What to do with the bulb when the hyacinth has faded? How to properly store hyacinth bulbs after flowering

Hyacinth is a plant, the flowering of which is impossible to remain indifferent. It not only decorates a garden or a windowsill, but also intoxicates with aroma, so many growers want to preserve the faded bulb for a long time. The correct and timely care behind the plant.

When the hyacinth fades after distillation in the apartment, it needs time to recover the expended energy. That is why it is very important not to immediately remove the bulb from the soil, but to leave it in the pot until the leaves completely wither. At the same time, plant care should remain the same, that is, watering and feeding are carried out according to the usual scheme.

Thus, caring for him immediately after flowering comes down to the following:

  • The peduncle must be cut off, while the leaves are preserved;
  • Watering should be regular, but not frequent. The earth should dry out a little, but it should not be overdried;
  • After the final wilting of the deciduous mass, the bulb is removed from the pot and left to dry for a week at a temperature of about +20 degrees without direct sunlight;
  • After drying, dry leaves and roots must be removed from the bulb, simultaneously separating large children (can be used for further propagation of the variety).

You need to store the bulb at home in a dark and cool place - a cellar or basement will do. Since after distillation indoor hyacinth it is better not to re-bloom at home, in the fall the plant is planted in open ground.

It is optimal to plant the bulb immediately after the first frost, since at a later date there is a high risk of its death. Planting too early is also undesirable - during warm autumn days, sprouts may appear prematurely.

To prevent hyacinth bulbs from freezing in the ground in winter, it is recommended to cover the beds with leaves or sawdust. The shelter is removed after the soil thaws with the onset of heat.

An alternative way to preserve hyacinth

Since even the strongest bulbs are severely depleted after distillation, there is a high risk of drying out during storage. That is why many flower growers resort to another method, which consists in creating natural conditions in the apartment for spring planting.

After the end of flowering, the arrow is also cut off, but the hyacinth is immediately transplanted:

  • A layer of purchased expanded clay or pebbles is laid at the bottom of a more spacious pot;
  • Then a store-bought substrate for bulbous plants or a self-prepared mixture (2 parts of leaf and sod land, 2 parts of compost, 1 part of peat and sand) is laid, covered with a layer of sand on top;
  • The bulb is laid on the sand, covered with earth without excessive deepening and placed in a warm place with big amount Sveta.

Then the hyacinth is provided with the same conditions for development as in open ground. Watering is carried out in moderation, without water getting on the bulb. You need to feed once every 2 weeks. complex formulations for bulbous and flowering plants.

With the onset of spring, when temperature regime stabilizes, and sprouts will appear on the bulb, the flower is planted in a flower bed. The transplant is carried out by the transshipment method - you need to dig a hole in the soil and place the plant in it together with the soil from the pot without deepening the neck.

Conditions for proper storage of bulbs

Storage plays an important role in hyacinth, therefore it is very important to arrange suitable conditions for this. After the planting material has passed all the necessary processing (drying, leaf removal, disinfection with potassium permanganate), it is placed in paper bags or boxes filled with sawdust and sent to a room where:

  • Good ventilation and air humidity;
  • Temperature range within + 5- + 10 degrees;
  • Lack of direct sunlight.

How to care for hyacinth after flowering in a flower bed

Many growers leave hyacinths to winter outdoors, but this approach is advisable only for frost-resistant species. The rest of the specimens need to be dug up, since they simply cannot withstand the effects of low temperatures.

Caring for them after flowering comes down to several points:

  • The plant is not touched until the deciduous mass turns yellow;
  • Then you need to carefully dig up the onion, being careful not to damage it;
  • Dry for several hours;
  • Make small cross-shaped cuts on the bottom and dry them;
  • Send for storage in conditions similar to those for indoor specimens.

Alternating indoor flowering with landing on garden plot You can enjoy the beauty of hyacinth for about 10 years.

Many people are probably familiar with the following situation: “They gave me a hyacinth on March 8, it bloomed happily, but I don’t know what to do with it next.” So, the hyacinth has faded, what should I do?

First, consider one important feature forcing bulbs, which all experts in this business are talking about - they are not suitable for re-forcing. We can say that this is a one-time pleasure. The hyacinth is very weak after distillation.

