Cabbage from a bush, thick, but not tasty - how to care for cabbage in the open field so that there is a good harvest? Cultivation of cabbage in open ground

White cabbage is especially popular with Russian gardeners, who are always worried about its cultivation in the open field and proper care behind it, obtaining high yields.

On our table, white cabbage has long become mandatory. She was loved by many high yield and good storage, juicy delicate taste and a whole set of vitamins. In winter, you can make a salad from fresh cabbage or prepare a filling for pies. In pickled form, it becomes a valuable source of vitamins.

Variety selection and sowing dates white cabbage depend on the intended purpose of the fruit: do you need tender early cabbage for salads or dense, strong heads of cabbage for pickling and winter storage.

White cabbage, which is grown by many gardeners, is of early, mid-season and late varieties. Early varieties are eaten in summer period. Mid-season can be eaten fresh or pickled for the winter. Late varieties are intended for long winter storage.

The timing of sowing white cabbage for seedlings depends on the variety:

  • early: from 1 to 25 March;
  • medium: from April 25;
  • late: - from April 1 to the third decade of the month.

From the moment of sowing seeds for seedlings to planting seedlings in open ground, 45-50 days usually pass.

White cabbage can be sown in open ground with seeds. V middle lane in early April, seeds of early cabbage are sown in the ground, and in the first decade of May - late. In the southern regions mid-season varieties sown from the end of April to the third decade of May, late-ripening - in 1-2 decades of May.

Selection and preparation of seeds

The choice and purchase of cabbage seeds must be taken responsibly: the future harvest depends on the seed.

To increase immunity to fungal diseases, it is recommended to warm cabbage seeds for 20 minutes before sowing in water at a temperature of about 50 ° C, and then lower them into cold water for 5 minutes.

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in cold water and kept for a day. Such hardening increases the resistance of seeds and promotes early germination. In the future, in open ground, such seedlings will withstand frosts down to -7 ° C, and unhardened ones will not withstand even -3 ° C.

Site selection and soil preparation

A plot for planting cabbage in open ground must be prepared in advance. The sun should illuminate it from morning to evening. Sandy soil and loam are more suitable for early varieties of cabbage, clay soil and loam are optimal for late and medium varieties.

The acidity of sandy soils should not exceed 6, clay or clay-sand - 7. Acidic soils are not suitable for cultivating cabbage.

It should be borne in mind that it is undesirable to plant cabbage in open ground after tomatoes, beets, radishes, turnips. These crops "suck out" nutrients from the soil, and diseases that are dangerous for cabbage may remain in the area after them. For cabbage, it is better to choose those areas where cereals, legumes, cucumbers, and potatoes were previously grown. On the same bed, you can not plant cabbage for more than 2-3 years in a row.

The preparation of the site for growing cabbage should begin in advance from the previous autumn planting. In dry weather, the soil must be dug deep. There is no need to strive to level the surface: the ground with steep irregularities will absorb more moisture during the winter.

In the spring, after the snow melts, a “moisture closure” is carried out - the soil surface is leveled with a rake to prevent the water from evaporating too quickly. Weeds that start to climb out of the ground should be removed immediately.

Growing technology

2 weeks before planting in the garden, the seedlings begin to harden in order to prepare them in new conditions in a permanent place. To do this, in a room with seedlings in the first 2 days, a window is opened for 3-4 hours, having previously protected the seedlings from a draft.

Then, for several days, the seedlings are placed on a loggia or balcony for a couple of hours, covering the seedlings with gauze from direct sunlight. After a week, watering is reduced, the seedlings are taken out to the balcony and kept there until planting in the ground.

Seedlings of early white cabbage are planted in a garden bed when it reaches a height of 12-20 cm and 5-7 leaves are formed in the seedlings. Seedlings of mid-ripening and late cabbage can be planted in the garden at a seedling height of 15-20 cm and the formation of 4-6 leaves. Seedlings of early varieties usually reach the required parameters by the beginning of May, mid-season and late - from late May to mid-June.

For planting seedlings of white cabbage on open area, apply the following scheme:

  • early and hybrid varieties - 30x40;
  • mid-season - 50x60;
  • later - 60x70.

Cabbage needs a lot of light and space, so you should try not to thicken the beds. Holes in the soil should be made a little larger than root system seedlings with a peat cup or earthen clod.

  • a handful of sand;
  • a handful of peat;
  • 2 handfuls of humus;
  • 50 g wood ash;
  • half a teaspoon of nitrophoska.

Additives are thoroughly mixed and watered abundantly. An earthen ball with the root system of a seedling is lowered directly into the slurry and sprinkled with moist soil, and dry soil is added on top. If the seedlings are too long, they are planted so that the first pair of leaves is flush with the surface of the site.

Without seedlings, the seeds are sown immediately on the garden rather densely according to the scheme 10x70 cm to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. It is recommended to water the soil and cover it with a spunbond. Only a month later, after the formation of 3-4 true leaves, cabbage sprouts will get stronger.

Until that time, they will require especially careful care: regular weeding, pest control. It is recommended to thin out the cabbage in the phase of 4-6 true leaves, leaving a distance between seedlings in a row of 40-50 cm.

How to care for plants in the open field?

If the weather is sunny after planting the seedlings, the seedlings need to be shaded for a while. nonwoven fabric or newspapers. During the week, the plants are watered every evening from a watering can with a divider.

After this period, the shelter can be removed if frost is not expected at night. In the future, to care for seedlings in the open field, weeding and loosening the site, watering, and regular top dressing are carried out. The hilling procedure is carried out for the first time 3 weeks after planting the cabbage, and after another 10 days it is repeated.


Cabbage needs a lot of moisture, so strict adherence to the irrigation regime is required. For watering choose the evening. Between abundant watering on cloudy days, an interval of 5-6 days is enough.

In the hot period, you will have to water the plants every 2-3 days. After watering, the soil on the site must be loosened, while spudding the cabbage. To keep moisture experienced gardeners recommend a mulching peat layer 5 cm thick, which simultaneously nourishes developing plants.

top dressing

If cabbage received top dressing in the seedling phase, it should develop quickly and intensively. After planting in the ground, the plants continue to be fed. When the leaves begin to grow, it is best to add a solution of 10 g of ammonium nitrate in 10 liters of water to the soil.

This dose should be enough for 5-6 plants. When the head formation begins, the cabbage is fed a second time from the same calculation, dissolving 8 g of potassium sulfate, 5 g of double superphosphate and 4 g of urea in 10 liters of water.

Treatment for diseases and pests

It is highly undesirable to use pesticides for processing cabbage. Dusting with ash with the addition of tobacco dust will help protect young plants from slugs and fleas.

To kill aphids and caterpillars, cabbage is sprayed with this infusion: 5 liters of water are poured into 2 kg of tomato leaves, infused for 3-4 hours, boiled for 3 hours, cooled, filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2. To ensure better "sticking" of the infusion to the leaves, 20-30 g of grated tar soap is added to it.

An infusion of onion peel is effective against caterpillars and aphids. gulf liter jar husks 2 liters of boiling water, leave the solution to infuse for 2 days. Then the resulting infusion is filtered, another 2 liters of water and 1 tablespoon of dishwashing detergent or liquid soap are added to it.

owl fight, cabbage fly, larvae Maybug carried out with the help of ants. A jar of jam or honey diluted with water is added dropwise to the site. Black ants, attracted by sweets, also eat the larvae.

For preventive purposes, plantings of sage, rosemary, mint, marigolds, basil, cilantro and other spicy plants are planted on and around the area with cabbage. Butterflies, slugs, fleas, aphids will be scared away by a tart aroma that will simultaneously attract their enemies - lacewing, ladybugs, beetle rider.

