Grow goji berries at home. Preparing for landing. What parts of the plant should be used

There are many publications about the beneficial properties of the Goji berry, but not many articles on its cultivation. Today we share our experience on how to grow goji berries from seeds and cuttings.

Growing goji from seeds at home

Oddly enough, but when the popularity of the berry was at its peak, we somehow slipped past this information. We heard about it only in 2013, when we visited old acquaintances whom we had not seen for five years. We were given a handful of dried berries for testing, we googled reviews on the Internet, and decided to grow Goji from seeds.

Seeds in berries are small, less than 1 mm in diameter. Gutted several berries, soaked for a couple of hours in Zircon. Then they were shallowly planted in peat cups with a soil substrate. Two weeks later, with regular moistening, very friendly shoots appeared. Landing in the ground was made in mid-June, but that's bad luck - Afghan starlings flew in and dug up all the young seedlings of Goji in search of worms! So overnight we lost all the goji berry bushes, although growing from seeds was not difficult and looked quite optimistic.

I had to order berries for my grandson in China. He brought us dried berries twice - from Guangzhou and Urumqi. From both batches, we poured berries for planting, and sowed them in the spring in the same way as last year. That is, before growing Goji berries from seeds, the seeds were pre-soaked in Zircon. Shoots also appeared after 2 weeks very amicably.

There were no special problems with growing Goji seedlings at home - the bushes are not capricious. But, like ordinary seedlings of vegetable crops, we grew them without picking - right away in large peat cups, so that they could be planted in the ground without any problems. They would like to keep central root so that there are no problems with watering. Landing in the garden was made at the end of May, placing a lattice protection from birds on top, the soil around the plantings was carefully mulched.

Propagation of goji cuttings

Although the popularity of Goji berries is obvious, but planting material still not available in Kazakhstan. We still managed to get one bush, which even bloomed by September. But there were no bonds. We tried to propagate Goji cuttings - the result is excellent. The cuttings are dug into the soil at an angle by two knots, and planted in the shade under the jar. The soil is kept moist. When cuttings are planted in May, by October, a fully prepared planting material is obtained, which hibernates even without shelter.

In addition to rooting in the ground, next year they tried to root the cuttings in water, the result was also pleasing, the roots appeared together after 2 weeks. It was necessary to purchase additional cuttings, because the former bush grew very well and bloomed profusely, but there were no ovaries, cross-pollination was needed. They took cuttings from flowering plants, this time brought from Holland. As you can see, Goji breeding is an easy task even for a beginner.

Goji plant: how to grow, visual characteristics of plantings

Since this is a culture of a mountainous area, when choosing a landing site, it was taken into account that there would be no stagnation of water when the snow melted. The one-year-old bush from the cutting overwintered without shelter, not a single shoot froze, although the winter was quite severe, many roses and raspberries were severely frostbitten.

The growth of the bushes by the end of May is powerful - 70 cm, last year's shoots bowed, we tied them to a support. Since goji berries are sometimes referred to as "Himalayan grapes", they need support. Otherwise, all the branches bent to the ground will take root, and the bush will begin to become aggressive. By September, the bush grew over 3 meters, the old support was replaced with a higher one. The bushes planted in the spring from seeds grew by 40-60 cm by the end of September.

Now we briefly report on the observations of both specimens of Goji bushes. Those that we took by cuttings were brought from Germany and Holland. They have leaflets about 5 cm long and about 1.5-2 cm wide, ellipsoid in shape. And Goji grown from Chinese seeds have a completely different leaf structure. The leaves are similar in shape to sea buckthorn. They are thin, less than 1 cm wide and about 4 cm long. It turns out that European and Oriental varieties are very different, but both species are edible: ordinary or barbaric dereza (Lycium barbarum) and Chinese dereza (Lycium chinense).

Goji berries from cuttings (second year of growth)

goji bushes from seeds have thin, elongated leaves

first goji berry

Now we have five bushes of this Himalayan guest, and although we saw only a handful of our own harvest, the question “how to grow Goji berries” can be easily answered - from seeds, by cuttings and layering. As you can see, it's quite simple. But since goji berries are not self-fertile, plant at least two plants in the garden, and if you take cuttings, then from different mother liquors. On the next year we'll be waiting own harvest from rooted plants. But when Goji berries grown from seeds will come into fruition, it is still difficult to predict.