And the faded bulbs should be planted in open ground - in a garden, vegetable garden, on a flower bed, etc. At least 1-2 years they should grow in the ground in order to restore their strength for the next distillation.

Hyacinth care after flowering

When the hyacinth has faded, trim the flower stalk, but continue watering until the leaves are completely yellow. During this time, all nutrients "return" back to the bulb, and, as it were, are preserved in it until the next phase of activity. Water abundantly, but rarely, so that the ground can dry out between waterings.

When the leaves are withered, scoop up the bulb. You must do this no later than the end of June. After digging, dry the hyacinth bulb for 5-7 days in a well-ventilated place at + 20 ° C, (not in the sun, in the shade).

After drying, remove the dead scales and roots. Separate babies from the mother's bulb if they separate easily and have their own roots.

Now you need to give the hyacinth bulb a rest period, which should last at least 90-95 days (about 3 months).

This is a very important stage in the life of a bulb. The quality of its future flowering depends on the storage conditions.

The rest period takes place in two stages:

1) 8 weeks at 25-26 ° C
2) 4 weeks at 17 ° C

Before planting in the ground, it is recommended to hold them for a couple of days at 5 ° C. If you want to shorten the first stage by 1 week, then after drying, during the first week of storage, maintain the temperature at 30 ° C, and the remaining 1.5 months at 25-26 ° C.

Landing in open ground

Landing place

The place for planting hyacinths should be away from trees and shrubs, on a flat, well-lit area. It's not bad if the site is with a slight slope - then the water during rains and melting snow will not heat the bulbs. Long-term flooding for hyacinth means death.

The distance to groundwater should be at least 50-60 cm. If they are located at more high level, do bulk bed 25-30 cm high above the ground. To prevent the bed from spreading out during the rains, install a perimeter fence made of ordinary boards or bricks.

The soil

Prepare the soil on the site in advance - 2 months before planting, in August. This is necessary so that the soil has time to settle, otherwise the roots may break off during the settling process. Dig the soil to a depth of about 40 cm.

For digging, add humus or compost (10-15 kg per 1 m²), peat, sand and mineral fertilizer in the following proportion: 15 g of magnesium sulfate, 30 g of potassium sulfate and 60-80 g of superphosphate per 1 m² of soil. If there is no potassium and magnesium, they can be replaced: potassium for 200 g of wood ash, and magnesium for 250 g of dolomite flour.

For 2-3 bulbs left over after distillation, you, of course, do not need this large plot in a whole square meter... Calculate the proportion of fertilizer for the size of your plot, assuming that the distance between the bulbs should be equal to 3 bulb diameters (approximately 12-15 cm). After preparing the soil, water it abundantly and cover it with a black film (from rain) until the planting date.

If you are making a bulk bed, then it is not necessary to dig up the ground, just remove all weeds. Lay the bed in layers: 10 cm of any coarse water-permeable material ( tree bark, chopped branches, straw, fallen leaves), then compost or humus. You can repeat both layers as long as necessary, do not mix the layers. Then add mineral fertilizer, and the last layer is 10 cm of garden soil.


In late September - early October, you can plant hyacinth bulbs. They should be firm to the touch, without damage. Just in case, before planting, they can be dipped in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (to prevent rot). Or, if there are suspicions, soak for a short while in the foundation.

Plant the bulbs to a depth of 15-18 cm from the bottom to the surface of the ground. Children are planted not so deep and the distance between them is much less. In addition, it is advisable to plant the bulbs in a "sand jacket". Pour 3-5 cm of clean river sand on the bottom of the hole or groove, lightly press the bulbs into it, cover with another layer of sand, and then soil. This will protect the bulbs from rotting and infection. Water the garden bed after planting.

Before the onset of persistent frosts, cover the planting with dry peat, sawdust, dry fallen leaves or spruce branches. And in the spring, carefully remove the cover when the soil begins to thaw.

Hyacinth care in spring

In the spring, hyacinths need to be fed, and the feeding is divided into 3 stages:

1. as soon as sprouts appear - add 20-30 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 m²;

2. when the buds appear - add 30 g of potassium chloride, 40 g of superphosphate, 20 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 m²;

3. When the flowering is over - 40 g of potassium chloride, 40 g of superphosphate are added per 1 m².

After flowering hyacinths in the open field, care for them is the same as described above. Dig up the bulbs no later than the end of June, even if the leaves have not yet died. If the summer is humid, the leaves do not turn yellow for a long time.

