How to make gypsum - proportions of different compositions! How to slow down gypsum

I decided to write an article on the topic: how to make plaster tighter, or rather how to make a gypsum stone harder several times. In general, I don't need a strong stone, people buy as it is and it does not break and there was no complaints. Even the thin-layer brick is a thick of about 6 mm well and transported and stacked. But in production, I remained on polyurethane forms - it's all because of the insufficient strength of the products and because of this I decided to use the additive.


I decided to make an experiment and took 3 tiles:

  1. From gypsum magma g6 b3;
  2. Gypsum Magma G6 B3 + converter Gypsum SVV-500;
  3. From gypsum G16 (Samara).

Gypsum converter SVV-500

The stone from gypsum G6 and G16 scored their strength, I cast them about a month ago, and I cast a stone with the addition of SVV-500 per day before recording video. He has not yet scored his ultimate strength, but I still decided to make an experiment, because The effect turned out to be super.
In solution, I added 4% percent of the converter. I had a form of 2.4 kg of gypsum and 96 grams of SVV-500. I added additive to dry gypsum, mixed thoroughly and only after dissolved this mixture in water. When pouring the solution was similar to liquid condensed milk, the water went less than 2 times than usual. I have increased by about 10 minutes from filling to rasporming. When pulling out the stone, I noticed that even the raw tile was much stronger and broke with effort. Watch the experiment itself can be on the video below.


Honestly, I did not expect such an effect, I thought well, the tile would be a little stronger, as from gypsum G16 no more. I am afraid to imagine what will happen if M-16 + SVV is mixed - there is generally "concrete" should work out.

I will postpone tiles with the addition of SWV and take a new video in a month and add it to this page. I want to see if the stone will be even stronger or not. Thank you all for watching, if there are questions, then write them in the comments.

Second video

Reviews of other people (I am there too)

You can buy an additive of SVV-500 on the official website of the company emulsion

By the way, I tried another additive, you can watch the review.

Discussion: 2 comments

Gypsum stucco for many centuries is widely used in construction and art, and all this time sculptors and decorators are struggling with the fragility and hygroscopicity of this beautiful natural material. In our time, in most houses, decorated stucco, the vintage elements of the decor are trying to preserve, as it is also the same to destroy such man-made beauty, which means that the talented picture of the artist is accidentally found. Very often, the owners are trying to restore the stucco themselves, while definitely not knowing how to restore them correctly, so that they serve for many years.

How to make gypsum more durable

SAMI a big problemWith which there are fans of gypsum jewelry, this is his fragility. Gypsum stucco is afraid of any blows and even more than falls. To date, there are several methods for strengthening plaster:

  • globes of paper or white cotton canvas are passed through a paper shredder, turning raw materials into a kind of confetti. 1 ½ cup of chopped paper or tissue, the fibers will strengthen the frozen stucco, are added to each 8 ½ cup of dry gypsum.
  • you can mix powder lime with water to get "lime milk". When creating a gypsum solution, use this suspension instead of water. The density of the stucco, in which the lime is added is significantly increased;
  • thoroughly mix one part of the gumiarabic stirred with water with 100 parts of the gypsum until the homogeneous mass is obtained. This will increase the strength of finished products;
  • treatment soda mortar It is carried out after the drying is completed. For this purpose food soda Dissolve in water. To give strength to stucco, you need to smoke the surface of the products several times. In addition to strengthening gypsum, Soda also blends it well.

How to change the time "setting" gypsum

If a professional master works with gypsum products, he knows exactly how long the gypsum layer of one or another thickness will be seized. Usually this time is enough to complete the necessary manipulations. Novice "gypsum", especially loving experiment, has much more difficult, because in normal conditions Gypsum freezes for 20-30 minutes. In order to reduce or increase the drying time of the mixture, you can apply the following methods:

  • in order for the stucco to dry faster, the solution is used by a white sainted sainted salt. The proportion is such - 1 teaspoon of salt adds to four glasses of gypsum. The resulting mixture is neatly poured water from the calculation - two glasses of fluid on four - gypsum-hydrochloric mixtures. Such a result also gives the use of potassium sulfate or kalia alum;
  • in this case, the main thing is to observe the measure. The fact is that the faster plaster freezes, the harder it is to work with it. If you feel that you have moved with salt, significantly increasing the time of setting, add a teaspoon of the table vinegar to the mixture. Some old masters added a light beer into the gypsum mixture. This not only reduced the grasp of the gypsum, but also made a mixture of more elastic and homogeneous;
  • the best way to control the time of frozen gypsum mixture is to change the water temperature. Cold water slows down the process, and hot water - accelerates.

