Why cyclamen does not bloom and how to properly care for a flower at home, why cyclamen does not grow well. Cyclamen does not bloom, what to do

Why doesn't cyclamen bloom? What to do? One way to make cyclamen bloom is to apply a method in which cyclamens do not have any dormant period throughout the year, but continue to grow further all the time, as a result of which new ones are laid. flower buds and such plants bloom much earlier. A prerequisite for this cultivation method is to transplant cyclamens immediately after flowering. And although after some time the old leaves die off, they are constantly replaced by new ones.

As a rule, this method can be used only if the cyclamen tubers are old and large. Such plants bloom much more abundantly than annuals just bought in the store. Small tubers of cyclamen did not have time to accumulate enough useful substances for long-term flowering, they can quickly be depleted. The plant may even die.

If your cyclamen isn't blooming, you don't want to wear it down. constant flowering, and the root of your cyclamen is small and weak. You must take into account one more condition - the natural cycles of flowering of cyclamen are different depending on the species. So white and pink flowers African cyclamen (Cyclamen africanum) appear simultaneously with the leaves in September-November.

A kossky cyclamen (Ceclamen coum Mill) releases its pink flower stalks in March-April.

Cypriot cyclamen (Cyclamtn cyprium) has a long flowering period. Its fragrant, white or pink flowers, with purple or violet spots at the base of the petals, appear in mid-September. And the flowering of cyclamen ends in January, sometimes in March.

Ivy cyclamen (Cyclamen chderifo Lium) or neopalitan (Cyclamen neapolitanum) blooms with its light purple flowers in September-October.

Persian cyclamen (Cyclamtn htrsicum) flowers appear in April. Cyclamen blooms all summer until September.

European cyclamen (Ceclamen europacm) blooms for only three months, from June to September.

Depending on the variety and different time ending their flowering, cyclamens go dormant. Fading, cyclamen begins to lose leaves.

Watering, at this time, is gradually reduced. The leaves will soon dry up and crumble, and the cyclamen roots will remain bare. At this time, watering is very rare.

The room in which the plant is located must be well ventilated.

Well, if this happened in the summer, take the cyclamen out into the garden or onto the veranda, balcony in a cool place protected from the scorching sun.

When the dormant period of cyclamen ends, the plant is placed in a bright, ventilated place protected from the sun and watered gradually increasing watering. Again, it all depends on the type of cyclamen, usually this should be done a month before the expected flowering.

Soon, leaves appear, followed by flower stalks, cyclamen flowers bloom and delight you with their fabulous beauty.

Cyclamen - beautiful and unusual home plant. the main difference of which from all the others is that with its flowering it pleases the grower in winter period when many others are in a period of passivity and sleep. For this he is valued, trying to grow a large and beautiful flower. However, caring for cyclamen is not so simple; in order to achieve its flowering, some effort will have to be made.

Many flower growers from year to year expect flowering from cyclamen, but the desired flowers never appear. Therefore, when deciding to grow this flower, you need to take into account many factors and conditions under which the plant will be comfortable. Then the question is why cyclamen does not bloom. won't even come up.

Buying blooming cyclamen. every owner wants to keep its charm and attractiveness as long as possible. But after the first flowers fall, the plant can “fall asleep” for a long time, getting used to the new conditions of care. For some flower growers, cyclamen blooms again for the next active cycle, while for others it may not throw out buds. It depends on many factors.

  1. Too low planting, in which the entire root and part of the stem are immersed in the ground.

  2. High air temperature in the room where the flower pot is located.

  3. Frequent watering, which can lead not only to the absence of flowers. but also to rotting of the root system.

  4. Diseases or pests affecting the plant.

To determine exactly what reason prevents the plant from blooming, it is enough to reconsider the conditions for caring for it. Of course, changing the actions in relation to the flower will not give an instant result, especially since the flowering period of cyclamen is from October to March. But by following the rules for growing a flower and observing all the requirements, it will be possible to achieve the desired result.

In order for the plant to be beautiful and healthy, you need to properly care for it at home. Cyclamen is unpretentious, but its flowering in winter and the sleep phase in summer require a special approach. Not every grower can track the periods of his growth and passivity, and also provide proper care at home. But in general, cyclamen requires the same factors as other home flowers: good lighting, sufficient watering, optimal temperature and humidity, timely transplantation. In addition, it is important to ensure that cyclamen does not get sick, and deal with pests if they appear.

