Crafts from e-lego. Unusual use of detail Lego

Lego hollows appeared at our house when the son was a little more than a year and a half, at that time dad came up with what to build. We and my husband seemed that the child himself would put the cubes into certain figures, thus developing his fantasy and a small motorcy. But nothing like this did not happen, we decided to try to buy several thematic sets from the LEGO series. They also fascinated our son on a short timeAnd he himself did nothing.

Knowing children's psychology and how many children are different, I just decided to wait. But not a folded arms, and offering the child other constructors and watching his reaction to them. It turned out that the wooden designer likes Alexander more than Lego. Wedgits Starter designer also joined the boy, he liked him less than wooden blocksBut more than the subject of our discussion. Breakthrough in the interest of the Son to the designer the hollow came after the details appeared order. I wrote about this in the article.

  1. What to build from the hollow
  2. Alphabet
  3. Numbers
  4. Cartoons
  5. Interesting Facts

What to build from Lego Hollow

From the moment of writing about children's design, some changes occurred. Alexander, who is now 4 years 10 months, began to get containers with detail and try to collect the composition.

- Mom, I built a forest for you!

The child was on the summer holidays, and I work at home, so it was possible to play my son alone in my room. To express your feelings, he often makes me surprises. It can be drawings, crafts, phrases written on a magnetic board. And this time there was a forest built from the hollow. The main thing is that everything is understandable in this composition: trees, mushrooms, flowers, bunny on the clearing, dodder in a pond and a house with people and animals on the outskirts of the forest.

All photos with our crafts can be increased by clicking on them.

After a couple of days, animals were presented to me. Deer and giraffe.

I naturally very rejoiced to gifts and expressed my sincere admiration. We left them before the arrival of Pope, who, in turn, also expressed his delight. Alexandra appeared motivation, but not everything turned out and the child called Mama to help. Then I noticed that if I join the assembly, the child is very carefully watching every cube I put and does the same thing. This level of copying was supposed to pass the year in two, but then Alexander was not interested in the construction of Lego Hollow. Now there are such birds, one, the second Alexander.

Then we built dogs.

Well, I thought, I need to try to build one design for two, then each of us would have to contribute to the fantasy. Since I have a boy, I chose the motive for his interests - the ship. At the end, he became a pirate, which was not at all expected, but the fantasy of Alexander was played out and they were offered such details as descending on the cable anchor, lifebuoylooking at Jung and the staircase on which it is closed up.

That evening we played in the pirates and I felt the interest of a child who did not want to miss.

After returning from the sea holiday, I played with my son in the railway. But just roll the train, I am not interested in me personally, and I suggested to bring our pets to this case minion. Of course, Alexander agreed, and with what joy! We built a fortress from Lego Hollow, through which the railway passed. The child again had a desire to make minion pirates and a little story was composed:

In the family the minion was an engineer. He told another minion how to build a fortress and they did it under his leadership. But since they did not have money for the purchase of land, they built it right on the railway canvase. Soon the minion was hungry, and there was nothing around, so that you could work and earn honestly. So they decided that they would be pirates! When the trains passed through the fortress, the minion of their robbed.

Well, if the train managed to slip, then the other minions jumped on it with specially built tips. Prey they brought to the fortress, where they divided it between everyone.

But here it began the most interesting. Alexander immediately chose the role of a train, and I was the villains minion. After a couple of robbery, "the train" decided to defend, and began to dump bombs (wooden cubes) into minion. As a result, the engineer had to repair the railway, fortress, towers, but the train was armed up to the teeth, he bombed and bombed until the enemies left the trace. That evening our dad was able to see only ruins ...

The next day, the child decided dinosaurs, I saw coffee at that moment and just threw the phrase about what it would be interesting to try to build dinosaurs from Lego Hollow. Alexander, apparently inspired by the game from the minion, immediately decomposed containers with detail. Five minutes later, Protocerateratops appeared before me, then the Brachiosaur came, the truth was originally he was very brushed at the giraffe.

