home flower bamboo care. "Plant of luck" - indoor decorative bamboo. How to provide him with proper care at home. Where to place the plant - we act according to Feng Shui

Indoor bamboo, or Sander's dracaena (Dracaena brauniic) - unpretentious evergreen exotic plant, decorative types which will perfectly fit into any home or office interior. AT room conditions the plant can grow long time, the main thing is proper care, in compliance with all recommendations and requirements. Decorative bamboo refers to varieties of dracaena. It can be grown not only in soil, but also in water. It grows and how solitary plant and in group compositions. Representatives of the art of Feng Shui consider bamboo a symbol of well-being, happiness and good luck.

Ornamental bamboo consists of a green or yellow-green bare or leafy stem and bright green leaves at its top. Plant care is not difficult. It must be grown in conditions close to its natural environment.

Care rules are slightly different depending on where the flower is grown - in soil or in water, but some of them are suitable for both growing methods.

Location and lighting

Bamboo prefers diffused lighting without direct sunlight, which can be created with help easy a light-transmitting curtain on the windowsill on the west or east side of the room. If you take into account the recommendations of the teachings of Feng Shui, then the place of decorative bamboo should be in the southeastern part of the room.

With a lack of lighting, the plant will lose the leaf part, and its development will slow down. The lack of light will immediately affect decorative qualities indoor flower.


The ideal temperature for growing bamboo is from 18 to 25 degrees, but the thirty-degree mark in summer season the plant will survive without negative consequences.

Air humidity

The level of air humidity for a flower does not matter much, but wet care in the form of wiping the leaves from dust is very necessary for the plant. Such water procedures are recommended to be carried out regularly.

This method of growing decorative bamboo is the most suitable and does not take much time for care. The water in the tank is changed once a week. For unpretentious plant this is quite enough to create optimal conditions for development. Such water base contributes to the rapid and harmonious growth of indoor bamboo. Even at room conditions, exotic bamboo reaches a height of one to two meters. When growing a group of plants for a short time you can create your own tropical garden.

In the absence of fertilizers, the plant will lose the leaf part or the stem will become yellow color. Fertilization is very important element caring for indoor bamboo. Top dressing is introduced directly into the water, at the time of its replacement with fresh water. One top dressing in 2-3 months will be enough. Fertilizer is recommended to use mineral, intended for plants of this type.

In one flower container, you can grow several bamboo stalks at once. For convenience and decoration, all plants are tied together with a braid of any contrasting color. As a container, you can use not only traditional flower pots or containers, but also glass vases or glasses, and as the bamboo grows, buckets and deep jugs. With a plant height of more than 50-80 centimeters, the growing vessels are placed only on the floor in close proximity to a light source or window.

Water for irrigation and cultivation of decorative bamboo should be soft. It is advisable to use settled for several days or melt water. it evergreen can not be watered with tap and filtered water.

Preparation of melt water:

  • Fill a plastic container with water.
  • Put in freezer for 2 days.
  • Defrost and use as directed.

The soil

Ornamental bamboo or sander's dracaena develops much better in soil than in water. Plants do not like the constant presence of the root part in a humid environment, and water does not linger in the soil for long. Any soil mixture is suitable for growing. You can purchase the most common, designed for most indoor flowers. This method of growing and somewhat simplifies the care of the plant itself. Soil, like water, does not need to be changed every week.


A significant difference in care is regular and timely watering. The soil in the container with the plant should always be slightly moist, it should not be allowed to dry out. If Dracaena Sander was transferred from water to soil, then it is very important to constantly water it and carefully monitor the general condition and development until the bamboo finally takes root in a new place.

Watering in autumn winter period needs to be significantly reduced. It is important to prevent stagnant water in the soil. This can lead to the formation of mold, which is one of the main enemies of decorative bamboo. In order to prevent this disease, it is recommended that when planting, do not forget about the drainage layer and drainage holes in the flower pot.

