Home monster care. Photo of a flower, leaves. How to care for a monster and breed at home

Speaking about the green representatives of the aroid family, it is impossible not to recall the beauty with carved foliage and long aerial roots.

Having first entered the tropical thickets of the monstera, travelers were very frightened by the frightening appearance of large-leaved vines, which turned out to be completely harmless. Despite the fact that monstrum translates as "monster", the so named plants are flexible and unpretentious, grow well both in the jungle and in tubs.

Monstera: harm or benefit?

On the Internet there is information that the monster cannot be kept at home. They say that she is supposedly poisonous, has a bad energy. The question arises whether it is possible to keep the monster at home.

In fact, neither the stem nor the leaves of this plant, unlike dieffenbachia, euphorbia, which can often be found on the windowsills of apartments and in winter gardens, do not contain toxic milky juice. So they are no more dangerous than the stems and leaves of everyone's favorite tomatoes.

Some of my friends have monsters living in bedrooms or living rooms without causing any visible harm. Although chewing them is certainly not recommended ...

As for the action of these luxurious plants at the energy level, their ability to destroy families and cause other family-scale cataclysms has not been scientifically proven, which means that there is serious fear for your home, placing a monster in it is certainly not worth it. After all, we are responsible for relationships with people close to us, not our green favorites.

But the fact that a frightening-looking plant perfectly cleans the air by absorbing some microbes is undeniable. It is not for nothing that this plant in the East is placed at the bed of a seriously ill patient so that it heals him by ionizing the air.

In addition, monstera is a natural barometer that never fails. So, before the rain, drops of water appear on the tips of its carved leaves.

For not too experienced lovers of green exoticism, monstera is a great option. She is so unpretentious that she easily tolerates agricultural mistakes. Naturally, you should not abuse her "patience" and it is better to grow it right from a young sprout right away.

If you manage to find a common language with a tropical guest, in a couple of years you can grow a large plant with leaves up to 40 cm in diameter.When donating part of his living space for him, the owner will be able to enjoy the emerald greenery of his carved foliage, which in some species, with enough sunlight, becomes originally spotted.

How to water a carved-leaf plant

The tropical origin of the monstera "dictates" the conditions of its keeping. The main thing is sufficient watering (once a week in summer, less often in winter) and a regular shower from a spray bottle.

This plant is very fond of water procedures, but the water must certainly be warm and soft. If it is too hard, unattractive streaks will remain on the shiny foliage. In addition, the respiratory stomata through which the plant “breathes” will become clogged.

Monstera leaves, which often reach impressive sizes, collect dust on themselves, which must be removed with a slightly damp sponge as it accumulates.

Lighting Monstera

Nature has given us not many plants that do well in the shade. Monstera is one of them. True, variegated forms are still better placed closer to the light.

But the most common type of this plant is Monsteragourmet - tolerates shade, so for it you can find a corner with a denser darkening.


The tropics are characterized by constant high humidity, diffused light and warmth. Ideal temperature regime for the summer period of life by a monstera room - 22-23 degrees.

In winter, it can be cooler - about 16 degrees. At lower temperatures, root rot is possible.

Fertilizer (top dressing)

Even the most balanced soil depletes over time. So that our beauty does not feel hunger and receive good nutrition, we need to take care of this. I said at the beginning that monstera is not capricious, and this is so. All she needs is feeding with a solution of a complex mineral fertilizer, which is suitable for almost all deciduous plants.

The frequency of such a "treat" is about once every 10 days. Variegated forms can be fed with a special mineralized cocktail designed specifically for them. You can buy it at your nearest flower shop. We fertilize the plant only on wet soil!

In winter, it winters well and on a starvation diet. The result of dressing with a short daylight hours is the appearance of weak leaves, which often do not even form a carved pattern.

How to tie a monster

Monstera is a vine that needs support both in nature and at home. It would seem that there is nothing difficult - just pull the rope, attach a flexible stem to it with the help of “eights” fasteners and - voila!

But the rope version is more suitable for scindapsus or philodendrons. These vines are not as massive, but an adult monstera, which can grow up to 3 meters long, needs more reliable support. In the natural environment, tree trunks serve as it, but in indoor conditions it can be a special pole wrapped in coconut fiber, which must be installed vertically in a pot.

If you don't want to spend money on buying it, you can make a support yourself.

How to make support at home

  • Will need a hollow plastic pipe (plumbing with a diameter of about 10 cm is suitable). It is necessary to drill holes in it along the thickness of the air roots.
  • The lower part should be dug in and filled with stones that will serve as a load and hold the structure upright.
  • We ram sphagnum into the rest of the void. It will need to be kept moist. After a while, the plant will plunge into it with its powerful roots and receive not only support, but also additional moisture.

Attention: under no circumstances should you trim the air roots! Better to direct them into the soil.

How to plant young plants at home

In stores, we are offered cute bushy monsters. But usually they grow as one vine, and the "bush" given by the seller is several young plants crowded together in one pot.

While they are too young, they, like people, feel good together, but the closer the root weaving turns out to be, the closer and uncomfortable they become in one container.

