Hibiscus wintering. Grow garden hibiscus. Plant Hibiscus Garden and its varieties

It depends on the type of hibiscus and from your region! What do you understand under garden hibiscus?

If you have a Syrian hibiscus, growing in the form of a bush, with weighing shoots, it is not necessary to cut. Flowers up to 10 cm. In diameter. Frost resistance from - 15 to - 27, depending on the variety. They are covered with a pair of layers by observing material. In the spring wakes up and release leaves late, so do not rush to draw conclusions, then we cut everything out of the frozen. In very cold winters can freeze even with shelter. He still blooms on shoots current yearTherefore, just frozen shoots are not scary. I have a Syrian hibiscus:

If you have a hibiscus with grassless shoots: Marsh Hibiscus, Hibiscus Armed or Hibiscus Hybrid Hybiscus, obtained from crossing a marsh hibiscus with a hibiscus armed, then he has only a root, and overhead Decommiate. Wakes up too late, so you need to mark the place where it grows so that it is not flooded. IN cold regions plunge the earth. Flowers up to 25 cm. In diameter. I have a hybrid marsh here such:

Medium strip. Samara.

Much depends on the region in which you live, and on the type of hibiscus.

Hibiscus are not the most frost-resistant plants.

It is better to leave as it is, to hide, considering your climatic features,

and in the spring it is determined with trimming, based on the realities.

For the winter, Hibiscus must be cropped and dipped like roses. Cropped trunks leave 30 - 40 cm above the surface of the soil. This is done in order to not lose hibiscus in the spring, because It is very late in the spring gives new sprouts.

See also:

Hibiscus is the most common indoor plant, it is also called the Chinese rose. Such a flower needs proper care, the main stage is pruning or forming the crown of the plant. In carrying out due care, the life of the bush reaches twenty years. Consider the basic rules of pruning the plant, why should it be done, and for what period.

Hibiscus room view In need of pruning, such a procedure is obligatory for this plant. We learn the reasons why this procedure should be carried out.

    After some time, shoots can be deformed, becoming uneven or short. To solve such a problem, the old shoots are cut off, and in their place they grow new, having the right form.

    Instead of pomp, only old shoots grow on the bush, as a result, the plant has a scarce greens. After trimming, the bush begins to develop in full force, gives a lot of new green processes, becomes lush.

    But blooming is weakly or it may not be at all, since the first time the plant spends all its strength to resume greenery. Thus, the flower will have a beautiful lush shape.

    Such a procedure is carried out in order to rejuvenate, after time on the plant, dry shoots appear, they must be cut off to appear new processes.

    Pruning can carry a sanitary character, in this case it is necessary to get rid of the affected processes, while removing a little healthy part.

    In order for the bush well developed, and the bloom was abundant, also perform pruning.

Sometimes the roots of the flower are cut off, this procedure is performed very rarely, in such cases, when they are too rummaged, and do not fit into the pot. It is necessary to do this with special accuracy so as not to damage the basic branches of the roots.

Proper formation of hibiscus crown

You can form a hibiscus crown with two species, create a lush or horizontal form.

The crown of the lush species is formed much more often, compared with the horizontal view. The form is selected independently, to whom, what more like or comes up to the design of the room. The main advantage of hibiscus is that it can be raised in the form of a lush bush or a high flowering tree.

Pruning is performed using conventional scissors, plants branches are thin, so the procedure is not difficult.

Garden grassy hibiscus

Cut the processes located in parallel with the main branches, as well as all dried elements.

To give a pomp plant, over a sheet, looking out, cut off the site on 1/3 part. Pruning is performed annually during the spring. Such a procedure is performed in the fall, after active flowering. In the absence of such a procedure, the plant will cease to bloom, since the flowers appear only on the outgrowths of a young species.

It is better not to do pruning in the summer, as the bush will not give flowers.

How to pinch a room hibiscus?

Young processes must be segged, the procedure is performed in the early period of spring. It makes every young process.

Basic Rules Procedure Trimming

    Escape, located in the center, tie to the support, it can serve as a bamboo chopper or another solid subject to this role.

    All lateral processes are cut off, leaving up to 5 leaves. Thus, the trunk of the bush will thicken.

    During this period, active nitrogen feeders produce, and when the plant reaches the necessary height, pinch the top, while there are about 6 healthy processes. They will serve as a crown, which must be periodically cut to obtain new twigs.

    It is mandatory to circumcise the shoots that are located in parallel to the main barrel, and branches growing in the inside of the crown.

In pruning, almost all plants, and hibiscus, including such a procedure, are able to update, improve the appearance, and maintain the health of the bush.

The pruning of the hibiscus of the room species is performed in the autumn and spring period, after the bush stops blooming, it is done using conventional scissors. You can create a lush or horizontal crown. Pinning young shoots, they start faster and more actively develop, appears more flowers.


Popular room flower Hibiscus, which decorates apartments and offices, is successfully grown in open soil. Specific types of Asian roses with proper care perfectly transfer the winter of moderate climate of the middle strip.

The plant belongs to the Malvic family and is represented by a huge variety of species (about 300). Natural habitat - Tropical zone of America, Africa and Asia. In nature, Hibiscus is found in the form of shrubs and trees. Some subspecies are perennial or annual herbs.

Hibiscus classification

From the point of view of cultivation, two groups are considered:

  • houseplants - a bright representative is a Chinese rose;
  • garden forms - Syrian hibiscus is considered the most common.

IN wildlife Moderate climate Meet hibiscus:

  • troy (Northern) - herbaceous annual, whose leaves are used in the pharmaceutical industry for the manufacture of cooils;
  • conduct (Kenaf) - grown as agricultural culture for the production of fiber and technical oils.

Hybrid forms attract large petals and variety of color. Flowers are used to prepare beverages of pronounced antispasmodic action. Hibiscus tea has amazing properties - Hot drink increases blood pressure, cold - has hypotensive properties.

Garden forms of hibiscus

In the territory former USSR In nature, only two types of hibiscus are common:

  • Hibiscus Syriacus (Syrian) - the southern slope of the Big Caucasus Range;
  • Hibiscus Trionum (Northern, Troyek) - Far East RF, Crimea.

For growing in the garden, winter species are suitable, such as hibiscus Syrian or tree-shaped.

On the coat of arms Korea is depicted beautiful flower - This is Hibiscus (Mugunwas), which is a symbol of the state. The elegant plant is suspended in the hymn - in the poetic form Koreans thank the magic flower for giving the country of the rivers and the mountains of pristine beauty.

