflorescences located on it. The whole plant is fragrant.

Types and varieties:

Double monard (M. didyma)- purple flowers in a capitate inflorescence.

Tubular monard(M. fistulosa)- a taller and shade-tolerant look.

Monarda hybrid(M. x hybrida)- hybrids of monarda double and tubular.

Varieties with light, almost white flowers:



With pink flowers:

Beauty of Cobham Croftway Pink.

With red flowers:


Cambridge Scarlet.

Growing conditions. Sunny and semi-shaded places with loose fertile soils, without stagnant moisture.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring) and seeds (sowing before winter). A perennial plant, divided and transplanted after 5-7 years. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

They are used in all types of flower beds, since the monarda is stably decorative, exudes aroma, the bush keeps its shape well. Suitable for cutting. Dry leaves are used for aromatherapy.

(BELLIS). Aster family (Compositae).

Perennial daisy (B. perennis)- a miniature compact plant growing naturally in wet meadows and forest glades in Western Europe and Asia Minor. In culture, it is a short-lived (3-4 years), but rapidly growing at the expense of stolons, a perennial with a rosette of light green spatulate wintering leaves pressed to the ground.

Numerous peduncles (10-20 cm high) with a single inflorescence-basket rise above them in May-June. There are many varieties, but nowadays, terry daisies with large spherical baskets with a diameter of 5-7 cm are more often grown:

Group "Monstrosa".

Bright Carpet.

Interesting pompom varieties - "Pomponnetta".

Growing conditions... This is a light-loving and moisture-loving plant, blooms for a longer time in slightly shaded places. On the damp areas with stagnant moisture in winter, it blows out.
In a rainy summer, there is a second abundant flowering in August.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), dividing the bush throughout the season. Transplant every 2-3 years. Planting density - 25 pcs. per 1 m2.

Sunflower (HELIANTHUS). Aster family (Compositae).

The description of these meadow flowers is familiar to everyone: perennial sunflowers are tall (120-200 cm) perennials with erect, leafy stems branched at the top.
The stems end in medium-sized yellow baskets 5-10 cm in diameter. They bloom in late summer - autumn.


Giant sunflower (H. giganteus)- leaves broadly, rough.

Sunflower ten-petal (H. decapetaius).

Sunflower hard (H. rigidus)- blooms later than other species, variety "Octoberfest".

Willow sunflower (H. saiicifoiius)- with narrower leaves.


Sunflower "Loddon GoLd"- terry.

Sunflower "Triumphe de Gand"

"SoLieL d'Or"- semi-double.

Growing conditions. Sunny places with rich neutral soils. They tolerate a lack of moisture.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), dividing the bush (in spring). Transplant and division every 3-4 years. Planting density - 3-5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Bone sap (EUPATORIUM). Aster family (Compositae).

Tall (up to 150 cm) short-rhizome perennials from wet meadows and forest glades of the Far East and eastern regions of North America. Most of the 600 known species are tropical, and only 5-6 species grow in the temperate zone. They form tall (120-150 cm) bushes of tough, straight, leafy stems. Leaves are oval, hairy. Small baskets in wide corymbose inflorescences, from light pink to purple.

Types and varieties:

Bone sieve spotted (E. maculatum), variety "Atropurpureum".

strong> Stencil purple (E. purpureum)- dark pink inflorescences.

Skeleton wrinkled (E. rugosum)- Fawn inflorescences, "Chocolate" variety with dark purple leaves.

-Glen's Bone Bone (E. glehnii)- pinkish flowers, blooms earlier than other species (in mid-July).

Skeleton pierced-leaved (E. perfoliatum)- meadows of the eastern United States.

Growing conditions. Sunny or slightly shaded areas with moist, rich soils respond well to peat application.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring) and dividing the bush (in spring). Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Ratibida (RATIBIDA). Aster family (Compositae).

Perennial of dry meadows and prairies of western North America. The root is thick, tap root, the leaves are lanceolate. An interesting basket of yellow ligulate flowers and a highly protruding central part of small brown tubular flowers.

Types and varieties:

Columnar ratibida (R. columnaria)- height about 50 cm.

Ratibida pinnate (R. pinnata).

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with dry sandy soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), seedlings bloom in the 2nd year. Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

They are used as part of mixed flower beds, especially of the "natural garden" type.

Rudbeckia (RUDBECKIA). Aster family (Compositae).

Plants of meadows and prairies of North America. Unpretentious. In culture, their inflorescences-baskets are valued, always yellow, with a convex black-brown center. The roots are fibrous, shallow; sometimes a rhizome is formed.

Types and varieties:

(R. fulgida) forms compact, densely leafy bushes 40-60 cm high.

Best grade "Goldsturm"- blooms profusely for almost two months with yellow "daisies", quickly forms a curtain.

Rudbeckia is beautiful (R. speciosa)- juvenile (3-4 years old), multi-colored baskets (yellow-brown).

Rudbeckia dissected (R. laciniata)- height 100-200 cm, quickly forms a thicket.

Variety "Golden ball"("Gold Quelle") is a wonderful stable perennial.

Growing conditions. Sunny and slightly shaded areas with rich, loose, moderately moist soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), seedlings bloom in the 2nd year. By dividing the bush (in spring). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Highlander (POLYGONUM = PERSICARIA). Buckwheat family.

A large genus (about 150 species), the species of which grow all over the Earth: in the steppes, in meadows, in the mountains, in the water. They have dense lanceolate leaves and terminal spicate inflorescences. IN middle lane Perennials are grown in Russia.

Types and varieties:

Highlander kindred (P. affine = Persicaria affinis)- ground cover perennial from the rocks of the Himalayas, 10-25 cm high, leaves are dense, lanceolate, wintering, inflorescences of small pink flowers.

Variety Darjeeling Red.

Highlander serpentine (P. bistorta = Persicaria bistorta)- a plant of wet meadows in the temperate zone of Eurasia with a thickened tuberous rhizome, height up to 100 cm, an ear of pink flowers.

Highlander splayed-ram(P. divaricatum)- up to 150 cm high, large spreading panicle, stable decorative appearance.

Weirich Highlander(P. weyrichii)- a plant of meadows of the Far East, 200 cm high, white flowers in a racemose inflorescence, forms dense thickets.

Highlander Sakhalin (P. sachalinense)- up to 200 cm high, a powerful plant with a long rhizome, from the meadows of Sakhalin, forms thickets of leafy stems with large oval leaves, white flowers in a racemose inflorescence.

Highlander amphibian (P. amphibium)- up to 70 cm high, semi-aquatic.

Growing conditions. G. related - a plant in sunny areas with loose sandy soils and moderate moisture, other species prefer sunny or slightly shaded places with rich moist soils; The amphibian grows in shallow water.

Reproduction. Rhizome segments (late summer) and summer cuttings. Planting density - depending on the size of the plant from 3 to 20 pcs. per 1 m2.

The related highlander is used in rockeries, borders; g. serpentine - as part of mixed flower beds, in the "natural garden" groups; high overgrown mountaineers are used to decorate fences and buildings. All types are interesting for cutting.

Goldenrod, golden rod (SOLIDAGO). Aster family (Compositae).

Perennial tall rhizome plants of wet meadows, forest glades of North America. The types of meadows in Europe and Siberia are not decorative. Bushes of upright rigid leafy stems 40-200 cm high. These meadow flowers got their name for their color - large paniculate inflorescences of yellow-gold tones rise above the bushes at the end of summer. They consist of small baskets (from a distance similar to mimosa flowers) and are both light, delicate, and dense spike-shaped, green-yellow or yellow-orange.

Types and varieties:

Goldenrod the highest(S. altissima), the rhizome is short, the bush is dense.

Goldenrod hybrid (S. x hybrida).


Goldenrod "Baby Gold"








Goldenrod rugose (S. rugosa)- height 200 cm, forms thickets, panicles are long, drooping.

Growing conditions. Sunny or slightly shaded areas with moist, clayey rich soils.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring or after the end of flowering in autumn). It grows rapidly, so you need to divide it in 4-5 years. Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Eriophyllum (ERIOPHYLLUM). Aster family (Compositae).

Eriophyllum woolly (E. lanatum)- a perennial herb of dry meadows and prairies of North America. The bush is quite dense, with rising shoots 30-40 cm high.