Feeds and fertilizers

Bamboo grown in the ground is also vital for timely top dressing in the form of fertilizers intended for various kinds dracaena. They are introduced at intervals of 2-3 months along with irrigation water.

Indoor bamboo can be multiplied by several different ways: seeds (in rare cases), cuttings, offspring and apical shoots. It will take a lot of time and effort to propagate by offspring and tops. Such methods are considered difficult. grow bamboo seed way- even more difficult, and in room conditions - almost unrealistic. Sowing seeds, the appearance of seedlings and long-term care for them is a laborious and long process. Therefore, most often flower growers use one method - cuttings. It is considered the most affordable and suitable for this exotic specimen.

Reproduction of indoor bamboo cuttings

It is recommended to propagate indoor bamboo cuttings in the spring. As planting material young shoots are used, which just at this time appear on a mature plant. They must be carefully separated or cut from the main stem and planted in the ground for rooting.

The soil for germinating the root part is the same as for an adult plant. Bamboo is a fast growing plant. This quality of his extends not only to his stem, but also to root system. Therefore, the container for the handle must be selected spacious and medium in height. Even with small cuttings, the pot will very quickly become bamboo in size.

You can simplify the breeding procedure by combining it with the next transplant of a houseplant, which experienced flower growers recommend once a year or every two years. Spring is also a favorable time for transplanting, as is propagation by cuttings. It is very important to pay great attention to the newly transplanted plant and young cuttings, in order to avoid various difficulties and problems with their growth and development in a new place and in a new status.

The main care is regular watering and loosening the soil. Watering is carried out daily and only with settled irrigation water with a temperature of not less than 22-25 degrees Celsius. Mandatory water procedure is also a wet wiping of the leaf part of the plant from dust.

Loosening the soil is also very important for the development of an indoor flower. Young cuttings, or rather their root part, will be able to get required amount fresh air, which will contribute to better root formation and rooting in new conditions.

Decorative bamboo or Sander's dracaena can feel great and fully develop in various conditions. It's unpretentious indoor plant does not differ in external qualities depending on the place of cultivation. It develops equally favorably in both water and soil. With proper care, bamboo will turn an ordinary home or work space into a cozy tropical corner. The rapid growth of this exotic representative is capable of creating in a short time home comfort and pleasant atmosphere.

Dracaena sander or babmuk of happiness. Care, reproduction, pests (video)

House bamboo - evergreen, ornamental plant, with which you can bring a little exotic China into the interior. In fact, with genuine bamboo growing in nature, indoor flower has no related roots. In the conditions of apartments, everyone is used to seeing Sander's dracaena, which, thanks to its amazing resemblance to the Asian shrub, got its name. To grow indoor bamboo, caring for it will require a lot of time and effort, but the result will exceed all expectations.

Features of caring for bamboo at home

Dracaena is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa and South America. The plant can reach a height of more than 1 m, the leaves are bright green, slightly twisted, no more than 20 cm long. Longitudinal stripes on the trunk - dormant buds - give the flower similarity to real bamboo.


Caring for homemade bamboo does not require too bright lighting, the flower tolerates partial shade quite well, and scorching sunlight can cause leaf burns. The best location - rooms facing east, do not put bamboo on the windowsill, it is better to place it near the window on a special stand or pedestal. So he will not only feel more comfortable, but also decorate the interior.

Air temperature

The temperature range at which it is recommended to grow a plant is quite wide. Home bamboo will feel great in rooms with air temperatures from +17 ° C to +28 ° C. The flower does not have a pronounced dormant period, therefore, in winter time you don't have to change the conditions.

Attention! The plant should be protected from drafts, especially in winter when ventilating the premises.

Air humidity

Indoor bamboo plant will require a special microclimate, similar to the tropics familiar to it. Regular air humidification is the key to a beautiful and strong flower. Spraying is not recommended, the accumulation of moisture on the stems can lead to their decay. It is better to put a decorative wide container filled with water and river pebbles next to the pot. Dust particles from the leaves and trunk can be removed with a damp cotton pad or a finely porous sponge.

