Cyclamen (Alpine violet) - home care. Charming and dangerous cyclamen - home care

One of the most beautiful flowering plants in our homes - cyclamen. Its delicate flowers create a joyful atmosphere in the room. This is especially pleasant, because cyclamens bloom in the autumn-winter period, when there are so few bright sunny days.

What are the requirements for caring for cyclamen at home? How to achieve beautiful flowers Did cyclamen please you and decorate your home for a long time? Let's talk about cyclamens in more detail.

Cyclamen is a tuberous plant. In room culture, two types of cyclamens are grown: Persian and European. The most common is Persian cyclamen.

Cyclamen flowers have a very picturesque color. These are all shades of pink, and purple, and red, there can be cyclamens with variegated flowers. Flowering continues from October to March. In the spring, after flowering, watering is reduced, all dried leaves are cut off and the plants are transferred to fresh soil, while the tuber is lightly sprinkled with earth on top. Then the cyclamen is left in a shaded place.

In early June, watering is increased, 2-3 sprays are made during the day. In early September, if a clod of earth turned out to be completely braided with roots, the plant is once again transferred to a larger pot. It is important this time not to bury the tuber. If transshipment is not done, upper part tubers are cleaned from the ground. And place the pot with cyclamen in a bright, cool place. With such careful care, cyclamen regularly pleases the owner with flowers for many years.


It is necessary to show increased attention to cyclamen already when buying it. Examine the plant carefully from all sides. Leaves should be fresh and should not droop. The tuber of Persian cyclamen should be on the surface and be smooth, not wrinkled. Cyclamen is recommended to buy at the beginning of flowering, i.e. in October - November. It is better if most of the buds are not opened, then the flowers will please you longer.

Persian cyclamen

It has a large rounded tuber, rising above the soil surface. The leaves are dark green dense. The flowers are large bright or pale pastel colors.


Cyclamen requires bright light, but without direct sunlight.


During the flowering period, the plant should be watered abundantly, but without waterlogging. During the dormant period, watering should be significantly reduced, watering just enough so that the soil does not dry out. Cyclamen should be watered very carefully. Water should not fall on the top of the tuber and on the shoots. This can cause the plant to rot. It is most convenient to pour water for irrigation into the pan. Water for irrigation must be soft, settled.


The temperature regime is important for cyclamens. These plants love cool conditions. A temperature of 14-16 degrees C is desirable for them. In summer, it is difficult to provide such a temperature in apartments, but it is desirable that it at least not exceed 25 degrees C. In the cold season, pots with cyclamens should be located away from radiators and other heat sources. Cyclamens do not like drafts, but the room should be well ventilated from time to time.

Air humidity

Spraying cyclamen is not required. Moreover, contact with flowers, tubers and shoots of water can worsen appearance and even destroy the plant. However, if the room is very hot, then you can very carefully moisten the air around the plant from a small spray bottle. This will help the plant cope with the heat. You can also put flower pots on wet pebbles or expanded clay. This is especially useful to do immediately after purchase, so that the plant quickly gets used to the dry air of our apartments.


Fertilizer is a very important part of cyclamen care. This is important for proper development And beautiful flowering. Fertilize once every 2 weeks, you can use any commercially available complex mineral fertilizer, you can use a special fertilizer for flowering plants. During the dormant period, cyclamen is not fertilized.

In the event that the leaves of cyclamen lose their color - they become light green or yellow, it is necessary to feed the plant with iron chelate, introducing it into the soil or spraying the leaves.


Cyclamen transplantation is carried out in the summer, usually in the second half, when the growth of young leaves begins. The transplant pot should not be spacious, there should be a distance of no more than 2-3 cm between the edge of the pot and the tuber. Drainage is required. When transplanting, it is advisable to steam the land and treat it with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, because. cyclamen is easily affected by pests. When transplanting, the tuber cannot be deeply buried; from a third to a half of the tuber should be left above the ground. Transplantation must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the roots. Usually the plant is transplanted with a clod of earth.

The transplanted plant is placed in a bright and preferably cool place. Water moderately at first, and when there is an active growth of leaves, abundant watering and top dressing begin.


