Thalenopsis disease of the upper roots. Orchid diseases Palaenopsis and their treatment

To date, buy orchid is not a problem, the problem is to find competent information on its further content in home culture. The main and almost for all available "source of knowledge" is the Internet. By registering on the first floral forum, we read reviews and advice of the same amateurs, like themselves, and determine whose advice is correct, and some no, we can only with time on our own mistakes. As a rule, orchid diseases occur due to improper care and signals the leaves of plants about it primarily.

Consider some diseases of orchids and errors due to improper care.

1. Obolia orchids due to improper lighting. Burns.

Probably the most important role in the cultivation of indoor flowers in the apartment is playing lighting. Orchid diseases are very often arising precisely because of incorrectly selected lighting. Orchids are divided into two groups: shadowish and light-minded.

Our first mistake is that when buying orchids, we do not think about which group we belong to us the plant and whether we can provide him with proper lighting at home. Light-loving orchids include Vandy, Cattley, Lelia, Cymbidiums, Angresses and many others, as well as all hybrids based on these species. In a light-headed orchid, due to lack of light, new leaves minor, weak deformed growths develop, which do not form a full-fledged, healthy bouffer and, accordingly, will not refresh their flowering. Falenopsis and Cumbria, on the contrary, can be grown on the northern and northeastern windows.

Photo number 1 Weak elongated growth. Conclusion - not enough light.

Moreover, the orchids, which have a voyage forms, with the time of color fade, and no matter how hard you have fucked and wipe it, sooner or later, orchid will lose a healthy appearance and will soon die. Due to the lack of lighting, the plants become more vulnerable and easier to illness.

In turn, I want to draw your attention to the fact that a light-loving plant does not mean that it is able to transfer straight sun rays. To the Spring Sun, you need to start teaching orchid gradually. In March, on the southern, southeastern windows in the first half of the day, the orchids need to be dialed, otherwise, after winter cloudy days, the plants are not accustomed to the bright sun of the plant will receive strong burns. Over time, the plant adapts to a brighter sun and will not need additional shading, it will be enough to lower the curtain only at noon.

Picture # 2. The consequence of the burn. Even in such a sun-born plant as Wanda, burns may appear if the plant is not accustomed to be on the midday sun.

Picture # 3. Total painting of burns on the orchid of Wanda.

As we have already discussed above, without sufficient number Lights of plants cannot develop normally, so most flower water plants are installed in a room where orchids are added, additional artificial lighting. If it is incorrect to pick up the height between the lamp and the plant (at least the height of the last growing sheet should be 20-30 cm), then literally the next day the orchids will receive thermal burns. In addition, incandescent lamps emit heat, which especially in the hot season, negatively affects the development of orchids. Thermal burns will die in the future and will not really harm the plant, but the stains from burns will remain. Therefore, for such purposes, you need to choose the lamps of a new generation and to withstand the height of the lamps.

Photo number 4. thermal burn (from touching the fluorescent lamp)

It is not worth the burn to be confused with a tan, the tan will not bring the plant harm, but this is the signal that the plant should be pronounced, because Behind the tanning can also follow the burn.

Picture number 5. Tan on the Cattley Bulbe.

Orchids do not spray in the sun, because Water droplets can work as a lens and a plant will get point burns.

Photo number 6. Burns on Falenopsis colors.

2. Running errors during watering and their subsequent diseases.

Each genus and kind of orchids requires special rules of irrigation. But I want to draw your attention that in every apartment your microclimate, so it will not be able to water the unambiguous advice with any priority. It is necessary to find the Golden Middle to find the Golden Middle and try to understand the plant: when it is required to pour, and when to refrain from watering.
Due to excessive irrigation, the plant suffers more than from late. If orchid for some reason for a long time It was not poured, it is easier to empty it than because of the frequent watering to grow re-rotted roots.

Photo number 7. The consequences of excessive watering of Likaste (Lycaste).

Because of the excess moisture, the Bulba, and Rota moved to young growths. In this case, the bouler to the touch is soft, so the plant can be thrown out entirely, the growth is no longer saved.

Picture number 8. This looks like a bulbophilum leaf out of excessive watering (Bulbophylum).

Picture № 9. Digitable root phalaenopsis (Phalaenopsis).

Most importantly, the main rule in the care of phalaenopsis - the roots between the irrigation must be satisfied.

Photo number 10. The leaves lose the tour and fall due to the rotten root.

This is how the leaves look like Paphiopedilum due to non-regulated irrigation. This species It categorically unresponsing the full drying of the root and lost turgor of the leaves, unfortunately, does not restore.

Photo number 10.A. Damage to Paphiopedilum tissues due to improper irrigation.

There are types of orchids that prefer high humidity, but in no case cannot be confused by the humidity and frequent watering. If you do not increase the humidity of the air indoor, but increase the frequency of watering, then a maximum of a month we will see the following picture.

Picture number 11. Low moisture in the room and frequent watering led to the fact that the leaves lose the tour and gradually die in favor of the plant itself.