And then Mom was called to the rescue. The fact is that Alexander really wanted to make Horn triceratops, but as he did not put them out of the details, they looked at them as in the picture. And who said that the craft is not supplemented? I was delivered hot pistol, we found two sacks that look like horns and stuck everything quickly. By the way, the hot silicone is very easy to repeat from the details, so I advise you to use it.

So, a new school year began, I made a plan of our lessons for a month. One of the points of the Plan is the repetition of the Russian alphabet. Alexander went to reading whole words, he had a natural interest in Spanish, English and French alphabetics. It was through them that he went to read on each of these languages, but he did not interest him the Russian alphabet. An explanation of this simple, the child perfectly reads without his knowledge, the brain discards unnecessary information. But the education system is built differently, so knowing that my son is best assisted by information through music, I picked up a video with an alphabet in Russian.

Through the hearing knowledge received, now you need to touch it with your hands. Let's build a Russian alphabet!

By the evening, Alexander sowed the Russian alphabet for memory, he learned him not just like a rhyme, and skipping every letter through his hands.

Yesterday was Tuesday, and in our family it's an evening with dad. Usually, the boys play with superheroes, soldiers, but yesterday Alexander himself offered to build something from LEGO. Dad was already ready to collect something ambitious, but in time I noticed that the child himself sits and folds his craft. It turned out that for Alexander was logical after the alphabet to do figures and he collected from 1 to 10. There was no limit to the surprise, he was just sitting next to and watched. Well, not quite simple ... during the design of the son of 10 numbers, he collected a locomotive on the wheels.

Alexander is clearly not interesting to solve examples within a dozen. But if your kids are only included in the world of mathematics, I advise you to use the designer to study it. By skipping the numbers through the hands, the child will remember them better, and playing his own-built numbers more interesting than just write them in a notebook.

But what a dad built. In general, I want to express one thought that did not leave me for the last two weeks. I like many parents, follow the novelties of the sets:

  • Lego hollow train;
  • lock;
  • house;
  • pirates.

All these sets are purchased! But the child does not play with them. He was more interesting to build his pirate ship, your castle for your favorite minion, your house in which Mom, Dad and Alexander will live. And the most important thing is that all this is really built from separate parts of Lego Hollow, which are bought and giving.

Of course, if a child shows great interest To a role-playing game with ready-made sets, that is, it makes sense to follow the novelties and buy them if possible. But if your son or daughter is lying about my child, then believe me - everything can be built, while you will have to use the smelting, fantasy and small motorcy. I mean that when several sets have already been bought to simple cubes of Lego, and there are doors, windows, arches, roof items, a hill - then you can already connect fantasy.

Oh, I almost forgot! The location of our dad.

Lego hollow cartoons

In order for the child an interest in the design of Lego Hollow, you can show him several cartoons. They are not so much released, but now I will now share with you only those who, in my opinion, will operate in a child desire or fantasy at an independent role-playing game.

Farmer Vanya. We are going to visit

This cartoon, if so it can be called, is suitable for children with two years. It involves Lego Hollow and Men to him.

Cool races and rules road

Highly good video With man lego. My son loves to read about the rules of the road and keep them. Yes, yes, he always quotes them moving across the road


If you have 5+ to your child and he speaks well english languagethen he will accurately appreciate this lego film. It lasts an hour, during which will be chase, love and American humor

Cartoons Pro Machinery, LEGO City

Well, there are a lot of cars here! Air, sea, road transport and all of him from Lego! A cartoon, more precisely, there are several of them, perfectly duplicated. This is just an endless drive, from which I will not hide my son was delighted. The benefit that American Happy Ending is present, criminals are arrested.

Frends First Series

Based on the Frends series, these Milktics are delivered. And although Lego Frends is considered for girls, Alexander gladly looks at these cartoons. By the way, they have a fairly good content, so if your children enjoy, look for the other series.

    1. Translated from Latin "LEGO" means "(I) collect".
    2. In September 2013, the first permanent exposition of models from LEGO Gamebrick cubes was opened in St. Petersburg.

    1. In 2012, a limited series of Moleskine record books dedicated to LEGO was released.

    1. In May 2013, the T-65 X-Wing Square from Epopeship "Star Wars", consisting of 5,335,3,200 parts of LEGO and weighing about 23 tons, was exposed in New York on Times Square.