Cyclamen is propagated by seeds or tuber division. This process is complex and troublesome in room conditions and is suitable only for the most active lovers. You can propagate cyclamen by dividing the tuber like this. During the dormant period, remove the tuber from the ground, dry and cut into pieces. On each division, a kidney and part of the roots must be left. Dry the slices a little in the shade, then treat with wood, activated carbon or other antiseptic. Then plant the divisions in separate pots.

Diseases and pests

Yellowing and wilting leaves can appear if the plant is too hot or the air in the room is too dry. Another reason may be bright sunlight. It can also happen due to insufficient watering.

If the leaves and flower stalks rot, the most likely reason is waterlogging of the soil and water getting on the top of the tuber.

If cyclamen fades quickly, then it is kept in too hot conditions and lacks nutrients. It is necessary to move it to a cool place and fertilize regularly.

Cyclamen can be damaged different types rot. As well as the following pests: cyclamen mites, thrips, aphids. The appearance of small deformed leaves indicates the presence of pests.

European cyclamen

The second most common type of cyclamen in our homes is European cyclamen or alpine violet. The flowers of this type of cyclamen are smaller than those of Persian cyclamen, no more than 2-4 cm in diameter, and have a pleasant smell. This species forms lateral tubers that can be used in propagation.

Other materials

Cyclamen, home care for which is not difficult, is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful indoor flowers. Its value lies not only in decorative qualities, but also in medicinal properties, thanks to which you can easily cope with sinusitis without resorting to medical treatment.

In nature, cyclamen, represented by 20 species, is found in the Mediterranean, Africa and the Middle East. In culture, as a rule, two varieties are cultivated.

Persian cyclamen.

The species is most popular in indoor floriculture due to high degree decorative, which falls not only during the flowering period. Beautiful leaf plates of green color have large sizes. With the onset of the flowering phase, which lasts from late autumn to early spring, pink, lilac, purple flowers bloom with throats of other tones. Among the varieties, miniature representatives of the species are popular: Pink, Victoria, Spring Moth, Striata.

European cyclamen.

View with a tuberous root system, preferring coolness when in the apartment. It blooms with pink, white and carmine flowers from May to October. Among the varieties that can be purchased in stores are common: Purpurascens, Lake garda, Album.

Cyclamen: basic requirements for growing

In order for the cultivation of cyclamen to bring only pleasure, it is necessary to take into account a number of features of this flower.

  1. Storage regulations planting material. The storage of faded cyclamen tubers should not be carried out in cold store, otherwise the awakening of the bulb may not occur.
  2. Flower intolerance to heat and stuffy atmosphere in the containment room.
  3. The appearance of burns on the leaves as a result of exposure to direct sunlight, which leads to a loss of decorative effect.
  4. Planting agrotechnics. When grown, the cyclamen bulb should protrude ⅓ above ground level.
  5. Intolerance of the plant to an excess of mineral salts.
  6. Pot selection. The culture container must not be too large in diameter.

Home care

To ensure a healthy state and long flowering of cyclamen, one should adhere to the agrotechnical regulations for flower care.

Lighting and location

The cyclamen flower must be kept on window sills with diffused light, where there is no access to direct rays. In the summer, it is recommended to take the pot to fresh air. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to organize regular ventilation without drafts.


Optimal temperature regime, at which lush and long flowering is noted, varies between 6-15 ° C.

Therefore, the most decorative representatives of the genus are species and varieties whose flowering occurs in the winter.

Soil and pot requirements

The flower prefers a loose, light substrate, which can be purchased at a flower shop or prepared independently from a substrate for cacti, leafy soil and peat in equal parts. The container for planting should not be too spacious: it is enough to take a pot where, when planting the bulb, 2-3 cm remain between its edge and the wall of the dish.

Watering cyclamen and air humidity

With the onset of intensive growth, the flower needs regular watering, during which the soil must have time to dry out. For representatives of this genus, it is recommended to use the technology of bottom irrigation, in which the pot is placed in a pan with water, where it is saturated with moisture until the top layer of soil gets wet. The use of this method will avoid the ingress of water to the point of growth, and, accordingly, minimize the threat of the onset of rot development.

However, the plant needs high level humidity, which is provided by spraying. In the summer months, the regularity of the procedure allows you to lower the temperature by several degrees.