Watering house bamboo

flower prefers humid environment habitation, therefore watering is necessary frequent and plentiful. You need to ensure that the soil never dries out and always remains slightly moist. In winter, the plant will require less moisture, so watering can be slightly reduced, but continue to focus on the state of the substrate.

Water is needed only melt or rain, which somewhat complicates the care of indoor bamboo. Experienced flower growers it is recommended to “prepare” melt water using the freezing method. Pour into a plastic bottle tap water and put it in the freezer. After, the resulting ice is thawed at room temperature.

The composition of the soil for cultivation homemade bamboo

The soil should be loose, well permeable to water, however, compositions containing a large amount of peat should be avoided. Best Option- garden soil mixed with sand:

  • garden soil - 3 parts,
  • medium-grained sand - 1 part.

To grow homemade bamboo you need good drainage, it should occupy at least 25% of the total volume of the pot. You can use broken bricks, clay shards or expanded clay of the middle fraction.


When growing bamboo at home, its care should include regular feeding. The plant responds well to minerals, especially to the content of trace elements such as nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil, for this reason a special composition for dracaena should be purchased. The fertilizer contains all the necessary substances in the right amount, a suitable composition can be found in the "Flower Happiness" line.

Frequency of fertilizing: in the active growth phase every 20 days, from October to March - 1 time in 2-3 months.

Important! If the leaves turn yellow, this is a signal that the flower may not have enough nutrients.

Planting and transplanting indoor bamboo

The root system of the flower grows quite quickly, so young specimens are recommended to be transplanted annually. With each transplant, you should select new pot larger diameter. The container should be deep enough and moderately wide, at least 5 cm should remain from the stems to the edge of the pot. A little earthen mixture should be poured onto the drainage layer, then planted, the rest of the mixture should be evenly distributed around the bamboo, slightly compacted and moistened. After planting, the flower especially needs moist soil, so watering will need to be given special attention.

Growing indoor bamboo in water

Instead of soil, bamboo is successfully grown in water containers. Under such conditions, the flower will feel much better, in addition, the grower will be able to create intricate compositions that decorate the interior.

Bamboo will look most beautiful in glass vase cube or cylinder. Can be placed on the bottom decorative stones or shells, but before placing them in a container, they should be well disinfected by dousing with boiling water.

To prevent the development of bacteria in the vase, giving the water bad smell, it is recommended to periodically add charcoal. It not only has a slight disinfecting effect, but will also benefit the plant. Water for caring for indoor bamboo should be taken exactly the same as for watering - melt or rain, and change it in a vase every week. Infrequent water changes can lead to the formation of mold on the root system of the flower.

Features of propagation of home bamboo

The easiest way to propagate is by rooting shoots. The resulting shoot can be put in a glass of water and wait for the root system to appear or immediately root in the ground. To grow young bamboo, you can use peat and sand mixed in equal parts, there must be drainage holes in the container to ensure good aeration of the soil. For successful rooting, dracaena should be kept in a well-lit room, watered abundantly and often.

Diseases and pests of indoor bamboo

Serious diseases rarely affect the plant, most often worsening appearance provokes poor care of home bamboo. Yellowing of stems and leaves usually occurs when:

  • lack of nutrients
  • water for irrigation is too hard or chlorinated,
  • heavy soil composition or lack of drainage.

Dry leaves should be cut off immediately, after 5-6 hours, after the cuts have dried, they can be treated with powder charcoal. Leave the coal on the plant for a couple of hours, then remove it, and cover the cut with soft wax.

Sometimes you can notice that the stems of the plant begin to dry out. Most often this happens due to too bright lighting, you should rearrange the flower to another place and watch it.

