Petunia is overgrown. The seedlings of the petunia have grown. What to do if the seedlings of petunia are very elongated, video

Petunia enjoys well-deserved popularity among both amateurs and professionals. This annual plant differs from many others in that its multi-colored bright flowers delight us all summer and autumn.

Despite the fact that petunia is considered a rather unpretentious plant, many gardeners are worried about the question: why the seedlings of petunia were stretched out, and how to avoid this problem.

Sowing petunia seeds for seedlings

Petunia seeds are very small and can be difficult to spread evenly over the soil surface. For convenience, many petunia seed growers produce petunia seeds in a shell (pelleted seed) containing nutrients and stimulants. The disadvantage of such seeds is their high cost. Advantages: big size allows you to easily distribute seeds over the soil surface, such seeds have one hundred percent germination.

Regular, not coated, petunia seeds are much cheaper, while the flowers from them are no less bright and beautiful. You can get seeds for free by collecting them yourself. This is done as follows:

Advice! Petunia should bloom three months after sowing, which means that they should be sown for seedlings in February or March.

At home, it is most convenient to sow petunia seeds in plastic containers with transparent lids. Drainage holes are made in the bottom of the container.

The stores have ready-made soil for petunias, but you can prepare it yourself by mixing equal parts of earth, peat and river sand. For the prevention of diseases and the destruction of pests, the mixture must be subjected to high temperature treatment in an oven or in a water bath.

The soil in the container must be leveled, lightly tamped and watered. Then sprinkle the seeds, trying to maintain uniformity, and pour again from the spray bottle. Using snow can help evenly distribute petunia seeds. They cover the soil, scatter seeds that are clearly visible against the background of white snow, distribute them with a toothpick. The snow melts, slightly pulls the seeds into the surface and waters the soil.

Petunia seeds in shells must be soaked before laying on the ground.

The main feature of sowing is that the seeds of petunia are distributed over the surface and do not require burying into the soil at all.

The top of the container is covered with a transparent lid, glass or foil.

That's it, sowing is over.

Now you need to put the containers in a warm, well-lit place and wait for shoots. The lids should be opened once a day for ventilation, the rest of the time, keep the containers closed, because petunias need high humidity. If the soil is dry, it should be watered with extreme caution, thin seedlings from the water may lie down.

Advice! Use a pipette or medical syringe for watering.

Some petunia shoots cannot shed the seed coat. This is either due to a lack of air humidity, or the seeds themselves were of poor quality. You can try to help the sprout to free itself by moistening the seed coat with a pipette or syringe and gently removing it with tweezers or a needle. If this fails, the sprout will die.

Petunia shoots stretched out

Petunia sprouts may begin to stretch right after they have emerged. The reason is poor lighting and high temperatures. Light usually falls on thin shoots from one side, so they are all tilted to one side, practically, spread over the soil surface.

To save future seedlings, you need to highlight the seedlings for at least 14 hours a day. The light should fall from above, and if this is impossible to arrange, then a mirror or other reflecting surface is placed opposite the illumination. Reduce the ambient temperature without creating drafts. The ground should be constantly damp, the cover should be removed only for the duration of airing.

Another reason for stretching petunia seedlings can be too dense sowing.

In order for the seeds to fall to the surface less often when sowing, some growers mix them with fine sand and then scatter them. It is impossible to bury petunia seeds in the ground, but you can make grooves in advance and sow on them. When the thin sprouts of petunia stretch two centimeters, you can easily squeeze the grooves, giving the sprouts stability.

If there are too many shoots, then you can simply cut off the extra shoots of petunia with manicure scissors.

Petunia seedlings fall

Superfluous shoots have been removed, the rest have already begun to release real leaves, but here it may appear new problem: the seedlings start to fall. If you look closely, you can see that the stalk at the very ground has thinned and turned black, which means that the seedlings of petunias were struck fungal disease- black leg. The fungus has developed due to high humidity air inside the container if it has not been sufficiently ventilated.

Plants affected by the black leg will have to be thrown away, the soil in the container should be changed and treated with a 40% solution of potassium permanganate or formalin.

There will be no problems if you do uncomplicated conditions for the growth of petunia:

Unfortunately, at home, it is not always possible to create the required temperature, illumination and humidity.

Measures to be taken if petunia seedlings are elongated

Most likely, the petunia is stretched out due to heat or low light. Do not sow petunias on seedlings too early, when there is still little. sunlight, but there is no good backlight.

But if everything has already happened, and the petunia is stretched out, what to do?

Proper watering plays an important role in preventing stretching of petunia seedlings. Watering should be done regularly, but not too abundantly. You can use a teaspoon, from which each plant is watered at the root. The soil should not be allowed to form, so after watering the soil should be gently loosened with a toothpick.

Attention! The ground under the cover does not dry out very much, therefore, watering the seedlings of petunias is carried out only after drying. There is no need to overmoisten the soil.

With overdried soil, petunia seedlings will begin to wilt, and when overflowing, a black leg forms. It is sometimes useful to add potassium permanganate to the water for irrigation.

Due to the high humidity, mold often forms on the soil surface. Here, loosening, temporary limitation of watering, you can sprinkle the soil with crushed activated carbon, it is also recommended to use hydrogen peroxide (one tablespoon per half liter of water). If the mold has already appeared, then you should apply the "Maxim" product.

If it is impossible to maintain the required lighting while growing petunia seedlings, it is recommended to use growth stimulants. This is done two or three times for the entire period. And it is necessary to feed the seedlings of petunias with fertilizers under any growing conditions. Foliar dressing has proven itself well, for example, irrigation of petunia seedling leaves with calcium nitrate. It will serve to prevent pulling and strengthening of the stems. Nitrogen, phosphoric and potash fertilizers are also needed, but carefully monitor the dosage, seedlings overfed with fertilizers do not grow well.

There is another way to solve the problem if the petunia seedlings are stretched out - this is the use of peat tablets. They can be used both immediately when sowing seeds and for transplanting elongated seedlings. Before use, the tablets are soaked to swell, the seeds are scattered on white paper and laid out on tablets using a wet toothpick. The tablets have special grooves where the seed is placed. After the emergence of shoots, a little peat is poured to the roots. With this method, petunia sprouts do not stretch.

When the tablets are used for transplanting elongated seedlings, they are also soaked, the indentations are increased and the seedlings of petunias are planted to the very cotyledonous leaves, adding soil if necessary. When further cultivation do not forget about lighting, watering, maintaining optimal temperature and humidity.

Why do gardeners sow pepper seeds in boxes early? Everywhere it is written that it takes a long time to sprout, therefore it would be necessary to sow early in case the seeds turn out to be of poor quality. So that re-seeding can be done.

This applies to both eggplants and petunias. Her seeds are very small, sometimes you may not even understand that these future plants are in a bag. Dust, real dust instead of seeds.

Sowing petunia you can also start in January, but then it will take a very long time to create special conditions for her to grow. After all, there is no sun yet.

Sowing petunias. First secret.

Put peat tablets or soil in prepared containers. It needs to be pressed down well with a spoon. First, pour water into the containers so that both the tablets and the soil open. After all, even absolutely fresh soil tends to dry out instantly, only it will be in the air.

And sowing petunias in dry soil is pointless, especially when buying granulated seeds. As soon as the pellet is on the soil, it should dissolve in the wet soil or, as I had, just fall apart into small particles. If this does not happen, then the strength in the seed will not be enough for the smallest thin leaves to be able to throw off the shell themselves. We can help and even then not always successfully tomatoes and peppers. And the petunia will die. It will rise, stand the sprout and wither.

Sowing petunias. Second secret.

For quick shoots of petunias need warmth. If the house has an illuminated aquarium, then it is very good. After sowing, you need to put the containers on the top cover of the aquarium, and do not turn off the light. But be sure to put a cloth in 2-3 layers under the container, this will save from overheating. And the sprouts will seem much faster.

I have a tank in my stoker, in which there is always hot water... Just a heating pipe passes through it. And since the heating is gas, the water temperature is constant. After sowing, I place the containers on the tank. But first I put the shelf on it, which was left over from the old cabinet, on it I put a thick rag, and then the containers. I grow a lot of petunias, because they stand on the tank like firewood in a woodpile. I change them every day.

Sowing petunias. Third secret.

It is necessary to help the seeds of petunia to wake up. To do this, take half a liter of tap water, but not cold. If the water is chlorinated, then here you need to observe General requirements, let the water stand for several days to allow the chlorine to evaporate. We will breed Epin-Extra in it. There is only one milliliter of solution in an ampoule, pour it all into water and shake well.