The best option is to plant the monsters in separate pots. At home, this is not at all difficult to do. The main thing is to carefully treat the aerial roots, trying not to break them off. They provide plants with nutrition and oxygen directly from the air.

So that seating does not become too much of a trauma for young monsters, they must first be watered abundantly, and then carefully released from the pot, grasping the bases at the roots and pulling slightly upward. They will easily slide out of the pot along with an earthen lump. We immerse it in a large container of water. The roots freed from the substrate as much as possible unravel easily, and we can easily separate the plants from each other.

  • For the initial planting, you will need pots with a diameter of 10-15 cm. We do drainage in them - we put stones, gravel or small expanded clay. Layer thickness - at least 3-4 cm.
  • Further - a soil mixture consisting of turf, peat, humus and sand (in a ratio of 3: 1: 1: 1). We pour a little of the finished substrate - just so as not to plant roots on bare drainage. We completely fill them with soil mixture and tamp them, not being too zealous.

Transplanting an adult plant

If the monster likes care, it begins to grow by leaps and bounds, giving up to 50 cm of growth per year and many young roots. She does not tolerate crowding, so a young specimen must be replanted every spring. Every time we take a pot of such a diameter that an earthen lump of a plant can easily enter into it, and at least 5 centimeters still remain between it and the walls of the container.

We place the plant with an earthen lump in a large container and fill the side voids with a substrate, and it's done!

Plants at the age of 4 years need to be reloaded in 2-3 years, and those that are older - once every five years. But the top layer of soil (down to underground roots) needs to be changed annually.

To prevent the plant from reaching for the light with one stem, but branching, at a young age it is necessary to "operate" it by cutting off the top with 3-4 internodes. Thus, we will receive material for reproduction, and we will force the plant to branch.

But it must be borne in mind that it will be much more difficult to keep it upright - you will need not one, but several supports. Therefore, pruning it is not always justified. But if you have already decided to do this, then you need to stock up sharp knife.

Cutting a dense stem can only be done with a disinfected blade. The cut site should be immediately treated with crushed charcoal to prevent bacteria from entering.

How to breed a monster at home

And now - a few words about how the monstera reproduces at home. There are two ways - by seeds and vegetatively, that is, by shoots and part of the stem with roots.

The first way is long, troublesome and unreliable. Buying seeds with good similarity is a problem. But if you're lucky and find what you were looking for, you can try growing a mighty plant from a seed.

Seed propagation

  • To do this, you need a bag with a fastener, on the bottom of which we put wet sphagnum (about 5% of the volume interior space) and dip the seeds into it, slightly covering it with moss.
  • Close the fastener and place the bag in heat (at least 25 degrees).

Seeds germinate in about a month and strengthen in a closed ecosystem created inside a greenhouse package. When the seedlings give 2-3 leaves, they can be planted in separate pots, filled with a mixture of sand, turf and leafy soil (in equal proportions).

Propagation by cuttings

The second way, how to breed a monster, is simpler and less risky. Planting material we get during trimming.

  • Place the cut off top in water, adding a couple of drops of root to it. If you need more cuttings, cut them from the stem mother plant... Each should consist of 2-3 internodes with aerial roots. We also put them in water. When it becomes cloudy, it needs to be changed.
  • As soon as the container with the cuttings is filled with roots, they can be planted.

Among the tropical exotic plants that came to us from the American tropics, there are plants that are pleasing to the eye and do not cause trouble. One of them is the monstera, which grows well at home and reproduces easily.

True, it is extremely difficult to get her to bloom in an apartment, but her buds are not as beautiful as carved, with white veins or green leaves. They are the main decoration of a plant that knows how to be grateful for care ...

Not everyone knows how to properly care for this plant, because a monstera flower care at home requires specific, but not at all difficult. Such indoor flowers are wonderful for any room, and the article also answers the question of whether it can be kept at home and what is its effect on a person.

The plant is not that whimsical at all, but after reading the recommendations in this article, there will be no difficulties in planting it in a pot at home and doing everything possible so that it blooms and its sores do not appear.

Caring for a monster at home illness

Most problems with the maintenance of monstera arise from excessive waterlogging of the soil. "Weeping", yellowed and decaying foliage are signs that the plant is being given too much water. For the same reason, stem rot can develop. Pale leaves are a sign of a lack of fertilizer or an excess of light. Small brown dots visible on the underside of the leaf are traces of spider mite activity. Large dark spots appear when the plant is too cold.

Caring for a monster in winter, in summer

The montera loves warmth and in winter, if the ambient temperature is below + 15 °, it will stop rising. Watering the plant during this period of the year should be carried out less often, the soil may dry out between waterings. In summer, the monstera feels "at ease", so she needs abundant watering and intense nutrition more than ever.

With this task, the monstera is helped by its aerial roots - they provide additional supply of nutrients. It remains for the florist to direct the roots to the right side - on a damp support, or press the bracket to the ground. Top dressing with fertilizers in the summer season is carried out once a week, in winter - once a month.

