Sweet peas, cultivation and decorative possibilities. Sweet pea annual cultivation from seed

Plant sweet pea appeared due to selection. Scottish nursery worker G. Ekforth bred this one-year-old liana by crossing several nondescript, but very fragrant flowers, resulting in a wonderful culture, distinguished by its decorativeness and splendid smell. The breeding work did not end there; in subsequent years, many amazing varieties were bred. This is an annual plant with high-climbing stems, 150-200 cm in height, has a fast growth, unusually abundant and long flowering, retains the ability to bloom even after the first frost, with a wide variety of colors and a wonderful smell of flowers. As you can see in the photo, sweet pea flowers have flowers delicate shades - from pure white to dark red and from light blue to dark blue:

There are even plants with orange flowers. Inflorescence is a brush, it can have from 3 to 16 large flowers up to 6 cm in diameter, but no more than 6-7 flowers can bloom at the same time. The length of the peduncle in multi-flowered varieties reaches 50 cm. The long stems of fragrant flowers, the tenderness of their colors have provided this plant one of the first places among the fragrant flowers that are cut. Flowers stay in water for 5-6 days.

You will receive detailed information about the agricultural technology of care for growing sweet peas and about this plant itself in this material.

Agricultural technology for growing sweet peas

When growing sweet peas for decorative purposes, the plants are placed at a distance of 40 cm from each other at the supports. To obtain a cut of flowers, peas are sown in rows or double-row ribbons. Between rows 1 m, and in rows between plants 20-25 cm.
Experienced growers practice repeated summer crops and with daily careful cutting of flowers, they harvest until late autumn.
Polka dots love a sunny and humid place. It grows best in fertile soils with regular and abundant watering. Mulching with clean, unprocessed straw or sawdust helps to retain moisture in the soil. Very hot, dry and closed areas are not suitable for sweet peas.
The cultivation of annual sweet peas is carried out by sowing in open ground or through seedlings. Seedlings tolerate frosts down to -5 ° С, and hardened seedlings - up to -3 ... -4 ° С.

The seeds of peas have a very dense shell, which is why they germinate for a long time and uncommonly. To accelerate germination, they are soaked in hot (up to 70 ° C) water for 1-1.5 hours, and then washed in cold running water. Seeds are germinated in sawdust, sand or a damp cloth at a temperature of + 20 ... + 24 ° C for 2-4 days. Hatching seeds of annual sweet pea for further cultivation planted on permanent place or in pots for seedlings. Shoots appear in 6-12 days. The seeds of most varieties are gray-brown or brown-brown in color. Their germination capacity lasts four years. Some varieties have very light, creamy seeds. Such seeds for growing sweet peas should be sown dry, without soaking. They will die when soaked. Young sweet pea plants grow slowly and do not branch for a long time. Therefore, they need to be pinched over the 2-3rd leaf, which causes branching.

Plants need to be tied up as early as possible, otherwise the stems lie down, intertwine and when trying to untangle them easily break. The stems need to be guided slightly against the support so that they can freely cling to the antennae.

Plants require abundant watering, since with a lack of moisture, the buds fall off, the duration of flowering is sharply reduced and the flowers become smaller.

The seedlings are fed with nitrogen (carbamide), and adult plants are fed with a full complex fertilizer.
Top dressing during the growing season with organic and mineral fertilizers promotes the development of large flowers on long stems.

Sweet peas bloom in early July, sometimes even at the end of June. Regular cutting of faded inflorescences together with peduncles helps to lengthen the flowering period, which lasts until frost. It is not for nothing that he is also called the "king of the summer" for such a long flowering.

In the flower arrangement of the garden plot, sweet peas are planted closer to the resting places.

It is widely used to decorate terraces, verandas; it is used to decorate retaining walls, gazebos, and gratings. Peas grow especially well on balconies, in window boxes, on the southeast side of houses.

On sunny balcony peas will bloom from July to autumn if cared for regularly. Know that it will not grow in small boxes, a container is needed with a depth of at least 30 cm.

The pea has a powerful, branched root systemproviding fast growth, strong branching and continuous flowering of plants.
Everyone loves this plant for its amazing flowers of bright and delicate colors, the exquisite shape of which resembles moths, for its wonderful aroma and ease of growing.

Popular varieties of annual sweet peas

The most popular are the varieties of the garden group. Kazbertson Floribunda.

They are characterized by their beautiful shape large flowers, collected in brushes of 5-7 pcs. on long, up to 40 cm, peduncles.
The sail is wide, with a wavy edge, often bent back. Height about 160 cm, multi-stem plant.

