Radish in holes. How to protect radisis from pests? Photo and description of insects, recommendations to combat them, differences from diseases. Biological and chemical preparations against radish pests

Fighting pests and diseases of radish in the open soil

Fighting pests and diseases of radish in the open soil

Aggrepan protects radishes from fleece
Aggrepan protects radishes from a cruciferous fleece

Although radishes are not so many pests and diseases, for example, at tomatoes, but they are, and they can destroy most of the crop. This article is an addition to big Material About growing radish.

Well helps in the fight against diseases observance of crop rotation on panstone. Since the radishes of the raven culture (the harvest can be obtained about 1 month), that is, the temptation return to the same bed with repeated sowing after a while already in the same season. It is so extremely undesirable. As it can entail outbreaks various diseases. It is also extremely undesirable to plant radishes after cabbage or other plants of the cruciferous family. Good predecessors - onions, garlic, peas, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, kabaki.


The main Beach of Radisa - cruciferous flea - small bugs, as a rule, dark color, jump well from place to place. They damage the leaves of the radish (they make holes in them). And if damage to the leaf apparatus of the plant reaches critical sizes, the plant stops sharply in growth, and may die. The rootpode does not mature and does not grow up to the specified sizes. Particularly should be protected from flew shoots of radish. Otherwise, crops can be completely destroyed (eaten). Adult plant It may still have to tolerate the flea to some measure. Especially rapid flew in dry hot weather. Early crops of radishes in general can give a harvest to the mass appearance of cruciferous flew.

The fight against fleet should be biological methods.
The first method is spraying on the leaves of wood ash solution. The solution is prepared as: in a 10-liter water bucket, approximately 2 glasses are added preferably fresh ash and grams 50 economic Soap. Everything is mixed. Some are easier. They type as a screed shovel of ash, and eavested over the bed. For a while, the flea limits his malicious activity.

The second method is the same. Only instead of ashes take tobacco dust. It is necessary to immediately say that the tobacco dust still needs to look in the stores, and it is worth it, although it is not expensive, but still stands. And ash is usually your own, free.

All these methods are still not effective enough. The most effective - processing insecticide, such as into-virus. But it is worth making it only as a last resort, only for radishes of medium grades (the time of ripening 25 days) and only by young shoots, if the threat to destroying crops is large enough.
Another exotic (mechanical) way to combat cruciferous flesh - to cover the radishes with a white agrospan directly to shoot. If the weather is not too hot, then shoots are not pulled out and flew there is no massively. After the shoots were growing, the nonwoven passionate material remove and concerned further ashes.

Important remark. Radish is desirable to translate into drip watering. Otherwise, all efforts to combat the flesh with the help of infusion on ashes will be disappeared by gift after the first irrigation on top of the leaves. Infusion is washed off from the leaves, and the flea is accepted again.
Even remark. If cultural plants and weeds of the cross-color family grow next to the radishes, then it is possible to treat chemistry to all surroundings.

Belyanka is another pest of radish. Belyanka is white butterfly With dark edging wings. But the leaves of the radish are eating her caterpillars.
When combating white and white, it is also desirable to do without the use of chemistry. The beds should be treated with a solution of mustard, cook salt and ground pepper. It is preparing this: on a 10-liter water bucket - 2 tablespoons of mustard, 2 tablespoons of salt and 1 teaspoon of red or black pepper.

Diseases of radish

Bacteriosis. Roots become mucous, begin to make the smell of rot. At the same time, radish leaves are yellow.
To combat this disease, the plant is treated with 1% burgundy fluid.

Keel. On the surface of the roots, bloat and growths appear, the leaves of the radish are beginning to shrust and wither.
To combat these fungal disease, the soil around damaged plants are watered with lime milk. It is prepared for this: in the 10-liter bucket of water dissolve 2 cups of lime-puffs. One plant must be pouring 1 liter of solution.

Blackleg. Young radish plants can affect the black leg. Leaves twisted and yellow, blackening on the base of the plant's stem.
To combat black leg, the following solution is prepared: 1 tablespoon is dissolved in a 10 liter water bucket of water copper Kaper And gram 40-50 chips of the household soap. Then spray patients with plants.
Still very good 2-3 times with an interval in 6 days to make seedlings tincture from low husk (approximately 20 g per liter, insist 1 day).

