Pruning raspberries in the fall: regular and remontant. Pruning raspberries at different times of the year: how to carry out the procedure correctly

Raspberries are valuable berry culture of the Rosaceae family and is widely cultivated in all climatic zones, except for the Far North, desert and semi-desert. Origin is wild berry. The fruits contain sugars, vitamins C, A, group B, organic acids, pectin. The presence of salicylic acid causes an antipyretic effect, so the use of berries during a cold period significantly alleviates symptoms and shortens the duration of the disease. Raspberries are grown in almost every garden, but not all gardeners know when and how to prune raspberries in order to achieve high yields and large berries. Let's look at these questions in detail.

What is raspberry pruning for?

It is impossible to do without pruning the bushes, since it is dictated by the biological characteristics of the culture. This agricultural method allows you to get a high yield, berries from cut bushes are larger and sweeter. The bushes are well lit by the sun and ventilated, less affected by fungal and bacterial diseases. The whole plantation looks aesthetically pleasing, root offspring do not fill the entire space of the site.

Biological features

By its nature, raspberry is a semi-shrub that reproduces in its natural environment by root offspring. Cultivars that are grown in gardens have retained this feature of their ancestors. If you don't delete them root growth and do not cut the bushes themselves, the yield is significantly reduced. The operation allows you to maintain a balance within the plant between the distribution of nutrients for vegetative growth and crop formation.

Another important biological feature is the fruiting on the shoots of the previous year, which die off after the berries ripen. On last year's shoots, fruit twigs are formed - laterals, which carry fruits collected in bunches. Trimming stimulates the formation of laterals, allows more berries ripen and become larger.

Regular raspberry varieties have new shoots that grow into current year, will yield next year, and remontants will have berries by the end of summer, and usually their ripening continues until the onset of frost. Here it is important to understand when to prune remontant raspberries for the winter in order to ensure active growth and fruiting for the bushes. next year. In both types of varieties, old fruiting shoots must be removed, otherwise the entire plantation quickly ages, becomes unkempt and loses its productivity.

When to prune raspberries

Raspberries in general unpretentious plant. It is most correct to cut it in the summer after harvesting, while at the same time pruning dead shoots, rationing the bush and removing the shoots. In Siberia and the Urals, it is good to prune raspberries in July or early August.

Single summer pruning provides good productivity of bushes with easy care. However, in order to achieve maximum yield and longevity of plants, a single pruning is not enough. Need more whole line hive operations. In fact, they are held throughout the season. So, year-round operations include:

  1. spring pruning of the tops of the shoots to different heights;
  2. rationing the number of shoots at the beginning of summer;
  3. removal of dead shoots in July-August;
  4. rationing of young shoots in August;
  5. autumn rationing or complete cutting of shoots of remontant varieties in October.

We'll take a closer look at each procedure below.

Tool preparation

The following tools are useful for trimming raspberries:

  1. secateurs with a sharp blade;
  2. garden shears on long handles;
  3. garden file;
  4. mittens or thick gloves.

The secateurs and garden shears must be well sharpened, with an adjusted return mechanism, that is, it must return to the “open” position without effort, otherwise the hand will get very tired during operation. Chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate solution, any alcohol or acetic acid are used to remove dirt and disinfect cutting surfaces of all tools. The instrument is immersed in a disinfectant liquid or treated with a spray bottle. During operation, to prevent the transmission from bush to bush of fungal, viral or bacterial diseases, it is advisable to periodically wipe the blades with alcohol wipes or use a medical disinfectant spray.

If the plantation is planted near a hedge, then it can be very difficult to get close to the extreme shoots of large bushes. Long-handled scissors, similar to those used to cut bushes, will come to the rescue. If you work with a pruner, you can cut it off by grabbing the shoots low with your other hand. Scissors are also easy to trim the tops in the spring of tall, upright varieties.