Even the most unpretentious plant Requires basic knowledge of agricultural technology. And such a vegetable as cabbage, planting and caring for which in the open field does not require much effort, deserves attention. Timely landing in compliance with all the rules, painstaking care - that's the guarantee successful cultivation white cabbage in the garden. Let's consider in detail how to get a decent harvest.

There are some factors to take into account. How to plant cabbage in open ground:

  1. White cabbage likes moist soil, you need to choose a place for growing somewhere in the lowland.
  2. Cabbage needs light, the landing site should be sunny.
  3. She has a huge number of pests, so you can re-plant cabbage in the same garden only after a couple of years.

Before planting, it is worth properly preparing the soil. In September, the ground should be carefully dug up, leaving the soil as uneven as possible to provide cabbage large quantity moisture. In the spring, the dried-up earth is carefully leveled with a rake. Next, cabbage sits down, planting and care in the open field, which is described in detail below.

How to plant cabbage in open ground with seedlings?

A seedling suitable for planting is considered only when it has 5-7 leaves, and its height is 12-20 cm in the earliest varieties of white cabbage, 4-6 leaves and 15-20 cm in ripening in the middle and late. Planting cabbage in open ground is done to a depth of the first leaf, while paying attention that the growth point during planting is not covered with soil. It is necessary to plant seedlings of cabbage in the evening, or in cloudy weather so that the bright rays of the sun do not harm the seedling.

Distance between seedlings of cabbage in open ground

When thinking about how to plant cabbage in open ground with seedlings, the first thing to consider is the size of the vegetable. If you know approximately what size the crop will be, it is very simple to calculate the scheme - it is better to maintain the distance between the bushes in two estimated head diameters. The most common schemes for planting cabbage, so that planting and care in the open field is convenient, are 50x50 cm, 40x40 cm, 50x40 cm, 70x30 cm.

The temperature of planting seedlings of cabbage in open ground

The result of growing white cabbage also depends on the time of planting seedlings. For each band they will be different, the only factor that is important to take into account is the temperature environment. Planting cabbage in open ground with seedlings should be carried out if the daily air temperature has reached at least 12-14 degrees.

How to plant cabbage in open ground with seeds?

If you do not want to purchase ready-made seedlings for a number of reasons, you can grow cabbage in open ground from seeds. In this case, the seeds are planted directly in the ground. An important rule on how to plant cabbage in open ground is a small depth of the holes, 1.5-3 cm. After germination, the cabbage must be thinned out, leaving a distance between the bushes of 40 cm. growing vegetables in seedlings.

Planting dates for cabbage

The time when you can plant cabbage in the open ground with seeds should be early, otherwise it will sprout in the hot season, and the hot sun will most likely prevent the moisture-loving cabbage from growing. Approximate planting dates for cabbage seeds are the first of April, possible spring frosts are not harmful to her.

Growing white cabbage outdoors

If you are an inexperienced summer resident, and the question of how to grow cabbage in the open field is embarrassing, do not despair - caring for it is not at all painstaking, even a beginner can easily cope with such a task. But there are some important rules, firm adherence to which will provide you great result your efforts.

Soil for cabbage in the open field

It is necessary that the soil for cabbage in the open field be soft, loose and uniform, so you should choose a site for it in the country without stones, sand and other things. Another very important care point is loosening the soil for planting cabbage. No matter how ideal the soil is, at least once every ten days it is necessary to loosen it well around the bush, filling it with oxygen.

Outdoor cabbage care

Plant care mainly consists in constant loosening of the soil, its high-quality fertilizer, proper timely watering, and weeding - weeds must be removed immediately. We will consider the remaining important points on how to care for cabbage in the open field in more detail.

Soft and moist soil is a must for successful cultivation, and outdoor cabbages should be watered daily, it is better to use devices that allow you to spray water evenly. Even with a short lack of fluid and moisture, cabbage can become stiff and stop growing, and often further good watering is not able to correct the situation.

But at the stage when the seedlings are only planted in open ground, other rules apply - for accustoming bushes, abundant watering is detrimental and will lead to their decay and death. Therefore, at first planting, the ground should be moderately moist, and over time, when the cabbage begins to grow actively, it needs to be provided with water daily.

To get a bountiful harvest, it is difficult to do without a good top dressing, and white cabbage is nothing special. During the rapid growth of green mass, it is important to provide the plant with the right amount of nitrogen, and when forming a head, white cabbage especially needs phosphorus and potassium.

Basic rules for feeding cabbage in the open field:

  1. Fertilizers applied to the holes during planting. The first feeding option is a complex mixture, it requires 0.5 kg of humus or, 1 teaspoon of superphosphate and two tablespoons of ash, put this mixture into the wells. The second option is an organic mixture, for which you need a large handful of humus or compost and three tablespoons of ash, mix the ingredients with the soil and put them in the holes.
  2. The first dressing of cabbage. If the holes were filled during planting, it can be skipped. The first feeding should contain most of the nitrogen-based fertilizers that promote rapid growth.
  3. The second top dressing is carried out two weeks later (10-15 days) after the first, fertilizer mixtures based on or chicken manure are often used.

For cabbage of later varieties, a third and fourth dressing is done, which is dominated by potassium sulfate and ash - it is not only a nutritious fertilizer, but also helps well in pest control. For top dressing and simultaneous protection, kaputa bushes are sprinkled with ashes. It is better to do this in the morning or at any time of the day after rain, so that the ash remains on the leaves.

How to form cabbage in the open field?

Caring for cabbage also means helping the bush form a head, and key point is an desired temperature its cultivation. In order for the cabbage to form correctly, planting and care in the open field must be in a certain temperature regime - 14-16 degrees Celsius during the growth of the bush. If the temperature rises to around 25 degrees, the formation of a head can be undermined, which will certainly affect the yield.

- a great alternative to the usual care of plants, greatly facilitating work on the site. The land should be prepared in the fall - after digging, the future cabbage bed is covered with straw, humus can be poured on top, during the winter the soil receives fertilizer, and in spring the shelter will not allow weeds to germinate.

As soon as the time is right for planting, cabbage seedlings are planted in the soil, further cultivation and maintenance is done in soft, moist soil. Planting seedlings in mulched soil is very simple - you just need to push the straw apart, make a small hole and fill the bush with earth and straw in accordance with all the rules. In the process of growth, seedlings do not differ in any way from those planted in the usual way, except important points- the soil retains moisture much longer, which allows you to water the seedlings many times less often, and the problem of weeds completely disappears - the straw does not allow them to germinate.

Mulching does not eliminate the need for plant nutrition. Freshly cut grass, weeds, sawdust, tree leaves are often used as mulch - whichever option you choose, moisture-loving cabbage, planting and caring for which in open ground is already greatly simplified, will give the expected harvest.

Diseases of cabbage in the open field

Like other cultivated plants, white cabbage can sometimes get sick, in these cases it requires special care, and sometimes serious measures. Cabbage diseases can completely kill the crop, every summer resident should know about the most famous of them.

Pests of cabbage in the open field deserve special attention, which can ruin the entire crop.

​Related Articles​

. Mid-season variety. The period from germination to harvest is 68-72 days. The leaves are light, yellow-green. Refined taste. The plant is rich in easily digestible proteins, vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, mineral salts, carotene and other substances valuable for the human body.

Cabbage is different: white, red, Brussels sprouts, Peking, cauliflower, ornamental .... This article will focus on the cultivation of white cabbage. It plays an important role in human nutrition; without it, you cannot cook cabbage soup or borscht. Most of the population of our country harvests cabbage for the winter. What are the features of growing cabbage in open ground?

Seed preparation

Need to sterilize before planting

At this stage, cabbage should be watered once every 10 days, after watering the ground needs to be loosened. When leaves appear, cabbage should be fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers. To do this, you need 10 liters of water, and dissolve 10 g of ammonium nitrate in them. Such a solution is needed to fertilize 5-6 plants.