Do not knead more than two liters of gypsum mixture at the same time. This volume is very difficult to stir even the electric drill, which is fraught with uneven drying, cracking, appearance air bubbles and deformation of finished products. A small amount of gypsum solution is stirred by hands or with a blade.


Gypsum is pretty cunning material. IN natural video And in the finished product, it is absolutely safe for health due to its ecology. But the hitting of the gypsum powder in the respiratory tract is undesirable. Direct contact with chemicals used may also harm health. To avoid problems, follow these simple rules:

  • use the respirator to avoid gypsum particles enter the respiratory tract;
  • since applicable chemical substances and reagents can be dangerous for the skin, all work must be done in gloves;
  • when a gypsum solution is hit by hand, you need to remove it, without waiting for drying. Otherwise, it can cause dryness and irritation.

Sixing several batches of gypsum mixture, you can control the time of drying and strength. This skill comes only with experience. The manufacture and restoration of plaster stucco requires skill and qualifications that are purchased only over the years. That is why, if you are not sure about your abilities, it is better not to risk, but order finished goods in a specialized workshop. The masters renovate and strengthen the stucco decorations, and, if necessary, complement the composition modern elements, thereby emphasizing the unusual and beauty and other elements.

High strength gypsum - material capable of replacing in a variety of cases of wood, or plastic. His advantages are low cost and availability of all components, simplicity, processing and cooking, the ability to adjust the preparation recipe (also properties) under their goals. Application Scope - Production of Classic Gypsum Products, Corps Production various devices and devices, cases, handles, knots, mechanisms, etc.

Under the glue PVA construction, I meant anything, just not the stationery in the tubes, I use PVA +, or PVA super?

From the comment:

Mikhail Mikhin

1. The separation grease for castings from plaster is done like this:

Paraffin economic candle is placed and dissolved in kerosene in a water bath (kerosene container is in a water saucepan and all this on the stove). Density check the dip in the solution and under water room temperature - Need oil density or sour cream.

Such a lubricant, after drying, does not leave traces, but only the finest paraffin layer.

2. Deep impregnation of plaster epoxy and other materials is done like this:

The item is heated in the oven, the air out of her comes out and immediately fractives from all sides. necessary material. Detail cools and air under atmospheric pressure Heat impregnation inside the gypsum to the maximum depth.

2. Threads before immersion in the gypsum stands in water in water, so that the air also came out of them.?

From the comment ::

Dmitry Yorg

PVA is different, water and not water based (carpentry) .... By the way, if you add a pva in cement mix The strength of befica

From the comment:

For form, you can still use silicone sealant. A sealant is applied to the model, so as not to be deformed a hard shirt made of plaster or boards (plywood or something else). And so that the plaster did not stick to anything else, it is still soap to lubricate generously, vaseline or even a varnish coat. This, of course, if the products are not permanent. Even for the fortress (and probably saving) before the sand added in the gypsum. We somehow have interfered with cement (halfbed dry gypsum. Cement handy).

From the comment:

Darius Verbitsky

Interesting technology, Thanks for the idea, I also added a colon for paint, the result of the bomb, and the tiles dried in the microwave shifting the wax paper for the oven?

From the comment:

And the mixture was cement and sand ??

Answer: + Bernard Fridman Yes?

From the comment:

Ivanovich Ivanov

I always, prepare the mixture, first dissolved in water until a homogeneous suspension, and already add or plaster, or this suspension in the prepared cement mortar - It remains more time to work with the finished solution and the solution is obtained more uniform.?

For several years I worked in the printing house and learned about the glue: PVA stationery do not take it, there is still the one, it is divorced (and very much) CMC glue + added chalk (or something else), this is done for cheaper. Just take the construction of PVA, and if it seems to you too thick, spread it with water, does it not affect his adhesive properties?.

Answer: I agree under the glue PVA (construction) I meant everything that would not only be a stationery in the tubes I use PVA +, or PVA super?

From the comment:

PVA is better to dissolve immediately in water and not one fourth, and one tenth is quite enough, I think the primer is better to take not deep penetration, but firming ... the same ST-17 or Bolls. This is cheaper ...

Instead of fittings, you can try glassball. Only do the mixture?.

As fittings you can add fiber (fiberglass) for sale in building stores For additive to a solution for light screeds.?