Some types of orchids in the summer season are quite painfully reacting to late irrigation. The leaves are dehydrated and faded, lose the tour, over time, throwing down the lower row one by one. Therefore, in the hot season, you need to monitor the timely irrigation and high humidity in the room where the orchids are located. Mandatory at high temperature and humidity of the air should be good air ventilation. Preferably in the hottest daytime clock (from 12.00 to 15.00) turn on the fan and ventilate the room well.

Photo number 12. Lack of moisture, Cattleya leaves (Cattleya) lose the tour.


In nature, there is such a concept as swelling. Such diseases of orchids as edema appear due to prolonged contact with water. For example, a plant was frustrated during watering and accidentally forgot about it for a day. Highly an important factor There is a room temperature in which plants are located. If the temperature decreases to + 15 / + 17c, then watering at such temperatures is reduced, because at low temperatures, it is easier to obtain bacterial and fungal diseases. If the room is cool, then after abundant irrigation, the plant can also receive swelling and other orchid diseases. It is important to know that in the cool time of the year (autumn, winter, the beginning of the spring) watering reducing and do not put the plants on the cold window sill. If they appear wet spots, they urgently need to be removed, because they grow very quickly, and can burn all the plant as a whole.

Picture number 13. Evenkers of Falenopsis leaves due to long-term contact with water.

Picture № 14. Spot swelling on the leaves of phalaenopsis due to non-regulated irrigation.

Picture No. 15. Results of the wrong watering during the cold season of Ayrangis (Arangis).

Picture No. 16. The results of frequent watering in the cold season of the orchid Vanilla (Vanilla).

4. Troubles due to low temperatures.

In the cold season from the purchase of orchids, it is advisable to refrain or quite carefully packaged when transporting, otherwise the plant will get frostbite and stains will have to cut to live tissue, because They are not subject to restoration.

Photo number 17. Fallenopsis frostbite.

Picture № 18. Falenopsis per caption during the cold season when carrying out the premises.

Orchids do not spray in the cool season when indoors low temperature And bad air ventilation. It can provoke appearance on colors dark spots fungal origin.

Picture № 19. Follow the spraying in the cool season.

5. Higher diseases of orchids.

Often when buying orchids, we can see barely noticeable "tubercles". They can be located both on the leaves and on the trunk (neck) of the plant. Most often it is Bolzin Falenopsis. In each bugorca there are small fungal, in which the microhrib is invisible for the naked eye. Such bumps are better not to open so that imperceptible fungal disputes will not scatter over the entire Orchid collection, which are indoors with a source of carrier of the fungal. You can take nevertheless and handle burggeric fungicide, you can cut a sheet and lose the problem forever.

Picture No. 20. Bugger-Mushrooms on the leaves of phalaenopsis.

Picture number 21. Mushrooms.


Orchids, like people suffer viral diseases. Plants with viral diseases are disposed of. Unfortunately, the orchid of virus type diseases does not tolerate - there are no treatment methods. Virus for a long time It may not be laid and not to show itself, but when watering (in general, the Taza) settle in all orchids that were directly involved in watering. The virus is also transferred when plant processing with sharp tools. If the development of the virus appears favorable conditionsIt is activated and then will "dance" throughout the collection and destroy will need all plants without exception. Favorable soil for the flashes of the virus is any stress, for example, a sharp decrease (increase) of temperatures or moving to a new room, radically distinguished by the conditions of the habitat (temperature, humidity, etc.). If we noticed that a plant appeared in your collection with a suspicion of a virus, it needs to be immediately wasolate from others from others and to process at least an antibiotic of a wide range of action and after any fungicide. Sometimes the virus does not exhibit itself, it can be found only after the plant is blossoming. Color and flower shape will differ from the norm.

Picture № 22. The virus has an annular shape (as spotted).

Picture № 23. On the photo a sheet of phalaenopsis, infected with the virus.

Picture № 24. On the photo of the Falenopsis leaf, infected with the virus, to which the fungus settled on top.

7. The excellent aging of orchids.

If you have noticed that the orchid shines the bottom sheet, you should not panic, you need to watch the plant for some time. Sometimes the elimination of the lower row of the leaves is the norm, because Each plant has its own life cycle, incl. Orchid has no disease here. There is no new one for replacing.

Picture № 25. Natural aging of the phalanopsis sheet.

With natural fading, the sheet begins to die away from the neck of the plant, but practically from the edge of the sheet. Gradually, the yellowness moves along the lest to the base (neck) dry and falls. You do not need to delete the sheet yourself, you need to wait when the sheet himself dries and fall.

Picture No. 26. The beginning of the process of filling the bottom sheet.

Faleenopsis often has a flexion of the sheet because of the proceeding young roots, they, as if pushing the sheet and are formed in their place.

Picture number 27. The root breaks down the sheet and will die in the future.

8. Eggs. Disease - Rinch Sheki.

Ring from within the neck of the orchid is quite a cunning piece. How not to refue the plant, you will not see the rot. The reason is that the grinding process is in the tissues of the plant inside the cervical. After some time, we see the following picture: the leaves begin to turn yellow from the neck and fall, then the orchid disassembles the designer. Unfortunately, in this situation, it is not possible to help the plant. The rot may begin its development for several reasons: frequent watering, long-term contact with water orchid roots, roots between watering do not enhance, watering at low temperature indoors.