Caring for a monster scythe at home

Modern indoor plant lovers love the monster with that reckless love that their grandmothers once deified ficuses. The decorativeness of the plant is given by its huge cut sheets. Over time, they become covered with dust and must be wiped with a damp cloth. You can give the sheets a special shine and chic by using special polishes, or in the folk way - adding a little milk to the water for washing.

How to properly care for a monster liana at home

Monstera likes diffused light and partial shade. The temperature of its content in winter is 12-16 °. summer 22-25 ° C. The most difficult thing in caring for this plant is to find the optimal humidity. Too dry air leads to the fact that the edge of the monstera leaf begins to dry out, and when high humidity droplets of water form on the leaves (because of this, the monster is popularly called a crybaby).

Watering is done depending on the condition of the soil - it should be slightly moist all the time, but not soggy. Top dressing is done in spring and summer. In the autumn winter period the plant is allowed to rest and does not need to be fertilized.

Can aerial roots be removed or left with aerial roots

Aerial roots cannot be removed from the monstera. With their help, the plant receives additional nutrition. In addition, aerial roots serve as support and help such a powerful plant to stay upright. For the same purpose, for the monstera, you need to purchase a special support twisted with sisal or other fiber, then it will be easier for the liana to climb up.

How to care for a monster after transplanting, shopping so that it blooms and the leaves are large

Even a novice florist can grow a monster. The life span of this plant is over 10 years. At home, the monstera can reach a height of more than 2 m. The acquired or transplanted plant is determined at the east or west window, on the south side the monster will have to be shaded.

Watering this unpretentious vine should be moderate, but the soil should be constantly moistened. Fertilizers for monstera are applied twice a month, from spring to late autumn. In order for the monstera to bloom (except for the above conditions for care and maintenance) in winter, it must be kept at a temperature of 8-15 ° C, significantly reducing watering.

How to care for a monstera flowerpot

When growing a monster in a flowerpot, you need to carefully monitor the watering of this liana. With an excess of moisture, its leaves begin to rot, and with a lack of moisture, dry. During the rest period, it is allowed to water the monster in 1-2 days after it dries. upper layer soil, replacing watering by spraying leaves with a spray bottle. Direct the growing aerial roots into the flowerpot - through them the monstera will receive additional nutrition.

How to care for the leaves of a young room monstera

The leaves of the room monstera must be regularly cleaned of dust by washing them with warm water. Water for washing and spraying the plant is taken softened, otherwise ugly stains may remain on the sheets. Some growers, to give the leaves of monstera shine, use polish, but the leaves of healthy creepers, with proper care, shine even without polish, from nature.

The article considers interesting solution to obtain a fertilizer that is convenient to deal with to improve yields and feed various crops in ...

Despite its bizarre and, to some extent, even frightening appearance, this unusual visitor from the tropical zone belongs to rather unpretentious plants. It is not difficult to grow a monster at home, and even beginner growers can handle it.

Origin and distribution

The plant belongs to the genus Monstera of the Aroid family. About 50 species of this plant are known, however most widespread received an attractive monstera, which is also called a gourmet monster. It is she who can most often be found in our houses, apartments, cultural institutions and office premises.

The rainforests of Central America are home to this magnificent large liana with a thickened stem and airy adventitious roots. IN wild conditions it grows in the hot and humid tropics of Mexico, Panama, Guatemala and Costa Rica.

Gradually, this vine spread to Asia and Australia, where it was cultivated for the sake of obtaining edible fruits. In regions with a temperate climate, monstera is grown as an indoor ornamental deciduous plant indoors, in greenhouses, greenhouses and conservatories.


Growing a monster in room conditions, you should remember about the impressive size of this plant. An adult liana in a house or apartment can quickly grow to the ceiling and take up a significant amount of space in width.

The height of this monstera is over 10 meters

Therefore, if you decide to grow this exotic beauty at home, you will not be able to get by with a small corner on the windowsill. For the monstera, you will need to allocate much more free space than for ordinary indoor plants with a compact crown. Evergreen pets live up to 10 years and even more.

Monstera grows in an original and interesting way. First, new leaves appear on the stem, and the vine grows several of them every year. When the leaves reach an impressive size, they stop growing, and the plant releases new aerial roots. After that, new leaves begin to bloom, and then again aerial roots. In adult plants, the growth of lateral shoots is also observed.


Monstera leaves are petiolate, round, very large. They often have a diameter of 70-90 cm, and under favorable conditions in the wild they can reach a meter in size. The leaves of a domestic monstera do not grow so huge, they have a smaller diameter, on average, 50-60 cm.

Leathery, shiny leaves of a dark green color are located on long petioles that encircle the stem at their base. In a young plant, the first leaves are relatively small. They have an oval-heart-shaped shape and a solid sheet plate. Having gained strength, the monstera already forms large leaves with neat wide slots over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet plate.

Such leaves first appear in the form of a tube tapering upward, which, having reached sufficient size, behind a short time unfolds into a formed sheet plate with large slots. After that, the leaves grow a little more in size, thicken and acquire a slight sheen.