Water must be poured into a sprinkler and wet soil should be well moistened with the resulting composition.

Then in each container or cell you need to put the right amount of seeds. Nowadays, I have bought petunia seeds in China, and the Chinese are not greedy people, they put about 100 seeds in each bag. So I will definitely not save, I will put more than one seed at a time.

The seeds were laid out neatly. It is not necessary to press them into the ground; it is not necessary to cover them with even the thinnest layer of sand. It is necessary to sprinkle again with the epin composition from the sprinkler. But now you need to do everything carefully so that the seeds from the jet do not fly out of the cells. Under the influence of the smallest drops of water, petunia seeds will themselves go deep into the ground, but remain on the surface.

Further watering can be done with a sprinkler, but do it carefully. Then not a single sprout will even hang its head. Watering from a teaspoon is less convenient.

Everything seemed to be done. It's time to close the containers.

Sowing petunias. The fourth secret.

Maybe it's a little deceiving, but it seems that where petunia grows in nature, there is always rotten vegetation during germination. It gives off carbon dioxide. Its concentration in the air is slightly higher than the standard for these places. Petunia is passionate as she loves him.

So we will let her breathe air with an excess of CO 2. Where can we get it?

Let's breathe ourselves. This is what plastic bags are for. different sizes... Each container must now be pushed into the desired bag and tried to inflate it, like inflating a rubber ball. Only the ball should increase in size, and the plastic bag from such efforts will break.

Therefore, we simply make the mouth of the bag with a bell and apply it to the lips tightly. And we begin to breathe, driving air from our lungs into a bag with a container, and back. A dozen breaths are enough. Carbon dioxide breathed enough into the bag. Now, be careful not to let the air out of the bag, you need to close it tightly.

Twist, secure with an elastic band, pin with a clothespin. Each will find its own way.

Everything, petunia has been sown, treated kindly, conditions have been created. Now in warmth, warm up, wake up.

Sowing petunias. Fifth secret.

Ventilation is needed. Therefore, every day we remove the containers in bags from a warm place, take them out of the package. We make an audit. Is everything alright?

Usually there are no problems, the soil does not dry out. Then we close the containers again, push them into the bags, breathe. We maintain the level of carbon dioxide in the bags.

If all the conditions are met, and the seeds are of high quality, then almost all of them will sprout on the fifth day.

But, as soon as half of the sprouts appeared, you need to open the containers, ventilate, but warm. And give a good backlight. You can use fluorescent lamps. You can buy special bulbs at pet stores, but they are expensive there. For some reason, similar ones are sold here in the stores of the "Tekkurila" company. These bulbs look like regular bulbs. They are screwed into a regular cartridge. It seems that you can even use an ordinary table lamp, but set the hood so that the light evenly illuminates the seedlings.

It is not yet possible to put on the windowsills. There, the cold comes from the windows. But the stand must be mobile so that the plants receive at least a little bit of sunlight.

Everything. Petunia rose. If seedlings were grown in tablets, then it is worth buying fertilizer. There is a special one for petunias, very expensive, but they grow from it like by leaps and bounds. This is not for sale with us. Therefore, I buy liquid, which is in stores.

After the petunia takes up strength and gives several large real leaves, you can feed it with nutritious soil or leaf humus prepared in autumn.

Today I wrote, told everything. And I'll post the photos as I sow. I will try to show you how to breathe into the bag and close it.

26 years ago a friend gave me a few seeds. She said to find a permanent place for them and sow ...

Petunia is considered a beautiful but capricious plant. In today's article we will tell you about the features of growing petunias.

Petunia loves open, sunny places. If you plant it in the shade, it will stretch and lose its decorative purpose, since, to the detriment of the flowering process, petunia will devote all its strength to the formation of new leaves.

If your loggia or balcony is located on the south side, then petunia should become their indispensable decoration. When planting a petunia in a summer cottage, you need to find a sunny place for it.

Petunia- This is a thermophilic and drought-resistant plant, but the flower beds itself are difficult to tolerate. In hot weather, the plant often infects.

For a long time petunia can live without water, but for full development it needs regular moderate watering. On the balcony, flowers need to be watered twice a day.

Feels good in wet soil, but water stagnation should not be allowed. On hot days, to prevent the appearance of a spider mite, the plant should be sprayed with water.

Petunia takes root well on any soil, but still it gives preference to sandy loam and loamy soil.

Timely feeding of petunias with complex fertilizers lengthens the flowering period. Fertilizers should be fortified with potassium. Top dressing is carried out throughout the entire flowering period, preferably every two weeks.

The duration of flowering also determines the timely removal of old fading flowers and the elimination of forming ovaries. Ovaries with seeds during their ripening take away the strength from the plant, it ceases to bloom profusely.

To get an attractive bush, you need to pinch the shoots of the petunia. Thanks to this, new branches of the flower begin to develop, it becomes larger and more luxuriant, and blooms more intensely.

Reproduction of petunia

Today, you can buy ready-made petunia seedlings in any garden center. Alternatively, you can grow it yourself. You will need quality seeds and a little patience.

Petunia seeds should be sown in seed containers in February-March. It will take about three months to grow good seedlings.

The soil for sowing seeds is prepared in advance, it must be sieved and moistened. Petunia seeds are evenly spread over the soil surface and sprayed with water using a spray bottle. Then the crops should be covered with foil, and the containers themselves should be placed in a warm place.

The optimum temperature for seed germination is 20-23 degrees Celsius. At a higher temperature, the seedlings will begin to stretch, and then they will grow and get sick with a fungal infection. The film from the crops must be removed regularly to ventilate the plants.

When normal conditions the first shoots of petunia can be found within a week after sowing the seeds. At this moment, the film is removed, and the seedlings themselves are carefully watered. In this case, the air temperature should drop to 18 degrees.

A month later, the grown seedlings need to be thinned out or dived into separate peat pots... In order for petunia to initially grow lush and compact, its shoots are pinched.

In April, the seedlings need to be hardened, and when the threat of frost has passed, plant the plant in the main place of residence - country cottage area or balcony.

The distance between flowers should be 30 centimeters or more. On balconies, it is recommended to plant petunias in a 10 liter container in an amount of no more than 3 pieces. With a more dense planting, the plants will not be able to develop normally, they will stretch, losing their main purpose - decorativeness.

Many petunias are propagated by seeds. But you can multiply them and. To do this, in the fall, you need to dig up the uterine flowers, planting them in pots.

On the plant, it is necessary to remove all shoots and place it in a bright, but cool, well-ventilated area. The air temperature should not be lower than 10 degrees, moderate watering is recommended.

With the beginning of spring, young cuttings are cut off from the plant, no more than 10 cm long. The cutting should have a couple of leaves, everything else is removed.

For the development of the root system, cuttings should be placed in a solution with phytohormones. Then the cuttings are planted in loose soil at a shallow depth.

The soil needs to be moistened, compacted a little and covered with a film. For the development of roots, the plant needs a temperature of 20 degrees and good lighting for at least 10 hours a day.

The soil must be constantly moistened. Somewhere in a week, the cuttings release the roots, and with the appearance of leaves, they can be planted in separate containers of a larger volume. Further, caring for seedlings corresponds to caring for seedlings.

Diseases of petunia

Petunia is considered a hardy plant, but there are still unfavorable factors that can affect its growth and development.

More often, difficulties in growing petunias are associated with the mistakes of the gardeners themselves. For example, excessive watering, low temperatures, improper soil and dense planting of the plant lead to rotting of the petunia root system, otherwise it is called "black leg" disease.

When the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to take Urgent measures: remove diseased plants, treat healthy plants with fungicides, and establish regular watering at the request of petunias without stagnation of water in the ground.

Sometimes on the leaves and flowers of petunia is found white bloom... We are talking about a fungal infection - powdery mildew. It affects the plant at high humidity and temperature extremes. Leaves affected by powdery mildew must be removed immediately, and the plant itself must be treated with sulfur.

For the prevention of fungal diseases, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • the soil for sowing should be light, loose;
  • before sowing, it is advisable to steam it for the purpose of disinfection;
  • plants should not grow in close quarters, close to each other;
  • important to observe optimal temperature in the process of growing;
  • regular but moderate watering is important;
  • you cannot overfeed the plant with nitrogen fertilizers.

There is one wish, if it does not bother you, write your comment, I am waiting.