Tibetan barberry- a plant that recent times is simply wildly popular. Goji berries have a strengthening effect on the body, help get rid of cellulite and improve vision, each berry contains a rich set of vitamins, minerals and trace elements of natural origin. natural area Tibetan barberry habitats - the mountainous regions of Tibet, from where the berry in limited volumes enters different countries. In this article you will find information on how to grow goji berries yourself, on the selection and processing of seeds for planting in the country.

Useful lure ( Russian name goji) promises deliverance from a number of diseases.

In Tibet, they have long learned to use the fruits of wolfberry: local shamans prepared tinctures and potions that heal various diseases. For several centuries, the secret of this plant was successfully hidden, but now goji berries can be bought for the prevention and treatment of diseases in any country.

Dereza belongs to the Solanaceae family - a tall shrub up to 2 meters in height, has tangled flexible shoots with thorns, blooms with small star-shaped, funnel-shaped lilac flowers with green veins. During flowering, dereza attracts bees - the plant is an ideal honey plant.

A huge number of species of this shrub are distributed throughout the territory. the globe(about 80 species are known): African dereza - in Africa; barberry Shanghai - in China; Lycium is found in the foothills of the Caucasus. The plant develops well on slightly saline soils, after flowering, which lasts the second half of summer, fruits ripen - berries of red, yellow or orange color. There are varieties with purple berries.

In Russia, dereza was known under the names: zamanikh (zamaniha), damn whips, tkenna (in the Caucasus).

Only goji berries from Tibet have medicinal properties.

Growing dereza from seeds

This plant has many names, in Russia the most common is lure.

To land on your site amazing plant With healing berries need to grow enough seedlings to provide a crop of wolfberry in an amount sufficient to treat or prevent diseases. Undemanding plant perfectly takes root on summer cottages in outskirts of Moscow. Plant care does not differ in anything special, dereza puts up with infertile soils of medium salinity.

In nature, dereza (Tibetan barberry) reproduces by self-sowing - berries, falling to the ground, germinate, forming new thickets.

At home, if it is impossible to take cuttings from adult plants, the shrub will have to be grown from seeds, carefully observing the agricultural practices for growing this plant. Dereza seeds for planting in the country can be purchased at specialized stores, or goji berries can be used for breeding.

Planting seeds is carried out in winter, around mid-February. Seeds freed from berries are soaked in a solution of growth stimulants, excellent results noted when using "Epin", "Zircon" and "Humate". Seeds are kept in solution for about 2 hours, after which they are immediately sown in containers filled with a mixture of peat and loam. For better seed germination, the bowl must be covered with glass or plastic wrap creating greenhouse conditions.

The first shoots begin to appear about 2 weeks after sowing, at which time weak shoots must be protected from direct sunlight. It is necessary to dive young seedlings in the 2-3 leaf phase, while each plant should be transplanted into a separate pot.

Dereza after transplantation quickly grows, so before planting in open ground, there may be a need for another transshipment in larger containers. It is useful to pinch the growing point in young plants - this operation will allow you to get seedlings with a well-developed crown.

On the permanent place bushes are allowed to be planted in warm weather, when there is no danger of morning frosts.

Dereza from cuttings

If Tibetan wolfberry bushes have already been planted on the site, the plant can be propagated with green cuttings, which are cut from the bushes in the second half of summer. Such plants cannot be planted in the ground in autumn, so growing new specimens of wolfberry from cuttings will require free space in greenhouses, where the plants should be until spring.

For cuttings, it is worth choosing a branch with a fragile bark, from the middle part of which cuttings 10-12 cm long are cut. The prepared cuttings are soaked in a solution of growth stimulants, and then planted in boxes with a nutritious earth mixture based on peat. It is useful to add loamy soil to the peat base. The planted cuttings of dereza are covered with a film, creating greenhouse conditions.

