Soak the cutting board with Vaseline oil. Preparing a wooden chopping board for use. Are other finishing compounds hazardous to health?

Wood cutting boards are renowned for their durability and therefore find widespread use in the kitchen when cutting and preparing food. To prolong such a life cutting board, first of all, it must be prepared for operation oil impregnation... This will prevent damage to the board during use. Thereafter, the board should be regularly cleaned and re-oiled when the old impregnation is worn out. In addition, some things should be avoided during the operation of a wooden cutting board, for example, it is not recommended to cut meat on it, as this can lead to contamination of its surface with pathogenic bacteria.


Part 1

Preparing a wooden cutting board for use

    Get some petroleum jelly. The best way to saturate a wooden cutting board is to use petroleum jelly. It will prevent the wood from cracking over time. You can buy petroleum jelly online, at your local department store, or even at your pharmacy.

    Oil the board. Before oiling the board, make sure it is completely clean. Dry it off with a dry paper towel. Then apply a generous amount of oil to a paper towel. Then gently wipe the surface of the board with a paper towel, spreading the oil over it in a thin layer.

    Let the oil soak. Place the board somewhere where it will not be disturbed, such as kitchen Cabinet... Allow the oil to saturate the surface of the wood well, leaving the board alone overnight.

    • If you need to use the board on the same day, allow the oil to soak for at least a few hours.
  1. Remove excess oil. The board may appear greasy or sticky after soaking with oil. If the board sticks, take a paper towel and wipe off the excess oil.

    • After removing the excess oil, the wooden cutting board is ready for use.

Part 2

Correct care at the cutting board
  1. Clean the cutting board after each use. Wooden cutting boards should never be set aside for later cleaning. During this time, food debris and pathogens can penetrate into the wood itself. Be sure to clean the wood board immediately after use. Always wash your board by hand only. Wooden cutting boards must not be washed in dishwasher.

    Dry your cutting board properly. Do not place the cutting board to dry on its side in the dish drainer. Instead, just lay it on a flat surface. If you put the cutting board on its side to dry, then over time it will begin to bend in one direction.

    Re-oil regularly. Check the board every few weeks with water drops. If water remains on the surface, the board does not need to be oiled. If the water is absorbed, it is necessary to treat the board with another layer of petroleum jelly, and then leave it to stand overnight to absorb the oil.

Part 3

Gentle handling of the cutting board

    Do not wash your cutting board in the dishwasher. Wooden cutting boards are extremely sensitive to water. Under no circumstances should a wooden cutting board be placed in the dishwasher. It must be washed exclusively by hand.

Cutting board care is what you need to keep your wooden cutting board looking attractive and safe for your health. The board needs to be washed, cleaned, periodically processed special means... In the article I will dwell on all the issues in more detail.

How to wash a cutting board

Wooden cutting boards must never be washed in. It is also impossible to soak a dirty board in water for a long time, because this can cause the wood to swell and crack after drying.

To avoid any problems with the cutting board, clean it immediately after use, do not let food sit on it for a long time. You can wash, well, or with dishwashing detergent, using a cloth or sponge. Do not use strong detergents for these purposes.

How and what to clean a cutting board

If the cutting board is heavily soiled, ordinary table vinegar can be used for disinfection. You should treat the wooden surface with a cloth soaked in vinegar and rinse it.
The same disinfecting effect can be obtained by using lemon juice.

By the way, at enterprises catering according to sanitary and epidemiological rules, the chopping block is cleaned at the end of the day and salt is added. This prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, cutting boards can be cleaned with salt. You can successfully combine cleaning a wooden board with lemon and salt, as shown in the video.

It is better to refrain from cleaning the board with various cleaning powders and pastes, since there is no complete certainty that the detergents will not remain in small cuts, and from there will not get onto the processed products.

How and what to handle a cutting board

To chopping wooden plank it looked attractive, did not absorb various unpleasant odors and to prevent the growth of bacteria, it must be treated with mineral oil and wax.

Use to soak a cutting board vegetable oil not worth it. As the oil turns yellow over time, it acquires an unpleasant odor.

