The saxifrage femur is a panacea for all diseases. Thigh-saxifrage: description, medicinal properties, use in traditional medicine

The flowers are white, small, five-petalled, collected in complex umbrellas. The fruits are round-ovoid. Blooms in July-August. It grows in dry meadows, clearings, pastures, along roads, on embankments, wastelands, on grassy slopes, forest edges, in light forests in the European part of Russia, in Siberia, in the Caucasus, in Kazakhstan. For medicinal purposes, rhizomes with roots are used, which are harvested in autumn or in early spring. They are dug up, cleaned from the ground, washed cold water, dried in the shade or in a dryer at a temperature not exceeding 450C. Dried raw materials acquire a pungent odor and a bitter taste. Store it in a tightly closed container, protecting from moisture. The rhizomes and roots of the plant contain saponins, essential oil, tannins, resins, sugar, furocoumarins, benzoic and acetic acids, and gum. AT folk medicine decoctions and infusions of the roots of the thigh are drunk for pain in the abdomen and chronic, used for colds. Since ancient times, the root of the femur has been popularly called the “tooth root”: a piece of the root, placed on the patient, soothes the pain. Our ancestors washed their bodies with a decoction of the roots of the femur, believing that this protects against infectious diseases. In addition, saxifrage femur is used as an expectorant, enveloping, diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Traditional medicine recipes using the thigh for treatment various diseases

Pour 6-7 g of femur roots with 1 cup of boiling water, strain. Rinse with this infusion. For this purpose, an infusion of the herb of the plant is also used: pour 2 pinches of dry chopped grass with 1 cup of boiling water, strain.

Upper respiratory diseases, whooping cough, chronic diseases, kidney stones and
1 st. a spoonful of chopped root is poured into 2 cups hot water and boil in water for about 30 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes, strain and squeeze. The decoction is taken in 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.

Stones in
1 teaspoon of dry femur roots in 1 cup of boiling water is brewed as, they drink with a decoction of rose hips (50 to 50) and honey (2 teaspoons) 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

bronchitis of infectious origin
Saxifrage herb - 3 parts; marsh wild rosemary grass - 2 parts; common thyme grass - 2 parts; coltsfoot grass - 2 parts. 3 tbsp. spoons of the mixture brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, cool and drink 50 ml 4-5 times a day after meals.

Chronic, emphysema
Saxifrage herb - 4 parts; licorice root naked - 4 parts; marshmallow root - 3 parts; coltsfoot leaves - 2 parts. 2 tbsp. pour spoons of the mixture with boiled water room temperature and boil in water for 30 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, strain and drink 100 ml 3 times a day before meals and at night.

upper respiratory catarrh
Boil 15 g of rhizomes with femur roots for 20 minutes in 0.5 liters of water, leave for 4 hours, strain. Decoction to take half a glass 3-4 times a day before meals.

, diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Infuse 1 teaspoon of dry rhizomes of the plant for 8 hours in 1 glass of cooled boiled water, strain. Boil the rest of the roots in 1 cup boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Combine both infusions. Take an infusion of half a glass 3-4 times a day before meals.
5 g of dry roots of the thigh pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 21 days, strain. Take tincture of 15-20 drops from 1 tbsp. spoon of water 3-4 times a day before meals.

In 1 cup with lime blossom or raspberries, add 15-20 drops of femur tincture (see above).

on the skin
they are removed on the skin, lubricating them with the juice of the roots of the saxifrage femur.

Recipes provided by phytotherapist, candidate of biological sciences Viktor Kosterov.

The saxifrage femur is unique in its characteristics medicinal herb. Its active components have a detrimental effect on viruses, bacteria, various infections of the genitourinary system, while at the same time having a mild, non-toxic effect on the body.

Saxifrage - perennial herbaceous plant belongs to the Umbelliferae family. It is also known as: wild dill, anison, tooth root, the Latin name for the shrub is Pimpinella saxifrage. From Latin, the word saxifrage is translated as a plant growing on stones, a plant that breaks stones. According to one of the legends, this shrub makes its way to the source of light through the stones, for which it received its name. According to other sources medicinal plant able to destroy and remove stones formed in the gallbladder.