The appearance of roots is observed after 2-3 weeks, when the growth of leaves reaches the number of 3 pieces, the plants are transferred to pots of a larger diameter, where young bushes of Tibetan barberry will winter. Plant care during wintering includes periodic watering and inspections for pests, which should be destroyed in a timely manner.

Agrotechnics of care in the open field

Dereza blooms with inconspicuous lilac flowers.

The Tibetan barberry (not to be confused with the real barberry, which belongs to a completely different botanical species) is a very undemanding plant, can tolerate short-term drought, put up with poor and saline soils, but to get a rich harvest of berries, it is necessary to provide dereza with proper care.

Soils with a slightly acidic reaction are suitable for planting dereza, but shrub cultivation is possible on any soil. The plant grows best on open places, because the size of the average bush is quite large. You should not choose shady places for placing plants with high level ground water- Tibetan barberry is afraid of soaking, it develops better in sunny places.

It is best to plant bushes in open ground in spring, because during autumn plantings, the plant can easily freeze. Without shelter, bushes winter well at temperatures down to -15C in the southern regions of our country. When the temperature drops to -25C in winter, it is necessary to cover the crop, but even such actions cannot guarantee that the dereza will overwinter without frostbite. Sometimes bushes that are not covered enough freeze to the level of the root collar, but in the spring they successfully grow back.


Seedlings are planted in separate pits, which are located at a distance of up to 2 meters from each other. The dimensions of the pit are 50x50x40 (for small seedlings), 60x60x40 - for adult bushes. The soil taken out of the pit is mixed with peat, humus, wood ash and superphosphate, in the ratio (weight in kg) 5:5:0.04:0.2. The root neck when planting is slightly deepened. trunk circle should be carefully watered, mulched on top with peat chips or humus.

Dereza care

Small seedlings of dereza, pickled in different pots.

Caring for dereza bushes is very easy:

  1. Watering - you can not flood the plant, so watering is carried out taking into account summer temperatures, taking into account moisture due to precipitation. precipitation. In dry weather, plants can be watered 2 times a week.
  2. Top dressing - soils of medium fertility are ideal for growing a plant. Fertilizers are applied in the first half of summer after planting the plant in open ground; the Tibetan barberry does not need further feeding.
  3. Wintering - there are two ways to save plants in winter: the construction of a reliable shelter, the second way is to save dug bushes in a greenhouse, with landing in the ground every spring. Both methods have their pros and cons. With winter shelter, there is no guarantee that the plant will not freeze out in severe frosts, but it will not receive additional stress during transplantation.
  4. Pruning - Goji bushes tolerate shaping haircuts and cardinal pruning well. Plants quickly increase green mass, bloom well on new branches and bear fruit productively.
  5. Protection from pests - Tibetan barberry is highly resistant to diseases, pests also rarely visit this plant. Sometimes aphids can harm wolfberry seedlings, but this pest does not damage adult plants. In rainy weather, powdery mildew may appear on young plants. Bushes should be treated with phytoncides.

Dereza bushes dug out for the winter can get sick in greenhouse conditions, which will not allow them to give good growth when transplanted into open ground. Annual transplants lead to a shift in the ripening of the crop closer to autumn, thereby reducing the productivity of the bushes.

Proper care of wolfberry bushes guarantees a high yield of berries, which are distinguished by high preventive and healing properties.

6 minutes to read

Recently on domestic market a novelty appeared that gained great popularity among consumers - goji berries. They contain a large amount of useful substances. It has been proven that they are a good remedy to fight overweight.

Due to the high popularity, the price of these berries remains very high. more profitable and reliable way get goji berries - growing them on your site. So you can be sure of their quality.

Plant features

It is a deciduous shrub with small leaves and thorny hanging branches, capable of reaching a height of 3 meters. The crown is very dense and can grow significantly in width. Dereza has a powerful root system with numerous root suckers.

Dereza vulgaris

It has a long flowering period - from June to October. The flowers are very small, purple, sometimes brown-violet with a delicate smell.