Hibiscus tree or Syrian

Hibiscus treelike blooms for six months or more, but every flower lives just a day (hybrid views - 2-3 days). On the shift, new buds, new buds immediately bloom. The plant blooms in the first days of July, and until the middle of the autumn updates its blossoms.

From a botanical point of view, the Syrian rose is a leaf falling shrub. In the moderate climate of the middle band, the height of the bush does not exceed 2 m, although in natural conditions the tree shapes reach 5 m. Large (up to 10 cm), the leaves of oval or ovoid shape have a bright green color. Flowers are located singly, very large, achieved in diameter to 27-30 cm. Terry or simple inflorescences cover almost the entire spectrum of shades, are two- and tricolor.

Planting and growing garden forms

Hibiscus tree-shaped multiply by any means - from seeding seed to direct division of the bush. Starting acquaintance with the plant, purchase ready-made seedlings in the well-proven nursery. So you will save yourself from negative consequencesassociated with possible diseases and the presence of pest larvae.

Plant hibiscus dividing bush

  • choose a bright, drafts-protected place;
  • use a well-explosive fertile land;
  • at the bottom of the pit to put drainage with a thickness of at least 10 cm (sand, washed crushed stone, gravel);
  • roll into the roots and pour the hole to the earth so that the root neck is at the soil level.

In order to prevent Tly, plant a lavender hibiscus.

The plant is moisthed, but it is impossible to pour it. Recommended abundant weekly watering, and during arid weather - 2-3 times a week.

Gaining hibiscus from seeds

From the seeds you can also grow a full copy of the tree-like Asian beauty, but should prepare for the fact that this process will take a lot of time. Saw seeds in winter - in January-February:

  • prepare a flame with peat-sand soil;
  • seeds pre-supervise in any stimulator for a day;
  • cover with polyethylene or glass.

Seeds close to a depth of 0.7-1 cm. The first shoots appear for 2-3 weeks, subject to the temperature regime (+ 25-27 ° C), regular ventilation and humidification. As soon as the first pair of real leaves appear, transfer seedlings into individual pots.

In May, the seedlings move to the ground. In the warmth climate, the hibiscus obtained from the seed can start flowering for 2-3 years after landing, in moderate - for 3-4 years.

Reproduction seeds has its own positive and negative sides. The plant grown from seed has sustainable reactions to sharp weather fluctuations and has immunity to disease. A varietal signs are in the risk zone - a new plant will most often not have complete similarity with the progenitor.

Hibiscus skyline

Shining - simple and inexpensive way reproduction. Gibiscus grown with green cuttings fully corresponds to the hybrid form of the donor.

In the spring (during the formation of buds) or at the end of September (when the growth of annual shoots is completed), cutting off the cuttings up to 15-20 cm long.

The bottom 4-6 kidneys are left and the sprout in the mixture of peat and sand is placed (equal ratio). The root formation lasts about 3 weeks, then the plant is planted in a pot.

The young seedling is better to overweight for the first year in the warm room, especially if it is autumn shifting. On the permanent place Hibiscus transplant in spring.

Gybiscus Garden Care for Winter

Over the summer, a new resident of your garden will get strength and can be comfortable to fall.

How winters hibiscus garden

How to insulate hibiscus for the winter:

  • after flowering, cut the plant;
  • plenty of rain;
  • after a week, hurt a cluster of light turf of the ground with the addition of sand;
  • with the onset of the first frosts, warm finally.

Warm landing hibiscus under winter

Warming is carried out in several ways:

  1. Young plants are flexing to the ground, sprinkle with sawdust, leaves or special observer material. The polyethylene film is placed on top, which is pressed against the ground by pegs or stones.
  2. Stambling forms remain in a vertical position. A wooden or wire frame is installed around the village and wrapped with a coated material. Over the shelter ties the huskie or straw.

In winter, such warm houses love to climb rodents. To prevent damage to the plant, put the grain crops inside the slashing, impregnated with poison, or lay a mousetrap.

Galina Yurchenko, Expert

During the winter, watch the temperature fluctuations carefully - during early thaws, hibiscus is subject to ventilating.

Spring hibiscus reanimation

The plant is hard after wintering, but there is one secret that will help to quickly return it to life:

  • in the first warm days, remove insulation from hibiscus and cover the flower with a light guy;
  • in the middle of the day, carry out a bush for 15 minutes with an interval of 1-2 hours;
  • remove the film gradually, as shoots are growing.

After two or three weeks, your Hawaiian beauty will get strength and thank the buoy blossom.

Pruning and the formation of hibiscus

There is a point of view according to which it is not recommended to crop Hibiscus in the first years after landing. It is incorrect, because the flowers appear only on young shoots. The more often the old branches are removed - the more the bush gives a young row. To enhance flowering, regular annual trimming is produced before the downstream.

Decorative trimming is carried out in order to form a bush. In the photo, the hibiscus flower has the appearance of a small multicolored tree. The procedure for forming a pigtail strain:

  • square in one pot three varieties of plants;
  • when seedlings are rooted, tweak the shoots of the pigtail;
  • secure the weaving by a bandage or tissue stripes in several places;
  • continue weaving to the desired height.

Hibiscus Syrian tree-like is widely used in registration household plots. Sustained shrub solites or groups, in the neighborhood with bright annuals or against the background of the emerald lawn.

And where is the eastern miracle growing? Share with readers with your observations and surprise your neighbors, learning new secrets with us.

Yulia Petrichenko

Gardener-amateur, experience 18 years

About myself: I will share the secrets of a rich harvest, teaching garden compositions.

Hibiscus garden tree: like a flower winter in the garden, photo - print version

Any plant has secrets, pruning features. It is not an exception to the room plant Hibiscus (Chinese Rose). Unpretentious, but beautiful, calmly withstanding sharp changes in climatic conditions, drafts, lack of moisture, lighting, the plant is popular both among professional gardeners, and among lovers thanks to these qualities. How to trim chinese roseSo that it becomes beautiful, lush, pleased the owner with large flowers and a healthy view?

Chinese rose

What time of year is better to do pruning

The Chinese rose wakes up pretty early: in February, new shoots are visible, some are trying to bloom, although the flower is hardly enough for this. As soon as it became visually noticeable, the activity of new shoots, Hibiscus must be transplanted. If he reached big sizeIt must be transplanted 1 time in 2 years. When to cut a home chinese rose to not harm her?

High chinese rosa

The Chinese rose is one of the few plants that can be simultaneously transplanted and cut. It loves and can normally move far from all plants. W. home roses Hibiscus transplant, even if the plant is placed in the same pot, you can combine the root trimming process, because for the year the root flower system completely fills the pot. It is necessary to do it carefully, so as not to damage the central root system. Pruning the roots leads to a weakening of the plant, so you need to trim and its topSo that it restored faster, went to growth.