Pests also try to bypass bamboo, but in dry and hot weather they can be seen on the leaves. spider mite or thrips. To combat them, modern chemicals, for example, Fitoverm, or folk remedies.

Homemade bamboo can not only be a wonderful interior decoration, but also great gift. It is believed that the plant brings happiness, good luck and prosperity, and is also a symbol of stamina and masculinity.

Bamboo home care video

According to the adherents of the philosophy of Feng Shui, a houseplant bamboo can bring happiness, good luck and prosperity to its owner. A variety of dracaena, this flower has nothing to do with real bamboo, brought to us from Asia and has become a real hit in the design of offices, restaurants and hotels.

How to grow bamboo at home

A plant that has become fashionable among flower growers can be grown in several ways:

  • In a pot with soil;
  • In water;
  • in a hydrogel.

Like all indoor plants, bamboo thrives in a pot of earth. In order for him to be comfortable, it is best to choose a soil suitable for dracaena. At the bottom of the pot in which the flower will be planted, it is necessary to pour small pebbles or decorative glass, which will serve as drainage.

Indoor bamboo. Care and reproduction

The second, quite unusual for traditional plant cultivation, is planting and caring for bamboo in water. To do this, a vessel with clean, filtered water is taken, pebbles are poured onto the bottom, and a plant is planted. Drainage should not exceed the level of the plant's root system. The only condition for caring for bamboo in water is frequent change and topping up.

Bamboo, or as it is also called, Sander's dracaena, feels best in a special hydrogel. It is a special soil composition impregnated with a gel-like substance. The hydrogel can be different color(transparent, mother-of-pearl, green), therefore, in order to make the plant look especially spectacular, it is planted in a transparent pot.

Indoor bamboo: care and reproduction

To grow sander bamboo, you can use seeds or cuttings. It is best to plant a plant in March, when natural forcing begins. To propagate indoor bamboo, the seeds are soaked in water until they germinate. Then they are planted in the ground, which includes:

  • drainage - 1/4
  • sand 1/4
  • earth 2/4.

After planting in the ground, the seeds should be covered with a film to create a greenhouse effect.

indoor bamboo. Care

Propagation of indoor bamboo is also possible by cuttings. To do this, you need to pinch off and put an escape in the water. After 3-4 weeks, it will have roots, which means that it will be possible to plant the plant in soil, water or hydrogel.

If you have a plant in your house that brings good luck, learn how to properly care for it:

  1. Water abundantly in summer and reduce watering in winter;
  2. Feed the plant with special fertilizer for dracaena once every 3 months;
  3. Make sure that the room is not too hot, otherwise after a while you will notice that the leaves of indoor bamboo have turned yellow;
  4. Water bamboo only with settled water, the temperature of which is 18-20 degrees;
  5. Do not put it on a windowsill with a sunny side.
  6. Also, the plant does not like cold air. Therefore, so that the leaves of indoor bamboo do not turn yellow, remove it from drafts when airing. If brown or yellowish spots appear on the leaves, it means that the bamboo does not have enough moisture.

Caring for a houseplant bamboo sander does not require special, complex procedures, but if you create it comfortable conditions, the plant will delight you with its original appearance.

"Bamboo of happiness": how to spin it yourself?

An exotic houseplant, Sander's bamboo has a leafless, curved stem. It is he who is the "chip" of the flower. Bending the stem and giving it various forms, designers create unique, original figures and expositions.

You can spin the plant yourself:

Push the stem of the plant into a curved plastic tube and leave it that way for a few weeks. The bamboo will take shape and, after removing the straw, will not change it.

Bend young shoots that have not yet become stiff as you need and secure with wire. After a few weeks, the fasteners can be removed, and the stem will be fixed and take shape.

In order for the plant to look really impressive, it must be artificially twisted, since bamboo will only grow in height on its own.

How to spin a boombook yourself. A photo

What does feng shui bamboo mean?

There is a system for combining the number of stems in bamboo. If you believe, feng shui, by creating a certain composition of several processes, you can attract all the benefits to the house.