From the comment:

Pavel Fedorov

Can! If using reinforcement. Suppose you have a tile thick in a centimeter and the sizes of a meter for two. First, you need to take care of the form, and the divided composition, as mentioned earlier. I will bring my 5 kopecks - experiment with glycerin. It does not leave stains and retains adhesion in the molded surface.

So, the reinforcement can be as in the form of a frame - a glass mesh or fiberglass and here I will remind you that the gypsum is alkali, and we need a alkalis-preinage. Wire and threads also go. Yes, they can be cut, so we go to without frame reinforcement - Cellulose comes to help - the paper brought to the state of Kashi, Fiber, which will make the hairy surface. There are also recipes for the introduction of minerals and various polymer additives - in the end, get plaster. Pay attention to the mixture of KNAUF HP-start. It just has a basic thickness of 10 mm and a favorable value.

Well, of course, the external reinforcement !!! For this purpose, we go to the store building materials And choose the so-called leaf of dry plaster, and in the commoner plasterboard. He is already 9 mm and is already beautiful! However, if this is not our method, then I suggest you take a dense paper _ In this case, the solution should be extremely dry - (take the plaster, you will not have time to wash it with a plaster), for the paper from humidity distribute, cardboard in flesh to karst or binding, not A stretching fabric as a HOGZHA, Tulle with an intricate pattern or glassy with original weaving and in the absence of filters, roll out the decor of our dreams, gladkel or the rule for this purpose is also suitable. You can take the stretching fabric and artistically apparently punching or masticine, and finally, the construction glass canvas or fliesline or wallpaper is also our methods. All these reinforcement methods are fully compatible in one project.

Next we must interest the balance of gypsum properties. A more dense and resistant deformation-mixture is achieved with the supply of vibration when pouring, but does not have elasticity to frozen. It will break any shift or discontinuous load. And here I want to recall that in itself plaster and not solid at all, this property makes zinc vitrios at the stage of production. can be impregnated from yourself in a copper solution or iron Campfound in the gardener store. Authentic color will be lost at the same time.

The property of elasticity appears at the gypsum after creating a porous structure in it, but this does not mean that it will become like rubber! It will simply be less critical to the shift and gap, but also a deformation strength has the same decrease. The cellular structure of pore gives it these properties and it can be treated with a finger as a result. This is achieved by the introduction of an air ducting additive, such as soap. Since the porous liquid loses the spreadability, add a plasticizer - soap, and an anticulate additive in the form of a soap to hold the suspension of the crystallizing Conglomerates of the mineral.

Industry (here, of course, the "Soviet industry" appears - but no, Chinese ...) produces a wide range of additives for gypsum Solutionsmaking it hydrophobic, weather-resistant, refractory, antifungal and even reasonable!

Melding any primer in the mixture to increase the time of working with it, and the PVA solution is also suitable and always rinse the tool every 30-40 minutes of work - the time of setting the plaster dry mixes. Add white or conventional cement to increase strength if texture and color Sands are not important - it will also increase the reactive properties.

What are the plaster? Artists for a long time Used this product for the manufacture of masks, sculptures and other volume projects. You can also do craft at home, such as bubble drawing and make chalk for drawing on the sidewalk using gypsum. Thus, this is a multifunctional product that can be used in various ways.

Gypsum can be bought in different places. It can be ordered on the Internet, in catalogs fine art and in stores selling accessories for applied art. You can buy gypsum bandages, but you will need to immerse them into the water, in order to use them for making crafts for which you planned to use gypsum, whether it is making pinyata or masks. In addition, you can buy plaster in the form of a powder, which will need to be mixed with warm water to use to create a variety of artistic crafts.

You can make a type of gypsum - depending on how inventing what you have planned to do, and what kind of craft you want to make it easier. Most experts agree that it is easier to go and buy a package or plastic container With powder plaster, to then mix it with water, and create your own product. However, you can also make your own plaster for simple projects.

Manufacturing of gypsum at home is a huge experience for preschoolers, from students primary classes. In addition, if you make crafts at home and are limited to the budget, PVA or flour glue are an excellent option, replacing the purchase of powder gypsum in stores selling applied art equipment.

In order to make plaster at home, you probably have everything necessary materials At home and you will need only time to make a product for your craft. There are two recipe for making plaster at home on your choice.

First, you can knead the composition that is divorced by PVA and warm water. At the heart, this recipe you use 2 pieces of PVA and one piece of warm water. Pour glue and water into the plastic bowl. Add water while mixing the mixture, to the state of a slightly thickened substance. Final product Must be liquid and similar to the consistency of PVA glue.