The plant can grow up to 80 centimeters tall. The stem is straight, hollow inside, quite dense with small ribs. At the base of the stem there are basal leaves. The closer to the top, the smaller the leaves, the largest are those that are at the root of the plant - they can reach up to 20 centimeters in length. They also differ in shape: the lower ones are egg-shaped, the middle ones are wedge-shaped, and the uppermost ones have a reduced plate.

The inflorescences are umbellate, up to 8 centimeters in diameter, have small white, sometimes pale pink flowers with five petals. The seeds of the femur are small, up to 2.5 millimeters long and 1.5 millimeters wide, shaped like an egg. Flowering continues almost all summer - from June to August, seed ripening occurs at the end of July. The hippopotamus grows almost throughout Europe, is found in the Far East and even in Siberia, because it is a frost-drought-resistant shrub.

Useful and medicinal properties

The chemical composition of the herb is quite diverse - the roots contain essential oil, tannins, acids such as benzoic and acetic, saponins. The leaves are rich in proteins, ascorbic acid, and especially in fiber. Due to the content of useful trace elements, the thigh is widely used in medicine. Saxifrage has a mucolytic effect, has a diaphoretic property, and is used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Pimpinella saxifrage is used as an effective remedy for acute respiratory diseases and diseases of the upper respiratory tract, constipation, as it contains a lot of fiber, and according to recent studies, preparations based on this plant are successfully used in oncology. From rhizomes and stems, decoctions and infusions are prepared for the treatment of such serious diseases as cholera, diphtheria, and plague. Good results achieved with enuresis, diseases of the genitourinary system. On the basis of this shrub, various medicinal preparations are made.

Saxifrage femur with chlamydia

Chlamydia is difficult to treat due to the fact that it is asymptomatic and chlamydia affects the cells from the inside, changing their functions. This disease must be treated with antibacterial agents that can quickly penetrate the cell membrane, such properties are possessed by the femur quarry. This wonderful remedy has a detrimental effect on chlamydia, slowing down their reproduction, has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

For the treatment of chlamydia, a healing decoction is used: one tablespoon of the dried herb of the thigh is poured into a glass (200-250 milliliters) of boiling water and infused for 12 hours. Use a third of a glass half an hour before meals, douching can also be done with a decoction. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Application in gynecology

In folk medicine, for gynecological diseases, an infusion or decoction of the thigh is often used. They can treat diseases such as cysts, uterine fibroids, menstrual disorders, kidney stones. Decoctions from this herb have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic properties, and in just one month of using such infusions and decoctions, you can get rid of various sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis.

A decoction can be used for douching, which will help with erosion. The broth is very easy to prepare - you need to take 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials per liter of water, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. If desired, you can add a spoonful of honey to the drug.

Note! It is imperative to observe the dosage, since if the recommended doses are exceeded, allergic reactions and contact dermatitis may occur.

Thigh saxifrage in folk medicine recipes

This medicinal plant is often used in traditional medicine recipes for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. There are several ways to make medicinal preparations based on saxifrage:

  • in powder form;
  • infusion;
  • tinctures on alcohol or vodka;
  • decoction;
  • plant juice.

With diphtheria

For the treatment of angina, diphtheria in children, a recipe for home-made pills with saxifrage root powder is used. One pill should contain 0.5 grams of the substance, they should be drunk every 4 hours with water. Preparing this traditional medicine is quite simple - the dried root of the plant is ground in a coffee grinder to a powder, after which the powder is poured into gelatin capsules.

Infusions for acute respiratory infections

Water infusions are most often used for acute respiratory diseases, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, kidney disease, urolithiasis.

To prepare a medicinal infusion, you need to take half a liter of water, 20 grams of crushed femur root, insist in a water bath for 15 minutes, after which we insist for 4 hours. After straining, the product is ready for use - 100-150 milliliters 3 times a day before meals.

With age spots

To combat age spots, use the juice of rhizomes. Moisten a napkin in freshly squeezed juice and wipe the face with it 5 times a day daily until the effect appears. Juice is also used for respiratory diseases, as a sedative. The juice squeezed from the roots is mixed with honey, taken half a teaspoon three times a day before meals.

Cough tincture

Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract is almost always accompanied by a cough. To alleviate the symptoms of the disease, alcohol tincture will help. Unlike water infusions, alcohol tinctures are more effective, since some of the healing substances of saxifrage do not dissolve in water, and alcohol contributes to a better release of active substances.