As you can see in the photo, these meadow flowers have narrowly dissected, densely pubescent leaves, the inflorescence is a golden "chamomile" with a diameter of about 4 cm.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with light, well-drained soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), seedlings bloom in the 2nd year. It is possible to divide the bush in spring and late summer. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

, Donkey (OENOTHERA). A family of fireweed.

Perennial rhizome plants, mainly from the meadows of North America. Stems rigidly pubescent, numerous, with simple oval leaves and large fragrant flowers in racemose inflorescences or solitary. Opened at night or at cloudy weather.

Types and varieties:

(O. missouriensis = O. macrocarpa)- 20 cm high, creeping, with yellow flowers.

(O. speciosa)- 50 cm high, young with pink flowers.

Evening primrose (O. tetragona = O. fruticosa)- 90 cm high, yellow flowers.

Variety "Fyrverkeri"

Enotera Longest Day.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with rich, well-drained, calcareous soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), seedlings bloom in the 2nd year. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Low ones are used in rockeries and curbs, high ones - in mixborders.

Daylily, krasodnev (HEMEROCALLIS). Liliaceae family.

About 20 species are known, mainly growing in meadows in East Asia. The bush is large, up to 100 cm high, with a powerful deep root system (sometimes short stolons are formed).

Pay attention to the photo of these meadow flowers: evening primrose leaves are xiphoid, curved; flowers are funnel-shaped large (up to 12 cm long), wide open (in sunny weather), collected in a paniculate inflorescence (from 10 to 40 flowers), live one day.

Types and varieties:

Daylily brown-yellow (H. fulva)- brown-yellow flowers and a large bush.

Daylily small (H. minor)- the most drought-resistant species with a small bush of narrow grass-like leaves and an inflorescence of small light yellow flowers.

Daylily Dumortier (H. dumortieri)- compact bush, orange flowers.

(H. middendorffii)- fragrant orange flowers.

Daylily lemon yellow (H. citrina)- differs in lemon-yellow elongated flower.

Daylily hybrid (H. x hybrida)- hybrids of complex origin with flowers of all colors (except blue and blue) and different flowering periods.

Known 10,000 varieties, groups are distinguished: early (late May-June), medium (June-July), late (August-September); by color (one-color, two-color, multi-color).

Interesting modern varieties with white (fawn) flowers with an "eye" in the center:

Day-lily "Radiant Greetings"- "peephole" brown on a yellow background.

"Edna Jean"- a crimson "eye" on a pink background.

Growing conditions. Sunny (or slightly shaded) places with rich, normally moist soils.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (once every 10-12 years) in early spring or late summer.

(TRADESCANTIA). Commeline family.

Herbaceous perennials growing in meadows and prairies of North America, form dense bushes 50–80 cm high from saber basal lanceolate leaves.
The flowers are three-petal, large (4–5 cm in diameter), flat, in an umbellate inflorescence. The flowering of the specimen is long, but not amicable, since 2–3 flowers are open at the same time.

Types and varieties:

Tradescantia Anderson (T. x andersoniana)- hybrid.

Variety Innocence- almost white.

"Karminglute"- red.

"Leonora"- dark purple.

"Osprey"- light with a blue center.

Tradescantia "Rubra".

"Charlotte"- bright purple.

Virginia Tradescantia (T. virginiana)- pink-purple flowers.

Ohai Tradescantia (T. ohiensis)- height up to 100 cm, the leaves are narrower, linear, bluish flowers in the bunch, drought-resistant.

Growing conditions. Sunny places with fertile, normally moist soils. Plants are unpretentious.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing before winter), seedlings bloom in the 2nd year. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Used in flower beds of any type.

Physostegia (PHYSOSTEGIA). The family of luciferous

Physostegia virginian (P. virginiana)- tall (80110 cm) perennial from wet meadows of North America. It quickly forms a thicket due to long branching rhizomes. Strong dense stems covered with lanceolate light green leaves. The inflorescence is spike-shaped terminal, in the species it is lilac.


"Bouquet Rose"- 70 cm high.

"Summer Snow"- 80 cm high, white flowers.


Growing conditions. Sunny or semi-shaded areas with rich moist soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring) and dividing the bush (spring and autumn). Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

Looks good as separate spots under the canopy of rare trees, in the "natural garden" flower beds, in mixed flower beds (to limit the growth); on a cut.

Meadow herbs with photos, names and descriptions

With photo meadow grasses, their name and description can be found below.

... Aster family (Compositae).

Large grasses from the meadows of North America. Straight, branched stems at the top are covered with lanceolate leaves. Large flowers are solitary or in a loose shield. According to legend, the name of this meadow grass is given by the name of the beautiful Helena, the wife of Menelaus, who has the same beautiful golden curls as the petals of gelenium.

Types and varieties:

Variety Altgoldrise with yellow marginal flowers in strokes.

Gelenium "Gartensonne"- The marginal flowers are bright yellow, the median ones are yellow-brown.

"Katharina"- marginal flowers are dark yellow, tubular - brown.

"Moerheim Beauty"- yellow basket.

"Die Blonde"- red-brown, etc.

Gelenium Chupa (H. hoopesii)- flowers are orange-yellow, blooms in June, height 40-50 cm.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with loose garden soils and good moisture. Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Reproduction. These meadow grasses reproduce in spring with young rosettes. Division and transplant every 3-4 years.

(COREOPSIS). Aster family (Compositae).

Perennial grasses from the meadows of North America. Numerous branching stems 60-80 cm high, covered with leaves, branch off from a dense short rhizome.

As you can see in the photo, these meadow grasses have bright yellow inflorescences-baskets, similar to chamomile.

Types and varieties:

More often than others cultivated coreopsis large-flowered(C. grandiflora)- it has pinnately dissected leaves and large baskets (up to 6 cm in diameter).

Variety "Domino"- yellow with a dark center, height 40 cm.

"Lous d" Or "- semi-double, height 90 cm.

"Sanrai" - double flowers, height 60 cm.

(C. verticillata)- differs in a compact, spherical bush and narrow linear leaves.

Variety "Grandiflora"- height up to 80 cm.

Coreopsis "Zagreb"- undersized (25 cm) bush.

Growing conditions. Plants are undemanding, grow well on any soil, in the sun and in partial shade.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring and before winter). Seedlings bloom in the 2nd year. The division of the bush is possible (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Nivyanik, popovnik (LEUCANTHEMUM = CHRYSANTHEMUM). Aster family (Compositae).

Short-rhizome grasses of meadows in Europe and Asia. Stems are straight, slightly branched, leafy, 80-100 cm high. Leaves are whole. Inflorescence - large baskets located at the ends of the stems. The marginal flowers are white, the middle ones are yellow.

Types and varieties:

Daisy, or meadow chamomile (L. vulgare = Chrysanthemum leucanthemum)- blooms in early June.

Variety "Hofenkrone".

May Queen.

Nivyanik the greatest (L. maximum = Chrysanthemum maximum)- blooms from the beginning of July.

Variety "Alaska".


"Little Princess"- with large baskets.

Variety "Aglay"


"Wirral Supreme"- Terry baskets.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with fertile clayey, normally moist soil.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), seedlings bloom by autumn, and by dividing the bush (early spring and late summer). The plant is a youngster, so division must be carried out every 3 years. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Heuchera (HEUCHERA). Family of saxifrage.

Plants of dry meadows, rocks and prairies of North America. About 50 species of perennial grasses are known. Heuchera form a dense, rounded, low (20-50 cm) bush of numerous rosettes. Leaves are rounded, with a jagged edge, on long petioles, overwintering. At the height of summer, numerous openwork paniculate inflorescences of small bell-shaped flowers rise above the bushes. They bloom long and profusely. The seeds ripen in September.

In culture, only a few types are used:

-American Geichera (H. americana)- leaves are glaucous, flowers are small, greenish, few in number.

Variety "Persian Carpet".

Heuchera fleecy (H. villosa) is a dry forest plant with large green leaves and a loose panicle of white flowers.

Heichera blood red (H. sanguinea)- the leaves are reddish, the flowers are pink or red in a loose multi-flowered panicle, this species is the basis of most hybrids.

Heuchera small-flowered(H. micrantha)- known for its "Palace Purple" variety with large purple leaves.

Heuchera quaggy (H. x brizoides)- garden hybrid.

Variety "Plue de Feu".



Heuchera hybrid(H. x hybrida)- in recent years, numerous varieties have been obtained with leaves of different colors (pinkish, silvery, red, brown, with colored veins, etc.).

The varieties are especially interesting:

"Prince"- with green flowers and red-silvery leaves.

