Gerbera garden - a capricious beauty in your yard. Garden gerbera: planting and care

Gerbera is one of the most beautiful, eye-catching garden flowers that can make your yard look incredible! Moreover, today there are a huge number of varieties of this plant. In addition to a hundred already well-known varieties, there are also three dozen new products that are not yet known to a wide range of gardeners.

Whichever variety you choose, you can be sure that it will delight you with its incredible decorative properties. In this article we will talk about how to properly grow, plant gerberas and care for them.

general information

Let us immediately state that open ground these flowers can grow only in the southern part of our country or with middle lane with a mild climate. If you live in northern regions, provide a greenhouse for the plant or, not forgetting to ensure optimal ventilation.

It should be remembered that these flowers are incredibly demanding on:

  • illumination;
  • humidity;
  • temperature;
  • top dressing.

At the same time, flowers love light, but not direct sunlight, and heat, and grow best on slightly acidic soils.

Gerberas need to be watered often, but not too much:

  • water intake should be moderate;
  • it is impossible for streams of water to fall on a rosette of leaves at the roots;
  • overmoistening should not be allowed.

Note. To ensure all of the above recommendations for watering, it is best to do it in a pan.
Or along the edge of the pot, if the flowers grow in it.

But, as if I compensate for my excessive demands on watering, gerberas simply adore Fresh air and resistant to drafts.

Two periods of growth

Gerberas have two main periods of growth, each of which is characterized by its own characteristics.

The first period begins in February and lasts until mid-May.

However, it must be remembered that too intense lighting, which manifests itself with an increase in daylight hours, can adversely affect:

  • growth;
  • flowering;
  • as a plant.

During this period, it is important to maintain optimal level temperature. So, in spring and summer, you need to ensure the temperature is at a level of 20 to 25 degrees.

If short-term frosts are observed on the ground or its temperature drops below 8 degrees, then the development of the rhizome, as well as the growth of the whole plant, stops.

Note. However, a sharp or severe frost can significantly damage the plant.
In some cases, even lead to his death.

The second period starts in August. At this time, the active development of peduncles begins, and ends only in early October. If you can provide optimal conditions, create a good, warm greenhouse or conservatory, then the flowering period can be extended until spring.

However, in order to achieve this, it is extremely important to provide additional lighting that guarantees, albeit artificially, but an extension of daylight hours up to 15 hours a day.

With such intensity, such a long flowering period, gerberas are able to grow in just two years. After the expiration of this period, they are depleted and are no longer able to produce flowers.

Therefore, it is so important to provide a rest period:

  • in winter (December to February), but guarantee the temperature of the flowers at least 12 degrees;
  • summer (June to July) when the heat is intense.

Features of planting gerbera

Do-it-yourself planting and caring for a garden gerbera is not a complicated procedure. The main thing is to take into account all the features, but our instructions, compiled by experienced gardeners, will help you with this.

Yellow, red, orange ... terry - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bvarieties and colors

So, if you want to transplant flowers into a pot, then you need to do this before they are root system branch out.

To perform this action, you will need:

  • not less than one liter, but not more than two;
  • prepared slightly acidic soil with an acidity of 4.5 to 5.5 pH - it is sold in specialized stores for gardeners and its price is low.

Note. Transplantation can also be carried out in a greenhouse.
To do this, follow all the above recommendations.
Naturally, without using a pot.

It is necessary to transplant the plant in early spring.

In doing so, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • in no case do not bury the root collar in the ground, as this will provoke fungal diseases;
  • only two months after transplantation, you can feed the plant.

Feeding features

For top dressing, especially for the first time after transplantation, it is recommended to use nitrogen fertilizers. It is they that the plant needs in the first weeks and during the period of intensive formation of the leaf rosette. When the period of active flowering of the plant begins, potash fertilizers are needed.

Note. When feeding, the main thing is not to get carried away.
The concentration of the solution, especially when it comes to fertilizing young plants, should be about 0.2 percent.
Otherwise, you will "burn" the flower.