With the onset of maturity, the foliage of the monstera becomes pinnately dissected, with clearly visible segments and stripes. The cut openwork leaves give the plant a peculiar, original and so recognizable appearancefor which it is prized.

The variegated varieties of monstera gourmet look even more unusual and decorative. They are attractive not only for the rugged shape of the leaves, but also for the originality of their color. White stripes, spots and strokes on a dark green background look very impressive.

It should be remembered: in order to maintain an intense and contrasting color, the variegated forms of this luxurious liana need bright, but diffused sunlight. If natural light it will not be enough, the leaves of the monstera will turn green, losing the variegation, which is considered their "highlight".

Flowers and fruits

Monstera is an ornamental deciduous plant... However, when creating favorable conditions content and proper care, it is capable of blooming. In order for a vine to bloom indoors, it needs to create growing conditions close to those that it has in its homeland, in the tropical rainforests of Central America.

Monstera home blooms with small flowers, collected in a cylindrical thick inflorescence. It is quite large, and reaches a length of 20-25 cm.In its shape, the inflorescence is similar to an ear of corn, covered with a kind of veil white with a creamy shade.

After a while, a fruit is formed from the inflorescence, which is a berry 20-30 cm long with a thick skin and juicy pulp. It is curious that the monstera fruit not only smells fragrant, but is also edible. Its pleasant taste is reminiscent of several tropical fruits at the same time: pineapple, banana and mango.


This evergreen tropical vine reproduces in several ways:

  • seeds
  • lateral offspring
  • stem cuttings
  • apical cuttings


The best time for vegetative propagation plants are spring, from March to June. It is better to carry out it at a temperature raised to 22-25 degrees. To do this, cut off the top of the shoot with a sharp knife to obtain cuttings. The stem is divided into parts so that each of the segments has one leaf or a dormant bud.

Places of cuts must be sprinkled with crushed coal, allowed to dry and planted in separate pots, and then covered with foil or glass. In pots intended for planting cuttings, you must definitely do good drainage.

To do this, a layer of coarse gravel, broken shards, bricks, pebbles or expanded clay are placed on the bottom. Then a layer of peat or humus earth is poured about 2 cm thick, and on top a layer of coarse sand is about 2-3 cm, in which the cuttings are planted.

In a warm place, they take root within one and a half to two months. At the same time, cuttings that have at least one aerial root can best take root.

In order for the rooting of new plants to be more successful, a cutting is obtained as follows:

  1. A small incision is made at the top of the monstera.
  2. The incision is wrapped in moss and carefully secured with twine.
  3. This moss dressing is moistened with a little water.
  4. Watch the bandage with moss so that it does not dry out.

This operation stimulates root growth at the incision site. When the roots are formed, the top of the shoot is cut off, and as a result, a finished young plantthat can be dropped on permanent place in a container or pot.

You can use another option: wrap the aerial roots closest to the top with a bandage with moss and attach them to the trunk. Periodically, this dressing should be moistened, not allowing it to dry out. When a large number of new roots are formed, the top must be cut off and, having treated the cut with charcoal, plant this shoot in a pot with an earthen mixture.

There is no need to be afraid to spoil the decorative appearance of the vine by cutting off its top. The fact is that in adult large monstera plants, the lower leaves gradually die off, which makes the trunk bare and the plant loses its attractiveness.

Top trimming stimulates the formation of new lateral shoots, which will give your old plant volume and return its former decorative effect. At the same time, for those who do not want to disrupt the natural course of plant development and prune it, the seed method of reproduction can be recommended.


This method is only possible if the home monstera has bloomed and given seeds. Usually from 10 to 16 seeds are formed in the "cob". After ripening, they are sown in a light earthy mixture. In warmth and with sufficient humidity, the seeds germinate after about a month.

At first, the seedlings grow juvenile uncut leaves, and already at 5-8 months of growth, real adult leaves appear. After two years, the permanently planted plants have a well-developed root system, from 3 to 5 juvenile leaves and 2-4 adult dissected leaves.

Planting and transplanting

To provide the monstera with adequate nutrition, it must be planted in large pots or containers, and periodically transplanted into fresh ground mix.

At the same time, plants are transplanted with the following frequency:

  • young vines - annually
  • plants at the age of three - once every 2 years
  • adult monsters - once every 3-4 years

Large mature specimens, provided that they grow in containers with a large amount of soil, do not need transplanting. In this case, it will be enough to remove the top layer of soil every year and add fresh fertile soil to it.

Soil requirements

In tropical rainforests, where monsters grow, the land consists of forest floor, compost, animal dung, rotted wood, and coal from fires.