Plants have up to 12 large flowers on a strong peduncle varieties "Galaxy"

Variety "Mammut" early flowering

Variety "Multiflora Giganteya" - very early flowering and at the same time forms 6-7 flowers on one peduncle

Plants varieties "Royal Family" average flowering period, at good conditions growth on one peduncle blooms up to eight large flowers


The intense flower color of this sweet pea, combined with wonderful aroma - a worthy decoration for your balcony or garden. Good for cutting. Shoot length up to 2 m, flowering period: July-August.


It is a mixture of tall, large-flowered varieties. Climbing strong, well leafy stems up to 2 m long. Peduncles are strong, elastic, 25-45 cm long.

The flowers are large, 5-6 per brush, with a delicate pleasant aroma. Flower sail with a wavy edge. Blooms from late June until frost. Is used for vertical gardening and for cutting.

Hello dear friends!

For several years now, I have been growing perennial sweet peas on my site. Another name for this beautiful ornamental plant - "China". Pea seeds appeared on the market not so long ago, but the plant quickly gained popularity among gardeners. So is it difficult to grow perennial sweet peas on the site?

So let's start in order, with growing seedlings.

Seeds are sown for seedlings in February. Before sowing, they must be soaked for 36 - 48 hours in a warm solution of the drug (1 - 2 grams of the drug per 1 liter of hot (50 degrees) water).

As a soil for growing seedlings, it is best to take ready-made flower soil "Rose" or "Saintpaulia". The soil is poured into the box with a layer of 10 centimeters, then a groove is made 1.5 - 2 centimeters deep, spilled with a solution (for 1 liter of water - 1 tablet) room temperature (24 - 25 degrees). Seeds are sown directly from the can. The distance between the seeds is made large, about 12 centimeters from each other, so that in May you can easily take out the seedlings for planting together with big lump land.

It is not difficult to care for the seedlings of perennial sweet peas. You just need to monitor the watering and not overflow the plants, as well as feed the seedlings a couple of times. For feeding, use the following solution: dilute 1 teaspoon of nitrophoska and 1 tablespoon in 3 liters of water.

The first feeding is carried out 12 days after germination, and the second 12 days after the first feeding. It is imperative to temper the seedlings by exposing them in April to open balcony.

Seedlings are planted in May, and immediately to a permanent place. Over the summer, the peas will reach 1 - 1.5 meters in height, so it is advisable to pull a net, twine or other support next to the plants.

Already in the first year of cultivation of perennial sweet peas, you will see the beautiful flowering of bright crimson, orange and snow-white inflorescences up to 50 centimeters long.

Watering of perennial sweet peas is rarely carried out, in a drought - once a week, but very abundant, up to 30 - 35 liters per 1 square meter.

For the entire period of growth and development of the plant in the open field, it is desirable to carry out 3 dressings.

The first feeding is carried out at the beginning of the growth of the stems. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska and urea in 10 liters of water.

The second feeding is carried out at the beginning of the flowering phase. To do this, in 10 liters of water it is necessary to dilute 1 tablespoon and "Agricola-7"

The third feeding is done during flowering. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of Rossa and Agricola for flowering plants in 10 liters of water. The consumption of this solution is 3 - 4 liters per 1 sq. meter.

That's all for today, dear friends! See you!

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Sweet peas are loved and revered in Latvia. Since ancient times, almost every farm in the summer was decorated with a motley, strongly smelling bed of these climbing plants, and with a bunch of delicate flowers they went to visit. With the advent of our newest varieties of large-flowered, multicolored spencers, sweet peas quickly conquered the flower market and became one of the most common local florists in the production.

However strong, healthy plants and large graceful flowers can be obtained only with proper care and in suitable conditions.

Sweet peas: planting and care

The following summer brought a new turn in the history of sweet peas - flowers with wavy petals appeared. This news was immediately used in breeding, and the development of the current corrugated sweet pea began. In the middle of the last century, several different groups of this pea were created, but, unfortunately, the selection of such previously known groups as

(LATHYRUS) If you remove the fading inflorescences in time, then you will lengthen the flowering period of sweet peas almost until the end of September.

Name and History:


Sweet peas - cultivation and care.

Low varieties of sweet peas can be grown in ampelous form, that is, without support, and for tall ones, you can fix a special net or just pull the strings. You can plant plants on the balcony already at the beginning of May. And, of course, make sure that the soil does not dry out in any case. At a tender age, it can even kill plants.

Location and soil

Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) is a climbing annual plant of the China genus of the Legume family. With a support, it reaches a height of 2 meters. The leaves end in tendrils, with which it clings to other plants or to an artificial support. The flowers are bright with a strong fragrant aroma, thanks to which the peas got their name.

Sweet peas are grown on fertile, acid-neutral soil with deep cultivation. Another requirement for soil is air permeability. Sweet peas do not grow well in waterlogged areas or with a close occurrence of groundwater. The soil for planting this plant should be prepared in advance, not forgetting to add compost, potash and phosphorus fertilizers. Fresh manure is not applied, as it can cause fusarium wilting of the plant. Nitrogen fertilization is also not applied - the plant fixes nitrogen from the air.