Sowing dates

The low temperature should be maintained for about a week before the leaves appear. It is best to take the plant to the balcony to achieve this temperature. And after the leaves appear, again increase the temperature of the content to 15 degrees or even 18.

necessary watering. Only under the condition of frequent watering will you get an elastic ovary and, as a result, a good head of cabbage;

Growing conditions

Mix one part of humus and sod land;

7. Before moving the seedlings to the site, it is not watered. Plants that are slightly wilted do not break so easily.
To combat this pest, DDT dust or 6% hexachloran dust are used, which are used to pollinate the plant after planting. The procedure is carried out two or three times with an interval of a week. The soil is watered using 30% thiophos (0.03% concentration). You can sprinkle the ground near the plant with naphthalene mixed with sand (1: 5).

Site preparation

seedlings different varieties planted according to different schemes:

Cabbage is a very important crop that has been cultivated since time immemorial. Nowadays, there are more than ten of its species and many varieties.

Cabbage Beijing Glass

Seedling growing method

All varieties of cabbage can be divided into three groups according to ripening time: early, medium (mid-early and mid-late) and late. Agrotechnics for growing different varieties is different, but there is a lot in common. early cabbage gives a crop in 2 - 3 months, medium - in 3 - 5 months, late - in 5 - 7 months from germination.​

At a temperature of about 80 degrees.

The second period begins with the leaves on the seedlings and lasts until a head begins to form.

Growing without a pick

Ventilate the room regularly, the air should be fresh, but not cold. Once a week, water the seedlings with a small solution of potassium permanganate.

Landing in open ground

preventive treatment of formed heads of cabbage with various disinfectants to prevent the development of diseases;

Then a little ash should be added to the resulting mixture (approximately 10 tablespoons for every 10 kg of soil). Ash will be used by the plant as a source of macro- and microelements, and will also serve as an excellent antiseptic;

Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to get beautiful harvest this useful culture.​
A plant that has just begun to sprout can damage cruciferous flea that feeds on cabbage leaves. Early sowing and transplanting of seedlings can protect against this pest, which allows the plants to get stronger before the flea is activated. To accelerate growth and increase resistance, the plant is fed using saltpeter and slurry.
- early white and red cabbage - 30-40;
Cabbage contains many useful substances: proteins, fiber, vitamins, macro- and microelements. Regular consumption of any variety of cabbage is a good prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Cabbage is good for various diseases, such as anemia, various infections, skin diseases, etc. In addition, cabbage leaves are used as compresses for various wounds, headaches, diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
. Mid-season variety. The period from germination to harvest is 65-70 days. The taste qualities are excellent. Recommended for consumption in fresh.​
Since cabbage does not tolerate transplanting well enough, it is best to grow it in peat pots or separate containers. It is necessary to try as accurately as possible to determine the time of planting seedlings in open ground in accordance with the weather. Usually cabbage seedlings are planted at 40 - 60 days of age, when it is already quite strong and developed. But you can land it in more early dates, then it will quickly take root in a new place.

Let's dwell separately on the features of growing cauliflower, which is healthy and very tasty, which is why children love it very much.

seedless way

Nitrogen supplements should be practiced in the same volumes

About a couple of weeks after germination,

Periodic weeding of emerging weeds.

Feeding and care

Mix the resulting substrate well.

Cabbage is one of the main vegetable crops our latitudes, it is almost universally grown on household plots. Therefore, it is often necessary to obtain her seedlings. In this article, we will consider the features of planting cabbage for seedlings, tell you what needs to be done in order to achieve an excellent result.

The cabbage white can also damage the plant ( white butterfly with black-spotted wings). Caterpillars emerge from the eggs that are laid on the underside of the leaf. Spreading through the plant, they feed on leaves, eating them down to coarse veins. In the fight against cabbage whites, the same means are used as for the cabbage moth.

- broccoli - 30-60, in order to develop side shoots - 40-60;​

Many gardeners are interested in how to grow early cabbage in their area. It is quite simple, this crop does not require special growing conditions.

Pest control

Beijing cabbage is a relatively cold-resistant, early maturing plant that grows well at moderate temperatures. Frost resistance of plants is low. In areas with long days, low temperatures in spring and early summer, it often switches to flowering without forming a good rosette of leaves.

Sow cabbage seeds for seedlings from February to May. The sowing time depends on the variety and the goals that you set for yourself. For example, to get early harvest cabbage should be sown as early as possible, and for harvesting for the winter, the calculation is based on the ripening time of cabbage. In any case, late cabbage must be sown for seedlings at the end of February or in the first decade of March, otherwise it will not have time to ripen. Mid-ripening and mid-late cabbage should be sown in March - early April, early cabbage - from early March to May.

Seeds for seedlings should be sown in the second half of March, and this should be done approximately every 20 days so that the harvest is rich and pleases the whole season.

, as before. You should regularly water the cabbage and do not forget about loosening, with proper care, the sheets will appear almost daily.

Seedlings should be transplanted into a larger container

There are other options for soil mixtures. They may differ in the main component. For example, peat can be used instead of sod land. The main thing in your experiments is to get well-aerated soil with a large supply of nutrients. Then the substrate should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Growing early cabbage in a greenhouse

Getting down to the idea of ​​​​planting cabbage, however, like any other vegetable, you first need to decide on its variety. There are a wide variety of varieties. They differ in their palatability, as well as in terms of maturation. You also need to consider why you are planting it: for spring salad, autumn sourdough or winter storage. There are the following varieties of cabbage:

Huge damage to the plant is caused by colonies of cabbage aphids, which suck the juices from plants. The leaves then become stained, begin to curl. The growth of cabbage slows down, the head tying stops.

- Brussels sprouts - 60-70;

Growing early cabbage begins with the preparation of seeds that need to be sorted and disinfected. To do this, they must first be placed for 20 minutes in hot water, then for one or two minutes in cold water and dried. If you purchased seeds in a store, then there is no need for such preparation.​

For the normal development of plants and the formation of a head of cabbage, an elevated temperature (20 ° C), the provision of soil with mineral nutrients and moisture are required. Beijing cabbage is very badly damaged by clubroot, cruciferous flea and cabbage fly.


Cabbage seedlings grow best in sunny greenhouses, sown in optimal timing. At night, the temperature there is low (but not below freezing!), And during the day it corresponds to the optimal growth regime for cabbage. Therefore, seedlings grow strong, healthy and prepared for outdoor cultivation.​

Important Rules

To begin with, the seeds are prepared in advance: we pick the largest ones and disinfect them by soaking them in a solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. Then

At this stage, you need to start an active pest control, preferably without the use of harmful poisons and chemicals. Some pests, such as bollworm or bollworm, can be dealt with by hand if your area is not too large.​

, for example, in peat pots, cassettes or plastic bags with soil. An hour before transplanting, seedlings should be watered, and then a plant should be selected along with a soil lump. When transplanting, it must be buried in the ground at the level of the cotyledon leaves.

This video will tell you how to properly sow cabbage for seedlings.

early ripe;

To combat this pest, before starting to set the head, the plant is sprayed using anabasin sulfate (concentration - 0.2%) or 2.5% dust metaphos. Spraying with a decoction of tobacco is effective, to obtain which you need to pour tobacco dust (400 g) with water (2 l) and boil for 2 hours. The cooled solution is filtered. Then it is necessary to add soap (50 g) to it and dissolve everything in a bucket of water.

- early kohlrabi - 30-40;

Before planting, it is advisable to soak the seeds of early cabbage and harden them at a temperature of +1 ... +2 ° C for about a day. Thanks to this, they will germinate faster, in addition, such preparation increases the cold resistance of plants.