"Regina"- coral flowers.

"Peter Veil"- red-silvery leaves with dark veins.

Plum Pudding- leaves are dark red, corrugated.

"Silver Indiana".

Growing conditions. Areas sunny and slightly shaded with rich, neutral, moderately moist soils.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). The species can be propagated by seed (sowing in spring). Seedlings bloom in the 3rd year. Division and transplant every 4-5 years.
Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Houstonia (HOUSTONIA). Madder family.

Low-growing (10-15 cm) grasses from wet meadows and rocks of eastern North America.

Types and varieties:

Houstonia blue(H. caerulea).

Variety "Millard" s Variety "- with bright blue flowers.

Houstonia thyme-leaved (H. serpyllifolia).

Growing conditions. These perennial meadow grasses prefer semi-shaded areas with moist soils.

Reproduction. Seeds and dividing the bush (late summer). Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

Meadow clover plant and its photo

The family of peas (legumes).

The plant is a perennial with trifoliate leaves and flowers in capitate inflorescences. Grows in temperate meadows. Height from 10 cm in creeping species to 90 cm in bush. Good honey plants, improve soil structure.

Types and varieties:

Variety "Pentaphyllum"- leaves are green-purple, white flowers, height 20 cm.

"Quadrifolium"- with four brown leaves, forms a carpet.

Clover red (T. rubens)- height 60 cm, purple-red flowers, grows in a bush.

Growing conditions. Sunny places with any soil. Unpretentious.

Reproduction. This type of meadow grasses propagates by seeds (sowing before winter), dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 9-16 pcs. per 1 m2.

Low clover forms mats, sod the soil well on slopes. Tall ones are interesting in mixed flower beds, where they improve the soil.

Anyone who has ever seen a blooming field will not be able to forget this wonderful sight: a solid carpet of flowers and herbs that sways from the slightest breeze. And the smell cannot be conveyed in words, the flowers heat up in the sun's rays, and it seems that the smell only intensifies.

The world of flowers growing in a meadow is diverse. In addition to cultivated plants, wild plants can often be found. Many of them, such as St. John's wort or chicory, have medicinal properties. In this article, we will analyze what meadow flowers are called and how they look in photos and pictures.

Types of meadow plants

Meadow flowers are flowers of steppes, fields and meadows that need a lot of light and warmth. They are light green with a silvery shade, which, as it were, protects the plants from the scorching sun rays and burns. This group includes the following plants:

Yellow dandelion and other wildflowers

Any person, be it a city dweller or living in a distant province, at the beginning of summer observes an invasion of yellow flowers that cover many glades, meadows, parks and squares with a continuous carpet.

it unpretentious dandelion captures more and more territories. This flower grows absolutely everywhere, and literally. It doesn't matter if it is a crack in the asphalt or a hole between bricks on the wall of a building. Sometimes, in cloudy weather, you can observe the phenomenon of the disappearance of all dandelions.

In reality, they simply close their flowers tightly in a green cup, giving the impression of disappearing into the green grass. On a sunny day dandelions bloom and close at the same time.

The yellow part of a dandelion is not a single flower, but an accumulation of many thin tubules-flowers. When the stem is broken, it oozes milky juice which is effective against pain and swelling caused by a bee sting. It is enough just to put the broken stem to the bitten part of the body.

At a certain time, all yellow flowers disappear and transparent white round ones appear. These are ripe dandelion flowers. Each tube is a flower turns into a seed with an individual parachute on a thin leg. The dandelion will show off its hat until a strong wind carries the seeds to new places of growth.

St. John's wort

In ancient times, there was an opinion about the dangers of St. John's wort for livestock. It was believed that animals that ate hay with St. John's wort would be poisoned by such food. It's not for nothing that the flower has such a formidable name - St. John's wort.

However, later it turned out that St. John's wort is not at all dangerous, and even vice versa, has many healing properties... These qualities of St. John's wort were known from ancient times to the steppe inhabitants - Kazakhs. They had this plant called "dzherabay", meaning a healer of wounds. It was from the Kazakhs that the methods of treatment with St. John's wort were adopted.

At the present time St. John's wort medicines widely used in traditional and folk medicine... They are used for burns, wounds, scratches. St. John's wort tinctures are used for respiratory diseases, colds, and even just used for prophylaxis.

St. John's wort is propagated by seeds. After flowering. In place of the flowers, boxes with seeds appear, which open in dry weather and the seeds spill out onto the ground, where they germinate.

Wild phlox

Phlox - this plant is distinguished by its unpretentiousness. It blooms in one place for many years. During this time, wild phloxes grow so much that they displace almost all weeds.

The wonderful aroma was highly appreciated by people and abundant flowering of phlox, in connection with which garden phloxes of different types were bred. This flower begins to bloom in the second half of June. The name of the flower means fiery.

And if you look at how phlox bloom, it becomes clear where this meaning comes from. Gardens are in flames as phlox bloom red, pink, white shades. It is worth noting the magnificent aroma of these flowers, captivating many amateur flower growers.


This plant is from the genus of biennial or perennial grasses, which is part of the Astrovye family. The genus includes two species that are cultivated by humans and up to six wild ones.

Cultivated species:

  1. Salad;
  2. Ordinary.

The swollen chicory root contains a large amount of inulin, reaching 75% of the share. Because of this, the root often use instead of coffee... Often, dried and roasted chicory root is added to natural coffee to enhance its taste.

Chicory can act as a sedative, astringent, choleretic, diuretic, antimicrobial, antihelminthic, anti-inflammatory agent... It is able to regulate metabolism, have a beneficial effect on digestion, reduce the amount of sugar in the blood, and even improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The use of meadow plants in medicine

Chicory is used only in traditional medicine. The root part is used to prepare a decoction, which helps with diseases associated with the gallbladder, liver, kidneys. Also, a remedy made from chicory roots is excellent for digestive problems.

Has a beneficial effect on gastritis, constipation, diabetes... It normalizes the general state of the body's metabolic processes.

A decoction and tinctures from the ground part of the plant are used to stimulate appetite, improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, and in the treatment of anemia.

The chicory stem and leaf remedy has worked well as in calming and tonic for the nervous and cardiovascular system. Also, decoctions are used for external use, in order to accelerate wound healing and treatment.

There are a huge number of field plants that have medicinal properties. For example:

  1. Red meadow clover. It is an excellent diaphoretic, diuretic and choleretic agent. Has anti-inflammatory effect. Helps stop bleeding. For colds, it is used as an expectorant.
  2. Cornflower. A flower growing in a meadow. It is used for colds, as an antipyretic, diaphoretic. The flower is endowed with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound healing and laxative effects. Effective for stomach and colds. Helps treat constipation.
  3. Chamomile. Wild flower with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Effective for skin problems. It is used for pain in the gastrointestinal tract.

The list is endless. Nature has generously endowed our planet useful and beautiful field plants. In the meadow you can find:

  • bells;
  • meadow geranium;
  • buttercups;
  • dandelions;
  • poppies;
  • herbal cloves, etc.

It is very important to protect the environment. Since human activities often lead to the disappearance of both animals and plants.

Meadow flowers are a separate multifaceted world.

He is beautiful and incomprehensible. It is hard to believe that such beauty is created by itself - designers do not work on it, choosing varieties by colors and location, but whenever we find ourselves in a field with meadow flowers, we cannot stop looking and breathe. There are no flaws in the design.

Many flower growers and gardeners strive to get a piece of pristine natural beauty for their site - they dig up bushes with roots or buy seeds. Moreover, meadow flowers are not only an aesthetic pleasure - each plant has healing effect and is used in traditional medicine.

So it turns out, two in one: both beautiful and useful, and if right outside the window, then it's generally excellent!

Meadow flowers are striking in their diversity, simplicity and at the same time beauty. These flowers grow in their natural environment in meadows and fields, at the edges of forests.

By the way, herbalists noticed that flowers collected from meadows have great power in the treatment of diseases in comparison with artificially cultivated ones, precisely because humans did not interfere with their growth and development.


There are a lot of types of meadow flowers and in the article we will consider some plants, their descriptions and photos, which can be found not only in meadows, but also on our garden plots, and everyone will be able to decide what to collect in the summer for a home first-aid kit, and what to plant in a flower bed.

If you observe meadow flowers in their natural environment, you can easily understand that they like a lot of bright sunshine and do not tolerate shade well, with the exception of flowers that can grow in the forest too, for example, willow tea.