When choosing varieties of radishes for landing, preferred sustainable varieties to various diseases.
But once again you can repeat that it is better to take preventive measures. And then the likelihood of diseases will decrease sharply.

Radish refers to the plants of the cross-color family (cabbage), so the disease and pests have the same as everyone gardening crops of this group.

By the way, radish is rarely sick. Most often, the following diseases of fungal or bacterial origin manifest on Radish:

  • bacteriosis is a fungal disease that leads to the formation of a rotten mucus on root crops, yellowing and eliminating the leaves;
  • puffy dew ( white flag on the stems and the upper side of the leaves) - fungal disease, leading to the blackening and dying of the leaves;
  • kila is also a disease of bacterial origin, manifested by the growths and swolves on the surface of the root, leads to yellowing and fading of the leaves;
  • black leg - manifests itself with yellowing, leaf twisting and rewinding the stem at the base.

However, the greatest harm to culture cause harmful insects. O myself dangerous pests Talk further.

Cruciferous fleece - the main enemy of the radish. These are small black bugs jumping on the garden and damaging plants. They contact the leaves of the hole, and when damage reaches a critical size, the plant stops its growth and starts to die. Insects are especially active in hot dry weather, and their main goal is exclusively young radish. Adult plants fleece are not as scary as young shoots.

Belyanka is a white butterfly, postponing his eggs in the soil. It is not dangerous for the radish, but her caterpillars who eat the leaves, doing holes in them.

The Medveda is the most serious enemy of rootpodes. It is more often found in the greenhouses, because he loves heated soil. The pest eats roots, forming holes and moves in them.

Cabbage flies - these insects are not averse to being able to enjoy any cruscle cultures. They put eggs in the Earth, of which larvae eating radishes appear in the days. If it does not start fighting with them on time, then the entire crop will be destroyed.

The fire is a gray-brown butterfly, leading the night lifestyle and feeding the crops of the family of cruciferous. Like all butterflies, she lays eggs from which caterpillars appear. These caterpillars are very actively devouring young leaves, which leads to the complete destruction of the plants.

Rapelop - black bugs with yellow stripes on the back, which appear on the radish, as soon as warm. They eat the leaves, forming holes in them than they lead to yellowing, and then fading the plants.

Wirefronts are larvae-clock beetles. They eat any root, including radishes.

Since radish loves wet soil, then on her bed can often meet slugs. In the afternoon they are hiding in the ground between the plants, and at night they crawl to enjoy the pulp of the root. Slugs appear in the middle or second half of summer, so dangerous only for late varieties.

Methods of struggle

The most correct way to combat pests of garden crops are insecticides, however, their application is not always justified for radishes and appropriate. The fact is that these drugs lead to accumulation in vegetables harmful substanceslike nitrates. If the use of insecticides stop a month before harvesting, the nitrates will have time to leave the plant and do not harm the consumer. Radish is very quickly accumulating nitrates, and since the growing season of culture is short (20-40 days), it does not have time to get rid of them. So that nitrates B early vegetables Not harmful to health, radishes are treated with light insecticides, antiseptics or folk remedies.

With diseases of bacterial origin (powdery dew, rot, bacteriosis) can be struggling with a burglar liquid. This is a light integrated insecticide with high antiseptic properties. Since it, radish does not accumulate nitrates, since the solution is applied only for spraying the tops and does not fall into the soil. The drug is effective not only from fungal diseases, but also from many pests, therefore, it is used almost for all cultivated plants as a preventive and therapeutic agent.

To combat Kyla, a water solution of hareed lime is recommended, called lime-free milk. For this, 2 glasses of funds need to be divorced in 10 liters of water and used for watering plants. Lime is safe for a person, they are not formed in radishes nitrates. In addition, harated lime applies to gardening as a fertilizer for soil, so you can not worry about the quality of root.