Such garden flower, like petunia, is known to almost every gardener. And this is no coincidence, because the variety of shapes and colors of flowers can surprise everyone. Petunia flowers are white, blue, yellow, pink, blue, red, purple flowers and their shades ( on the picture). They can be small, and large, and simple, and terry, and with a fringe. The plant itself reaches sizes from 20 to 70 centimeters. It can be either ampelous or cascading. Petunia looks spectacular both in the garden and on the balcony. We will look at how to dive a petunia if you grow it from seeds in this article.

What is petunia picking, and why is it needed

Picking petunia seedlings is a transplant of a young plant from a small container into which the seeds were sown, into a slightly larger one. In this case, the soil mixture must be new. But many gardeners consider such a procedure undesirable, since, in their opinion, it is additional stress for the plant. Right or wrong, let's try to figure it out.

As a rule, seeds are planted in small containers. As young seedlings grow, the area of ​​their root system increases accordingly. Beneficial Nutrients for Growth and Development healthy plant is getting smaller and smaller. It also negatively affects the supply of vital oxygen. As a result, the seedlings stop growing, they become thin and inconspicuous. Plus, she can be susceptible to various diseases.

To prevent all of these Negative consequences, it is better to dive for petunia seedlings. An increase in the area of ​​nutrition contributes to the development of a more powerful root system, and this is already a guarantee of health.

Of course, you can sow the plant right away in large enough pots, as many will think, but then it will also grow rather slowly. The reason is the excess amount of moisture in the soil, which will hinder the access of oxygen.

When and in what cases you need to dive a petunia

You should start picking petunias immediately when you notice 2-3 real leaves. By this time, the young plant already has enough time to form root system, and when diving, it will not be severely damaged.

Also, picking contributes to obtaining the following results:

  • The root system of seedlings develops well due to lateral roots, grows powerful and less susceptible to various diseases and adverse weather conditions.
  • Picking petunias makes it possible to choose the most promising seedlings.
  • With the help of a pick, you can slightly slow down the growth and development of the plant. This can be done if you are afraid that the seedlings will outgrow.
  • When you notice that the seedlings are affected by some pests, then those plants that have not yet become sick can be saved. To do this, they are transplanted into a new substrate.
  • Transplanting seedlings results in less root entanglement. So it will be easier to transplant petunia to permanent place growing without damaging it.

How to dive a petunia correctly

Before diving for petunia, you need to prepare:

  • Disposable cups, peat pots, or any other container small size.
  • Unsharp knife or spatula.
  • Spray.
  • Nutrient substrate. It is best to purchase it in specialized flower shops.

There are two ways to pick a petunia, such as transplanting and transshipment.


The transplant process takes place in several stages:

  • The substrate is poured into a pre-prepared container.
  • Use a spatula or any other similar tool to make a small depression in the center.
  • The dimple thus formed is poured clean water... This will help soften the soil for the following manipulations more easily.
  • Using a knife, you need to carefully pull out the seedlings, taking care not to damage the roots. To do this, step back half a centimeter from the stem.
  • The pulled out petunia, together with a lump of earth, is transferred into a recess in a glass and covered with a substrate on top and tamped.
  • All voids in the soil must be filled.
  • The last stage is spraying the seedlings with water from a spray bottle.

To better understand this process and get it right, watch the video.


You can also dive by transshipment. It is good in that the roots of the plant are not damaged, and they quickly adapt to new growing conditions ( on the picture). It is produced like this:

  • Before diving a plant, it should not be watered for several days. This is necessary so that the clod of earth freely comes out of the container.
  • Larger containers are filled with new substrate only 1/3.
  • Smaller containers with seedlings must be turned over, the plant must be removed from there along with the earthen clod and placed in a large container.
  • The resulting voids must be covered with a substrate and poured abundantly with water.

How to care for a petunia after a dive

When the plant has already been picked, it remains to provide only proper care, which consists in such activities:

As you can see, growing this plant is not as difficult as it seems. Picking a petunia and taking proper care of it is all that is required of you. And soon this beautiful flower will surely thank you with its lush flowering!

If you still can't decide to grow petunias, then watch a photo or video, and they will definitely inspire you!

What to do if the seedlings are elongated and overgrown? Garden World website

It often happens that the seedlings have stretched out and outgrown, and it is still far from planting them in the garden. What to do? First you need to understand why the seedlings are pulled out. The most common reason is a lack of light. In March, only the southern windows have enough light, it is advisable to supplement others on others. The second reason is too high the temperature in the room and abundant watering. It is necessary to lower the temperature and reduce watering. For more information on how to do this, watch the video.

Seedlings of petunias began to fall, what to do

Andrey Zhurba

If the leg is black, stop watering, improve ventilation, thin out, sprinkle with ash. It is not even necessary to water with potassium permanganate yet, it is necessary for the soil to dry out urgently. If you hang a daylight lamp over the rossada, solve several problems: increase the illumination, reduce the humidity, in addition, the lamps emit a small amount of ultraviolet radiation, which will protect you from such problems.


This is probably a lack of light or a black leg.
Plants should not sit densely, plus it is advisable to put a daylight or sodium lamp. And if it is a black leg, they say it is necessary to pour it with concentrate of mangarsovka and sprinkle the ground with calcined sand and reduce the humidity.
Z. S And for the middle lane already means it's time to sow petunia?


reduce watering, if it sits densely, then plant it, even if there are only two leaves, it is good to do this with a match or small tweezers and pour potassium permanganate over the planting, you can still sprinkle it with ash, but often all this has to be sown in vain.


Most likely a black leg. Thin and spray with furacilin solution (which is used for gargling) and do not fill. It is good to water it from a sprayer.


I never plant flowers. This year, too, I succumb to temptation and bought seeds different petunias, yesterday even ampelous kraaaaasivuyu bribed. But I haven't sowed yet. I am preparing mentally for now….: -) And now I’ll worry - suddenly there’s such a hassle with her, and the place will be occupied by the precious on the windowsill, which is not rubber. Maybe it's better to sow something more useful? Suddenly petunia is very moody and not everyone grows well?

New day

Ksyusha, where do you live? If in middle lane, then it is still a month before sowing petunias! The seedlings will outgrow. Once it began to fall in you, it means there are already signs of overgrowth (I don't think it's a black leg) Lack of lighting (you need to supplement it) and, possibly, high temperature - it's probably hot for her. It would be desirable to lower the temperature now, although I understand that it is very difficult to do this in an apartment. I am afraid that nothing efficiently will grow out of these seedlings. It is necessary to plant in mid-March, not earlier.

About petunia and plant chlorosis.


Advice from Lyudmila.

Why are petunia seedlings pulled out?

Petunia seedlings are pulled out from lack of lighting. The problem can be solved by illuminating the seedlings with fluorescent lamps.

Why does petunia chlorositis?

One of the reasons for chlorosis in petunias is non-compliance with agricultural techniques "dry-wet", when the earth in cups with petunia seedlings between waterings does not have time to dry out, turns sour.

Why did petunia leaves turn blue-purple?

With a lack of phosphorus, petunia leaves can turn purple. If the measles is good, then this is not the reason. With the difference between day and night temperatures in winter, petunias can also turn purple leaves.

What to do if petunia leaves chlorose (turn yellow)?

Usually, the problem of chlorosis in petunias is dealt with with the help of iron chelate, with which the plant is treated either on the leaf or at the root. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. It all depends on the manufacturer of the chelate and the shelf life. A very convenient and less costly method is to water the chlorous seedlings of petunia with citric acid at the rate of (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) or (1 g per 1 liter). After two weeks, the pale, yellow seedlings turn green again. However, keep in mind that yellowing of the leaves is not always an indicator of a lack or indigestibility of iron. This may be a lack of manganese, nitrogen and other trace elements.

From a lack of nitrogen, small and yellow leaves are formed. From a lack of iron, light yellow or white leaves are formed, the apical shoot is affected. From a lack of magnesium, which manifests itself on the lower leaves, the leaves become variegated in color, turn brown and fall off. How to calculate watering plants with citric acid for the prevention of chlorosis? Usually, for the prevention of chlorosis, a concentration is used. citric acid at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. If you have few plants, then you get 1 g per 1 liter. 1 g is about a few crystals of citric acid.

How to prepare iron chelate on your own? In 3 liters of cold boiled water, dissolve 12 g of citric acid. 7.5 g is added to this solution. ferrous sulfate... The result is a complex ferrous salt of light orange color. This solution is suitable for spraying a diseased plant and for root feeding. The rest of the unused solution can be poured under garden flowers.