    1. The world's most expensive LEGO brick costs $ 14,449.

    1. In September 2013, Norwezhec Jon Jessen got into the Guinness Book of Records for the largest LEGO series collection Star Wars" He collected about 300 sets and almost 750 thousand parts for the assembly.

  1. In December 2013, construction was completed and the full-size car was launched from the LEGO parts operating on the pistons driven by compressed air. Developers argue that about 500 thousand parts took to the construction of such a miracle. The car develops speed up to 30 km / h.

How is Lego?

The story of Lego famous for the whole world began in the last century, in the distant 1949, when the first details of this wonderful toy appeared in Denmark in the small town of Billund. Small plastic blocks were constructed in such a way that they could easily connect with each other due to the presence of special elements. The basis of the entire further variety of components of the designer has become small bricks of several sizes, equipped with spikes and grooves that connected the parts between themselves.

Gradually, the range of items expanded, the sets began to enter the sets first, then the figures of people and animals were added, and then, as technical progress develops, even miniature electric motors and various sensors. Therefore, now from the details of Lego, you can collect not only the houses, as was conceived initially, but also space ships, airplanes, pirate frigates, cars and even moving robots. The real fans of this wonderful designer are interesting to know everything literally everything. It is for them that we will tell how Lego is done.

LEGO factories are placed in three countries - Denmark, Mexico and the Czech Republic. At these giant factories, about 60 tons of multi-colored thermoplastic thermoplastic, about 60 tons of multi-colored thermoplastic, are transformed into several million cubes. The technological process of production of details is quite simple, there are no special secrets in it.

What is both done from: manufacturing process

1. The birth of a new set of Lego begins with the idea. The company's developers decide what new set is to run into production based on the market situation - a pirate ship, a robot or a fire station.

2. When the project is finally approved, engineers are taken for business. They create layouts of the necessary parts, and on their basis special metal matrices are made - the molds in which thermoplastic will be poured. Every time you make matrices of all parts there is no need, because most of the blocks are standard. They are used in all sets, starting at the sixties of the last century. Therefore, it is necessary to create only forms for exclusive details, characteristic of only a new set. It is worth noting that the form of lego is very expensive. We are talking about sums in dozens, and even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Therefore, all matrices, even not currently used, are carefully stored in the factory warehouse, because who knows, maybe they will also be needed.

3. Finished matrices are transmitted to the plant, and the next designer starts into production. Its foundations are modern thermoplasfold, which are under great; Pressure and at a temperature of over 200 degrees stamps from molten multi-colored plastics.

4. High-quality acrylonitrile-based plastic enters the plant in the form of granules - transparent or red. Granules are stored in a special bunker, from where they are fed into the molding machines. There plastic melts, mixed with the necessary dyes and under high pressure literally injected into matrix forms.

5. After water cooling, the form is revealed, and ready-made bricks fall on the conveyor ribbon.

6. The process of creating parts is almost fully automated and does not require the presence of a person. The robot collects LEGO fragments from the conveyor, faces in bags and weighed. The robot even screws the heads of the head and arms and draws them the features of the face and the detail of the costume.

7. After that, ready-made details of the designer are sent to the packaging department. Sets for sets are developing upscale designers. They depict the colorful drawings corresponding to the subject of the set, and the logo of the firm of Lego. Special car Takes a typographic workpiece, bends it in the given directions and glues the box. Then the robot places the set of details in it. The next machine closes the lid and seals it.

8. Now it remains only to pack bright elegant boxes with designers of six pieces into large cardboard boxes, cover them polyethylene filmAnd fresh Lego will be ready to send.

Now that you know how Lego is done, it's time to open a new set, pour bright details on the table and sneaking your head into a fascinating game!

My kids (however, like most of the children who are invisible to me) Fanate from Lego. Of course, loving parents cannot deny children to buy the next set, although most often available parts by 90% are enough to repeat new models.