So loose fertile soil you need to provide liana and in room conditions. The plant is planted in an earthen mixture having the following composition:

  • turf land (1 part)
  • peat soil (1 part)
  • humus (2 parts)
  • sand (1 part)

Beneficial on the growth and development of this indoor plant the addition of dry mullein to the soil affects. The second version of the soil mixture for planting monstera has the following composition:

  • turf land (3 parts)
  • leaf land (1 part)
  • humus earth (1 part)
  • sand (1 part)

Here is another version of the composition of the earthen mixture for a home monstera:

  • peat (3 parts)
  • humus (2 parts)
  • sand (1 part)
  • turf land (1 part)
  • leaf land (1 part)

Other options for the composition of the soil for this vine are also possible. You can also buy ready-made soil for monsters and palms from a flower shop. In any case, the plant needs to provide good drainage, and the substrate must be light and fertile.

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Growing and care

Homemade monstera is valued not only for its incredible decorative effect, but also for its unpretentiousness... Undemanding to temperature and lighting allows you to grow a monster in both warm and cool rooms, in places with good lighting and in dimly lit corners.

This vine can withstand:

  • dry air
  • temperature differences
  • irregular watering
  • significant gas contamination

Thus, monstera is hardy and very unpretentious plantthat can tolerate deviations from optimal conditions of detention. It will continue to grow, however, in this case, it will cease to bloom and bear fruit.

Monstera is a powerful vine, and supports are necessary for an adult plant, otherwise its stem may break. A good option The support is an artificial trunk with a height of 70-100 cm, which can be purchased at plant stores.

On the lower part of the stem, opposite each leaf of the monstera, aerial roots grow. They, reaching the soil surface, penetrate into the soil and provide the plant with an additional source of water and minerals. This promotes better plant growth and development. In addition, aerial roots serve as a support for young stems.

When growing monstera at home, aerial roots in no case need to be removed. They must be carefully bent down and their growth guided into the ground of the box or pot. The presence of aerial roots not only does not spoil decorative look plants, but on the contrary, gives it a special flavor and that original look, for which the monstera received its unusual name.

Watering and humidity

Indoor monstera prefers abundant watering, but it can tolerate uneven moisture well enough. This part of caring for a vine is not particularly difficult. It needs to be watered regularly: in summer - more often, in winter - less often, but at the same time, both the drying of the earthen coma and excessive waterlogging of the soil in the pot should not be allowed.

Excessive watering and stagnant water for the monstera is highly undesirable. Excessive moisture can cause root rot and the appearance dark spots on foliage, after which some of their beautiful leaves the plant may lose altogether.

Do not forget that monstera is a native of the humid tropics. This vine with aerial roots is not as demanding on temperature and sunlight as it is on high atmospheric humidity. Therefore, your green pet will need to periodically spray the leaves, as well as wash and dust them.

In hot summer, this should be done much more often than in the autumn-winter period. It is very helpful to dip the long, dangling, cord-like roots of the monstera in pots of water. This moisture contributes to much faster leaf development and good plant growth. Water for watering, spraying and wiping the leaves should be used soft, preferably rainwater.

Temperature control and lighting

The optimum temperature for growing monstera at home is about 18-22 degrees. In winter, the temperature for the vine should be approximately 16-18 degrees, but the plant can tolerate small fluctuations and temperature drops.

This luxurious indoor liana will feel good at temperatures ranging from 14 to 25 degrees. Do not turn the container with the plant to the sun too often or move it from one place to another. This can have a very significant effect on its development, and not for the better.

Although the monstera is not too demanding on the light regime and can put up with a lack of sunlight, it is better to place it in well-lit places. The best location for this plant will be on the east or west side. In the summer months, to avoid burns, the monster should be shaded from direct sunlight.

Top dressing

Good growth of this vine is an indicator of the normal development of the monstera. If an adult plant loses the ability to form large, cut leaves, and the emerging new aerial roots become thin, this is a sure sign that the plant is experiencing a lack of nutrition.

When correct composition ground mixture and periodic transplants, the indoor monstera can grow quite well even without additional nutrition. However, feeding with mullein or complex mineral fertilizer not only will not harm, but also bring tangible benefits to the plant.

Fertilize the monster once every 3 weeks. Top dressing can accelerate the vegetative growth of the vine and stimulate flowering. If the plant is grown in a pot or container that has a small volume, then additional nutrition is simply necessary.

Diseases and pests

With proper care, monstera are rarely affected by pests. If this occurs, improper housing conditions or infested neighboring plants may be the cause.

Liana can be damaged by scabbards, spider miteik and mealybug. When the first signs of infection appear, the plant must be treated with special pest preparations.

If the old leaves of monstera gradually turn yellow and die off, this is a natural phenomenon. But for all their unpretentiousness, plants can react to unfavorable conditions.

Let's consider the most common care mistakes:

  1. Dark spots on the leaves this thermophilic creeper can appear due to too low temperatures. In this case, the pot with the plant should be moved to a warmer place.
  2. Monstera leaves may turn yellow in winter due to waterlogging. Wait until the earthy coma dries up and reduce the number and intensity of watering.
  3. Burns on the leaves plants can appear in hot summer from direct sunlight. The monster should be shaded from the direct sun, especially at midday.
  4. If creeper leaves turn pale, losing their intense green color, or dry out altogether, this may indicate a lack of fertilizer. It is necessary to feed every 7-10 days.
  5. If plant stems rot, the reason may be excess moisture and low temperature: it is under these conditions that stem rot develops. In this case, you cannot do without transplanting the plant into another pot. At the same time, you should increase the room temperature to the optimum for the growth and development of the monstera and reduce watering.
  6. Yellowing and drying of leaf edges indicates dry air.
  7. Leaves become smaller and grow without cuts due to insufficient lighting.