The plant begins to bear fruit upon reaching 3 years of age in the period from May to September-October, which allows you to harvest up to 13 crops in one year. Depending on the age of the plant, the yield from one shrub can vary from 1 to 10 kg. The berries are predominantly orange or deep red, oblong, up to two centimeters in length. Dried fruits taste like raisins.

With proper cultivation, the plant can become a garden decoration, thanks to the colorful rich colors of the leaves and branches.


Miraculous berries have a simple Russian name - dereza. Goji berries are considered the fruits of only two species of this plant - Chinese and ordinary goji (Lucium chinense and Lucium barbarum).

Attention! Many people confuse these berries with barberries (Berberis), so you should be careful when buying seedlings.

The name "goji" is of Chinese origin - in one of the dialects it is called dereza. Berries are native to northwestern China.

Dereza Chinese

Dereza vulgaris has similar properties, but is distributed over much larger areas - in the South-East and Central Asia, in Primorye, in Ukraine, in middle lane Russia, Kuban and the Caucasus.

Preparing for landing

You can start a similar shrub on your site in two ways:

  • seeds
  • shoot tips
  • Root offspring
  • cuttings

Thanks to thin shell, wolfberry seeds do not need pre-sowing treatment, dressing, scarification and are characterized by good germination.

Seeds must be removed from a ripe fruit and soaked for 2 hours in zircon or epine. It is best to germinate them in a well-drained, medium-loose soil mixture. So, a mixture of crushed peat and loam in a ratio of 1: 2 is perfect.

Germination occurs by surface sowing in moist soil. During the entire period of germination, a constant soil moisture should be maintained.

Important! The air temperature in the room in which the seeds germinate must be constant. The maximum allowable fluctuations are 7-10°C.

The seed container should be placed in a warm place, covered with a film. Planting material should be protected from overheating by heat sources and hypothermia by cold air flows from the window.

Seeds germinate in an average of 14 days. After the appearance of sprouts, the container with them must be transferred to partial shade or to a source of diffused light.

After the appearance of true leaves, the seedlings must be transplanted into deep (up to 7 cm) separate pots. At the stage of active growth of the seedling, its top is pinched, which will further ensure the density of the bush.

Before planting, you can adapt the sprouts by lowering their root system for a couple of days in a nutrient solution.

Planting cuttings of dereza

Dropping the tops of the shoots or the lower branches, you can root them and get a new plant. A rooted plant should be cut off from the parent before frost.

Another way to get goji berries is to grow semi-lignified cuttings with old wood. Vegetative way grow mainly hybrid varieties.

The optimal length of the cutting is 10 cm. To speed up rooting, the cut must be dipped in the root. In July-August, planting material is planted under a film or in a greenhouse. For rooting cuttings, it is better to provide a cool place. The rooting period lasts from early autumn to early spring. An insulated balcony may be suitable for this purpose.

AT natural conditions shrub reproduction occurs by self-sowing.

The shrub grows well on any soil, but it is most comfortable in slightly acidic-strongly alkaline.

For landing, you need to choose a sunny place.


It is best to plant shrubs in spring time. After autumn planting there is a high probability of freezing shrubs in winter.

goji berries - flowering

Under the seedling, a pit up to 40 cm deep and up to 60 cm wide should be prepared. When planting several plants, a distance of 1.5-2 meters must be observed between the pits. For planting, you can prepare a special soil mixture. To do this, mix in equal proportions coarse river sand, peat and garden soil.

Fall asleep seedlings better special mixture, consisting of earth, 10 kg of humus, 200 g of superphosphate and 40 g of potassium.

When planting seedlings, it is desirable to deepen a little.

Advice! Dereza is a cross-pollinating plant and at least 2 bushes must be planted to ensure a bountiful harvest.

After planting, the bush is watered abundantly. The soil should be mulched with peat or humus.

Further care

In the early years, the shoots are very thin and may fall to the ground. To avoid this, it is necessary to install a trellis or support.

The plants are watered depending on the dryness of the summer, but not more than 2 times a week. Abundant watering of the shrub is needed only during the growth of shoots, at the stage of flowering, fruiting and picking berries.

Attention! Dereza reacts poorly to stagnant water.