Cyclamen loves good lighting, that's why the best place to install a pot with a plant there will be a southeast side. In winter, it needs much more light than any other house flowers to release buds and bloom, so with a lack natural light it is better to install a special lamp. Daylight hours for cyclamen should last at least 14 hours.

BUT summer period rest and sleep of cyclamen, it is important to protect it from direct sunlight. Some experts recommend putting it in a pot in a dark place where the plant can spend a dormant period.

The frequency of watering a plant is not an easy question, since it is quick and easy to fill it and provoke root rot. Cyclamen tolerates short-term drought much easier than excessive humidity. Therefore, in winter, it is enough to water it once a week, and in summer, reduce this amount to 1-2 times a month. The guideline for watering is the dryness of the topsoil, if it is still wet, cyclamen does not require water.

Watering cyclamen is similar to the process of caring for orchids: it is better not to pour water from above into the pot, but to install it in a container with settled water room temperature, and after a few hours, take it out, let the water drain and put it back on the stand.

Cyclamen loves the cool. Even in winter during the flowering period optimum temperature for its healthy and active growth is 15-18 degrees. It is not always easy to create such conditions, most plants feel comfortable even at 22 degrees, adapting to such an environment. But lowering the temperature below 12-13 degrees will be detrimental to the flower.

In the summer dormant period, it is even more difficult to ensure a low air temperature than in winter, but you need to try to find the coolest place for cyclamen. The heat will lead to loss of leaves and drying of the flower.

The peculiarity of cyclamen is that it needs soft humidified air, but at the same time it is absolutely impossible to spray it from a spray bottle. Water falling on the leaves can kill the plant. Therefore, the pot should not be installed close to the radiators, the room should be regularly ventilated, if necessary, use a humidifier.

As a rule, cyclamen is transplanted once a year after the flowering period in March-April. Although if the plant has grown slightly and feels comfortable in a pot of its previous size, you can leave this procedure until autumn. It is necessary to transplant cyclamen when the dimensions of the container are clearly small for it. In this case, you need to cut off all dried leaves and flowers, choose a pot bigger size and find the right soil. best to buy ready mix in a flower shop.

When transplanted to new pot it is necessary to pour drainage and ensure free outflow excess water, then the root system will develop correctly.

The best way to transplant cyclamen is to transfer it along with a clod of earth. In this case, you need to place it in a new pot so that 1/3 of the tuber remains above the soil surface. Setting the plant too low will result in it not blooming.

Feeding cyclamen - important factor for long and beautiful flowering. therefore, in the period from September to March, fertilizers should be used regularly. In the flower shop you can buy liquid

universal food supplement flowering plants and add it when watering at least once every two weeks.

Lack of fertilizer can lead to mineral deficiencies, which will cause the cyclamen flowering period to pass quickly.

Thus, the conditions for caring for cyclamen differ from many other plants, but in general they are not particularly difficult. It is important to remember the rules for growing a flower and try to follow them so that it is comfortable. Then he will grow healthy and beautiful, regularly throwing out buds and allowing the grower to enjoy the unusual color.

A flowering plant suffers from the same diseases as many others, so you need to pay enough attention to cyclamen, notice the beginning problem in time and try to eliminate it until the flower is significantly damaged. As a rule, flower growers when growing cyclamen may encounter such diseases:

  1. Aphids cause the leaves to curl, deform and become covered with sticky insects. You need to purchase insecticides and remove pests.

  2. Yellowing, dry and falling leaves appear due to heat and dry air. It is necessary to rearrange the cyclamen to another place and provide high humidity in room.

  3. Gray rot on cyclamen leaves occurs due to spraying or waterlogging of the soil. In addition to the fact that the amount of moisture must be reduced, treatment with a fungicide is also required.

  4. Tuber rot is often associated with excess moisture, it is necessary to reduce the frequency and volume of watering.

  5. If cyclamen does not bloom, and new leaves grow smaller and smaller, then the plant lacks minerals, and the flower needs to be fed.

Knowing the features of growing cyclamen and its requirements for the surrounding home environment, it will not be difficult for a grower to understand why his pet does not bloom. And create such conditions under which the plant will be comfortable. And the attention and time donated to the plant will give its results in the form of a beautiful and healthy flower, which attracts with its lush flowering. Cyclamen is demanding, but the effort is worth it.