Can petunias be preserved in winter? Petunias can be preserved in winter. Many people think that petunia is an annual, and on packs with seeds it is often written that petunia is an annual plant. However, it is possible to extend the life of our beauties until next year... To do this, at the end of August, cuttings are cut from beautiful favorites and rooted. These cuttings, which will have time to grow stronger and grow the root system, will overwinter. Petunia should overwinter in cool conditions. It is advisable to leave it on a cool balcony with a positive temperature. If this is not possible, you can bring the petunia into the room and put it on the coldest windowsill. In the room due to dry air in winter, petunia may be damaged spider mite, therefore, periodically (a couple of times a month) you need to process the mother plant with phytoverm or actofit. In the spring, cut the cuttings from the mother plant of petunias and root. These cuttings will be the new plants. Rooting of cuttings will take about 2 weeks, in contrast to sowing petunias with seeds, which will take more than 2 months.

When are petunias cuttings?

You can cut petunias at any time of the year, if you have the opportunity to illuminate them with phytolamps.

When can you propagate petunias that have just rooted to obtain more seedlings?

After rooting the cutting, if it has taken root well after 2 weeks, you can safely cut off half of this cutting for a new one. This will force the plant to sprout new shoots from the leaf sinuses and get another seedling.

What to do if the petunia seedlings are outgrown (stretched out)

If the seedlings of petunia are stretched out, there are two ways out of this situation: the first - you can pinch; the second - you can transfer the seedlings into large cups. For example, if the petunia was 200 gr. glass, transfer it to 500 gr. glass and add earth. Petunia, like all nightshades, normally tolerates transplanting.
How to inhibit the growth of petunia seedlings?

You can slow down the growth of petunia seedlings by changing the temperature regime. How to achieve a large cap of flowers in ampelous petunias? more soil and feeding so a large cap of flowers will grow in a petunia. When will a bush petunia planted at the end of February bloom? A bush petunia sown at the end of February at 14-16 hours of light and temperatures above 25 degrees will bloom by the end of April.

Why do the lower leaves of petunia turn yellow?

Lower leaves petunias usually turn yellow from overflow, lack of nitrogen or a small amount of soil. Petunia is affected by the whitefly. What medications to take for whitefly? For whitefly, you can use Aktara, which is sprayed with petunia and shed. Aktara is good because it almost does not smell. Please note that the developmental cycle of the whitefly is about 21 days, the larvae themselves cover themselves with a wax coating, therefore they are well protected from external influences (unlike ordinary aphids).

How to use a foundation?

Before sowing, it is necessary to spill cassettes with petunia seedlings with water, and then pour Fundazol so that the soil is saturated. Why did the seedlings of petunia stop growing? The growth arrest may be due to a lack of boron, as a result of which the apical growth points die off. To solve the problem, you can spray the petunia with a solution. boric acid(7 grams per 10 liters of water). The result should appear in 10 days. What should I do to make the plants take root better when diving? After diving a petunia into other containers, there may be damage to the root system. Therefore, after a week, it is better to give the plants monophosphate or fertilizers with a high phosphorus content in order to take root better. air near the petunia growing on the balcony?

Petunia that grows on the balcony needs to be sprayed frequently with a fine spray bottle. This should be done early in the morning or best in the evening. By spraying, you will not only save the flower from the heat, but also prevent the emergence of spider mites. How often to water the petunia growing on the balcony? Petunia loves to drink. Therefore, petunias on the balcony need regular watering once or twice a day. The top ground ball must not completely dry out. Water the flower abundantly on hot days. Petunia easily tolerates if watering is too abundant. The only thing that can negatively affect is stagnant water. Regular watering of petunias will provide you with luxurious flowering and lush bushes.

What water to water petunia?

For watering petunias, the acidity of the water is of great importance. Petunia loves more acidic water. As you know, most of us have hard water. Therefore, there are two options: either acidify the water for irrigation, or simply plant the plant in an acidic soil mixture.

How often to fertilize adult plant petunias?

In order for petunia to please beautiful flowers an adult petunia plant needs to be fertilized at least every 10 days.

How to cut petunia?

Petunia can be grafted different ways... The success of rooting a petunia cuttings is an earthen mixture. It should be airy. You can prepare the following mixture: 2 parts of moss + 1 part of vermicult + 1 part of terra soil, a little sand. We moisten the earth mixture and insert into the cups the pinions. The cuttings are deepened by 1.5 cm. Tear off the lower leaves of the cuttings. Cover with cellophane to create a greenhouse effect. After 10-12 days, depending on the variety, the first roots will appear.

I advise you to write it down. All this will come in handy.

Comments (1)

Taisiya Klimentyeva (Romanenko) elena shubina (zvereva) cool flower, beautiful and grateful! 0 June 20, at 11:40 am Reply Ruzitsa Pavloviћ (Јankoviћ) Nicely.
Thank you! 0 June 20, at 13:25 Reply Lyubov Balakhnina (Markova - Popo ... Good advice! Thank you !!! 0 June 20, at 18:54 Reply Taisiya Klimentieva (Romanenko) Thanks for the advice! 0 June 20, at 19:25 Reply

Facebook Comments

I planted petunia seedlings the other day. Will it freeze?

Inna Panfilova

Cover with cardboard! I covered everything today

Lelya Casanova

I dropped it off 10 days ago. Tomorrow, from the morning, I will pour warm water over the stem, and I will pop a little epic. ... It's time to process the epin anyway.


In the east of the Moscow region, now +3 at the window, the sky is clear, the wind has died down, turned on the heating, something cool in the house, covered the petunias on the street with bottles.


Cover with plastic bottles at night, pour, well, or folk remedies, Perhaps they will survive somewhere in more detail I saw OSADOVOD here. RU


they bloom until frost, nothing will happen


mature, hardened seedlings can withstand short-term frosts up to minus 3


easily. ... need to cover

What would it be desirable to sow for seedlings already in January?

Oleg Shelest

strawberries - January, peppers, eggplants, tomatoes - February, early cabbage - February - March

A.K. (personally)

it's too early…. wait for February-March

Natalia Stanislavovna

If you add additional lighting, you can also in January.

Lelya Casanova

Strawberries (strawberries) in January is the most for Samara (my region).


If you do not use shelters, but plant immediately in open ground, then you should not torture yourself and the plants. All in good time - this is the main motto of the gardener. You will not deceive nature. By planting overgrown seedlings, you will only slow down the natural development process. Sometimes, plants planted with seeds outstrip seedlings in development due to weather conditions... Plant on those dates. what is accepted in your area.

Irina Gromova

If there are conditions, you can do something from flowers.

Larisa Bratko

We have friends who plant tomatoes. When in April we started planting in the open ground in the garden, they already had tomatoes with buds. I asked: how is it? we have seedlings planted in March (on the windows, we mess around, sometimes additional lighting is required) and we think that they were planted early. And they answer: and we plant at the end of January.
This year I also planted at this time. It's so great to have early production.
If possible, sit down. Peppers and tomatoes are allowed. There is not enough light for cucumbers, they can be planted in pots closer to spring. I won't say exactly for strawberries, I tried to bring them from the garden in the fall and grow them in the house, but she didn't like something. I tried Petunia in a pot in the fall and all winter in the house - it was very successful.
And in the fall, plant sweet peppers in pots, it can stand in the house until spring (40 to 60 percent). And in the spring there will already be big bushes.


If you plant in January, then the seedlings will not have enough light. It will be long and thin and you will ask in the spring what to do? seedlings have outgrown Only those who germinate slowly sow in February-petunias, strawberries, leeks with celery


Well, for the hundredth time I will note that the most interesting thing is your region.
I once (in my suburbs), too, could not resist, I sowed early tomato crops and took almost all the seedlings (flowering) to the trash heap.
But ever-flowering begonia, pelargonium, pansies seem to be even recommended.

Lina Sakharnova

If you have: a desire, a suitable room, lighting, then you can pepper (late and medium), petunias, strawberries, celery, leeks, and other late-flowering flowers: with a pick, (without damaging the root), and then transfer to large containers.

Marina Filippova

I don’t know how, but my neighbor mushroom picker says to live 115 days more and, and then the MUSHROOMS will go. Be patient !!!

Olga Marchenko

I sowed perennial flower seeds. First for stratification, and later for germination. I will supplement the lighting.