Planting cabbage for seedlings: technique, timing, video

Early production of Beijing cabbage in the open field is most often obtained by sowing seeds into the soil in the first half of May. Under crops, protected greenhouse and inter-greenhouse areas and insulated soil are used. Sowing is carried out with specially prepared seeds on low ridges in rows at a distance of 20 cm row from row. 1.5-2 g of seeds are consumed per 1 m2.

Variety selection

Early cabbage is planted at a distance of 50x50 cm, medium - 60x60 cm and late - 70x70 cm. After planting the seedlings in the ground, it must be protected from the cruciferous flea. To do this, there is the easiest way: sprinkle the planted cabbage with dry ash, which is obtained from tree species. If it rains, then sprinkle once a day. To avoid diseases of seedlings, it is necessary to water it with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, and loosen the ground every time after watering the next day. For good growth, cabbage needs oxygen to the roots and moisture. But cabbage does not tolerate excess moisture and lack of moisture. Therefore, the land on which cabbage is grown should not be too fertilized and loose on the one hand, and not too dense and poor on the other.

  • you need to wash them in clean and cool water
  • You can use decoctions and infusions on tomato leaves, wormwood, yarrow, garlic, dandelions and so on against pests.
  • Cabbage is planted in open ground when at least 5 leaves already grow, and also when the plant is at least 12 cm long. This should be done around the end of April or beginning of May.

Planting early cabbage and caring for it is not as difficult as many summer residents imagine. You can plant early cabbage using both seedling and seedless methods. The most important thing when growing is proper care and growth control during seedlings.

. This may lead to the development various diseases and a decrease in the quality of the crop.​


Seedling growing technology

Cabbage is one of the main crops planted in greenhouses. They mainly grow white early cabbage. When to sow seeds with this method?

​- savoy cabbage - 70-30;​

Site preparation

Planting dates depend on the variety and type of early cabbage. When is the best time to sow to receive good harvest? To prevent the death of seedlings from cruciferous flea, the surface of the ridge should be sprayed with a 0.1-0.2% solution of chlorophos even before they appear. Spraying is repeated 8-10 days after germination. It is also very important that the cabbage has enough light. In conditions where the cabbage does not have enough light, it gives large leaves, but the head of cabbage turns out to be loose and small. Therefore, a place for growing cabbage must be chosen sunny.

Then place in a solution of ash for two hours, after dissolving a tablespoon of ash in water. If there is no ash, then just wrap them in a damp cloth and put them in a warm place.​

And when a head of cabbage begins to form, it will need to be fed with a solution of 10 g of potassium nitrate diluted with 10 liters of water based on 6 plants.

You need to plant seedlings to the depth of the third cotyledon leaf.

  • Preparation for planting begins long before it, at the end of summer or at the beginning of September. The soil needs to be dug up or, in some cases, even fertilized, then left until spring. All this should be done when the weather is dry outside.
  • Before sowing, it is necessary to water the prepared soil well. Then the seeds can be sown. Seeds should be grown on the substrate in rows. The distance between them should be 1 cm, at the same time between the grooves - 3 cm. It is necessary to sow the seeds in a fairly blurred range. Seeds of early varieties should be sown in early March, medium ones - from the end of March and all of April, but late ones - throughout April (up to the 20th of its numbers).
  • Late ripe.

To grow early cabbage in a greenhouse, seeds must be sown in early February. In early April, seedlings are planted at a distance of 35-40 cm. Seedlings should have 3-4 true leaves, they must first be hardened.

- early cauliflower - 30-60. Early varieties of white and red cabbage are sown for seedlings at the end of March, broccoli and cauliflower - from mid-March to the end of April, Brussels sprouts - from mid to end of April. It is very important to take into account the climatic conditions.​

To obtain the earliest production, a seedling method of cultivation is used using peat pots. Seedlings begin to prepare 20-25 days before planting. Usually the seeds are sown on a school in boxes, at the rate of 0.8-1 g per box. 8-10 days after the emergence of seedlings, the plants in the phase of cotyledon leaves dive into peat pots.

Seedling Care

It is very important to protect cabbage from caterpillars. Caterpillars appear after the flight of butterflies, which lay their eggs on cabbage leaves. There is different ways control of these insects. You can spray the plants with Intavir or other chemicals, you can collect the eggs manually if the area of ​​​​crops is small, or you can use the scare method by hanging the shells from chicken eggs over cabbage. In this case, the butterflies, thinking that other butterflies are flying over the cabbage and the place is occupied, do not lay their eggs on the cabbage leaves. The most reliable way is to pick the caterpillars by hand and inspect the cabbage leaves for the presence of butterfly eggs.

The next step is planting the seeds in cassettes or peat pots. If the seeds do not germinate, they should be thrown away.

The third period comes when the cabbage rows close and the whole bed is covered with cabbage leaves. It is advisable to water and loosen the plant before harvesting, if you do not save it for the winter.

Landing in the ground

Landing should be carried out in cloudy weather When growing early varieties of cabbage After you have prepared the necessary soil and sowed the seeds, you need to create suitable conditions for their germination. Temperature is important here. For seed germination, a temperature of + 4-5 degrees is required. After they have sprouted, the temperature should be + 20-25 degrees. Once the seeds have germinated, the seedlings need to be thinned out. The temperature should be 10 degrees lower. After one week, it should be already +17 degrees (at night - +9, and on cloudy days - +14).​

Early varieties are considered low-yielding. They are characterized by small (average about 1.5 kg) heads of cabbage with an average density. Early ripe varieties ripen within 90-120 days. These include the following types: Solo, Start, June, Transfer, Athlete, Cossack, Parel, Polar K-206, Eaton, Malachite, Craft.​

The appearance of the seedlings can tell what the crop will be like. Plants that have green leaves have a weak root system. And this means that the seedlings will not take root well. The shape of the leaf can be judged on the shape of the head. If the leaves are large, and the stem is short and thick, then there will be large heads of cabbage.

Seedling care

It is best to plant cabbage in cloudy or rainy weather. To prevent the soil from compacting and crusting, it must be regularly mulched or loosened.​

It is necessary to take into account several important points in order for early cabbage to grow and develop well. Planting and care for different varieties are basically the same. Cabbage cannot be grown in the same place for more than three years. It gives a good harvest in areas where legumes, beets, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, cucumbers used to grow.

  • The technology for growing seedlings of Beijing cabbage is the same as for early white cabbage, the difference is only in the duration of the seedling preparation period.
  • During the summer there are two flights of the cabbage fly, which lays its eggs under the root of the cabbage. White worms grow out of them and destroy the cabbage, biting into the root. To protect themselves from this misfortune, two methods are used: they pollinate cabbage with shag or tobacco before the flight of flies, or water the plants with water infused with tobacco or plants that repel butterflies. If the worms have already started and the cabbage is sick (the leaves fade during the day), then watering with salt water can save the plants: one liter of water per plant with a tablespoon of salt dissolved in this water.
  • Before planting the seeds in the soil, do not forget to sterilize them to prevent black leg, and then dust them with ash. Plants should be transplanted into larger pots when at least two leaves appear on them.
  • Above, we have already talked about which means are best used for pest control and that poisons should be avoided while doing so. Depending on the growing season, cabbage is endangered by pests such as:

Or after dinner, when planting, do not forget to water the plant.

Video "Sowing cabbage for seedlings"

They should be fed periodically

Features of planting and caring for early cabbage

When the seedlings are two weeks old, they pick it up. To do this, they are planted according to the scheme (cassettes can be used for such purposes). It is necessary to deepen the seedlings into the substrate to the cotyledon. Then, after two weeks, they are transplanted again, but this time already in pots, paper or plastic cups or other similar containers 5x5 cm in size. Before planting in a cup, the seedlings are treated with a weak solution blue vitriol (blue color) or another drug that prevents the appearance of various fungal diseases. During this period, the temperature should be +21. If you do not want to make a pick, then you need to plant the seedlings immediately in separate pots. In this case, trauma to the root system practically does not occur. At the same time, you should not overmoisten the soil, otherwise your seedlings may be affected by black leg disease.