From the black leg on the radish, a solution of copper sulfate is effective (1 tbsp. Spoon / 10 l of water) with the addition of the economic soap (40 g). The vitrios is an insecticide, but since it is applied only for spraying, then there is no interaction with root, and, therefore, nitrates are not formed from it. It is possible to fight the disease and folk remedies - decoction of the onion husk (20 g / 1 liter), it needs to be causing a day and treat the Bottva plants.

It should be remembered that nitrates are formed from a large number of organic organics, so the amount of fertilizer must be minimal.

From the cruciferous fleece and other insects you can get rid of exclusively natural ToolsFrom which nitrates are not formed in Radish: ash, tobacco dust, household soap, wormwood.

Video "Wood ash against pests"

Experienced gardeners use wood ash as natural fertilizerHowever, it is not less successful, it is applied against pests and diseases. Details in video.

Technology processing

Whatever processing method was used: spraying, watering or spraying dry mixture, it will be effective only provided that the tool will be delayed for some time in the soil or in the radish itself. The first surface watering or rain can immediately wash the tool and will not give the desired result. Therefore, if the radish was sprayed with a healing solution or a mixture sprinkled, it must be translated into drip watering (directly under roots).

If the radishes grows in the neighborhood with cruciferous weeds, they should be abundantly pouring insecticides - otherwise they will become a polygon for breeding insects.

Processing radish is better in dry and mad weather. Usually such works are held in the evening. However, to eliminate the fleece on Radish, you should choose the daytime, since insects are especially active in the heat. With a fleet, you can fight not only with the help of solutions and mixtures, but also by mechanical methods: the shelter of the garden, as well as hanging sticky ribbons to which insects stick. These harmless measures help to wait until the radish is growing, and the flea will be not so dangerous for her.

How to prevent pests

The most reliable way to prevent diseases and pests on radish is to disinfect seeds and soil when evining culture. Also effectively solves the observance of crop rotation.

It is important not only to change the location of the bed annually, but also avoid re-evounced during the season.

Radish - Vegetable raging, and many gardeners try to grow several crops for the season on one garden. This is the cause of outbreaks of fungal diseases, which, with each subsequent sowing, appear increasingly.

Good predecessors for radish are: potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, bean culture, garlic, onions. Since early radishes matures pretty quickly, it can be sung in a plot designed to plant seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, eggplant - an example rational use Square.

In addition, many pests, for example, the cruciferous flew does not like the smell of grain crops. She also does not like humidity, and if radishes can be abundantly water, it is quite possible that the insects will leave the garden.

Not the last role in growing culture plays correct care. Delete the weeds in a timely manner, because it is from them the pests move to beds with cultural plants. Some gardeners land near the radishes of plants and flowers that distinguish a special smell that scares pests. Such plants are: Pijma, calendula, Celenel, Velhets, Coriander, Dill.

Planning to plant radish, choose early varieties, as well as resistant to diseases and pests. Early sowing is the most true way Prevent many diseases and obtaining high-quality, intact harvest.

Radish greatly grows in middle lane. Garders remove several crops for the season using several varieties. And even though the pests at the plant are not so much, you should not lose your vigilance and fight against them.

The most good turns early grades. Seeds are planted in the soil until the dispute is activated and the larvae is activated, so the fruits are formed and matured without much difficulty. It is more complicated by vegetables Average and Late, the growing season of which coincides with the intensive reproduction of harmful microorganisms and insects. They literally attack young shoots, wanting to eat all his juices.

Insects more often attack weak shoots, so Ignore the introduction of fertilizers and the feeding is not worth it. Sufficient nutrition strengthens the immunity of the plant, which means that the chances of catching the disease or defeat the beds in the insects are significantly reduced.

Damaged leaves of radish

The probability of flew attack decreases if it is timely introduced for a bed for a garden from the dung. No less effective is the processing of their powder, which is made of wood ash and tobacco dust in equal proportions. Conduct procedures 1 time in 5-7 days.

Cruciferous fleece on radish leaves

Butterfly white color Represents the danger to radishes by postponing his eggs right on the soil. The appears of the caterpillars easily move on the leaves and eat them.

To protect the radishes from the Belyanka, it is necessary to spray with a solution of mustard (2 tbsp. L.), Ground black pepper (1 h. L) and table salt (2 art. L.) From the calculation on the water bucket.