To prepare a cough tincture, you can use 70% alcohol or vodka, 50 grams of roots are poured with 250 milliliters of alcohol and infused for two weeks in a dark, ventilated room. After that, the tincture should be filtered. It must be taken 3 times a day, 15 drops diluted with a tablespoon of water. The tincture is also effective in the treatment of scarlet fever.

On vodka, the remedy is prepared as follows: the root of the plant, water and vodka are mixed in proportions 2: 2: 5, the resulting remedy is insisted for a week.

Use in cooking

In addition to traditional medicine, wild dill is often used in cooking as a seasoning, in salads, first courses, and for cooking meat. Its application in recipes due to spicy aroma, bitter-sharp taste. Various parts of the plant are used to prepare dishes with thighs: leaves, rhizomes, seeds.

Roots and rhizomes are mainly used for cooking meat and fish dishes. Fresh rhizomes are added to salads and soups for spiciness, ground roots are used as a preparation of various seasonings. Leaves and stems are also added to various spicy soups, salads, sauces, and the inflorescences of the plant are great for home canning vegetables.

spicy seasoning

Washed, dried roots grind in a coffee grinder. Seasoning to use for cooking dishes from fish, meat.
Wash the roots and leaves, grind in a blender, salt, pour a small amount vegetable oil. This seasoning can be used to prepare hot sauces.

salad recipe

To prepare the salad, you will need the following ingredients: saxifrage leaves - 50 grams; young radish - 7-10 pieces; green onion feathers; one egg; salt. As a dressing, you can take mayonnaise, sour cream or vegetable oil.

Cooking process: wash the leaves, blanch for a couple of minutes. Cut the radish into slices, add the onion, boiled egg, salt - to taste, season with mayonnaise, sour cream or butter.

Canned stewed meat


  1. Beef - 500 grams.
  2. Oil for frying - 60 grams.
  3. Onion - 2 pieces.
  4. Carrot - 2 pieces.
  5. Femur leaves - 150 grams (you can use root powder instead of leaves).
  6. Garlic - 2 cloves.
  7. Laurel leaf - 3 pieces.
  8. Salt, pepper - to taste.

Wash the meat, dry it with paper towels, cut into cubes measuring 3 by 3 centimeters. Melt the butter in a frying pan and add the chopped meat, fry until golden brown. After that, add a little water, onions, carrots, simmer until tender. 10 minutes before cooking, add the leaves or powder of the thigh, finely chopped honestly, laurel, pepper and salt.

How to collect grass and store it properly

In order to get the most healing effect from the use of the thigh, it is necessary first of all to choose and harvest the plant correctly. The collection of roots begins in late autumn or early spring. Rhizomes are cleaned from the ground, washed under running water, dry. Then they are cut into small pieces and dried in a dark, ventilated room. Any tightly closed container is suitable for storing finished raw materials. In order for the plant to retain all its medicinal properties and aroma, the roots are crushed just before use.

The leaves are harvested at the beginning of the flowering period - in May. After harvesting, the raw materials are well washed and dried for outdoors but definitely in the shade. At proper drying leaves retain their color and crumble easily. When the seeds are harvested, the umbrellas are first cut off, they are hung over any fabric - mature seeds will fall on it. The seeds are then harvested and dried. You can store them in a dry clean jar.

Attention! Store prepared raw materials in a place where direct sunlight does not fall.

How to choose and buy root

The choice of any medicine must be approached very responsibly, as your health depends on it. This is especially true for medicinal plants, as incorrect choice, purchase and use medicinal herbs can cause irreparable harm to health, since these plants have high biological activity, some of them contain a large amount of alkaloids, some herbs need to be collected only at a certain period, in certain places.

It will not be difficult to buy medicinal herbs now - they can be bought on the market, in a store, but in order to be sure of the quality of the purchased product, it is recommended to buy them only in pharmacies - raw materials undergo mandatory radiological control, collection takes place only in environmentally friendly areas .

If you decide to purchase a saxifrage femur not in a pharmacy or are self-collecting, pay attention to appearance plants. Leaves and stem should not have dark spots, they should have a uniform color. The roots should also not be damaged, avoid plants exposed to insect pests. Collect only in clean ecological zones, away from highways, industrial enterprises.

Buy at the pharmacy price

To date, the following forms of this drug are provided in pharmacies:

  • alcohol tincture;
  • dried root.