Required conditions for planting early cabbage

At the same time, medium-term varieties are suitable for summer consumption, and for pickling, storage. They have a ripening period of 150-170 days (there are also mid-ripening varieties that ripen a little faster - in 130-150 days). Mid-season cabbage varieties: Rinda, Pegasus, Slava 1305, Nadezhda, Rodolfo, Bronco. Medium late varieties: Krautman, Mother-in-law, Dobrovodskaya, Sibiryachka-60, Midor, Druzhny, Megaton, Amager 611, Wintering 1474, Belorusskaya 455.​

The soil on which cabbage will be grown in a greenhouse should be well fertilized, dense, loamy and retain moisture well. It is necessary to regularly loosen the soil with fertilizing with a solution of manure. With this method of growing early cabbage, seeds are sown directly into the ground. Growing early cabbage in this way has its advantages. The plant does not have to be transplanted, the development of the root and aerial parts is faster than with seedling method cultivation, yield increases. Sowing of early cabbage is carried out in different dates, depending on the region of growth. Any species of this crop is well suited for fertile, light loamy, sandy loam, sod-podzolic, peat soils with acidity close to neutral. A good harvest will not be on sandy and heavy clay soil.

Beijing cabbage is ready for planting in open ground 12-15 days after picking seedlings into peat pots.

  • Watering cabbage must be carried out daily and better by sprinkling. With a lack of water, the cabbage becomes stiff and does not grow well. Even with further normal watering, the cabbage will not gain the lost mass. On the other hand, especially at the stage when cabbage takes root in open ground, waterlogging is very harmful to it. Under these conditions, she rots and dies.
  • And after, when the number of leaves reaches four, and the frosts in the yard have finally stopped, cauliflower can be planted in the ground. After planting, it must be compacted and watered; in sunlight, the plant should be shaded so that the cabbage does not burn and die. When planting, do not allow the plant to thicken too much.
  • Cabbage leaf beetle, cruciferous flea, cabbage fly and moth, stem secretive proboscis - infect cabbage at the very beginning of the growing season;
  • Such a planting is possible only when all conditions exist for a long-term vegetation of the plant. This can be done in regions that are characterized by long and heavy rains, and the soil must also be cleared of weeds.​
  • , fertilizers depend on the type of soil. For example, acidic soil needs to be fertilized with lime before digging so that the plant does not get sick after planting.

How to grow seedlings

A prerequisite for growing seedlings at home is its additional illumination with a simple fluorescent lamp. When the seedlings grow up, they can be planted in the soil.

And late-ripening cabbage is perfect for long-term fresh storage. These varieties ripen in 160-180 days. The most famous of them: Krumont, Cade, Gingerbread Man, Galaxy.​

The temperature range for growing cabbage is from 5 to 20 ° C. Young seedlings need additional lighting. During the formation of the head, the plant needs a lot of moisture.

Before planting, for protection against pests, the seeds are treated using 12% hexachloran. Seeding rate - 2 kg per 1 hectare, planting depth - 2-3 cm.​

The site should be open and well lit. In large areas in crop rotation fields for growing heads of Chinese cabbage, seedlings are planted in rows at a distance of 60 or 70 cm and in a row of 20 or 25 cm. rows can be reduced to 20 or 30 cm. Cut cabbage for storage after frost. It becomes softer, tastier and juicier. Cabbage calmly tolerates frosts down to minus 7 ° C, and many gardeners even specifically wait for the cabbage to freeze and it can be cut for harvesting. Mid-season varieties of cabbage are suitable for pickling. Late-ripening varieties are used for long-term fresh winter storage. Early ripe varieties of cabbage are not intended for salting and long-term storage.​

Planting cabbage in open ground

In hot weather, it should be constantly sprayed and watered.

Cabbage white - characteristic of the intermediate growing season; Cabbage seeds are planted in the ground to a depth of about 3 centimeters. It is necessary to sow cabbage in this way early. After germination ​Among the recommended fertilizers as top dressing:

Planting cabbage without seedlings

​After you received a good and strong seedlings it must be planted in the ground. But 12 days before that, it should be hardened in order to gradually accustom it to wind, sunlight and ambient temperature.

The next step is the actual cultivation of seedlings for planting. This stage is considered very important, because the quality of the seedlings themselves will depend on how high-quality the seeds were. Therefore, only high-quality seeds for planting cabbage for seedlings should be selected. In early varieties of cabbage, heads appear about 55-60 days after the seedlings were planted, that is, in late June - early July. The ripening of heads of cabbage is not simultaneous, so they need to be removed in several stages, cutting sharp knife. At the same time, 2-3 leaves and a stalk up to 2 cm long are left. After the plant has 4-5 true leaves, the cabbage is thinned out, leaving one plant at a distance of 40-50 cm from the other. Further care the same as when growing with seedlings: watering, loosening, protection from pests.​

Of great importance is the preparation of the site on which early cabbage will grow. Planting and caring for plants begins in the spring. The site for early cabbage must be prepared in the fall. To do this, it is dug up and fertilized. As fertilizers, the use of humus, manure and compost in the amount of 1-1.5 buckets per m2 is effective.​

When cultivating Beijing cabbage in a seedless way, seeds are sown in open ground on ridges according to a scheme similar to radish, at the rate of 10-12 kg per 1 ha.

Rules for caring for early cabbage

Beijing cabbage is an annual plant from the cruciferous family. Until recently, it was little known in our country, it was grown in limited quantities. V Lately widely cultivated in closed ground as a salad plant, as well as in the open field in early spring. The leaves contain a large amount of daily substances: vitamins, mineral salts and organic acids. It is most often eaten raw as a salad plant. In addition, the leaves are used to prepare cabbage rolls and boiled and stewed. Fertilize cauliflower with wood ash and manure Cabbage aphid and scoop - can attack the plant already when heads are formed.

cabbage needs to be thinned

Urea; It is not recommended to plant seedlings in open ground when the air temperature is low, because in this situation the seedling will give an arrow with seeds in 30 days Not the last place in growing seedlings for planting is played by its place of growth, soil selection and proper care . Let's consider all these stages in more detail.​

Thinking about how to grow early cabbage, you first need to take care of the quality of the seedlings, and for this you need to remember a few important points:

How the leaves will grow and what size the head will be depends on how much the plant is provided with nitrogen. Cabbage has a special need for nitrogen before heading out. When the head begins to tie, the plant needs potassium.

In addition, mineral fertilizers are also applied in the amount of 40 g of superphosphate per 1 m2 and half as much potassium chloride. Acidic soil is limed.

Caring for Chinese cabbage is simple and consists of keeping the soil loose and free of weeds. In the plots, after 20-25 days, the crops of the row are thinned out, leaving 10-15 cm between plants. The plants obtained from thinning are placed in boxes and sold as a salad for early production.

Pests and common diseases

For a long time, only one variety of Beijing cabbage was released - Khibinskaya, bred at the VIR Polar Experimental Station. This early ripe variety, economic suitability occurs on the 30-35th day, however, 40-50 days pass before the formation of a full rosette, and 50-60 days before the formation of a loose head. Leaves entire, broadly obovate. The lower leaves are collected in a dense rosette. The color of the leaves is light green with a yellowish tint, the pubescence is weak, the digs are elongated-cylindrical in shape. The variety is very popular today.