Planting and caring for sweet peas

Sweet pea is an annual plant revered by many gardeners for its unusual and bright flowering, delicate aroma. In addition, the buds on sweet peas appear almost all summer, and therefore the lawn will delight the eye during all three warm months. And the flowers of the plant have a great variety of shades, and therefore among the varieties of the fragrant town, everyone can choose to their taste. In addition, the advantages of the plant include relative frost resistance (up to - 5⁰C). Regarding how to grow sweet peas, the most the best option planting seeds is considered. This is what will be discussed.

Together with our colleague Valdis Dubovskis, we have been engaged in this wonderful culture for almost 30 years. Our farm can be proud of the largest collection of sweet peas in the Baltic countries, and we have done a lot to popularize and distribute it in our country. Our partnership with the Royal Sweet Pea Society of Great Britain allows us to keep up with the latest information and receive newest varietiesthat we evaluate and test in our climate. Every year we publish a catalog in which we offer Latvian flower growers seeds of more than 100 varieties - new and already recognized English varieties, as well as almost twenty varieties of our selection.

Sweet peas will grow best in a warm, sunny location. The soil should be loose, rich in humus, nutritious and calcareous. In this case, the soil should be prepared to a depth of at least two shovels, since these plants form a deep root system, which makes it possible to form a profusely flowering two-meter bush in one season. It is better to prepare the beds in the fall - in the spring it will only be necessary to loosen the surface.


Called the king

Reproduction of sweet peas

This Legumes

If everything succeeded and the cultivation of sweet peas as a decorative fragrant plant you liked it, then on next year try to put it in a new place. If this does not work, then at least replace upper layer soil at the planting site and do not forget about regular feeding.


Sweet pea

Sweet peas in Latin sounds like "lathyrus odomtus". For the first time the word "latirus" was used by Theophrastus and comes from the ancient Greek name, consisting of "la" - very and "thoures" - attractive. The plant was noticed more than 300 years ago by the Sicilian monk Francisco Kupani, who, walking in the evening near the walls of his monastery, located on the Mediterranean coast, caught the unusually strong aroma of this flower. Hence the second half of the name is fragrant ("odoratus"). The monk collected the seeds and shipped them in 1699 to England, to his friend Robert Uvedal - school teacher from County Middlesex. This is the main version of the history of the origin of this flower culture.

There are a great many varieties of sweet peas, from dwarf ones - about 20 cm high, which can even be used as ground cover plants, to tall climbing ones, reaching a height of three meters. Between them, the varieties are medium-sized with a stem length of 1-1.5 m. And there is also a group of barless varieties. The palette of shades in which pea flowers are painted is unusually diverse: from soft, delicate, pastel colors to extremely bright and cheerful.

Sweet peas can be grown both by direct sowing in open ground, and through seedlings - for earlier flowering.

How and when to sow sweet peas?

In early spring, sweet pea seeds are sown in holes of 2 - 3 seeds, keeping a distance of about 20 - 25 cm. However, such plants will bloom only by the end of July. If you want to get more early floweringthen you should grow sweet peas seedling method, seedlings are planted in mid-May.

Seed preparation for sowing.

You need to prepare the seed in the spring: at the end of March - at the beginning of April. Since the peel of the seeds is quite dense, they should first be placed in a glass, pour hot water temperatures of about 50-60 degrees and leave for a day. The floating seeds must be removed immediately. After that, before planting sweet peas, the seeds must be washed with water at room temperature and placed in humid environment for germination. It can be a handkerchief, sawdust or sand, which should always be wet.


Do you want to tinker with the seedlings? .. Please!

You can sow sweet peas directly into the ground, but this method does not always provide good germination, while flowering begins much later. It is better to grow this culture by seedlings. Seeds are sown 4-6 weeks before planting. For sowing, it is better to use a special peat substrate or prepare in advance a sterile mixture of 2-3 parts of good and clean garden soil, 1 part of peat and 1 part of coarse sand (improves air permeability and drainage). Desirable sowing depth 1.5-2 cm. - blows to protect from mice, as they eat seeds, as well as young sprouts.

Place to plant, preference and care.

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Growing on the balcony.


Another plant for vertical gardening.

By the way, about the varieties.

Whichever option you choose, for better germination, it is advisable to prepare the seeds. Fill them with hot water, 40-50C degrees and leave for 12 hours, maximum for a day. After that, the dark shell on the seeds can be pierced with a needle, since some of them, although they look completely healthy, sometimes do not sprout for a long time or do not sprout at all. Seeds with a light shell usually do not need such a procedure. You can sow immediately after soaking, or you can wait for them to bite by placing them in a damp cloth, sand or sawdust. In no case should the seeds that have nailed be dried, they must be sown immediately.