Evgeniya Taratutina

At the end of January I sow tomatoes, at the end of April in the ground already with buds. I agree that sowing in March and even in April will not make the seedlings overgrown, but the fact is that sowing in March, for example, tomatoes will sing at the end of August, when we already have frosts. And at the end of August I already have empty beds. The harvest has already been harvested and sold.

galina russkova (churkina)


with illumination you can sow, I have already sown heliotrope, rhododendrons, in January I will sow some of the peppers, petunias in early February

Valentina Timofeeva

sheepskin is not worth the candle - (Moscow region)


I planted it with impatience after January 25 - I will not say that it was very bad, but not very good either. Now I sowed grass for the cat, the dolichos sprouted, and as soon as I opened the film it dried up, I also stuck the acorns of the oak

Valentina Barzakovskaya

I bought seeds of pelargonium (geranium), it says on the bag - to plant on seedlings from December to February, since it needs five months before flowering. In an ampelny package there are 3 seeds, in a simple package 5. Sowed in peat tablets on December 28. In January I will sow petunia.

How to grow healthy petunia seedlings at home?

Bolotova Elena

I have been growing flower seedlings for a long time, I love petunia very much, although it is more difficult to grow due to the fact that it has small seeds. I plant it in the same way as strawberry seeds, sprinkle it on top of the soil, lay it with snow, wrap it in a bag and in a warm, but not hot place. Once a day, I look to see if there are seedlings and how wet the earth is, and after one I ventilate. It is a little difficult to dive, since the seedlings are small, the distance between the plants when diving is 3-3.5 cm.

The flowers are so beautiful that you can tinker with the seedlings. I noticed that terry petunia has less percent of seed germination than simple petunia.

I feed it a week before landing in the ground. I buy a special mixture for seedlings.

A k s i n y a

In order for the seedlings of petunias to be healthy, firstly, you need to try to avoid white mold that appears after the entrances of the petunias, even if you pour it with potassium permanganate first, this will not help, the main thing is not to waterlogging, if the soil is waterlogged, then you cannot avoid white mold, due this - petunia dies.

If you have planted a petunia for seedlings, you need to air the mini-greenhouse at least once a day, remember - the soil should not be alkaline or strongly acidic, loose and nutritious soil is suitable for this, it is the right soil and watering that stimulates the healthy growth of petunias, potting soil- can be bought at a flower shop.

Do not allow the soil to dry out, but ... and waterlogging is also not desirable, watering should be moderate.

At the first entrances of petunias, the mini greenhouse is aired much more every day, adding minutes. After the petunia forms true leaves, the seedlings dive into small cups or into another container, the soil should be fresh.

Also, after picking - petunias should be provided with as much light as possible (petunia is a light-loving plant), or otherwise the seedlings will stretch out, which will not look beautiful.

And of course, for the further development of petunias, feeding will not interfere, usually they begin to feed, after two weeks after the first pick.

Persona grata

To grow healthy petunia seedlings, you need to buy quality seeds and suitable soil (you can prepare it yourself). Any fertile, slightly acidic substrate is suitable for petunias. To avoid the appearance of fungal diseases (black leg), it is advisable to steam the sowing substrate and spill it with a fungicidal preparation (I use foundationol).

Petunia seeds are very small, so they need to be sown on the surface of the soil. To do this, fill suitable bowls with soil, press lightly, moisten (it is better to use a light pink solution of potassium permanganate). If you are not going to grow petunia on an industrial scale, then it is better to buy pelleted seeds - it is more convenient to distribute them over the substrate, you just need to moisten well so that the shell dissolves. It is better to immediately distribute the seeds at a short distance from each other, so that later you can dive them more easily. Seeds germinate in the light at a temperature of about 25 degrees, so a bowl with seeds should be covered with glass or film, put in a warm and bright place.

After the emergence of seedlings, the plants need to be periodically ventilated, avoiding drying out and strong moisture of the soil, gradually accustoming them to room conditions. After the appearance of 3-4 leaves, the plants can be dived into separate containers, but I dive a little later, because I spread the seeds at a certain distance, and with such sowing, the plants do not interfere with each other. If you sow ordinary (not coated) seeds and the crops are thickened, then you need to dive earlier.

After you cut the plants, you need to gradually reduce the temperature and harden the plants. If you sow in February, then you need to organize additional lighting so that the seedlings do not stretch out. If possible, it is better to place the mature seedlings in a cool room or on glazed balcony, where the night temperature does not drop below 15 degrees, and the daytime is 18-20 degrees. In such Spartan conditions, the seedlings will not outgrow and will be strong and healthy.

Most modern varieties bush well, but if this does not happen, then the plant can be pinched - this stimulates the growth of lateral shoots, but flowering is slightly delayed.

Aleksandr LXXV

  • First, it is important to decide what type of petunia we want to grow. Shrub varieties are best grown in a flower bed. For balconies and walls - ampelous.
  • Seeds also need to be selected. It is important that they are adapted to your climate. Sometimes it is better to take seeds in a shell - this way they are more reliably protected from damage. Although, on the other hand, they germinate more quickly without a shell and germinate more often without problems.
  • Before sowing, mix the seeds with dry sand one to five and scatter them on the ground in a tray, thirty by forty cm in size. Do not fill the seeds from above, only pour through a strainer and cover with a film.
  • Within a week, the sprouts should already appear, and then the film is removed. The shoots are watered very carefully, ideally it is better not to pour, but to spray with a spray bottle. If there are frail shoots, you can thin out when the third leaf appears.
  • After two weeks, plant them in separate containers, glasses can be used, and dive for better root growth. Regular feeding in the form of mineral fertilizers will not hurt.
  • After another 3 weeks, it can be planted in pots or soil. We look for the night temperature to be fourteen degrees or more, otherwise they may bend.
  • Bushes are formed by pinching the tops, from which shoots appear on the side.


Petunia is a very capricious plant and not everyone succeeds in growing petunia seedlings themselves. But if you know some secrets, it turns out that there is nothing complicated about it.

So, let's begin. We lay out peat tablets in Plastic container and fill them with warm water in which we dissolve the "Gumistar" or "Bio-cocktail" tablet. For each peat tablet, you need to put one petunia granule.

Cover with snow on top.

Close the container and put it in a warm place under the phytolamp.

Do not open it until the seedlings have grown to the lid, then open the container gradually. You need to water not on the seedlings, but on the bottom of the container and as needed. The peat tablet will absorb itself required amount moisture as much as she needs.

After the roots begin to go beyond the tablet, you need to carefully tear the tablet shell and place it in a separate glass and add soil.

Petunia seedlings tolerate such a pick very well and do not even get sick, it develops much better and faster.

With this planting, petunia blooms after 2-2.5 months.


Petunia seeds are very small and it is quite difficult to grow seedlings, but it is possible. It is convenient to use a transparent plastic container with a lid. Take a light earth, good forest, add sand. I always water the ground with boiling water. When it cools down, I spread the petunia seeds on top with a toothpick, close it with a lid, put it in a warm place, but not in the sun. I periodically inspect the crops and if the earth is dry, then I spray it. When the first leaves appear, I very carefully add earth to them, the stems are thin and weak. It is best to water at this time in the corner of the container using a syringe without a needle. When the plants grow up a little, then you can start accustoming them to the sun, it is better to do this early in the morning or in the evening. When several leaves appear, the plants can be transplanted into separate containers. Fertilizers can be used when watering.


Seedlings petunias, you need to grow in February-March. Her seeds are very small, they need to be poured into the ground, and not sprinkled on top. The pot itself must be covered with glass or salafan so that the soil does not dry out quickly. Our first shoots will appear very small, each must be planted separately for independent growth. You need to water it with fertilizers for flowering plants so that the sprouts are strong and healthy.

Natalia Sokolova

Petunia seeds are small in size.

Therefore, you need to put a little snow on the soil, on it the seeds of petunia, so that they can be seen, distribute more evenly. Cover plastic bag... Leave an air hole.

When petnias rise, put in a bright place, they need a lot of light. Remove the film only when 3-4 full-fledged leaves appear.

Do I need to pinch petunia seedlings?


Pinching of petunia seedlings should be done, and as early as possible. The plant will then begin to branch immediately and it will bloom for a long time and abundantly. The pinching should be done over 5-6 sheets.

A k s i n y a

Petunia in recent years, it has very much earned its popularity, with beautiful abundant flowers from summer to autumn in garden beds.