  • 3 stems - joy and peace;
  • 5 stems - financial well-being and good luck in business;
  • 7 stems - health and longevity;
  • 20 stems - love and family happiness;
  • 21 stems - well-being in all areas of life.

In order not to invite trouble, compositions with 4 stems should be avoided. It is considered unfavorable in feng shui.

For amplification magical properties plants, bamboo stems are tied with beautiful golden or red ribbons, and multi-colored glass and pebbles are laid on the ground.

It is also customary to “plant” animal figurines to happiness bamboo: dogs, elephants, pandas or frogs. It is believed that they have a beneficial effect on the energy of the plant.

Pruning and propagating bamboo in water

To shape and also provide quality care houseplant bamboo, annual pruning of shoots and stems. To do this, you need to use special garden scissors or secateurs for trimming indoor flowers.

Cut shoots can be used as cuttings for plant propagation. Removed shoots are placed in a jar of water until roots appear. Sections at the stem of the plant should be smeared with liquid wax to prevent rotting in water.

If the plant does not shoot well, then you should pinch or cut off part of the trunk and then new green leaves will appear on the sides.

Today, indoor bamboo can be found in many homes. And no wonder, because this exotic plant has a very attractive and original look. And if you believe the philosophy of Feng Shui, then indoor bamboo is also able to attract good luck and prosperity to the house.

Indoor bamboo - a plant of happiness and good luck

In fact, indoor bamboo has little in common with ordinary wild bamboo, and is a type of dracaena. The real name of indoor bamboo is Dracaena Sander, and it belongs to the shrub species of Dracaena. Although all over the world this plant has become widespread precisely under the name - indoor bamboo.

Indoor bamboo - watering

Indoor bamboo grows well at home and is not very whimsical in care, it can grow both in soil and in water. An important condition for proper cultivation bamboo is to provide the plant with abundant and timely watering. In the warm season, bamboo requires frequent watering, and in the cold season, moderate watering is needed to prevent the soil from drying out.

If bamboo does not grow in the ground, but in a container of water, it is necessary change water every two weeks and feed the plant with mineral supplements that will provide it good food and development.

And bamboo growing in the ground does not need special feeding. Do not water the plant with tap water, as the chlorine contained in it can destroy it. It is best to use melted water. To obtain it, you need to pour water into plastic bottle and put in the freezer overnight. Then take out the bottle, let the ice thaw, drain the sediment and water the flowers with the resulting water. Yellowing bamboo leaves can signal you about improper watering.

Indoor Bamboo - Lighting

Bamboo leaves are very sensitive to direct sunlight. and can turn yellow and dry out from this. Therefore, do not put the plant on sunny windows, but find a semi-shady place for it.

Bamboo is not afraid of dry air, so it does not need to be sprayed. Just periodically wipe the leaves from dust. Bamboo is also not very sensitive to temperature changes and grows well at temperatures from 18 to 35 degrees.

Indoor Bamboo - Soil

With regard to soil, bamboo is very unpretentious. It can be grown in any soil for indoor plants or you can buy a special soil for plants of the Dracaena family. You can also mix sand and flower soil in equal proportions - bamboo will grow even in such conditions. Before planting, do not forget to lay drainage from expanded clay or ordinary pebbles on the bottom of the pot. About once every three months, bamboo can be fed with special fertilizers for dracaena plants.

It should be repotted in the spring and no more than once a year. To do this, carefully cut off the apical cuttings from an adult plant and place them in moist soil or water. For transplantation, you can also use stems with "sleeping" buds.

