How to paint walls with water-based paint. Technology of painting walls with water-based paint Whitewashing with water-based paint with color

To know how to properly use water-based paint for walls, you should familiarize yourself not only with the application technology, but also with the procedure for preparing the surfaces to be decorated - all this is discussed in this article.

Or water-dispersion paint is a water-based finishing coating with the addition of polymers that shape the properties of the material. Differences from other paints in the form of easy and quick application, variety of shades, various degrees stability make it universal for interior and exterior work.

Water-based paint for walls: characteristics

Technical characteristics of the paint: composition, consumption, viscosity, drying time - vary depending on the intended use.

By correctly comparing the desired parameters of coverage, finish gloss or matte, and coating strength, you can choose a paint that suits all points.

Water-based emulsion has a number of advantages that distinguish it from other paints:

  • drying time from 2 hours;
  • lack of specific odor;
  • environmental friendliness (safety for humans and the environment);
  • the ability to choose the desired shades;
  • easy cleaning of instruments and skin swabs

Painting with water-based emulsion should only be carried out at temperatures above 5°.


distinguished by the main polymer in the composition:

  1. Acrylic. Acrylic resins make the paint durable and suitable even for external finishing works. It is used for wood, glass, brick, concrete, plastered and even primed metal surfaces. Acrylic water-dispersion compositions often contain an additional component - latex, which increases the water-repellent properties of the painted surface. A double layer can heal microcracks on the wall (1 mm).
  2. Silicone. Silicone resins are a reliable basis for paints and varnishes for wet rooms. Silicone is an elastic material. Able to paint over larger cracks. The antiseptic present in the composition fights the formation of fungus and mold. The composition is suitable for bathrooms, kitchens, including painting ceilings with protection from moisture, steam, and temperature changes.
  3. Silicate. Paint based liquid glass more often used for facade finishing due to increased resistance to atmospheric phenomena. The durability of silicate coating reaches 20 years. The peculiarity of the coating is transparency, so it is rarely used in interiors due to low hiding power and a small range of shades. The presence of mica, talc, and silicon in the composition makes tinting impossible, so the choice of color is limited.
  4. Mineral. Suitable for painting concrete, brick, cement surfaces. The paint is designed to protect against water and ultraviolet radiation and requires regular renewal of the layer. The fragility of the coating makes mineral water-based emulsion rarely chosen, but it is not a cheap option for cosmetic repairs.

TOP 5 rating of popular water-based paints: which is better

A country-


pros Minuses
Tikkurila Finland · Optimal combination of price and quality.

· Modern technologies production.

· Constant expansion of the range with new products for different surfaces.

· Unpretentiousness in everyday life (vapor permeability, dirt-repellent properties, etc.).

· Hypoallergenic.

· The need for professional tinting.

· The need to combine with others finishing materials the same brand.

Ceresit Russia · High adhesion (adhesion to the surface).

· Resistance to direct sunlight.

· Uniformity of painting and tinting.

· High cost for double application required on any surface.
Dulux Great Britain · Environmentally friendly, making the paint an ideal option for bedrooms and children's rooms.

· Constant modernization of technologies, confirmed by international exhibitions and competitions.

· Durability of the coating.

· High price.

· Many nuances of application, which requires the involvement of a professional in painting.

Caparol Germany · A network of factories around the world.

· Affordable price.

· High resistance to washing and abrasion.

· High hiding power (one layer is enough).

· Complete drying takes several days.
Dufa Germany · Wide range of shades and textures.

· High quality compositions.

· Poor coverage and strength of the coating.

· Absence of a snow-white shade in the palette (often chosen for the ceiling).


It occurs in three layers: the first is primer, the next two are paint and varnish.

Painting is carried out in stripes overlapping each other at the junction in the manner of writing the letter “W”.

It is better to start work in daylight in the direction from the window in the opposite direction.

How to prepare a wall for painting

The preliminary stage includes plastering the uneven walls, then applying a layer of putty. After the materials have dried, the walls are washed with soapy water and a layer of primer is applied.

Popular technologies

There are three main technologies for painting walls:

  • brush;
  • roller;
  • spray gun.

Brush painting is an energy-intensive process with less than ideal results. The brush applies the paint unevenly and leaves streaks. However, you can’t do without a brush when processing areas in corners, at the joints with the ceiling, around window frames. To do this, you need to choose a brush 10-15 cm wide, immerse it in liquid up to a third of the bristles, and use a mesh to get rid of excess on the brush.

Painting with a roller - quick way, which requires careful distribution of paint, first on the roller itself, then on the wall to avoid the formation of drips and splashes. To do this, use a special tray with a container for water emulsion and a place for rolling.

Gives a high-quality layer without streaks, omissions, smudges, or color differences. The device is characterized by a large simultaneous coverage of the wall area, which speeds up the painting process.

How to paint over old paint

It is possible to update the interior without bothering to remove the old coating only if the old paint does not peel off. For a new coating with water-based emulsion, you need to sand the wall, apply a primer layer, and then start painting.

If the old paint is covered with cracks, chips, or peeling places, then for better adhesion of the new coating it must be removed. The water-dispersion coating can be washed off with a special solvent, or mechanically using a spatula, chisel, grinding machine, construction hair dryer and etc.

How to apply to different surfaces

Wallpaper can be painted with water-dispersion emulsion, textured plaster, plasterboard structures, old finishing oil paint. Each of these cases requires an individual solution.

You can paint wallpaper that is specially marked “for painting”!

Others may behave unpredictably under the coloring composition - get wet, change the degree of smoothness of the surface, peel off from the wall, absorb the paint unevenly, creating stains.

Plasterboard walls are becoming more popular due to the variety of shapes they can create and their smooth surface.

This simplifies the process of wallpapering, but painting requires a number of manipulations.