And in this case, when planting a petunia, you always want to have abundant flowering - so that it pleases the eye all summer and autumn.

Yes, as far as I know myself, petunias should be pinched at the seedlings.

Pinching is, in fact, removing the top of a young shoot from a petunia so that new ones grow side shoots, and in this case, the petunia begins to branch, abundant flowering appears, although not immediately.

The pinching is done, for this, leaving 3-4 lower leaves, this is in the first phase, the second time the pinching is done after a month.


This is not necessary and, in principle, unnecessary. She bushes well as it is. Sowed in April, has already gained color.

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How to plant petunias for seedlings.

Then I dive, and plant in the ground in May. Many are already beginning to bloom by that time, so May-July is the time for petunias to bloom in my garden.

  • If you want to dive more than once (which is completely unnecessary), then the petunia will quite calmly endure. Moreover, then do not dive, but do the transshipment, minimally traumatizing the roots.
  • We carefully insert the stalk into the hole until the first leaves and press the soil around with a skewer or squeeze the tablet with our hands. Everything, landing is made. Now we put everything on a bowl, or in a transparent container made of disposable dishes, like this one, cover it with an ordinary transparent bag so that it does not dry out. -this is done to preserve the turgor of the leaves in the cuttings.
  • Then spray from a spray bottle with a fine spray with warm water. Cover with glass or cling film to retain moisture, put the bowls or cassettes in a warm, bright place and watch the emergence of seedlings every day. Usually, petunia emerges on the third eighth day, granular can germinate up to 2 weeks, the germination time depends on the strength of seed germination.
  • Another way is to reduce watering while lowering the room temperature. This will reduce the growth of plants and make them more resistant to planting in the ground.

Seedling petunia

Let him sit in pots. In the chill and water less, pinch off the long branches. She even with flowers tolerates transplantation well.

Rainbow. Producer Garden of Wonders. Organo-mineral fertilizer for root and foliar dressing any colors.

  • First, dive one sprout at a time into seedling cells measuring 5 by 5 cm, then transplant into pots. 3 sprouts will feel great in a pots with a diameter of 20-25 cm.
  • I know the secret of how to grow petunia seedlings at home. More precisely, I always thought that there was no secret here, until the neighbor began to complain that she had petunia seedlings, well, it wasn’t growing. They don't sprout from her. Then I began to ask how she sows petunia seeds, then I understood what her mistake was. She buried small seeds in the ground. This is by no means possible. Most likely, they will not ascend this way. Petunia seeds are small.

Can be planted in February until early March. Her seeds are very small, pour their millet into the ground from above, without sprinkling. You need to cover with glass or salafan so that the soil does not dry out quickly. Our seedlings will be very small, each must be planted separately, for independent growth.

Petunia can be planted now. She has very small seeds, so they are simply poured onto damp (watered) soil, you cannot cover the seeds with earth. The pot of seeds can be shoved into a plastic bag or closed with a napkin, but so that there is air access and the earth does not dry out. In such conditions the seeds will sprout quickly. At first, the seedlings will be very small, you need to let them grow, only then transplant into another dish.

The dive is carried out once, if the container is small, do the transfer to a large container.

  1. Or, like in the photo, we cover a small glass with a surfinia handle with a half-liter bottle.
  2. Condensation on film or glass can be removed by tilting the dish to the side. When shoots appear, the film is removed gradually, opening more and more every day.

Fertilizing plants contributes to the development of more strong seedlings and it doesn't stretch like that, feed it every 10 days.

Cabbage seedlings

Pinch. More light, lower temperature.

Biohumus "FERTimix" for garden flowers.

When to sow petunias for seedlings in 2016.

Dive into cassettes, and then into separate cups. The plant is kept in a small volume until the roots fill the entire container, and then transplanted into the next largest pot or container.

  • Elite seeds of terry petunia are sold in granules, and it is much easier to sow such petunia. You can immediately sow in a balcony box at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other and no longer transplant flowers. However, it happens that the seeds of terry petunia do not germinate and most often this is due to the fact that they are buried in the ground. Do not do this. The seeds are already in the shell, they just need to be placed on a properly prepared soil mixture and moistened so that sprouts appear.
  • It is necessary to plant petunias for seedlings in February-March. In this case, you need to focus on the weather forecast in your region. If you live in the middle lane, it is better to plant in March or at the end of February so that the seedlings do not overgrow.
  • I always plant in late February and early March. If the winter is warm, then at the end of February.

I keep them together at first. Then - grew up, dive. And then I put it in a permanent place. That is, picking the essence of ONE.

We air the cuttings every day for 10-15 minutes. We put under illumination, if there is one, for 12-16 hours a day, or on a bright window, but not under direct sunlight. It is better to shade the glass with a cloth, newspaper, tulle, mosquito net or put cuttings between plants with large leaves. They will provide light partial shade for rooting cuttings. Everyone chooses the conditions himself. In winter and spring, be sure to put the cuttings under the backlight. If it is possible to use a backlight, then it is best to highlight the seedlings for the first 7 days for 16 hours, then, up to 30 days for 14 hours, and after about 12 hours, taking into account the increasing daylight hours.

How to feed petunia seedlings.

It is necessary to lower the temperature. You can take it out to the glazed loggia, if frost is transmitted, arrange a mini-greenhouse. For example, from transparent containers from under the cake.

Pepper seedlings

  • Petunia seedlings need light almost around the clock, you will need to provide not only daytime supplementary lighting of seedlings in gloomy weather, but also leave a dim light for the night;
  • Organo-mineral liquid dressing Ideal.
  • The advantage of the second method is to save space, ease of watering and feeding.

To properly grow petunia seedlings at home, you need to know how to plant petunia seedlings. Sow petunia correctly as follows:

In March I sow bush petunia, and sow cascade in February, it needs more time to start blooming in full force. Now I'll look at the lunar calendar and add it.

Last year I tried to put it on sale, but I was worn out - it’s too much space.

I dive during the transfer 2 times. And for the first time with the root in pots with a diameter of 3 cm. When there are 7-8 leaves, I take them out of the pot and cut the roots with scissors for a more convenient transplant. Some of the first batch have already been planted, the second batch is just emerging.

As soon as the roots have appeared in the cuttings and braided all the soil in a transparent cup, you can open the film and grow the petunia further, like an ordinary plant. The new intensive growth of the leaves will make it clear that everything is fine.

  • Watering seedlings can be done in different ways: with a spoon or a small syringe, a sports bottle with a drinking spout (a weak pressure is obtained), immersing pots or bowls in a cup of water, poured no more than 3 cm, for 1-5 minutes.
  • It is good to sprinkle the seedlings with "epin", this allows the seedlings to adapt well to unfavorable conditions.
  • Seedling tomato

Petunia on the balcony.

Do not allow a crust to appear on the ground, otherwise the seedlings will suffocate;

Remember that an overabundance of one or another element, and especially a trace element, can cause plant poisoning, so carefully read the instructions for use before feeding petunia.

Prepare a low seedling box with fertile soil;

Petunia seedlings outgrow, what to do?

◄ GMO-free

According to the lunar calendar, you can sow flowers with seeds in February 24-25, and in March 1-5,14,23-25,27-29.


In my experience, if the seedlings are not dived, then all the flowers will be small. So if you just need it for yourself, plant it in a large bowl, but then dive and plant it in pots, at the beginning of summer in large flowerpots. Then the flowers will be good.

dasha kikhtenko

I, too, have enough once, already at the dacha I transplant immediately into place.
If you need to pinch the growth point for further tillering, you can do it. Usually, over 5-6 sheets. Transfer from a small glass to a slightly larger one is done as the roots fill the volume.
Seedlings of petunia photo Olga Mokhovaya (Lobelia)
The overgrowth of seedlings is bad because it is too stretched, and a more mature plant is more difficult to tolerate a transplant. On the first point, in addition to feeding, it is worth buying a lamp for supplementary lighting. They are appropriately labeled, they are sold in supermarkets of building materials and goods for home and summer cottages, in Ukraine we took them from Epicenter, in Russia, to be honest, I don’t know.
Seedlings of cucumbers

When the roots of the plant fill the entire coma of earth, transplant the petunia into a larger container;


How and when to feed petunia seedlings

with you

How to grow a lush petunia


Water and sweep the earth from above so that it is even, dense and moist;


Elena Mango

Petunia is a wonderful flower. So much beauty, blooms almost all summer.