The shrub responds well to pruning and shearing, even with the help of mechanical devices. New shoots will grow from the old wood.

At low temperatures young plant may freeze. This can be avoided if the shrub is planted in a deep container for the winter and stored until spring in the basement. After the second year of life, dereza is able to withstand temperatures down to -30 ° C.

shrub exhibit high stability to pests and diseases and does not need to be treated with pesticides. In extreme cases, there may be problems with powdery mildew and smolder. You can fight them by spraying the plant with an infusion of wormwood.

Few people know this way to get goji berries, how to grow them in own house how indoor plant. In this case, in winter he needs to provide a cool place with an air temperature within + 10 ° C. Due to the long root system, the plant can only be planted in deep containers. When watering it is necessary to avoid overdrying.

Important! Growing dereza indoors, it is necessary to provide it with a lot of light.


Only young plants are fed during the growing season, there is no need to apply fertilizers in the future.

Top dressing is needed only for those plants that grow in the house. It should be fertilized in the same way as other plants with alternating organic matter and mineral fertilizers.

Medicinal properties

Dereza fruits contain a large amount of polysaccharides, B vitamins, vitamin C, more than 20 minerals, 18 amino acids. Thanks to these properties, berries can be used to increase immunity and get rid of chronic fatigue.

Goji berries

Berries contain more protein than grains. Combined with the tonic effect they have on the body, berries can be used as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Important! You can eat only dried ripe berries. Eating unripe fresh fruits can lead to poisoning.

Goji berries have gained great popularity as a means for weight loss, beneficial features which are aimed at accelerating the metabolism.

Advice! Those who have never consumed berries should not start doing it abruptly. In an unprepared body, after abundant consumption of plant parts and wolfberry fruits, severe dehydration and kidney problems can occur.

Popular superfood. Someone considers them as a means for losing weight, someone as a source of health and longevity. In any case, these small red berries are an expensive treat. The good news is that this magical remedy can be grown on your own in your backyard.

In the article, we will consider what goji berries are, the features of their self-growing and care, what this will require.

Goji berry: description and types

Goji berries appear on the tree (when proper care can be 3.5 m high and above) Chinese dereza or ordinary dereza.

Did you know? The second popular name is Tibetan.Apparently, this is a mistake, a mistranslation of the scientific name - Lycium barbarum. In fact, it translates as "Berber dereza" and not as "barberry". The name Tibetan barberry is popular in Russia. Goji is a Chinese word. And the British call it in their own way - the tea tree of the Duke of Argyll's teatree, in honor of a Scottish duke.

If the Chinese type of plant in our latitudes is not very common, then common dereza quite accessible and well rooted and growing. The goji plant is deciduous shrub with a spreading crown. The leaves are oval, fleshy, small, located along the entire length of thin branches. The roots are powerful and deep, give many shoots.

Apart from useful berries, the plant is also beautiful. The shrub blooms with lilac or purple-pink flowers. Flowering begins in May and continues until September.

Fruiting from the third year. The fruits are bright red oblong berries. Harvest can be harvested all summer, but the most valuable berries are harvested in August.

Is self-cultivation possible?

Dereza ordinary, the planting and care of which is discussed in the article, is well grown on household plots and even in room conditions. The shrub is unpretentious, frost-resistant. It can be used as both around the perimeter and inside the site.

Shrubs can be grown both from seeds and cuttings. Seeds can be obtained from soaked dry berries. Cuttings can be obtained from an adult plant.

conditions for growth

Dereza shrub does not require special care and attention. But still, when planting plants, some points should be taken into account.

Location selection

Dereza is a fast growing plant with powerful roots. It should be planted as a hedge or in empty areas.

Important! Be careful when landing on the site. Goji can destroy other plants.

The shrub will grow well in a little shade and in the sun. Withstands urban conditions. You can even grow at home, but requires special conditions when wintering at home.

Soil Requirements

Because of its durability, it does not impose special requirements on it. Grows well in neutral and alkaline soils. On sour it develops a little worse.

Dereza does not like stagnant water. Therefore, try to plant a bush in places with rocky soil.