Adult indoor bamboo usually has the appearance of a tall tree with a straight stem and elongated, large leaves, and can reach 70 centimeters in height. You can also give its straight stems a curved look. To do this, you need to independently form bends by twisting the stem around some kind of support. Many also like the look of bare stems with leaves only at the top. To do this, you just need to carefully break off the extra shoots during growth.

indoor bamboo and feng shui

  • Indoor bamboo is a plant of happiness and good luck. For those who believe in the philosophy of Feng Shui and want indoor bamboo to bring good luck and wealth to the house, you need to put a plant in the southeast corner of the room.
  • Be sure to carefully care for your plant so that the “money and good luck generator” sees the right policy in your actions, and plant a three-legged toad next to it.

Caring for indoor bamboo is a fun activity that will inspire any connoisseur of fresh flowers. The bamboo plant tends to be more whimsical indoors, so it needs a lot of gentle loving care. It is especially important to monitor the humidity so that the bamboo gets enough water, and at the same time is not oversaturated with it.

The properties of bamboo lie in the flexibility and plasticity of its stems, thanks to which intricate shapes can be created. Bamboo flowers almost do not ripen in room conditions, and therefore the main advantage for the decor of the room lies in the graceful stem, which perfectly conveys the atmosphere of the exotic. Growing such a miracle at home is a task of medium complexity and quite affordable pleasure even for a beginner. Some gardeners suggest growing bamboo directly in water or hydrogel. This option has a beautiful aesthetic appearance and will decorate any room. However, it should be remembered that raw materials such as water and hydrogel (balls that absorb water) are devoid of essential minerals and do not provide long-term preservation of the plant. If you want the plant to please the eye and enliven the interior for 3-7 years, you should plant it in the soil. To do this, use the following steps.

Step 1

Find a wide, stocky growing pot. Choose a container that is 2 times the diameter of the plant's root. There must be at least 5 cm of space between the rhizome and the side walls.

Good drainage is key to the survival of most types of bamboo, so make sure there are enough holes in the base of the pot.

Step 2

Consider a moisture tray. Bamboo loves moisture, which can make indoor cultivation challenging task. The constant presence of water under the bamboo, which is not absorbed by the roots, is the easiest way to make indoor air humid. This can be done in two ways.

Drainage tray:

  • Fill the tray with a layer of gravel.
  • Add a layer of water to the tray.
  • Place the pot over the drain so it doesn't touch the water.


  • Place a layer of gravel on the bottom of the pot.
  • Place the pot in a shallow pan of water.

In this way, you will create a greenhouse effect that matches the humid climate that this plant is used to.

Step 3

Fill the pot with well-draining soil. Bamboo needs light to moderate soil density to provide a fast draining effect with moisture retention capacity. You can use standard backfill mix or make your own. own version loam soil, perlite (or washed sand) and ⅓ peat moss (or well-rotted compost).

Most species of bamboo can live in a variety of draining soils, so the exact composition will not affect the plant. You can also use decent quality soil from your garden. Avoid severe clay soil which does not conduct water well.

Bamboo tends to grow best in slightly acidic soils with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5, but most species tolerate pH up to 7.5. Most soils fall within this range.

Step 4

Plant bamboo in shallow water. Leave the stem and top of the rhizome above soil level to prevent rotting. Press the soil down to get rid of air bubbles and water the plant.

Bamboo care at home

Bamboo should be watered carefully and very carefully. This is the most difficult part of the care because indoor bamboo is always thirsty, but at the same time prone to oversaturation. To begin with, pour water until a little water overflows. Let the top 5-7.5 cm of soil dry out before each watering session. If the soil remains wet for more than 1-2 days, the amount of water should be reduced.

Watering and humidity level

If a top part soil dries out quickly, dig to a depth of 10cm to check for moisture. At depth, the soil should remain slightly moist most of the time, especially during the first three months after planting.

Most bamboo plants prefer moist air, especially during hot weather.

To ensure the necessary comfort for the plant, you need to follow the basic recommendations:

  • place the pot in a wet drain pan as described in the planting section above;
  • lightly water the leaves with a spray bottle every couple of days;
  • use a humidifier in the room;
  • put the plants close together (but keep in mind that this increases the risk of diseases).