SWEET PEA. Growing from seeds

Sweet peas do not like transplanting, therefore, the seedlings should be removed from the pots carefully, without destroying the soil lump. The plant grown through seedlings blooms by mid-June and blooms for 2 to 3 months.
When the seed sprouts, it should be planted in a separate container. It can be small pots or paper cups, where a good nutrient soil is previously placed. The seeds need to be deepened by only two to three centimeters. Can be planted one at a time or several. For effective cultivation of sweet peas from seeds, containers with seeds should be placed in a well-lit, warm place and systematically, not forgetting to water carefully. The first shoots can be expected in 1.5 - 2 weeks. We recommend pinching the top to stimulate the growth of lateral shoots when the first three leaves appear on the seedlings.
Until the emergence of seedlings, the crops are kept warm (the optimum germination temperature is 18-20 * C), and later the temperature is gradually reduced to 10-12 * C, making sure that the seedlings are compact and healthy. Since in Spencers flowers are formed only on shoots of the second order, in order to speed up tillering, the shoots can be pinched after the second or third pair of leaves. Before planting, young plants need to be hardened.
M summer flowers


In middle lane Russian sweet peas are grown through seedlings, for which the seeds are soaked in mid-March overnight in hot water (60-80 ° C). Then the swollen seeds are sown in 2-3 pieces in peat pots filled with an earthen mixture consisting of turf, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 0.5. Seedlings appear in 4-7 days. In the phase of two or three true leaves, the seedlings are pinched, removing the growth point, as a result of which a large number of lateral shoots are formed and the plant blooms more abundantly.

Sweet peas, or sweet peas, belongs to the genus Chin (Lathyrus), the legume family (Fabaceae). The famous Swedish taxonomist Karl Linnaeus first gave a botanical characterization of this species in 1753. The root system of sweet peas is pivotal, highly branched, penetrating into the soil to a depth of one and a half meters. Gee, a verse has formed :)

Of course, the easiest way is to sow sweet peas directly to a permanent place. This can be done early enough, as soon as the soil warms up a little, without fear of return frosts, since the seedlings can withstand a drop in temperature to -5⁰С. We place the seeds in the holes, 2-3 pieces each, to a depth of 2 cm, leaving the distance between the holes about 25 cm. Our plants will bloom closer to mid-July. Sweet peas need support. In order for the plant to bloom profusely and for a long time, regular watering is necessary in hot and dry weather, timely weeding and feeding with solutions of organic fertilizers, but not more than three times per season.

Planting sweet pea seedlings in open ground can be carried out as early as May. It is advisable to harden the seedlings before planting, taking them out to the open balcony, first for one hour, and then gradually increase the residence time.

  • As you know, before germination, the seed must swell so that the absorbed water awakens the embryo. You can speed up the swelling of sweet pea seeds if you pour them with warm water (50-60 "C) and leave for 12-18 hours. Even in this case, all seeds swell. Like most bloodworms, sweet peas have a very dense seed coat which interferes with the assimilation of water and delays germination.The hardness of the seed coat of different varieties also differs, and the hardest peel is usually very dark color... Therefore, in order to facilitate the absorption of water, it is recommended to damage the seed coat with a sharp knife, sandpaper or other means (naturally, avoiding damaging the embryo).
  • ... However,
  • One can only wonder what changes over three centuries have occurred with this climbing plant with small, dark brown and strong-smelling flowers. During this time, thousands of varieties of these delicate, romantic flowers have been created, and in England

I plant it every year. It grows well.

To get flowering plants much earlier, you will have to use the seedling method of growing. You can start sowing in late March - early April. But if you want to sow even earlier, then arm yourself with lighting from simple fluorescent lamps. 3 hours for additional highlighting of the peas will be quite enough.

With timely pruning of the inflorescences on which small green beans have tied, sweet peas will bloom until the fall frost. If you want to preserve the variety and collect the seeds, then such a plant should be grown through seedlings and leave 5-10 peduncles with pods on the "seed" plants, removing the rest of the flowers. It happens that the seeds of the plant do not set. The reason may be a sharp temperature drop during the day and night.
Sweet pea grows well in places where there are no drafts, open to sunlight. However, it tolerates a slight shading quite calmly. The soil for the plant is suitable for neutral, fertile, with good drainage properties. Plants are planted together with an earthen clod at a distance of 25 cm from each other. When sweet peas reach 20 cm in height, they need to be tied to a support. This is necessary so that the curly stems do not creep along the ground and do not get confused with each other. With the help of the support, the plants will curl upward and form a beautiful hedge in the future. However, for dwarf varieties of sweet peas, which grow up to 30 cm, this is not necessary.