How to plant a goji berry, propagation of a useful plant

As already mentioned, there is There are two ways to propagate this plant:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.
Of course, it is easier to plant cuttings. But if desired, it is quite possible to get a young plant with the help of seeds.

from seed

Seeds can be obtained from dried berries. To do this, soak the berries and wait for them to soften. Now the seeds can be easily removed. For better germination, keep the seeds in the seed solution, after which they are ready for sowing. Sow in a container filled with a mixture of ordinary soil (approximately 2:1 ratio). Seeding depth - 2-3 mm.

To increase the humidity in the container, cover it and place it in a dark, warm place. After the appearance of the first sprouts, take the container to the light. Protect from drafts and hypothermia. Treat young plants with a spray gun so as not to damage the shoots. After a week, you can remove the film.

After the appearance of 3-4 leaves, the plants can be picked and planted in individual pots. The container for transplantation should be deep. Goji roots develop quickly and grow down, not in breadth. When transplanting, hook the seedling as low as possible and plant it together with an earthen clod.

Landing in open ground is carried out in early summer or spring, after the end of frost.


Plant seedlings of dereza in the spring. In autumn, planting can be carried out in warm regions.

Prepare holes about half a meter deep and wide, where you will plant cuttings in two weeks. The bottom of the pit is filled (stones, sand), with a mixture of soil and, add -,. Place the seedling so that the root neck is at ground level. Cover with soil and water. The trunk circle is better. Tie a young bush to a support or immediately install a trellis.

Important! Place seedlings at least 2 meters apart.

Plant small goji berry seedlings grown on your own in 20 x 20 cm holes filled with earth and, this planting method will provide and good care behind them.

Basic rules of care

Young goji plants require attention in their first year of growth.


Dereza bush tolerates drought well. during the first year it is required no more than 2 times a week. In the future, it is possible and less often, depending on the dryness of the weather.

Top dressing and fertilizer

Only young plants should. As fertilizers, you can use humus, superphosphate. In the future, the bush does not need additional feeding. Goji feels good even on poor soils.

Goji berries are a unique combination of vitamins and microelements necessary for the human body. They not only effectively burn excess weight and contribute natural process weight loss, but also strengthen the immune system. In addition, goji is a powerful antioxidant and increases resistance to stress. The only significant drawback is that dried Goji berries almost completely lose their beneficial properties, so it is advisable to grow the plant at home.

General information about goji berries

Even the ancient Indians South America useful properties of plants of the Solanaceae family were discovered. Most of them contain, in addition to useful, toxic substances. This is explained as natural way protection. Unprepared European colonialists, and after them, and scientists, ranked all nightshades as poisonous plants. The same trend was observed in other regions of the world. In our latitudes, most nightshades are called "wolfberry", and, as you know, they attribute to the plant a high toxicity that is dangerous to human life.

However, not all nightshades are poisonous. A striking example is Dereza vulgaris, or Goji berries. The plant naturally grows in the northern part of the USA and Canada. It has practically no natural enemies, so the concentration of atropines and other toxins is not dangerous for humans. On the other hand, goji juice contains a rare composition of trace elements and chemical compounds that have a beneficial effect on human health.

Benefits of Goji Berries

There is a lot of information about the properties of Goji, so let's consider the possibilities of this plant from the point of view of its chemical composition. To do this, select:

  • vitamin complex,
  • complex of microelements,
  • general biological components.

Goji berries contain:

  • vitamin C,
  • thiamine,
  • riboflavin,
  • beta carotene,
  • zeaxanthin.

Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is needed to maintain immune system, it takes an active part in the production of many enzymes and is especially useful for men. Increases potency, is used to treat male infertility.

Thiamine and riboflavin are involved in the formation of amino acids and the processing of adipose tissue. It is these vitamins that activate the process of losing weight. At the same time, the metabolism is normalized and there is no need to go on a diet.

Beta-carotene and zeaxanthin belong to the group of carotenes. These substances are involved in the process of creating a neural connection between individual organs, as well as the production of certain hormones. It has been scientifically proven that beta-carotene, or vitamin A, has a positive effect on the functioning of the visual system and helps its recovery after surgery or monotonous work at the computer.