Attention! When growing a flower, it is worth avoiding both waterlogging and strong drying of the earthy coma.

top dressing

During the active growing season, cyclamen is provided with additional nutrition in the form of liquid complex fertilizers for flowering plants. The procedure is carried out twice a month.

Carefully! Due to the intolerance of the flower to a high concentration of mineral salts, when feeding cyclamen, the rule is applied: “it is better to underfeed than to overfeed”.

Care after flowering

After flowering is completed, the culture shows yellowing of the leaf plates, which should be removed. Removal is carried out by twisting until the leaves separate from the bulb. The pot moves to a shaded room, where it remains until awakening. Watering for the dormant period is reduced to a minimum.

Transplant at home

With an interval of a year before the start of active vegetation, the flower is transplanted into a new container with a pre-prepared substrate.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • a drainage layer in the form of expanded clay is placed at the bottom of the selected pot;
  • the bulb is placed in a container by transshipment with an old earthen clod;
  • the pot is covered with a new substrate so that ⅓ of the bulb remains on the surface;
  • at the end, the soil is compacted and slightly moistened.

Pest and disease control

The appearance of harmful organisms on the flower is noted in case of violation of the agrotechnics of cultivation.

  1. The development of fungal diseases, expressed by bulb rot, occurs with systematic waterlogging of the substrate.
  2. In case of lack of moisture, the flower is populated with a spider mite.
  3. Also, if the requirements for care are violated, cyclamen is affected by aphids, which in turn is a carrier of soot fungus.

As protective measures, when signs of pests and diseases appear, treatments are carried out with insecticidal and fungicidal preparations.

Important! Most dangerous pest The plant is considered to be a cyclamen mite, when it appears, it is necessary to immediately carry out a double treatment with an insecticide with an interval of 10 days. Lost time can lead to the death of cyclamen.

Features reproduction of cyclamen

Cyclamen reproduces by generative and vegetative methods.

seed method

With this method of reproduction, the following manipulations are carried out:

  • the seed is soaked in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 10-12 hours;
  • in the substrate for cyclamen, grooves are made 1 cm deep, where seeds are placed with a distance of 2-3 cm;
  • seed is sprinkled with soil;
  • the container is covered with glass and placed in a bright room with a temperature of 18-20 ° C;
  • after 1-6 months, depending on the variety, sprouts appear;
  • after the emergence of seedlings, the glass is removed;
  • when one pair of true leaves is formed on the seedlings, the seedlings dive;
  • after six months, the seedlings are planted in separate pots.

Tuber division

The vegetative propagation method is used only in cases where the tuber has more than one growth point:

  • the young tuber is separated from the mother;
  • the neatly separated part is planted in a separate container.
  • Yellowing of leaf plates can be caused by such reasons:

  1. Irrigation violation. To avoid the problem, bottom watering is organized when the earthen clod dries out.
  2. Stuffy and hot atmosphere in the containment room. To eliminate the negative factor, it is required to ensure regular airing and spraying of the pot culture.
  3. Preparing for a dormant period. The natural process that occurs after flowering.

Cyclamen does not bloom

The main reasons why the absence of flowers on a crop may be noted are:

  • lack of soil and air moisture;
  • high temperature in the room where cyclamen is grown.

So, subject to simple care rules, the florist will delight himself and his household with the long flowering of a spectacular plant that will give a lot positive emotions especially needed in winter.

ATTENTION: The cyclamen plant belongs to the genus of herbaceous perennials of the Myrsinaceae family, but some scientists believe that it originated from the Primrose family. The name of the plant comes from the Latin root, denoting the concept of "round", as the shape of cyclamen tubers.

Cyclamen not only beautiful plant, but also medicinal, because diluted cyclamen juice contributes to the treatment of sinusitis, but you should be very careful not to burn the mucous membrane (about medicinal and useful properties cyclamen, chemical composition, as well as contraindications to its use, read).

Many lovers of growing flowers doubt whether they should plant this unique flower, because there is an opinion that it is very whimsical. Don't believe it's not true beautiful cyclamen is unpretentious, loves coolness and partial shade. He, like every plant, has certain requirements, if they are met, he will delight you for more than one year.