It is rather difficult to process a large number of seeds in this way; therefore, the seeds are first soaked and then only those that have not yet swollen are treated. They are soaked again and sown only when all the seeds have swollen. Seeds not treated in this way germinate very poorly, and it happens that the emergence of seedlings stretches even up to 30 days.


In terms of cultivation
Sweet peas
The seedlings are planted in a permanent place in mid-May at a distance of 20-25 cm. For tall varieties, it is necessary to install supports. Remember that sweet peas can only be grown in one place for a year and returned to their original place only after 4-5 years. When planting seedlings, fresh organic fertilizers (manure) must not be applied, as the plants may die from fungal diseases.

Because of the dense shell, it is better to soak pea seeds for a couple of hours in hot water before planting, and then germinate in a damp cloth in a warm place. However, some varieties of sweet peas are especially light shade cream or white, they need to be planted in open ground in a dry form, since they usually die when soaked.

I collected the seeds from him, my beloved, but my peas became somehow low-colored and therefore I bought the seeds again.

Growing sweet peas - florist's bulletin

Growing sweet peas

We also need separate pots for growing seedlings! Sweet peas do not tolerate transplanting very well, therefore, even after growing seedlings in separate containers, when transplanting, you need to act very carefully so as not to damage the earthen ball and not disturb the root system. We will plant the plants in a permanent place around the middle of May, and we will begin to enjoy the scent of flowers in the middle of June. Sweet peas are very fast growing. Since the plant requires a significant amount of nutrients for growth, its highly branched taproot penetrates into the soil to a great depth. It is very useful to make hilling and bedding fertile substrate or compost to the base of the sweet pea stalk to a height of 5 - 7 cm, thus stimulating the growth of adventitious roots. For sweet peas, timely and sufficient watering is necessary, since a lack of moisture in the soil leads to the dropping of buds and flowers by the plant, and the duration of flowering is also reduced. In general, growing sweet peas is not easy. AndIn most salmon and orange varieties, the seeds are light brown with a soft, fragile rind, which, when swollen, can crack, opening the way for infection. If harmful microorganisms are present in the substrate, then such seeds may die before germination or then young seedlings will gradually die. These varieties are recommended to be sown without presoaking in a particularly sterile substrate. ​,​ This plant ForVIDEOChoose the sunniest places for planting peas. Planted in the shade, sweet peas will bloom, but much later and the bloom will not be as abundant as in the open sun. Here are my seeds in the picture on the right. We choose a place for planting sweet peas that is sunny and, if possible, protected from strong winds. Ground water should not be located too close, although he is a lover of moisture, but does not tolerate stagnant water. Sweet peas propagate by sowing seeds: directly into open ground, or through seedlings. Street sowing of seeds of the plant is done in May. When cultivating sweet peas in a seedling method, it is necessary to sow the seeds, pre-soaked for 24 hours in warm water, 3 peas in each pot. Seedlings appear after about a week. Seedlings of sweet peas are planted at the end of May, and the seedlings are able to withstand small frosts up to minus 5 degrees. The plant requires careful maintenance and care. It is important to systematically and in sufficient volume to water the flower - every 1.5-2 weeks. Otherwise, with a lack of moisture, the buds become shallow or even discarded, and flowering stops. Sweet peas need top dressing with liquid fertilizers twice - in mid-June and mid-July. Honer

Sweet pea is a very profitable crop for growing in cut greenhouses - relatively early harvest can be obtained from minimal cost there is no serious competition for heating and these colors among imported flowers. Greenhouses should be high, well ventilated and shaded on hot, sunny days, as good quality flowers and constant harvest can be obtained only with a uniform and moderate microclimate.

Galaxy Very democratic Pomp Ganichkina advises :) Land for planting needs fertile, moderately moist, non-acidic (pH up to 7.5). They probably smell really good. Unfortunately, after an illness I have trouble with my sense of smell. I take the word for guests, girlfriends and children that smells great. The soil should be deeply cultivated, sufficiently loose and breathable, with a reaction closer to neutral. Acidic soils it is necessary to lime. When planting, it is advisable to add well-rotted manure (in no case fresh) or compost, plus phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. You should know that sweet peas are returned to their original landing site only after 4 - 5 years. Experienced gardeners use some tricks for long and abundant flowering of sweet peas. Firstly, you need to pinch, and secondly, cut off the faded branches, leaving a few pods with seeds. If these conditions are met, sweet peas pleases with flowering until frost.

Efforts to increase the yield of flowers, thickening plantings, may be mistaken. In cramped conditions, sweet peas grow poorly, bushes develop poorly and diseases often start, as a result of which the yield of plants and the quality of flowers are significantly reduced. Both in the garden and in greenhouses for Spencers, the distance between plants should be at least 20 cm.