Victoria Shovkun

I don't dive it at all. I'll put it in a pill, as the roots seem, put it in a glass and cover it with earth. Plants develop without root damage, stress-free. And without unnecessary hassle, which is also important.

The seedlings are starting to outgrow. What if it's too early to plant?

By spring, cuttings may not go into hibernation, continuing to grow. something shouldn't scare you. Young twigs stretched out with a lack of light in winter are pruned again in February, using for cuttings, and the pruned young plants will give new greenery that will grow and bloom all spring and summer.

Initially, the term picking did not refer to planting seedlings, but to pinching the tip of the root. Removing the central growth point promotes the formation of lateral roots and a stronger root system, which ultimately increases the vitality of the plant. Because the roots often break off themselves during this action, the term in practice has lost its original meaning.

Very good way to slow down the growth of any seedlings is a common pick of plants. Any seedlings, be they flowers or vegetable crops, if they are grown on windowsills, suffer from a lack of light and therefore begin to stretch. I usually do this: after the plants have sprung up and the first two true leaves have already appeared, I dive them, that is, I transplant them into a fresh good soil less often, so that the plants can grow freely. By the way, the thickening of the seedlings also contributes to stretching. The less often you grow the seedlings, the thicker and stronger they will be. Then, somewhere in 2-3 weeks, with moderate watering, the seedlings are already fully adapted after transplants and begins to grow and develop well. It is at this time that it is especially important to apply the following method of gentle picking. What does it mean? You must first loosen the plant well, trying not to damage the roots and carefully pour fresh soil under the root of each plant right under the very neck of the plant. After that, you need to water the seedlings abundantly and you can forget about it for several days. Then try to water regularly, but very little, practically sprinkling the ground a little. It is necessary to constantly air the seedlings by opening the window for a short time, but try not to chill it. It is best to ventilate a couple of hours after watering, which also slows down the pulling of seedlings. This will allow you to get strong healthy seedlings for planting, which will delight you with abundant flowering, and vegetable crops with a good harvest.

Eggplant seedlings

If you notice that the seedlings are too elongated, add a little potting soil;

I practically do not feed petunias that grow on flower beds in the garden, only when planting I add nitrogen fertilizers in granules. Another good thing to feed petunia is with organic infusion. If you water tomatoes, cucumbers with organic matter, then water the petunia at the same time.

To grow lush petunia bushes, you need to form a plant. Usually non-hybrid plants are pulled to make them lush, pinch over the third pair of true leaves. Some varieties grow well on their own. It happens that the seedlings outgrow if they were sown too early, as well as when there is a lack of light, which also leads to the elongation of the shoot.Sow the seeds evenly from above,


It depends on what region you live in. The closer you are to the south, the sooner you need to sow for seedlings.

One drawback is to grow through seedlings. But if you do not waste time, you can get good seedlings of petunias.

I not only do not dive it, but I sow it immediately into small togfy pots so as not to damage it during planting.And if everyone suddenly ascended, I pluck it out with tweezers


You need to dive a petunia at the stage of the first pair of true leaves, or, in the cotyledonous. But the plants should not be elongated due to lack of lighting; such plants should be buried along the cotyledon with a toothpick or pencil when picking. We make a dimple in the ground or a tablet in advance, pry a seedling with a lump of earth with a stick, hold it only by the leaf, if, even by accident, it breaks off, then the trunk and the growth point will remain intact. We immerse the roots in the hole, you can not let go of the leaf, press the soil to the trunk around with your fingers or a stick.


Sowing dates.


Begins to outgrow


For growing expensive and rare varieties, use peat tablets.

Petunia can be grown both in a flower bed and in a flowerpot. And since there is little soil in the flowerpot, and I plant the petunia thicker than necessary, then more nutrients are needed for the petunia. Therefore, I must feed petunia in flowerpots and balcony boxes with liquid top dressing from Kemir or any other that is sold in gardening stores. Liquid top dressing is absorbed quickly. I water it about once every 2 weeks.


Most auspicious days for planting petunias in 2016, seedlings can fall on both the growing and the waning moon. Here the sign through which the moon passes is more important.

Cover the planting with glass and put it in a warm place.

No, it's not time, otherwise it will outgrow, it will hurt. I plant cascading every year at the end of February.


The most favorable time for planting petunias is late February - early March.


What kind of soil to choose? Which pots are suitable? How many plants to plant in one pot?

Lyudmila Savelyeva


Petunia propagation by seeds and cuttings on

We propagate petunia by seeds.

Edited by Marina Mityaeva (Asio Otus)

In order for bush and terry varieties petunias branch better, then you need to pinch the growth point. It is better to pinch it lower, so the bush will be more magnificent, but pinching, you can not lower than 3 internodes, otherwise the plant will not have the strength to grow. If you pinch the petunias above the 6th node, then it will overgrow with shoots for a long time and it is not a fact that evenly.

In central Russia, the usual time from sowing petunias to planting in open ground is 10-12 weeks. For pots, boxes, flowerpots, the terms are increased by 2 weeks. Planting time for ampel varieties is mid-February, bush varieties are mid-March. Sown strictly within these terms, adjusted for the climate of your area (region, country).

It was when the seedlings began to outgrow, and it was too early for planting. I did this: I removed all the seedlings from the windowsill and moved them to the floor in the coldest corner closer to the balcony door.

At first, the seedlings of petunia will grow rather slowly, do not worry - the plants are forming a root system. After about 1.5 months aerial part petunias will develop no less actively.

Method of sowing petunias.

If you decide to properly grow large quantities of petunia, then you need to prepare the feeding very carefully. Sowing petunias for seedlings in February 2016 - from 9th to 19th February; Seedlings will appear in about 2 weeks. Petunia rises slowly, so be patient. As soon as the first shoots appear, remove the glass from above. When germinating seeds, spray the soil with a spray bottle, maintain sufficient moisture.

Any petunia is planted in the second half of March. It's too early now. It will stretch out and will not take root well. Even in the south, it is too early to plant seedlings. now they are planted in greenhouses only for an early harvest.

In May, this wonderful flower will already delight everyone with its luxurious flowering.

Petunia seedlings are very delicate, fragile. You need to plant it when 3-4 leaves appear. It is convenient to plant one petunia in disposable plastic cups (200 ml). The primer can be used commercially available, universal. Make a depression in the soil with your finger, water it, insert the plant into this depression, and gently press down with the soil so that the entire stem to the leaves is deepened. Only leaves should remain on the surface. After such a dive, petunias begin to bush. By planting in open ground, in May, you will have pretty, almost blooming petunias.

Read about how to grow petunia in the main article on the site, and you can also ask questions in the topic on the forum.

In time spent pinching for bush eptunias petunias we get even seedlings and in the future a bush. But it should be noted that we are not talking about an elongated petunia (these are plants grown in low light conditions).

As a rule, a petunia sown during these periods has a fully formed flowering bush by mid-May, ampelous varieties bloom a little later, but all seedlings have decorative view by June. For getting good quality petunia seedlings need illumination, so if this is not possible, then you need to focus on the later planting dates. Overgrown seedlings take root worse, break down more often and require more care.

Petunia pick.

Naturally, I installed fluorescent lamps and pinched the tops of all plants (peppers and tomatoes). Thus, the seedlings stood for about three weeks, no longer grew. however, it was quite sturdy.

Did you pick one thing at a time? .. pinch it to bush .. it blooms, it's okay .. you will admire the flowers.

Pinching petunia seedlings.

Prepare one millionth part of the fertilizer, for this, 1 g of fertilizer is dissolved in 1 liter of water and a concentration of 1000 ppm is obtained.

Growing petunias from seeds at home has such a feature that the seedlings grow on a thin stalk and die. Most often this happens due to improper excessive watering, lack of light or nutrients. Therefore, while the sprouts are small, spray them on top with small drops or water them from below, into cups. Keep containers with seedlings near the south window, where there is more light.

Transfer of petunia seedlings.

Create additional lighting. If it will outgrow, plant at home in flowerpots, which you will then use for the street.

Landing in the ground and in flowerpots

I grow this beautiful flower every year.

Cutting petunias.

I will tell you how I transplant petunias. Seedlings grow in cassettes and in peat. pills, exotics mostly. I usually cut eggplants from under mineral water into bowls and trays all winter long, the bowl must be large, at least 0.5 liters, since the water must leave, there will be stagnation - there will be a black leg. I buy soil in a store for flower seedlings. If the pitunia is in a peat tablet, I remove the outer shell from it, sprinkle it with earth until the first leaf. I water it with vitamins. If the seedlings begin to outgrow, I remove them to the northern windows.