You may ask me: "Where can I get mineral oil?" The answer is - at the pharmacy.

Ordinary vaseline oil is that very mineral oil. Although it is produced from oil, it is completely harmless to human health. It is used internally as medicine... Therefore, it is ideal for processing a cutting board.

To process the board, you need to prepare oil and a cloth. Pour oil on the board and rub the oil in a circular motion with a cloth. Don't be afraid to add extra oil. The wood will absorb as much as it needs. Thus, you will close or, you can also say, seal the pores in the wood and bacteria, sticks and any other byaka will not rage in them. Also, such a coating will have waterproofing properties.

It is worth treating a new board with oil twice, at intervals of several hours, so that the oil is well absorbed. Simply wipe off excess non-absorbed oil with a cloth or paper towel.

The recipe for the remedy is not complicated. You need to take one part wax and 4 parts Vaseline oil.

Heat the oil in a water bath and dissolve the wax chips in it. To speed up the process, the mixture can be heated in microwave oven.

Before the procedure, you can warm it up a little in the microwave (if it fits there). Then cover it on all sides with a prepared mixture with a brush or a clean cloth. Allow the mixture to absorb and harden.

Impregnation with a mixture differs from impregnation with just oil - it is considered more durable and stronger, it can close not only pores, but small cracks and cuts. Such processing of a wooden plank must be repeated periodically - at least once every three months.

All photos from the article

With all its indisputable advantages, wood has one significant drawback - poor resistance to rotting and pests, especially if the operating conditions are not the most favorable. Of course, there are some breeds that are not susceptible to moisture, but there are not many of them, and the cost of such options is much higher, therefore, the treatment of boards from decay is a relevant and important issue, and our article will be devoted to it.

What factors should be considered when choosing a specific option

If you do not know how to process the material, then when determining the solution you need to be guided by several criteria:

Operating conditions Naturally, all elements located inside buildings are exposed to adverse effects much less than the board used in outdoor structures. It should also be taken into account that inside buildings there are rooms with an unfavorable microclimate (for example, a bathroom and a kitchen), which also require additional processing.
Material condition For example, heat treated terrace board does not need special protection, and as for ordinary materials, then without additional work they will become unusable very quickly, and it is hardly possible to restore them, you will have to change the damaged structures
Location of nodes Everything is simple here: if the board is visible, then most often a colorless composition or options are used that create an attractive coating. If the elements are hidden or located in the ground, then there is no question of external beauty, the most important thing is to ensure the reliability of protection and preserve the properties of the composition after processing for the longest possible period
Features of the situation This paragraph takes into account various factors: from financial capabilities, because the price of the compositions is often rather big, and large structures require significant volumes, the method of application is also important, because even when doing work with your own hands, you can use a brush, roller or spray gun

Important! If the processing of the elements is difficult or impossible, then it is best to purchase a material that has undergone special processes in the factory and has increased resistance to adverse influences.

Overview of the main options

We will highlight some of the most popular and effective ways carrying out work, each of them has its pros and cons. Therefore, in the end, you will still have to choose a specific solution.

Folk ways

These are the most simple options, which, nevertheless, can provide sufficient quality protection, sometimes they can be even more effective than special formulations.

Let's talk about those solutions that are used most often:

  • Nowadays, such an option as the development of engine oil is very widespread, here the process is very simple: they take the oil that is drained from the car when it is replaced, and a brush with which this composition is applied to the tree... Of course, appearance this finish is not very attractive, but the efficiency is quite high. The main thing is that before you process the boards from mold and mildew, you need to clean them of dirt;

  • Many people, when considering the question of how to treat boards from decay, if they are located in the ground, choose the option with hot bitumen... Although this method is fraught with difficulties, because you need to melt the resin and smear it on the wood, but the result will be excellent - the surface will be completely closed, and moisture simply cannot penetrate into it. More modern version are, they are more expensive, but the reliability is much higher;

You are the proud owner of a beautiful wood cutting board. It's time to learn how to care for her to extend her life for many years. Taking proper care of your cutting board will prevent cracks, mold and germs from forming. It doesn't matter if the board is new or old.