In the fall, the bulbs can be planted again in the pot for indoor plants and grow them at home. Or plant them in the garden for another year.

Is it still possible to distill the hyacinth again?

Is it really impossible to reuse hyacinth bulbs for forcing and see them blooming on your windowsill next spring, and not plant them in open ground? Sometimes they say: "If you really want to, then you can." This will require special training.

Fertilizing watering is used to preserve nutrients in the bulb. Prepare the following mixture: 1 part potassium salt, 2 hours superphosphate, 1.5 parts ammonium nitrate. Dissolve 1-1.5 g of the mixture in 1 liter of water.

You can also use commercially available fertilizers, bird droppings, blood meal, and more. Moisten the potting soil with water before fertilizing. Fertilizing watering begins to be applied after the end of flowering and is completed by the time the leaves completely die off.

After the leaves wilted, the bulbs are left in the soil for some time to ripen, and then dug out.

But keep in mind that such preparation still does not guarantee 100% re-flowering at home.

Hyacinths - annual bulbous plants that grow well both in the garden and at home.

What to do with the plant after flowering, how to keep it before next landing?

By adhering to some rules, you can successfully store the bulbs and enjoy the bloom of hyacinths every year.

Hyacinths have faded - how to care for them after flowering

As soon as the flowering of hyacinths is over, you need to cut off the arrow. If this is not done in time, then the seed pods will be tied up, which will take away the strength from the bulb. A weakened bulb does not tolerate wintering well.

For young, medium-sized bulbs, the flower arrow should be cut off before flowering. Thus, the bulbs grow larger, healthier and bloom for a long time in subsequent years.

What to do with hyacinth leaves after flowering?

Hyacinths get their nutrients from more than just the soil. Leaves deliver all the necessary elements for growth and development to the bulb. Therefore, after flowering, they are not removed. They should dry out naturally. This process can be accelerated by reducing the watering of the plant. Yellowed leaves separate well from the bulb.

How to care for a garden hyacinth bulb after flowering

What to do with the bulbs of the plant, how to preserve them until the next precipitation? The process of growing and caring for hyacinths is quite laborious. Digging up the bulbs every year and dying off the leaves is an inevitable and indispensable process. But it allows you to identify sick and weak bulbs that should not be stored.

It is not necessary to dig up the bulbs immediately after flowering. As soon as the leaves turn yellow, hyacinth care continues. The plant continues to be watered and fertilized. This allows the bulbs to recover and accumulate enough nutrients to overwinter. Top dressing should be carried out every two weeks with complex fertilizer for deciduous plants... After two to three months, the bulbs can be dug up.

You need to dig up the bulbs at the end of July, when all the leaves of the plant have turned yellow. If you postpone the digging procedure, then the onion may not be found in the future. Garden hyacinths go deep into the ground.

You cannot grow hyacinths without digging the bulbs. Plants stop blooming and deepen too much. With regular digging, the grower can constantly set the desired bulb depth.

For plants grown at home, the timing of digging the bulb is shifted. They depend on the forcing of the plant. If the forcing is done late, then the bulb is dug out only after the end of flowering and yellowing of the leaves.

Storing and caring for bulbs after flowering

The most important point in growing hyacinths is keeping the bulbs at home. It is during storage that flower buds are laid in the bulb. From correct storage further flowering of the plant also depends.

If the storage conditions of the bulbs are violated, and the digging is done too late, then flowering will be poor. You need to store the bulbs for three months.

1. Bulbs of hyacinths are dug up and dried in a shaded place. It may take a week. Dry the bulbs at a temperature of 20 degrees.

2. Next, the bulbs are cleaned from the soil, the remnants of the roots are removed and sorted. Examine the bulbs for disease and damage. Weak material is discarded. I put the sorted bulbs in storage. Small bulbs are stored separately from large ones. The name of the variety is signed on paper storage bags.

The whole storage process takes place in two stages, which are necessary for the plant to book flower buds.

    The first stage lasts two months. The bulbs are stored at room temperature in paper bags. The storage temperature is 25 degrees.