Before getting to know cyclamen better, it is advisable to read information about it in order to know in advance about its properties and needs, so as not to harm the flower in the future and prevent it from dying.

When it blooms indoor flower and how often? If you properly care for cyclamen, it will bloom for a long time and continuously.. The flowering period is from autumn to spring, for the entire flowering period one plant has about 60-70 flowers.

Cyclamen flowers have big amount color palette, from snow-white to all shades of pink, purple, burgundy. The leaves of the flower are beautiful heart-shaped and collected in a rosette.

He can bloom all year round without going on vacation, and may please you for only a few months. It blooms profusely from November to March., later he goes on vacation to gain strength - for a new flowering.

This plant needs to be properly looked after so that it blooms as long as possible, because it is the right care that contributes to the flowering of the plant.


A feature and advantage of cyclamen is its long flowering, which is also very effective. During the flowering period, it has a very delicate aroma.

At home, the flower feels quite comfortable if it stands in right place and properly cared for, he will thank you with his pretty bloom long time. In fact, the plant is unpretentious, beautiful, medicinal, which must be treated correctly.

IMPORTANT: Cyclamen flowers can be smooth and delicate, or they can be velvety, small and very large, it all depends on the variety of cyclamen, and there are a considerable number of them.

How to care?

In order for the plant to bloom and please the eye, you need to know how to properly care for it. First of all, the flower must be protected from drafts.. If you decide to put it on the windowsill, then it is desirable that the window does not open there. But surprisingly, it grows remarkably well in a cool room, where it is only 10-12 degrees.

Cyclamen needs light, but direct sunlight is harmful to it.

We talked in detail about the secrets of caring for cyclamen at home in.


need in pallet, it is impossible to water the plant from above, otherwise the tubers may begin to rot. It is necessary to distribute moisture evenly so that overflow does not occur or, conversely, the earthen lump does not dry out.

Constantly, except for the rest period. Top dressing should begin a couple of weeks after the purchase of the plant. If you have grown cyclamen yourself, you should start feeding a week after the sprouts appear.

Before fertilizing, make sure that the earth ball is well saturated with water. For top dressing well suited complex mineral fertilizers.


Proper transplantation also affects flowering.. You need to be very careful not to damage the roots. The plant needs to be transplanted into a low, but wide container.

ADVICE: While the roots have not completely taken root, you need to water not very often, and then gradually increase moisture.

It is very important to create aeration of the cyclamen root system. It is desirable to use a breathable substrate of coarse fiber peat. For optimal soil composition, equal parts of sand, humus and peat are needed, as well as three parts of leafy soil. In order not to risk it, you can purchase it at a special flower shop.

Transplantation should be done in the summer, while the plant does not bloom.. In order for the transplant to proceed correctly, follow these rules:

  • before planting on the bottom of the pot, you must first pour a layer of expanded clay, then add the prepared soil, on which to place the plant and sprinkle it on the sides with an earthen mixture;
  • after transplantation, the upper third of the tuber of the plant should remain above the ground;
  • after transplanting, the plant should be watered after 10-12 days;
  • after the transplant has been made, in early September, when young leaves begin to form, the flower must be rearranged in a cool but sunny place.

Watch video about correct transplant cyclomen:

With age, the plant grows, the flowers become smaller. In order for the plant not to lose the size of the flowers, it should be propagated.

In room conditions, the cultivation of cyclamen can last up to 7 years.. After this period, cyclamen is no longer suitable for breeding, so you need to buy a new one. The bulb can not be thrown away, but used for medicinal purposes from sinusitis.

Reproduction of cyclamen is a troublesome business. For industrial purposes, it is propagated using seeds. You can do this yourself by dividing the tuber. But since it is very difficult task, most in a simple way is child reproduction by a tuber. To do this, you just need to separate the young tuber from the mother and plant it in a separate container.

All other methods of propagation of cyclamen, in particular, through seeds, are not effective.

ATTENTION: As soon as the leaves begin to turn yellow, watering is reduced, preventing the earthy coma from drying out. A pot with a tuber is placed in a shaded cool place.

Another option for home care to preserve the tubers: after flowering, watering is reduced, and when all the leaves fall, the pot with the plant is laid on its side. The roots do not die off and, in order not to dry out the soil, cyclamen is sometimes watered.