Picture № 28. Rotten Phalenopsis (top view).

Picture № 29. Ginil of Phalaenopsis (side view).

Photo number 30. The consequences of the neck of Phalaenopsis.

9. Fertilizer and poor water quality.

Using the example of Eurychone Rothschildiana (photo №31) it can be seen that the plant is healthy, it is comfortable, it is successfully developing, rustling roots (roots' tips - green). After planting the plant with fertilizers with incorrectly selected dosage (this applies to any fertilizer without exception) braking in the development process begins. The roots "snack" and suspend growth, the leaves lose the tour and fade. The plant flows into a stupor. The lack of root growth may indicate an incorrectly selected fertilizer concentration. Often describes in detail the recommendations for use. capricious beauties - Orchids - use this information.

Dead root tips (Picture number 32) are the first signs in order to beat the alarm. The leaves are not just yellow, but have a brownish shade, which indicates roots burned in the process. If it does not take action on time, the plant may die. In this case, first of all, you need to arrange the hot shower all plants once a week. The souls contribute to the flushing of accumulated salts in the substrate, as well as tones the growth of orchids, imitating warm heavy livnery of the natural habitat.

Picture number 31. Eurychone Rothschildiana Healthy growth process.

Photo number 32. Eurychone Rothschildiana on the verge of death.

10. What is dangerous bad air ventilation indoors for orchids?

One of the main factors of the absence of orchid disease in indoor culture is air ventilation. Everyone knows that in the natural habitat, epiphytes live highly on trees that are added by the winds. Most of them grow in tropical and equatorial areas. The equator is constantly warm and wet, it rains very often. In nature, there are morning dews, fogs. Orchids are accustomed to the wet climate. At home, we are trying to maximize the natural conditions (raise the humidity of the air, increase the temperature to the desired mark, arrange a warm shower, imitating tropical livne), but forget about the most important thing about air aerations. In the warm season, our apartments and loggia are split up to high temperatures. Spraying in the mornings winter Garden"We increase air humidity and with a sense of debt go to work. What happens at this time in a closed room? With high temperature and humidity indicators there is a possibility of the appearance of orchids disease - fungal and bacterial diseases. In bacterial diseases, watery spots appear (photo No. 33), which are very quickly distributed by the plant, in some cases the plant dies within a few days.

Photo number 33. Wet rot on a young sheet of phalaenopsis.

As a rule, special drugs do not exist, the antibiotics of widespread action helps.
Also, high temperatures make it difficult to breathe the plant, especially acutely it feels the root system. The roots of orchids overheat and are not able to work in full volume. The plant does not receive the desired amount of moisture and begins to lose the tour (photo No. 35). With poor air ventilation and high humidity The moisture after watering or soul can be stammering in the sinuses of plants (photo No. 34) and stimulate putrefactive processes.
Output. At high temperatures and excessive humidity, it is necessary to air the room more often, not to put plants too closely towards each other, to ensure that the moisture remains on the leaves for a long time. Water and spray plants need only in the first half of the day. If there is an opportunity, you can set indoors with a large cluster and the crowned flower fan (photo №37) and include it at least in the hottest clock. This will help avoid many problems and various kinds of diseases.

Photo number 34. Stagnation of moisture during the development of the cover due to poor air ventilation.

Photo number 35. Overheating root. Leaves lose the tour.

Picture number 36. At the hottest time, turn on the fan and air the room.

Good luck! And let your orchid do not know, but only pleases you with your beautiful bloom!

Very grateful to the Kiev club of orchid lovers for help in preparing the material!

The word "orchid" itself pays some charm and mystery. The cultivation of this amazing plant at home is given a real pleasure, especially when the pet begins to delight you with its truly royal flowers of the most unthinkable paintings. But all this is possible only with proper care. The plant is unpretentious enough, but at the same time has its own "character". Very often you can face different kinds of trouble, so it is so important to know their treatment.

First of all, it is worth saying a few words about the right leaving of these plants. After all, it is the main factor of warning various diseases and a pledge of good flowering.

7 main errors in care for orchids

  • Excessive and frequent watering is one of the main reasons from which orchid dies. Strictly follow the recommendations regarding the water regime.
  • Cold drafts indoors. Remember that they do not replace the ventilation and are not an equivalent concept.
  • Too dry air in the apartment. Orchids are residents where humidity is close to the indicator 100%.
  • Like direct B. summer period. From the midday heat plant must be dialed.
  • Wet leaves. Spray and water the plants follow in the morning. If you systematically do it in the evening, then you will probably provoke diseases of the leaves of orchids.
  • The source of heat is nearby, namely, heating batteries. Most often it leads to damage to the leaves.
  • Too abundant feeding fertilizers. It is impossible, first, to bring them during the period of rest, and secondly, in arbitrary concentration, strictly follow the instructions on the package.

In order for the question of how to save orchids, adhere to these major postulates. Otherwise, you may have some difficulties.

Problems associated with error errors

The fact that something is wrong with the plant, first of all we will learn about the leaves. This is the main indicator, well, or at least the most noticeable for us.