If you want to have them in your flower bed, then you will need to provide them with light: always plant on the first line. Moreover, most of the representatives of meadow flowers are low and medium-sized.

Meadow flowers are not afraid of weeds, because they are used to living in close cooperation with hundreds of neighbors in the meadow. Their roots intertwine, creating a carpet that absorbs rainwater well and also draws moisture from the soil itself - so maintenance of such plants will be minimal.

Description of species

  1. Althea officinalis

A perennial herb that grows up to half a meter in height. The leaf blades grow directly on the stem; the higher, the smaller the leaves. They have an oblong-pointed shape and a bluish tint of greenery. The buds grow singly on the top of the stem, and have a pale pink color.

The plant has an average frost resistance, which, nevertheless, allows it to grow well in central Russia, including in the Moscow region.

  1. Spike amaranth

It is the wild ancestor of the cultivated amaranth. Gardeners are more familiar with a squid, a malicious weed. But not everyone knows that it has a high nutritional and medicinal value.

Amaranth reaches a height of 1 meter. The leaves are arranged alternately and have an oblong shape. At the top of the stem, the leaves are smaller, at the bottom - larger.

The flowers are very small, practically invisible, have a yellowish-green color and form spike-shaped inflorescences. Absolutely not picky about soil and weather conditions.

  1. Pansies

A perennial plant that grows up to 40 cm. The leaf blades grow alternately, at the bottom they are larger than the upper ones. Flowers on thin legs, large, tricolor. High frost resistance. The habitat is very wide.

  1. Ledum

It grows in the form of a bush and reaches two meters in height.

Small gray-green leaves grow all over the stem, from bottom to top. Blooms profusely.

The buds are four-petal, white, and more often crimson with a rich odor, up to 4 cm in diameter, collected in umbellate inflorescences. Winter-hardy, unpretentious.

  1. Valerian officinalis

A perennial flower that grows up to one and a half meters in height. The stem is bare, slightly covered with leaves. The buds are small, pale pink, gathered in umbellate inflorescences, very fragrant. The habitat is wide, but due to high demand, it can be difficult to find it.

It has found application not only in medicine, but also in the cosmetic industry, for these purposes it is cultivated artificially.

  1. Cornflower meadow

A perennial representative of meadow flowers that grows up to a meter long and is considered a weed, especially in cereal fields. The leaves have an elongated oval shape, pubescent, greenery with a bluish tint. The buds are pale Pink colour, about 5 cm in diameter.

  1. Cornflower blue

Perennial representative of meadow flowers. It differs from the meadow cornflower in the color of the buds - they have more saturated color, blue.

  1. Mouse peas

A perennial flower with a creeping stem, reaching a shoot length of one and a half meters. Leaf blades are miniature, nondescript, ash-green in color. The buds are not large in size, but they have a rich purple-pink color.

  1. Meadow carnation

A perennial flower that grows up to 40 cm. The pubescent leaf blades have a linear shape. The buds are red, pink, less often white, the petals are serrated. Refers to rare, protected plants.

  1. Meadow geranium

Perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 80 cm. Lower leaves divided into five parts, the upper ones into three. Five-petalled buds, numerous, large, are lilac in color. It is very widely represented on the map of Russia.

  1. Highlander pepper

Perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing 90 cm. Belongs to the Buckwheat family. The stem is straight and thin, densely covered with leaves. The leaf blades are feather-shaped. The buds are small, snow-white, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences.

  1. Bird highlander

Perennial flower reaching half a meter in length. The stem is creeping, strongly branching. The leaf blades are small, opposite, densely covering the stem.

Nondescript buds white, located in the axils of the leaves.

The mountaineer bird has good winter hardiness and high nutritional properties. It is used in folk medicine and as a fodder plant.

  1. Gentian

A perennial flower in the form of a shrub, reaching a length of one and a half meters. Stems are straight and dense. The leaf blades are dark green, opposite. The buds are blue, blue or purple, bell-shaped, fairly large and grow one at a time. The growing area is wide.

  1. Goose bow

A perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 50 cm. The leaf blades are collected in a basal rosette, very long and thin. The buds are small, yellowish, with a honey smell. The plant is thermophilic.

  1. Elecampane high

A representative of meadow flowers, growing in the form of a bush and reaching a height of one and a half meters. Long dark leaf blades form a basal rosette. The buds are large, orange-yellow, similar to a large chamomile, but the petals are much narrower. The root has medicinal value and is used in cosmetology.

  1. Delphinium

A perennial flower, in the form of a bush, reaching a length of one and a half meters. The leaf blades form a root rosette and are shaped like arrows. The peduncle is long, forms a pyramidal inflorescence with many small but catchy buds, snow-white, pink, blue, lilac, red and yellow shades. The flower is thermophilic. At home, soap is prepared from the delphinium.

  1. Wild onion

Perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing in bush and reaching half a meter in length. The leaf blades are similar to the feathers of homemade onions, but not as thick and fleshy. The tall stalk is crowned with a ball-shaped inflorescence. Has nutritional value. The growing area is wide.

  1. Donnik

Perennial flower, reaching a length of two meters. The leaf blades are opposite or in pairs located on the stem. The buds are small, yellow or snow-white, very fragrant. It is famous as a melliferous culture and medicinal plant.

  1. St. John's wort

Perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 80 cm. Erect, rigid stem is covered with large quantity small dark green leaves. The buds form yellow inflorescences on the tops of the stems. It is found both in Russia and in Ukraine. It is used to treat various ailments.

  1. Strawberry

Perennial representative of meadow plants, growing thirty centimeters.

  1. Narrow-leaved fireweed (Ivan-tea)

Perennial representative of meadow plants, growing up to one and a half meters.

The stem is straight, thick and juicy, densely covered with linear-lanceolate leaves. The buds are violet-pink, forming apical racemose inflorescences. The growing area is wide. It is used to treat various ailments and is a raw material for making tea.

  1. Red clover

Perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 80 cm. The stem is erect, highly branched. The leaf blades are oval shaped and assembled in three. The buds are collected in spherical inflorescences, painted in pink and crimson colors. Nitrogen fixer. It is used as a honey plant, fodder and medicinal plant.

  1. Common bell

A biennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 70 cm. The stem is straight, weakly covered with small leaves that have a regular arrangement. Purple buds, collected in panicle inflorescences. A rare protected plant that grows in temperate climates.

  1. Field korostavnik

Perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 80 cm.

The stem is straight, ends with a single blue-lilac flower.

The leaf blades form a basal rosette and are lanceolate. Good honey plant.

  1. Lily of the valley

Perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 40 cm and belonging to the genus Liliaceae. The stem is thin, glabrous, erect. The leaf blades are large, oval-elongated, forming a basal rosette, from which a thin stem with small white flowers emerges.

The buds form a spike-shaped inflorescence and are bell-shaped.

A rare protected species, listed in the Red Book.

  1. Flax ordinary

An annual representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 80 cm. The stem is thin, erect, ends with a pedicel with a blue flower. The leaf blades are small, located in pairs along the entire stem. The seeds are edible and are used to make oil. The stem is a source of fiber for fabric production.

  1. Common toadflax

Perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 90 cm. The stem is straight, densely covered with small pointed leaves. The buds are pale yellow with an orange center.

  1. Lupine

A perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing in the form of a bush and reaching a length of 120 centimeters. Stems are straight, strong, ending in racemose peduncles of blue-violet color. The leaf blades are palmate, form a basal rosette and partially cover the stem. Grows well in central Russia.

  1. Mother and stepmother

Perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 30 cm. The stem is erect, ends with a peduncle with a single yellow flower. The leaf blades are smooth above, pubescent below, form a basal rosette, which appears after the flower wilts.

  1. Dandelion

A perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 60 cm. The stem is erect, hollow inside, contains milky sap and ends with a single bright yellow flower. Leaf blades, elongated in the form of a feather, form a basal rosette.

  1. pharmaceutical camomile

An annual representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 60 cm. The stem is straight, branched at the base, ends with a flower with white petals and a yellow core.

The leaf blades are elongated, narrow and carved. Found application in folk and traditional medicine and cosmetology.

  1. Spiraea

Perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 80 cm. Leaf blades with long legs are finger-shaped. The buds are small, numerous, painted in white and pink.

  1. Yarrow

A perennial representative of meadow flowers, which has the appearance of a dwarf shrub, belonging to the Asteraceae. The stem is straight, covered with feathery compound leaves and ends with numerous inflorescences, baskets, with white or pink-white flowers.