Secondly, you can knead the holter to use it, just like the gypsum. Take two or three cups of white flour, and one or two cups of warm water. Mix flour and water in a plastic cup, mix to disappearance of lumps, its consistency should be homogeneous, namely easy for mixing.

  1. masks;
  2. papier mache;
  3. pinyata;
  4. bubble drawing;
  5. suspended design;
  6. chalk for drawing on the sidewalk.

Precautions: You may need extra time to dry adhesive mix. And make sure that you completely wet newspaper or gauze stripes before applying them to the form you will use for your project.

Your final product will be completely man-made, of own preparation gypsum. Paying enough time and attention to the preparation of gypsum necessary consistency, you will successfully handle work and you will be satisfied with your handicraft or handmade project.

Red Alder (Alnus Rubra) Family: Betulaceae Commercial names: West Olha, Oregon Olha. Distribution: Pacific Coast of Canada and USA. Description of wood Red Alder wood from pale yellow to reddish-brown. Texture homogeneous. Figures are muted. Weight average 530 kg / m3; Specific weight.53. Mechanical properties Softwood Middle density, low bending strength and crushing. Impact resistance ...

Alder (ordinary) Family: Betulaceae Commercial names: Black Alder (United Kingdom); Gray Olha (Europe); Japanese alder. Other names: Auna (France); EIS (Netherlands); Earle (Germany); Hannock (Japan). Spread: Northern Russia, North Africa and West Asia, throughout Scandinavia and Japan, and throughout the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Wood description Alder Wood color dim, light reddish-brown with darker lines ...

Albiz (West African) Family: Bean commercial names: Sifu (Zaire); Yathanza (shore Ivory). Other names: Ainre (Nigeria); Okouro (Ghana); ongo (Cameroon). Growing place: tropical West Africa. Wood description Albiz The core color varies from a dark red-brown to a chocolate brown with a purple tint. Texture rough. Weight ranges from 580-720 kg / m3; on average 640 kg / m3; Specific weight.64. Mechanical properties of wood ...

Building gypsum is a universal material from which the plaster mixture can be made, and the solution for casting decor elements. You only need to follow the proportions and know how to breed a construction or finishing composition. And in this article we will talk about cooking methods gypsum blends and technology work with this material.

Varieties of construction gypsum - What do the letters a, b and in?

Green gantry (alabaster) is used in building business, decoration and even jewelry from time immemorial. However, in our days, this material enters the construction site and in workshops is not in its pure form, but in the form bulk mixescooked by roasting sedimentary mineral. With this technology, the modern industry produces three varieties of material marked as "Gypsum Construction", namely:

  • Froying in two minutes Composition of the type "A". The castings obtained from such a mixture are fully hardening for a quarter of an hour.
  • Grappling in six minutes the composition of the type "b". It freezes for half an hour.
  • Beginner hardening after 20 minutes the composition of the type "B". The deadlines for the final pouring of such a solution depend on the share of the dry part and water in proportion, according to which the gypsum is bred, and on the level of humidity in the room.

Due to the too fast rejection of the compositions of the type "A" and a long grasp of mixtures of type "B" on construction sites, they do not apply. In construction business, type "b" type gypsum is used, which preserves plasticity for half an hour and starts to grab in 6-10 minutes. And at the construction site, it is not easy to b-type, but special compositions that can withstand the pressure from 20 to 70 kilograms per square centimeter of the square. How much is it withstanding a specific variety, you can learn from the alphanumeric code in its marking. For example, the composition with the designation of M-7 withstands the pressure of 7 MPa or 70 kg / cm 2.

However, the final properties of the solution depend on the method of its preparation. Therefore, on the text, we will tell you the basic proportions and rules according to which you can breed the plaster by receiving the basis for decorative elements (stucco and so on) or plaster compositions.

Two ways of cooking gypsum for castings

Prepare a solution at home can even a student of junior classes. To do this, do the following:

  • take a bucket of 5-10 liters;
  • pour into a bucket of a liter of water;
  • fall asleep 0.7 liters of dry composition of B-type;
  • carefully stir the mixture to creamy consistency.

The composition divided according to these rules can be poured into forms, but the product obtained will not be very durable. Therefore, most decorators follow another recipe:

  • take a liter of water;
  • we fall asleep into the water 0.1 liters of the raised lime;
  • we add 0.6 liters of gypsum "b" or "in" type.