Monstera is one of the most beautiful decorative deciduous plants that is grown in closed ground... It is highly regarded in floriculture, and in interiors it can serve as a magnificent decoration. Monstera is best suited for growing in large open spaces.

It looks spectacular in offices, shop windows, hotel lobbies and theater halls, in spacious country houses and large apartments. It is preferable to place this plant separately from others. Monstera itself looks attractive, although it can be combined with other decorative leafy or flowering pets.

Monstera - My Favorite: Home Care

Homemade monstera is an exotic liana from the hot tropics. Description, care, transplantation and reproduction (75 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Monstera is a delightful and truly impressive plant belonging to the vast Aroid family. In the wild, perennials can be found in the tropics, namely in Central and South America.

In total, in the genus of a tropical plant, there are about fifty species of plants, different in shape, structure, height and other characteristics. If we are talking about conditions home growing, then it will not be superfluous to mention such a variety as Monstera delicacy or attractive (lat.Monstera deliciosa). Most often, plant breeders grow this particular indoor flower indoors.

The evergreen monstera boasts climbing airy stems. Very often with hanging aerial roots. A thick ear forms the inflorescence of the plant. Perennial leaves shine brightly in the sun, have a dark green color. As it grows, holes form on the leaves, which are subsequently transformed into slots. Very often, the leaves are oval-heart-shaped; in some varieties, they can reach up to 90 cm in length.

A distinctive property of the monstera in comparison with other indoor plants is the ability to grow quickly and occupy most of the area of \u200b\u200bspace. That is why when you decide to grow this tropical perennial in your home, you should first carefully choose a place for it.

Monstera thrives in heated conservatories. Very often, this perennial is used for landscaping office premises and country houses.

It is interesting! A rather unusual name for a houseplant comes from the Latin word monstrosus - amazing, bizarre. Although many breeders sincerely believe that the name comes from the word monstrum - a monster. And that, and another origin, however, fully justifies the appearance of the plant itself.

Caring for a tropical perennial at home

The monster cannot be classified as an overly whimsical plant, however, care for it should be carried out in accordance with all the rules.

Indoor temperature

  • Monstera, like any other indoor plants, is very skeptical about drafts in the room. Their plant will definitely not forgive you. In the summer, the room can be ventilated or even taken out open balcony or a loggia.
  • IN winter time the thermometer in the room where the monstera grows did not fall below +10 degrees.
  • This is not to say that the whimsical "Tropican" is very demanding of the atmosphere in the room. Monstera tolerates temperature changes very well.
  • In the cold season, the optimal temperature for monstera is in the range from +16 to +18 degrees.
  • In the summer, the temperature in the room where the monstera is comfortably located can range from +23 to +25 degrees.

It is important! The higher the average annual temperature in the room where the monstera is kept, the faster the tropical perennial will grow and develop.

Watering monstera

The next important step in caring for the "Tropicana" is watering the plant. Immediately, we note that a tropical perennial is very moisture-loving, so watering should be abundant. Moreover, the monstera has a clear seasonality of soil moisture.

From early spring to late autumn, the perennial should be watered abundantly. But this should not be done fanatically, because between waterings, the top layer of the substrate should dry out. If this does not happen, watering should be postponed for 1-2 days. Too much watering can lead to the fact that perennial leaves will slowly but surely begin to lose their decorative effect. Black spots will appear on them. There are frequent cases of decay of the root system of a representative of the Aroid family.

In winter, the amount of watering should be reduced several times. However, the soil should not be completely dry.

Water requirements for irrigation. Flower hygiene

Driving for watering monstera must be separated without fail. Do not use tap ode. The temperature of the water is also important. It is preferable if it is room.

A very important role in caring for the monster is played by regular spraying of the flower. It is best to carry out this procedure with a spray bottle at a distance of 20-30 cm. The water requirements for spraying are the same as when watering a perennial.

Do not forget about such an important procedure as flower hygiene. Monstera at home needs regular cleaning from dust that has settled on its leaves. This can be done simply by cleaning the accumulated dirt from the surface of the leaves. This can be done with a damp cloth, wiping the surface of the leaves evenly and smoothly.

Interesting fact! Monstera reacts very interestingly to the approaching change in weather conditions. Transparent droplets slowly begin to form along the edges of the leaves. Many growers say the monstera cries in the rain.

Indoor lighting

Being a true "Tropican", monstera prefers diffused light. Direct sunlight has a detrimental effect on the development of monstera, however, as well as a lack of light.

The ideal place for a monstera is the windowsills on the east and west sides of the house. The best lighting for a houseplant is bright, diffused light. If the perennial can be placed only on the south side of the house, then on the hottest days it will need to be shaded.