Trim Hibiscus is better in February (although it is possible to do it throughout the spring-summer season) or in the fall, when the flowering period is over.

Little flower

Target trimming

Home rose Hibiscus must be trimmed by a number of reasons:

  1. Bloom.

    How to prepare Hibiscus Garden to Winter (with photo)

    To bloody the Chinese rose in the spring, it is necessary to cut old shoots in February, as Hibiscus blooms only on young shoots.

  2. Shift of flowering time. The procedure will make a slightly pushing the flowering time, which will result in further to the appearance of more lush colors.
  3. Shaping. Chinese rose Thanks to the correct trimming, it is possible to give the shape of a strambed tree, reaching the height of 2 m, without giving appearing on the barrel of low branches, or the shape of a small lush bush.

If you perform pruning correctly, all these goals are easy to achieve

What is subject to trimming

How to cut a Chinese rose to become magnificent? First of all, the Chinese rose is a sharp knife (a secateur), dry, old, parallel to the main branch barrel ("Wolfs") are removed. The remaining branches cut off, paying attention to the kidneys. It is better to leave a part of the branch, on which the new kidney is located outside the branch, that is, aimed to the side so that the bush is not excessive: the room rose is growing quickly. Then the remaining branches are then inspected. Good, but short branches, only slightly pinch, removing only the top. The branches are authentic to the top more (video).

Rules trimming

Depending on the desired form of hibiscus home roses, there are pruning features:

  • for formation stumbing tree The lower branches of the barrel are removed, from the upper trimming is carried out only with the swarming branches, and then, when achieving the desired height, with the top branches to stop their growth (photo);
  • for the formation of a small lush bush, the trimming is made for the whole crown, and the root shoots are removed entirely.

After trimming from many kidney, sleeping in the winter, first leaf will begin to grow, then they will develop into a small twig, which in May, most likely bloom.

Location pruning

Information: When Hibiscus is fighting, it is necessary to remove not only the flower, but also part of the stem with the closest in the flower with the leaves. This is done throughout the season of flowering with each flower, because on the old branch the new flower will not appear.

Whether trimming is capable of harm hibiscus

Is it possible to cut a Chinese rose too much? Will it hurt her?

Do not be afraid to trim the hibiscus. It makes easily. If Hibiscus is old or he broke the branches, cut it to hemp, and he will start growing again.

Rose quickly increases the trunk, which looks beautiful. If the pruning does not spend - the plant will go into growth, the barrel will be thin, the hibiscus will not bloom.

What to do after trimming

After trimming, the hibiscus must be carefully watered, put into a bright place, avoiding direct sunlight. It is possible to spray, not necessarily, but the rose loves it, and when the processes of recovery and growth begins after trimming, it will be very useful.

If you do everything right, then after a couple of weeks, the hibiscus grows up with new leaves, in a couple of months will delight with his bloom.

If you want the Chinese rose to be beautiful, healthy plant With a lot of colors, it is necessary to cut it on time and for all the rules, care for love.

It is very important to know that not all hibiscus needs to be stolen for the winter. The rule "is better to overdue than not to hear" in this case does not work. If you move with care - the plant can also be ruined. Therefore, the owner of this wonderful plant must first of all, it is necessary to figure out what kind of grade it got and understand, as to care for it, including. For example, hybrid (herbaceous) hibiscuses are quite a rack to frosts, so in the conditions of a rather mild climate (such as in the center of Eurasia) do not need to be covered. Syrian varieties must be warming up for the winter. This is especially true of terry hibiscus. Another feature of hibiscus: frost resistance is growing with its size.

Specialists in the cultivation of hibiscus recommend hybrid plants simply cut off the insular to the height of the stem of about 10 cm, trigger the ground or hurt with leaves. However, it is necessary to remember that too much the use of foliage may cause the plant rotting, since during periods of warming there will be a reprimal reservoir.

Of course, if the temperature is predicted to -30 ° C and below, there are absolutely all plants in the shelter. And very gentle hibiscuses need to be simply planted at this time in a pot or other capacity and put into the room.

Basic hibiscus hiding techniques

It is best to start cooking hibiscus from mid-November. The main indicator is the air temperature - it should reach 5 ° C., but not yet to fall below -10 ° C.

To protect the plants from frosts, you can cover them with covered frames. The material must be non-woven (for example, agrotect, spunbond, Loutrasil). However, with very low temperaturesoh, they should not put them, so as not to allow spontaneous.

The most suitable hibiscus to cover the branches coniferous plants, so-called husky. He is good because he holds snow on himself. Thus, plants are well protected from frosts, but also do not overheat. From the branches build a little shalashik. The bootflake is associated with each other and wind the rude fiber tissue.

Shelting hibiscus by branches of evergreen trees, it is necessary to take care in advance that rodents do not climb there. To do this, you can around the perimeter of the square, where the flowers grow, place the devices for fishing. Or to impregnate food for rodents with a special poison and put it under the shelter construction.

Garden, care and reproduction will not cause difficulties even in the middle strip. Among the many garden varieties is the most unpretentious is Hibiscus Syrian. It transfers low temperatures and moves on to the north.

Plant Hibiscus Garden and its varieties

In total, in natural conditions, there are 200 varieties of hibiscus, and their number of breeders increased to 500. All cultural species are divided in the form of development:

  • herbaceous grades;
  • tree-shaped;
  • shrub.

Growing and care for garden hibiscus is an exciting occupation. In all types of plants, special niches occupy. Herbaceous varieties are well winter under the shelter and give beautiful curtains masking economic structures.

Landing and gybiscus gardening - photo - shrubs, allows you to get live hedge and various compositions formation. It is especially easy to work with unpretentious Hibiscus Syrian. The most common in the soft climate of the middle strip was the shrub. It is easier to cover it for winter saving.

Agrotechnology Hibiscus

To grow in the unusual climate Hibiscus Garden, in care and reproduction you need to adhere to the recommendations of breeders. The main operations are considered:

  • select Plant landing place;
  • pour and feed;
  • prepare for wintering.

Care includes protection of plantings from pests, diseases and the creation of decorative forms.

On a light sunny place and without transplanting Hibiscus garden can grow up to 20 years. The selected place should be protected from wind and scoring sunlight. Planting a plant from a container or a transplant need to be carried out in the spring when the plant is full of vitality. Saplings are planted well-developed plants. Basically transplanted overwhelming chipsticks in the container.