The procedure for trimming ordinary raspberries

In the spring, the bushes are checked to see how they overwintered. Blackened and frozen branches are removed. The tops of healthy shoots are cut with scissors to different heights to enable the berries to develop in all tiers. The most developed and thickest branches are cut by 12-15 cm, thinner by 15-30 cm, and the weakest by 30-40 cm. Thus, weak shoots can get stronger and give not small and sluggish berries, but large and juicy ones. The upper buds on the shoots mostly bear rudimentary and underdeveloped berries. If you do not trim the tops, then the plant will consume too many nutrients for their development and other berries will become smaller.

In early June, you need to calculate how many young shoots have developed on each bush and bring their number to the norm of 7-12 pieces. You need to cut out underdeveloped branches that grow too close and shade each other. The remaining powerful sprouts, as they reach a height of more than 1 m, are fixed on a trellis. About a month later, the ripening of the crop begins. On some varieties, stepchildren can form in the axils of the kidneys at this time, they are carefully cut off with a pruner - stepchildren.

After harvesting, fruiting shoots are cut out, sometimes without waiting for their complete death. During this period, the bushes give root shoots especially strongly. If you are not going to plant this raspberry variety, there is no need to save coppice shoots. If they are not cut out, they greatly weaken the mother plant, which may even die soon.

Choose a minimum cutting height for mature branches. Best Option when “stumps” from cuts no higher than 1.5 cm remain above the ground. Coppice shoots need to be dug up and cut at a depth of at least 5 cm.

In autumn, it's time to think about how the plants will overwinter. Most cultivated varieties are highly winter hardy and can overwinter open. In regions with severe winters, it may be necessary to bend the shoots to the ground and mulch the soil in the plantation strip with old manure.

Remontant raspberry pruning procedure and top dressing

Remontant raspberries bear fruit twice a season. Almost all varieties receive more berries in the second harvest within 3-4 weeks. In this variety of raspberries, it is important to ensure that new productive shoots begin to grow vigorously at the beginning of summer. To do this, they need to be well fertilized. In the first decade of June, you need top dressing with infusion bird droppings: 2 kg of dry manure is poured into 10 liters of water, infused for 5-7 days, then diluted in a ratio of 1:10. This solution gives watering 4-5 liters under each bush.

Fertilizing and spraying raspberries in the spring gives good results. ammonia. You need to start feeding when you reach a stable average daily air temperature of 10º C. For irrigation, prepare a solution of 2-3 tablespoons per bucket of water. This tool also helps plants resist diseases and pests in the form of spraying. Add to the treatment solution tar soap(2 tablespoons) for better adhesion of active ingredients and disinfection.

If strong bushes are formed, then they will be able to provide food for 10-12 branches. But when the bush is weakened, more than 4-5 shoots should not be left. During the flowering period, the tops can be trimmed slightly for better tying of berries.

It is advisable to feed raspberries with potassium in early autumn. Berries will become sweeter and larger. You can use potassium chloride or give 1 glass under each bush wood ash(Do not use ashes from the stove if you used a newspaper to light firewood, as newspaper paints contain lead, which can get into the berries). Harvest should be gradual. In the years since early attack frosts, the middle and late crop may not ripen. The berries can still be harvested, dried and used in winter to make herbal tea.

It is necessary to prune remontant raspberries in the fall at the latest before the onset of frost. Cut out all weakened, damaged and shading shoots. The rest are bent to the ground and secured with wire pins.

Double pruning raspberries

To collect a high yield during the second harvest, double pruning is carried out on remontant raspberries. This means that in July-early August, shoots that bear fruit are cut out, and in October, absolutely all shoots on the plantation are removed. Pruning branches are harvested for cuttings for subsequent propagation in the spring.

This technique allows you to completely get rid of wintering pests and there is no danger of freezing branches. Roots cover organic mulch. In the spring, give a fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. early harvest in this case, the plants will not give, but the second will be very high. On raspberry field plantations, one late harvest covers both harvests in terms of quantity and quality of berries.

