Carrot storage. How best to store carrots for the winter in the cellar, how best to do it at home

Familiar to everyone and everyone, carrots are in the top 10 most economically important vegetable crops in the world. About her nutritional and healing properties many know firsthand. At the same time, carrots are a rather finicky product in terms of storage. To enjoy summer and autumn root crops in winter, you need to know how to properly store their carrots at home.

Preparatory stage

The first task is to choose the right varieties carrots and sorting the root crops themselves. All varieties of carrots are suitable for many months of storage, but experts especially distinguish "Moscow winter", "Nantes" and "chantane". These varieties of carrots are resistant to negative external factors, and the fruits are able to retain juiciness and aroma for a long time even after freezing.

For storage, choose only high-quality root crops without damage, dents and rot. Before freezing, be sure to trim the tops, leaving about 1 cm of greenery. Some prefer to leave no more than 2-3 mm, but it has not yet been proven whether this decision is right or wrong.


For residents of private houses great place a basement will be used to store carrots in winter. In it, root crops are best stored in wooden or plastic boxes with lids. It is advisable to put no more than 20 kg of vegetables in each container. The boxes themselves must be placed on a platform or stand that rises about 15–20 cm above the floor and is located at the same distance from the walls.

Many vegetable growers are advised to cover the bottom of the boxes with coniferous sawdust. Essential oils needles will prevent the germination of the vegetable and the appearance of rot. Ordinary sand will also help protect carrots from rotting and spoilage.


If your home has a cellar, great! Fold the carrot crop there in pyramids no more than 1 m high. Lay the carrots with their heads outward, sprinkling each layer with wet sand.

For lovers original ways the method of storing carrots in clay clothes is suitable. Prepare a thick clay solution, place the carrots in it for a couple of minutes and dry thoroughly. Clay-coated vegetables can be safely stored in open drawers or on shelves.


In an apartment, carrots can be stored on the balcony, but only if it is glazed. Put the carrots in a box and wrap tightly with an old blanket or terry towels. On an insulated balcony, carrots can simply be stored in boxes with wet sand without a lid. Another option is dry onion peel. Put a layer of husks on the bottom of the box, then carrots, then husks again, and so on to the very top.

Refrigerator and freezer

If the apartment does not have a balcony or its space is occupied by something else, a small amount of carrots can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer. So, fold in tight plastic bags 2-3 carrots each, roll tightly to prevent moisture from entering, and place in the bottom section of the refrigerator. For this method of storage, carrots should not be washed, but about a day before packing, you just need to keep it in the refrigerator, without covering it with anything. This is necessary so that when warm carrots get into a cold place, condensation does not form in the bag and destroy your stocks.

In the freezer, it is better to store not whole root crops, but carrot blanks for cooking. Wash the carrots, peel them and grate them on a coarse grater. Put grated vegetables in special bags for freezing and send for the winter.

Shelf life

picking up best option storage of carrots, consider the period during which the orange vegetable will remain suitable for consumption. So, carrots can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 months, on the balcony - about six months, in the basement and cellar - from 8 to 12 months, depending on the filler of the boxes (carrots will last a little longer in sawdust), in the freezer - up to a year.

Experienced vegetable growers recommend storing crops in two or three ways at the same time (for example, some in the freezer in grated form, some in the whole cellar). Such little trick will give you confidence that even if one of the storage options does not justify itself, then in winter you will not be left without sweet and crispy carrots on the table.

Fresh, juicy carrots are always pleasant to eat, especially in winter. There are so many varieties of carrot salads. With them in the winter is not boring! What about grated carrots with sugar? Remember this taste. It seems to me that he is from childhood!

And so that the coming winter is also full happy memories, let's talk about how to store carrots in the cellar in winter. There are proven ways to store carrots for the winter - in bags, in sand ... you just have to choose which one is right for you.

The most important thing is that carrots:

  • remained juicy and NOT withered by spring;
  • NOT sprouted;
  • NOT rotted;
  • retained its taste and vitamins.

Carrots - varieties for storage

It is best to store ripe carrots, even and without cracks. The ripening period depends on the variety and the region of cultivation. If you live in a cold region - in Siberia or the Urals, then you better growing carrots of medium maturity, which lasts approximately 100 - 110 days.