Proper rooting of hibiscus

The strong root system of the plant consists of a central rod with process. The hybiscus transplant is not needed if it receives enough food. therefore landing pit Prepare in advance. It rolls out with a margin so that the roots were a place for development at first in the loose land. Down the nutritional composition:

  • turf land - 2 parts;
  • leaf land - 2 parts;
  • ripened grounding - 1 part;
  • large sand - 1 part.

Pull the half-water water. The pillow is satisfied with the roots, without damage, with the calculation that the upper tier will be at the surface level. On the plant only light roots work, the old take nutrients for themselves.

Gently plucked and seal the ground, and the new plant is plunged on top and watered so that the earth has seal between the roots. In the photo landing and subsequent care for hibiscus tree.

If the plant needs to transplant to a new place, then best time Spring to flowering. Top roots It is removed, and the tree is moved to a new place without the destruction of the earthen coma. In order for the plant to feed the upper part, crown pruning before the transplant.

It is important in the cultivation and care of gybiscus of gardening is regular feeding. Phosphorus activates blossom, and potassium improves the winter resistance of the plant. The juice with a high content of potassium salts does not like Tel - the main pest of the plant.

Formation of decorative plant

In some areas with cold winters, Gibiscus Garden is grown as a waiting plant. If in one container to grow three plants with different colors, then binding trunks in the process of growth can be obtained a multicolor composition with a common barrel, as in the photo of the hibiscus of the garden tree.

In the spring, with the advent of new stems, old dry twigs are removed. Trimming is needed, only young branches bloom. Therefore, the extra branches are removed before the start of the invention. Old branches are cut out, a quarter crushes the shoots of last year. The bushes by systematic trimming can be given the desired form. Distinguish several types of trimming:

  • stimulating in early spring;
  • thinning, removal of dried, weakened shoots;
  • corrective;
  • autumn, after cessation of flowering;
  • for survival, when they leave the minimum of ground mass.

Watering and spraying hibiscus

Watering water is needed rain or river resistant with low rigidity. Watering the plant requires moderate, depending on the drying of the upper layer of the soil. If it is hot on the street, watering can be daily. Leafs need to be laundered from dust and warn it the appearance of a paustic tick. If it starts massively fall color - there is not enough moisture. Chlorosis warns about watering with water with chlorine or iron. There is no violation if beautiful flower After a day it pops. To change, he should bloom another. The hazard signal is the massade of the flowering flowers and inconspicuous buds. And most often the cause of garden hibiscus disease is the wrong irrigation.

To save from Tly, the plant needs to spray with ashes with cigars or cigarettes. The wave does not tolerate the smell growing next to the lavender hibiscus. Therefore, measures should be taken in advance so that the gentle leaflets of hibiscus do not interest the insect.

Preparation for wintering - responsible stage

Garden tree-shaped hibiscus for the winter drops the leaves. In the middle strip, it grows no higher than two meters. Flowers hibiscus, starting in July and to the first frosts. Morious is considered varieties that do not freeze with southern soft winter. In the middle shelter, tropical plants are necessary. For cultivation, grades with simple neakhhhhhh flowers should be used here.

The plant in the winter is watered abundantly, after dried up the upper layer, they add high, but sand is added to the ground. When stable frosty weather is installed, the plant is falling asleep with chips, sawdust, dry foliage - loose bench at about 15 cm high.

Branches, as far as possible, be flexible to the ground, is covered with dense nonwoven material In several rows. The framework of the framework on top is constructed, on which insulation materials and coniferous husk are attached. The photo shows as a garden hibiscus winter in the garden.

In moderate latitudes, the tree-like hibiscus can only be overwhelmed with insulated roots, but prepare a frame for salvation in extreme conditions. In areas with a continental climate, hibiscus garden is guaranteed to retain in the cellar, digs a plant with a large lore land.

Herbaceous hibiscus perims, if it is insulated, after the ground part will be rejected.

Gibiscus gybiscus reproduction

Hibiscus is multiplied with easy cuttings and seeds. Both methods are applied, but the hauling gives a decorative bush faster. Seed method allows you to get an adult flowering plant in 3 years.

For cuttings, wengeous cut-off shoots are suitable, which give meter roots in water. The best of Chenkov can be put in the pots and after the winter to land at a permanent place. To root the cuttings in the substrate. But the busty busty for the summer, ready for wintering, it turns out from the overworn and grown seedling.

Video about leaving gardese hibiscus

Hibiscus is an ancient Greek name, as they suggest, from the Hawaiian Island and Malaysia, accurate data from where it happened is not. Let's stay in more detail on the question: Hibiscus garden, photo, care and landing, as wintering in the garden. You can say with confidence that it belongs to the family herbatous plants. It is also found in the form of shrubs and evergreen trees.

With proper care, the hibiscus tree can reach 3 meters high and 1.5 meters wide, lives up to 20 years. IN southern countries The plant decorates the streets of cities, the flowers are large, in the people they call it a Chinese rose. Flowers of many species are large, bright, terry and non-none, with different color - white, bright blue, orange, dark purple, lilac, meet two-color. There is more than 200 species of this beautiful and cheerful flower in nature. Looking at him, you get peace of mind, the feeling of surrounding beauty. In the people, it is often called the "Flower of Love".

This exotic flower does not require special care. If you decide to put it in the garden, you will certainly need to find a place where sun rays will always fall, and it will be protected from the wind. The soil should be loose and fertile, hibiscus are perfectly adjacent to roses. It can grow on sandy soil, but then the leaves can be yellowed and fest. The soil enriched with manure, enhances the flowering and growth of hibiscus, requires regular irrigation, especially in the summer.

The dug hole should be approximately two times more than the root of the plant. On the bottom it is necessary to pour a broken brick and small pebbles. Around the tree to emphasize, giving a bulk recess for watering. Standing to spend in the spring, not forgetting that a seedling in the future is a place for growth, so the plant for planting should be large, light and cozy, fenced from sudden strong winds.

Herbaceous Hibiscus: reproduction of seeds in a vase

If you are determined with a variety of hibiscus, it's time to prepare a soil or an earthy mixture. Many use ready-made soils from shops, if there is no such possibility, it is possible to prepare on their own, mixing in equal proportions of rude ground with sheet. Finished primer must be sifted and pouring into small drawers. Now make grooves with a stick and carefully pour seeds.

Typically, such a landing is made in winter, so do not leave the boxes in any way on the balcony, it is best to put them near the radiators. The land will very quickly dry, so regular watering is required to slow down the drying rhythm. You can place the boxes in packages or wrapped with a plastic film. When first sprouts appear, be sure to transfer the boxes to the solar place, otherwise they may die. As soon as the sprouts are fixed, it's time to move them into individual pots small sizes. As it grows, replant in a larger pot, not forgetting to water after the transplant. When the first bud, it must be removed, as the seedling can relax and die.