The first signal is that not everything is in order, serves the change in the color of the leaves. If they purchased a yellow shade or blushed, then maybe the reason is too bright the sun. If the emerging new leaflets have become too dark, then, most likely, they lack light. A sign of insufficient nutrition can be a change in the intensity of the color, when all the greens become evenly pale. These changes are not fatal. And if about how to save orchids, the question is not worth it, then it is simply necessary to help the plant.

A more serious feature is the fading of leaves or in general their fiction. The first thing to do is carefully inspect the plant for the appearance of pests. If his appearance is healthy enough, then the reason may wage in dehydration. Surprisingly, the fact: the same symptoms may testify both about the excess of moisture and its lack of. When drying the substrate, the roots of orchids lose the water source and cannot, respectively, supply leaves it. And with an excess of moisture, they simply rotate and also do not cope with their function. As a result, you get faded or falling leaves.

Well, one more widespread situation is the appearance of black spots. They appear either on the entire surface of the sheet, or only on the tips. In the first case, the reason lies, most likely, in the excess of the Sun, and the plant simply burned down, and in the second wine the overvoltage, drafts.

Bacterial diseases of orchids and their treatment

This is perhaps the most complex category of diseases, because when noticeing signs, as a rule, it is too late to do anything. Specific for orchids is a bright spot of the leaves, especially phalaenopsis is especially pronounced. The leaf, affected by this disease, at first turns yellow, and then acquires brown tint. The infected fabric becomes soft and covered with ulcers, of which cell juice comes out. The question arises, how to save orchids with such a disease. First of all, the patient plant must be isolated from the rest. Lands of leaf, affected by drier spot, carefully cut out, capturing a healthy tissue. Cuts are best sprinkled with chopped this measure effective at the initial stage. After all sections get dry, the plant should be treated with special preparations (fungicides). For example, "strides", "Vectra", "PhytoPorin", etc. If the flower is damaged too much, including the bouffer, then it will not be possible to help him, will have to be thrown away.

In addition to bacterial and fungal diseases, orchids are very often attacked by pests. Consider each option in more detail.


These are small (from 1 to 4 mm) insects, which, depending on the species, can have green, yellow or black color. They suck juice from the plant, so the favorite location is buds, flowers, young leaves and sprouts. In the places of their greatest cluster, a medical raid is formed, at which the dark mold is developing subsequently. At the initial stage, the plant should be washed with soapy water, and buds affected by insects and colors cut off. If the colonies are too large, then insecticides are used, for example, "phytodeterm", "Inta-Vir". Keep in mind that most often all of them require re-processing after a certain period, so carefully read the instructions and follow the security measures.


These are very small flying insects with a body having yellow or black. Most often, they can be noticed with a naked eye. In addition, the signs of the appearance of the TRIPS are spots and stripes on the leaves and flowers of silver color. Buds affected by insects begin to deform. The lengthy drought contributes to their appearance and active reproduction. Therefore, it is so important to know which soil for orchids is needed and how to maintain permanent humidity in it.

Cobed tick

Petty insect, most often appearing on orchids with soft leaves, for example, cymbidium. Its active development and rapid reproduction contributes to dry air indoors and elevated temperatures. A characteristic feature is the appearance of the pale first, and then dark spots, sometimes a web is noticeable. Measures of struggle and prevention are the same. Once a week, process the plant is similar to the appearance of a false mold.


This is a very cunning pest. Often, its abilities underestimate, as a result, the plant is already able to save it is simply impossible. The appearance of the pest resembles the plaques of brown or gray. They suck the juice from the plant, so the most of them can be found on leathery leaves. Women's adult person spends his whole life in a fixed state, protects her wax panel. With this feature, it is connected to get rid of them difficult. The appearance of the shield can be the answer to the question of why the orchid dries. Insects pull the juice from the leaves, as a result of which they begin to wither, then turn yellow and end up.

The main object of these pests becomes primarily weakened plants with impaired metabolism, "rebuilt" nitrogen fertilizers. You can get rid of the shield, but some effort will be required. Originally, insulace the affected orchid from the rest of the plants. Next, it should be washed with water or ordinary soap solution - it will help get rid of young and moving individuals. There are many people's methodsBut is it worth risking and run the disease even more? Therefore, we advise you to immediately use insecticides. Processing the plant carefully, the shields like to be hidden in the sinuses of the leaves, especially in orchids with sympodial branch.


These are very small insects that are covered with a flush resembling cotton. They, as a rule, settle in the sinuses of the leaves or on their underside, on pseudobulbach. When forming a large colonies, the plant stops in growth. A sign of their appearance can also be faded leaves. Very often, the tormentary sever can be brought home along with the plant just purchased. Therefore, the first few weeks of a new orchid, and any other flower, to hold in isolation from others and observe are so important. In this case, the Council is especially concerned with phalaenopsis. Ways to combat mild cherrysomes are similar to that when the shield appears.