Reproduction features

The easiest way to propagate a plant is by dividing the bush. For this, flowers are selected that are three years old.

By the way, it is in this way that it is customary to propagate the most valuable varieties, and it involves the following actions:

  • the bush must be divided into parts;
  • on each part there should be two or three points with roots;
  • each part is planted in the ground;
  • the root neck should be located a couple of centimeters above the ground.

Note. You can also use the cutting method.
However, its labor intensity is quite high with the same efficiency as reproduction by division.

You can also just buy the seeds of this plant:

  • the optimal sowing time for them is the beginning of May;
  • the first sprouts will break through in about seven days, if the temperature is maintained at about twenty degrees;
  • diving should be done four weeks after the appearance of sprouts;
  • ten months after sowing, you can count on the first flowering of gerberas.

In addition, if you have varieties of different colors, then you can re-pollinate them, which will allow you to get a new, unique variety grown by yourself.

In conclusion

As you can see, there is nothing particularly difficult in caring for a gerbera. You just need to follow the simple recommendations given in our article. The additional video in this article will help you better understand the tips. experienced gardeners and understand the principle of growing gerberas.

Gerbera - beautiful garden flower, which is very popular with flower growers.

Gerbera garden: description

This wide range of colors garden plant, discovered more than a century ago in South Africa by the Dutch botanist Reman, will fully fill the garden bright colors. Suitable for growing both in the garden and in room conditions, gerbera has more than 100 varieties. The most famous are the species that have a red color; they are Saskia, Rudy Amsterdam and Robin. Although lilac, pink, cream, yellow and white gerberas are just as, if not more, charming.

Garden gerbera, planting and caring for which require compliance with certain conditions, is characterized by basal leaves and chamomile-like flowers. In the garden, its flowering can be enjoyed from early spring to late autumn. The height of a garden beauty reaches an average of 30 cm, some specimens can reach 60 cm. The diameter of flowers (simple, double and semi-double) is about 12-16 cm. In addition, garden gerbera, which is also quite simple to care for at home, looks great on the windowsill.

Plant features

Beauty is not the only virtue of a gerbera; the flower is also loved by flower growers for its unpretentiousness in care, rapid growth and development, long flowering period and durability in cut form. it is recommended to break out of the nest, and not cut; the smallest part of the peduncle remaining on the bush can cause complete decay of the plant.

The above properties in full form, the charming garden gerbera, planting and caring for which is a real pleasure, shows when growing in areas with a mild warm climate, an integral part of which is hot summer. It is advisable to choose a landing site illuminated by the sun's rays for most of the day. This will prevent unnatural stretching of the flower stalks in height and will ensure the size and color of the flowers provided for this variety.

Garden gerbera: planting and care

A photo of this flower is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. And growing such a miracle yourself is not too difficult! During the growth period, watering the gerbera should be plentiful, moderately careful during dormancy; the flower is critical of both the drying of the soil and the excess of moisture. When watering, it is important to ensure that the water (necessarily soft and room temperature) did not fall on the leaf plates and did not drain into the leaf socket, because this is fraught with rotting of the plant. For high-quality growth, gerberas need to provide regular top dressing. mineral fertilizers about once every 2 weeks.

In autumn, the gerbera needs to be dug up, transplanted into a spacious container, the size of which is determined by the size of the plant. The optimal soil composition for transplanting will be a mixture of peat and leafy soil (2 parts each) and sand (1 part). Required good drainage for which expanded clay is suitable. To avoid the appearance of rot during planting and transplanting plants, the root neck should be located above the ground.

Reproduction of garden gerbera

The garden gerbera propagates, planting and caring for which are not particularly difficult, by seeds and dividing the bush - the most common and, moreover, in a simple way. In the spring (approximately April-May), bushes of 2-3 years of age must be divided into several parts, leaving 2-3 young leaves on each. It is recommended to cut the roots to 10 cm. When planting, it is necessary to control that the socket is located 1-1.5 cm above the ground; this will lead to good growth and flowering.