Hibiscus Garden: Cherenkov Reproduction

Cutted cuttings are placed in dishes with water, changing water regularly. As soon as the roots appeared on your baby, they are transplanted into a pot with a soil. Then you can take out a garden area or on the balcony, not forgetting about a sunny place. The first year you can leave a sapling in a pot, taking it for the winter to the house, letting it grow up. And in the second year you can transfer to the garden plot or in a large tub.

For regions with a cool climate, it is best not suitable terry variety of this exotic and incredible beautiful plant. In order for Hibiscus abundantly bloom, he needs pruning every two years.

Often, the trouble attacks him to avoid this, put in the neighborhood of Lavender, which will tear off the ill-friendly guests from your beauty.

The soil should be loose with good water permeability. Watering is carried out only if necessary, that is, when the soil dried a little. Phosphorian feeding will provide incredibly beautiful and rich bloom. In order for the plant to postpone the winter, the potash fertilizers will need.

Look more: the wonderful plant of Crasusla, homemade leak.

Pruning garden hibiscus

Trimming is necessary for best blossom, as well as to give a certain shape, it already depends on you and your love for a magnificent, pleasing eye of the plant. The village and hibiscus bustice require patience and love. It is necessary to cut into a young tree, branches up to the level of two kidneys, leaving a strong trunk. As soon as the village grows up to the desired height, from strong and healthy shoots form a crown of a tree, cutting several kidneys.

In the spring, the so-called sanitary trimming is carried out, removing patients, old, and shoots growing inside. Trimming the bush produce around the main escape at different heights, which will give the bustle a beautiful form.

Hibiscus diseases and pests

  • Spots on the leaves, a withered painful look, having tried stalks: All this indicates that your favorite is sick.
  • The yellowing of the leaf from the bottom is the normal process, but if the yellowing occurs largely, it means that the plant you are overcame.
  • From abundant watering, stems can be soaked.
  • If your plant grows on a manor site, you care for it for all the rules of gardening, and it is not a color, it means that there is not enough phosphorus in the soil. The same can happen due to the lack of boron. Therefore, you do not need to forget about the fertilizers and in time to feed your pet.
  • Lack of sunlight leads a flower to a patient and a weak mind.
    In winter, opening a window for airing, it is necessary to remove the pot into a warm place, otherwise it can penetrate and die.
  • When the adhesiveness appears on the leaves, know - they kill them. With a weak infection, the leaves can be washed with water with soap, if the defeat is very serious, then it is necessary to apply funds, such as: biothel, spark, bison, tobacco dust.
  • If yellow specks appeared on the leafs, which will continue to turn into the discolored areas - this cobed tickthat dwells under the leaves in the web. The appearance of cobwebs and ticks contributes to dry air and high temperature. If the plant is not strongly affected, then each leaf can be treated with soap solution, in the case of a strong disease, it is necessary to resort to finished preparations.
    Infected Hibiscus (TLL, Ceutin Tick) Growing on garden plotIt is best to transplant to another place by treating the necessary drugs.

How is the hibiscus in the garden

We already know that there are a large number of varieties of this beautiful and all your favorite flower. Many have developed an association with a room plant, or as it is also called: "Chinese Rose". But many species of this plant grow and please their owners in garden sites, without requiring special attention and care. But when the winter approaches, it is necessary to take care of him, do not let him die and save until next spring. Herbatous, as well as hybrid varieties, differ in frost resistance, but they still need a shelter, it is necessary, if we are talking about colder regions, for example, in the middle lane of Russia.

  • Many gardeners dig a hibiscus for the winter, transplanted them into large tubs and stored in the basement before the onset of spring.
  • The shelter of the plant should occur not earlier than November so that it should be slightly tempered with the fresh air.
  • In zones where there are no frosts more than -15 s, flower makes special frameworks, which stretch Loutrasil, Agrotex. But this can lead to a plant disease, as this material does not produce heat.

Among the many gardeners and flowers of flower growing, is considered the best shelter for the Hibiscus. The baked seal or shrub bastard will fall in comfort and will be great. Napnik collects snow on itself, and this is the best cozy house From any frost. The shelter is made in the form of a shala, tied branches and wrapped with burlap material. During wintering, uninvited guests can get into the slas, for example, mice. To avoid this, there are all sorts of mousetrap around, or the shala is poured with wheat, which is mixed with poison.

Hibiscus at home

  • Undercaming: begins in March and lasts until September. Finger every seven or eight days. Many are preferred alternating: mineral fertilizers With infusion cowboy. Infusion mix with water in proportion 1:10.
  • Temperature: The most suitable for hibiscus at home is +24 degrees. In the summer, if your favorite is located in the room, and not in the air, it is definitely to air the room daily, but not to leave the Vazon on drafts.
  • Light: This is a light-loving plant, an ideal place for him - sunny balcony or light windowsill. In winter, also needs sunlight.
  • Humidity: Air should not be reheated, neither in winter or summer. Therefore, it is necessary to spray the leaves of hibiscus.
  • Watering: You need to water the vase if necessary, not allowing the drying of the soil in the vase. Otherwise, it can lead to fallout of the leaves and kidneys, and your flower will not bloom.

Look at the video how to grow hibiscus at home

Types of hibiscus

  • Hibiscus, the people of "Chinese Rose". It has all sorts of tones and shades, with the exception of blue and black, its flowers can be small, not more than 5 cm, or to reach almost 30 cm.
  • Syrian hibiscus prefers the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine, found in Western Europe. Does not love winter.
  • Hibiscus Swamp, one of the most common species, the flowers on average are considered large, but not more than 12 cm.
  • Hibiscus is red. It differs with its red with a purple leaf leaves. Sometimes it is found with green-red leaves. The people are called "false rose". Also different from all hibiscus flowering. Flowers with autumn arrival. In winter, it is usually transferred to storage in the basement.
  • Hibiscus sour. Gardeners give him preference, as it is very easily and quickly multiplied with seeds.
  • Hibiscus Arnotti, first appeared on the Hawaiian Islands. it evergreen treewhich can achieve huge sizes.
  • Hibiscus Hawaiian. Exactly this little color or shrub. It may be a tiny height of 30 cm, can grow up to 1 meter. His leaves resemble the leaves of a ficus called Benjamin. The flowers are bright red.

We told you how to care for homework for hibiscus, as it winter in the garden, which requires care, and what types of hibiscus are. Now you can choose a suitable look, according to your region, and grow in the garden or in the house of this exotic handsome.