Possible when applied on a layer finishing putty. The layer of putty here can be minimal, since it is intended not to level, but to create a uniform surface without seams and putty at the joints to obtain a uniform color in just one layer of paint.

You should not apply water-based emulsion to whitewashed surfaces - it is better to wash off the whitewash first. Chalk or lime compounds will begin to crack and peel under the paint, forcing you to repaint the walls once a year.

How to choose colors

Selection color scheme for a room it is often based on the warmth/coldness of the room. When the windows face south, the room is visually cooled by shades of blue, purple, and green. If the room is located on the north side, then warm shades of yellow, red, and brown are better suited.

Wall surface type

Water-based coating is used for wooden, concrete, and brick surfaces. Apply to walls, ceilings, plaster and drywall. Regardless of surface type important factor achievements perfect result- Thorough mixing of the emulsion. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the recommendations in the instructions for the paint: for example, if the water-based emulsion requires dilution with water, then it is better not to neglect this manipulation for uniform coverage.

Number of colors

The standard layout for the room is three shades. The variety of modern colors allows you to choose a range of colors of the desired brightness or pastel, as well as visually change the feeling of space in the room. So, bright hues They expand the space, dark ones narrow them. This technique can be used in combination to visually raise the height of the room when choosing dark walls and a light ceiling.

Processing degree

The degree of pre-treatment determines the subsequent adhesion of the paint and the wall. If insufficiently processed, the water-based emulsion will hold up worse.

If the absorbency of the wall surface is incorrectly calculated, painting may require more materials.

How to paint without streaks

It is preferable to paint the wall in 2 or 3 thin layers than in 1 thick layer that forms streaks. In addition, it is better to apply a new layer of paint on top of the completely dried previous one.

Applying the emulsion in thin layers helps to avoid streaks!

White water emulsion

White water-dispersed paint is usually mixed with a special conditioner thinner. This additive allows additional drying time to allow the joints of painted areas to be overlapped without creating overlap marks.

Colored wall paint

A tinted primer - matching the color of the paint or a suitable shade - helps to avoid streaks on a colored coating and make it richer. Also, a colored primer allows you to achieve the desired color in fewer layers.

The first step towards smooth paint coating surfaces - selection of tools (rollers, brushes, rolling trays, painting nets for removing excess paint). It is not difficult to distribute the composition over a roller or brush, the main thing is to act smoothly, slowly: roll the roller several times on a flat surface, apply only required amount paints.

An important point when applying the final layer of paint is taking into account the direction of the light rays. The coincidence of the planes of incidence of light and the painting of the finishing layer makes it possible to hide the heterogeneity of both the wall structure and the painted surface.

Thus, paint has a number of advantages in the form of environmental friendliness, ease of application, wide color palette and large selection types of paints for different surfaces.

Useful video

Painting walls is the main stage of cosmetic renovation. The procedure is quite simple and does not require the involvement of specialists. To paint the walls water-based paint was successful, you need to know how to choose the right everything you need and carry out the work yourself.

The main rule is not to buy anything on the market. In addition to the risk of purchasing counterfeit products of low quality, materials in such places are stored incorrectly. Water-based compositions freeze when low temperatures, and after defrosting they lose their quality.

To choose the right water emulsion, you need to pay attention to the following:

You will also need Consumables:

  • Primer. Provides high level adhesion of paint to the wall. In addition, thanks to the use of a primer, smudges will not appear on the walls. It must be made on the same basis as the paint. That is, for acrylic paint you need an acrylic primer, for silicate paint - a silicate one.
  • Sandpaper. It will be required for grinding the surface before work.
  • Putty. If there are a large number of defects, starting and finishing putty will be required. If there are few defects, then only the finishing coat is sufficient.
  • Polyethylene film. It can be used to cover the floor and bulky furniture, which is difficult to remove from the room, to protect against the ingress of the composition.
  • Masking tape.

Some consumables, such as polyethylene or masking tape, are not required for painting, but it will be difficult to work without them

Required Tools

Most often, the compositions are applied to the wall with a roller. There are several types of this tool that are used to paint walls with water-based paint without streaks:

  1. Foam rubber.
  2. The simplest and cheapest type, but due to the fact that foam rubber absorbs a large amount of the composition, microscopic bubbles can form on the surface. It is better to opt for a roller with a high density.
  3. Velor.

Such products are difficult to find in non-specialized stores. Velor is a dense material, so it absorbs a relatively small amount of paint. Thanks to this feature, the tool practically does not splash the composition, but it needs to be dipped in paint quite often. Fur. In this case, we are talking about rollers made of natural or artificial fur. There is practically no difference between them, only natural ones last longer. This option is considered traditional for painting walls.

With the help of a simple tool you can arrange different texture


It is also important to determine the size of the tool. In most cases, it is better to choose the longest possible rollers to make the painting process faster.

But before buying, it is better to weigh the tool in your hand and take into account that paintwork will make it even heavier.

In addition, painting with water-based paint requires brushes for treating hard-to-reach places, a painting tray with a grooved surface, and a mixer for stirring the material. You also need to prepare a stepladder in advance if the ceilings are high, and work clothes.

Preparatory work

Before painting walls with water-based paint, it is necessary to prepare the surfaces. The fact is that this paint is not suitable for finishing walls treated with whitewash or oil paint.

If the walls were previously painted with water-based paint, then the process of removing it is the same as in the case of whitewash. But if oil paint was used, it is more difficult to remove the coating. In most cases, a hair dryer helps: use it to heat the surface, and then scrape off the material with a spatula.

If the paint is too old, a hair dryer may not help. Then removal technology is used using chemical removers. You need to open all the windows and doors in the apartment to create a draft, put on work clothes, rubber gloves and a respirator. Dampen a rag in the solvent, treat the surface with it, wait the specified time and wash the material off the wall. This process must be repeated until a clean base remains.