Sowing seeds is carried out in a light soil mixture in January-March, to a depth of 2-3 mm. For optimal germination, the temperature should not be below +18 degrees. Subject to all conditions, the first shoots will appear in one to a maximum of two weeks. After the formation of 4-5 leaves on the seedlings, the latter can be planted in pots. The first flowering of a garden gerbera, the cultivation and care of which is a pleasure and distracts from pressing problems, will please you in 10-11 months from the moment of sowing. It is worth knowing that plants grown from seeds do not have maternal properties.

Garden gerbera: diseases and pests

Some disadvantage of gerbera can be considered its high susceptibility to various kinds of diseases. Therefore, in order to prevent damage to the flower by various kinds of pests, the soil must be treated with special preparations before planting. Most often, gerbera is affected by rotting of the root neck, the causative agents of which are a fungus caused by contamination of the soil or stagnation of moisture in it. For prevention, it is recommended to observe the irrigation regime, it is also required to improve soil drainage.

Gray rot, caused by excess moisture in the ground, is destroyed by special preparations. However, it is highly recommended not to get them on the flower during processing, which can cause ugly spots.

Powdery mildew can infect gerberas in the heat of summer at elevated temperatures. Measures to combat this disease will be the use of appropriate fungicides or sulfur-containing drugs.

Aphid, spider mite and thrips are diseases that can cause the death of a plant. Signs of their appearance will be the yellowing of the gerbera and its wilting. In this case, the plant should be saved with insecticidal special preparations.

Winter care for gerbera

For the winter, a garden gerbera, planting and caring for which requires knowledge of certain features, needs shelter; suitable material for this is straw or dry leaves. In areas with a cold climate, gerbera is grown as a gerbera or dug up in anticipation of winter with a soil ball and transplanted into a large pot, which will be kept until spring. The room for this should be lit, well ventilated and cool: 7-8 degrees Celsius. It is in such conditions that the garden gerbera can easily survive the cold time. Winter care is required for areas with a cold climate.

In conclusion, it should be said that growing gerbera is troublesome and painstaking. Subject to all conditions of its maintenance and provision proper care such luxury flower, resembling a beautiful huge chamomile, will delight with its chic flowering for a long period, filling the garden with bright colors.

Gerbera or Transvaal daisy is an incredibly beautiful and exotic plant, blooming with large variegated flowers of different colors. Planting a gerbera is a painstaking process, but the following guidelines will help you turn the process into a pleasure. Next, we will consider the features of reproduction and care for garden and indoor gerbera.

Gerbera is presented as a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the aster family. AT natural conditions several dozen species of this culture grow in Madagascar and in South Africa, in tropical Asia the population is slightly smaller. All over the world, this flower is grown not only in greenhouses to form beautiful bouquets but also at home as houseplant in a pot. The resemblance to chamomile in this plant is simply amazing, but the flowers are larger and the color is simply amazing with its spectrum. Shades can be anything except blue.

Planting garden gerbera

Flowers are presented in the form of inflorescences-baskets on a single peduncle without leaves, its height reaches 60 cm. garden varieties and 25-30 cm for indoor ones. The diameter of the flower reaches 12 cm. The leaves form a basal rosette with short stems. The culture in question prefers light and heat, and compliance with these requirements already makes up half of the care recommendations. Most good way for planting garden gerbera - growing from seeds.

How to grow from seeds - step by step

  1. In March-April it is necessary to start preparatory work. Choose the time of sowing so as to give the plant 10-11 months for maturation and the beginning of flowering.
  2. Pour the soil prepared in advance with a hot solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Prepare a seedling box, sow the seeds and lay a moistened substrate on top, sprinkle everything with earth or peat.
  4. Cover the box with glass, creating the conditions of a mini greenhouse.
  5. Air the box daily and moisten the soil.
  6. After germination (10 days after sowing), choose a well-lit place for the box, but there should be no direct sunlight.
  7. When growing in the winter, provide additional lighting through the use of fluorescent lamps. Daylight hours should be 10-12 hours.
  8. After another 2 weeks, formed leaves will appear.
  9. When each bush has 3-4 leaves, you can plant them in different containers. You can try to dive seedlings and in the presence of 2 true leaves.
  10. Avoid deepening the root collar when transplanting, ensure temperature regime in the range of + 18-20 degrees.
  11. After night frosts, when the threat of their appearance has passed completely, move the seedlings to open ground.