Syrian Hibiscus - Frost-Building perennial. It can be raised in the regions where the air temperature drops to -20 ° C, but for this garden hibiscus, you need to create comfortable conditions:

  • choose right place landing;
  • regularly carry out forming trimming and feeding;
  • mulch the soil near the bush in the autumn period.

In southern regions where the air temperature does not fall below -15 ° C winter, no events do not need.

In order for the Syrian Hibiscus abundantly, it needs to be planted on a well-lit place. Straight sunlights should fall on hibiscus for 10 hours a day. Root system Syrian tree hibiscus is well transferring winter frosts in the event that the summer soil warmed well.

Too close arrangement of groundwater to the surface of the soil or constant waters of water negatively affect the frost resistance of the Syrian hibiscus. Therefore, this garden plant is planted on artificial hills or alpine slides. In order to restrain moisture and additionally protect the hibiscus from the cold northern winds, low shrubs with a powerful root system are planted near it.

If other shrubs are not planted near the Syrian hibiscus, then young plant It is necessary to dig up for the winter. Hibiscus gently transplanted into the pot and transfer to a warm room. If the hibiscus is closed by other shrubs, then it can not dig it in the fall, but simply to climb.


In the fall, Syrian hibiscus mulk garden perlite. This material well delays fungal disputes, and the shrub will be less susceptible to dangerous diseases. Before mulching, you need to braid the soil to provide air access to roots. For mulching, you can also use a pumping cow manure.


Before you cover the hibiscus agrol fiber, it is necessary to carry it out. Each escape is cut by 10 cm. Remove all seed boxes. Side twigs pour into the spring garden hibiscus formed a new increase. On the next year The increase is obsessing and throwing floral kidneys.

Do not confuse the preparatory casing with the formation of the hibiscus crown.

The forming trimming of hibiscus is carried out in summer. In no case do not form a bush at the beginning of autumn, so as not to weaken it before frosts. In order for hibiscus easier to suffer winter frosts, enter phosphoric or complex mineral fertilizers into the soil.

Hibiscus is a flower from a Malvic family, which has many different varieties and hybrids. They are annual and perennial, grassy and tree, garden and indoor, frost-resistant and thermal-loving. Growing the necessary varieties of hibiscus, it can be used to decorate the premises or a household site. The cultivation of a herbaceous hybrid of hibiscus becomes especially popular, which is distinguished by the unpretentiousness of the care and very large colors (up to 25 cm in diameter).

In this article, consider such important question In the cultivation of garden hibiscus - how exactly it must be prepared for the winter, so that the next year, rejoice in its flowering.

When is it necessary for garden hibiscus to hold the shelter for the winter?

Frost-resistant perennial shrubs belong to garden grades Hibiscus, which in the southern regions do not need special preparation for the winter, and in the northern or in the regions with severely low-snowing winter - just need to be properly stolen.

Herbaceous hybiscus hybrid is originally frost-resistant culture, and for the winter, the above-ground part (stems) of the plant itself devies and only its powerful rhizomes remain in the ground. For the successful wintering of this type of garden hibiscus, it will be enough to simply clutch the soil at the landing site.

How to save hibiscus in the garden in winter?

In order not to let me get out in the conditions of large frosts (from - $ 15 deg; C) and herbaceous, and tree gardese hibiscus required correct care When preparing for the winter. It consists of several stages:

  • trimming;
  • watering;
  • hilling;
  • mulching of the soil or shelter of the plant.

Varieties growing in the form of a bush with the widespread shoots (for example: Syrian Garden Hibiscus), you can trim for the winter as well as a rose or not to cut at all, but have pruning already at the beginning of spring when frozen shoots will be visible.

In herbaceous varieties of hibiscus (marsh, armed or hybrid) is cut off completely all the stems, leaving only hemps at 10 cm above the ground.

Be sure to make waterproofing watering plants late fall, but it should be done before the onset of frosts so that ice crust is not formed around the roots.

A few days after irrigation, the bushes should be dipped, and the remains of grassy hibiscuses by 15-22 cm, using an ordinary garden land with the addition of humus and sand to prevent the root system overheating.

The last stage in the preparation of the hibiscus of the garden to winter is insulation, which is usually held since the second half of November, when the air temperature is already not rising above + $ 5 deg; p.

Herbatous species simply fall asleep with a dry fallen foliage, making a holly of about 15 cm high. It is possible to use dry solid instead of the Earth.

In shelter from frosts, young bushes are especially needed, since with age, the frost resistance of hibiscus increases. This can be done in two ways:

  • keep the entire bush to the ground (like roses), cover with nonwoven fabric (loan or spunbond), and to cover with a polyethylene film from above and add something heavy;
  • make a frame, around the bush, and then wind up with several layers of underfloor material (the number of layers depends on natural conditions In winter).

If the winter is very cold, it is better to add a snack to such a shelter.

Knowing how to properly cover the hibiscus, growing in your garden, you will enjoy his beautiful blossom every year, which is a real decoration of your flower garden. But do not hurry to harde the hibiscus bushes at the beginning of spring, if they did not move away from wintering. Hibiscus's bush grades (especially Syrian) comes out of the state of winter peace. Much later than its herbian hybrids.

Garden Hibiscus in his homeland, Hawaiian Islands, is considered flower of love. Indeed, he is dazzling and bright and attractive. His presence in the garden can create a festive mood. Despite the fact that garden hibiscus looks exotic, care for it is easy.

Bright pink terry grade justifies national title Hibiscus - Love Flower.

A variety of gybiscus of garden

Garden (sometimes called it syrian) Hibiscus belongs to Malm. In natural conditions, it is found up to 200 diverse species of this plant - they differ in size and forms, as well as the size and color of the flower (flowers of some varieties can correspond to the dimensions of the volleyball ball).

Tree varieties are often decorated with streets in southern countries.

On the form of plants allocate:

  • shrubs;
  • half-workers;
  • decorative trees;
  • herbate views.

Low herbal species look brightly in curbs and flower beds.

It is worth noting the most attractive grade in modern garden culture:

  • Woodbridge. with ruby-red single flowers preferring free space;
  • gorgeous terry Ardens.;
  • structuring bush Oiseau Bleu. with blue-violet flowers with a diameter of up to 14 cm;
  • Lady Stanley., with flowers resembling carnation;
  • vertically growing Totus Albus. with simple white flowers;
  • created to solo in composition Compact bush Hamabo., blooming pink.

Ruby Woodbridge Grandbridge Flowers.