The safest way to remove oil paint in all respects is to use a hair dryer.

Also, before painting walls with water-based paint, it is permissible to use mechanical methods of removing paint. The simplest is sanding the surface manually or using a grinder. If you have it on hand necessary tools, then you can use a drill with an attachment in the form of chains or a crown for drilling socket boxes.

Puttying and priming

If the walls are perfectly smooth and there are not a single crack on them, then you can skip this point. But, as practice shows, such situations happen rarely; more often preparation is required. It is necessary to tap the wall with a hammer to identify weak points, then inspect the surface and pick out cracks with a spatula to remove small fragments from them. If large potholes have formed, they are sealed cement-sand mortar. Then a starting putty is applied to the entire area with a spatula, after drying the surface must be primed and applied in a thin layer finishing putty. Finally, the walls are treated with sandpaper or a grinding machine.

Perfectly leveling walls with putty is a difficult task, so it’s better to hire professionals

On a note! The primer is applied using a roller mainly in two layers, and the second layer should be applied only after the first has completely dried. In addition to increasing adhesion, this material helps reduce paint consumption.


After completing all the preparatory work and purchasing materials and tools, you can proceed to the main stage. The following will describe how to properly paint walls with water-based paint.

Preparation of the composition

Immediately before starting work, you need to open the container with paint and add some water to it so that the paint is not so thick. Next you need to add color. To carry out this operation with your own hands, you need to have experience, so it is better to tint the composition in the store. It is better to stir the material using an electric drill and a mixer attachment, but if you don’t have a tool at hand, you can get by with any thin, long object. You need to prepare an amount of paint that is enough to finish one wall, so the difference in shades will be almost imperceptible.

On small volumes, white water-based paint can be tinted manually, but for large areas it is better to use automation, otherwise there will be discrepancies in shades

Applying paint with hand tools

Painting with water-based paints occurs as follows: the prepared material must be poured into a painting tray, dip a brush into it and paint hard to reach places near the ceiling. Then you should wet the roller in the paint and squeeze it on the grooved surface of the tray. It is better to start painting from the top; to do this, press the roller to the surface and roll it over the wall. In this way, the entire surface is painted, and after it dries, a second layer is applied.

A paint cuvette with a corrugated spin field will significantly save paint.

Spray application

  • The paint is poured into the container and the equipment is connected.
  • Point the nozzle at an unnecessary sheet of plywood or cardboard and press the button. This must be done so that the paint flow becomes uniform.
  • Then, pointing the nozzle perpendicular to the surface and placing it 30–50 cm from it, you need to press the button and move the device from top to bottom. You should work at a speed of 1 meter per 5 seconds.
  • So you need to paint the entire wall, and after drying, apply a second layer perpendicular to the first.

The speed of painting with a spray gun is several times higher than the manual version, but such work requires a certain skill

At this point, painting with a water-based composition with your own hands is completed. If after the material has dried, stains appear on the walls, it is necessary to apply another layer. If this does not help, you will have to remove the coating and carry out the entire procedure again.

Number of paint layers

According to the work technology, it is necessary to apply at least two layers of paint. This is primarily due to the fact that some of the paint will be absorbed into the surface, causing the base to show through. Therefore, you should not waste a large amount of material on the first layer. It is also important to consider that next layer Apply only after the previous one has completely dried.

When painting in multiple layers, each subsequent layer is applied perpendicular to the previous one, but the last layer should be located parallel to the light from the window

On a note! The number of layers also depends on the color of the base and paint. If the material lighter than the wall, then at least three layers will be required.

Creating a textured surface

Very often, water-based emulsions are used to create a textured painted coating. For these purposes, you will need a viscous material that cannot be diluted with water. You will also need a roller with medium-length stiff bristles, a lint-free roller and a sponge. At the first stage, use a roller with a hard coat, apply paint to the wall and fill all the pores. Then the protruding parts of the texture are finished with a lint-free roller or sponge. Often, paint of a different color is used.

Simple fleecy rollers can produce quite interesting textures.

Creating texture using a coloring composition

To create a textured surface, you can use paint without first plastering the wall. If you only have a regular roller at hand, you need to dip it into the viscous material and quickly roll it over the surface. After drying, you will get a pattern with pores and textured stains. If you first dilute the composition a little, you will get a more blurry pattern. Along with the paint, you can use special rollers with flaps or cutouts.

Important! When creating a textured surface, a large amount of material is consumed.

The texture of the water-based emulsion can be applied either manually or with a special roller

Features of painting wet rooms

Water-based compositions are easily dissolved by water, so during repair work The question arises: how to properly paint walls in wet rooms? The main condition for painting with this material is the presence of high-quality forced ventilation. If we are talking about the kitchen, then you can paint only those walls that are located away from the countertop for cooking, gas stove and sink. It is better to cover this area tiles. After the material has dried, it is recommended to varnish the walls.

For wet rooms, washable water-dispersion compositions based on latex or acrylate are used.

As for the bathroom, it is better to use water-based emulsion only if a shower stall is installed. The fact is that even with good ventilation, a large amount of steam will form in the bathroom, which negatively affects the coating.

Painting walls with water-based paint yourself is quite simple procedure. For the result to meet your expectations, it is enough to follow the above recommendations and carefully read the label on the package. We also recommend watching the video.

If you are starting to renovate a room and you have to paint the walls and ceiling, pay attention to water-based paint. This paint is especially popular because it is easy to use, it is safe, and it dries quickly. Even a novice painter can cope with such work.

If you carry out repairs yourself, you need to know certain rules and subtleties of working with water-based paints.

Features of the compositions

When choosing paint and varnish materials for renovation of premises, you should know that they may differ in their characteristics, have different composition, different manufacturers. Some types of materials can only be used indoors, others are used both indoors and for painting walls outside.