After rejection, such a composition will not crumble so much, and if it is covered protective composition, pre-printed, then such an casting can be used not only in the interior, but also in the exterior (outside the house). If you can't remember how much water is needed, lime and plaster in liters - take advantage of the ratio of 10: 1: 6.

Moreover, the quality of the solution depends not only on the components, but also on the very process of cooking, or rather, from how to add a dry part to water and how to mix this mass to dilute the plaster correctly. According to the majority of builders, at the very beginning it is necessary to add water to the bucket. Then the dry base is covered in the water, but not immediately, but a thin flowing. The mass obtained at this time is mixed, but not a mixer, but an ordinary stick. The mixer can be included only after the last grains fall into the water.

How to prepare plaster with chalk and joinery glue

Compositions for plastering surfaces are sold in the form of ready-made mixtures, the basis of which is precisely plaster. In addition, there is a lime, mineral fillers and dry adhesive compositions in the recipe. Shopping mixtures are divided into starting and finishing varieties. The first are used in the draft sketch and alignment of the walls, the second - when final finish. But if you have not enough to complete the plastering of the surface finished mixesYou can cook the stucco with your own hands. To do this, you need to take a kilogram of the composition of B-type, three kilograms of chalk and 200 grams of joinery glue. Dry components are thoroughly mixed, and the glue is better to add to the water.

Alternative recipes involve use instead of the chalk of a limestone test (1: 1) or wood sawdust (1: 4). In the latter case, one part of the dry adhesive for tile is added to the composition.

Liquids for any self-made composition need no more than 300 ml per kilogram of a dry mixture. Sex plaster better than a mixerinserted into the cartridge of the screwdriver (network, and not rechargeable). And, as always, the water poured into the container, and then the plaster fall there. In a word, a recipe for cooking homemade plastering Spends the same terms of implementation as the technology of kneading a shopping dry mixture.

Making color plaster - work out of 4 steps

Standard color of plaster casting or plaster - yellowish gray. If the mixture is made of pure material, the color may be white-gray. Such a combination suits far from all designers. However, this deficiency is easy to correct using the recipes for the preparation of color solutions. To do this, we will need a classic set of components: water, pigment for water-emulsion colors, lime and gypsum. The process of cooking the color solution itself is as follows:

  • Take a bucket with a tight lid with a volume of about 3 liters. It is best for these purposes an empty capacity from under the water-emulsion paint.
  • Fill into a liter of water in a bucket and dissolve pigment for paint in it. Little color and saturation in this case will have to withstand "on the eye", controlling the pigment consistency visually.
  • Lack into the water 100 gram glass of dry hawed lime. And thoroughly take this mass to creamy consistency, receiving limestone dough. If the color of the dough is different from the desired - add pigment and mix the composition again.
  • Lay in half a ready-made solution of six 100-gram gypsum glasses, falling asleep in the dough with a thin flowing and peeling thoroughly. In the end, turn on construction mixer And achieve homogeneity of the solution.

The composition obtained in this way can be used to fill in the form. If you plan to obtain color plaster, the mass fraction of lime in solution should not differ from the volume of gypsum.

How to slow down the solidification of the solution - casing, soap and olif

Working with plaster requires a very high qualification or decorator. After all, even the relatively plastic composition of B-type is harden in 6 minutes, and the most durable mixtures based on the compositions of A-type are losing plasticity literally for 100-150 seconds. Although such a solution, such a solution leaves from 30 minutes to an hour. Of course, too rapid frost does not suit neither professional builders or homegrown lovers.

Professionals are forced to interfere with microscopic portions solution, breaking away from the main work every 5-10 minutes. Lovers are even harder - they cannot even spend in 4-5 minutes even a microscopic portion of the solution, which forces them to throw away the remains of the frozen material. Therefore, before breeding gypsum, professionals and amateurs add special additives, slowing down grapplation and solid solutions. And if there are no such additives at hand, then self-made compositions prepared in the following recipes are followed:

  • In the liter of water, 4 tablespoons of acetic essence are poured. After that, the composition will be stuck within 40 minutes.
  • 100 chips add in liter of water economic Soap. On this basis, the solution will be glanced for 20 minutes.
  • In the liter of water mix 100 grams of olifes. Such a solution will retain plasticity for 15-20 minutes.

In addition, the foundation can be seated not on the water, but on the wallpaper glue (Cleeter). In this case, the solution can be used for at least half an hour. And during this time, with a portion of the solution, even an inexperienced finisher will cope.