    The second stage lasts one month. This is the pre-planting storage of the bulbs. The temperature should be within 18 degrees. During storage, they monitor not only the temperature, but also the humidity of the air. If there is insufficient moisture, the hyacinth bulbs dry out.

If for some reason it is necessary to shorten the first stage of storage, then the temperature can be raised to 30 degrees. Under such conditions, it takes 1.5 months to dry hyacinths.

When to plant hyacinth bulbs in the garden?

You can return hyacinth bulbs to the garden in late September or early October. If the bulbs are planted earlier, they begin to develop actively and die in winter. If you are late with planting, then the plants will not have time to take root and freeze out.

After storage, the bulbs are sorted out and discarded sick and affected. The finished material is sorted. For planting in the garden, medium-sized bulbs are useful. They will give a healthy and strong peduncle. Small bulbs are grown at home. Immediately before planting, the bulbs are disinfected in a fungicide solution and dried.

Preparing the soil for planting hyacinth

The soil for planting the bulbs is prepared in advance.

1. The earth is dug on a shovel bayonet, cleaned of weeds, leveled.

2. Mineral fertilizers, humus and compost are applied to the prepared soil. In heavy soils, sand and peat are added. On sandy soils, more potassium fertilizers are applied.

It is necessary to apply nitrogen fertilizers under the bulbs in spring and summer.

Planting scheme for hyacinth bulbs

For good growth and development, it is necessary to plant bulbs in the garden under a certain pattern. Strong large bulbs are planted at a distance of 15 cm.The planting depth does not exceed 18 cm.

Small bulbs and babies are planted separately, the distance between them is reduced. Embedding depth from 5 cm.

In the garden, hyacinths grow well on a "sand cushion". V landing pit They fill up clean river sand with a layer of up to 3 cm. Bulbs are planted in this "pillow" and again covered with sand, and then - with soil. This planting method ensures the safety of the bulb. Water does not stagnate in the soil and hyacinth is not damaged by rot.

For a good wintering, planting hyacinths is mulched with straw or peat. In early spring, the mulch layer must be removed, otherwise the hyacinths will not be able to germinate on their own.

When hyacinths are planted indoors

Hyacinths lend themselves well to forcing in indoor conditions... To do this, after storage, the bulbs are planted in a pot.

For room distillation, large bulbs are selected, which will give a good peduncle and delight long flowering... The sorted material must be free from signs of damage.

Indoor distillation differs in that flowering plant can be obtained by a specific date. Planting and storage times are regulated by the grower, depending on his preferences.

A wide and shallow pot is selected for planting a plant. The container must have holes for the drain of excess liquid. This will save the plant from rotting the bottom of the bulb.

Planting hyacinth bulbs at home

To plant hyacinths at home, you need to take fertile land... Expanded clay and a layer of soil are poured into the bottom of the container. The bulbs are placed on the ground.

The scheme for planting hyacinth bulbs in a pot is different from that of planting in a garden. The bulbs should be placed very closely on the surface of the soil, but they should not touch the edge of the pot. Next, you need to sprinkle the hyacinths with earth, but the tops of the bulbs should remain open.

During the dormant period, until new leaves appear, the bulbs are placed in a cool room or cellar. The resting period lasts from 2 to 2.5 months. At this time, you need to monitor the soil moisture and water the hyacinths in a timely manner. With this storage, the bulbs take root well and lay the buds of growth.

You can store the planted bulbs in the refrigerator, where the temperature should be at 7 degrees. Cold storage is a must for growing hyacinths.

Hyacinth care: prevention of diseases after flowering

Incorrect storage of hyacinth bulbs causes fungal diseases that lead to the death of the plant.

Storage when too low temperatures and high humidity promotes the spread of gray mold, which affects the bulbs. You can prevent the appearance of rot by adjusting the storage conditions. planting material... Before planting the bulbs in the ground after a storage period, pre-planting treatment with solutions of disinfecting substances is carried out. For this, foundationol, formalin or a solution of potassium permanganate are used.

Hyacinth - bulbous garden flower, which is one of the first to bloom. The color of the inflorescence itself can be varied - from white to dark purple and even black. Growing hyacinths is possible both in the garden and at home in flower pot... V wild conditions this bright flower grows in the regions of the Middle East and the Mediterranean. There are more than 30 species of wild hyacinths.