  • , The first time you need to feed the plant ten days after planting, and then every 2 weeks.
  • If you grow cabbage in a greenhouse, then it is less susceptible to pests, however, you also need to follow the rules of care.
  • up to 40 cm between rows. Caring for such cabbage is identical to caring for cabbage planted in seedlings.

double superphosphate;

  • Many believe that the process of planting cabbage seeds to obtain quality seedlings simple but misleading. First you need to choose a suitable place.​
  • 1. Before sowing seeds, they must be prepared to avoid infection of plants with infectious diseases.​
  • A week after the seedlings were planted, they need to be fed using a solution of urea (for feeding ten plants - 3 tablespoons per 1 bucket of water), before tying a head of cabbage, nitrophoska is used for feeding (the same proportions for five plants) .​

With the advent of spring, the land on which early cabbage will be planted is dug up, loosened and fertilized. Manure is used as fertilizer (one bucket per square meter) and wood ash (1-2 tablespoons per square meter). Irrigation in combination with top dressing with mineral fertilizers (ammonium nitrate 0.8-1 centner or potassium nitrate 0.5-1 centner per 1 ha) contributes to obtaining a high-quality crop .But now there are many hybrids and varieties. Suffice it to mention just a few.​

How to grow early cauliflower

When the first inflorescences appear, break the leaves for shading, so the heads of cabbage will be lighter and larger. Cauliflower is not harvested immediately, but as it ripens.

The main diseases of cabbage:

The soil must always be moist constant watering and occasional spraying. Watering should be about 3 times a week. potassium sulfate; Usually, planting is carried out at the beginning (this applies to early varieties) or at the end of the month of May (for late varieties). Before sowing in open ground, it must be well watered. After that, the seedlings are not watered to prevent the development of root system diseases.

2. The soil mixture used should not be heavy. If soil from the garden is used, it must first be treated with cold on the street or on the balcony, heat treatment is also necessary. The best option- this is the purchase of a special ready-made mixture.​

Using organic fertilizers for top dressing, their solution is prepared a day before top dressing. The container is half filled with bird droppings, filled with water. Fertilizer must be stirred several times a day until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. Immediately before feeding, the liquid must be diluted with water ten times.

Growing early cabbage from seedlings allows you to get a good harvest. Seeds are sown in boxes filled with soil, which must first be leveled and watered. Then furrows are made about 1.5 cm deep, in which seeds are sown at a distance of 2 cm. Until shoots appear, it is necessary that the temperature in the room be about 20 ° C. When the seeds sprout, the temperature is reduced to 8 ° C and maintained at this level for a week, after which it must be increased to 16-18 ° C during the day and about 10 ° C at night. On sowing and planting Beijing cabbage in the open field, it is advisable to use temporary film shelters during the entire growing period. This allows for the earliest planting or sowing and a high yield. Beijing cabbage grown under film covers produces more tender and juicy leaves better taste than when grown outdoors without shelters. Beijing cabbage Shanghai

Ordinary white cabbage is also harvested as it ripens; for early varieties, a loose head is a sign of full ripening. See that it is dense so that it can be stored for as long as possible.​

Cabbage Harvest Rules

Black leg - can provoke rotting of the stem;

Before harvesting, water it only if you do not plan to store it for a long time. If you plan to use the crop for long-term storage, watering stops in a month.

Organic fertilizers; Early varieties of cabbage should be planted according to the 45x25 cm scheme. At the same time, the 35x60 cm scheme is suitable for planting late varieties. At the same time, the seedlings need to be deepened by 1 cm. In this case, it will be much easier to transfer it to permanent place growth.​

Cultivation of cabbage in open ground.

3. It is very important to observe the sowing dates. Early cabbage is sown in mid-March. To extend the harvest time, it can be sown in two to three days for two weeks.​

On the choice of varieties for cultivation

Cabbage loves moisture, so it is necessary to prevent the soil from drying out. Early cabbage is watered three to four times a week. Before harvesting, if further storage is expected, watering is stopped 35-45 days in advance.

seedling preparation

After two leaves appear, the seedlings are picked into separate containers. It is important to consider that additional lighting is necessary for good growth and development of cabbage.

Cabbage harvesting during thinning begins after 25-30 days. The main harvesting is started when the rosette is fully formed or a head is formed (on the 40th or 60th day from germination). It should be remembered that the leaves of thinned cabbage coarsen and are not suitable for preparing fresh salads.

. Medium-early variety (50-55 days from germination to ripening). A head of light green color, broadly elliptical, weighing up to 1.5 kg.

Outdoor cabbage care

Its peculiarity is that it does not give such a plentiful harvest as medium and late varieties. By the way, if you plant cabbage correctly, then immediately after the early varieties, the subsequent later ones will also ripen. Thus, you will be able to harvest the whole season.​

Kila - provokes growths and swelling;

Care for cabbage after planting is divided into several periods. The first occurs when the first leaves grow on the plant. At this time, careful care is needed, it is required to plant plants that have fallen out, also

Wood ash.

After all the above steps have been successfully completed, in order to obtain a high-quality and abundant harvest, certain rules for caring for seedlings must be followed.


Chinese cabbage - planting and care

4. The container with seedlings should be located in a place where there is enough sunlight. Otherwise, seedlings may be pulled out. Additionally, fluorescent lighting is required in order to achieve a total day length of 12-14 hours.​

Chinese cabbage varieties

After watering, the soil must be loosened, each time reducing the depth of processing, so as not to damage the root system. In order for a healthy early white cabbage to grow, it must also be spudded, but not with dry soil.

After the appearance of 5-6 true leaves, the seedlings are planted in open ground.

For fresh consumption, cabbage must be harvested at a younger age (in the leaf rosette phase). Peking cabbage is harvested with leaves, damaged and yellowed outer leaves are removed and placed in boxes, sheltering from the sun. Peking cabbage Russian size F1 XL

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in planting and caring for early cabbage, Pernosporosis - the appearance of plaque and spots on the leaves.

Seedlings should be dusted with wood ash and tobacco dust You can grow seedlings of seeds of early cabbage of different varieties in a greenhouse or even in a house, the main thing is to follow the rules for caring for a plant.

For these purposes, the following procedures are carried out: Usually, cabbage seeds are sown in a vegetable or tray. A specially prepared soil mixture is placed in a container. It is recommended to carry out this process in the fall.

Biological features of Chinese cabbage

5. After the first true leaves appear, the seedlings need to be hardened off. In addition to low temperature, seedlings are hardened with bright light. To do this, it must be taken out into the street. This helps to avoid stretching seedlings.

Insects and other pests can cause irreparable damage to the crop, so care must be taken to protect plants.

Agricultural technology of Chinese cabbage

Planting early cabbage for seedlings in this way, use cups, peat tablets, pots or special trays. Two seeds must be sown in each container or cell. When shoots appear, only the strongest plant is left.

​Removed Chinese cabbage fades very quickly, losing its marketability. Therefore, it must be cleaned in the early morning hours, so that in the first half of the day it is sent to the consumer.​

. Large heads of cabbage weighing up to 4 kg (!) consist of very juicy, crispy leaves rich in proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. A wonderful late-ripening hybrid, ripening in 80-90 days, resistant to stemming and low temperatures.​

the process of growing it is very simple

To protect the plant from these diseases,

So that it is not affected by pests like cruciferous fleas or slugs.

Seedlings are obtained as follows: after sowing, provide the plant with a temperature regime within 20 degrees, before germination, the temperature at night drops to between 6 and 9 degrees. If such a decrease is not done, then the seedlings may stretch too much.

Periodic feeding of the plant will allow you to get a tasty and healthy harvest. For top dressing, a solution of complex fertilizers with microelements is used, which is sprayed on seedlings;

Instructions for preparing the soil mixture for obtaining good seedlings:

6. Watering should be moderate to prevent root rot. For irrigation use settled water at a temperature of 22-23 ° C.

Early white cabbage, as well as cauliflower, can be damaged by the cabbage fly, the larvae of which damage the roots of the plant. At the same time, cabbage begins to wither in hot weather, and it lower leaves become bluish.