The selection of paint must be approached thoroughly in order to choose the right material that is required for the job.

The basis of water-based paint is water, to which mineral components are added. After the water dries, a durable film is formed that protects the surface from external negative impact and makes the walls and ceiling attractive.

The final result depends on what paint you use. We can distinguish the following types of paints and varnishes, which differ in their components:

  • Mineral paint. It is made by adding lime or cement to the composition. It is inexpensive, easy to apply, but quickly begins to fade under sunlight and is easily damaged.
  • Silicate– it is produced using liquid glass. This paint can be used to paint a room inside and outside, as the material is resistant to sunlight and has increased water resistance. By painting the walls with this paint, you can forget about repairs for 10 years, the material will retain its color.
  • Acrylic paints . They are recommended to be used in a dry room; for greater moisture resistance, latex is added to the material. After using this material, a flat, smooth surface is obtained; in the process, minor cracks on the walls are healed.

  • Using silicone paint , you can fight cracks on larger walls, up to 2 mm. The material is quite expensive, but has many advantages: the paint lies smoothly on the surface, allows water vapor to pass through, and retains its quality for a long time.
  • For repair work you can use polyvinyl acetate paints which have many advantages. They are used for finishing porous materials such as wood, cardboard, and plaster. The material dries quickly, has no ingredients harmful to health, adheres well to the surface, and after drying an excellent result is obtained.

If you have already decided on the paint, all you have to do is choose good manufacturer paint and varnish materials, the quality of your repair depends on this.

Choosing paint and roller

The final result depends on the choice of materials and tools. You can choose a vacuum cleaner that will cover the surface without streaks, but working with a spray gun requires practice. For home use It’s better to take brushes and rollers.

When choosing paint in a store, seek advice from the seller: he will help you make the right choice, tell you how to use it correctly, and for what rooms it is intended. If you don’t have a consultant nearby, you can read the information on the can or listen to the advice of professional craftsmen.

The most convenient to use, having all the qualities for good painting are materials from the following brands:

  • Marshall;
  • Alpina;
  • Dulux;
  • Tikkurila.

Of course, this list can be continued; all manufacturers are trying to do quality product, which will allow you to carry out repair work even at home without professional help.

After you have figured out the water emulsion, you should purchase additional tools and materials. You should buy:

  • hard brush;
  • soft plastic brush;
  • tape for repair work;
  • sandpaper;
  • a couple of rollers, choose rollers with medium hardness and length;
  • you need handles for the roller that can be changed. The length of the handles for the roller is 1 meter, 1.5 meters;
  • putty knife;
  • paint trays;
  • acrylic primer. To process 1 sq. m of surface, 200 ml of primer is sufficient.

Find work clothes and suitable shoes in advance, because during repair work you will not be able to protect yourself from dirt and stains. Prepare dry, clean rags to remove dirt and blots.

If you have to work with uneven and textured surfaces, it is better to choose rollers from which you can remove the outer coat. The amount of pile on the roller depends on how smooth the surface being painted is. On flatter surfaces, it is better to use a short-haired roller.

If you are painting the wall from above, it is better to take a tool with an extended handle. When painting corners and edges, use brushes with sizes of 50 mm, 150 mm. Experts recommend painting with a nylon polyester brush, it does not deform during operation, the composition is not absorbed into it.

Run your hand over the brush, make sure that the bristles have not lost their shape and are easily restored. Choose a brush with thick, long, cone-shaped bristles.

Surface preparation

Before you start painting, you should prepare the surface. When applied to the wall, the paint is applied in a very thin layer, so the surface must be very smooth, eliminating defects and irregularities, chips and height differences.

Before painting begins, the surface must be prepared: remove remnants from the previous coating, clean the walls and ceiling. Stains can be washed off with a soap solution, wait until the surface dries, and inspect again. If the walls have been previously painted, or there is whitewash on them, such a surface must first be cleaned; it cannot be painted with water-based emulsion. To wash off whitewash from concrete surfaces, warm water with the addition of detergent is suitable.

Often there is a need to level or even reconstruct the surface. Please pay attention Special attention plaster, make the wall smooth. If there are cracks or chips on the wall, it is better to choose gypsum putty, you can line the walls with alabaster. The next stage will be primer - it must be applied to improve the adhesion of the material and reduce its consumption.

You can reconstruct the room, level the walls and ceiling using plasterboard, from plasterboard sheets creating a relief surface with a variety of shapes.

Try to clear the room of furniture and unnecessary objects, this will make it much more convenient for you to work, and the furniture will not get random stains from whitewash or paint. The best option if there is no furniture in the room.

Cover the floor with film or any other material. To ensure that the film lies flat on the floor and does not interfere with work, use masking tape and attach it to the wall. This will save you a lot of time cleaning the floors. The film can also be hung on the door to prevent debris and paint from getting into the next room.

With water-based emulsion you can successfully paint not only the walls, but also the ceiling. If you wanted to whitewash the ceilings, consider whether it might be advisable to paint the room, make the walls and ceiling in the same tone, so the room will be lighter and visually larger in size.

Water-based paint is quite thick, if desired it can be diluted with water. If you have an electric drill, you can stir the mixture using the mixer attachment. If you don't have a drill, just take a stick and mix the mixture thoroughly. Do not start working immediately after mixing, wait until the foam settles.

If you want to paint a room a certain color, it's time to add pigment, you can achieve about 200 shades.

Try to ensure that the amount of mixture is enough for the entire room, since it will be difficult to make exactly the same tone again. It’s better to prepare a little more mixture, with a reserve. By the way, you can mix the ingredients in the store or do it yourself.


When purchasing material, study it specifications. Find out the composition, how to dilute it correctly, find out how to calculate how much material is needed to complete all repair work. Don't forget to check the expiration date do not purchase expired goods, otherwise the result may not please you. If you have leftover old paint at home, look at the date of manufacture and expiration date.