Distillation does not pose any particular problems. Very often on the eve women's day On March 8, you can find already blooming hyacinths in flower shops. But you can grow them at home and on your own. If you want to get a flowering plant for the holiday, you need to plant it in the last days December. For forcing the bulbs, it is necessary to select the largest, full-bodied, undamaged bulbs. There must be a hole in the pot in which the hyacinth will grow. It is necessary to pour drainage at the bottom - it can be expanded clay or any small pebbles, then there is a layer of sand and only then a nutrient mixture, you can buy it in a store or cook it yourself. For this, 2 parts are suitable, peat or humus - 2 parts and 1 part of sand. Hyacinths are unpretentious to the soil mixture and can grow in any. It will be good if you add a few superphosphate granules to the soil for the flower, then by March 8 you will receive lush bloom... The bulb should look 2-3 cm out of the nutrient substrate. Hyacinths do not like dry air and high temperatures. The most optimal temperature regime for them is 15-18 degrees. Watering should be moderate, they do not like waterlogging.

After flowering

dry, it is necessary to carefully dig up the bulbs, this is if it grew in the garden. Then they must be well dried and stored in a dry place before planting in the ground. If the bulbs are not dug up, they are next year will bloom worse. If the hyacinth has faded at home, what to do next with it? There are several options here. You can just throw out the onion and buy a new one next year.

But we are not looking for easy ways and we will save it for further flowering... After flowering, hyacinth should be continued to water, after cutting off the peduncles and preserving the leaves. Watering continues until all the leaves of the flower are dry. During this time, the bulb will recover, gain new strength and grow a little. Next, shake the onion out of the pot and dry well. In the fall, it can be planted in open ground. An onion that has been used for forcing at home should not be reused at home. Its flowering will be meager, and if you plant such a flower in the garden, then it will gain strength there. Such bulbs can be alternated: a year forcing at home, two years in the garden. Hyacinth bulbs can live for over 10 years. further, we figured it out, now we’ll deal with the children.

Reproduction by children

Hyacinth is not very willing to multiply, but sometimes after flowering, children are formed in it. They need to be carefully separated and planted in open ground along with full-fledged bulbs. Such offspring will bloom only in the 4-5th year. But you can help the bulbs to form children. Let's figure it out in order. The hyacinth has faded. What to do next? After the onion has been dug out and dried, a cross-shaped incision should be made on its bottom with a clean and rubbed alcohol with a knife. After each next onion, the knife must be treated with alcohol. When such incisions are dry, we put the bulbs upside down in dry carton boxes... We store this way until September, by which time 5 or more children are formed on each bulb.

Hyacinth - beautiful plant with inflorescences of various shades. It pleases with its flowering and exquisite aroma for about two weeks. Grown in the open field and in a pot. But as soon as the hyacinth has faded, what to do next? This question worries many amateur flower growers.

Hyacinth - herbaceous plant, perennial. Belongs to the lily family. About 400 varieties are known. Grows up to 40 cm.The bulb produces a thick peduncle with inflorescences bright colors, collected in spike-shaped brushes. The leaves are narrow, linear. Flowers are different shades: white, blue, pink, orange and coral.

Hyacinth / Hyacinth

Today, the most popular varieties are Ann Marie, Queen of Pinks, Madame Hutzbenzak, Bismarck, Gran Lila. The French-Roman variety Festival is unusually beautiful; it produces many flower stalks from the bulb.


The flowering process of the hyacinth can be regulated. Produces flower stalks at any time of the year, subject to availability comfortable conditions... At home, the bulb is planted in early September to achieve winter flowering. When planting a tuber in the middle of autumn, the plant will bloom in spring.

Growing hyacinth in a pot begins with the selection of large, dry, fleshy bulbs. Before disembarking, they are kept cool for 2-3 days. For these purposes, use the lower compartments of the refrigerator.

It is possible to extend the flowering period of hyacinths in a pot by placing the plant in a cool place at night.

Actions after flowering hyacinth in the open field

After flowering, the hyacinth is cut off the arrow until seeds are formed. They take nutrients from the bulb, making it weaker. Dutch growers advise cutting off the peduncles of young plants 1-2 years old. The bulb will begin to intensively accumulate nutrients, it becomes larger, and blooms profusely.

In dry weather, the soil is watered so that the tubers do not disappear. Potash or phosphorus fertilization is applied once to wet soil.