Slug and Snails

Of course, in roomms, they are unlikely to appear. Slug and snails are to attack those who breed and contain orchids in greenhouses and greenhouses. These clams first of all damage buds and flowers, as well as the tips of the roots in orchids. Prevention of their appearance is a timely cleaning of garbage and plant residues from greenhouses. These pests lead a nightlife, so when dark, you can try to assemble them when flashlight light. But it is best to decompose special anti-closer granules.

All secret healthy Plant - This is the correct care for it. Observing the desired temperature and air humidity, choosing proper primer And the location of the plant in the house, setting the literate watering mode, you will save yourself from many problems.

Leaves and flowers of healthy orchid are long happy to look at her owners. From view experienced gardener Stains will not hide on the leaves of orchids, sometimes appearing unfortunately. Why did these white dots appear and what to do for the treatment of spots, which can be seen on the leaves of Faleenopsis orchids?

Any depigmentation of the plant always talks about the presence of certain violations in its vital activity. It can be white spots, waterproof, over time, turning into necrotic black spots, dry brown spots, on the site of which the vegetable tissue crumbles and is rolled. Spots that may appear on the leaves of phalaenopsis indicate the disease or disturbed mineral nutrition of your pet.

Depending on the reason for the appearance of specks, they will have to be different. Therefore, it is important to distinguish signs of diseases and physiological problems of the plant. Let's figure it out in detail why stains appear different colorsAnd the worst is white spots on orchid leaves.

Diseases of phalaenopsis

Exists large list diseases of the symptoms of the manifestation of which are points on the leaves. They can be divided into two categories - diseases caused by mushrooms, and diseases caused by bacteria. Among the fungi spots on the leaves causes phytoofluorois, fuzary, cooclipolyus, pseudocolobolyus, causative agents of septoriosia and churchospos.

Bacterial pathogens of spots are mainly related to the Bacillus attitude, but there are exceptions. Basically, all these diseases are manifested in the initial stages in the form of the appearance of whitewood or yellow spots with time black of the defeat. Sometimes stains merge and massive necrotic areas with dark edges are formed.


Uredo japanika mushroom is called uredo japanika. Dark spots with a diameter of up to 3 mm appear on the leaves. Over time, the entire surface of the plant of the plant is affected and dies. Usually the appearance of this disease is a consequence of poor control over the surroundings of the plant. Most often infected phalaenopsis that are indoors with low temperatures and high humidity.

Bacillus Cypriped.

This bacterium is the causative agent of the wet rot orchids. This is very dangerous diseasenon-adequately treatment. At the first signs of the disease, it is recommended to remove the affected leaf.

The manifestation of the disease is very characteristic and starts with the edge of the sheet plate. At first there appears a dark watery spot that quickly spreads down the fabric. The affected area becomes sluggish, the leaf cries, the unpleasant smell characteristic of bacteriosis appears.

Rota develops literally by the hour. The bright affected spot during several hours darkness yellow color, after - to brown. On the second day, the brown is all the plant.

Dry spots

The causative agent of dry spots is the Cladosporium Orchideorum. Small spots appear on the plant brown color, dry consistency. Quite quickly, they cover the entire surface of the photosynthetic organ, forming a black spution on it.


The causative agent of Phytophthora Palmiala - Mushroom Nature. This pathogen causes a black shet base rot. Extremely dangerous disease. Disputes pathogen capable of staying in the soil for a long time. It begins with the appearance on the leaves of orchids of small black spots. Quickly progresses, infecting and killing all the plant. It is practically not treated. The phyotophtor loves wet, cool conditions and infects the flower only in the presence of drip moisture.

Mesophyll collapse

The disease called the "death of leaf cells". The causative agent is not defined. Looks like a single pockets of brown on the surface of phalaenopsis. The development of this disease is associated with watering leaves with cold water.

Bacterial spotting

Under this term, the spottedness caused by the genus of the genus Cercospora is most often meaning. It looks like white, concentric specks on the top of the sheet. On the underside you can observe the development of mycelium. The disease quickly spreads to the presence of appropriate conditions - high temperature and high humidity.

Phyllostictina pyriformis

Yellow spottedness of the leaf of the pathogen is a mushroom. It develops slowly, but large-scale - fungus quickly spreads disputes, infecting all the plant. The stains are first yellowish, and subsequently darken. The mushroom is an aggressive necrotrofom and quickly kills the lips of a living plant.


Destruction of chlorophyll in plants cells. Looks like uneven, bright laid spottedness on the surface of the affected organ. It is a consequence of a huge range of problems since the insufficient amount of moisture or mineral substances (nitrogen, phosphorus) ending with the presence of root rot. Chlorosis is a symptom of the disease.

Burkholderia Gladioli.

Unusual for our latitudes wet bacterial rot. The pathogen of Burkholderia Gladioli lives in vegetable cells and causes local tissue darkening due to the destruction of mechanical structures. The affected area becomes mucous and jelly-like consistency.


The treatment of spotting is reduced primarily to the prevention. Check your plants in a timely manner, do not allow their freezing and stressing, follow the sheets there are no drip moisture. At the first signs of the disease - remove the affected leaf to save the whole orchid. Accurately determining who is the causative agent of your illness - mushroom or bacterium, use the necessary drug

Video "Orchid's Diseases"

From this video, you will learn about errors in the care and causes of disease.