Monstera transplant

  • A young plant can be grown in a bucket without any problems until it reaches the age of 3 years. Root system plants feel great in such a container, so the perennial grows and develops quickly. Upon reaching the age of three, the plant can be safely transplanted into a pot.
  • For such a domestic giant as a monstera, a wooden tub would be an excellent option for a growing container. In this case, the capacity should be high and voluminous so that the plant has a place to grow. Low and narrow tubs are not suitable for growing monstera. In them, the plant will feel uncomfortable, and its development will be slowed down. If you decide to use a wooden tub for growing, you need to be especially careful not to flood the plant during watering. Otherwise, rotting of both the roots and the tub itself may occur.
  • Monstera needs to renew the topsoil annually.
  • An ideal soil for perennials includes peat soil, sand, humus, turf in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 3.
  • The "giantess" monstera, with proper care, grows by leaps and bounds. Before you even have time to look around, it will "capture" half of your room. Therefore, without fail, the plant should be supported. It must be at least one meter high.
  • Now let's dwell on the timing of the transplant. If this is a young plant (as a rule, the age of up to four years is conventionally taken), then the transplant should be carried out once a year. As we mentioned above, monstera loves large pots, but cramped conditions can ruin the plant. An adult plant should be transplanted no more than once every two to three years.
  • Correct transplanting will not give significant results if the plant is not regularly fed.

Monstera feed

When applying top dressing, the seasonality rule should be observed: the monster should be fertilized in the spring summer period... In winter, a perennial does not need feeding.

Top dressing composition: for monstera, both root and foliar feeding should be selected.

Fertilization frequency: at least twice a month during the warm spring and summer months. If in winter in the room where the "tropicana" grows, the temperature does not drop below eighteen degrees, then you can only feed the flower with a special fertilizer for representatives of the Aroid family once a month and a half.

Attention! Making feeding for monstera when low temperatures can have a detrimental effect on the development of perennials.

As complex dressings, such as Humisol or Epin are perfect. As foliar feeding you can use Urea K-6.

Breeding monstera. Three main ways

Monstera can and even should be propagated. There are three main ways to do this quickly, easily and without unnecessary problems. The easiest way is to propagate perennials by air layers, and the most laborious - by cuttings. Let's consider an overview of each of these methods.

Method number 1. Reproduction by air layering

Each cut we want to grow must have at least 1 aerial root and one leaf. The taken cut should be planted in a separate container with a nutrient substrate, watered abundantly and grown as a separate plant. The growing conditions for young cuttings are the same as for growing the monstera itself: the temperature is not lower than + 18 + 20 degrees, diffused light, no drafts.

Method number 2 Propagation by cuttings

This method is in the first place in terms of labor intensity. For best results, use either the stem or lateral suckers. To germinate cuttings, you can independently prepare a soil mixture by taking sand and humus and mixing them in equal proportions. Do not forget about the drainage layer, which needs to be laid out on the bottom of the pot. Carefully place the selected cutting into a container, sprinkle with nutrient mixture and water liberally. After that, cover the pot with glass on top and put it in a well-lit place (but not in the sun). The plant should be watered at least twice a day. As soon as the planted cuttings give the first roots, they should be immediately transplanted into a separate container and grown further as an independent plant according to all the rules that we talked about above in the article.

Method number 3 Seed propagation

This method of reproduction is practiced by many gardeners. For its implementation, you will need fresh monstera seeds, which have not yet had time to lose their germination. The seed is planted in a nutrient mixture and germinated in comfortable conditions for a month. The temperature in the room where young seedlings are located should be at least +20 degrees. Lighting - shaded sunny place.

In about a month, the first shoots will begin to hatch, but it will be possible to see young plants with about 9-10 leaves no earlier than in two years. Growing monstera from seeds is considered one of the longest-term projects. But it is worth noting that perennials obtained in this way grow strong and hardy.

An important rule for all three growing methods: you should always create conditions for growing plantings the same as for a young, but already matured monstera.

Unfortunately, not always caring for a monster does not give the grower any problems!

Difficulties in growing monstera

When growing monstera, like any other indoor plant, there are nuances. Often, the development of diseases is the result of improper care of perennials.

  • Excessively high temperatures in the room where the monstera is kept can affect the leaves of the perennial. If there is a massive exposure of the trunk in its lower part, then you must immediately lower the temperature to an acceptable level.
  • If you notice that the leaves of the monstera have become smaller, pay attention to the lighting indoor flower... It is possible that the plant simply does not have enough light.
  • Monstera will react to an excess amount of water in the soil by yellowing the leaves.

Often monstera suffers from an attack harmful insects... For example, thrips act very cunningly. They settle on back side sheet, so they are not easy to spot. You can fight thrips with insecticides.

Another enemy of the monstera is spider mite... Perennial leaves become lethargic, the plant slows down its growth. They fight the tick with soapy water and Actellic.

Monstera is a delightful tropical plant that will decorate your home or office for years to come.

Monstera is a large tropical vine from the Aroid family. Under natural conditions, it is distributed in the humid tropics of South America and Brazil. A number of species are grown as indoor crops, but the most widespread is the gourmet monstera.