Raspberry High Productivity Conditions and Other Tips

Pruning is undoubtedly an important agricultural practice, but it is far from the only thing on which the harvest depends. Raspberries love to grow in open sunny places with fertile, well-permeable soil. The reaction of the soil solution should be neutral or slightly acidic. If there are trees or a garden nearby, bushes may be suppressed due to an unfavorable neighborhood. So, bushes can die if cherries, grapes, sea buckthorn, hosts, garlic, radishes or beans grow nearby.

Plants need regular watering, top dressing, soil mulching. Among pests, a mite has a depressing effect on raspberries. In early spring, during the period of full bud break, it is good to treat with Fitoverm. It's efficient biological preparation, which will noticeably improve the entire plantation.

We advise each gardener to develop for himself his own calendar for caring for his favorite berry, taking into account the above recommendations and the opportunity to devote time to the garden. Try to cut the raspberries at the right time. Remember, summer pruning is very important. Remontant raspberries can be completely cut off for the winter. In the spring, it is important to feed the shrub well. We wish you good luck and high yields!

Raspberries, like other garden crops, require careful and constant care. Only with sufficient watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil and removing weeds can you count on good yields. Also for proper development bushes need to be pruned in a timely manner. Below we will tell you what raspberry pruning is, why you need to carry out such manipulations and get acquainted with different types scrap.

As a rule, raspberry embryos appear on the shoots of the second year of life. Although there are special remontant varieties that begin to yield in the first year. Both types of raspberries require updating shoots. After the second year of growth, fruitful shoots begin to hurt, lose their former strength and ability to set berries.

In addition, without proper pruning, up to 20 shoots may appear on a bush in spring, which create unnecessary planting density. The abundance of extra stems leads to a decrease in berries and yield, as the plant spends energy on the development of barren growth. In such thickets, pests are much easier to start and plant diseases spread. Often, such shoots from uncircumcised bushes grow sluggish, before wintering they do not gain strength and freeze slightly. It is absolutely obvious that knowing how to prune raspberries is necessary and useful information allowing to form healthy and fruitful bushes.

detailed instructions

Removal of shoots and shortening of shoots is carried out 3 times a year - in spring, autumn and summer. In addition, each pruning carries a specific purpose. In the spring, this procedure is planned for March-April, depending on the climate. First of all, inspect all the bushes and remove frozen and unhealthy stems. Now, from all that is left, choose the strongest shoots, and cut the rest at the very base. If the raspberries have frozen tops, then they are cut to 1 healthy kidney.

After that, you need to carefully monitor the growth of young stems. The number of shoots should not exceed 40 pieces per 1 running meter landing. After the young shoots grow up to 30 centimeters, all unnecessary will need to be removed. It is these young branches that will become the basis for the ovaries for the next year. In the summer, when the raspberry crop is harvested, immediately get rid of the fruiting shoots. They will no longer produce a crop, so they are cut out at the very base.

Special place in proper care for raspberries takes the removal of shoots. New shoots should not be allowed to appear further than 20 centimeters from the center of the bush. Therefore, all overgrowth that has moved aside must be immediately removed. As soon as they come out of the ground. Pruning raspberries in the fall involves the removal of fruiting stems (in the event that you did not do it in the summer), diseased, broken and dried branches. All that is left must be carefully bent and pinned to the ground so that the shoots are covered with snow and they do not freeze. With frost-resistant varieties, such manipulation is not necessary.

Video “Instruction for dummies”

annual bushes

Annual raspberries are called remontant. They have their own characteristics for care and pruning. After harvesting, around September-October, it is necessary to completely cut off all the shoots, leaving no stumps. In the spring, you will see that many new shoots will appear from the rhizome. At the same time, many shoots will be clearly weaker than the rest.