And here is one of the tricks of legal marketers. Almost all LEGO sets contain one or more unique parts. And pay, how to say, a rather big price for a small piece of plastic - this same toad will not stand.
But we have a 3D printer and a question only in the model.
So, how do we make a fit model without knowing the sketch / solidvorks, etc.?
First, download LeoCAD - comfortable tool For virtual modeling Lego:

Further go on and download the latest version of the details library. We feed this library to Lokada and the tasteful details in the list. In this case, we will try to make a rack 64448, a very convenient thing for the construction of new designs:

Further File-\u003e Export-\u003e Wavefront-\u003e * .obj and save this item to yourself in the catalog.
Open Autodesk NetFabb (I do not give links. You yourself understand why, but everyone knows where to take it and imported the model. Right button on the model, Extras-\u003e Repair. After LeoCAD, the "Dirty" model is obtained, NetFabb perfectly corrects all problems in automatic mode.

Further, the step is purely empirical, I do not know why they recalculated millimeters in inches in models, but this model must be reduced 2.54 times: part-\u003e scale-\u003e 39.4%
Well, the final step: Project-\u003e Export to STL
And launch printing:

Of course, children are interesting not only bricks, but also all sorts of artifacts like buckets, wheels, etc.
Only with thin rings in the printer is not very, so I put an extrusion by 120% and after printing I pass all the holes with a drill on 4.8mm. They are snapped, of course, impaired, but children do not pay attention to this

Many children and their parents are often asked "What can be constructed from Lego." This the children's designer The most popular today in the world.

In this material we will tell you what can be made from a toy set. At the same time, you can use not one set, but two or even three, that will give the opportunity to build more interesting models. We offer to look at the photo with the already ready-made crafts from Lego.

Space structures

We now turn to the main question, namely, what kind of army from Lego can be done. For example, one girl built a whole space institute from the designer. Kate like the topic of space, and she gladly shows us their creation: here and the Museum of the Institute, and the laboratory for various scientific research, and room for scientists.

But another child is Vitya. At our request, he made a table plate for houses. For already ready-made buildings from Lego Vitya, it was happy to create numbers and signs.

Stylish decorative vase from Lego

We finished with the "institutes", let's go directly to the case, and now we will give you detailed instructions how to make crafts, with the help of which you can easily help your child to create something from Lego. Now, on the example of a beautiful vase, we will show everything in detail and tell.

To begin with, it is desirable that you have a real vase or a glass. It is he who will be a frame for the designer. Now you need a glass to lay items in such a way that it forms a peculiar box.

For confidence, you can glue parts with each other. All the details of Lego you can pick up your taste and color. That's all, stylish vase successfully completed.

Machine with a motor

Now we will show something interesting. Everyone knows that from the famous designer you can create original vehicles. Today we consider on the example how to make interesting craft From Lego do it yourself.

For a start, everything goes according to the standard: you will be required directly to Lego, an ordinary stationery (choose a stronger).

Collect the body of the transport at your discretion, and then take the axis with the wheels with a rubber band. So you will get a homemade machine that will run with the "motor" and your own kinetic energy.

In addition to the machines, from Lego can build a lot of other interesting things. For example, the model of the Freedom Statue, which is in New York. Moreover, you do not need to acquire the original set, it is enough to show fantasy!

The key to the heart ...

Surely, many adults lost their keys, and they did not have to find them at a suitable place. Now this problem is solved. At the same time, we will tell you several cool ideas Crafts from Lego with schemes.

So, show the pictures with the instructions to your child or do everything yourself. Now it will be about the holder of keys from Lego.

To begin with, we need a conventional plate from the designer. At the rear side of the plate, I will attach sticky paper locks, or plasticine (will be excellent). Then take more small parts Lego and Keys and Krepim's bundle for the designer.

Thus, you should have several small squares with keys. We cling the keys to the main large plate and most of the work has been done.

You can also do decor. You can lay out the word "keys" or "keys" from the designer. In addition, add one more small double plate, you can easily put any important reminder for you.

And what do you say about the human heart from the designer Lego? Strange or funny? Yes, indeed, unusual. However, there were such craftsmen who were collected from ordinary parts of a person's heart in a natural size. Useful benefit for students in anatomy lesson.