Outdoor cultivation

, Did not continue, and in our time their individual varieties have degraded or almost disappeared. Only in the Spencer group, the selection has been going on continuously for more than a hundred years. Thanks to the enthusiasm of breeders and lovers of the UK with sweet peas, a big change has occurred. And not only in relation to the size of the inflorescences, but also the curly petals, their spectacular arrangement and the richness of shades.



Start the garter as early as possible, this will accelerate the growth rate. Don't forget to ask the peas right directionUse twine or netting if necessary to keep your wattle fence, fence or trellis evenly braided.

Now the theory.

Growing in greenhouses

Caring for sweet peas consists in weeding, feeding and, most importantly, in timely watering. From drought, the plant sheds its color, so the soil should always remain in a moderately moist state. Peas reacts very well to adding to the roots and hilling with humus or compost, feeding with complex mineral fertilizer with a low nitrogen content.

Sweet peas (sweet peas) are nothing more than a fast-growing vine. A plant from the legume family, propagates exclusively by seeds. Topic: Sweet peas annual cultivation from seeds. There were cases when the seeds did not germinate in the first year, they were forgotten. The next year, they delighted the eye with their seedlings. By the end of the season, being already an adult, it reaches two meters in height. Dwarf varieties grow no higher than 40 cm.

Description of the plant, photo

The plant has thin ribbed stems, a couple of leaves, and antennae at their ends. Thanks to the antennae, it, clinging to the support, grows up to the sun. Initially, you need to follow, guide, and tie up in time. Known and dwarf species sweet peas. Their height reaches 40 cm. Such plants can decorate any window or balcony of a city dweller. They can be planted along the edges of flower beds in suburban areas.

The flower of the plant is very beautiful, it has a very delicate inflorescence, thanks to which an ordinary garden plot looks like a real paradise. Flowers are collected in large brushes, peduncles are long, leafless.

The flower has a corolla and five brightly colored moth-like petals. The upper petal of the flower is the largest, its diameter is up to 6 cm. It is called the "sail". The two lower petals resemble a boat, and the oars form the two middle petals. A beautiful and fresh flower lasts up to 5 days.

The fruit of a leguminous plant is naturally a legume. Only a few seeds ripen inside the fruit round shape... When proper storage seeds, observing the permissible moisture content and temperature regime, their germination capacity lasts up to 8 years.

Seeds are not always formed after flowering. The reason for this is the sharp change in temperature, both at night and during the day. Despite the fact that the rank is not afraid of cold weather, the buds react strongly to changes in daytime and nighttime temperatures. Buds and flowers fall off, no ovary occurs. In addition to a sharp change in temperature, improper flower care can be the reason.

Many varieties of this plant are known. They differ not only in the shape, size and color of the flower. You can choose the shade of the petals to your liking, thanks to the wide color palette. A climbing plant capable of braiding and thus decorating any support with a real weightless carpet.

A delicate, refreshing aroma comes from the plant's blossoms. It fills the air not only on your suburban area, but also in the surrounding areas. In addition to a tall plant, there are dwarf varieties sweet peas. The color of flowers in each variety is different.

Benefits of growing sweet peas

Among summer residents, sweet peas are very popular. He has a lot of undeniable advantages, among which unpretentiousness stands out. Despite this, experienced gardeners give a number of tips that will help novice growers grow such a wonderful plant as sweet peas.

It is planted on balconies or loggias for the purpose of landscaping. A box with earth is suitable for planting, you should always remember about watering the plant. Sweet peas, with their delicate flowers, will decorate any dwelling of a city dweller: be it a balcony, a loggia or a windowsill. And for the summer resident it will be the highest beautiful flower Location on. The scent of its flowers can cheer you up not only for you and your family, but also for your guests, beloved neighbors.

Know! Every person can grow sweet peas.

The benefits of sweet peas include:

  1. The height of the plant, thanks to which on any garden plot you can make a decorative screen that exudes a wonderful aroma.
  2. Sweet peas wind well, it will decorate a nondescript wall of any building on the site, serve as a weightless fence or partition. A comfortable, diffused shade is obtained thanks to its weaving - this is very important on a hot and sunny day.
  3. Unpretentiousness - it grows not only in the shade, but also in the scorching sun. Able to withstand frost down to -5ºС.
  4. Low-growing varieties do not need additional support.
  5. High growth rate (when compared with perennial vines).
  6. For an annual plant, the flowering period, it should be noted, is long, almost three months.
  7. The ability to grow it on the balcony of a city apartment or on a suburban area. The southeast side will be favorable.
  8. If you make a bouquet of pea flowers, it will look great and stay fresh for a long time.

In what conditions do sweet peas grow

Sweet peas are very popular, they know it, they grow in different climatic zones. The plant prefers open, windless places where the soil is moist and drained.