You will need to get rid of them. If you do not thin out the young bush in the spring, then in the summer thickets will form in the raspberries, where pests and diseases will start to appear. It will also adversely affect the yield. After the next collection of berries, everything is cut out again at the root. Such constant renewal carries a lot of good points. In general, it can be noted that caring for annual raspberries is many times easier than caring for ordinary raspberries.

double pruning

Proper double pruning of raspberries shows excellent results on the different varieties. At the same time, gardeners need to understand that this method requires a special attitude to caring for the crop as a whole. You will have to think about this even at the stage of planting seedlings. It is necessary, without sparing, to fertilize the furrows with mineral and organic fertilizers. Further, it is also important to monitor the appearance of weeds, pests, loosening the soil. Only when high level care can expect further results.

This pruning method was founded by the famous gardener A. G. Sobolev. He recommends that the first pruning be done in last days May or early June. Until this time, young shoots reach sizes of 70-100 centimeters.

At the shoot, pinch off the very tip at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from the top. This manipulation stimulates the growth of lateral stems. By the end of summer, these new shoots can grow up to 50 centimeters. Remember that the first pruning of raspberries according to Sobolev should be carried out on strictly agreed dates, otherwise the side stems will not have time to get stronger before the onset of autumn cold weather.

In autumn, the bushes are thinned out. Sobolev himself removed the shoots, left 4 shoots on the bush and made sure that the free space between the bushes was about 2 meters. Do not forget about other care measures. A second round of double pruning is planned for next spring. When the bushes are covered with green foliage, you need to remove the tops of 5-10 centimeters of all surviving shoots. If you carry out such pruning correctly, then dormant buds will begin to wake up on the bushes, new fruitful shoots will begin to grow, and there will be many more ovaries.

Video “Cropping on the site”

You will learn how to properly care for your personal plot and, in particular, how to properly monitor raspberry bushes.

It is common to prune common and remontant raspberries in the fall. It would seem, at first glance, a simple and understandable procedure, but it also has a number of subtleties. About why, when and what needs to be done so that the removal of excess shoots does not harm the plant, but, on the contrary, makes it possible to survive the winter without problems, significantly increase the upcoming harvest and improve the quality of the fruit, our article says.

Why prune raspberries and is it necessary to do this in the fall (for the winter)

The goals of pruning any raspberries, including autumn ones, are:

  • thinning plantings so that the bushes are better ventilated and
    get more sunlight
  • increase in productivity (fruiting);
  • prevention of wintering of harmful insects and fungal diseases in shoots;
  • improvement of winter hardiness;
  • making the bushes neat appearance(additional aesthetic function).

When to cut raspberries in the fall: the optimal timing for the procedure

It is not worth pulling with the autumn pruning of ordinary raspberries; on the contrary, it is necessary to cut out the two-year-old shoots that bear fruit as soon as possible, and also, without fail, weak and painful annuals. This is due to the fact that in the fall, the activity of various pests is activated for the last time, and raspberries are the crop that is quite susceptible to diseases. Therefore, the faster you prune regular raspberries, the better.

Specific timing for pruning regular raspberries in the fall, of course, it is rather difficult to name, but the main signal for the beginning of the procedure is the end of its fruition. Therefore, if the raspberries bear fruit already in August, then it is worth cutting the bushes already in this summer month.

Concerning timing of pruning remontant raspberries, then it makes no sense to cut it immediately after summer fruiting, because it bears fruit again in the fall, that is, its pruning should be carried out exclusively in autumn period, and preferably after leaf fall (because the bush distills nutrition from the leaves to the root).

In any case, you need to have time to cut raspberries for the winter. 3-4 weeks before the onset of sub-zero temperatures(although some gardeners believe that remontant, on the contrary, must be cut off after the first frost). Thus, the estimated timing of pruning raspberries in the fall in middle lane(Moscow region) - this is the second half of August-September, in the Urals and Siberia - August, but in the South of Russia ( Krasnodar Territory) from July to November.

Attention! It is believed that it is best to cut raspberries in the fall, and not in the spring, because pests and spores of harmful fungi hibernate in the stems. However, it is also allowed , because in early spring the state of overwintered raspberries is clearly visible, which is exactly what is needed for sanitary pruning.