Monstera is an evergreen tropical liana with large leaves up to half a meter in diameter. It is attached to the support with the help of adventitious air roots. If contact with the soil mixture is lost, it can live as an epiphyte for a long time. The leaves of this vine are pinnately dissected and strongly perforated. Flowers are represented by peculiar cobs.

Important! Monstera leaves can be irritating to mucous membranes. And in some cases, even lead to serious poisoning.

Monstera is an evergreen tropical vine with large leaves up to half a meter in diameter

The optimal timing for reproduction and plant transplantation

Monstera has the ability to grow rapidly, so young specimens of this plant should be replanted annually. The best time to transplant is spring.... The roots of the plant are quite fragile, you need to act very carefully.

During transplantation, do not forget about the aerial roots. They are carefully tucked into the soil layer. Upon reaching 5-6 years of age, the monstera becomes very large and does not transplant anymore. Instead, the topsoil is replaced in the pot.

Breeding should also be planned for spring and summer. At this point, the plant has a fairly high vigor of growth. therefore rooting of cuttings and leaves occurs as soon as possible.

Gallery: monstera (25 photos)

Features of growing monstera (video)

Monstera breeding methods at home

Breeding a monster at home is quite simple. Of course, you can buy an already adult and large plant, but self-cultivation the process is exciting and informative. There are the following ways to propagate this flower.

Reproduction technology by cuttings

The simplest and quick way breeding monstera is the rooting of stem cuttings... For this, the plant stem is cut into several parts, each of which must have at least 2 viable buds.

After harvesting, the cuttings are planted in a loose, moisture-consuming substrate. For example, you can use soil for growing seedlings. Cuttings are planted obliquelyso that one of its buds is in contact with the soil. It is not necessary to cover the cutting with earth, it is simply fixed with a bracket.

From above it is covered with a plastic bag or jar to create a greenhouse effect. The cover should be removed periodically for ventilation. Once a new leaf has developed, the stalk can be gently transplanted into a permanent location.

A quick way to reproduce monstera is by rooting stem cuttings

How to propagate and plant a monster with a leaf

You can even propagate a monster with one sheet.... To do this, it is placed in a container with boiled water, on the bottom of which a piece is placed charcoal... The leaf rooting process can take from a month to two, or even completely fail. After development enough leaf roots are planted in nutritious and loose soil.

Features of reproduction by aerial roots

As a cutting, you can use not only the stem of the plant, but also its part with aerial roots. It is carefully cut from the mother plant and planted in a pre-prepared nutrient substrate. Full rooting occurs very quickly.

As a cutting, you can use not only the stem of the plant, but also its part with aerial roots

How to root a monster with a tip

Very often, after pruning an overgrown plant, apical cuttings, the so-called tops, remain. They can be used quite successfully for reproduction. For rooting, the tops are placed in water or planted in a moisture-absorbing substrate. The root formation process usually takes about 2 weeks.

What you need to know about plant transplant

Monstera is a fast growing large plant. It develops especially intensively in the first 5-6 years. Therefore, during this period, the plant needs an annual transplant. All transplant work should be carried out with gloves., monstera juice is irritating.

The soil for this vine is made up of peat, humus and sand, taken in equal proportions. At the bottom of the future pot, a drainage layer of expanded clay is necessarily equipped. Plant transplanting is best done using the transhipment method. The fragile roots of the flower are damaged very easily, so you need to act very carefully.

How to transplant a monster (video)

Care of young plants

Caring for young monstera plants is not particularly difficult. The main thing is to observe the following conditions:


For successful growth and development, a monstera needs bright, but diffused light. Direct sunlight is harmful to the plant. Even with short exposure to the sun, the leaves of the plant can get serious burns.

The best place to place it is east and west facing windows. On the north side, the plant will experience a lack of light, and on the south, it will suffer from the scorching sun. Large, even leaves of monstera without signs of yellowness serve as an indicator of the correct selected lighting mode. With a lack of light, the leaves become much smaller and become less carved.

For successful growth and development, a monstera needs bright, but diffused light.


When growing a monstera in room conditions, it does not require any special temperature regime. Simply should knowthat at higher temperature indicators the plant develops more actively. The optimum temperature for it is in the range of 20-25 ° C. In winter, it can be reduced to 18-20 °, but it should not fall below + 10 °. Also cold drafts are very dangerous for monstera.


Like most tropical plants, monstera needs abundant watering... She especially needs a lot of moisture from March to September, at which time the earthen lump in the flowerpot with the plant should be constantly wet. Watering is significantly reduced in autumn and reduced to a minimum in winter. Water used for irrigation must necessarily be settled and have room temperature... When watering a flower, moderation must be observed, the bay for it is no less destructive than overdrying.

Monstera needs abundant watering

Humidity of air and spraying

Monstera comes from tropical rainforests, so it responds well to periodic spraying with warm, settled water. Also, its leaves should be wiped with a damp cloth in order to remove dust and other contaminants.