Black small bugs with bright orange stripes are suused from the radish juice, as a result of which the young escape dries.

You can protect the garden from the pest if it makes it an infusion of common or whites vast. The preparation of the working solution provides for the insisting of 500 grams of leaves in a bucket of water for 12 hours. To make the composition longer on tops, it is recommended to add 2-3 tablespoons of crushed outbuilding soap.

Belyanka Crophing Cruciferous

In the second half of May - early June, the female of the rapeseed sawder lays eggs. When choosing a place, preference gives radish, located on the bottom of the sheet. After 6-10 days from eggs, very voracious caterpillars appear from eggs, which can make a lot of holes in the top of the plant and thereby kill him.

To protect the plant from this pest, it is necessary to process it with a special infusion from black whites. On 500 grams of dry leaves take 2 liters of water, it is necessary to insist at least 12 hours, after which the liquid is filled through a sieve. The resulting infusion is diluted with 8 liters of water, a squeezed soap is added and the processing of the beds is carried out.

Warn the invasion of insects can preventive actionswhich include the autumn cleaning of the plot and the dumping of the soil.

Babanuha rapeseed peeling

A small bug (body length is not more than 2.5 mm) black with blue tump, perfectly tolerate frosts in plant residues. In the spring, it is activated, laying eggs into unprofitable buds.

Among the important measures to protect radish from pest defeat:

  • compliance with crop rotation;
  • careful autumn cleaning;
  • introduction of fertilizers in the soil;
  • selection high-quality seeds for disembarking;
  • making feeding to strengthen the immunity of plants;
  • spraying carbofosomes;
  • processing of beds with biopreparations (dendrobacillin, lepyocide, etc.).

Capping mole on a sheet of radish

Young shoots attract insects. To protect them from the invasion of the uninvited guests, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures. Among effective methods:

  • discarding plants with a powder mixture of naphthalene and road dust (1: 1);
  • spraying on the beds of wood ash powder, hated lime and tobacco dust (all components are taken in equal proportions);
  • morning spraying with wood ash solution (3 liters of water lithric Bank ash and 2-3 tablespoons of crushed household soaps);
  • spraying sediments with acetic solution (on a water bucket 1 cup 9% vinegar);
  • spraying plants with a decoction of green wormwood.

It is clear that it is not for one processing, so experienced gardeners Practice weekly procedures that are repeated for 1.5 months.

Choosing the neighboring plants, it is worth considering the vending version of the velvetsev, nasturtium, fennel, mustard and other repellents.

After each season, careful cleaning from plant residues should be made. It is in them that most pests winter. Closer to frosts, the garden needs to be switched to the larvae and adult individuals are extruded.

Radish, like other delicious vegetable crops, it is often amazed various pests - Cross-color flesh, wire, etc.

It happens, she is overwhelmed by tiny white worms, and then, finding out why the radishes are worm, gardeners take all measures to get rid of the unnecessary guests. Cerves are breeding in a radister not by themselves: one of the main pests of cabbage, radish, turnips and other cross-color - cabbage flies are to blame.

The cabbage fly looks like a homemade fly, but less than it twice. In the period of reproduction, it lays eggs, of which larvae hatch - those who eat Rediska in the ground, spending many moves in root and leading them to disrepair.

Eggs are deposited into wet soil, filled with manure or humus.

Worms are powered by a radical pulp 3-5 weeks, after pitching and after 2-3 weeks turn into new cabbage flies.

If dolls stayed in the winter, flies appear in the spring.

How to deal with cabbage flies and her larvae

Finding out why chervish radish, learn how to scare away from planting cabbage flies than to process the beds. It is easiest to take advantage of chemical insecticides, but only light - heavy "chemistry" accumulates in the fruits in the form of nitrates and does not have time to get out.