From the selected view depends and plant location in composition. So, low shrubs look great in mixed borders. Hibiscus Syrian also looks harmoniously with soil roses and contrasts with decorative deciduous shrubs. But the tree varieties can be perfectly beat using several plants with different colors in a strambed soliter landing.

Busty Totus Albus decorates itself with simple white flowers.

How to care for a plant

Landing garden hibiscus It is carried out in the spring. Take care that the plant you land in the garden is reliably protected from winds.

The diameter of the colors of Oiseau Bleu can reach 14 cm.

Consider that shrub heat-seeking and demanding to light. If you put it on the shaded platform, it will grow slower, and it is not too abundant to bloom. Here are some recommendations from reviews of experienced flowerflowers. Follow them and care for garden hibiscus will be quite simple:

  1. If your site is in the region with a cool climate, Choose non-none varieties - they are more enduring.
  2. To hibiscus abundantly bloom, every two years it will need light trimming.
  3. Complete the landing with the hybiscus bush lavender - it will help trim.
  4. For the plant is required fertile soil with good water permeability.
  5. Excessive polis The plant is not needed - moisturize the soil only after drying it.
  6. Lush flowering It will be ensured if you don't forget about regular phosphate feeding.
  7. Potash fertilizers will be required - thanks to this wintering plants It will become easier.

Ardens variety belongs to terry.

By the way, this garden shrub Suitable for growing and as a recreation plant. This method of cultivation is somewhat more complicated. So, the plant needs to choose the ideal place in every sense - otherwise, when transferring or turning the flowering plants is a great risk of breaking weak blooms. Choose a solar and warm place protected from winds. Hibiscus in the Kadke will need to regularly cut (at the beginning of spring or in the autumn) - this will help maintain his decorative shape.

Garden hibiscus perfectly feels like a cadke. A little fantasy and ... The tricolor looks even more spectacular!

Patchy hibiscus should be regularly sprayedSince this is a tropical plant. Every two weeks feed it with the fertilizers of the phosphoric group. It is also necessary to regularly water the plant so that the land is maintained wet. For the winter, the tub is worth transferring to the room with a temperature of about 13ºC and sufficient number Sveta. Watering for this period does not stop, but reduce its frequency.

Sleeper pink compact Hamabo.

Transplanting Garden Hibiscus may not be needed at all - In conditions of constant feeding and irrigation, on a well-lit place, the plant can live for more than 20 years. If you decide to transplant the plant, then do it early in spring. After transplanting, Hibiscus is cut and the next year is obtained by an excellent flowering plant.

Rules trimming hibiscus

Flower kidneys in garden hibiscus are formed only on shoots of the current year. Therefore, regular trim guarantees you a lot of colors. Crop the plant before the start of active growth - at the end of winter.

The real decoration of your site can be chrysanthemums. You probably do not suspect how many surprisingly beautiful and unusual varieties managed to bring the breeders.

On dacha i. panstones Often you can see Floxes. ABOUT proper growing See these colors here.

By the way, pruning can be used to provide decorative Sustainer. In southern countries, where hibiscus is common everywhere, the balls, pyramids and even cubes are made, painted with flowers.

Ardens Purple is formed in the form of a decorative tree.

Transfers the pruning plant very well. You can shape bush or the church of the size you need is such compactness will allow Hibiscus to fit into the design not only cottage plot, but also terraces and even balcony.

How to prepare garden hibiscus by winter

Most of the nonachho varieties of garden hibiscus - frost resistant. This means that in the southern regions, special preparation for winter will not be required, but in the northern plant winter only with shelter.

In decorative gardening and landscape design often used garden hydrangea. This is understandable: its magnificent huge inflorescences will be left indifferent.

The most common lilac, it turns out, has many varieties. With a skillful approach, a whole Sirirgarian can be planted on its plot!

And from Barbaris Tunberg you can arrange a picturesque purple border. Here www.razmnojenie.ru/botanika/sadovye-rasteniya/barbaris.html All about the cultivation and reproduction of Barbaris.

Herbaceous and tree hibiscus They are prepared for wintering equally - they need to trim, ridiculously pour (before the onset of frosts). A few days after watering, the plants are plunged, and for this, the usual land is used with the addition of sand.

By winter are ready! Shelter option for plants.

In the second half of November, they are also carried out and insulation. For this, the prepared plant is falling asleep with sawdust or dry foliage - so that the height of the holmik was about 15 cm. Young bushes need to be stolen especially carefully for which there are several ways:

  • the entire bush is flex to the ground and is covered with a special tissue (spunbond, Loutrasil), and then also with a plastic film;
  • a durable frame is created around the bush, winding in a few layers, and even use a huskie for better shelter.

By the way, after the winter frosts, the bush Syrian hibiscus long comes out of the rest of the rest - consider it not to irrigate a viable plant.

Methods of breeding

Garden hibiscus multiplies in several ways:

Sliced \u200b\u200bcuttings are rather quickly rooted in water.

  1. Shining. Cutted cuttings are placed in water, and then put in the ground, as soon as the roots appear on it. You can plant a sapling first in a pot and place it for the summer in the garden, and to pick up in a warm place for the winter. Shining is carried out in spring, before the start of flowering - can also be used and parts remaining after trimming.
  2. Reproduction of garden hibiscus can be conducted and seeds. They are evyed from January to March. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in a solution of epine, and then placed in soil from peat and sand. The grim with seeds is covered with glass. It is important to maintain heat - up to 27ºC, which will contribute to good seeds. The tight must be ventilated periodically. As soon as the seedlings appear a few leaflets, they can be seen in separate small pots.

Seeds sprouted, soon you can dive into the pot.

Consider that if the shrub is grown from seeds, then the flowers will appear on it only after 3-4 years.

What difficulties can you expect?

So, if on hibiscus buds are tied, but soon falls out, then the reason for this is an insufficient watering or shortage of nutrients.

If in water for irrigation excess iron content, then bottom leaves of the plant will fall, And the upper one is shrust.

Lady Stanley flowers resemble carnation flowers.

Lush foliage in combination with full absence of leaves It suggests that the plant received excess nitrogen feeding.

About the lack of moisture testify slugged floors leaves, And too cold soil provokes drying the roots.

Incredible beauty terry variety Danica.

Garden Hibiscus is a magnificent plant for single and group landings. It does not require complex care, and thanks to varietal variety Declaring your plot for many years.


The amateur gardener tells about a grassy hibiscus (flower diameter - 27cm!), It blooming and leaving him.