The paint should be applied evenly to the surface. This can be achieved if you use a spray gun, but in order to produce high-quality painting and quickly complete the work, training will be required. This method is suitable for painting ceilings and walls.

Using brushes and a roller you can paint any surface. In places where it is inconvenient to apply the composition with a roller, brushes will come to the rescue. These methods will allow you to quickly complete the job and reduce material consumption.

Using the advice of experienced specialists, we begin to paint the right corner from the window, moving towards the door, then move towards the window again. You need to pour the paint into the tray and roll the roller several times until it is saturated.

Each time you dip the roller into the paint, give it a gentle squeeze to avoid drips. It is more convenient to start painting from the top of the room; if there are drips or drops, they will then be rolled out with a roller.

There is a certain technology for correct application composition. You need to roll out the paint small areas moving from ceiling to floor. You can move the roller in different sides, parallel or sideways, grabbing a little paint, this way you will avoid streaks.

After painting 3-4 meters, rinse the roller with clean water, this way you will get rid of dirt and dust that hit him. If you've painted the walls and some dirt and sand remain, wait until they dry completely, remove them with a razor blade, then look again to see if you'll need to repaint.

It takes 10-15 minutes for the paint to dry slightly, so all work must be done quickly.

Try not to take breaks in your work, then you can complete it quickly. If you do take a break and the paint has dried, the border may differ. It should be painted 2-3 times. You should not try to paint the room at once, applying the maximum layer. Wait for the layer to dry, then repeat the process.

If there are any left on the wall greasy spots that may show through, you need to clean these places and paint several times. On putty surfaces, the paint applies smoothly and easily, leaving no drips or streaks. After puttingty, be sure to wait until the coating is completely dry. If you plan to glue wallpaper after painting, just apply one layer.

Greasing the uneven surfaces and sanding is carried out in preparation for improved painting. In this case, several mandatory operations should be performed: carry out an initial primer with partial priming, sand the greased areas, the next step will be the second priming and painting.

Applying paints and varnishes with a roller is a popular solution when carrying out finishing work. Specialized rollers for different paint compositions and surfaces are an example of a combination of simplicity and ease of use with ease of mastery even by non-professional painters.

Painting walls with a roller: selection of tools and process features

Roller - for painting. It simplifies the process of applying paint, speeds up the processing of large surfaces, and reduces the consumption of paint composition.

Working with a roller allows you to control the thickness of the layer and correct uneven application while the paint is still wet.

The result of using the tool is uniform coverage.

Painting walls with a roller: a simple solution

Choosing a roller pays off with numerous advantages of working with it:

  • ease of distribution of the coloring matter;
  • absence of paint accumulations that form smears, stains, or smudges;
  • ease of manipulation due to the reciprocating rotation of the mechanism;
  • the ability to use stencil and textured attachments;
  • less chance of lint or bristles falling out compared to a brush.

Painting technique: existing options

When using a roller, you should pay attention to the quality of painting: a lack of paint on the tool can lead to the formation of unpainted areas that are difficult to notice during the work process. Such “bald spots” will have to be duplicated with an additional layer of paint, since dotted strokes will stand out from the overall uniformity of the coating.

A common method of working with a roller is the “W” technique: vertical stripes slightly overlap each other at the junction, allowing you to quickly paint a large area. The speed of painting using this method does not allow the paint to dry before the end of the work, which makes the resulting layer even and visually consistent.

Painting with a “W” requires plenty of room to manipulate, so it’s best to do it in an empty room. The long handle of the roller makes it especially convenient.

Another way to avoid gaps and stripes is the “squares” technique. It consists of conditionally dividing the wall into squares at the corners, which are painted alternately and then combined into a single covering horizontal stripes. This method depends on the illumination of the room and takes into account the direction of light from the window.

Painting in “squares” requires speed to avoid premature drying, so it is more often used by professionals. Hobbyists need to monitor the degree of drying of the paint in order to prevent the coating from being applied to an area that has already dried.

Roller selection

The whole variety of rollers is based on the difference in their purposes (use for different surfaces, areas of the surface to be painted).


The rollers are divided into three types based on size.

  1. Mini - designed for local work in small areas, in corners, for stencils. Also, mini rollers with a rubberized base are used to strengthen seams, increasing the adhesion of the coating to the wall.
  2. Midi - medium-sized rollers, convenient for most painting tasks. Used for painting walls, floors, ceilings, and correct selection The coat allows you to work with all types of paint.
  3. Maxi are large rollers, when using which it is difficult to monitor the uniformity of application and the absence of gaps. Maxi-rollers are used in priming work on large areas, as well as in creating a primary coating layer that will be covered by subsequent finishing.

A variety of roller sizes is also observed in the range of highly specialized rollers for uneven surfaces, aggressive paint compositions, or bitumen.

Foam rubber

It is highly absorbent and suitable for painting most surfaces. The foam nozzle is chosen for water-based or adhesive-based paints and varnishes.

You cannot use a foam roller with water-based or oil-based compositions, as during operation they will destroy the structure of the material, which will lead to the formation of lumps on the paint.


Gives a smooth surface, used for ceilings or as a finishing layer on walls. Velor is suitable for using water-based and oil-based paints, but it does not absorb solutions well, which is why you have to often draw paint from a tray.


Synthetic coats for rollers are universal: they are suitable for all types, are not afraid of aggressive solvents, and absorb and release paint. In addition, polyamide rollers are easy to clean after painting, so they last a long time.


Fur rollers vary in degree of fluffiness and give excellent results even on uneven walls due to the length of the pile. Fur coats (artificial or natural) are used for water-dispersion, oil, alkyd compounds, and are distinguished by the application of coatings without splashing. Fur rollers help create an even layer of paint even on surfaces with cracks, differences, or chips. Suitable for painting large areas.