You need to carefully monitor watering, avoid drying out, waterlogging. Clay soil and waterlogging can cause illness, and then the death of the flower. Dry soil is unable to provide moisture to the root system.

Without moisture, the plant can dry out. Also, peas do not like temperature changes. He warns about this by dropping buds and petals. Such a period is destructive for him.

Sweet peas need to be planted in prepared soil, where its root system will develop normally. The soil should have neutral acidity. To reduce the acidity of the soil, liming will need to be carried out in advance.

It is not difficult to prepare the soil yourself, the main thing is not to forget to add potash and phosphorus fertilizer compost. Compost should be placed in the ground to a depth of 15-30 cm, but this is by no means manure.

It is important to remember that fresh organic fertilizers can kill the plant!

If the soil is being prepared for planting seeds for seedlings, then it should be for some time in the room where the seedlings will grow. The earth just needs to warm up to room temperature. Then it is specially prepared, and then the seeds are sown.

Seed sowing dates

Before planting this plant, you must carefully read the conditions that will be optimal for its growth. If you decide, then you do not need to delay the planting time, since its growing season is generally only three months. If you plant an annual plant earlier, the earlier it will please you with its flowering.

For each climatic zone, this plant is planted in different time... If in your climatic zone it is recommended to plant sweet peas in the spring, then a prerequisite the soil will be heated to a sufficient depth. Otherwise, the seeds will simply freeze. You can prepare for this process in advance and grow seedlings.

Important! Plant only in warm soil. If the winter is very harsh, dragged on in terms of time, then it is recommended to plant sweet peas in a greenhouse or in any other closed room.

City dwellers manage to do this in an apartment or on a balcony. The main condition is compliance with the temperature regime, which will be favorable for the flower.

If the climate is temperate, the ranks start thinking about planting in late April, early May. It is about planting seeds in open ground. The soil has warmed up, which means that the seeds should not freeze. Thanks to the warmth and rainfall, seeds germinate quickly. Soon the rank begins to bloom.

How to prepare seeds for planting

As you know, seeds have a rather hard shell. Experienced gardeners can easily discover the secrets of preparing seeds for planting. Seeds that have not "hatched" after soaking must be further processed. This will require a whole set of tools: a small knife or nail scissors, an awl or needle and sandpaper.

Using sandpaper, the seeds are rubbed, as it were, or, with a little effort, rolled over the paper. This will make the shell slightly thinner and softer. Using nail scissors or a knife, each grain must be cut, and with a needle or awl you can pierce it. The presence of a hard shell in pea seeds is not a reason to refuse planting this plant in your area.

If you bought grayish-brown pea seeds or brown-brown seeds, then you need to soak them before planting. Light cream seeds are dispensed with without soaking. They are planted dry in the ground. Do not confuse anything.

It is not advised to combine seeds different varieties... They are placed in different containers and filled with warm or hot water for about a day. Seeds that float can be safely thrown away, since they are empty and will not sprout.

The container with seeds must be temporarily removed to a warm place where it is dark. After a day, the water is drained, and the seeds are covered with a damp cloth. Care must be taken that the fabric does not dry out. Instead of cloth for seeds, sawdust or damp sand will do. If you observe the temperature regime, then seedlings will appear in one to two weeks. Sprouted seeds should be planted immediately.

Important! Prevent the seeds from drying out - moisten the soil in time.

Planting and growing annuals

To get a sweet pea plant, you need to purchase seeds - it reproduces only by seeds. You can grow both from seeds and seedlings. Each method has its own advantages.

You can plant sweet peas on open ground only after the snow has melted and the ground has warmed up enough. On the selected plot of land, holes are made, 2-3 cm deep, at a distance of 10-20 cm. 2-3 peas are laid in each hole, the hole is covered with earth, and regularly watered abundantly. Abundant watering is very important for future flowers, for the development of their root system.

Important! Be sure to properly prepare your sweet pea seeds before planting.

To grow seedlings of rank, you need to cook potting soil... It is filled into deep, narrow containers, which can be plastic cups or peat pots... A deepening is made in the container, 2-3 "seeds" are placed in it, covered with earth and, as in the previous case, poured abundantly with water for two whole weeks. You should not bury the seeds deeply - you will have to wait for shoots for a long time.

The temperature for growing seedlings should be at least 15 degrees. In sunny weather, seedlings are taken out on closed balcony in the sun, for hardening. As the air warms up outside, the balcony is opened.

The time the seedlings stay in the air is increased every day. A couple of times it is necessary to feed the plant - this is to stimulate growth. After a while, if the seedlings are growing in plastic cups, it will be noticeable how the sweet pea root tightly braids the ground.

When future seedlings "throw out" a couple of leaves, pinch the growing point. They do the same with lateral shoots, then add top dressing. This is done so that the flower grows root mass, and the plant itself becomes like a bush. Due to its strong root system, the flower can grow tall, neither fall nor break if tied up.