  1. Common chicory

A perennial representative of meadow flowers, reaching a length of one and a half meters. The stem is straight, very strong, forks and ends with numerous flowers of blue blue.

The leaf blades form a basal rosette and partially cover the stem. The growing area is very wide. Used in cooking and as a medicinal plant. From the roots, a drink is prepared that tastes like coffee.

  1. Thyme

Perennial representative of meadow flowers with a creeping stem, growing up to 40 cm. The stem is covered with small oval leaves and ends with pink-purple inflorescences. All parts of the plant are very fragrant and are used for tea, as a seasoning, in medicine and cosmetology.

  1. Echinacea

Perennial representative of meadow flowers, reaching a meter in height. The stem is straight, rough. The leaf blades are wide, oval in shape. The buds are large, up to fifteen centimeters in diameter, collected in basket inflorescences. The color of flowers covers all shades of pink or red-brown.

  1. Eschsholzia

Perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 45 cm. Very photophilous. The buds are white or orange, cup-shaped. It begins to bloom early, from the beginning of June and blooms until frost.

Rules for the procurement of medicinal plants

  1. you need to collect plants in a well-defined time frame;
  2. the collection is made in sunny weather, after the dew has completely dried;
  3. collect clean plants, away from sources of pollution;
  4. after harvesting, the herb is washed in cold water;
  5. during drying, use shading from the sun or electric dryers, setting the temperature to no more than 50 ° C;
  6. drying is done until brittle. Underdried parts of the plant can become covered with mold and lose their strength;
  7. you need to store the grass in paper or cloth bags for no more than two years.

Shrub perennial plant up to 2 meters tall. The leaves are rounded, five-cut, dark green in color. Flowers are dark purple, large, five-leafed, corolla-shaped, up to 8 cm in diameter. There are many flowers on the shoots. Frost-resistant plant. It is used in traditional medicine.

Althea officinalis

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 50 cm in height. The leaves are oblong, pointed, located along the entire stem (from below - large, from above - small), gray-green in color. Flowers are solitary, concentrated at the top of the stem, pale pink in color, up to 10 centimeters in diameter. The plant does not withstand severe frosts. Feels good in the suburbs. It is widely used in medicine.

Spike amaranth

Herbaceous plant up to 1 meter in height. The leaves are alternate, oblong, shallow up the stem. The flowers are small, yellowish-green, collected in dense spike-shaped inflorescences. Grows in fields and meadows throughout Russia and Ukraine. The plant is unpretentious to climatic conditions. It is used in the food industry and medicine.


Herbaceous perennial plant up to 40 centimeters in height. The leaves are alternate, bare petiolate, shrinking up the stem. The flowers are large, tricolor, tetrahedral, up to 6 centimeters in diameter, on thin pedicels. Frost-resistant plant. It grows everywhere. It is used in medicine.


Shrub perennial plant up to 2 meters in height. The leaves are small, located along the entire stem, gray-green in color. The flowers are four-leafed, crimson in color with a bright intoxicating aroma, up to 4 centimeters in diameter. There are many flowers on the peduncle, they are collected in umbrellas. It grows everywhere. It is used in cosmetology and medicine.

Lily-leaved bell

Herbaceous perennial plant of the Kolokolchikov family up to 1.5 meters in height. Leaves are narrow, dark green, sparse. The flowers are small, arranged in a row along the entire upper part of the stem, pale purple in color. The plant is widespread in Siberia, it also grows in Ukraine. It is used in medicine.

Valerian officinalis

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 1.5 meters in height. The leaves are upper and lower, long-petiolate, the main stem is low-leafed. The flowers are pale pink, fragrant, small up to 5 millimeters in diameter, collected in umbrellas. It grows everywhere. It is widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

Cornflower meadow

Herbaceous perennial weed plant up to 1 meter in height. Leaves are oval-elongated, pubescent, gray-green. The flowers are pale pink up to 5 centimeters in diameter, form a basket in the inflorescence. It grows everywhere. It is widely used in traditional and folk medicine.

Cornflower blue

Herbaceous perennial meadow plant up to 1 meter in height. The leaves are pubescent, lanceolate, oval-elongated, gray-green. The flowers are bright or dark blue up to 5 centimeters in diameter, there is a basket in the inflorescence. It grows everywhere. It is used in medicine and cosmetology.

Forest anemone

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 20 centimeters in height. The leaves are carved, dark green, located in the root zone of the plant. The flowers are large, white in color with a pronounced honey smell. It blooms in warm regions of Russia and Ukraine. Rare protected plant.

Knitting mouse peas

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 1.5 meters in height. The stem is branched, creeping. The leaves are small, complex, ash-green in color. The flowers are small, purple in color, collected in a corolla. Very popular in the vicinity of Novosibirsk. It is used in traditional medicine.

Herbaceous perennial dicotyledonous plant up to 40 centimeters in height. Leaves are linear, pubescent. The flowers are red, pink, less often white with five toothed petals. A rare meadow plant protected in the Saratov region.

Meadow geranium

Herbaceous perennial dicotyledonous plant up to 80 centimeters in height. Stem leaves are five-part, upper sessile three-part. The flowers are large, wide open, numerous, lilac with five petals. It grows everywhere. It is used as a raw material in medicine.

Highlander serpentine

Herbaceous perennial plant with a non-branched single stem up to 1 meter high. Leaves are basal, long, feather-shaped. The inflorescence is spicate, dense, with a large number of small pink flowers. Frost-resistant plant of the regions Western Siberia... It is widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

Highlander pepper

Herbaceous perennial plant of the Buckwheat family. Reaches a height of 90 centimeters. The stem is thin, branched, erect. Feathery leaves are located throughout the stem. The flowers are small, white, collected in spike-shaped brushes. It is widely used in the food industry, traditional and folk medicine.

Bird highlander

Herbaceous plant up to 50 centimeters in height. Branched stems, weaving, creeping. The leaves are small, dark green, arranged symmetrically along the entire stem. The flowers are small, white, randomly distributed throughout the stem of the plant. It grows everywhere. It is used in medicine. Used as a fodder plant.


Perennial shrub up to 1.5 meters in height. Stems are dense, short, straight. The leaves are thin, long, dark green in color, arranged symmetrically along the entire stem. Flowers are large, solitary, bell-shaped. The flowers are blue, blue or purple. It grows everywhere. It is widely used in folk and traditional medicine.

Adonis cuckoo

Herbaceous perennial plant with a straight stem up to 90 centimeters in height. The leaves are lanceolate, arranged symmetrically from top to bottom along the stem. The flowers are pink, collected in a corymbose panicle and are concentrated in the upper part of the plant. Grows in most regions of Russia and throughout Ukraine. It is widely used in folk and traditional medicine.


Herbaceous perennial plant up to 40 centimeters in height. The leaves are large, dark green, round-ovate, serrate. The flowers are small, white-pink in color, collected in straight racemose inflorescences. Frost-resistant plant of the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East. A medicinal plant used in medicine.

Goose bow

Herbaceous perennial lily bulbous low-growing plant up to 15 centimeters in height. The leaves are long, growing in the root zone in a separate stump. The flowers are small, bright yellow in color with a pronounced honey smell. Heat-loving plant. It is used in cosmetology and folk medicine.


Shrub perennial plant up to 1 meter in height. Leaves are solid, narrow, light green in color. The flowers are orange or yellow. There can be both single and collected in corymbose hands. It grows everywhere. It is used in cosmetology, traditional and folk medicine.


Shrub perennial plant up to 1.5 meters in height. The leaves are arrow-shaped, collected in the root zone. The flowers are small, collected in a pyramidal inflorescence located on a long peduncle. Flowers can be white, pink, blue, lilac, red, pink, yellow. Grows in warm climates. The plant is used in soap making.

Wild onion

Shrub perennial plant up to 50 centimeters in height. The leaves are arrow-shaped, like a feather in onions but a little thinner. A long thin pedicel on which is a single, bell-shaped, pink flower. It grows everywhere. It is used in the food industry.


Herbaceous perennial plant up to 2 meters in height. The leaves are three-leafed, symmetrically located along the entire stem. The flowers are small, yellow or white, collected in racemose inflorescences up to 7 centimeters long. It grows everywhere. It is widely used in traditional and folk medicine.