Like all berries, raspberries have their own characteristics and, accordingly, their own pruning rules.

Basic Rules autumn pruning raspberries (after fruiting) for the winter:

Important! If during the season the raspberries were constantly affected various diseases and pests, spring you need to do it without fail.

Video: pruning raspberries in the fall - what needs to be cut

double pruning

Attention! Double pruning is done only for regular raspberries, in the remontant, annual growths are not touched, since a crop is also laid at the ends of their shoots.

If your raspberry bushes have a lot of tall, but unbranched annual stems, then you should also get rid of them, as they still will not give a good harvest. Typically, in this case, double pruning according to Sobolev.

First time in early summer (late May-June) when the shoots are reached 70-90 centimeters, the crown is cut by 10-15 centimeters. Thanks to such pruning, additional shoots form from the leaf axils of the raspberry, in other words, the stem will begin to branch, which means that more will be laid in the fall. flower buds, and, therefore, the bush will bear fruit more abundantly.

Second time you need to cut the tops by 5-15 centimeters either already in the fall, or early spring (best), thus new side shoots will also begin to branch out and produce even more berries.

Video: double pruning raspberries to increase raspberry yield

Advice! If you plan to carry out double pruning to increase the yield, then plant raspberries from each other in this case should be at a greater distance, as the bushes will thicken thoroughly.

Do I need to prune repair raspberries for the winter

Remontant raspberries differ from the usual ones in their high fertility - 2 crops can be harvested from a bush in 1 season (summer and autumn).

However, it is worth knowing that its (remontant) second harvest (autumn) is less tasty, while the first (summer) is not inferior in taste to the usual one.

Nevertheless, it makes sense to have both regular and remontant varieties on the site in order to eat delicious and healthy berries both summer and autumn.

Remontant raspberries bear fruit on both annual and biennial shoots, therefore in the fall, you can cut off all the shoots at the root. In this case you will get more abundant autumn harvest.

Pruning remontant raspberries under the root should be carried out in late autumn, when the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

If you want to more uniform fruiting(but less abundant) in 2 stages(1 time in summer and again in autumn), then annual shoots should be left.

However, in the conditions of, for example, the Middle Stripe (Moscow Region), it is better to cut the remontant raspberries for the winter completely (to get 1 good harvest in August-September), but in the South of Russia and in regions with a longer warm period, annual shoots can and even better leave.

In general, remontant raspberries can be cut in the spring.

Video: repair and regular raspberries - differences in care, including pruning

In this way, autumn care it is much easier for remontant raspberries, since for the winter it is usually cut off completely, which means that annual shoots do not need to be bent down, tied up and covered for the winter (although mulching with rotted manure is great idea, because mulch will also be an excellent top dressing in early spring).

Beginning gardeners also often ask the question: Do I need to prune remontant raspberries in the first year after planting? If you planted it a month before the onset of frost, then it is quite possible to leave a stump 15-25 centimeters high.

Interesting! Some growers say they have semi-repair raspberry. However, this term is incorrect. In essence, it means that the variety is actually remontant, but late, which means that in the Middle lane (Moscow region), especially in the Urals and Siberia, it simply does not have time to re-harvest.

Video: how to cut repair raspberries

Tying young shoots for the winter and other procedures for preparing raspberries for winter

There are 2 ways to garter for wintering young raspberry shoots:

By the way! About, how to tie raspberries in autumn and spring, you can read .

So, pruning in the fall, which is very important for raspberries, has its own nuances. Trying to follow them, you will undoubtedly achieve an increase not only in the yield, but also in the quality of the berries.

Video: pruning raspberries for the winter and other rules for caring for raspberries in the fall

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14.07.2017 39 516

How to cut raspberries in the fall to get a generous harvest next year?

Very often, novice gardeners do not know how to cut raspberries in the fall. Do it in September or October, or maybe in August? When is the best time? The timing depends on many factors, including whether remontant varieties grow or are common in your country house. The technology, rules and scheme also differ, therefore, in order to get fruit-bearing bushes in the next season, be sure to follow the instructions ...