The cyclamen plant belongs to the genus of herbaceous perennials of the primrose family, widely distributed in northeast Africa, Turkey, Iran and the Mediterranean. The generic name, derived from the Latin word for round, refers to the shape of the corm. In the south, cyclamens are grown in open ground, and in countries with a temperate climate, they took their rightful place on window sills. These plants received universal recognition thanks to the graceful bright flowers, similar to tropical butterflies, a flock of descended on glossy patterned or plain leaves. In nature, there are about 20 representatives of the genus, but European cyclamen is more common in culture ( alpine violet) and Persian cyclamen (dryakva), as well as their numerous hybrids with petals of the most diverse different shades and sizes.

Cyclamen can rightly be called a guiding star, which through the winter cold shows us the way from autumn despondency to spring warmth, because its heavenly "butterflies" bloom from October to April. However, this wonderful plant blooms only in response to proper care and care. Well, let your unusual pet play a little and learn to negotiate with him.

Cyclamen after purchase

Blooming cyclamens are a hot commodity, so potted specimens, generously strewn with bright "butterflies", usually get into the house. If you also bought or received as a gift mature plant, be prepared for the fact that literally the next day its flowers and leaves will wilt. You should not panic about this - this is how the pet reacts to changing environmental conditions. Find a bright, cool place for the plant, spray and water. Feeding new specimens begins 2-3 months after purchase.

Are you planning to transplant your newly acquired specimen into a new pot? Then wait for the end of flowering and let the plant have a good rest before the new season. In the event that cyclamen feels good in a technical store container, it is allowed to wait another 1-2 years with a transplant.

Lighting and temperature conditions

The most common reason for the lack of flowering of cyclamen is excessively high room temperature. Unlike many other indoor pets, this plant prefers cool conditions throughout the year. Indicators from +6 to +12 ° C are considered optimal, but since maintaining living quarters such low temperature almost impossible, try to arrange a pot with a plant on the north window, where the thermometer does not rise above + 14 ... + 16 ° С. Keep in mind that already at + 18 ... 22 ° C, cyclamen experiences discomfort, and in extreme heat (from +25 ° C and above) it completely falls into a state of stupor.

As for lighting, it should be bright, but without direct sun. Under the hot rays, delicate butterfly flowers “burn out” and wither before our eyes. In the autumn-winter months, it is recommended to turn on fluorescent lamps or special agricultural lamps above the plant.

Watering and ambient humidity

Cyclamen does not like dampness, but in no case should it be allowed to completely dry out the soil in a pot, so watering the plant should be stable and moderate. Experienced flower growers proceed as follows: they put the pot with the pet in a basin of water and wait until the earthen ball gets wet to the top. Thus, the plant will receive exactly as much moisture as it needs. When top watering, water is supplied along the edge of the pot so that drops do not fall on the growing point located at the top of the corm.

A positive effect on the well-being of the plant and frequent spraying. By spraying soft settled water over your pet, you not only increase the ambient humidity, but also lower the temperature of the content, and coolness for cyclamen, as mentioned above, is the key to full and timely flowering.

top dressing

During growth and flowering, cyclamen is fed every 2 weeks with a complex fertilizer for flowering crops; during the dormant period, the concentration of the nutrient solution is halved. You should not be overly zealous with top dressing, because in the soil oversaturated with mineral salts, the plant can get sick.

Rest period care

After rapid and prolonged flowering, cyclamen needs good rest. The fact that the plant is preparing for a dormant period is evidenced by the drying of its foliage. Yellowed leaves are to be removed, but experts recommend not cutting them, but twisting them manually until they are completely separated from the corm, the same should be done with wilted flowers. Watering the dormant cyclamen is reduced to a minimum and the flower is removed to a cool, shady place.

According to botanical reference books, the dormant period of cyclamen lasts about 2-2.5 months, although there is no strict time frame for this plant. Some specimens are in a hurry to please their owners at the end of summer, while others “doze” until the end of November. The main task of the grower is not to miss the long-awaited moment of awakening and provide the pet with favorable growth conditions.


Repot cyclamen every 2-3 years. The signal for the procedure is the appearance of hook-shaped leaf primordia above the tuber. For the formation of buds, cyclamen needs a solid supply of nutrients, so it is undesirable to delay the transplant, otherwise flowering will be scarce or will not occur at all in the coming season.