Goji berries are rich in:

  • zinc
  • iron
  • chrome,
  • magnesium
  • selenium
  • calcium
  • phosphorus.

All these trace elements are involved in the most important life processes of the body, from the production of hemoglobin, and up to countering cancerous tumors. It is worth noting that this composition contains only Goji berries.

From the point of view of biology, hyoscyamine is of particular importance. This substance has a sedative effect, while it is not addictive and does not affect the functioning of other organs, except for the nervous system.

goji berry effect

Combination chemical elements plants provided him with popularity and active distribution as a "panacea for all diseases." The goji berry instructions, which are often not even attached to the product, contain jerky recommendations for use and say almost nothing about contraindications. Therefore, it makes sense to consider this issue in detail. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved.

  • The main purpose of Goji berries is the fight against excess weight. Advertising companies of various distributors say that you need to consume 4-5 berries 2-3 times a day. Actually it is not. I years consist of pulp and juice. There are practically no vitamins in the pulp, so it is important to drink juice. Although the complex of trace elements and vitamins is rich, their content is negligible. For comparison, one apple has 13 times more iron than ten goji berries. The situation is similar with other components. Solving this problem is quite simple. An effective dose of nutrients is contained in 200 ml of juice. It is better to divide it into two times and drink one glass in the morning and evening. This will allow the body to evenly assimilate vitamins and minerals. The specified dosage allows you to achieve all the following effects.
  • Another property of berries is to counteract stress and improve mood. Active substances slow down the work of the nervous system, as a result, a person is distracted from his thoughts and begins to pay attention to what is happening around him.
  • Improving immunity. Firstly, the process of producing leukocytes is normalized, and secondly, the formation of antibodies of viruses is accelerated. As a result, a person recovers faster and is protected from the transferred strain for the future.
  • A passive lifestyle reduces potency and libido. Goji berries contribute to their restoration.
  • Like all nightshades, the berries contain tannins that slow down the aging process of the skin. It is important to use creams and make masks, otherwise the skin, although it will become elastic, will become unpleasantly stiff.
  • Normalization of metabolism increases vitality. There is energy and desire, and most importantly strength, to move towards your goals.
  • Extend life. All of the above indicates that Goji has a beneficial effect on nervous system and internal organs, therefore, they will wear out less.
  • Thus, the use of berries is fully justified, but to achieve the necessary proportions, you need your own shrub.

Goji Berries: Buy Saplings or Seeds

Sow or plant? The phrase from the joke, although it has acquired a different connotation, is still relevant. Before answering this question, it is necessary to determine the size of the sowing area. If we are talking about one or two bushes that can provide the needs of one person, then it is easier to use goji berry seedlings. But when it is necessary to create a small grove or hedge, it is actual to use seeds.

The cost of one package ranges from 60 rubles. With proper care, it will be enough to germinate 6-8 bushes. On the other hand, when buying seeds, you cannot be completely sure that you are acquiring a varietal crop. Therefore, it is more correct to collect them yourself. To do this, order fresh goji berries, the seeds of which are extracted for subsequent planting. The goji seed is very small and does not lag behind the pulp well. In order not to damage it, the berries are steamed in warm water for 2-4 hours, after which they gently knead and take out the core.

If we talk about Goji seedlings, then one sprouted bush will cost 350-400 rubles. But he is guaranteed to take root. Dereza is propagated by cuttings. Therefore, a year after planting, there will be enough shoots to propagate the shrub. In addition, you can immediately see what you are buying. Another plus is that you do not need to wait until the seeds germinate and create special climatic conditions.

To avoid mistakes, it is worth saying about how Goji berries and young bushes look. The berry itself resembles a small red olive. Its surface may be smooth, which means that it is fully ripe, or covered with small hairs. The goji bush consists of a base and several small shoots with elongated, narrow, thick leaves. dark green. The surface of the leaf is sometimes covered with oily secretions - this indicates that the proposed variety of Dereza contains a large percentage of alkaloids and is harmful to humans.

How to Grow Goji Berry Seeds

The process is conditionally divided into three stages:

  • germination,
  • landing,
  • care.