Late-ripening varieties have a longer development period, more than 120 days, and in cold regions these carrots may simply not ripen to a state suitable for winter storage.

There are specially bred varieties of carrots for winter storage:

Golden autumn, Queen of autumn, Monastic, Cascade, Narbonne, Flakkoro, Red giant, Chantane, Valeria, Moscow winter, Incomparable, Flakke. Any of them deserve to be grown in your garden.

If you can’t remember which one you planted, then it’s better to navigate by the shape of the root crops. Cone-shaped root crops are best stored in winter. medium size. Rounded short-fruited varieties are stored worse.

The most important thing is that the carrots should be whole, without scratches and cracks. Damaged carrots will store poorly and rot quickly.

  • If you are in dry, warm weather, then it will be enough to dry it for outdoors until its laying in the basement for storage.
  • If you harvest carrots in the rain, then they will need to be dried under a roof in a barn or garage. To do this, spread the entire crop in one layer on newspapers or other dry bedding so that the roots do not touch each other. It takes several days to dry before storing for the winter.

Storing carrots for the winter requires preliminary preparation. Vegetables should be dried, sorted (small and too large are removed for eating). After harvesting, you need to remove the tops by cutting it sharp knife at a distance of 1-2 mm from the root itself.

How to store carrots in winter

Before storing carrots for storage for the winter, you need to sort them. Storing carrots for the winter will be successful if you choose:

  • fully ripe root vegetables,
  • without signs of rot, disease and various flaws (for example, it is impossible to store a carrot eaten by a bear or a cut carrot);
  • varieties must be suitable for long-term storage;
  • rough, thick-skinned carrots keep better than tender, juicy ones (such varieties should be eaten first).

Storing carrots for the winter in the basement - affordable ways for every gardener

Storage of carrots in the cellar in winter

The cellar and basement are the best places to store carrots in winter. Any vegetable, and even more so carrots, need to maintain a certain temperature regime and moisture, otherwise it will either rot or dry out.

The temperature in the cellar should be kept at -2 - +2 degrees, humidity 90 - 95%. The ventilation in the basement should be medium, with too much ventilation, the root crops will begin to sprout.

Here are the exact dates for each method of storing carrots in winter:

  • In the cellar (in liquid clay, coniferous sawdust, onion peel, chalk) - up to 12-14 months
  • Cellar (closed boxes or sand) Up to 8 months
  • Cellar (polyethylene bag) Up to 4 months
  • At home in the refrigerator, vegetable drawer Up to 2 months
  • Home in freezer Up to 12 months

Tip - Do not store carrots and beets with apples. Ripe apples actively release ethylene, which leads to rapid spoilage of vegetables.

Regular revision of vegetables in the cellar will help to increase the duration of storage. View all your stocks, remove spoiled roots and cut off sprouted tops.

In order for vegetables to be well stored in a basement or cellar, it is necessary to take care of its insulation, waterproofing, protection from groundwater, and good ventilation in advance. All this will create an optimal microclimate in the cellar and your vegetables will be preserved until spring.

Here are the easiest and most beloved ways to store carrots in the cellar in winter or in the basement or cellar.

Method 1. Storing carrots in bulk.

If carrots are placed in bulk, then the height of the embankment should be taken depending on the strength properties of the carrot variety, the quality of the lot and the ventilation conditions. The recommended embankment height is 2-3 m.

When storing in bulk in the cellar, it is necessary to monitor the air circulation (there must be good ventilation) and keep the temperature and humidity uniform throughout the entire storage period.

Method 2. How to store carrots in the sand

Storing carrots in sand is a very effective and beloved method. Such storage in the cellar is quite labor-intensive, since the sand must be prepared from the summer. Storage sand must be clean and dry.

They do it this way - they pour sand on the floor with a layer of 3 cm, then lay the carrots so that they do not touch each other, then again a layer of sand of 1.5 - 2 cm and so on. The height of such a heap with carrots can reach 75 cm. In such a heap, carrots are really perfectly stored until spring. Be sure to make sure that the sand does not get damp, otherwise the carrots will begin to deteriorate.