Alcohol tinctures are usually available in bottles of 50 milliliters, the cost is on average from 200 to 250 rubles per bottle. The dried root has packages of 50 grams, the cost of one package is about 100-150 rubles. By purchasing this product in a pharmacy, you can be sure of its natural origin, compliance with all standards, rules for the collection and preparation of the product.

Contraindications and side effects

The advantage of this herb is that it has practically no contraindications, since it is not poisonous and rarely causes side effects. As with other medicinal plants, it is necessary to follow the recommended dosage and consult a specialist before using it.

The main contraindications include pregnancy, individual intolerance and a predisposition to the formation of blood clots. In extremely rare cases, if therapeutic dosages are exceeded, contact dermatitis may occur, in other cases the drug is quite well tolerated and does not cause any undesirable consequences.

Forum, reviews

Maria: Good folk remedy, I used it for bronchitis in the form of a decoction. Literally in a few days, relief came, the cough stopped, the general condition improved, to be honest, I did not expect such an effect!

Igor: - A few years ago I had chlamydia. On the advice of a phytotherapeutist, he began to take a tincture of the thigh. After 14 days of admission, he re-tested, chlamydia was not detected.

Alla: - My children often had colds. The doctor advised me to take a course of treatment with saxifrage twice a year to strengthen the immune system and prevent it. As a result, we got rid of seasonal acute respiratory infections.


The saxifrage hip helps not only strengthen the immune system, it can even cure sexually transmitted diseases. Not every medicinal herb can boast such a powerful therapeutic effect, while having virtually no side effects and contraindications. The article discusses the main characteristics of the plant, the method of application and recipes of traditional medicine, see interesting video.

The saxifrage femur was known to the ancient Greeks. In those ancient times, fenugreek was used as a universal medicine, one might even say, as a panacea against all diseases, pestilence, and as a spice grown in peasant gardens. Unfortunately, this plant is a little forgotten. And from the former glory and popularity, only folk songs remained, in which it is sung about its benefits to human health.

In particular, one of the Czech folk songs contains the following words: “We won’t get sick and we won’t die if we drink beer with nuts and eat thighs.” In Europe, it is distributed from the Alps to North Sea, in some places it happens in Asia.

The saxifrage femur is a perennial herbaceous plant from the umbrella family. The stem (up to 1 m high) is round, sometimes branched. The upper leaves are underdeveloped, the lower ones are pinnate, with incised or separate stipules, the stem ones are separated from each other. The flowers are small, white, sometimes pink, collected in large umbrellas. Blooms from June to October. Grows in ditches, meadows and fields, road embankments, along roads, in thickets.

The plant is unpretentious, but photophilous, drought - and frost-resistant. Propagated by seeds or division of the bush. It can decorate a rock garden, where it should be given a sunny and dry place.

They also grow femur in pots on balconies and outside windows. However, in this case, it is necessary to plant a new seedling every year. The long growing season makes it possible to consume the plant from spring to late autumn. The femur is a good honey plant, and animals love it.

Application in traditional medicine

For treatment, the rhizome and roots of the femur are used, they are collected in autumn or spring and dried in the open air or in a dryer, or on an oven. Dried roots have a sharp-sweet taste, fragrant smell. They are mainly used against coughs, as a diuretic and sedative, for long-term (chronic) diseases of the upper respiratory tract, inflammation of the bronchi, as well as for the treatment of the esophagus, long-term catarrhs ​​of the stomach and intestines, with pain in the stomach.

Roots and rhizome can be used for bladder disease and nephrolithiasis. An alcohol extract (pouring) from the roots helps to dilate blood vessels and reduce smooth muscle tension, that is, it acts anti-spasmodically (therefore, it should not be taken by pregnant women). Patients with diabetes use it for concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, disorders of the kidneys and liver.

The thigh is useful for gout, rheumatism, scarlet fever. It is applied externally in the form of compresses on wounds, for rinsing the mouth and throat. The herb of the thigh acts in the same way as the root, but much weaker.