Like any other culture, Goji is germinated as follows:

  • choose a seed menu,
  • put them on a thick damp rag or thin, but folded in half,
  • tie in a knot
  • put in a warm place, but without direct sunlight,
  • leave for one day.

After that, we check the seeds, if they are soft or have already begun to burst, then they are ready for planting. Otherwise, they should be left to kilchit for another day.

Flowerpots are prepared in advance for planting. A simple cardboard box from under is also suitable. household appliances. Choose the right soil. Goji loves slightly alkaline soil. Adult bushes grow everywhere, but the seeds should be planted in suitable soil. Otherwise, germination will be negligible. Since seed germination is about 20%, at least 10 seeds are placed in one flowerpot. If the landing is made in a large box, then the entire stock is used at once. The soil is loosened, seeds are poured and watered. At the first stage, no fertilizer is needed.

Sprouts will start to sprout in 2-3 weeks. If by this time they are not there yet, then they wait another week. If after a month nothing appeared on the surface, then the seeds were gone. There are several reasons:

  • excessive watering, it is enough to water once every 3-4 days,
  • high acidity of the soil, pH is recommended at 8-8.5
  • draft, the room with seedlings does not need to be ventilated, there must be natural ventilation,
  • temperature changes,
  • high humidity.

As soon as the sprouts appear on the surface, count them and prepare a separate flowerpot for each. Before diving, you should wait at least two weeks, during which time the initial root system is formed. If you skip picking, the roots of the seedlings will intertwine and the plants can no longer be planted without damaging them. During this period, watering is carried out every 2-3 days.

For individual bushes, flowerpots with a height of 30-40 cm and a diameter of at least 10 cm are taken. Trimmed five-liter ones will do. plastic bottles. Bushes will grow in them for about a month, or a little more, depending on the weather. Seated Dereza is already resistant to the weather, and the only thing to avoid is the cold. Young plants do not tolerate temperatures below 100 C. Considering all of the above, it is easy to calculate that seeds should be germinated two months before planting, which is carried out in April or when the air temperature does not fall below 50 C at night.

How to plant and care for a goji berry bush

And in the case of seeds, and if a germinated shrub was immediately purchased, the final part of the work comes down to planting in open ground. In order for the plant to take root, several rules must be followed:

  • dig a plot under the bush to a depth of 20 cm,
  • remove stones, weed roots and other debris,
  • make lime,
  • fill the area with water, so that the soil no longer absorbs moisture,
  • wait until the ground dries out a little.

These actions will create a layer of not too loose soil in which the roots will quickly take root and find all the elements necessary for growth.

The landing itself looks like this:

  • a hole 15-20 cm deep is dug in a dried area,
  • 1 liter of water is poured to the bottom,
  • a bush is inserted into the pit and sprinkled with earth until it is fixed,
  • the plant is leveled and continue to sprinkle with soil,
  • at least 5 cm should remain above the surface, to the first lateral processes,
  • the earth around the bush is rammed and a hole is made.

If the hole is too deep, the bush is raised, otherwise the base will begin to rot. In a year, the lower lateral processes will already be at ground level. They are later used for propagation by cuttings.

Like most shrubs, Goji is not whimsical at all. However, the first year it needs to be monitored. Otherwise, firstly, there will be a low yield, and secondly, the bush will not gain enough strength for wintering. Care is reduced to the following rules:

  • water once every two days
  • weekly remove weeds from the hole,
  • do not plant other plants within a radius of 40 cm from the bush, but it is better to make a radius of one meter, since in the future the bush will grow and you will need free access to it,
  • plant a plant in an area where shading is no more than 40%,
  • once a month to carry out liming for acidic soils, and once every three months for neutrals,
  • fertilize with humus once a month, avoiding synthetic analogues.

With such intensive care shrub by October will be strong enough to endure the winter. As a rule, Goji bears fruit in the second year. If the fruit does not appear in the third year, then the plant needs to be transplanted. After the first wintering, Dereza no longer needs specific care, the main thing is to water it periodically and fertilize it at least once a season.