Method 3. Storage in wooden boxes

Wooden boxes with lids are another way to store carrots in the basement for the winter and are quite simple. Root crops are stacked in wooden boxes or carton boxes, and placed in the basement at a distance of 10 - 15 centimeters from the wall. The walls in the basement can be damp. Do not allow moisture from the walls to get into the boxes of carrots. Drawers should also not be placed on the floor, it is better to use a small stand for this. There is no need to make holes in the boxes for ventilation - carrots will germinate. Make sure they are tight enough. This method of storing carrots for the winter in the basement is suitable for small areas and large crops. It is very compact. Even in a small cellar, you can store a lot of carrots. No more than 20 kg of carrots are placed in one box.

Method 4. How to keep carrots in the cellar in onion skins

Storing carrots in onion skins is a very interesting way. Save the onion skins that remain. Put it together with carrots in large bags, trying to roll each carrot in the husk or lay the carrots in layers, interspersed with onion peel. Onion peel will take away excess moisture and protect vegetables from rotting and reproduction of microorganisms. The bags must be tightly tied and so stored carrots in the basement or cellar.

Method 5. In a chalk solution

An unusual way to keep carrots until spring. You can use a chalk solution for storage, the main thing is to prepare it correctly. Chalk is diluted with water until a homogeneous liquid state, and then each carrot is moistened in this solution, dried and put away for storage. This method of storing carrots for the winter is effective, but too time-consuming for large crops. For 10 kg of carrots you will need about 200 g of chalk. The alkaline properties of chalk do not allow microorganisms to multiply and preserve the crop.

Method 6. Liquid clay shell.

This is a rather dirty way of saving, but at the same time, one of the most effective. If every year your carrot rots and deteriorates, then use it, you will not regret it. Clay is diluted to form a uniform fluid slurry, into which carrots are dipped one by one, and then dried. Clay should completely cover the vegetable and dry. Then the carrots are lowered into the basement, boxes, boxes or baskets are placed, they can not be covered from above.

Method 7. How to store carrots in bags in the cellar

This storage of carrots for the winter at home is not the best, but if nothing else suits you, then use it. Dry root crops are placed in dense plastic bags. Do not tie plastic bags, otherwise it will instantly rot due to condensation. The packages are lowered into the cellar and placed on a shelf. Storage of carrots for the winter in packages of 30 kg is possible.

And here is how carrots are stored in bags on a non-industrial scale:

  • in autumn, when we dig up carrots, I first cut off the tops of her;
  • washing with water that is stored in the tank for watering the garden with a brush;
  • lay out to dry;
  • I put dried carrots in plastic bags that were at hand at that time, it doesn’t matter, but it’s better, of course, in T-shirt bags.
  • Carrots are stored in our cellar, so I put bags of carrots in a box.

In the process of storage, when we get the carrots home, I review the packages, since they are transparent and you can see where suddenly the carrot starts to deteriorate, this also happens but very rarely. I tie a bag of carrots tightly, after a while condensation appears there. For the first year, I thought that the carrots would start to deteriorate because of this, but on the contrary, this moisture does not allow the carrots to wilt. The cellar in our garage is not deep, since a river flows nearby and this often floods the cellar with groundwater in the spring. Carrots are stored until spring and even until a new crop, if left

This is how I put the carrots in bags for storage, I try not to stuff too much, because then it’s bad to tie. I try to put carrots in one package different size, both small and large.

Method 8. Storing carrots in sawdust

Coniferous sawdust - the same great material for storage of carrots in the winter. The way to store carrots in sawdust is very simple. Carrots are sprinkled with coniferous sawdust, which, thanks to its phenolic substances, perfectly save vegetables from rot. Carrots with sawdust can be put in boxes, boxes, or simply laid out on shelves in the cellar so that they do not come into contact with walls or floors.

Here is more about whether it is possible to store carrots in sawdust and how to do it.