How to prune raspberries in autumn - timing

Raspberry pruning is both a rejuvenating procedure, and the formation of bushes to increase productivity, and thinning for better ripening. By allowing the thickets to spread freely, we get thick jungles with rare berries that suffer from a lack of moisture, useful substances and light.

To learn how to cut raspberries in the fall, we understand the features of its vegetative system. It has perennial roots that have been growing and developing for decades. But above-ground part- biennial. First-year sprouts are fruitless, berries appear in the next season. Instances of the third year of life bear fruit sluggishly, it is recommended to get rid of them.

Pruning raspberries for the winter is mainly the removal of obsolete trunks.- two-year-olds. They give way to young sprouts - the heroes of the next season. So, pruning is done in order to:

  • the branches had enough sun and food
  • raspberry got healthier
  • thinned out plantings successfully overwintered

Autumn - optimal time for processing. Plants grown in summer will receive more nutrition and sun, and in old ones pests will not remain for the winter. Do not delay work until frost, in the thickets in warm September weather, diseases develop and insects such as raspberry stem gall midge find shelter. Experienced gardeners start pruning raspberries immediately after harvest- in August or in early September. Plants on sunny days accumulate a maximum of useful substances for next spring.

Raspberry pruning rules

To understand how to prune raspberries in the fall, figure out which of the stems to eliminate and which ones to leave. In old trunks to be destroyed, the bark is dark in color, hard, it cracks and peels off, the lashes themselves are more fragile and brittle. Young flexible shoots have light brown bark.

First, we remove dried, broken, diseased trunks. Then comes the turn of two-year-old shoots - they are dark, with lagging bark. Eliminate as many old trunks as you have left young and healthy. We cut them to the ground, leaving no stumps: pests can start in them. We burn the cut, otherwise the larvae and insects will winter well under the snow. We remove the small green growth, it will still die in the winter and become a breeding ground for diseases. We cut the ends of young branches, one and a half meters in height is enough.

in the photo - how to properly cut raspberries

It remains to thin out the raspberries. We'll have to remove some of the fresh healthy lashes. Do not be greedy, if you feel sorry for them, the collection will be much worse. Norm - from 7 to 10 pieces per square meter, cut out the rest. If produced in rows, the gaps between units are no more than 30 cm. Thinning is a good time to dig planting material and transplant it.

It is recommended that degenerate bushes be subjected to renewing raspberry pruning, for this, remove all branches, both last year's and annuals. In the spring, new strong shoots capable of fruiting will go from the roots. Another advantage of renewing pruning is that in winter the bush will be completely covered with snow and will not freeze.

Double-pruning raspberries will help form bushes and increase yields. Do you want the berries to grow not on one long stick, but on several shoots? Then start shaping in May - early June and cut fresh sprouts at the level of a meter. They will begin to branch, and the next year, trim the side shoots by 10-15 cm. Cut the branches diagonally with sharp secateurs. The bush will turn out sprawling, more berries will grow on it. But branched instances need space. Raspberry thin out even more, leaving 5-7 units per square meter.

Plants are cut with a sharp tool, it is advisable to take from good steel. The ends of the branches should have a clear cut: pests can easily penetrate the crushed stumps. Before working, put on gloves or thick mittens to protect yourself from thorns.

How to prune remontant varieties

Unlike ordinary raspberries, one-year-old and two-year-old shoots bear fruit in remontant raspberries, so berries are picked twice a season: in July - on the stems of the last year and on young plants, in August or September.

Remontant raspberry varieties are more abundant than usual, they are fed and watered due to intense fruiting loads, but otherwise the agricultural technology is the same, but there is a difference in the intricacies of pruning.

How to cut raspberries in the fall, if the variety is remontant? When planning a double harvest for the summer, process repair plantings, just like normal ones. But, wanting to get a rich harvest once a season, cut the bush completely. Then, closer to autumn, annual, newly grown stems will bear fruit abundantly.