With a favorable climate and the presence healthy seedling 7 months after sowing seeds, flowering will occur.

Garden Gerbera Care

Growing a garden gerbera outdoors requires appropriate care. Summer period should be hot, and the climate mild and warm.

  1. For the winter, cover the flower with dry leaves or straw. If the frosts are too strong, dig up the plant annually and transfer it to the house. If such manipulations are too burdensome for you, you can grow the crop in question as an annual.
  2. When choosing a landing site, it is necessary to provide sunlight for a minimum of half a day. Compliance with this requirement will ensure the optimal development of the gerbera to the size provided for by the varietal characteristics. Also, the light prevents excessive stretching of the flower.
  3. The soil should be well-drained and warm. A flower bed or garden bed will do.
  4. Water the crop abundantly during the period of active growth, but waterlogging should not be allowed. There should be no water on the leaf plate and in the rosette of leaves, otherwise the plant will rot. The water temperature should be at room temperature.
  5. Mineral fertilizers as top dressing - required condition active growth. It must be applied once every two weeks. Start reducing feeding in the fall and stop feeding completely in the winter.

indoor gerbera

Indoor gerbera is more miniature when compared with a garden crop and its height reaches 30 cm. The leaves are pubescent, elongated, pinnately dissected, form a compact basal rosette. On single peduncles, flowers up to 5 cm in diameter are formed, the baskets of inflorescences are bright, they can be semi-double, double or simple. The core is dark or yellow, while the color of the petals can be anything. Flowering is observed from late August to November, followed by a period of rest and accumulation of strength for the next period of active development, which occurs in mid-February. In May, a dormant period begins again due to an increase in light intensity. Such a development cycle is the most natural for room culture, since natural conditions in the homeland of flowers suggest a short daylight hours lasting 12-14 hours.

This rhythm ensures the development of gerberas at home for 3-4 years, then there is a drop in the intensity of flowering. To prolong further rapid growth and flowering, it is necessary to divide the bush or replace it with a new one. If your plant blooms continuously and there are no dormant periods, the flower must be replaced after 2 years, since intense depletion negatively affects the quality of development and flowering.

Ways to grow indoor varieties

Indoor gerbera varieties are not very durable, and if you like the variety, you need to take care of its reproduction in advance. There are three methods of propagation - cuttings, root division or seeds.

  1. The use of seeds allows you to get many young plants for a short time. You should adhere to the seedling growing technology described earlier. After planting the bushes in separate containers, you must choose for them permanent place on the windowsill. Flaw this method is that young plants do not always acquire the characteristics of the parent variety - the height, shape of the inflorescences and their colors may differ. For propagation, it is better to buy hay in a store, and even in this case, the probability of a 100% result is not very high. The traits of the parent plant are best preserved by Parade. When buying or harvesting seeds, keep in mind that their germination lasts no longer than 8-10 months.
  2. The division of the bush allows you to more reliably preserve varietal characteristics. Divide the plant you like so that 2-3 growth points remain on each division. There should be no flowers on the divided plants, the roots must be cut, the cut point must be disinfected with crushed coal and make sure that the growing point remains on the surface during transplantation. Within a month, the plant will take root.

    The division of the bush can be carried out by incision, without digging it out of the pot. Part of the earth is previously removed from the surface. And the rhizome is cut with a sharp knife into two parts. Next, the cut must be disinfected, covered with dry earth and watered. As soon as the delenki begin to grow and form new roots, they must be seated. This method provides faster rooting.

  3. Cuttings, as a propagation method, are more laborious and not very reliable compared to the previously mentioned methods. Pieces of rhizomes must be taken from mother plant, leave 1-2 leaves on the handle. It is necessary to plant the cuttings immediately in separate containers, to ensure the air temperature in the range of + 20-25 degrees and high humidity.