Gardeners' experience and feedback on various ways to store carrots

  • Until last year, carrots were stored in plastic bags of 3-5 kg. Last year, there was simply no time to put them in bags, and they lowered both carrots and beets in sugar bags into the cellar. Carrots are stored perfectly, and beets are slightly wilted, only slightly.
  • I store it in the basement, which is quite humid, there is ventilation from the street, in iron barrel I put in a trash bag. Layers of carrots fall asleep with sand natural humidity, I do not dry the sand and do not calcinate. In February-March, carrots are like from the garden, the losses are insignificant, and even those because I don’t select carrots, I keep everything in a row.
  • So we store it this way, but we don’t use the bag, it’s necessary to wash it, in bad weather it’s hard to see the flaws. We try to clean in dry weather. Until June lies, like beets in the sand. But it is better stored thick and short, as expected, rather than cylindrical varieties (Nantes, Vitamin, Amsterdam). I have an interesting carrot, and I found out the variety.
  • In the apartment, I store carrots in the refrigerator in a plastic container with a lid. Carrots are washed, dried, then laid out in layers in a container. The first layer is onion peel, then carrots, then peel again. It is not enough for the whole season, due to limited space, but it is stored well for 3 months. Doesn't fade, doesn't rot. Closer to spring, it begins to sprout. But of all the methods tried, I liked the storage in onion skins the most.
  • I store carrots in polypropylene bags in the cellar. Before laying, I wash it as soon as I dig it out. I dry it and take it to the garage, where I stand for a day or two and then immediately into bags and into the cellar. Stored until spring without loss.
  • We tried to store carrots in different ways, but for about 10 years we have been doing this: we must wash it (it’s easier to see spoiled root crops this way), dry it in the air, if the weather is wet, then under a fan, then put it in plastic bags small sizes. On the packages we mark with the numbers 1, 2 ... the order of use. So in packages and take out to the storage (we have a cell in the general storage). Packages are of course open. If it grows or gets sick, it's easy to see and take action.
  • For the second year we store carrots for the winter like this: I cut the tops, rub the carrots with a piece of spandball - dry it a little and wrap it in cling film - it is stored perfectly until the new harvest. Thus, we store beets, daikon and Margelan radish. This year I wrapped cabbage for testing. Carrots wrapped 10 buckets, a little less beets and radishes.

Without carrots, you won’t get delicious borscht, and vegetable side dishes will lose their taste. Pancakes are baked from it, spicy snacks and original salads are prepared.


In our diet, an orange root crop should be every day, both in winter and in summer.

In a private house, storing crops is, of course, easier and more convenient, there is a cellar, underground, barn, but in city apartments you can find a great place to store vegetable supplies.

Let's find out which variety of carrots to choose and how to keep stocks at home until spring.

So let's go over the carrots.

For long-term savings, we select mature, whole and not withered root crops.

"Remember, one spoiled plant will infect the entire crop."

Sort the fruits into large and small, you will store them separately.

If there are soft roots, with dry rot or damaged during harvesting, they will be used immediately.

You can also wash such carrots thoroughly, peel, grind on a grater or in food processor and freeze.

A few tips to help keep carrots for a long time:

  1. 1 Vegetables intended for storage must not be washed. Shake off large clods of earth, cut off the tops.
  2. 2 Before storing carrots for storage, they must be ventilated and dry thoroughly shielded from direct sun.
  3. 3 Wherever you store carrot stocks, in the basement, garage, on the balcony, the temperature in this room should be 0-2°C. Lay different varieties of root crops separately, because. some species can germinate even at zero temperature.
  4. 4 Don't Forget periodically check your supplies whether the vegetables are frozen, whether there is mold.
  5. 5 Experienced gardeners noted that medium-sized varieties of carrots are best kept conical shape.

For those who are familiar with varieties.

From mid-season varieties choose the Red Giant, Moscow Winter, Flakke, Viking, Altair.

Late-ripening species tolerate storage perfectly: Queen of Autumn, Cascade, Karlena, Shantane.

Early varieties, rounded short shape, deteriorate quickly enough and are not subject to winter storage.

How to store carrots in a private house and in the country

Basement or cellar the best place for winter storage of root crops.

Knowledgeable owners, before lowering vegetables in storage for the winter, thoroughly tidy up the bins, sweep out the remnants of the last crop, dry and, if necessary, disinfect the shelves and floor.

Keep the basement at an optimal temperature, good humidity and ventilation.

And they store carrots there in boxes, bags, sand, sawdust, onion peel, clay e, etc.

Let's see which method is right for you.