  1. A decoction of the roots. Pour a tablespoon of chopped roots with two glasses cold water and boil for 20 minutes. Strain. Drink three times a day a glass of decoction, when sluggish digestion, constipation, bladder stones.
  2. Infusion of femur roots and coltsfoot leaves. Pour a tablespoon of femoral roots and a teaspoon of coltsfoot with a glass of boiling water. Drink as an expectorant half a glass 3-5 times a day.
  3. Thigh when coughing. As a sedative for coughs, laryngitis use a decoction or infusion of a tablespoon of the root in a glass of water. Drink a tablespoon 3-4 times a day. For lung patients, as well as for recuperation after serious illnesses, it is recommended to consume 3-5 tablespoons of root decoction with honey per day (a tablespoon of honey per glass of decoction).

The use of the thigh in cooking

As a spice, first of all, fresh young leaves of the femur are used, and as a medicinal plant - the root (they used to do without it when they made homemade beer).

In Italian, French, Spanish cuisines it is still in use today. The leaves have a delicate aroma, tart, refreshing, similar to cucumber, sweetish-spicy taste. They are added to salads, in particular from cabbage, kohlrabi, tomatoes, both separately and together with tarragon, parsley, onions, as well as soups, sauces , mayonnaise, butter, curd pastes and the like.

As a seasoning for meat, fish, vegetables and dishes from eggs and cheese, dried and powdered roots of the thigh are used in advance. The aroma intensifies and becomes refined if you add a few drops of lemon juice. A sprig of saxifrage thigh placed in a bottle gives the vinegar a spicy taste, and if you also throw in three carefully washed stems of this plant, you will get a strong infusion.

Young umbrella inflorescences are used when cucumbers, squash, and tomatoes are pickled.
Seeds are used for baking buns, bread, gingerbread. Powdered seeds as a seasoning are added to meat, fish vegetable dishes, as well as for soups and borscht.

Young leaves are used and harvested before growth begins. flowering stem in the socket phase. They can be dried and salted. Roots are harvested in autumn (after collecting seeds) or early spring. Dry under a canopy in a well-ventilated place or in the attic. It is better to grind before use. Dried and salted greens are stored in a tightly closed dark container. The roots should be kept tightly packed, as it easily absorbs moisture and insects can start in it.

Seeds are collected during the period of mass ripening. Dry at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Keep in a dark glass container.

Seasonings from the thigh

  • A spicy herb made from rhizomes. Wash the rhizomes, dry and grind in a mortar or coffee grinder. Used as a seasoning for meat, fish and vegetable dishes.
  • Seasoning from leaves and rhizomes. Pass the well-washed rhizomes and leaves through a meat grinder, salt (50 g of salt per 1 kg of the mixture), put in sterile jars. Some people still fill it with oil and store it in the refrigerator.
  • Dry leaves. Leaves to wash, dry, then dry in an oven at a temperature of 40-45 °C. Store in paper bags. Add to soups, meat and fish seasonings.
  • Seasoning from seeds (roots). Dry the seeds (or washed roots) in the oven, grind in a mortar and sift through a sieve. It is used as a dressing for soups, borscht, and also as a seasoning for meat, fish and vegetable dishes.
  • Green sauce. Three boiled eggs. 1/8 liter of oil, vinegar, salt, sugar, pepper, 6 tablespoons of thigh greens, tarragon, cress, parsley, sorrel, fennel, green onions.
    Grind the boiled yolks, gradually pouring in the oil. Then add finely chopped protein, vinegar, salt, sugar, pepper to taste, at the very end - finely chopped greens and mix well. Served with grilled meat, boiled vegetables, fish. The sauce can also be prepared from ready-made mayonnaise by adding chopped eggs and other indicated ingredients to it.

Pimpinella saxifraga L.

All thighs - saxifrage, small (P. minor) and large (P. major)- have similar medicinal properties; they are even superficially very similar and harvested from the same way. These members of the umbrella family are herbaceous perennials with a stem 30-60 cm high, growing from a rhizome, which is covered with sparsely located sessile leaves.

Most lower leaves the thighs form a bundle, they are pinnate, on long petioles, reminiscent of celery leaves. The flowers of the femur are small, inconspicuous, white, form complex umbrellas with a diameter of 8-10 cm. The flowering of the femur continues all summer until late autumn.

Biological description of the saxifrage femur

The root is branched, fusiform, the root collar is covered with fibrous remains of dead leaves.

The stem of the femur reaches 15-80 cm in height, round, erect, dense, finely ribbed, at the base with a rosette of basal leaves, branched, leafy only in the lower part, almost without leaves at the top.