Insecticides from cabbage flies

If 5-10 eggs are seen on the redist, or the larvae, we proceed landings by any of the listed funds:

  • "Carbofos". We divor into 6 g of 50% "carboofos" in a liter of water (enough for a hundred) and spray seedlings twice (a second time - a week later). The drug scares the flies, not allowing it to lay eggs.
  • "Earth". Contact-intestine soil chemical that kills larvae. Mix 5 g of dry preparation with 50 grams of sand (enough for processing square meter Ridges) and introduce to the ground before planting radishes to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The larvae die during the day.

It will help from cabbage flies and other chemical insecticides of the type "sparks", "Rovovikurt", "Thunder", "Hexakhloran" or "Zain".

Folk remedies from cabbage flies

Credit with eggs and cabbage flies help folk remediestested not by one generation of gardeners:

  • Ammonia. We dissolve 5 ml of the ammonia in 10 liters of water and water the soil, as soon as we detect fading plants.
  • Ash. Noticing flies, circling over the landings, sprinkled seedlings, pre-mixed them with water, dry wood ash Every six days. To enhance the effect, it can be mixed with the same amount of red pepper or Machorka.
  • Leaves Lopuha. We insist the two-day mixture of 2.5 kg of chopped greenery of the burdock and 8 l warm water. Filter and water radish.
  • Machorka. We connect it with a black pepper powder or a dry lime hawed - 1 to 1. Sprinkle the ground around the plants.
  • Copper Kuner. We dissolve a tablespoon of funds in a bucket of water from 1 tbsp. Liquid tar soap, watering the ridge and repeat watering after 3 weeks.
  • Naphthalene. We connect it with the same amount of sand and drink a soil of 5 mm from radishes and plucked 6 g under the root. We repeat the procedure every 8 days: it is done immediately after detecting the masonry. After processing, those who eat Redish in the ground will not have time to hatch.
  • Valerian. Dissolve in 3 l warm water 40 ml of valerian and 2 tbsp. Crushed outbuilding soap, pour the bucket and pour water to the top. Mixing the composition, spray the young rat during the summer of the cabbage flies. Now you do not have to break your head, why radishes happens to worms - worms will not.
  • Table vinegar (70%). Dissolve 0.5 tbsp. Acetic essence in 10 liters of water and spray radical landing.

In order not to worry about how to treat Redish from worms, you can do without chemical and organic methods of combating cabbage flies. We buy a mesh transparent observer material type Loutrasil and cover the ridges with radishes during the summer of the flies.

Watch that there is no cracks left, and flies will not be able to penetrate inside to postpone the eggs. In the rain, the canvas can be removed, but in the dwelling days we leave it in place and, if you need to pour redish, we water it right through Loutrasil.

To prevent the emergence of egg layers of cabbage flies, so that there were no questions that the worm radisis became, several preventive agrotechnical measures can be taken.

  • Landing radishes every year elsewhere.
  • Supporting the Earth by a compost at least three-year limitations.
  • Elimination from the site of plant residues, be it tops or weed grass.
  • Autumn pumping the future soil under the landing at a depth of 1-1.5 bayonet shovels.

You can also grown near Radish other garden and floral culturesRejections capping Muhu and protecting radical root roots from eating worms.

The best neighbors of radishes, warning the appearance of cabbage flies

  • Marigold. Tagtess makes an unpleasant sharp fragrance that does not like most insects. We plant a few plants right on Radish ridge for 2-3 weeks before sowing.
  • Sage, mint either rosemary. Looking around the fragrant herbs on the radical beds a few weeks before the seeding of vegetable, sticking them right in the pots, cutting off the bottom. It is necessary to prevent distribution perennial plants throughout the ridge.
  • Garlic. Space garlic cloves in the ridge under the radishes over three weeks before sowing seeds every 15 cm with aisle 55-60 cm. Radis is sown in the grooves, cutting in the middle of these rods.

Fragrant neighbors will play the role of repellents that scare the cabbage flies and other harmful insects from the radical grocery, and contribute to the receipt of good crops.

Now it is clear why the radishes are worm that the white worms are destroyed future yieldAnd what insect is obanno in their appearance. If the worms spoiled many plants, we definitely remove and burn them without sending into the compost and without creating the pupales of the flies of excellent conditions for wintering. It is better to immediately take preventive measuresthan after experiencing chagrin from losing the lion's share of delicious vitamin vegetables.