How to paint walls correctly

The selection of roller also depends on the type of paint and varnish applied. Each paint has features, timely consideration of which will make the roller work high-quality and effective.

Water-based paint

The optimal choice would be rollers coated with velor or pile.

Velor coats have weak absorbent power, so they are better suited for small sizes painted surfaces.

Pile rollers are an expensive option (especially those made from natural materials), but they have a number of advantages:

  • the ability to select the length of the pile to create layers of a certain thickness (for thin - short pile, for thick - long);
  • used for uniform painting of walls and for decorative finishing;
  • long-term operation;
  • the presence of a special elongated pile for porous, rough surfaces.


Enamel paint is used to obtain a glossy surface, so the requirements are for the initial smoothness of the wall and for the roller material, which should not leave particles or air bubbles. Creating a glossy finish requires a natural wool roller big size- this will allow you to have time to apply the enamel without drying out streaks.

Silicate paint

The peculiarity of applying silicate paint with a roller is that the coat material must gain and release the same from strip to strip, otherwise the difference in the thickness of the layers will be visually noticeable. For silicate compositions, synthetic rollers and special trays with a place for rolling out in the form of a mesh are selected, which removes unnecessary excess.

Other types of paints

The modern variety of types of paint and varnish materials can create difficulties when choosing a roller. In this case, it is better to contact a consultant in the store, who will select a tool taking into account the characteristics of the paint. In addition, you should pay attention to the instructions for use, which should list the compositions suitable for the roller. So, for painting latex walls, a roller with minimal synthetic bristles is suitable, and when applying alkyd mixtures, you cannot do without a brush, which should also match the markings.

To avoid defective areas on the surface to be painted, you must follow a number of mandatory instructions for working with the roller.

  • The fur coat should be checked for the quality of the pile in the store ( quality tool- this is when, when held with the palm of the hand, the structure takes on original appearance, with a slight twitch, the hairs of the coat do not separate from the roller).
  • The metal frame of the roller should not have any extraneous stains of old paint or rust; the rotation mechanism must be smooth and free.
  • Despite the fact that a roller allows you to quickly paint a surface, when working with a specific paint composition it is necessary to calculate the exact drying time. Stains and stripes most often form at the junctions of different layers, so adherence to technologies for paints, varnishes, liquid wallpaper will help avoid poor quality results.

Thus, using a roller is the best option for combining price and quality: the tool does not require large financial costs, is suitable for all surfaces and is easy to use.

Useful video

To know how To When painting walls with water-based paint, you need to familiarize yourself not only with the technology of its application, but also with the procedure for preparing the surfaces to be decorated for it. If you strictly follow all the rules, you can see from your own example that there is nothing overly complicated in this process.

Despite to appear on market of numerous innovative wall painting has been and remains the most relevant for both modern office spaces and living rooms in apartments and private houses.

Water-based paint is attractive because it is water-based and does not emit unpleasant odor when painting. At the same time, it is distinguished by excellent decorative properties - as a result of painting, a pleasant soft matte surface texture is obtained. In addition, with the help of this type of paint you can create various patterns on the walls that imitate relief, or you can come up with a special texture using auxiliary elements for this. Typically, this method is used in cases where the wall has irregularities and there is no way to correct them. Ideal, even painting is achieved if the wall is well cleaned and leveled, so all work begins with preparing the walls.

Before starting any work related to painting, it is necessary to prepare the work space, as well as tools and accessories, including protective equipment.

Tools and materials for work

To carry out the work you need to prepare the following tools:

  • A construction mixer, but in this case it may be enough conventional drill with mixing attachment. This will be enough to mix the paint.

  • Painting tray - for the convenience of dipping the roller into paint and in order to maximize material savings.

  • A roller with medium length pile and a long handle - for easy painting of walls under the ceiling without the use of additional stepladders or sawhorses.

The main tools of a painter are rollers, brushes
  • Brushes of different widths - for applying paint in places inaccessible to a roller.

Grater - a tool for leveling the surface of a wall
  • A grater for cleaning walls from old coating and sanding them.
  • Spatulas, brushes or a stiff sponge - for cleaning surfaces.
  • Wide spatula for leveling walls with putty.

  • If the paint is applied either with a relief pattern or its imitation, then additional tools or homemade elements will be needed to help create the desired texture.

Materials for painting walls

It is necessary to prepare in advance the materials that are impossible to do without when painting:

The main material is high-quality water-based paint
  • Water-based paint. It can immediately have a certain color or be white. In the latter case, you will need a dye that will allow you to select the desired shade for the paint. It is recommended to do the mixing yourself, as it becomes possible to paint the walls in a slightly different tone. For example, the walls in which they are installed window units, are less illuminated than other surfaces in the room, so you can prepare paint that is a lighter tone for them.

  • Dye of the chosen color.

  • A primer for walls that will prevent mold stains from appearing on walls and create conditions for good adhesion of paint to surfaces.
  • Sandpaper for cleaning and sanding the surface.
  • Putty, rough - for repairs and finishing - for final leveling of walls.
  • Polyethylene film - to protect surfaces that will not be painted from accidental drops of paint.

  • Masking tape, for attaching protective film to walls and floors, for fencing off painting areas - if necessary.
  • In addition, you need to prepare work clothes and skin and respiratory protection - a suitable suit, a respirator or mask, rubber and fabric gloves.

We should dwell in a little more detail on the choice of paint, or rather, on the criteria that predetermine it when purchasing.

Paint Selection Options

The water emulsion is not at all the same - you need to know how to choose it

Water-based and water-dispersion paints are probably the best option for decorative painting of wall and ceiling surfaces in residential premises. This is due to the proximity positive qualities similar compositions:

  • Such paint is an environmentally friendly product that does not harm human health.
  • When working with these paints, there is no sharp unpleasant odor in the room, so work can be carried out even with the windows closed.
  • Water-based compositions provide a smooth matte surface - which opens up wide scope for the implementation of a wide variety of design projects.
  • The sufficiently high moisture permeability of the paint allows it to be used for decorating walls in rooms with high humidity, if you properly prepare the surface.