Leaves are pinnate, lower, on petioles 10-20 cm long, with ovate or rounded-ovate, obtuse, coarsely serrated, shortly petiolate or sessile leaflets, including three to five pairs; the terminal leaflet is often three-lobed or tripartite. Medium-stemmed with leaflets more deeply dissected into narrow lobes, wedge-shaped at the base, almost twice pinnate, sessile. Upper - with a simply pinnate or tripartite small plate and lanceolate or almost linear lobes. The uppermost leaves are mediated plate.

Umbrellas with 6-21 thin glabrous rays, 5-8 cm across, corymbose; wrapper and wrappers are missing. Teeth of calyx, five in number, not pronounced. Petals are white, rarely pinkish, about 1 mm long, bristly-hairy on the outside, notched at the apex, with a lobe bent inward. Stamens five.

Seeds glabrous, shortly ovate, 2-2.5 mm long, 1-1.5 mm wide.

The main flowering occurs in June - August. Seeds ripen from late July to early August, mass ripening - at the end of August.

Where does the hippopotamus grow (distribution and ecology)

The hippopotamus grows throughout Europe, in the temperate climate of Russia and Asia. It can be found in meadows, meadow steppes, among shrubs, on edges, in sparse deciduous and pine forests, in dry meadows, hills, open grassy slopes, along fields and roadsides.

What is included in the saxifrage thigh

Femur roots contain essential oil, coumarins, umbelliferone, pimpinellin, sobergapten, tannins, sugars, resin, saponins, pectins, furocoumarins, and gum. Essential oil of golden-yellow color with an irritating odor, the presence of saxazulene was found in its composition; oil content in roots is 0.02-0.7%, in fruits - 1.6-3.0%.

Ascorbic acid and carotene (up to 0.07%) are present in the leaves during flowering. The aerial part of the plant contains up to 11% protein, 2.6% fat, 32% fiber, 8.5% ash, a large amount of calcium and potassium salts. The plant itself has a slight odor and a tart, slightly refreshing and astringent taste.

Pharmacological properties

Mentions saxifrage femur can be found in all herbal books of the 16th century. as a cure for epidemics of cholera and plague. The use of roots is described in the pharmacopoeias of Switzerland, Norway and other Western European countries.

The presence of essential oil, saponins and tannins makes it possible to use the femur as an astringent, expectorant, diaphoretic for colds, bronchitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and intestines.

Roots in the form of a decoction or tincture are used in folk medicine- with bronchial asthma, gout, constipation (in the form alcohol tincture), nephrolithiasis, in the form of a rinse - with laryngitis, tonsillitis and scarlet fever. Lotions from fresh juice roots used to be used to remove age spots on the skin.

When to collect and how to store saxifrage femur

For medicinal purposes, primarily used thigh roots. They are harvested in autumn, when the plant can still be identified. The roots are washed, dried and crushed. Store harvested roots and rhizomes in cardboard boxes or boxes with lids. When grinding the roots, one nuance should be taken into account: beneficial features and substances quickly evaporate. Therefore, it is recommended to grind the roots just before use.

Thigh leaves harvested at a time when rosettes have just begun to form - before flowering. Seeds should be collected when they are light brown in color.

Green leaves are dried in a warm and ventilated area. After drying, the leaves should keep green color and at the same time it is easy to grind into powder. The leaves can also be salted.

Seeds are harvested as follows: first, umbrellas are collected, they are dried and threshed. Then, already dried seeds, it is necessary to decompose on glass jars or in porcelain containers (tightly closed) and store in places protected from sunlight.

For what diseases is the femur used?

Decoctions and infusions of the thigh help with coughing, hoarseness. They are used as anti-inflammatory, expectorant, analgesic and diaphoretic (as well as diuretic). Decoctions and tinctures, together with the roots, are used in folk medicine in the treatment of kidney diseases, bladder diseases and urolithiasis.

A decoction of the thigh is an excellent remedy for bronchitis, sore throat, gout . The sap of the plant has a calming effect on nervous disorders . Also, thigh juice is used in the treatment of inflammation of various organs, bronchial asthma, whooping cough and ascites.

Use of saxifrage thigh in medicine (recipes)

The main active component of the saxifrage femur is best isolated from the roots with the help of alcohol, so the effectiveness of the tincture is much higher than that of water vapors and infusions.