When you buy a new cutting board, immediately coat the wood surface with oil to protect it from moisture, bacteria, and food odors. This procedure should be repeated regularly as the oil dries. The oil fills the pores of the wood and prevents liquids and food particles from entering.

What kind of oil can I use?

Any oil that meets two requirements is suitable: safety for humans (for ingestion) and resistance to deterioration when room temperature... Please note that vegetable oil (for example, sunflower and olive oil) does not meet the second requirement, since they deteriorate over time, regardless of the degree of their purification. A cutting board soaked in such oil, after 1-2 years, acquires an unpleasant smell of rancid spoiled oil. It is impossible to get rid of this smell, and the board will have to be thrown away.

Mineral oil

Best used for prevention mineral oil that you can buy in our store. Mineral oil is odorless and tasteless. It is absolutely safe for humans.

Wipe the board with mineral oil and let it soak, then remove the remaining oil with a dry, clean cloth. Don't be afraid to apply too much oil - in this case, the more the better. Wipe your board down at least once a month.


Beeswax is often added to mineral oil to add body. For centuries, wax has been used as a sealant to protect against moisture in baskets, fabrics, food and other perishable food storage, and wood care. Wax increases moisture resistance (although it still does not waterproof wood) and helps protect the cutting board from wear and water. The wax stays on the surface, filling the pores and crevices, while the oil is absorbed into the wood and cannot create such protective film... Wax layer prevents moisture, bacteria and dirt particles from entering wooden surface... In addition, after waxing the board becomes smooth and pleasant to the touch, acquires a delicate and pleasant aroma.

Ointment for boards, consisting of beeswax and mineral oil, you can also buy from our store. In consistency, it is similar to butter... Apply a layer of ointment to the board, rub it with a dry cloth, then let it dry a bit and then polish the board to a shine.

Other means

For prevention, you can use a number of vegetable oils, which have a very high price, but, of course, are beneficial to health. Coconut and linseed oil are high in saturated fat, so they last for years. They do not need to be refrigerated, but direct sunlight should be avoided.


All cutting boards, regardless of their type, require regular cleaning and disinfection. Below are some of the recommended chopping board maintenance options.

Hot water + detergent

Scientific research has shown that this is the most optimal disinfection method for any cutting board.

Any surfactant-based detergent can be used, such as dishwashing detergent or liquid soap... Disinfectants based on surfactants remove any contamination along with bacteria, and at the same time are absolutely safe for humans. An important factor is that these products do not corrode metals.

The cleaning procedure is slightly different for large and small cutting boards. If the board will fit in the sink, clean it with detergent and hot water from the tap, then rinse and wipe dry.

You cannot place a large board in the sink and wash it under running water, so it must be cleaned in the same way as, for example, dinner table - using a damp sponge and detergent... Remember to wipe the board dry at the end and make sure there is no moisture left under the board (especially if it is without legs).

NEVER immerse a wooden chopping board in a sink with water or wash it in a dishwasher. The water will penetrate the pores of the wood, and after drying, the board will begin to crack. Exceptions are boards made of composite materials or water-repellent wood (Hevea).


After use, the cutting board can be wiped clean with colorless table vinegar. The acetic acid found in food vinegar effectively kills disease-causing bacteria (Escherichia coli, Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus). People who are allergic to other disinfectants prefer vinegar.

Vinegar is conveniently stored in a spray bottle. This will allow you to easily clean and disinfect the board surface. After finishing the board, let it dry well.

Unfortunately, acetic acid breaks down fats, including those found in plank prevention oils. Therefore, after using the vinegar, we recommend re-treating the board surface with mineral oil or ointment.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective means of fighting bacteria on the surface of a cutting board. The board must first be thoroughly washed (peroxide is ineffective on a dirty surface), and then wiped with a napkin dipped in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution (if necessary, you can dilute it with water).

Bath cleaner

Most effective means disinfection - chlorine. These are bath and toilet cleaners and bleaches. Working with them requires utmost care and protective equipment, since contact with the eyes and mucous membranes should not be allowed.