Field larkspur

Herbaceous annual plant of the Buttercup family up to 50 centimeters in height. Self seeding. The stem is branched and erect. The leaves are small, pinnately dissected, openwork, alternate. The flowers are small, outwardly similar to a small hatchet. Flowers can be blue, purple, rarely pink. It grows everywhere. The plant is poisonous, it is forbidden to use it in its pure form.

St. John's wort

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 80 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, with a large number of symmetrical leaves. Leaves are elliptical dark green. Flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences. The flowers are bright yellow. Grows throughout Russia and Ukraine. A medicinal plant widely used in medicine.


Herbaceous perennial plant up to 30 centimeters in height. The leaves are trifoliate, complex shape on single stems. Creeping and rooting shoots. Inflorescences in the form of a multi-flowered shield. The flowers are small, white, with a bright aroma. It grows in warm regions of Russia. It is used in the food industry, cosmetology, medicine.

Golden rod

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 1 meter in height. The stem is erect, unbranched. Leaves are oblong, sharp, with jagged edges. The flowers are yellow, small, gathered in a panicle inflorescence. Grows in the Caucasus, Western Siberia, Ukraine. It is used in medicine and in everyday life.


Herbaceous biennial plant up to 50 centimeters in height. Self seeding. The stem is single, erect. The leaves are oblong, pale green in color. There are very few leaves on the plant. The flowers are small, pink in color, collected in an umbrella inflorescence. It grows everywhere. Used in cosmetology and medicine.


A perennial half-plant with oval whole leaves and zygomorphic flowers, collected in whorls, on the upper part of the stem. The shrub reaches 1.5 meters in height. Flowers can be white, yellow and pink. It grows everywhere. It is widely used in traditional medicine.


Perennial rhizome plant up to 60 centimeters in height. The stem can be single or bundle. Leaves are flat, xiphoid, collected at the base of the stem. Flowers are single or three per inflorescence. Flowers can be yellow, purple, white. lilac, burgundy, pink. The flowers are outwardly similar to the orchid flower. It grows everywhere. It is used in traditional medicine.

Narrow-leaved fireweed (Ivan-tea)

Herbaceous perennial plant 50-150 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, glabrous, round, densely leafy. Leaves are simple, linear-lanceolate, pointed, narrowed, dark green shiny color. Flowers with double perianths, pink, four-membered, bisexual, up to 3 cm in diameter. Flowers collected in a rare apical raceme up to 45 centimeters long. It grows everywhere. Ornamental plant, is used in folk and traditional medicine.

Kirkazon clematis

Herbaceous perennial vine 50-90 centimeters high with a creeping rhizome. The stem is simple, erect. Leaves are cordate, up to 10 centimeters long. Flowers with a zygomorphic perianth, light yellow in color. It grows in the European part of Russia and the Caucasus. Poisonous medicinal plant. It is used in small doses in traditional medicine.

Cultivated clover

Herbaceous annual plant up to 30 centimeters in height. Self seeding. The stem is straight, branched. The leaves are trifoliate, linear-oblong, blue-green in color. Inflorescences-heads are cylindrical, hairy-hairy. Flowers in the form of a small pale pink corolla. It grows everywhere. Used in cosmetology and medicine. Forage plant.

White clover

Herbaceous perennial branching plant up to 30 centimeters in height. The stem is creeping, branched, glabrous, self-rooting. The leaves are trifoliate on long petioles. The leaves are green, with white streaks inside the leaf. Inflorescences-heads are spherical in shape. Flowers in the form of a small white corolla. Grows in temperate zones. It is used as an excellent melliferous plant, a forage plant, a soil-improving plant.

Clover pink

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 80 centimeters in height. The stem is tubular, branched, erect. Leaves are oval, trifoliate. Inflorescences-heads are spherical. The flowers are corolla-shaped, pink or crimson. It grows everywhere. It is used as an excellent melliferous plant, a fodder plant, a component in folk medicine.

Feather grass

A soddy perennial plant up to 1 meter in height. Stems are erect, glabrous. Leaves are linear, narrow, located in the root zone of the bush. Inflorescence in the form of a narrow compressed, pubescent panicles up to 25 centimeters in length. It grows everywhere. Ornamental plant.

Meadow goatbeard

Herbaceous biennial plant up to 1 meter in height. Self seeding. The stem is thin, erect, with a purple tint. Leaves are narrow, long, located in the lower knee of the stem. The flowers are yellow, dandelion-shaped on a flower-basket stem. It grows everywhere. It is used in the food industry.

Common bell

Herbaceous biennial plant up to 70 centimeters in height. Self seeding. The stem is erect, thin, leafy. Leaves are small, whole, alternately arranged. The corolla is bell-shaped. The flowers are purple in color, collected in a racemose or paniculate next inflorescence. Grows in temperate climates. A rare ornamental plant.

Field korostavnik

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 80 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, low-leafed. The leaves are hairy, lanceolate, pinnately dissected, located in the root zone of the plant. Inflorescences-heads up to 3 centimeters in height. The flowers are bluish-lilac with lanceolate leaflets. It grows everywhere. It is used as an excellent honey plant.

Burnet medicinal

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 90 centimeters in height. The stem is single, erect, branched in the upper part. Leaves are long-petiolate with a large number of small oval leaves. The edge of the sheet is dissected. The flowers are small, dark red, collected in oval corolla-heads. Medicinal plant, fodder plant, honey plant. It grows everywhere. Used in folk and traditional medicine.

European swimsuit

Herbaceous perennial plant 40-100 centimeters tall. Basal and stem leaves. The leaves are dark green, pinnately dissected, collected in a rosette. The flowers are rich yellow, large, up to 5 centimeters in diameter, with a bright aroma. The flower looks like a small peony. A rare plant protected by the Republic of Belarus, the Tambov region and Poland.

Fragrant Kupena

Herbaceous perennial plant 30-65 centimeters in height. The stem is glabrous, faceted, erect. The stem forms an arc under the weight of leaves and flowers. Leaves are oval, stalk-enveloping, alternate, glossy and green above, matt and gray-gray below. Flowers are white, small, located along the stem. The flowers are outwardly similar to a bell. It grows everywhere. Poisonous plant used in small doses in folk and traditional medicine.

Lily of the valley

Herbaceous perennial plant of the genus Liliaceae up to 40 centimeters in height. The stem is thin, glabrous, erect. Leaves are large, oval, light green in color, Arranged symmetrically in pairs in the root zone of the plant. The flowers are small, white, with a sugary aroma, collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence. It grows everywhere. A rare plant. It is used in folk and traditional medicine, cosmetology and soap making.

Flax ordinary

Herbaceous annual plant up to 80 centimeters in height. Self seeding. The stem is erect, leafy, branching in the upper part. The leaves are small, narrow, arranged symmetrically along the entire stem. Flowers are solitary, on long pedicels, blue, five-petal. It grows everywhere. It is used in cooking, medicine, cosmetology, and textile production.


Herbaceous perennial primrose up to 30 centimeters in height. The stem is creeping, thin, rooting, with symmetrical opposite rounded leaves. Flowers are yellow, on long stalks, single, large, five-leafed. It grows everywhere. It is used in folk medicine and as a surrogate for tea.

Common toadflax

Herbaceous perennial plant of the plantain family, can reach a height of 90 centimeters. The stem is erect, densely leafy. The leaves are small, linear, pointed. The flowers are yellow with an orange center, small. Flowers are collected in apical racemes up to 15 centimeters long. It grows everywhere. A weed plant rarely used in floristry.

Lyubka is two-leaved

Herbaceous perennial tuberous plant 30-60 centimeters in height. The stem is solitary and erect, glabrous. Basal leaves (there can be 1-3 pieces). Leaves are oval, light green, large. Inflorescence in the form of a cylindrical spikelet up to 20 centimeters in length. The flowers are small, white, symmetrically arranged in relation to the spikelet. The flowers have a pungent spicy scent. It grows in Ukraine and in the European part of Russia. It is used in folk medicine and veterinary medicine.


Perennial shrub 80-120 centimeters high. Stems are erect, woody, in varying degrees leafy. Leaves are palmate, with many narrow and long leaves. Inflorescence in the form of an apical brush. The flowers are zygomorphic, alternate, dark blue or purple. Grows in temperate climates. It is used in medicine, food industry, pharmacology, cosmetology, floristry.

Creeping buttercup

Herbaceous perennial plant 15-40 centimeters in height. The stem is thick, glabrous, creeping. The leaves are trifoliate, petiolate, basal. The flowers are bisexual, regular five-leafed, single, golden yellow. It grows everywhere. It is used in folk and traditional medicine.