Do you have a big enamel pan?

Lay dry and clean root crops vertically in it, cover from above thick cloth and close the lid. So carrots will last until February.

It is even easier to store vegetables in bags.

  • In strong plastic or canvas bags, fold mixed with fresh sawdust carrot.
  • More can be sprinkled on top. onion peel.
  • Put the filled bags in a dark corner.
  • Keep them open, don't tie them.

Many gardeners store carrots in boxes.

Place the root crops in a box, pouring each layer coniferous sawdust.

The needles kill bacteria and fungi. Vegetables will be preserved in this way until mid-March.

By the way, sawdust should only be fresh.

Last year's, from past wintering, sawdust can no longer be used. Microbes and fungal spores can remain in them.

By the principle of sawdust, but in boxes with carrots - garlic and onion peel. Essential oils of onion and garlic prevent vegetables from rotting. Garlic smell from carrots is quickly washed off with warm water.

Fruits are well kept in boxes with sand.

The sand keeps the temperature constant and reduces the evaporation of moisture from the vegetables.

Wet (but not wet!) Sand is poured onto the bottom of the box, approximately a layer of 4-5 cm, and the carrots are laid so that the roots do not touch each other. They fall asleep on top of the sand, and so on each layer.

Do not put more than 20 kg in boxes.

You can use dry sand, and aluminum buckets instead of boxes.

Some modern housewives keep carrots in boxes with moss.

Special sphagnum moss is used in floriculture, it is rich in nutrients and retains moisture.

Lay the carrots and sphagnum in layers in plastic boxes, and do not close anything. Boxes with moss are light. Agree, it is very convenient for women.

Do not want to lift boxes, bags and buckets? Store carrots right on the shelves!

If you have a free shelf in the basement, lay carrots on it, tails out, sprinkle well with sand or sawdust on top.

Another option from experienced summer residents - store carrots in clay.

The method is dirty, not to everyone's liking, but effective. Fruits in a clay mash are stored up to 9 months.

  • In a bucket of warm water, dilute the clay to a liquid consistency;
  • Pour the bottom of the box with this viscous mass, first cover it with a film, and put a layer of vegetables there;
  • When the liquid clay dries up, put the carrots back in and fill with clay, etc.

And for some gardeners, carrots generally winter in the beds!

Part of the crop is left in the ground, and in the spring they dig it up and eat it until a new crop.

  • Experiment, allocate yourself a couple of rows with biennials for the winter.
  • Cut off the tops, sprinkle the soil with wet sand and cover with a dense waterproof film.
  • The oilcloth is covered with foliage, chips, humus and covered with a sheet of roofing material.

In such a house, carrots will withstand all autumn rains and winter winds, and will be juicy and fresh for a long time.

How to store carrots in an apartment

How can you stock up on vegetables for the winter if there is no cellar, no basement, no shed in city apartments?

fit glazed balcony or loggia.

Of course, you will have to make sure that the temperature does not fall below zero, the sun's rays do not fall on the carrot stocks.

Otherwise, your entire crop will germinate and rot.

So, let's look at the options.

The simplest and effective method - put the root crops in a box, crush them with coniferous sawdust, wrap them with a thick old blanket.

In the same way, carrots are stored on the balcony in plastic bags. Sugar bags will work too.

During frosts, vegetables are transferred to another place or wrapped even more with dense material, for example, felt.

Arrange root crops in the loggia in boxes with wet sand.

Vegetables will be as crispy and juicy as from the cellar, but they will not last long on the loggia, only until the middle of winter.

Mix sand with ashes or ashes and bury carrots there. This will keep the vegetables a little longer.

Storage of carrots in the garage.

If your crop is small, you can wrap each root crop in newsprint and put everything in a wooden box. For the first time, this stock will be enough for you.

How else do city housewives get out?

Carefully washed and trimmed carrots are wrapped with food stretch film, placed in a container so that the fruits do not touch (this is enough for 45 days).

And carrots are treated with paraffin. Paraffin is melted in a saucepan, washed and dried carrots are lowered into it, it is covered with a paraffin layer and can be stored on the balcony for as long as 4 months.

And, of course, the assistant of every city housewife is a refrigerator.