The soil mixture for cyclamen is made up of leafy soil (preferably from under acacias), high-moor peat, sand, chopped sphagnum, vermiculite and charcoal(3:2:1:1:0.5:0.5). The plant is transferred to a new place at the end of the dormant period, before the start of active vegetation. This is done as follows: a layer of expanded clay is poured on the bottom of the new pot for drainage, a little fresh substrate is poured on top of it and cyclamen is planted along with a clod of earth so that the corm is immersed in the ground by about 2/3. Upon completion of work, the soil is shed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and compacted tightly. Feeding the plant begins a month after transplantation.

Note! Cyclamen blooms luxuriantly only in cramped dishes. Optimal distance between the bulb and the walls of the pot - 2-2.5 cm. For planting a one-year-old bulb, a pot with a diameter of 7-8 cm is suitable, a two-three-year-old corm will develop well in a container with a diameter of 14-15 cm.

Diseases and pests

If agrotechnical standards are not observed, cyclamen can suffer from bacterial or fungal infections (fusarium, rhizoctoniosis, anthracnose, peronosporosis, late blight, all kinds of rot), the development of which is facilitated by systematic waterlogging of the soil, violations temperature regime, excess fertilizer and low indoor humidity. As a first aid, a diseased specimen is sprayed with a solution of a fungicide preparation ("Previkur", "Rovral", "Fundazol"), in case of severe damage to the "patient" along with chemical treatment shown an unscheduled transplant.

Of the pests, the worst enemies of cyclamen are flower thrips, aphids, mites (spider, cyclamen, multi-clawed). All this voracious "evil spirits" will be helped to destroy insecticides of contact-intestinal or systemic action ("Vertimek", "Aktellik", "Fufanon").

A healthy, well-groomed cyclamen lives in one place for more than 20 years, annually delighting abundant flowering and protecting its owner from all sorts of troubles. Even the ancient Romans considered this plant an amulet against evil people and the evil eye. People of indecisive cyclamen inspire creative activity with their presence and help them find the right path in life. It is also noticed that crying children next to a flowering cyclamen, they quickly calm down and stop demanding increased attention.

Cyclamen - indoor plant, conquering flower growers with their gentle sunny flowers. Flower petals are rich in their color palette: white, pink, dark red, burgundy, purple and others possible options. And the whole value and beauty of this flower is that the flowering period falls on the meanest time of the year - in the winter. Yes, yes, just when basically all the plants have already dropped their flowers, and there is so little sun outside the window, cyclamen pleases and inspires us with its blooming appearance.

it perennial got its name from Greek word"cyclos", in translation meaning "circle". This form has the main vital organ of the flower - the bulb. Most common among indoor views cyclamen "European", also known as "alpine violet", and "Persian".

Many lovers are afraid to start cyclamen, arguing their decision with complex content and frequent plant diseases. Why? Caring for a flower is not particularly difficult if you know the basic rules for the favorable maintenance of cyclamen. And the flower is sick no more often than other plants. But yes, unfortunately, mistakes in improper care adversely affect the state of the flower: the leaves dry, the roots rot, and as a result, cyclamens do not bloom.

Content rules for favorable flowering

In garden shops, cyclamen is mainly sold in the fall, when the buds have already formed and have begun to bloom. Therefore, when choosing a flower, pay attention to a plant that is already ready to bloom or has enough unopened buds.

Naturally, the selected flower should not have any external damage, the leaves should be juicy, low-lying. The main criterion for further successful flowering is planting a cyclamen tuber. In no case should it be completely immersed in the ground, at least 1/3 of the part should be visible on the surface.

Cyclamens are very fond of diffused light and react painfully to direct sunlight. If you keep the plant on the windowsill, be sure to shade it from the bright sun. The best option for the necessary sunlight- southwestern windows.

For good health and regular flowering, cyclamen requires a cool air temperature. In summer, it is best + 18 ° C, but not more than 23-25. If possible, bury the plant in the garden in the shade. In winter, at the height of flowering, the air temperature should not exceed 15°C. It is the low temperature that affects the formation of buds and long flowering.

During the growing season, regular but moderate watering is required. Water frequently, but not heavily. Overdrying or, conversely, excessive waterlogging of the soil should not be allowed. Make sure that water does not stagnate on the tuber and leaves - this can lead to rotting of the flower. To do this, pour water into the edge of the pot. Water is best used settled, soft, at room temperature. Excess liquid must be drained from the saucer so that the roots do not accidentally rot.