When careing for orchids, it is easy to make a mistake, because this flower needs constant care, it is easier to avoid problems, to do everything in a timely manner, with diseases - orchids are restored enough long time. What problems faced most often? - Diseases may occur, even seemed because of primitive - incorrect lighting. To grow any colors, you need to adhere to the right illumination, the light mode must be moderate, in time to act in order to avoid burns that do not carry much danger, but the tracks remain long enough. In no case, can not be engaged in spraying orchids in the sun, because the dot burns are formed on the leaves. By the way, the wrong irrigation also causes trouble, the main rule is better to pour less than to overdo it, especially, it negatively affects young sprouts, the overall and stagnation of water causes infection. Be sure to support moisture, if it is not taken care of it, but just water the plant, then the result will be - fallen leaves. Bad irrigation also leads to fallout leaves, their dryness, in very hot weather - use a fan to obtain fresh air. An important point To memorize, there is something that the flower can not be continuously and continuously in the water, and if it is combined with a low temperature, he will definitely appear. IN winter time Watering is reduced. It is necessary to avoid water from entering leaves, it will ensure salvation from rotting and point swelling. In the cold winter time, at low temperatures - the sheets are not only covered with white spots, but sometimes they are refrigerated (frostbed sites need amputation), in the same period, it is necessary to abandon spraying, it will provoke the appearance of darkened fungal spots.

Groups of diseases:

Such diseases in orchid can be found infrequently, this is due to the fact that the cultivation of these flowers includes very scrupulously, it is possible to detect such viruses only in special conditions, or rather laboratories, and if they are detected, then all infected parts are immediately referred. At home, it is very often unreasonable panic and take the usual overvoltage for viral diseases, however, with proper care - it is extremely unlikely. An important fact is that viruses cannot be cured, but the flower does not die from them, if we provide due conditions, then Phalaenopsis will acquire a healthy look and will live, please be a long time.

A group of diseases that occur most often and sometimes even end in the death of the plant. Typically, fungus develops due to poor ventilation, overheating or overwhelming, and it develops in a fairly rapid pace. In turn, the fungal diseases include: the root rotting (the most banal and common), although the whole plant suffers, but only the root is subjected to infiltrate, all other affected parts are quiet, and sometimes: crack or change color. The fungi includes tracheosikosis, this group of diseases stands out by destroying orchid - poisoning it from the inside, through the vascular system, thereby taking everything vitality And saturating toxins. This group bears an extraordinary danger due to the fact that to identify the disease on early timing It is hard, and the neglected form - the treatment does not make sense and the process of recovery is extremely difficult. The main signs of tracheosikosis: The lower sheets begin to fade (possibly, from some one side), begin to acquire a yellowish tint, the infection of the stalk, neck and roots begins, gradually, the roots stop growing at all. If all these symptoms are manifested at the same time, the disease to identify, suspend much easier, but it happens that they become visible in the launched stages when the flower requires urgent rehabilitation, a diligent treatment. The reasons for the appearance of spotlight is just a lot, for example: ordinary or false puffy dew, rust, rot, anthracnose, septoriasis, Stangospose, philostose, churchosposition. When any of the listed diseases are found, you need to know that any fungi is treated with the help of a chemical or biological system killing fungicide (which penetrates deep into the vascular system and is not used for ordinary prevention, but as a direct eradicator fungus).

It is necessary to meet such lesions, the cause of their origin is the depletion of the plant and the penetration of bacteria through the tissue of damaged walls. Bacterial diseases include: root rotwhich quickly progresses, infects and gradually destroys the whole flower, first die roots, and later shoots, they are enough ten days for full blackening and drying, characteristic sign The formation of rot - specific, terrible smell, as well as spottedness can be formed on the leaves. The stains have a black and brown color, surrounded by an oily halo, their number increases with a mad speed. For treatment there are no special medicines, often tetracycline is used. Bacteriosis is seriously treated, it is difficult to talk about some comforting guarantees for sure. It happens, it is difficult to distinguish the fungal pathogen from the bacterial, therefore, in such cases, synthetic antibiotics, fungicide, begin to immediately apply synthetic antibiotics.

Be sure to consider what the main, most in a true way Must with phalaenopsis from diseases, and after grave treatment procedures - this is the maximum listening to all important rules Regarding growing, if mistakes are allowed, misses, the orchid weakens and thus attracts a different kind of infection. Elementary tips to help warn, suspend infections, disease: clearly adhere to the best conditions of content, study the history of the flower, its needs, the new orchid should always be in strict quarantine (from two weeks to a month), for the possibility of studying all the subtleties, flower adaptation, The ability to secure others (perhaps something infected) plants. When suspected of the disease arise - just keep in dry conditions without using any feeding and stimulating agents. Even pests can appear from a bad substrate or poor-quality transplant, irregular irrigation, if the water is not suitable, the same applies to fertilizers, they should be used in moderate quantities. Orchid does not tolerate drafts and dampness, mold, excessively cold air, it is undesirable to store vegetables or fruits nearby, because their infection is not always determined immediately, and the bacteria act instantly.