Food and architecture

We continue the topic of unusual crafts. Now it's time to see you the most real master class on how to make a craft of Lego.

We have already told you about the statue of freedom from the designer. Now it came to the very creature of a woman from the United States. So, we will need a large number of emerald items (if you do not want your statue not an authentic shade).

Now it is necessary to build a foundation in the form of a polygonal star. Then proceed to the construction of the sculpture itself. Doing everything in the picture with the instruction, you can easily build a statue of freedom. At the end of "burn" her a torch of yellow cubes Lego.

Tired of architecture? Well, you can go to a more "edible" version of the crafts. For example, a piece of cheese on a plate. By the way, the dishes are also made of Lego.

Create the basis for our dairy product (these are more oblong plates), we complete with several ribbed parts on top. Make a plate from white plastic.

For a more natural size, you can take real dishes and collect a plate on it. This will give more realistic forms of our "Dishes". After the assembly, put the "cheese" on the "plate" and apply to the table.

And how do you like Lego Apple? This is a truly complex assembly. It will require you to maximize time and ingenuity. Take a look at the pictures with the instruction, and you will understand everything. All the details of the fetus are made in red colors, petals and skelts, respectively, in green and brown (black).

Now you can accurately create unusual structures from Lego. You learned something new for myself and for your children, perhaps surprised in surprise and, sometimes, strange models from the designer. We hope this material has become useful for you!

Photo crafts from lego

Number of materials: 4

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  • Schemes and instructions LEGO PIRATES

    With a lego designer from the series LEGO PIRATES. You are waiting for new marine adventures, chase and exciting stories.

    Create team from your friends from Lego Pirates And go to search for treasures.

    The pirate ship will help you get to the island of treasure, but will you be able to leave the soldiers who hunt for you and resist them? On our site you can download free schemes and instructions for assembling constructors LEGO prepare everything you need for new gaming plots with sets Lego Pirates: Ships, ships, islands, fortress, fort and all that your fantasy will tell you.

    Number of materials: 8

    • Schemes and instructions LEGO PIRATES PIRATES I Number of materials: 6
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  • LEGO CITY Schemes and Instructions

    Series of designers LEGO CITY. It will help children to get acquainted with modern megalopolis.

    Lego City You will find kits associated with various professions (firefighters, doctors, builders, police), and affecting a variety of activities (transport, postal service, police supervision, construction and medical services).

    Build B. Lego city His dreams at home, buildings, highways and railway tracks, adjust the work of urban all services. And in this section of our site you can download free LEGO CITY. Instructions and schemes to find new solutions for the development of your Lego City.

    Number of materials: 5

    • Schemes and instructions LEGO CITY ARCTIC Number of materials: 8
    • LEGO CITY CARGO Schemes and Instructions Number of materials: 0
    • Schemes and instructions LEGO CITY CONSTRUCTION Number of materials: 22
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    • Schemes and instructions LEGO CITY POLICE Number of materials: 51
    • Schemes and instructions LEGO CITY SERVICE & REPAIR Number of materials: 0
    • Schemes and instructions LEGO CITY SPACE Number of materials: 4
    • LEGO CITY TRAIN Schemes and Instructions Number of materials: 27
    • Schemes and instructions LEGO CITY TRANSPORT Number of materials: 49
  • LEGO RACERS Schemes and Instructions

    Series of designers LEGO RACERS. It will be interesting to those who are fond of races.

    In this series you will find various cars, ranging from the barges and ending with racing trucks, as well as machines for tracks, ring and linear racing.

    In some sets designers LEGO. Enter radio-controlled models and tracks with different levels of assembly, so they will be interested in children of different ages. On our site you can download the free charts and instructions of Lego, as well as familiarize yourself with the reviews of games that were developed for personal computers: and.

    Number of materials: 9

    • Schemes and instructions LEGO RACERS FERRARI Number of materials: 15
    • LEGO RACERS POWER RACERS Schemes and Instructions Number of materials: 10
    • Schemes and Instructions LEGO RACERS RADIO CONTROL Number of materials: 3
    • Schemes and Instructions LEGO RACERS SPEED RACER Number of materials: 2
  • Schemes and Instructions LEGO Prince of Persia

    In 2010, the Danish company Lego began issuing a new series of designers LEGO PRINCE OF PERSIAbased on the plot of the same adventure film.