To ensure optimal development of the gerbera and lush bloom, it is necessary to take into account the tips for caring for this crop when growing it on the windowsill. First of all, you should know how to water the plant, how often to fertilize, what temperature conditions create and how to choose a permanent place for a flower.

  • the pot must be chosen clay to ensure optimal air circulation;
  • as a soil, slightly acidic soil is used from leafy soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1.
  • provide moderate watering, but make sure that the soil does not dry out;
  • use settled, soft water for irrigation, the temperature should be at room temperature;
  • it is necessary to direct a stream of water to the edge of the pot, watering into the pan is also suitable, in this way it is necessary to drain the rest of the water after half an hour;
  • stagnation of moisture in the outlet or in the soil leads to the formation powdery mildew and fungal diseases;
  • the plant loves spraying, you need to do this once a day, but do not direct moisture to the flowers;
  • it is necessary to feed the plant once a week with mineral complex fertilizers, refuse to use organic fertilizers;
  • indoor varieties do not need to be cut, but you should not leave flower stalks without flowers, otherwise they will take too much strength on the culture (faded stems must be broken off, but not cut off).

Gerbera is perennial from the Compositae family. There are many varieties of gerbera, which are distinguished by color, doubleness and type of inflorescence. Let's deal with questions about how many gerberas bloom, how to plant and care for them.

The most popular varieties of garden gerbera

Today, 80 varieties of this beautiful flower are known. Most of them belong to two main plant species: the Jameson gerbera and the green leaf gerbera. In houses on the windowsills, it is customary to grow a dwarf variety of the Jameson gerbera. This variety is also used to create bouquets.

Did you know? Gerbera varieties are distinguished by the shape of the flower (double, semi-double and simple), the height of the peduncle (up to half a meter) and the color of the petals. There are even blue gerberas.

The most popular gerberas:

  • white-flowering varieties with large buds and flowers with emerald greenery - Labilosa, Maria, Symphony;
  • many red shades are represented by varieties Mars, Romeo, Robin, Alamak;
  • if you want to decorate your garden with the most delicate pink inflorescence, then pay attention to the varieties Aldebaran, Migar, Viola, Vera;
  • a small and delicate sun can be grown from varieties Jupiter, Kalinka and Malena.

Rules for planting seeds in open ground

It is customary to propagate gerbera by dividing the bush or by seeds.. Growing gerberas in open ground can only be done by dividing the bush. With the help of seeds, only seedlings can be sown, because if you sow the seeds immediately in open ground, they will not have time to germinate before the cold weather and die.

They begin to sow in early April. Sown seeds are sprinkled with a substrate or peat. For the first time, it is advisable to place the seedlings in a mini greenhouse, and when the first leaves appear, it can be removed. Strengthened seedlings are planted in open ground in warm weather. This is the only way to grow a gerbera from seeds at home.

Did you know?How you can use ordinary cellophane in a greenhouse - they cover a pot with sown seeds.

Growing conditions for garden gerbera

Gerbera loves moisture and warmth. Strongly intolerant of frost, the flower is an annual. To understand how to grow gerberas at home, it is important to know what is the best time to plant gerberas. best time for planting a flower, one can consider the middle to the end of spring, when the frosts have already completely passed.

If you plant a flower later, then you risk shortening its flowering time. An important factor is the place of landing. It is important to protect the gerbera from drafts and strong winds. The area with flowers should be well lit by the sun throughout the day. The amount of direct sunlight depends on the growth and flowering of the plant.

The soil for the growth of gerbera should be nutritious and light. A mixture of peat, sand and leafy turf is perfect, you can add a little crushed pine bark. You can use special soil for gerbera or soil for roses. Gerberas need good watering during bud formation and leaf growth. But as soon as the first flowers appear, you need to reduce watering. Constantly monitor the condition of the soil - gerbera does not accept either waterlogging or excessive dryness.

Important! Gerberas need to be watered only with warm water, from cold it can get sick and rot.