I dive 2 times, first in 200ml cups, then in 500ml, and already into open ground or container for permanent residence)

Ampel varieties do not need to be formed, their tendency to grow is genetically inherent, but experience recent years shows that this does not prevent her from building up the same magnificent mass of lashes. You can pinch at the very beginning of the growth of the lashes (side branches), which gives an incentive to the formation of additional stepsons and the future tillering of the bush. A little later, when the lateral lashes grow to a length of about 15-20 cm, cuttings can be used for rooting and getting an additional number of seedlings. But from the side cuttings, the same lush and wide petunia bush will not turn out, tk. cuttings continue to grow sideways and branch worse. Therefore, it is better to plant rooted cuttings in a flowerpot of 3-5 pieces.

Therefore, if there is an opportunity to overexpose seedlings April May on a glazed loggia, in winter garden, it is better to start sowing in the first or second decade of March.

When transplanting into a greenhouse, no difficulties occurred, absolutely all the plants took root, the harvest was not narrower than in previous years.

Rejoice! mine barely took hold after the transplant. and soon summer - she still has no fig

At the stage of planting and picking, use a weak solution of 25 - 75ppm (for this, the solution with a concentration of 1000 ppm is diluted 40 times more).

In April, you can plant petunias only if you did not have time to do this earlier, the 8th, 9th, 10th and 12th are suitable for this.

To properly grow petunia seedlings at home, you will need to transplant it and dive when transplanting. A pick is made of flower seedlings when two true leaves appear and transplanted into:

If you want to hang the pots with flowering plant, then it's time to plant, I don't like petunia, but I'm planting balsam, I've already sown

You need to plant petunia seeds

When to plant petunia and when will it bloom?

How many times can Petunia be dived ...?

Just me

In me and in peat tablets grew before landing in a permanent place. The roots, however, climbed out of the net. But, usually everything takes root. If you don't pull it out of the cassette, but just cut it, then there will be 100% survival rate.


The grown seedlings are transferred to big size pots, if the roots have already completely braided the entire previous volume. Usually, a scheme is followed to increase the volume of 100g-200g-500g-1000g (if necessary for ampel varieties).
Or you can not take out the seedlings in cool loggias or greenhouses, but open the sowing petunias on the 20th of March, followed by planting the grown and hardened seedlings directly into the garden.


In general, I always try to plant seedlings later than "recommended", if you plant one seedling at the beginning of March, and the second at the end, then on the day of planting the plants practically do not differ, that is, the younger one catches up with the "old" one. So take your time to land.

Elena Lyakh

And what is the temperature overboard? Mine has been growing on the balcony for a long time. Moscow region. I already planted Lobelia in flowerpots at the dacha, I think at the weekend and petunia there too. They are not scared to zero, especially if not on the ground, but somewhere higher. In extreme cases, you can drag a flowerpot into the house or throw a piece of lutrasil. Marigolds and balsams are sissy, and petunia tolerates normally low temperatures.

ღ M @ rin @ ღ

After the sprouts have grown up and before planting they are fed with fertilizers with a concentration of 150-200 ppm, here fertilizing can be carried out with each watering.
Favorable days for picking petunias are the time of the growing moon, in March these days come from the 10th to the 22nd. Try not to dive plants on Full Moon and New Moon.


Separate pots or a large container, with a distance between shoots of 2 cm, if you plan to plant flowers in a flower bed;

Vita Milkin

Good site for petunias:

Lelya Casanova

In march


I already planted, two weeks ago. She has already ascended from me. I planted it thickly, this is probably wrong. I just poured all the seeds into one pot, then I will plant them, although it is probably better to plant 5-7 females in one pot, it sprouts well. I hope it will bloom in May. If it stands in the sun, it is sun-loving, it will not bloom in the shade.

Svetlana Klochkova

When transplanted without a lump of earth, the plant slows down in growth. Sometimes this special technique is used if the seedlings outgrow.


Seedlings of petunias are planted at the main landing dates for all annuals in your region. In the south of Russia it is May 1-10. In the middle zone May 25-June 10, if there is no threat of return frosts. Petunias intended for growing in flowerpots, boxes, pots and hanging baskets can be planted a few days earlier. If the temperature drops, bring it into the greenhouse, house, any room or cover with a covering material.

How to properly transplant petunia seedlings into pots?

Petunia seeds are sown in bowls with a substrate (soil), peat or coconut tablets, in cassettes. The substrate (soil) should be light, neutral (

Mila Juju

Any seedlings are pulled out when there is little light, warmth and enough water and nutrition. This means that in order to slow down the growth of seedlings, it is necessary to deprive it of what it grows intensively. To do this, we first provide light, i.e. We illuminate even with a simple fluorescent lamp, even with an expensive special lamp for plants, if only there was enough light and at least 10 hours a day, even if it is sunny outside. Then we lower the temperature. To do this, even on an unheated, but glazed balcony, we take out, at least we fence off the room with a film for the entire width and height of the window, and inside this "hut" we open the window or put the window on micro-ventilation and monitor the temperature so that it does not fall below 15-18 degrees. Then we reduce watering. Water only when the soil in the pots is dry. If all these three conditions for seedlings are created at the same time, the seedlings seem to freeze, stop growing in height, their stems become purple and gradually increase in diameter. Well, in conclusion, you can use plant growth inhibitors, there are now such drugs. I used one last year, it's called Atlant, but most likely there are others. After using this drug, the seedlings did not stretch up, but began to increase in diameter, begin to get fat. And any cutting off of the roots of tomatoes is a barbaric method, the yield suffers from this first of all.


It can be transplanted with flowers.If the ends of the shoots are stretched out, pinch off

When to plant petunias for seedlings?

I really like how petunias grow on the balcony. Everything becomes so alive at once. To plant petunias on the balcony, you need to adhere to the correct flower planting scheme and leave the distance between the shoots at 10-15 cm so that there is room for side shoots. It is also necessary to prevent the stretching of the shoots - pinch them so that the bushes grow lush. It is best to plant curly or ampelous petunias on the balcony, they hang very beautifully. And of course, you need to feed petunias on the balcony throughout the season and remove faded inflorescences.


Miniature terry petunia Minifamous Double Blue calibrachoa


Balcony box or flowerpot, if you plan to grow ampelous petunia, with a distance between shoots of 10-15 cm.


Alena Solnechnaya

(I usually plant in the first few days), and the seeds do not need to be covered with earth - they need to be pressed a little into the soil and poured from a sprinkler on top, and covered with glass. I already have seedlings in a week.

If we talk about central Russia, then we plant petunia seeds at the end of February to mid-March. Petunia begins to bloom at the age of 60 days. Flowers are propagated by seeds, because petunia cannot stand long and severe frosts.


In theory, twice, shoots and then again, but how often the ideas do not coincide with our capabilities. Such a small petunia in a cassette is still large, it will be difficult to water, so as not to overflow and overfill


Petunia is cut, like all plants. A young twig about 5-6 cm long with 3-5 nodes is cut off, i.e. buds with leaves. The lower leaves are trimmed with small scissors or plucked out with a fingernail. We do not touch the upper ones, but you can simply cut them with scissors across in half or obliquely. The lower plucked buds will go into the ground and will be future roots, while the upper ones will continue to grow and give life to new twigs and lashes.

In order for the seedlings not to outgrow, it is necessary to lower the temperature and increase the illumination. If the weather permits, then take out the seedlings for the day on the balcony or loggia. There is an ATLANT preparation, you can try to treat plants with it. In pepper and eggplant plants, pinch the top to stimulate the formation of side shoots and inhibit the growth of the central stem. The same can be done with petunia seedlings. But I don't grow cabbage seedlings at home, it's a useless business, no matter how hard you try, the seedlings turn out to be thin, frail. I plant in April under a film in the country. even if it does not grow as beautiful as it is sold on the market, but it takes root well.


Pinch it. She will be bushy, lush.

You can plant petunias not in pots, but in a long balcony box by mixing them with other annual flowers. For example, plant petunias on one balcony box in the first row, and other flowers in the second row: marigolds, viola, nasturtium. Flower arrangements from different colors look more interesting.

If you want to grow ampelous, terry or large-flowered petunias at home, then when picking them you need to transplant them into pots with a diameter of 10 cm.


There, on the forum, look at Petunias 2009 - a lot of interesting things.