After the cyclamen has gone to rest, its bulb cannot be stored in the refrigerator.. Otherwise, after the end of the rest, he may not wake up. In order for cyclamen to come out of its “vacation” again, you just need to remove it in dark place, such as a balcony, basement or just put it under the bathroom.

During dormancy, it is advised to water the plant no more than 1 time in 2 weeks. Watering should be done with warm water with phytohormones, while you can not get on the flowers, leaves and bulbs.

Watch video about:

If your cyclamen leaves turn yellow, and its flowers remain strong and healthy, then you have dry and warm air in room. You should ventilate the room as often as possible for the favorable flowering of your plant.

If your cyclamen is starting to rot, your soil may be waterlogged.. This is dangerous and the plant may die. Therefore, you need to monitor the plant and water it correctly so that it does not die due to your mistake.

If the plant looks painful in appearance, then your cyclamen struck the cyclamen mite and it is worth starting to fight it as soon as possible.

Try not to overwater the plant so that it does not start to rot, do not get on the leaves and flowers when watering, it is advisable to water the cyclamen through the pan.

  • do not put in too hot place;
  • the plant was planted in a large pot;
  • the plant was watered not through the pan, but directly on the tuber;
  • the plant has not been fed for a long time or the fertilizer had a large amount of nitrogen.


The main rule is to strictly follow the recommendations experienced flower growers, when planting and caring for the plant. If you give cyclamen a little time and care, he will thank you with his beautiful and abundant flowering. Cyclamen flowers are very delicate, unusual and showy. , grown at home with careful care and attention, is able to create comfort and a joyful atmosphere in the house.

We especially need positive emotions in the autumn-winter period, when there are so few sunny days. At this time, most of them are in bloom, which distinguishes them from other plants. Thanks to this flowering schedule, in the summer we can admire other colorful plants, and in cold autumn and winter, enjoy the flowering of the beautiful cyclamen.

It's perennial root plant belongs to the Mirsinov family and is common in Iran and African countries. The flower has other names - alpine violet or dryakva. When buying, many do not know how to care for cyclamen at home, and caring for it has some features. Alpine violet loves good lighting and humid air. This beautiful indoor flower with red flowers is showing up more and more often in greenhouses as it blooms in winter, creating a pleasant and joyful atmosphere with its bright petals.

Cyclamen Care

Many beginning flower growers have a question - how to care for cyclamen flowers at home? There is an opinion that this plant is finicky and demanding, and it is very difficult to take care of it - in an apartment, a mountain plant does not bloom well, suffers from incurable diseases. In fact, the opposite is true - cyclamen at home is unpretentious, and the problems associated with it often occur due to flower growers' ignorance of how to water, grow, propagate and protect a flower from pests.

Alpine violet has more than 20 species, but two of them are the most popular in room culture: Persian and European cyclamen. The life of the plant is contained in the tubers, since there are all the nutrients that help the dryak to survive in the dormant period. The growth and flowering of cyclamen falls at the time from October to March, and the rest of the time it rests. Therefore, it is very important to know the nuances proper care for alpine violet: how often to water, where it is better to put, what temperature is needed.

During flowering

During this period, the plant needs a room with bright lighting and moderate watering. The flower prefers coolness (12 - 15 degrees Celsius), so florists do not recommend placing cyclamen in a pot close to batteries or lamps. Alpine violet loves bright, diffused lighting, but not sunny - burns may appear on the leaves, and they will begin to turn yellow. clean air and optimal humidity(50%) will help the plant to maintain flowering and healthy appearance, as well as avoid diseases.

Watering cyclamen should be moderate and regular, with water room temperature. When carrying out this procedure, it is advisable not to spray the leaves and tubers, since excessive moisture leads to rotting of the plant. The best option- Gently pour water into the rim of the pot. Cyclamen European or Persian during flowering must be fertilized every two to three weeks. Top dressing should not contain a lot of nitrogen, as this leads to the growth of leaves, not buds and flowers.

After flowering

A cycle of active growth and blooming (3-4 months) is followed by a dormant period. At this stage, cyclamen "sheds" the flowers and leaves, which begin to turn yellow, and die off after the next two months. Throughout this period, it is necessary to gradually reduce the watering of the plant to a minimum - excessive moisture leads to rotting of the tuber. During the dormant period, the alpine violet is moved to a cool place with low light.