Reproduction of garden gerbera

Let's see how to propagate gerbera at home. There are three ways:

  1. cuttings. To do this, young shoots are formed on the bush. To do this, the bush is dug up, washed and cut off the leaf rosette. Then they are placed in a greenhouse. Two weeks later, you will get young shoots from the axillary buds, which will later become the basis for the cuttings.
  2. The division of the bush. This method is considered the main one. In the spring, they dig up a bush and divide it into shoots, leaving a few leaves on each. Each shoot is planted in the ground, leaving a centimeter protrusion with a rosette on the surface.
  3. With the help of seeds or ready seedlings. You already know how to plant gerberas using seeds, but let's take a closer look. Seeds should be soaked in water before planting. You can put them on a well-moistened gauze. Don't let the seeds dry out. After a few days, the seeds will begin to hatch, which means that you can transplant them into the ground. Next, a semblance of a greenhouse is made, and after the seedlings are planted in open ground.

Application of gerbera

Although the popularity of the gerbera is no longer as high as in previous years, it is still used very often. The plant is actively used in floristry as the main flower, constructing amazing compositions and bouquets around it, or additional, emphasizing its beauty and irresistibility of ready-made bouquets. A bouquet of gerberas is perfect for a gift for both a man and a woman. Gerbera is used as an element of decor. Massive, large inflorescences with a unique basket transform rooms beyond recognition.

The undoubted advantage of gerbera is a gentle smell, which allows you to grow a flower at home, even for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, without fear of attacks.

How to keep cut gerbera flowers longer in a vase

In order for gerberas to please you with their appearance and aroma for a long time, you can carry out a few simple manipulations. Firstly, no need to cut the flowers with secateurs. This will squeeze the vessels in the stems, from which the flower will not be able to absorb water well.

Using sharp knife cut the gerbera at an angle. In order for the flower to stand for a long time, you need to make the stems as short as possible. Since the peduncles are quite heavy, try to make sure that the stems do not reach the bottom. In this case, the flower heads will not put pressure on them. Trim the stems every few days - this will provide better nutrition for the plant.

If you constantly change the water in the vase, the cut gerbera will last more than 20 days. During this period, she will not wither and will not lose a single leaf. If you resort to a little trick - add an aspirin tablet to the water - then it can stand quietly for more than a month.

How does the garden gerbera winter

Freezing for gerberas is certain death. If you want to keep the flower, then at the end of September you need to dig up the gerbera. It is dug up together with an earthen clod and immediately transplanted into a pot. This is the ideal time to repot your gerbera. AT winter period put the gerbera in a cool, dry place. The ideal place for wintering would be the basement. If there is no basement, then place the flower in a dark, cool place. You can return it to the garden immediately after convincing warming.

Diseases and pests of gerberas

During the time that gerberas bloom, they do not get sick often, and if you find symptoms of the disease, then you should know that you are taking care of it incorrectly. Gerbera can be damaged by viral and fungal diseases.

Gerberas are the favorite plants of flower growers, and there is a lot of evidence for this. They are long time bloom fantastically clean and bright colors. In the palette of shades are missing only blue tones(although they are easy to find on sale). beautiful large flowers with centers of a contrasting color rest on strong long bright green stems. The blooming flowers are exceptionally hardy and can stand in water for up to three weeks. All this makes the gerbera one of the best cut crops after roses, carnations, tulips and. Many amateur and artistic photos gerberas confirm this fact.

But in last years this bright beauty is becoming popular as a houseplant.

plant description

Gerbera belongs to the genus of perennial herbs from the Astrov family. Most species are native to Africa and tropical Asia. Its flowers look like a large one and in English-language literature they are called “Transvaal chamomile”. The elongated leaves are collected in a basal rosette. Peduncles are tall, strong, have no leaves.
The flowers are an inflorescence basket. Their sizes in some varieties reach 30 cm. Elegant giants bloom for 3-4 months. Seeds remain viable for a very short time - about 6 months, therefore, when buying seeds, it is necessary to monitor both the expiration date and the date of their collection.

How to grow a gerbera in a flower bed

Growing and caring for a gerbera in the garden is simple and fun, but requires the conditions necessary for a long and lush bloom.