Clean, dry and trimmed from the tops, put the carrots in small plastic bags and store them in the drawers of the refrigerator.

It is very convenient to store vegetables in special plastic containers with sealed lids(vessels).

Rinse, dry the carrots, lay a paper towel on the bottom of the container, fold the fruits and close the lid tightly.

Supermarkets have a huge range of such containers: round buckets, rectangular bowls, transparent and colored jars. There are even containers with tags and windows for inscriptions on sale.

Freeze carrots in the freezer.

Cut or grate a clean carrot and put it in ordinary bags. Better yet, prepare a few bags.

For soups and borscht, grate carrots on a fine grater. In another bag, put the carrots, cut into cubes and circles. Another one is straw.

“A little trick: you can pack vegetable sets in bags.”

Place diced carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, Bell pepper. You will always have ready-made assortments of vegetables at hand.

  1. 1 Try to save carrots in several ways. Freeze some part, lower it a little into the basement or leave it in the garden. By the next gardening season, you'll know where the best-preserved carrots are.
  2. 2 If you notice that rodents have started up in the cellar or basement, cover boxes and bags with vegetable stocks dry mint leaves. And in the corners of your bins lay out napkins soaked in peppermint oil. You can easily find this oil in any pharmacy.
  3. 3 Don't store carrots next to apples. From the neighborhood with apple ethylene, an orange root crop will lose its taste qualities. Also, many gardeners advise storing carrots away from potatoes.
  4. 4 If you are harvesting your crop, take note: the most suitable "age" of carrots for long-term storage is 100 days.
  5. 5 If you need save grated carrots in the refrigerator for a day or two, cover the bowl of carrots with a damp towel and place on the top shelf.
  6. 6 Peeled carrots in a container of water, in the refrigerator, can last 3-5 days. Just remember to change the water every day.

Now you know everything about carrots! It remains only to sort out the carrots, process and prepare for storage.

fresh and delicious vegetables on your table!

Carrots are a biennial crop native to Afghanistan. In the first year of growth, a rosette of tops and a juicy root crop are formed. Growing on next year needed to get seeds.

Reference! Breeders have bred more than 60 varieties of carrots, each of which is characterized by a special shape (conical, round) and color (traditional orange, red, white, purple).

The effect of carrots on the body is complex: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, choleretic. The root crop has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. You can eat a vegetable at any time of the year, provided it proper storage. Carrots are also allowed to dry, freeze, salt and pickle.

Is the vegetable suitable for long-term storage in the basement?

Unlike other vegetables, carrots have a thinner and more delicate skin. At the slightest violation of its integrity, bacteria and fungi penetrate inside, the root crop begins to deteriorate and rot. Important Rules for high-quality storage - the absence of damage on the peel and the choice of carrots of special varieties.

  1. Shantane (proven variety with bright orange large fruits).
  2. Ross Giant.
  3. Nayarit.
  4. Carotene (feature - the absence of a hard core).

If the conditions for storing the root crop are not suitable, the carrots will sprout or rot. For better bedding, it is important to prepare the room before laying root crops. Among the mandatory actions are harvesting the old crop, disinfecting and whitewashing the walls, and airing.

REFERENCE! Optimum temperature for keeping carrots - from 0 to 3 degrees above zero. The humidity index in the room of the house should not be higher than 96%. It is necessary to lay in boxes or in the basement only dried vegetables without tops and signs of spoilage.

Can this material be used?

Sanding technology is popular among gardeners who have a cool basement, cellar or garage pit. Storage in sand is faster and more convenient than storage in clay mortar.

Sand allows you to maintain a certain temperature, minimizes the evaporation of moisture, processes carbon dioxide and has a preservation effect on carrots. Also, this material will not allow the development of the fungus.

Wet or dry: which is better?

Wet sand will prevent the peel from drying out - carrots will remain fresh and juicy until spring. 1 liter of water is enough for 1 bucket of sand. Checking the humidity level is quite simple: you need to squeeze and knead the sand in your hand. The material should not crumble, water should not flow out of it.

Features of sanding technology

Such storage will extend the shelf life and allow carrots to be stored without problems until spring. Sand will prevent moisture from evaporating, which will prevent decay processes. Also, the material will provide a constant air temperature during storage.