Cyclamen is also partial to humidity. Before flowering, you can occasionally spray the flower with a spray bottle, but be careful that water does not accumulate on the leaves. It will be optimal to spray not the leaves, but the air around the flower. To increase humidity, it is also recommended to place the pot on a special tray with expanded clay, pebbles or wet moss. At the same time, remember: the roots of the plant should not come into contact with water.

Depending on the type of favorable conditions The flowering period lasts from October to March. In the spring, as all the flowers fall off, watering the cyclamen is gradually reduced. And by the summer, watering the plant in general is very rare. There comes the so-called dormant period, during which the leaves turn yellow, dry and fall off. Bare tubers remain. At this time, it is advisable to lay the pots with tubers on their side and place in a cool shaded place. Closer to autumn, the pot is placed straight and begin to gradually moisten the soil.

Cyclamen transplant

In autumn, a new flowering period begins, which is marked by the growth of small leaves. At this time, it is necessary to do a plant transplant. A small pot is needed for transplantation: for a small one and a half year old tuber, a pot with diameters of no more than 8 cm is selected; for bulbs 2-3 years old, a 15 cm pot is suitable. Another variant correct selection the pot is as follows: the distance between the edge of the pot and the tuber itself should be from 3 to 4 cm. If cyclamen rots more often in a large pot, then premature and short flowering is possible in a small pot. The result of an optimally chosen pot will be lush bloom and a healthy root.

The old soil is completely replaced. new soil mixture can be purchased at a garden store ready-made, marked "for cyclamen". At self-training soil, use leafy soil, humus, river sand, turf or peat. Must have drainage and air vent at the bottom of the pot. The prepared soil mixture is recommended to be calcined or steamed, treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, because cyclamen is very easily attacked by pests. It is necessary to transplant a flower carefully, without damaging the root ball.

Pay Special attention: in order for your cyclamen to bloom, when transplanting a Persian variety, the bulb cannot be completely buried in the soil, be sure to leave 1/3 of the tuber on the surface. When transplanting other species, deep planting is allowed, but when transplanting the "Neapolitan" variety, it is imperative to completely immerse the tubers in the ground.

We emphasize once again: improper planting of the bulb is a common mistake, and the main reason why, in fact, cyclamens do not bloom.

After transplanting, cyclamen is placed in a cool, bright place and they begin to gradually increase watering. At the stage of intensive leaf growth before flowering, it is necessary to feed the flower with mineral fertilizers. It is best to use organic compounds. Avoid great content nitrogen - this can lead to rotting of the root system.

Diseases and pests that inhibit flowering

Often, some cyclamen diseases lead to the rapid fall of flowers and the delay in the flowering period itself. Let's take a look at the most common types.

Fusarium - damage to plant tissues by fungi that secrete toxic substances into leaf vessels. It is manifested by yellowing of the leaves from the tops, mainly on one side of the plant. Gradually, the entire flower becomes infected, including the tuber, which sooner or later leads to death.

Wet rot is bacterial and very dangerous disease. The initial stage is accompanied by a sharp wilting and the smell of rot from the tuber. root system is also infected. There are no methods to combat rot, the plant must be destroyed.

Gray rot - fungal disease, is manifested by the growth of gray mold on the leaves, as a result of which the plant turns yellow and dies.

Aphids are small annoying insects that are grey, green or black in color. It is dangerous because it sucks the juice from the leaves of the plant. You can detect it by folding the leaves, while the buds do not open, and the flowers are covered with sticky secretions. Further growth of the plant slows down. The situation is aggravated by the defeat of sticky leaves by soot fungus. The fungus, in turn, impairs gas exchange.

The cyclamen mite is a very small insect yellow color. On the initial stage tick settles on inside sheet. Affected leaves curl up, buds wither and fall off.

Thrips is an oval-shaped pest up to 2 mm in height. With the help of wings, they fly from a diseased plant to a healthy one. It leaves a silvery trail behind, affects mainly the leaves, while the flowers become stained and gradually fade.

Pest control methods allow the use of chemical and biological preparations. But the best remedy treatment, as always, is prevention, which consists in regular inspection of cyclamen, periodic treatment of leaves with special solutions and correct content plants.

On average, cyclamen lives 15-20 years, and up to 70 flowers can be obtained in one period. Gradually fading buds must be removed along with the pedicel. Pluck off yellowing leaves at the tuber itself. By the way, cut flowers of cyclamen stand beautifully in water. Split ends and regular water changes in the vase extend the shelf life up to 2-3 weeks.