Chinese cabbage cultivation care

Cabbage is a very important crop that has been cultivated since time immemorial. Nowadays, there are more than ten of its species and many varieties.

Cabbage contains many useful substances: proteins, fiber, vitamins, macro- and microelements. Regular consumption of any variety of cabbage is a good prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Cabbage is useful for various diseases, such as anemia, various infections, skin diseases, etc. In addition, it is used in the form of compresses for various wounds, headaches, diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Many gardeners are interested in how to grow early cabbage in their area. It is quite simple, this crop does not require special growing conditions.

Seed preparation

Growing early cabbage begins with the preparation of seeds that need to be sorted and disinfected. To do this, they must first be placed for 20 minutes in hot water, then for one or two minutes in cold water and dried. If you purchased seeds in a store, then there is no need for such preparation.

Before planting, it is advisable to soak the seeds of early cabbage and harden them at a temperature of +1 ... +2 ° C for about a day. Thanks to this, they will germinate faster, in addition, such preparation increases the cold resistance of plants.

Sowing dates

The timing of planting depends on the variety and type of early cabbage. When is the best time to sow for a good harvest?

Early varieties of white and red cabbage are sown for seedlings at the end of March, broccoli and cauliflower - from mid-March to the end of April, Brussels sprouts - from mid to end of April. It is very important to take into account the climatic conditions.

Growing conditions

It is necessary to take into account several important points in order for early cabbage to grow and develop well. Planting and care for different varieties are basically the same. Cabbage cannot be grown in the same place for more than three years. It gives a good harvest in areas where legumes, beets, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, and cucumbers previously grew.

Fertile, light loamy, sandy loamy, soddy-podzolic, peat soils with acidity close to neutral are well suited for any type of this crop. A good harvest will not be on sandy and heavy clay soil.
The site should be open and well lit.

Site preparation

Of great importance is the preparation of the site on which early cabbage will grow. Planting and caring for plants begins in the spring. The site for early cabbage must be prepared in the fall. To do this, it is dug up and fertilized. As fertilizers, the use of humus, manure and compost in the amount of 1-1.5 buckets per m 2 is effective.

In addition, mineral fertilizers are also applied in the amount of 40 g of superphosphate per 1 m 2 and half as much. Acid soil is limed.

With the advent of spring, the land on which early cabbage will be planted is dug up, loosened and fertilized. Manure (one bucket per square meter) and wood ash (1-2 tablespoons per square meter) are used as fertilizers.

Seedling growing method

Growing early cabbage from seedlings allows you to get a good harvest. Seeds are sown in boxes filled with soil, which must first be leveled and watered. Then furrows are made about 1.5 cm deep, in which seeds are sown at a distance of 2 cm. Until shoots appear, it is necessary that the temperature in the room be about 20 ° C. When the seeds sprout, the temperature is reduced to 8 ° C and maintained at this level for a week, after which it must be increased to 16-18 ° C during the day and about 10 ° C at night.

After two leaves appear, the seedlings are picked into separate containers. It is important to consider that additional lighting is necessary for good growth and development of cabbage.

After the appearance of 5-6 true leaves, the seedlings are planted in open ground.

Growing without a pick

When planting early cabbage for seedlings in this way, they use cups, peat tablets, pots or special trays. Two seeds must be sown in each container or cell. When shoots appear, only the strongest plant is left.

Landing in open ground

When the air temperature exceeds 17 ° C, and the soil temperature is 14 ° C, early cabbage seedlings are planted in the ground.

Seedlings of different varieties are planted according to different schemes:

Early white and red cabbage - 30 × 40;
- broccoli cabbage - 30 × 60, in order to develop side shoots - 40 × 60;
- Brussels sprouts - 60 × 70;
- early kohlrabi - 30×40;
- Savoy cabbage - 70 × 30;
- cauliflower early cabbage - 30 × 60.

It is best to plant cabbage in cloudy or rainy weather. So that the soil does not compact and does not become covered with a crust, it must be regularly mulched or loosened.

seedless way

With this method of growing early cabbage, seeds are sown directly into the ground. Growing early cabbage in this way has its advantages. The plant does not have to be transplanted, the development of the root and aerial parts occurs faster than with the seedling method of cultivation, the yield increases. Sowing of early cabbage is carried out at different times, depending on the region of growth.

Before planting for protection against pests, the seeds are treated using 12% hexachloran. Seeding rate - 2 kg per 1 hectare, planting depth - 2-3 cm.

After the plant has 4-5 true leaves, the cabbage is thinned out, leaving one plant at a distance of 40-50 cm from the other. Further care is the same as when growing with seedlings: watering, loosening, protection from pests.

Feeding and care

How the leaves will grow and what size the head will be depends on how much the plant is provided with nitrogen. Cabbage has a special need for nitrogen before heading out. When the head begins to tie, the plant needs potassium.

A week after the seedlings were planted, they need to be fed using a solution of urea (for feeding ten plants - 3 tablespoons per 1 bucket of water), before tying a head of cabbage, nitrophoska is used for feeding (the same proportions for five plants).

Using organic fertilizers for top dressing, their solution is prepared a day before top dressing. The container is half filled with bird droppings, filled with water. Fertilizer must be stirred several times a day until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. Immediately before feeding, the liquid must be diluted with water ten times.

Cabbage loves moisture, so it is necessary to prevent the soil from drying out. Early cabbage is watered three to four times a week. Before harvesting, if further storage is expected, watering is stopped 35-45 days in advance.

After watering, the soil must be loosened, each time reducing the depth of processing, so as not to damage the root system. In order for a healthy early white cabbage to grow, it must also be spudded, but not with dry soil.

Pest control

Insects and other pests can cause irreparable damage to crops, so care must be taken to protect plants.

Early white cabbage, as well as cauliflower, can be damaged by the larvae of which harm the roots of the plant. At the same time, the cabbage begins to wither in hot weather, and its lower leaves become bluish.

To combat this pest, DDT dust or 6% hexachloran dust are used, which are used to pollinate the plant after planting. The procedure is carried out two or three times with an interval of a week. The soil is watered using 30% thiophos (0.03% concentration). You can sprinkle the ground near the plant with naphthalene mixed with sand (1: 5).

A plant that has just begun to sprout can be damaged by a cruciferous flea that feeds on cabbage leaves. Early sowing and transplanting of seedlings can protect against this pest, which allows the plants to get stronger before the flea is activated. To accelerate growth and increase resistance, the plant is fed using saltpeter and slurry.

Huge damage to the plant is caused by colonies of cabbage aphids, which suck the juices from plants. The leaves then become stained, begin to curl. The growth of cabbage slows down, the tying of the head stops.

To combat this pest, before tying the head, the plant is sprayed using anabasin sulfate (concentration - 0.2%) or 2.5% dust metaphos. Spraying with a decoction of tobacco is effective, to obtain which you need to pour tobacco dust (400 g) with water (2 l) and boil for 2 hours. The cooled solution is filtered. Then it is necessary to add soap (50 g) to it and dissolve everything in a bucket of water.

Growing early cabbage in a greenhouse

Cabbage is one of the main crops planted in greenhouses. They mainly grow white early cabbage. When to sow seeds in this way?

To grow early cabbage in a greenhouse, seeds must be sown in early February. In early April, seedlings are planted at a distance of 35-40 cm. Seedlings should have 3-4 true leaves, they must first be hardened.

The appearance of the seedlings can tell you what the crop will be like. Plants that have green leaves have a weak root system. And this means that the seedlings will not take root well. The shape of the leaf can be judged on the shape of the head. If the leaves are large, and the stem is short and thick, then there will be large heads.