For best result it is allowed to add chalk to the sand. It will act as a preservative: it will stop the movement of juice inside the carrot and clog the pores. When adding chalk to the sand, you need to put the fruits vertically(do not spread in layers, but put in a bucket with the crown up).

Advantages and disadvantages

Carrots in the sand can be stored both in or in the garage pit, and on regular balcony. The main rule is a long distance from heating radiators.

What are the other advantages of this method:

Among the disadvantages are the stickiness of wet sand to the fruits (before cleaning, the carrots will need to be washed additionally), the cost of effort and time.

Preparation stage: list of necessary elements

Before laying the vegetable, you need to prepare containers and water. You can store carrots in wooden containers or boxes that can hold 15-17 kg. Replacing boxes - ordinary buckets. The volume of water depends on the amount of crop: for 1 bucket - 1 liter, for 1 box - 1.5-2 liters.


You need to store the root crop in clay or loamy sand. It is not recommended to take river sand. The volume of material is determined on the basis of: for 1 kg of fruits - 0.5 m3 of sand. Its humidity should not exceed 65%.

How to save correctly?

Before laying in boxes, it is necessary to prepare the fruits. After digging from the beds, you need to let the carrots lie down ( optimal time- 2-4 days). During this time, the peel will dry out, the juices will stabilize. Next, you need to make a selection - for storage, choose the fruits of medium and big size no damage or cracks. Cut off the stem. Wash carrots as desired.

How to put carrots in boxes:

ADVICE! With a vertical storage method, you need to fill the bottom of the bucket with dry sand with a layer of 6-10 cm. Insert the carrots into it with the crown up, and fill it with wet sand from above.

Will there be any difficulties?

Problems can arise with improper agricultural practices for growing crops. The increased content of nitrogen and organic fertilizers, abundant watering, late harvesting - all this will affect the quality of carrot storage. From the list of diseases, tangible harm to the fetus can bring:

  • white and black rot;
  • phomosis (dry rot).

Signs of infection - the appearance dark spots and transverse stripes on the peel, the formation of voids under them, rotting of the top. As a result, the pulp becomes rotten, the carrots deteriorate. Source of infection - infected planting material, post-harvest residues or old harvest in the basement.

Diseases will spread faster when high humidity and elevated temperature in the basement or cellar. Rot develops in foci and quickly passes from diseased to healthy root crops. It is important to notice the first signs in a timely manner and discard the infected fruits.

Storing carrots in sand is a proven technology that has several important advantages. Sand minimizes the risk of the onset of rotting processes, maintains the temperature, preserves the juiciness and taste of the fruit. Subject to the recommendations, root crops will remain fresh for 6-8 months.

Useful video

Watch a video about storing carrots in the sand:

Carrots are very fond of people, and pests adore it. Diseases are just waiting for the right time to attack the root crop.

Every year, during harvesting, transportation and storage, about 30 percent of the grown carrot crop is lost. It happens that losses reach 60 percent, and sometimes even all 100. The main damage to the carrot crop is caused by diseases during storage. A root crop with mechanical damage lies less than the rest. Any cuts and incisions during thinning, loosening, weeding, harvesting, trimming leaves and transport can introduce infection. Therefore, only ripe, whole and healthy fruits should be selected. Immediately after the garden, carrots should not be stored in a warm place. It should be gradually, in 1-2 days, cooled and then removed. At what temperature should carrots be stored? Optimal - 0-1 degree at a relative humidity of 90-95%. At the same time, storage for the harvest should be prepared in advance.

In about a month, it must be dried, ventilated and disinfected. For the latter, you should take a 2% solution of bleach (1 kilogram per 100-150 square meters surfaces) and bypass all vault walls. A couple of weeks before the harvest, the walls should be whitewashed with milk of lime. Here you will need 2-3 kilograms of slaked lime, as well as about 300 grams blue vitriol for 10 liters of water. It will take about half a liter of solution per square meter.