In the south of Russia, the gerbera blooms from spring to autumn and winters without problems without shelter. In the middle lane, flowering will be more modest, and for the winter the gerbera will have to be dug up and stored with a clod of earth in a cool, dry place.

In areas with mild warm winter gerberas are covered with leaf litter and covering material, without digging.

Planting a gerbera

Garden gerbera planting and subsequent care begins at the end of winter. Grow a plant seedling way. Seeds are sown in seedling containers from January to March in a mixture of garden soil with sand and compost. Seeds close up very shallow, only lightly sprinkled with earth. Seedlings are usually unfriendly and appear after 10–12 days.

When sowing seeds for seedlings, it is necessary to take into account their low germination and increase the seeding rate.

After the appearance of several true leaves, the sprouts are seated in boxes or immediately in separate pots. For seedlings choose the brightest window sills. Seedling care consists of regular moderate watering.
When watering, water should not fall into the rosette, as the plant rots easily. Excessively abundant watering threatens the appearance of thrips on the surface of the earth. In this case, the watering rate is reduced by both the plant and the soil surface is treated with Fitoverm.

When propagated by seeds, gerberas may not retain the color of their parent plants.

Outdoor gerbera care

Gerbera seedlings are planted outdoors after the threat of frost has passed. It usually happens in the second half of May. The landing site is chosen sunny. The best soil for them - light, drained, with inorganic fertilizers.
With an excess of organic matter in the ground, flower stalks are strongly drawn out. Withering inflorescences must be removed in a timely manner. This stimulates the emergence of new ovaries. During active growth and flowering, the gerbera is watered abundantly, preventing water from entering the outlet. After flowering, the soil is moistened only after the earthen coma has dried.

In autumn, the gerbera is covered or dug up with a clod of earth. The shelter is made dry and ventilated so that the flower does not rot in the thaw.

If there is a possibility of freezing, it is better to dig it out and store it in the basement or on a glazed veranda at a temperature of 7–8 ° C.

In the spring, the gerbera is transferred to a pot that is suitable in size, transferred to a warmer and lighter place and watering is increased. Late April - early May mature plant planted in open ground.

Overwintered gerberas do not have to be transplanted into a flower bed. Leave them in pots to decorate recreation areas, gazebos, verandas, porches. Without a transplant, plants get sick less and begin to bloom earlier. Do not forget to feed them with complex mineral fertilizers.

How to grow gerbera indoors

For growing indoors choose dwarf species Gerbera Jameson. They are sold in flower shops in bouquets. Having received an adult gerbera plant from seeds at home through seedlings, it is kept on the east and west windows. On the south side, it is shaded at noon. For better flowering withstand temperatures of 22–24 ° C and try to prevent its strong differences in day and night values.

At the end of flowering, the plant is transferred to a cooler place. How to properly care for gerberas in winter? During the dormant period, the plant needs coolness and very moderate. In cold weather, the flower needs additional lighting.

How to prolong flowering in a bouquet

Having received a luxurious multi-colored bouquet as a gift, you probably wondered how to keep gerberas in a vase longer. In fact, the cut gerbera is not capricious and phenomenally tenacious. Flowers are able to come to life, even if you had to walk with a bouquet all day.
That is why gerbera compositions are loved to give to brides - flowers will not lose their will to live for the whole day and will come to life before our eyes if you place the tips of the stems in water and support heavy heads in weight. For such a procedure, a lattice is suitable, through the cells of which the stems are passed.

To store the bouquet in a vase, use the following recommendations:

  • change the water every day;
  • choose a tall and narrow vase so that the flowers do not bend under their own weight;
  • pour water a few centimeters so that the stems do not rot;
  • cut the softened ends of the stems before the next change of water;
  • cut the stems at an angle and make small punctures or longitudinal cuts at the bottom of the stem. So the water will be better absorbed.

Subject to these uncomplicated conditions a bouquet of gerbera will delight you fresh and bright colors up to three weeks.

Gerbera transplant after purchase - video