Orchids are grown due to beautiful, long, more blossomBut how to be if everything goes not according to plan? - When the flowers are pretty enough, becomes sluggish, and then they are completely falling, the cause is likely to have a stool, poor lighting, dryness of air, drafts, low temperature or its sharp drops. The appearance of dark spots or points can contact poor ventilation, low temperatures, forming rot. If there are no blooms at all - the temperature regime is broken.

Green flag It appears due to the formation of algae and excessively elevated moisture, the disease is most common among greenhouses, winter gardens, greenhouses. To cure orchids, it is necessary to get rid of the raid with the help of marlevary tissue, which should be lightly moistened with water, at home by an excellent assistant can become a mangalls or ordinary laundry soap.

Cracks Appear as a result of unsafe movement to another place or transplantation.

The yellowing, withering the leaf (the top) occurs due to the fusariosis - the overaffect of moisture, watering, and most importantly - the low temperature of the habitat. In case of fusarious fading, by the way there will be a cutting of irrigation, trimming the affected parts with sterile instruments, and after - their processing "Fundazole".

The removal of bacterial rotes (depressed dark spots) is to destroy the sheets to full-fledged, not patients with tissues well sterilized tool, treatment can be carried out by fungicides.

Bacterial spot, namely, the formation of brown spots (having yellow / white bezel) on the leaves of phalaenopsis is treated by isolating, removing contaminated parts, cutting into the cuts of activated carbon, gray, wood ash (Any antibacterial drug, in the treatment process, be sure to comply with restrained contacts with water.

Viruses are rarely attack, but they are most dangerous, especially if there are a lot of colors, because they are spreading lightning, so if darkened strokes appear on the sheets, which smoothly flow into strips, then urgently need to destroy the flower.

From sun burns Easily easily, it will be enough: to diagnose into hot seasons of the year, do not engage in spraying under the hit of straight sunny races. Lying leaves are directly related to the state of the root system, it means its infection, if the roots are inspected in a timely manner, eliminate damaged, process medical means Against fungus, then the condition is normalized and the flower will return to the rivest blossom.

When the leaves are unequal, ugly with bad color, then the very time to make a question of mineral nutrition (put into the course of complex fertilizers). In case of damage or dons - air roots dry so that this is not there, you need to fill the broken particle and process it with activated carbon.

When the roots are screwed without visible, the only obvious, the problem is weak irrigation and humidity, respectively - it is necessary to increase the amount of irrigation, use the humidifier. Also, with bad irrigations, the roots may be picked up in the substrate, in this case, the container with the plant should be placed half an hour in warm water, so healthy roots are immediately soaked in moisture and acquire a pleasant green color. However, watering should be clearly planning and clearly realize that excess water It will lead to the rotation of the root system, initially, the roots will become spotted, through time they will begin to frown, becomes softened, brown. The right solution to the preservation of phalaenopsis is: moderate watering, timely transplant, processing.

Pests and ways of their destruction

- Completed insect, dangerous this small pest is dangerous with its columns, like a drop, color Tley: green, yellow, black.

- Miniature oblong flies with wings, spread white or transparent larvae, they spoil the youngest and unprotected orchid particles, the flower is covered with stains, stripes, jerky, and after - falls. The situation has two outputs: to apply a spraying insecticides or several times a week to use the economic soap (this will help eliminate the larvae).

- insect that appearance It looks like cotton pieces, settles on the leaves and sucks juice, they become yellowish and sluggish. It will help with the treatment with vodka, alcohol and necessarily - "Aktar", the procedure of purification should be carried out a couple of times within two weeks.

- eliminate quickly, these are peculiar thighs that are characterized by stickiness are processed by vodka, alcohol, soap, if available, it is necessary to increase the humidity.

Cobed tick It has a red color, appears at low humidity, moves slowly, the fault of this pest is formed by a flaka and the sheets die. In the fight, water and acaricides will help to avoid a meeting with a tick, you need to: remove the orchid from the slightest winds, drafts, spray with heat water, new plants keep a certain period in quarantine mode.

All phalaenopsis - elphites. They grow in nature on large trees, stumps of plants as a support. The flower has one stem, branching is missing. Its height reaches 10-100 cm. Orchid leaves grow slowly, like stem. For a year, only a few green leaves may appear. They are formed during flowering. It lasts 3 months. Initially, the upper buds are blooming, and the lower ones are still forming.

What diseases differ from pest lesions?

Reference. Phalenopsis diseases is a common phenomenon, the main cause of which is irregular care. Diseases can be fungal, viral, and more spread rot.

For each of them, their symptoms are characterized that allow them to distinguish from. Most often, with damage to the flower, the leaves is almost instantly dark, dry and fall out (more about leaf diseases can be found). And when the plant visited insects, then the whole process occurs gradually: the leaves are covered with stains, slowly fade and only then fall out. This allows the flower in time to react and save the flower.

The most common diseases of phalaenopsis should be attributed:

What are the reasons?

The following reasons may influence the development of the disease in orchids:

  • Violation of the light mode. Phalaenopsis refers to the shadowless types of orchids. They feel comfortable on the windowsill coming to the north.