Field poppy

Herbaceous annual plant 30-80 centimeters in height. Self seeding. The stem is branched, covered with coarse bristles. Leaves are large, alternate, pinnately dissected, gray-green... The edge of the leaf is dissected, serrated. Pedicels are long, strong. The flowers are large, up to 7 centimeters in diameter, single, bright red or scarlet. The flowers consist of two tiers of petals (four in each) and a black stamen with oblong anthers. It grows everywhere. Used in folk medicine, winemaking.


Herbaceous perennial bushy plant 40-60 centimeters high. The stem is erect, branched. The leaves are finger-dissected, rounded, with concave lobes, decorative. The flowers are small, greenish-yellow in color, collected in spherical inflorescences on single pedicels. It grows in warm climatic regions. Medicinal plant. It is used in the food industry, folk medicine, floristry.

Mother and stepmother

Herbaceous perennial plant of the Astrovye family up to 30 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, covered with scaly leaves. Basal leaves dissected by veins, oval or heart-shaped, simple. The flowers are single, bright yellow, outwardly similar to a dandelion. Grows in temperate climates. Used in folk medicine, it is valued as an excellent honey plant.


Herbaceous perennial plant no higher than 30 centimeters. The stem is erect, pubescent. Leaves are lanceolate, oval, regular, cordate. Basal leaves are much larger than stem leaves. Flowers with a double perianth, bell-shaped in a pubescent basket. Most often, flowers are blue or of blue color... It grows everywhere. It is used in cooking, folk and traditional medicine.


Herbaceous perennial plant of the Astrovye family up to 60 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, multifaceted. Leaves are dark green, feather-like, basal. The flowers are solitary, yellow, emerging from a single inflorescence of the basket. All parts of the plant contain a thick white sap. It grows everywhere. It is used as a fodder plant, in the food industry, in medicine, in cosmetology.

Comfrey medicinal

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 1 meter in height. The stem is branched, erect. The entire stem is covered with coarse hairs. Leaves are feather-shaped, oblong, lanceolate, alternate, gray-green. The flowers are violet, bell-shaped, rarely located along the entire upper part of the stem. Distributed everywhere. Used in medicine, excellent honey plant.

Eyebright medicinal

Herbaceous perennial plant of the Cabbage family up to 60 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, leafy. The leaves are small, alternate, in the form of small hearts. Sepals are straight, short, white, located at the top of the stem. It grows everywhere. It is used in folk and scientific medicine, gynecology, Armenian cuisine.

Primrose officinalis

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 80 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, glabrous. The leaves are large, feather-like, gray-green, densely located in the root zone. The flowers are regular, five-leafed, golden-yellow in color, collected in an umbrella inflorescence. It grows everywhere. It is used in medicine, food industry, as an ornamental plant.

Common tansy

Herbaceous soddy perennial plant 50-150 centimeters in height. Stems are straight, branched at the top. The leaves are alternate, palmate, carved, toothed. The flowers are small, regular, yellow, tubular, collected in an umbrella. The plant has a pungent camphor smell. It grows everywhere. It is widely used in the food industry, scientific and folk medicine.

Pikulnik ordinary

Herbaceous annual plant of the Lamiaceae family up to 50 centimeters in height. Self seeding. The stem is erect, fleecy. The leaves are alternate, regular, symmetrically located along the entire stem. The calyx of the flower is spiny, equal to the corolla tube, with five teeth. The flowers are small, bell-shaped, lilac. It grows everywhere. Good honey plant.


Perennial creeping shrub. The stem is thin, weaving. Leaves are dark green, angular-lobed. Flowers are small, white, collected in apical carpal inflorescences. It grows in countries with a mild climate. A medicinal plant used in folk and traditional medicine.

Real bedstraw

Herbaceous perennial tenacious plant 60-120 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, weak, pubescent. Leaves are dark green, narrow, linear, collected in whorls. Flowers collected in a dense pyramidal panicle. The flowers are small, yellow in color, with a pronounced honey aroma. It grows everywhere. Good honey plant. It is used in the food industry, in the paint and varnish industry.


Perennial herbaceous dwarf shrub 50-200 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, ribbed, dense, branched at the top. Leaves are long-petiolate, twice or three times pinnately dissected. The whole plant is silvery green. The flowers are small, yellowish, in the form of spherical baskets. Flowers are arranged symmetrically along the entire stem. The plant has a pungent camphor smell. It grows everywhere. It is used in medicine, cooking, in the preparation of insect control agents.

Common primrose

Herbaceous perennial plant of the primroses genus up to 20 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, short. Leaves are lanceolate, feather-shaped, wrinkled, toothed, located in the root zone. The flowers are funnel-shaped, regular, of various colors. Flowers are collected in sessile inflorescences. It grows in regions with a temperate climate. Ornamental plant.


Herbaceous perennial plant of the Buttercup family up to 40 centimeters in height. The stem is thick, gray, hairy. Petiole leaves, collected in a rosette in the root zone. The flowers are single, regular, large, purple in color, with sharp petals. It grows everywhere. It is used in traditional medicine and veterinary medicine. Poisonous.


Herbaceous perennial plant of the Astrov family. It reaches a height of 30-80 centimeters. The stem is erect, leafy, branchy upward. The leaves are small, narrow, carved. Inflorescences in the form of hemispherical baskets. The flowers are regular, white with a yellow center. It grows everywhere. It is used in cosmetology, gardening, and floristry.

pharmaceutical camomile

An annual herb of the Astrov family up to 60 centimeters in height. Self seeding. The stem is erect, branched from the base. The leaves are alternate, narrow, small, carved. Inflorescences are numerous, in the form of a conical basket. The flowers are regular, white with a yellow center. There are bisexual yellow small flowers... It grows everywhere. It is used in medicine, cosmetology, food industry.

Chamomile yellow

Perennial herb from the Pupavka genus of the Astrovye family. It reaches a height of 25-100 centimeters. The stem is erect, glabrous. The leaves are alternate, pinnately dissected, large. Flowers are collected in single conical baskets on long stalks. The flowers are regular, yellow with a yellow center. It grows everywhere. It is used in medicine and horticulture.

Hazel grouse

Perennial herb of the genus Fritillaria of the Liliaceae family. It can reach a height of 35 centimeters. The stem is erect, smooth, bends into an arc under the weight of the flower. The leaves are thin and long, sparsely and symmetrically arranged along the stem. Flowers are solitary, drooping. The bell-shaped flower is painted in burgundy, and on the main color, you can see gray dots in a checkerboard pattern. The range of the species covers almost all of Europe, with the exception of the extreme northern and extreme southern regions. Ornamental rare plant. It is used in medicine.

Eastern swerbiga

Perennial herb of the Sverbiga genus of the Cabbage family. It can reach a height of 40-100 centimeters. The stem is erect, branched at the top. The leaves are serrated, oval-lanceolate, located in the root zone, in the region of the first knee of the stem. Flowers up to 5 millimeters in diameter, yellow, collected in corymbose racemes, and brushes collected in a large panicle. The plant is not whimsical to the climate. It is used in the food industry and traditional Armenian medicine.


Herbaceous perennial plant of the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. The plant can reach a height of 15-90 centimeters. The stem is thin, erect, glabrous. Leaves are pinnate, alternate. Inflorescence in the form of a rough basket. The flower is pale pink, single or bisexual. It grows everywhere. Excellent honey plant. It is used as a dye.


Perennial herb of the Umbrella family. It can reach a height of 1.5 meters. The stem is straight, glabrous, bluish, branched at the top. Leaves are whole, pinnately dissected, prickly, toothed. The flowers are small, mostly blue-blue, of the common umbellate type, collected at the top of the branches in an ovoid head. It grows mainly in the southern regions. It is used in folk medicine and as an ornamental plant.

Cyanosis blue

Perennial herb 35-140 centimeters high. Stems solitary, erect, hollow, indistinctly ribbed, simple or branched at the top. Leaves are alternate, pinnate, glabrous, oblong-lanceolate, pointed. Flowers from blue to purple, occasionally white; collected in paniculate inflorescences at the ends of the stems. A calyx with five lobes. Corolla wide open, spike-shaped, bell-shaped with five-lobed limb. It grows everywhere. Good honey plant. It is used in traditional medicine.