Reviews of gardeners

Alla Gonareva, Pensioner:

"Since I am fond of garden design, it is always looking for new forms and colors for your site. But Hibiscus Garden won my heart many years ago - I have acquired it by chance. I have a growing copy - a magnificent and powerful, and during the flowering period is covered with large colors - no less than the middle plate. Colors are a lot and blossom continuous. Know that abundant blossom Surrounded, which appeared late autumn sprouts need to be discredited. "

Nina Zolotarev, nurse:

"My garden hibiscus make me great colors every year. Blossom is really divine - and this is despite the fact that the plant drought resistant. I water my hibiscus only when there is no rain for a long time. Instead of irrigation, I try to please the plant with the sun - so initially chose for it practically not shaded during the day the platform. "

Maya Prokopenko, Teacher:

"I am fond of collecting hibiscus on my garden plot. Flowers of this plant are a bit like Malva, but much larger. By the way, they differ not only in color, but can also be terry or simple. Next year, I will put a few more varieties - I will have a magnificent flower bed, which pleads from July and almost until the end of September. "

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Part 1 Preparations for the winter hibiscus planted in the ground

  1. Determine how the variety is your hibiscus.

    Before building plans for the winter for your hibiscus, it is important to determine whether it is a frost-resistant or thermal-loving type. Cold-resistant species can survive winter outdoors in a moderate climate zones (see Tips for more information), but thermal-loving species must be replant in pots and relocate them into the room, as soon as the temperature falls below 10 degrees Celsius.

    • Heat-loving varieties usually have dark, shiny leaves and small flowers. Their flowers are most often two-color, but some varieties have monophonic flowers. A decrease in temperature below -3 degrees Celsius causes the death of these plants.
    • Cold-resistant hybiscus varieties have dense, dull leaves and huge flowers. They are more resistant to low temperatures than heat-loving varieties.
  2. Feed the Hibiscus with potash fertilizers at the end of the autumn / early winter, in October or November to stimulate abundant bloom next year.
    • Do not feed the plants with nitrogen fertilizers at this time of the year - nitrogen will stimulate the new growth of foliage, which will be damaged in cold weather or fall during the winter.
  3. Care for hibiscus throughout the autumn months.

    If there is no rain, water the hibiscus once in one or two weeks. Adjust all the fallen leaves and another trash from the stems to prevent diseases.

    • These few extra steps in the fall will help them recover in spring, have a magnificent green foliage and beautiful flowers.
    • After you mulch the soil, you no longer have to do it.
  4. Apply a thick layer of mulch to the soil around the plant.

    The thick layer of mulching material will protect the hibiscus from sharp temperature drops. Adding a compost layer under mulch can also help protect these plants.

    • Put a layer of mulching material with a thickness of 5-8 centimeters above the root area, but leave the space near the stems free from mulch
    • If you have already mounted the soil before. Rave the old mulch with rake and put a new one, so that its layer was 5-8 centimeters.
  5. Protect Hibiscus from Frost.

    The consequences of low temperatures can be reduced to the tissue. In areas of S. warm winter You can protect plants from the action of reduced temperatures, hanging on the plant an electrical christmas garland.

    • You can use fabric and garlands to protect against frost together, and in warm areas you can do only with garland.
  6. Give the thermal-loving hibiscus to the pot.

    If you planted a thermal-loving hibiscus to the ground, you have to land it in a big pot so that he can be overwhelmed in the room. Use the soil for indoor plantsWhen you transplant the plant, do not take from the garden.

    • To dig a hibiscus, steamed bush shovel at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from the stems to free the root. Then lift it on the bottom of the shovel.

Part 2 Preparation of hibiscus growing in pots, by winter

  1. Check the hibiscus on any signs of infection.

    Gardeners must carefully check their hibiscus on any sign of insects a few days before the temperature begins to fall.

    • If harmful insects are detected, gardeners must apply suitable pesticide. It is best to do this a few days before the relocation of hibiscus to the room, especially if there are family members who are prone to allergies.
  2. Rinse the plant before replanting it into a closed room.

    It is necessary to rinse the plant several times before bringing it to a closed room. This will help get rid of any small insects that can hide in foliage, as well as any dirt or pollen that can be on the leaves.

    • Wipe the pot in which hibiscus grows, a damp cloth, it will help reduce the amount of dirt and allergens that are brought inside.
  3. Feat the plant. Add special fertilizers for hibiscus in a pot with a plant before transfer it to the room. This will help the plant faster to recover in spring.

  4. Cut a hibiscus to make it more suitable for the room.

    Too large plantsmay need to trim until winter. Hibiscus, as a rule, tolerate the trimming of the bush, and the shape change should not cause any problems.

    • Since hibiscus flowers are developing on lateral shoots, the corresponding trimming will help them blooming more abundantly next spring and summer.
    • To get even more colors, cut the tips of new stems, after they reach the length of 20 centimeters, and once again, when they reach 30 centimeters of length. Such a pinching contributes to the formation of side shoots, with the result that you will get more new stems and colors.

Part 3 Care of Hibiscus Indoors

  1. Look at the care instructions for different types of hibiscuses.

    After Hibiscus is transferred to the room for the winter, it will need proper care. Gardeners advise to care for each plant species individually, and not follow the general instructions.

    • Nevertheless, if the plant was a gift from friends, this article will give several tips that are used for most hibiscus.
  2. Provide hibiscus with warmth and light.

    Hibiscus need heat and light to grow normally indoors. Ideally, these plants must be placed next to the window.

    • For plants that spend winter in a room without windows or with low lighting, you can put the lamp. However, you must keep the lamp far enough from the plants so as not to burn them.
    • If you hold hibiscus in the economic premises, you probably need a heater to keep them in warmth for this even a small heater will suit.
  3. Support the temperature above 13 degrees Celsius, if possible. The thermal loving plants are usually well winter if the temperature is maintained at the level of 13-15 degrees Celsius. However, in each case, you need to navigate the needs certain view Plants.

    Do not let the sheet dry. Straight sunlight It is recommended for most types of hibiscus, but some of them need a slightly less light. If the leaves on the plant begin to dry, you need to move it to a place with limited lighting.

  4. Make sure the soil is wet.

    Water Hibiscus in accordance with the need of your variety. For example:

    • IN winter time Chinese Rose (Hibiscus genus Sinensis) need to water enough to keep the soil from drying, and the Hibiscus Mallow variety (Hibiscus Moscheutos) will require a moderate humidity level.
    • Gardeners should know that the Mallow varieties are poorly transferred to the lack of moisture.
  • It must be remembered that frost-resistant hibiscus can survive winter outdoors in a warm and temperate climate, but in areas with cold winter They will certainly die. Heat-loving plants can grow outdoors only in summer, they need to be transferred in winter to the room. Check the recommendations for a specific hibiscus variety and evaluate which care is needed to go through the winter in your region.

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