The most popular are aqueous emulsions that are made using acrylic resins. They provide the paint with maximum elasticity and strength, but such compositions have a fairly significant cost. Therefore, you can choose compositions that are affordable, but also include acrylic components - these are vinyl acrylic and styrene acrylic paints.

Find out which paint is better by looking for the correct answer from our article.

If the paint contains latex, then after drying the surface acquires water-repellent properties. This coating can withstand about a thousand wash cycles.

The water-dispersion version of the paint is somewhat different from the water emulsion. This primarily concerns the main components, which include styrene copolymers, polyacrylates, as well as polyvinyl acetates. These components do not dissolve in water. When applying paint to a surface as it drying out Water evaporates, and polymerization of insoluble components occurs on the wall to form a coloring film.

Both water composition paints include pigments - titanium dioxide or zinc oxide are most often used in this capacity - they are introduced to obtain a perfectly white color. In inexpensive paint compositions, instead of these coloring pigments, a chalky component is added, which, in addition, serves as a filler.

When purchasing coloring compositions, you need to pay attention to their characteristics, such as drying time, emulsion viscosity, its consumption, shelf life, storage conditions, specific gravity and others.

  • The drying time of the applied paint ranges from 2.5 to 24 hours, and this parameter depends on the humidity and temperature in the room. Ideal conditions for painting work: temperature of the surfaces to be painted +18÷20 degrees, relative air humidity -60-65%.
  • The viscosity of a composition is an indicator of the degree to which it is diluted with water. A similar parameter is measured with a viscometer. The simplest viscometer is a funnel of a strictly defined volume with a calibrated drain hole. And the viscosity indicator is measured in seconds - how long it takes for all the paint to completely flow out. Such a device is often available to professional painters; fortunately, it is inexpensive. But data on the viscosity of the composition must be indicated on the packaging. Typically, when applying paint with a roller or brush, a viscosity of 45-50 s is required, and when using a spray gun, no higher than 20-25 s.
  • Paint consumption per one square meter The area covered in one layer is 170 ÷ 200 ml. This parameter depends on the surface on which the paint is applied - its looseness and absorbency.
  • The shelf life of water-based paint is almost always two years from the date of manufacture, subject to proper storage conditions. These conditions include the room temperature, which should not be negative, but the paintwork should not be allowed to overheat - the paint should be stored in a cool room with an even temperature
  • The specific gravity of one liter of paint is approximately 1.3 kg.

The main technical characteristics of aqueous emulsions established by GOST are given in the following table.

Indicator nameVD-VA-224VD-AK-111VD-AK-111rVD-KCH-183
paint pH6,8 - 8,2 8,0 - 9,0 7,5 - 9,5 from 8.0
Residual mass of non-volatile substances, %53 - 59 52 - 57 47 - 52 52 - 57
Covering ability of the dried film, g/m2120 100 80 120
Frost resistance of the composition, number of cycles5 5 5 5
Resistance to static effects of water, at a temperature of (20 ± 2) °C, hours12 24 24 24
Degree of grinding, microns30 60 60 60
Drying time (20 ± 2) °С, hours1 1 1 1
Conditional light fastness, %- 5 5 5

Water-based compositions are easily applied to the prepared surface, but they cannot be used to paint walls previously coated with oil paint, or a glossy surface. The walls, previously covered with a water emulsion, will be covered with paint made on any base.

Water-based paint can, in principle, be applied to any surface except metal, as it can provoke corrosion processes.

Prices for paint for ceilings and walls

Ceiling and wall paint

Surface preparation

Since the surface of the walls is almost never perfectly smooth, and moreover, most often there is already some kind of paint on it, it must first be brought into proper condition, suitable for painting.

Before starting work, polyethylene film is laid on floors and other surfaces that will not be cleaned or painted. It must be secured to the baseboards using masking tape. By using this method of protection, you can subsequently save yourself from T labor-intensive cleaning and maintain the decorative floor covering in its original condition.

Wall cleaning

  • First you need to remove the old decorative covering from the walls. This process can be carried out using a stiff brush or sponge if the wall, for example, was covered with whitewash.

The surface is moistened with water, the remaining whitewash is cleaned off with spatulas, brushes, and if it gets wet easily, then it is simply washed off using a sponge and soft cloth.

  • If the surface is painted with oil paint, then it can be cleaned using a hair dryer - this is a long and labor-intensive process, especially If the wall is painted with a thin layer. You can go in other ways, for example, in such a situation there are two options - or make notches on them and re-plaster them, creating a smooth surface.

If there are many layers of paint on the wall, and it has begun to come off in places, you will have to clean it off by heating it with a hairdryer and picking it up with a spatula or scraper.

Sealing cracks

  • After cleaning the walls, it is necessary to carry out a thorough inspection of them to detect any cracks or unstable areas. If they are not repaired before puttying and painting, they will definitely appear on the already renovated wall.

  • Detected cracks need to be widened so that the repair compound penetrates as deeply as possible into the thickness of the wall.

  • The cracks are widened using a spatula or a grinder with a stone wheel. Then they are thoroughly cleaned, coated with a deep penetration primer and left to dry for the time specified in the instructions (usually from 4 to 6 hours).
  • After drying, the cracks are sealed with putty or one of polymer materials, for example, silicone sealant or “liquid nails”.
  • When sealing cracks, you need to try to remove from the wall surface all excess material so that the “patch” is flush with wall surface.
  • After the repair composition has completely dried, all walls primed and dry. If the wall is not level enough, it is then leveled, which can be purchased in a paste form or in a dry mixture.