The safety of carrots depends not only on its maturity, but also on the ratio of glucose and sugar in it. If there is no infection in the root crop, then it is poorly stored due to the variety, bad conditions content and storage. Carrots of the canonical form are best preserved (varieties Valeria, Incomparable, Shantane, Moscow Winter). And it spoils the fastest - with shortened roots (Prague Cartel). Early autumn and long spring shorten the growing season of the root crop. Early varieties can accumulate fiber and sugar, so they lie longer. And late-ripening carrots, on the contrary, accumulate vitamin C and organic acids. Therefore, it is not stored for a long time.

However, any carrot is easily injured. It quickly loses moisture, so mechanical damage should be avoided during cleaning. It is better if the tops are mowed a week before harvesting, and 2-centimeter petioles remain.

How to properly store carrots

Storage conditions for carrots directly depend on where you are going to store it. Of course, each place has its pros and cons. We will tell you about how to create conditions and prepare a room for storing carrots.

How to store carrots in the cellar

Freshly dug root crops should be folded in a pile, sheltered from the sun and ventilated. Moreover, you need to leave small lumps of earth on the roots. Next, carrots must be quarantined for a week and a half at a temperature of 10-14 degrees. And then spoiled fruits should be excluded from the harvest. Remember that carrots will not tolerate freezing and will freeze even at a temperature of minus one degree, and when thawed they will begin to deteriorate. Therefore, it is better to store large stocks of carrots in a cellar or basement, and in plastic bags. They must be installed vertically, leave the neck open to avoid condensation.

Suitable and old way storage in boxes or piles. There, carrots should be sprinkled with sand. And add chalk or hydrated lime from it. In the outer layer, carrots should be laid with the head out. And one more important note. At air temperatures above 5 degrees Celsius, carrots will begin to germinate. This process can be stopped only by lowering the temperature in the storage to 0 degrees. In early ripening carrots and unripened carrots, even under such conditions, they begin to form flower buds. Means, different varieties must be stored differently.

If your storage is airtight, then you need to reduce losses from the respiration of the root crop, suppress germination, as well as the development of pathogenic microflora. This can be done with carbon dioxide (dry ice or a bottle for making sparkling water will do). However, even here one must be careful, since an overdose will decompose pectins.

How to store carrots at home

And how to store carrots at home if there is no cellar or basement? In an apartment, a limited amount of root crops can be packed in plastic bags and put in the refrigerator. Many townspeople put carrots in cardboard boxes, put them on stairwells (or in vestibules). The air temperature there is much lower than at home, however, the humidity is also different. As a result, this method of storage helps carrots stay fresh for up to several weeks. - Two weeks before digging, carrot beds should be poured with warm water. This is especially true in dry weather. In this case, the roots will be juicy. And after all the carrots have already moved to the surface of the earth, they need to be washed with a brush, cut out the moves of the carrot fly (they may not be), cut off the tail and top. Then, for a couple of days, let the root crop dry and put it in tight plastic bags, sprinkled with sawdust. Upper layer it is worth sprinkling a couple of handfuls of onion peel and taking the packages to the cellar. In this case, the bags must be open.

Before storing carrots, they need to be treated (simply sprayed) with a 7% onion extract. It is prepared as follows: 200 grams of onion is poured hot water and infused throughout the day. After such exposure, the carrots must be thoroughly dried.

How to properly store carrots

The following tip will help keep carrots on the shelves. Long pins or brackets should be driven into the wall in the cellar in pairs every 12 centimeters, and put on them wide boards. The first shelf should be one meter from the floor. On each board, you need to spread the root crops quite freely.

You can store carrots in a mash. To do this, each root crop must be dipped in a mash with clay and dried. Each carrot until spring will be the same as it was dug up. However, this method is quite laborious.

We choose a place in the cellar on the floor, disinfect it and pour about 5 centimeters of sand there. We lay root crops on it in rows. Moreover, they should not touch each other. As soon as the first layer is laid out, sprinkle it with sand and lay out the carrots again. We repeat several times.

You can store carrots for a long time and in bulk. In boxes, and better away from apples.

You can also put root crops in dense wooden boxes or bags with a maximum of 5 kilograms each. A corrugated box will do.

Chalk can be used as a "preservative". Spray or dip carrots in 30% chalk slurry and dry. It is worth trying and dusting with chalk. 150 grams per 10 kilograms of carrots.

We hope, with the advice of the editors of the site, your harvest will remain fresh even after the harshest winter!
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