    Sets Lego Prince Persia They will help you to recreate you the most interesting and memorable events from the film "Prince of Persia: Sands of Time". In this section of the site you can download free schemes and instructions for assembling LEGO Prince of Persia to start passing a variety of traps, withstand all the tests and win.

    Number of materials: 5


    With the magical world of Hogwarts, Harry Potter and his friends are waiting for you to meet with LEGO designers.

    Sets from the series Lego Harry Potter It is possible to become a member of adventure with loved heroes, fantasize and play scenes from the film. Together with Lego characters (Harry Potter, Hermione, Ron), you can visit the most interesting places: a laugh hut, hut, Gagrid, on the ship Durmstrang and many others.

    With designers LEGO HARRY POTTER You are waiting for many interesting meetings with spirits, skeletons, yellow crab, rushed and octopus. The schemes and instructions of Lego, which can be downloaded for free on our website, will prompt you a sequence of assembling a wide variety of sets from the Lego Harry Potter series.

    Number of materials: 6

    • Schemes and instructions LEGO HARRY POTTER CHAMBER OF SECRETS Number of materials: 9
    • Schemes and Instructions LEGO HARRY POTTER GOBLET OF FIRE Number of materials: 4
    • Schemes and Instructions Lego Harry Potter Half-Blood Prince Number of materials: 2
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    • Schemes and instructions LEGO HARRY POTTER SORCERER Number of materials: 10
  • LEGO CASTLE Schemes and Instructions

    Immerse yourself in the world of Middle Ages with series sets LEGO Castle. The subjects of the castles and knights attracts children and is designed for students of junior and middle school age.

    Scenes Lego Castle Help to plunge into the mysterious world and meet with skeletons warriors, dragons, evil sorcerer and good knights, dwarves and trolls.

    With designers LEGO Castle You will have a lot of game opportunities, and locks with climbing bridges, guns, catapults and various adaptations for combat operation will be delighted even the most pressing! According to the schemes and instructions of Lego, presented on our website you can download for free, you can collect beautiful medieval castles and various designs for interesting game plots.

    Number of materials: 6

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    • Schemes and instructions LEGO CASTLE KNIGHTS KINGDOM Number of materials: 12
  • Schemes and instructions LEGO AQUAZONE

    Series LEGO AquaraiDers Represents a whole team of divers that explore the seabed in search of underwater treasures. But on their way there are often dangers, the aggressive marine monsters are constantly attacking and interfere with their work.

    From the details of the LEGO series sets Lego Akawaiders According to the instructions and schemes posted in this section of our site, you can collect various types of underwater techniques, giant underwater monsters, and divers. Sharks, lobsters and crabs from LEGO AquaraiDers Already wait for your heroes, which should collect all the jewels, sunken in the ocean, and reflect their attacks.

    Number of materials: 0

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  • LEGO BATMAN Schemes and Instructions

    Series of designers LEGO Batman. Deals with the heroes of popular films about superhero, his assistants and enemies. In a series Lego Batman Constructors include large quantity modeling various techniques: This is both Super Batmobile, and the Betopter helicopter, and Battank and much more, which may be needed to batman in the fight against criminals and protecting ordinary people.

    Batman is a wonderful detective, an excellent inventor and has excellent combat training, so he will be able to win over terrorists and prevent new crimes.

    You are waiting for exciting adventures and interesting game plots with constructors of the series Lego Batman. In addition, immersed in the world computer Game You can feel yourself a real superhero and fight the world of dark forces.

    Number of materials: 8

  • LEGO SPACE Schemes and Instructions

    Cosmos has long been a popular topic in our lives, she also touched upon with all the favorite designer LEGO. Series LEGO SPACE includes many different sets, such as Alien Conquest (Invasion of aliens), UFO. (UFO), Exploriens. (Researchers), Unitron. (Unitron), Mars Mission (Mission for Mars) and many others.