What to do with the leaves after the hyacinth has faded? They must be left behind. Nutrients come from soil, irrigation and fertilization. The tuber is dug out after all the leaves have wilted.

A hyacinth bulb can be grown in one area for 3-4 years. During this time, she will get stronger and grow up children. In the fifth year of growth, they are dug up and planted. Some breeders advise not to leave the bulbs of whimsical varieties for wintering in the soil, as they may die or weaken. They are dug up and stored in a cool place.

Interesting! There is a Persian proverb that says that if you have two coins: one is better to spend on bread, the second on the purchase of hyacinth to cheer up.

Storing the bulb

Hyacinth is planted in September on open area... But what to do with the bulb before this time? Proper storage will ensure profuse flowering in the spring.

Hyocinth bulb

  • The onion is dried on fresh air at a temperature of 20-22 ºС until all leaves dry out.
  • Free from soil residues, remove old scales.
  • Disinfect in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • The kids are disconnected. Keep in mind that in varietal hyacinths, the traits are preserved during vegetative propagation.
  • Large bulbs are best kept separate from others, as they are less susceptible to disease.
  • Store in a cool, dark place.

Actions after flowering hyacinth in a pot

When the hyacinth has faded in the pot, certain actions must be taken:

  • Cut off the flower stalks and care until the leaves wither.
  • Remove the onion from the soil, dry it.
  • Store in a cool dry place for 12 weeks.
  • Plant in the soil in early autumn.

Grow the same bulb one year in a pot and the next year outdoors.

Forcing hyacinths

At home, hyacinth blooms at the end of winter or in early spring... Therefore, you cannot transplant it to the street, since the soil is still frozen. After storage in a pot, the bulb is planted in the fall. In such conditions, the plant does not always manage to survive or bloom next year.

The onion is planted in a container with soil and placed in a cool place. It should look out over the surface of the ground by 1/3. It is allowed to store the bulb on the windowsill. glazed balcony or in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator. With proper care after planting, the plant will delight you with timely flowering.

After flowering, the hyacinth is transplanted into a larger pot with a nutritious substrate. A thick layer of drainage is laid out on the bottom. Moderately watered once a week. The soil is loosened, sand can be added for its ease.

Hyacinth is a light-loving plant, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. From time to time it is necessary to turn it to sunny side so that the flower grows evenly. On cloudy days. Due to a lack of lighting, the plant sheds leaves and formed buds.


Watering should be done through the pallet. The flower does not tolerate moisture on inflorescences, leaves.

Landing in open ground

Planting hyacinth in open ground is carried out carefully, without damaging the roots. The bulb is planted with a pointed part, the top is not very deep, slightly covered with soil. The distance between the seedlings is about 10 cm. The plant does not like wind and drafts.

Pre-prepare the site 2 months before the intended landing. They dig up the soil deeply, since the roots penetrate 40-50 cm deep. Lime or chalk is introduced into it. Clay soil is mixed with sand, peat. Fertilized with organic matter (manure, humus, bird droppings, wood ash) and mineral fertilizers... Monitor soil moisture, prevent water stagnation.

Hyacinths can be grown in soil, ornamental pebbles and in water (hydroponically).

The transplant is carried out annually to a new place where other bulbous plants did not grow, since infection with pathogens is possible.

Possible problems

The plant does not bloom, reasons:

  • high substrate moisture;
  • poor watering;
  • bad light;
  • keeping the bulb dormant at high temperatures.

Eliminating the problem - the flower will bloom in a couple of months. If the cause is not established, the bulb is dried again, excess scales and areas affected by rot are removed. Placed in a dark and cool place, observing the temperature regime up to +5 ºС.


Unhealthy leaves with small yellow spots appeared on the plant - a sure sign of infection spider mite... Remove the affected areas. They are treated with a broad-spectrum fungicide.

Leaves do not appear on the plant, buds do not form - the bulb has died out as a result fungal disease... The affected tuber and substrate are discarded. The container is thoroughly washed with hot water.

Dark round formations appeared on the underside of the leaves - a lesion with a scutellum. Pests are collected by hand, treated with a solution of insecticidal soap.

Hyacinth vase


There are special vases for hyacinths on sale, the shape resembles a flower clock - they fix the flower, providing space for the roots.