You will be interested to learn about another feature of cyclamen tubers - they contain a poisonous substance that causes inflammation of the skin. Whereas ethnoscience uses this flower in the treatment of sinusitis, rheumatism, and homeopaths use cyclamen to treat female genital organs and diseases of the central nervous system.

In ancient books, cyclamen is called pig bread, because these animals willingly feed on the roots of cyclamen. But to us, lovers and connoisseurs of indoor plants, cyclamen is close to flowers that “flutter” like butterflies. By following all the above recommendations, you will give yourself joy and a sunny mood in the long winter months, admiring the magnificent flowers.

Cyclamens attract attention with their amazing colors, which can be completely different shades. The flower is especially beautiful during the flowering period, when you can admire it indefinitely, without being distracted by other things. At the same time, there is one problem that not only beginners, but even experienced growers- the plant does not bloom. Why doesn't cyclamen bloom? This should be dealt with in more detail so as not to encounter such a nuisance while growing a green pet.

How to care for a flower?

Before listing the main reasons why a houseplant sometimes does not bloom, it is necessary to consider the basic rules for caring for it, because it may turn out that you simply did not provide the flower with optimal conditions:

  1. First of all, make sure you choose the right cyclamen. Leaves young plant should be intact, without damage, on the surface you should see part of the flower tubers.
  2. When you have already chosen the product, brought it home, you have to provide it ideal conditions content. First of all, it's lighting. Cyclamens prefer diffused light, but do not like direct sunlight.
  3. Suitable air temperature. These flowers like cool temperatures, about 18-22 degrees Celsius, in winter, provide them with a temperature no higher than 16 degrees Celsius. This factor will have a direct impact on the flowering of cyclamen.
  4. Moderate watering. You must carry out the procedure regularly so that the soil does not dry out. At the same time, make sure not to flood the ground, otherwise not only will there be no flowering, but the plant will die entirely.
  5. Appropriate humidity level. indoor flower needs regular spraying, but water should not remain on the leaves. It is better to spray not the flower itself, but the air around it.

If you follow the above rules, you will not have to wait long for the flowering period, which begins in October and lasts until spring.

How can a transplant affect flowering?

As you know, cyclamen requires an annual transplant, but even in this case you should be very careful, because your wrong actions can lead to the fact that the plant will not bloom.

The correct transplant is performed as follows:

  • Initially, choose a new pot, the diameter of which will be larger than the previous one.
  • Remove the old soil, in place of which the new soil is to be prepared. You can buy it in a specialized store, as well as cook it yourself.
  • Remember that when transplanting, part of the tuber must remain on the surface.
  • At the end of the procedure, the flower is placed in a cool place, after a while increase watering.
  • As for top dressing, it is better to make mineral fertilizers, but in the amount indicated on the packaging with fertilizers.

The main reasons why cyclamen does not bloom

If you properly care for a home flower, provided it with optimal conditions and transplanted strictly according to the instructions described above, and cyclamen still does not bloom, you should consider the following possible reasons such a disaster. Among these reasons, you will surely find one that prevents your plant from blooming in full force:

  • Fungal disease in the form of gray rot. Mold appears on the leaves, they begin to wither, turn yellow. Here we are talking not only about the absence of flowering, but also about the rapid death of the flower.
  • Pests in the form of aphids, ticks. Insects settle on the inside of the leaf, they suck the juice from the plant, as a result of which the foliage withers and falls off. Aphids, for example, also cause curling of the leaves, which you can immediately see when you carefully examine the flower.
  • Fusarium. This is a disease that prevents cyclamen from blooming. It manifests itself in the yellowing of the leaves, and then in the rotting of the tubers, which, in the end, will lead to the final death of the green pet.
  • Natural aging. No living organism is immune from aging, so cyclamen will sooner or later stop blooming just for this reason. Generally speaking, the flower lives for more than 15 years, and up to 70 flowers can be obtained in one flowering phase. But this is only true if you properly care for the plant and fulfill all the requirements for its maintenance.

If you ensure that the cyclamen will bloom well, you will not have any other problems, and the flower will delight you with its excellent appearance for many, many more years. Novice flower growers appreciate and love this plant for its unpretentiousness, as careful care can be easily carried out at home.

Now you know why cyclamen does not bloom, and most importantly, you know how to solve this problem without resorting to the help of specialists.