    But the largest popularity has gained a series of designers of LEGO SPACE POLICE, which provides you with the opportunity to visit the Space Policeman, who fearlessly struggles with intergalactic criminals.

    All major sets Lego Star Police Include details for creating models of spacecraft, which move the guards of order, and the vessel on which the criminals go from chase. Each set of Lego will help develop an exciting game story, according to which the police guard the societies of the Planet's respectful residents, prevent unlawful actions of criminals and advocate justice.

    Number of materials: 0

    • Schemes and Instructions LEGO SPACE SPACE POLICE Number of materials: 6
    • Schemes and Instructions LEGO SPACE GALAXY SQUAD Number of materials: 12
  • LEGO CARS Schemes and Instructions

    LEGO CARS. and LEGO CARS 2. - These are a series of designers who are dedicated to the characters by all Disney cartoons of the company " Tubes"And" cars 2". You are waiting for exciting adventures together with a funny red typewriter McQueen and his friends. They often fall into difficult situations, but the resourcefulness and wit, courage and decisiveness always help them find a way out of them.

    According to the plot of the second cartoon lightning takes part in the races of the world Grand Prix. But the victory will get to the strongest, therefore, on the tracks of Japan, France and Italy there is a brutal struggle for the prize. It is necessary to plan the path to victory in detail and his faithful friends help in this McQue. But it is often even necessary to use spyware "things" to circumvent the enemy.

    Lego Tacchus - are fairly accurate copies of models of their Disney prototypes. And the sets of LEGO designers created based on this cartoon will help to remember and survive all the most interesting and exciting moments from the adventures of these wonderful machines.

    Number of materials: 15

  • LEGO NINJAGO Schemes and Instructions

    Series of designers LEGO NINJAGO. Invites you to the world of exciting adventures, where dragons and skeletons, brazing ninja and sinister sorcerers live.

    From elements of sets Lego NinjaGago According to the instructions you can collect beautiful Japanese temples, combat arena and everything you need for fascinating game. Exclusive minifigurians, various unusual vehicles, a variety of combat weapons will make role-playing games more interesting and realistic. You will only have to come up with a plot for them. All the characters of the game are perfectly owning the skills of the struggle, which is called a knife.

    Ninja exhaust its skills at training bases, and then apply them in the fight against fabulous dragons and skeletons. The performance of the combat techniques is becoming possible due to the magnetic and spinal mechanism, which comes complete with all the warriors. The very first and most important heroes of this series Lego are brave four Nindse: Fiery Kai in red clothes, lightning blue jay, Ninja Earth Cole in black and white ice warrior - Zain. They are trained in the testers of a knife and transfers their skill with everyone dear, wise and proud Sensei Wu.

    Number of materials: 1

    • LEGO NINJAGO BUILDING SETS Schemes and Instructions Number of materials: 34
    • LEGO NINJAGO PLAYSETS Schemes and Instructions Number of materials: 1

    Series LEGO EXO-FORCE Deals with the great confrontation of people and cars. Resty robots will be able to defeat only fearless heroes with high intelligence, great life experience and powerful weapons.

    This series was created based on Japanese comics. The story begins with how many years ago the Sentai mountain split into two halves. The resulting abyss divided the world into two camps - people and robots, who led a long struggle for domination over this mountain.

    But one day there was a rebellion of cars and the earth began to threaten the danger. But brave and people stood on her defense. Series LEGO EXO-FORCE Includes a large number of fantastic techniques. Robot Command Center is located for an impregnable fortress Sentai, and the camp of people is located in the Golden City. To remove the power level of the military equipment on a fundamentally new level, they use the latest technology. But remember that people will not be able to win over the machines without your help!

    Number of materials: 6

    • Schemes and Instructions Lego Hero Factory Battles Number of materials: 3
    • Schemes and instructions LEGO HERO FACTORY HEROES Number of materials: 23
    • Schemes and Instructions LEGO HERO FACTORY TRANSPORT Number of materials: 2
    • LEGO HERO FACTORY VILLIANS Schemes and Instructions Number of materials: 15