The soil on which cabbage will be grown in a greenhouse should be well fertilized, dense, loamy and retain moisture well. It is necessary to regularly loosen the soil with fertilizing with a solution of manure.

The temperature range for growing cabbage is from 5 to 20 °C. Young seedlings need additional lighting. During the formation of the head, the plant needs a lot of moisture.


In early varieties of cabbage, heads appear about 55-60 days after the seedlings were planted, that is, in late June - early July. The ripening of heads of cabbage is not simultaneous, so they need to be removed in several steps, cut off with a sharp knife. At the same time, 2-3 leaves and a stump up to 2 cm long are left.

Important Rules

When thinking about how to grow early cabbage, you first need to take care of the quality of the seedlings, and for this you need to remember a few important points:

1. Before sowing seeds, they must be prepared to avoid infection of plants with infectious diseases.

2. The soil mixture used should not be heavy. If soil from the garden is used, it must first be treated with cold on the street or on the balcony, heat treatment is also necessary. The best option is to purchase a special ready-made mixture.

3. It is very important to observe the sowing dates. Early cabbage is sown in mid-March. To extend the harvest time, it can be sown in two to three days for two weeks.

4. The container with seedlings should be located in a place where there is enough sunlight. Otherwise, seedlings may be pulled out. Additionally, fluorescent lighting is required in order to achieve a total day length of 12-14 hours.

5. After the first true leaves have appeared, the seedlings need to be hardened off. In addition to low temperature, seedlings are hardened with bright light. To do this, it must be taken out into the street. This helps to avoid stretching the seedlings.

6. Watering should be moderate to prevent root rot. For irrigation use settled water at a temperature of 22-23 ° C.

7. Before moving the seedlings to the site, they are not watered. Plants that are slightly wilted don't break as easily.

Compliance with such simple rules will allow you to get an excellent harvest of this useful crop.

  • Early ripe. They usually produce small fruits in relatively small quantities. Landing dates: approximately from 1 to 25 March.
  • Mid-season. As a rule, they are most often used for salting. Seeds can be planted between March 25 and April 25.
  • Late ripe. The advantage of these varieties is their long shelf life; they can also be used in preparations for the winter. They are planted from the end of April to the first days of May.

Growing seedlings of white cabbage

Let's start with seedlings. Necessary condition for the first shoots - a large amount of water. It should be about half the weight of the seeds themselves. We grow seedlings at home, it's very simple: you need to take a small box about 6 cm high. Pour the soil-nutrient mixture into it, with a layer about 5 cm high. We compact it and make grooves with a stick or pen at a distance of 5-6 cm. friend from friend. Then we spill it with a hot solution, based on 1 liter. a teaspoon of water "Kornerosta", stir everything and pour small grooves from a small teapot. Now we sow the seeds to a depth of 1 cm, at a distance of 2-3 cm. We sprinkle everything with earth 1 cm thick, compact and cover with a film.

Here, at last, still fragile sprouts peep out. First of all, they need to be thinned out, leaving the tallest and most beautiful. Each sprout needs a plot of about 2x2 cm, after 2 weeks the procedure is repeated, increasing this area to 3x3 cm. And finally, after another two weeks, the sprouts are transplanted each into a separate container with an area of ​​​​approximately 5x5 centimeters.

Seedlings need to be placed on the windowsill in a bright place. Lighting plays an important role in the technology of growing white cabbage. On average, the length of daylight hours should be approximately 12-15 hours for a vegetable. As in any case, it is required not to forget about the soil. Loosen it regularly so that the roots of the plants have the opportunity to "breathe". The soil should not be allowed to be too dry, however, too much watering for seedlings is harmful. Try to find the middle by observing the state of the sprouts.

For seed germination, a temperature of 18-20 ° C is needed. Later, with the advent of the first shoots, it needs to be slightly lowered.

Cabbage sprouts quickly, literally in 3-4 days, if you missed this moment, then it will quickly stretch out, become long and fall.

Such cabbage is already thrown away, it is necessary to re-seed. Therefore, as soon as the seeds hatch, we sharply change the temperature. For the first 2-3 days, leave the window open for 3-4 hours in the room where the seedlings are located. After that, take them out to the balcony for 2-3 hours a day. This must be done to harden the seedlings, at a temperature of 10-12 ° C you will get excellent seedlings that will not go into the stem. And finally, on day 6, you can reduce watering. At the same time, until the time of planting in the soil, the seedlings should be on the balcony all the time.

We sow it closer to April 15, and at this time during the day the temperature is about +10 ° С. If there are frosts in April, you need to bring the cabbage into the house, into the heat, and then take it out again.

In total, three top dressings must be done during the growing period:

  • The first - 7-9 days after picking.
  • The second - 15 days after the first.
  • The third - 2-3 days before landing in the ground.

Add to 1 liter. water a teaspoon of "Agricola" for cabbage - complex mineral fertilizer, which contains phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and trace elements. You also need to add a teaspoon of any liquid organic fertilizer to this composition, it can be Effekton, Vegeta, Grow Up, etc. We carefully feed our seedlings from a small teapot.

We will do the second top dressing in 15 days. Watering seedlings should be moderate.

We plant seedlings on May 20, for this we must prepare a garden bed. We dig the bed very well to a depth of 30-40 cm, because cabbage has a tap root system and goes very deep. Under digging, we introduce a bucket of organic fertilizers per 1 sq. meter, in the form of compost, peat or humus. If you do not have such components, then purchase a nutrient soil mixture in the store, and also add a bucket per sq. meter. You can save money and add 2 handfuls of nutrient mixture per well, and not per square meter.

We level everything and add 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and 2 cups of wood ash. Mix and close with a rake after each addition of components.

After leveling the ground, we make holes. The hole from the hole should be at a distance of 40-50 cm. If your bed is wide, then make it in 2 rows, but the row from the row should be at least 40-50 cm. and 2 tablespoons of any liquid fertilizer. We pour about 1 liter of solution into the hole, a lot is not needed for seedlings.

Now we will cover the planted seedlings with covering material for about a week to retain moisture. So the seedlings will take root well and quickly. Then the covering material will need to be removed, a maximum of it is needed for a week.

Feeding white cabbage and proper care

How should you care for cabbage and what to feed? We do the first top dressing 15 days after planting the seedlings. Add a tablespoon of Agricola for cabbage to 10 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of any liquid vegetable organic fertilizer, such as Grow Up. All this is well stirred and spilled at the rate of approximately 5 liters per 1 sq. meter, and preferably for each plant 2 liters of solution. So we spill each plant. We also do the second top dressing 15 days after the first, but we will already add a tablespoon of superphosphate and 2 tablespoons of liquid vegetable organic fertilizer. The third dressing is also done 15 days after the second, take 2 tablespoons of organic fertilizer and a tablespoon of Agricola for cabbage.

Cabbage loves water and loves watering. We water according to the following schedule: June, July 5-8 liters of water per sq. meter, next watering 10 liters. After each top dressing, water the cabbage with ordinary water from a watering can - by sprinkling. When the heads of cabbage ripen, it is not worth pouring, as they can crack. A head of cabbage may also crack due to the fact that early varieties were planted, they were not removed in time, and they continue to grow.

Pests. cabbage processing

The most terrible pests in the cultivation of white cabbage are slugs and caterpillars of whites, scoops, they are very voracious. When we planted seedlings, in order to escape from slugs, you need to sprinkle the edges of the beds with dry mustard. This should be done for prevention, especially in rainy summers. But from the caterpillars of the white butterfly and scoop, sprinkle directly on the leaves with ground black pepper (literally every 3-4 days). The smell will scare away the butterflies, and they will not lay their eggs on the plants.