    Note! The sun rays for them are dangerous and with direct penetration of them on the leaves can develop thermal burns. They do not bear significant harm to the plant, but leave behind the ugly stains.

  • Wrong watering. Orchid prefers high humidity, but reacts negatively to permanent poliv water. As a result, rotting can occur and the lengthy of the leaves.
  • Low temperature. Houses at orchids freeze the chances of little. Most often it happens during the transport of it from the store or moving. The affected places are covered with white spots and die away. A similar effect may occur when spraying a plant at a low temperature and as a result of poor ventilation.

How to determine what happened?

The complexity in setting the correct diagnosis is that some exterior signs Similar to the symptoms of the effect of pests. So that for the formulation of the final diagnosis to be carefully examined by the flower.

If it was found not only the symptoms of the defeat, but also insects, then most likely they are the cause of the problem. In addition, you need to know the basic symptoms of common orchid diseases. Then it will be possible to understand exactly, this is a pest or illness.

What parts of the plant deteriorate?

Most often, the lesion is applied to the leafs, roots and a stalk of the plant. Sheet plate begins to yellow, wither and dug. Stem darkened and posting. Root system Most often, it is influenced by rotting, as a result of which its roots are discharged and dying (about how to care for the roots of orchids, read).

Characteristics of problems, photo and treatment

Check out photos of each disease and its description.

it fungal diseasewhich is formed due to high humidity and stagnant water. As a result, burns are formed on the leaves of the plant.

To combat the disease, it is necessary to remove all the affected places to a healthy fabric., and then sprinkle their ashes. If the defeat is massive, then the plant will have to fully treat the drugs of mycosan. Orchid to install in a dry room and constantly merge water from the pallet.

The main reason for the development of the disease is errors in care. The lesion is applied by the leaves of the plant.

To combat a poor cut patients, sprinkle cutting sections with powder activated coal. For disinfection, 20% alcohol solution can be used. With too extensive lesion, use the micosan, soon or detected.

Influence this disease can increased humidity and temperature. Recognize diseases can be used on the leaf of the leaf.

If the first signs are found, the orchid is thoroughly pouring, and after 2 hours it is treated with a solution of colloidal sulfur, using a sprayer. You can also use phytoosporin. They spray leaves 3-4 times with an interval of 10 days.

You can use folk remedies, such as soap-soda mortar. For its preparation take 25 g of soda, 5 g liquid soap, 5 L. hot water. Initially dissolve soda in water, and then add soap. As soon as the solution cools down, then spraying every 7-10 days.

This disease amazes the leaves of orchids, which become sticky (read on sticky leaves of Phalaenopsis). The black flare formed does not give leaves to receive sunlight in required quantitySo the plant weakens.

For treatment, the drug Mikosan, Ridomil, Topcin-M, soon. Folk remedies are powerless here.



It is one of the most common. The first manifestations of the disease are observed 12 hours after the defeat. Most often, young sprouts suffer. They become black and covered with sticky raid.

Important! When the black rot, it is necessary to isolate the patient plant from healthy.

The transfer of malicious fungus is contactable by contacting, so the treatment takes place hard. Its essence is that it is necessary to remove the affected areas, and the sections of the sections should be treated with cinnamon or sulfur shock. After they get dry, they are treated with fungicide.

Watch the video on how to cure phalaenopsis from fungal infection on the neck:


This is a bacterial disease that is formed with high humidity and temperature. Orchids begin to darken and heat the roots. Leafs are acquired by a specific brown shade.

The reanimation of the roots should be started with the treatment of a plant with a solution of fungicide and removing the affected areas. Soil is exposed to processing. To do this, use Fundazole or Topsin. Treatment to lead at least 3 times with a period of 2 weeks.

We told about the treatment of this disease of the roots, take a look, what this problem looks like in the photo:


it the disease is the result of a violation of the rules of care. During the development of gray rot, stains arise on colors. They are dark color, and then covered with a gray bloom.

Note! In the absence of treatment, the plant will be weakening and will die.

Treatment is reduced to the removal of affected areas and the processing of fungicides. If after the first processing positive result It is absent, then it is impossible to apply a similar drug, since the pathogen of the gray rot, it has gained stability to it. But when the process is distributed to the entire sheet plate, measures have to be urgent. Help your orchid if she got sick and save her from death.

How to save?

Here is a detailed plan for how to reanimate orchid yourself:

  1. Rinse roots, delete affected.
  2. Prepare a container, pour on the bottom of the ceramzite, and from above - carefully stealled and peeled sphagnum.
  3. The mixture is properly moistened.
  4. To lay a sheet socket and while the plant does not reflect the roots with a length of 3-5 cm, it is contained under the shelter.
  5. For resuscitation orchids must be observed the following conditions: Temperature 22-28 degrees, humidity - 70-100%. Lighting should be 12-14 hours per day.

To the orchid for a long time bloom and pleased bright colorsAnd the disease never struck it, the following measures of prevention will have to follow the flower engine:

Phalaenopsis is a kind of orchids, which is fully resistant to illness. But it is not worth relaxing. The flower model should regularly examine the plant, and in case of detection of deviations, immediately proceed to treatment.