Puttying walls

Whatever putty is used to level the walls, it must be well prepared and brought to the required consistency. A drill with a mixer attachment will help with this. The resulting mass must be completely homogeneous, otherwise it will not make the surface smooth.

  • Prepared composition taken from the bucket with a medium-sized spatula or trowel and spread on the edge of a wide spatula. With its help, the leveling mass is applied to the wall smooth movements. The material can be applied to the surface from the ceiling, floor or from a corner, the main thing is that the mixture should be distributed in an even layer. All stripes and other imperfections remaining from the corners of the instrument are immediately smoothed out.

  • After the walls are puttied, they are left to dry. This process etc It will go away quite quickly, since the layer of material should be very small, only 2 ÷ 3 mm.

  • If the putty has applied successfully, the next step will be to grout it using a trowel. If necessary, you can apply a second, finishing layer on top of the first layer, and after drying, proceed to the final grouting.
  • Grouting is done with light circular movements counterclockwise until the surface is perfectly smooth.
  • After completing this work and achieving the desired result, it would be a good idea to thoroughly vacuum the walls from putty dust, but so as not to leave accidental scratches with the vacuum cleaner brush.

  • Next, it is applied to all prepared surfaces, which must be given 5 ÷ 6 hours to completely absorb into the walls and dry. The primer may have White color or be transparent. It is best to apply it using a roller, but you can also use a wide brush, especially in hard-to-reach areas (in corners or in places where pipes pass, etc.)

Then you can move on to preparing the paint.

Prices for mixtures for leveling walls and ceilings

Mixtures for leveling walls and ceilings

Paint preparation and color selection

One of the difficult moments is choosing the right color

When you open a can of paint, you can see that its consistency is usually quite thick. A composition of this viscosity is well suited for creating relief, but for painting it is still a bit thick. Therefore, after intensive mixing of the emulsion, it can be slightly diluted with water to the desired state.

  • Water is added in very small portions to avoid excessive dilution to the point where it is unsuitable for painting vertical surfaces.
  • Using different colors and shades of water emulsion, you can create amazing room interiors. However, in order to bring your plans to life, you will have to “conjure” the white paint by adding the selected color to it, and the more you add, the brighter the paint will turn out.

The color is added gradually, and after each addition the paint is thoroughly mixed.

  • In order to get the same color for all surfaces of the room, you need to immediately determine how much color is added to each can or bucket of paint of a strictly defined volume. Better yet, prepare immediately enough paint of the desired color to cover all surfaces of the room.

The only deviation that is recommended is to cover the wall on which the window is located with a paint that is one or two shades lighter than the other three walls. This combination will visually expand the space of the room.

  • It would be a good idea to leave some of the manufactured paint in reserve, so that if the walls are worn in some places, they can be restored to their proper form. Preparing exactly the same color later is a very difficult task.
  • If the project will use several paint colors in a room, then without masking tape not enough. It highlights a separate part of the wall, which is painted in one color. After this area has completely dried, the tape is pasted on the other side of the border, and the second selected color is applied next to it, and so on. Even quite complex mosaic designs are made in this way.

Video: tips for tinting water-based paint

Painting the walls

  • Water-based paint is applied in two to three layers, depending on the degree of absorption of the surface. To reduce this absorption capacity, the walls need to be very well prime, as already mentioned above.

  • a small amount is poured into a clean tray, from which it is convenient to pick it up with either a brush or a roller. In addition, the ribbed surface of this paint bath helps to save material, since the paint that is excessively applied to the roller or brush is easily squeezed out on it.
  • The roller is dipped in paint and rolled in it so that its entire “coat” is evenly saturated with the composition. It is better to make the first stroke with a roller on a sheet of cardboard. If it is clear that the roller is well impregnated, then it can be installed long handle and start painting the wall, starting from the top. The smudges formed in this case, falling on the unpainted bottom of the wall, will be compared and rolled out with a roller during the work.

Large areas are covered with a roller, and corners or areas inaccessible to penetration are painted with a brush.

  • Painting the wall should be carried out in two or three layers, always after each of them has dried - only then will you get a uniform paint coating.
  • While the coating is drying, it is necessary to protect the room from drafts, as they can spoil the evenness of the walls, due to the fact that areas will dry unevenly under such conditions.
  • On a flat and dry surface of painted walls, often through a stencil or using a special attachment on a roller, designs can be applied in a different color of paint. This decor can liven up a boring plain wall.
An interesting texture to the surface can be given with the help of simple devices - a sponge, homemade rollers, crumpled polyethylene, etc.
  • Another option for creating a visual texture It may be possible to apply a different tone of paint to the dried surface using a sponge, compressed plastic film or other homemade devices.

— The first layer of coating the textured surface is made with a base color. This layer should paint the entire plane perfectly evenly. In this case, you can use a spray bottle to cover the base layer - it will help the paint penetrate into all the deepest places of the relief.

— Next, take paint two or three shades lighter than the base color, and preferably a much thicker consistency. It is applied onto a clean roller, which without pressure is applied only over the top layer of the textured pattern. This must be done very carefully, as the first base layer can be damaged and labor-intensive adjustments will have to be made.

Video: an interesting technique for applying a textured pattern

When choosing a textured type of painting, you need to take into account that almost twice as much paint will be required, since the top textured or top layers will be applied with a thick, undiluted paint composition.

The work of painting walls can be called creative, since with the help of water-based compositions you can create works of art - you just need to turn on your imagination and imagine the room in its final form.

If you don’t have any ideas, then you just need to choose a color that suits all the residents of the house and get to work. It’s not difficult to paint the finished product, the main thing is to make the walls smooth, but this enough labour intensive process . The creative part of decorating the room will be easy, as the matter will move towards completion and obtaining an updated interior created with your own hands.

Video: how to paint walls with water-based paint