For preparation of tincture dried roots of the thigh are small (2 parts) pour ordinary vodka (5 parts). When the tincture becomes saturated yellow, it is filtered and taken 15 drops 2 times a day in a spoonful of water. With strong spastic coughing fits the dose is increased to 30 drops of tincture in 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sweetened water (adult dose). For children, the tincture of the thigh should be dosed depending on age (5-15 drops at a time).

Accept medicines on the basis of the thigh, it is necessary, following the exact instructions and not to exceed the dose, since photodermatitis or contact dermatitis can develop from excessive intake of the plant.

A decoction of the roots of the thigh .Take 10 grams of crushed roots and fill them with half a liter of water. Put it all on fire, boil for a quarter of an hour. Then let the broth brew for one hour. Then strain the finished broth through cheesecloth. Such a remedy is taken in half a glass every day 4-5 times. It helps with gastritis, gout or kidney stones. Also, this decoction is used for rinsing with an ulcer on the gums and sore throat.

Thigh Root Juice .Output dark spots on the skin of the face, the juice of a fresh plant will help. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from the root and moisten a napkin with which to wipe the face every day 5-6 times.

Flask of the thigh .Cure tracheitis, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, inflammation of the bladder infusion will help. You should take half a liter of warm water and pour 15 grams of crushed roots into it. Put this in a water bath for 15 minutes, and then let it brew for four hours and then strain. This infusion should be consumed before meals for half a glass daily 3-5 times.

Good to know...

Thighs are readily eaten by animals in the pasture and in hay. Its presence in grass or hay excites the appetite, increases the milk yield of farm animals.

Perennial spicy-aromatic herbaceous fenugreek, or saxifrage (Saxifraga) from the umbrella family (Apiaceae) has more than 150 species and subspecies. Along with the pharmaceutical name "Pimpinella" this medicinal perennial known under folk names thigh, angelica, anison, heart grass, tooth root, goat or goats.

Even the ancient Greeks called it "kaukalis" and used it for medicinal purposes, as well as spices for preparing delicious dishes. And in the 16th century it is mentioned in herbalists as effective remedy fight against plague and cholera.

The femur can be recognized by its upright, thinly ribbed hollow stem up to 1 m high, with pinnately dissected leaves.

From July to August, small white or pinkish flowers appear, collected in umbrellas, numbering up to 15 "rays", giving fruits until September - ovoid, bare brown two-seedlings.

Due to resistance to droughts and frosts, fallen seeds sprout on loamy, sandy loamy soils of slopes, glades, edges, wastelands, along water bodies, and also in rock crevices.


Due to its unpretentiousness to the growing conditions of the habitat various kinds of this medicinal plant are expanses Eastern Siberia, Far East, lower and middle reaches of the Don, Volga, Kama basin, Asia Minor, Transcaucasia, Black Sea region, Ukraine, Crimea, all of Europe.


The chemical composition of all parts of the femur is of medical interest. Saxifrage roots contain essential oil, pectins, tannins, sugar, gum, coumarins, potassium salts, calcium and others. The ground part is characterized by the presence of protein, fiber, essential oils, and during flowering - carotene, vitamin C.

Harvesting of raw materials is carried out in early spring or after flowering. When collecting, one should be extremely careful, it is necessary to use additional protective equipment, since the femur looks very similar to poisonous umbrella ones. Raw materials collected, washed, crushed, dried in well-ventilated areas or under a canopy can be stored for 3 years.

The use and medicinal properties of the saxifrage thigh

The most widely used rhizomes and roots, useful decoctions of which are an effective expectorant in the treatment of chronic bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, bronchial asthma, angina. For asthma and bronchitis, you can make tea from the thigh according to the following recipe:

1 teaspoon is poured into ¼ liter of cold water and boiled for 1 minute. Strained tea should be drunk 3 times a day, one cup with the addition of honey.

For the treatment of chronic inflammation of the throat, this tea is prepared in combination with other herbs (femur - 20 g, chamomile flowers - 20 g, cinquefoil erect - 10 g).

Infusions of rhizomes are used for gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers, to improve digestion, and also as a diuretic, diaphoretic, analgesic.

And freshly prepared juice from young leaves helps to get rid of age spots.

Due to its properties, femur is widely used in homeopathy, as well as in cooking.