It is necessary to plant the seedlings of sweet peas on open ground at the end of May. The day before planting seedlings, it is better not to water it. So it can be painlessly pulled out of the glass, transplanted onto the ground, without damaging the root.

Outdoor planting and care

For planting sweet peas, areas that are protected from the wind are suitable. Having planted seedlings on open ground, for the first two to three days, you need to cover it with something from direct sunlight, make an artificial shade.

This period is very important for seedlings - it must "get sick", its growth stops. But if everything is done correctly, then in a week the annual will come to life, new, more powerful shoots will appear on it. The root system will be able to grow and strengthen in the open field.

A flower that was planted in open ground needs regular weeding, abundant watering. Weeding must be done to rid it of the neighbors - the weeds. After the rain, weeding is necessary so that a “crust” of dry soil does not form, which prevents oxygen from entering the soil.

It is necessary to prepare in advance the supports on which it will rely climbing plant... As a support, you can take a net or stretch a twine. The shoots of a flower, as it grows, must be oriented in the right direction, do not forget to tie.

In the process of growth, the plant will need a nutrient substrate as a top dressing. It is poured after hilling sweet peas to stimulate the development of adventitious processes.

In order for sweet peas to bloom and delight the eye for a long time in your garden, you need to do the following: pinch, and also remove faded twigs, dry leaves. If this is not done, then flowering will end in a month.

To obtain seeds, you need to leave several pods on each annual bush. In order for the seeds to fully ripen, there must be enough sunlight, heat. The area in which the flower grows must be protected from drafts.

Attention! If you want to get seeds, create conditions.

Do not forget about the correct watering. If a flower is flooded, then it can be hit various diseases, among which there may be root rot... Garden pests may also appear: snails, slugs. This cannot be allowed. It is very difficult to deal with them.

If you properly care for sweet peas, adhere to all recommendations, then the plant will certainly delight you and your guests with its flowering all summer.

Soil, top dressing

Sweet peas grow well on fertile soil, to which fresh organic fertilizers are not added. In order for the plant to feel great on the balcony, it must be planted in a deeper container. And everything is done so that the growing root system develops correctly.

Poorly fertilized soil negatively affects the flowering of annuals. If the soil is fertilized in excess of the norm, then an increase in green mass occurs. Flowering occurs later than always, the number of flowers is small. There are practically no seeds.

The plant needs to be fed and watered regularly. As a top dressing it is recommended to use mineral fertilizers, in which the nitrogen content is low.

Seedlings planted on the ground receive their first feeding in a week. This will require a bucket of water with urea and nitrophosphate dissolved in it. One tablespoon of urea and nitrophosphate is enough for a bucket of water. The flower will need a second feeding when it begins to bloom. The third feeding is during the period of exuberant flowering.

Know! Thanks to top dressing, the annual will delight you with its flowering all summer.

Most legumes have a beneficial effect on soil fertility. Among them is the fragrant rank. In the process of decomposition of the remnants of the root system, the soil is enriched with nitrogen. Thus, the plant is able to provide itself with nitrogen. It is not recommended to plant sweet peas in one place for more than two years in a row. Experts say that it will not bloom beautifully.

Sweet peas are not a capricious plant, it is not difficult to understand. It is necessary to create optimal conditions, taking into account some features.

  1. Planting peas with seeds is much easier than planting seedlings. Seedlings are capricious, they need time to "get sick". The plant has a good root system that goes very deep into the soil.
  2. Transplanting it without damaging the root system is almost impossible. The plant grows quickly, it is possible that during transplantation, damage or break its stems. If you decided to plant sweet peas on open ground seedlings, then you need to transplant together with an earthen pot.
  3. Peas have a dense seed coat, which causes uneven germination. Professionals, trying to speed up the process, have come up with little tricks: the seeds are pre-soaked, rubbed with sandpaper, cut.
  4. Fast growth. For its timely weaving, you need to install a mesh or supports in time. It is recommended to tie the plant up during growth.
  5. The root system of sweet peas is well developed and goes deep into the soil. Therefore, watering should be abundant and regular.

Fragrant rank and folk medicine

The healing properties of annuals are not fully understood. ethnoscience has been using it for a long time. It strengthens the immune system, helps with colds, vitamin deficiency. For insomnia, for diseases of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract, a decoction of pea tubers is prepared. Tincture of the plant treats respiratory disease. It has a good expectorant effect.


Sweet peas - easy to clean and beautiful plant... It is very popular among experienced gardeners... An annual flower, not capricious. Everyone can grow it, despite the number of recommendations. The beauty and tenderness of flowers pleasant aroma will cheer you up and relieve any pain. Sweet pea plant is sure to please you!