Perennial herb, shrub, Clove family. Weed. Stems are erect or ascending, branched at the top, up to 50 centimeters in height. The leaves are opposite, sessile, lanceolate, linear, scapular, ovate. Flowers are mono- or dioecious, collected in common paniculate or spike-shaped inflorescences, sometimes they are solitary. The corolla is white, with five petals. It grows everywhere. It is used in traditional medicine.

Common tar

Herbaceous perennial dicotyledonous plant of the Clove family. Stems are erect, sparsely branched, reach 30-90 centimeters in height, glabrous, usually sticky at the nodes. Basal leaves on petioles, lanceolate or almost linear, pointed. The flowers are regular, pink in dichazial inflorescences. The growing area of ​​tar is almost all of Europe, with the exception of the southwest. Ornamental plant.

Dream herb

Perennial herb of the genus Anemone of the family Buttercup. It reaches a height of 7-15 centimeters. Stems are erect, covered with thick, protruding, soft hairs. Root leaves on long, not densely hairy petioles, round-cordate, tri-dissected with rhombic tripartite segments. The flowers are purple or white, six-petaled, star-shaped, with a yellow center. A rare plant. It is used in folk medicine as a sedative and hypnotic.

Common rape

Perennial herb with biennial shoots, genus Rurepka from the Cabbage family. The stem is tall, branched, glabrous or slightly fluffy, 30-80 centimeters high. Leaves are sessile, whole, from lanceolate to obovate, serrated along the edge. Inflorescence - raceme, solitary at the beginning of flowering. Flowers are four-membered with a double perianth, bisexual, golden yellow. There are five stamens in the flower. It grows everywhere. It is used as a fodder plant, in medicine, in cosmetology, in cooking, in floristry.


Perennial herb of the Pink family. The stem is erect, feathery up to 80 centimeters in height. Finger-shaped leaves, collected in a star, on long legs. Numerous small white or pink flowers are collected in terminal corymbose, paniculate inflorescences. Perianths are double. Grows in temperate climates. It is used in folk and traditional medicine, food industry. Ornamental plant.


Herbaceous perennial plant, shrub of the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. The stem is erect or slightly curved at the soil surface. The leaves are serrated, carved or pinnately dissected, arranged in regular order. Inflorescences are small baskets, mostly collected in a common corymbose inflorescence. The flowers are correct, white. It grows everywhere. Medicinal plant.

Field tulip

Perennial herbaceous bulbous plant of the Liliaceae family. The stem is dense, erect, with a single pedicel. Leaves are smooth or wavy, elongated, lanceolate, extending from the base of the stem to its middle. An adult plant usually has 2-4 leaves, a young plant always has only 1 leaf. The leaves are gray-green. The flower is single, six-petaled, regular, with a large number of stamens. Most often, the flowers are red, yellow, white or pink. Ornamental plant.

Violet meadow

Perennial herb of the Violet genus of the Violet family. The stem is elevated, branched, erect or ascending, 5-20 centimeters high. The leaves are alternate, simple, serrate. The lower leaves are petiolate, rounded-oval. The flowers are single, irregular, zygomorphic, purple in color. Perianth double, sepals and petals 5 each, not fused together. The flowers exude a heady aroma. The plant is found everywhere. It is used in cosmetology and medicine.


Perennial spore-bearing herb of the Horsetail genus, Horsetail family. It can reach a height of 40-60 centimeters. Generative shoots are brownish or pinkish, not branched, with triangular brown leaf teeth. Vegetative shoots are green, erect, hollow, with a pico-shaped top. Leaf teeth are collected in whorls of 6-12, sometimes up to 16 pieces, free or fused. The plant is distributed in subarctic, temperate and tropical climates. Used in traditional and folk medicine, food industry.

Horseradish ordinary

Perennial herb of the Horseradish genus of the Cabbage family. The stem is straight, branched, 50-150 centimeters high. Basal leaves are very large, oblong or oblong-oval, crenate, cordate at the base; the lower ones are pinnately separate; oblong-lanceolate; the upper ones are linear, all-edged. The calyx is about 3 mm long; petals about 6 mm long, white, short-marigold. It grows everywhere. It is used in cooking and medicine.

Common chicory

Perennial herb of the genus Chicory of the Astrovye family. Weed plant. The stem is erect, twig-like, green or bluish-green, rough, 15-150 centimeters high. Basal leaves are pinnate, whole, serrated along the edge, gradually narrowed at the base into a petiole. Baskets are solitary, numerous or clustered in several at the top of the stem. The flowers are ligulate. Corolla 15-25 millimeters long, different shades of blue or white. It grows everywhere. The plant is toxic. It is used in medicine and cooking.


A perennial semi-shrub plant with thin stems up to 40 centimeters in height. Leaves are thin, small, hard, oval, green. The flowers are collected in small elongated pinkish-purple inflorescences with a very fragrant odor. It grows in Eastern Europe, Western Siberia, the eastern part of Russia, in the Caucasus. Ornamental plant. It is used in cosmetology.


A perennial herb with a triangular stem up to 50 centimeters high. It has two oblong sharp leaves. The flower has the shape of a hemispherical white umbrella. Flowering period May-June. Grows in Central, North, Southern Europe and Turkey. Grown as a cultivated plant.

Common chernogolovka

A perennial herb 15-30 centimeters high. Leaves are petiolate, oblong. The flowers are symmetrical on short legs in false whorls of blue-violet color (rarely yellow-white). The area of ​​growth of the countries of Asia, Japan, North America and Africa, Australia. It is used in traditional medicine.


A prickly perennial herb with a straight stem up to 1.5 meters high. The leaves are large, hard, prickly. Flowers in the form of a basket of pink or purple. Blooms from early July to late August. Grows in Central Europe and Asia, North Africa, USA. It is used in traditional and folk medicine.


Perennial herbaceous shrub with a straight, branched stem 50-100 centimeters high. The leaves are lyre-shaped, dark green. Flowers of golden yellow color, regular shape, collected in an umbrella. Blooms from May to August. Distributed almost everywhere. It is used in medicine.


Herbaceous perennial plant or shrub 20-70 centimeters high. Leaves are oblong gray-green. The flowers are blue-violet, pink or white, collected in corymbose whorls. Blooms from late May to July. It grows everywhere. It is widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

Rosehip cinnamon

Spiny shrub plant up to 2 meters in height. Leaves are pinnate with five, seven cuts. The flower is single, rarely double-triple, pink or dark red. Blooms from May to July. Distributed in Europe and Central Asia. Medicinal plant.

Dog rose

A shrub plant with a height of 1.5-2.5 meters, has rare thorns. Leaves are pinnate, generally with seven cuts. The flower is pink or white-pink in color, 5 centimeters in diameter, practically odorless. Distributed in Europe, North Africa, Western Asia. Used in medicine and as a scion for garden roses.


Mallow. Perennial or biennial herb up to 2 meters high. The leaves are alternate, the stem is herbaceous. Self seeding. The flower consists of five fused petals of white, pink, yellowish, cream or pink color. It is cultivated everywhere. It is used as an ornamental and medicinal plant.


Grass, shrub or shrub with thorns up to 70 centimeters high. Leaves are pinnate with stipules. The flower is collected in ears, the brushes of which are white, yellow or purple. Distributed in Central and Southern Europe, Western Asia and north africa... Used medicinally or as a forage plant.


Perennial herb up to 1 meter high with a straight, rough stem. Leaves on a long petiole, broadly oval, narrowed towards the petiole. The flowers are large, regular, collected in baskets up to 15 centimeters in diameter, the color can be from pink to red-brown. A plant native to the eastern United States. It is used as an ornamental and medicinal plant.

Echinocystis blade

An annual herbaceous liana-like plant up to 6 meters long. Self seeding. The leaves are rounded, pale green, with long petioles. The flower is dioecious, collected in carpal inflorescences, with a delicate honey aroma. The flowering period is from June to September, the fruits ripen from August to October. Distributed in North America, Central Asia, Far East, Japan, China.


Perennial herbaceous sun-loving plant 20-45 centimeters in height. Leaf on a long petiole, thrice dissected. White to orange cupped flowers. Bloom from June to October. It grows in western North America. Used for decorative purposes.


Trumpet perennial herb with a single stem 10-50 centimeters in height. The leaves are broadly lanceolate, tapering to a petiole. The flowers are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences from lilac to dark cherry color. It grows in the mountains of the Caucasus, Crimea, North America, Central and Southern Europe. Used in cooking.