If you planted a remontant variety with a two-year fruiting period (Zhuravlik, Progress, September), decide whether you want to get a crop right in the year of planting? If yes, then complete the collection in late autumn and cut the raspberries in the usual way.

But if you want to wait record harvest for next year, don't worry! Early, in September, cut almost the entire bush, leaving a few of the strongest branches. You will lose part of the current crop, but next season there will be many powerful fresh shoots providing a huge increase in berries.

Among modern remontant varieties, there are many on which fruits appear all over the shoot in the first year, these are Brilliant, Indian Summer-2, Penguin, Hercules - this variety is completely cut out in late autumn. The next year strong sprouts will appear and give two good harvest. Last year's lashes on such varieties do not bear fruit.

Trimming raspberries in the fall is convenient and easy if you arrange the raspberries in the summer. Stretch two wires parallel to each other along the rows, and during the season tie fresh shoots to one of them, and last year's ones that bear fruit this year to the other. At the end of the collection, cut out this row of stems. Well, that's all the nuances of how to cut raspberries in the fall, good harvests for you!

Regular pruning of raspberries - important point in the care of this culture. In order for the berry bush to grow rapidly and give a rich harvest, when pruning, you need to take into account all the subtleties of the process. We will talk about them in the article.

Summer raspberries begin to be pruned during the planting of the seedling: the shoots are shortened to 50 cm. After that, the bush is pruned several times per season.

Raspberry pruning in spring

Usually spring pruning raspberries are carried out in late March - April. It depends on the weather conditions. It is necessary that the snow has already melted, but the earth has not yet had time to warm up.

At this time, all weakened, frozen, damaged and poorly developing shoots are cut out. The remaining branches are shortened to the first healthy eye. This stimulates the awakening of the buds, from which 3-6 fruit-bearing shoots about 50 cm long are then formed.

So, when pruning raspberries in the spring, 15-20 shoots are left for 1 running meter of plantings. If there are more healthy branches, do not feel sorry for them - cut them at the base.

If you want the berries to ripen not at the same time, but gradually throughout the summer, cut different raspberry bushes to different heights. Cut off part of the bushes by 10-15 cm, the second part - by half the height of the plants, and cut the raspberries from the third part so that shoots 15-20 cm long remain on the bush.

Pruning raspberries in summer

Summer pruning is an important stage in the care of raspberries. During the flowering of the shrub, all diseased branches and leaves are removed (usually they turn yellow when sick) and burned so that the infection does not spread to healthy shoots.

Once every 1-2 weeks, young shoots are cut out that appear from the ground at a distance of more than 20 cm from the center of the bush. This is quite simple to do: stick a shovel into the ground at a slight angle and cut it through root system young sprout.

And if you want to increase the yield, use the double pruning method. To do this, in early June, when the shoots reach a height of 100-120 cm, cut off their tops by 5-7 cm. Thanks to this, nutrients will flow to the lateral buds, on which 4-8 young shoots about 50 cm long will grow by autumn. they are bent to the ground so that they winter under the snow and do not freeze. And in the spring, these side shoots are cut to 10-15 cm. This stimulates the emergence of new fruit-bearing branches.

Pruning raspberries in autumn

About 2-3 weeks before the onset of cold weather, all broken, diseased and insect-damaged shoots are removed. Also, biennial branches that bear fruit in the current year are completely (without hemp) cut out (they Brown color), and weak green shoots, more like grass.

The distance between the raspberry bushes should be at least 60 cm. Therefore, if they have grown strongly, the extra side shoots are cut out.

In regions with an unstable climate, heat-loving raspberries (which cannot withstand frosts above -35 ° C) are tied up, bent to the ground and fixed. After the appearance of snow cover, the bushes are covered with snow.

Do not leave extra shoots on the bush! Thanks to correct pruning raspberries improve air exchange and light penetration to young branches that yield crops. Follow our recommendations - and in the summer you will enjoy plenty of delicious berries.