How to transplant cyclamen

Toward the end of summer, it is advisable to transplant alpine violet into fresh soil. This procedure has its own characteristics. Before transplanting cyclamen, it is necessary to prepare the soil, which contains: two parts of peat, leaf and sod land, one part of sand. It is necessary to transplant into a flowerpot carefully so that the roots are not damaged. It is desirable to treat the earth with a solution of potassium permanganate and steam it, since this indoor plant easily affected by various pests. The tuber is not completely buried - the roots are at the bottom of the cyclamen - they need a place to grow.

Reproduction of cyclamen

It is really possible to carry out this procedure on your own at home, but in order for it to work correctly, you should know how cyclamen reproduces. There are two ways - by seeds or vegetatively (tuber division). Alpine violet is very sensitive to all sorts of interference, so both breeding processes should be carried out carefully. Florists advise beginner gardeners to buy cyclamen mini mix and experiment. This set includes plants with two or three tubers, which will allow several propagation operations.


Vegetative way division is traumatic for the plant, so it is rarely used indoors. The root crop of cyclamen does not give shoots - you have to cut the mother tuber, which threatens to rot the entire flower. For this procedure, old plants are taken, which are several years old. In order for the division process to be successful, it is necessary to carry out a number of operations:

  1. Wait until the leaves of the plant have completely died.
  2. Carefully remove the tuber from the pot and free from the soil.
  3. Propagate the tuber with a clean knife from top to bottom so that each part has roots.
  4. Treat with fungicides (antifungal chemical substances) and let dry.
  5. Plant in different pots.

Growing cyclamen from seeds

How to grow this plant from seeds? Very simple. This method of propagation of alpine violets is more common and not as complicated as vegetative. To obtain cyclamen seeds at home, it is necessary to artificially pollinate the plant. To do this, you need a soft brush, which gently applies pollen from one flower to another. After some time, seeds are born. Their cyclamen hides in a small box under the leaves closer to the ground. It is desirable to get the fruits before the moment when they fall into the ground - ripening occurs before the start of flowering of the alpine violet.

It is best to sow cyclamen seeds when spring comes, after soaking them with a preparation that accelerates the growth of flowers (for example, Epin). Place the fruits in sterile fresh soil to prevent rot. The first shoots will appear 30-40 days after sowing, under conditions suitable for germination and flowering: temperature 18-20 degrees above zero, dark space and moist soil.

Diseases of cyclamen

Alpine violet - gentle home flower Therefore, she is prone to various diseases. Plant care requires a person to have the skills and knowledge of how to revive a cyclamen if it has begun to wither, or what to do if its leaves have begun to turn yellow. Rot, aphids and mites are one of the main enemies of alpine violets. There are a number of symptoms by which one or another disease of cyclamen is distinguished.

Leaves turn yellow

If this happens, the plant does not have enough light, clean air or he's hot. When the leaves turn yellow, you should move the flower to a brighter room, but not under direct sunlight. It is better to let the cyclamen “breathe” with fresh air by placing it on the windowsill by the open window. Another reason for the yellowing of the leaves may be insufficient watering of the plant - you should moisten the soil, but do not overdo it. Due to an excess of water, alpine violet will begin to rot.

Leaves are curling

In the process of damage to the flower by pests or external environment cyclamen leaves may curl. This negative effect can be caused by several reasons:

  1. The presence of pests (mites, aphids, thrips).
  2. Home flowers are affected by bacteria or fungus.
  3. Infection of the soil or its waterlogging.
  4. High air temperature in the room.

Why is it not blooming

The slowdown in growth and flowering of cyclamen may be due to various reasons. One of the main ones is fusarium. This disease causes damage to the tissues of the alpine violet. With Fusarium, the vessels of the plant are filled with toxic substances. This leads to the fact that cyclamen ceases to bloom, and the leaves turn yellow. The initial lesion is difficult to determine by eye, since the cause of the disease is in the soil or seeds. It is desirable to fight Fusarium with the help of fungicides (for example, Agat-25K), which have a detrimental effect on the source of the disease.