You must strike a balance fine line between constant moisture and waterlogging, as this is necessary condition healthy growth.


Caring for indoor bamboo at home necessarily includes the correct level of light, which may differ for each species. If you know the name of your bamboo, you need to find specific recommendations for it. If the plant needs more light than the climate allows, install an evening light. If the plant species is unknown, start with the following rules of thumb.

Need more light:

  • plants with small leaves;
  • tropical species;
  • located in warm rooms.

Less Light Required:

  • plants with large leaves;
  • during the winter hibernation season;
  • plants that keep in cool rooms.

Most types of bamboo, including "bamboo of happiness", prefer bright, filtered sunlight, for example, under the rainforest canopy. Avoid direct sunlight as it burns the leaves. They are more tolerant of a lack of light than an excess of it.

Transplant and top dressing

Bamboo needs to be fertilized regularly as this plant grows quickly as long as it has container space and needs additional nutrients to support this growth. The dose of slow release fertilizer at the beginning of the growing season is good way ensure a sustainable supply. Use a balanced fertilizer such as 16-16-16 or a nitrogen (N) fertilizer such as 30-10-10. The high nitrogen variant prevents flowering, which weakens many types of bamboo.

Warning: Do not fertilize bamboo within 6 months of purchase. Most plants get enough fertilizer in the nursery.

You should also avoid seaweed-based fertilizers due to their excessive salt content.

Bamboo breeds vegetatively. It is possible to cut a plant all year round. Cut cuttings are rooted in the ground or in water.

Regular pruning

Bamboo is very tolerant of pruning, so feel free to shape it as soon as the plant has established itself and if there is no suspicion of poor health:

  • cut dried, stunted or excess stems (culminations) at soil level;
  • to prevent the stem from growing upwards and to secure it to a certain height, cut it just above the node (branching point);
  • thinning branches should be done regularly if you are encouraging vertical growth.
  • remove lower branches for aesthetics.

Bamboo can grow in two different ways, depending on its species. So Dracaena Sandera, or "bamboo of happiness" leaves long shoots, forming ovaries, which should then be separated and grown a new plant. This species grows spirally for three to five years. Any kind of plant needs to be transplanted into a larger pot once a year in the first three years of life.

Propagation of bamboo plants occurs by cutting off part of the stem and placing it in a separate container with water until it gives roots.

Diseases and pests of a houseplant

It is quite common for a bamboo plant to lose a lot of leaves when moving around a room or transplanting. As long as the new leaves at the ends of the branches look healthy, the plant should recover. If these leaves are falling or looking unhealthy, then a couple of months on outdoors(if climate permits).

In the case when the leaves turned yellow and fell off without moving and transplanting, other reasons are possible:

  • some species hibernate and fall off in low light conditions. The cold winter period with low light is suitable for these plants and reduces leaf fall. Remember that the fewer green leaves, the less water the plant needs.
  • often the leaves fall in the spring, and this is a variant of the norm, as there is a gradual replacement with fresh foliage. If there is a mixture of green, yellow, and new leaves as well as shoots, then that means the plant is healthy.

If the yellowing of the leaves occurs outside of the dormant season, it could mean several different things:

  1. If they look dry and the tips are brown or curl up, the plant needs more water. He may also need a larger pot.
  2. Leaves that slowly turn pale and yellow are usually nutrient deficient. Add fertilizer with minerals.
  3. A sudden change in color after feeding indicates an excessive amount of them. In this case, the plant can be cured by removing any remaining fertilizer and watering liberally to flush out excess minerals.

Home bamboo plants are more vulnerable to diseases and pests, especially if the room is poorly ventilated. For mild insect infestations, wash the leaves with insecticidal soap or spray it outdoors with an insecticidal spray.

There are over 1,000 types of bamboo, so no guidebook will cover everything. If your plant has a disease that does not fit the description above, check with local growers about the presence of the disease in your area.