Be extremely careful! When processing, you must wear rubber gloves and glasses. Good ventilation is required due to unpleasant odor.

Dilute the detergent with water (one teaspoon per liter of water). For the disinfectant solution to work effectively, the surface must be clean. Pour the solution onto a board, wait a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly and air dry or use paper towels.

NEVER combine chlorine-based cleaners with others (this will create toxic chloroform if combined with vinegar). They are also extremely corrosive, so keep your knives away.

  • To remove the smell of garlic, onion or fish, there are three easy ways: lemon, coarse salt and soda. Rub something on the surface of the board, wait a few minutes, brush off the remains, rinse and dry the board.
  • Always clean the board thoroughly after cutting fish, meat and game.
  • Keep your board dry while you are not using it. Without moisture, bacteria die within a few hours. Moisture and liquids of all types must not be present on the surface of the board for a long time... If the board has no legs and you store it on the table top for horizontal viewalways check that water does not collect under the board.
  • Do not leave the cutting board near a heat source (stove, radiator) unless the necessary insulation is installed. High temperature is contraindicated in hardwood.
  • Do not drill the board, grind holes, or otherwise damage the surface without reprocessing the wood.
  • Do not use only one place on the surface for cutting. Distribute the work across the board to ensure even wear.
  • Do not use a sharpened cleaver - it can split wood.
  • Do not wash knives, forks, or other utensils on the work surface of the cutting board.


A cutting board is a favorite product of novice cabinetmakers, because it is easy to manufacture, practical, and the most laconic and simple design can always be attributed to the author's idea. That is, you can buy a riser for four hundred rubles, cut it into three or four parts, get a whole set of cutting boards and sell it for four thousand. If you also have an end saw, it will take ridiculously little time, just have time to take orders. Ghosts of fabulous wealth flashed before your eyes? But the hell was swimming there, in fact, everything is a little more complicated :(

About how much more difficult, I will tell later - for such a story it would be nice to have step by step photos process. You never know what desperate housewife reads this and wants to make a cutting board for herself or a culinary friend as a gift. You need to be open to any audience and write detailed, visual posts. Therefore, for now I will focus on one point, even at the final stage: oiling the board.

Why soak the board with oil? In short, because it is beautiful and hygienic. Wood, as we know, is a porous material; the oil penetrates the pores and protects the wood from excess moisture and odors. Oil-soaked board lasts longer and is easier to clean.

What kind of oil to use for impregnating the board? In separate discussions, this issue provokes a holivar more abruptly "snowboard or ski", people insist on using flaxseed, olive, even just sunflower oil; it is suggested to heat it, boil it, immerse the board in oil for several days ... There is a simpler, cheaper and odorless way: vaseline oil from a pharmacy. Vaseline oil is a mineral oil that does not decompose, does not emit an unpleasant odor, and does not harm humans. In addition, Vaseline oil has a high dirt-repelling ability. Whether or not to heat the oil before soaking the board - I cannot say; I tried this and that, and did not notice the difference. The technology is the same: we dip the tampon from a suitable piece of clean cloth into oil and rub it thoroughly into the board, wait forty minutes, repeat the procedure, and so on three or four times. Only if you decide to heat the oil (any small kitchen utensils are suitable for this - the vaseline oil will be washed off without a trace, without spoiling it), take care of your hands. Someone thinks that a one-time treatment is enough; some insist that the board should be re-oiled every three to four months.

Somehow, for clarity, I will take a photo of the board before and after impregnation. Oil not only protects the wood, but also "reveals" its texture; many people think that this way the products look more beautiful.

In varnish-and-paint pavilions, you can find special oils for impregnating kitchen boards (often based on organic tung oil), and they do an excellent job of their task, but in case you are going to make two or three boards for yourself or as a gift, it is easier to purchase a bottle of Vaseline oil for fifty rubles than a specialized canister for eight hundred.

The photo shows a board that I made for myself. She is minimalistic, there are no handles here (because of cropping), no holes (because this cut has inside metal studs, and I was not sure that I would not bump into them with a drill), no fittings (because I have not yet come across any suitable) - but she's pretty.