Blackcurrant diseases: description with photos and methods of treatment. Black currant: diseases and treatment of the plant. Effective methods for combating blackcurrant diseases

Hello, the topic of today's article is " Black currant diseases and pests with photos. Blackcurrant is valued as a source of vitamin C and as a very delicious berry. It is useful for radioactive exposure, as it removes radioisotopes from the body. The brewed fruits stimulate the brain, so schoolchildren are recommended to drink tea from currant leaves.

Blackcurrant diseases and pests with photo

Anthracnose is a common currant disease, the first signs of which become visible on the leaves. Small brownish spots up to 1 mm in diameter grow into brown spots, then covering the entire sheet, which subsequently twists and falls off.

The disease affects the stalks, young shoots, petioles. The fungus remains in fallen leaves until the next season. In early spring, disputes arise on them, which pass to lower leaves bush. Spores re-form on these leaves and infect the entire bush to the top. The disease is carried with water, and aphids and spider mites can also be carriers.

The fight against anthracnose begins in April. The bushes and the ground are treated with Bordeaux liquid (1% solution) or a 3% solution of the drug nitrafen. Re-treatment is carried out after 10 days. The next spraying is in July-August with Bordeaux liquid (1% solution). It is also necessary to collect all fallen infected leaves and dig a trunk circle 10 cm deep in autumn or spring.

Goblet rust is a fungal disease, especially common in areas where sedge grows. The spores of the fungus overwinter on the sedge, and the spores that appear later in windy weather move to the berries and the green mass of the currant. With extensive infection with rust, leaves and berries fall heavily from the bushes.

Columnar rust is a viral disease. Trees are an undesirable neighbor for such a disease. conifers. Small spots appear on the leaves, and by the time the berries are picked from reverse side leaf, orange bubbles form, on which columns of spores subsequently grow.

Leaves fall from infected bushes, shoots grow back worse, and the yield subsequently decreases. The fight begins with spraying in the spring, until the leaves appear, with 1% Bordeaux mixture. The following sprays are carried out with the same solution in July-August when the crop is harvested. It is advisable to spray the leaves of a diseased plant with phytosporin.

Striped mosaic is a disease in which a gray-yellow pattern appears near the veins of the leaves. Infection occurs when a diseased cutting is grafted onto a bush, when pruning with one tool, first an infected and then a healthy plant. Other carriers of the disease are also known to be the bud mites and aphids. The disease is not treated, the infected plant is destroyed to avoid infection of other plants.

Powdery mildew is European, as well as American, which is more common and is known as a disease that causes great harm. Appears in June and damages berries and shoots. A raid is first visible on them white color, then the mass is compacted and the color changes to brown. The fungus draws moisture from parts of the plant.

In diseased bushes, shoots and leaf tops do not grow well. The berries crack and become unfit for eating. Plants disappear within 2 years. Bushes in dense plantings with moist soil are more likely to suffer. The fight against the disease begins with cutting diseased branches and shoots that must be destroyed.

Next, you should spray the bush from above to the ground with copper sulfate at the rate of 100 grams per bucket of water or a 1% solution of nitrafen. Repeat treatment after 10 days. Stop spraying with drugs 14 days before picking berries. Sulfur, foundationol, which are processed in April, until flowering has begun, and in August helps to fight the disease. Processing with mullein infusion gives good result.

Currant terry and methods of struggle

Terry currant - a diagnosis in which the bush is doomed. The shape of the leaves changes, and the number of lobes instead of 5 is 3. The leaf becomes denser and darker, flowering begins later, the inflorescences become lilac color dry up without producing a crop. The characteristic smell of currant disappears.

The fight against terry is the speedy destruction of the diseased bush. This is done to save the rest of the bushes in the garden. The disease is spread by a kidney mite, with which it is necessary to start the fight after the snow melts. To prevent the disease, the bushes should be treated with colloidal sulfur in August.

Be sure to feed with potash and phosphorus fertilizers so that the currant bushes become resistant to terry. The application of nitrogen fertilizers should be greatly reduced, as their excess can cause disease.

Blackcurrant spring care

In early spring, cutting out diseased and dried branches, damaged shoots is carried out.

Boiling water is in a good way prevention and control of diseases and pests that overwinter on branches and in plant buds. Hot water awakens the bushes from hibernation, positively affects the quality of the fruit. 10 liters of boiling water from a watering can is enough for 3 bushes. You need to water before the snow melts, until the kidneys wake up.

For healthy bushes, treatment with a solution is useful iron sulphate(50 grams per bucket of water) at the time when the buds begin to bloom and lay eggs. Iron is also necessary for every plant as a fertilizer. With its shortage, the shoots die off, the leaves turn yellow. Treatment with other drugs is carried out depending on the identified diseases.

Do not forget about, which bring in the spring no more than the norm, and remember about watering in dry weather.

Do not forget to carry out cleaning with the subsequent destruction of dry debris and fallen leaves, loosening the soil in the spring

Regular inspection of the bushes is necessary from April to October to identify diseases and pests, each of them will definitely have its own method of control. The main thing is not to forget about the garden, and healthy and well-groomed currant bushes will thank you with a rich harvest of fruits.

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The queen of berries, red currant, with proper maintenance, turns into a real decoration of the garden.

Unfortunately, even the most thorough care does not guarantee the complete absence of fungal and viral diseases to which the plant is predisposed. However, the fight against red currant diseases cannot be ignored.

What diseases threaten red currants?

Like other species, red currants are susceptible to fungal and viral diseases. The most dangerous among them is terry. This is a very insidious virus, as it develops, it changes the appearance of the bush and leads to currant infertility. Most often, it affects blackcurrants, but since the carrier is a bud mite that also settles on red, bushes with scarlet berries are also not immune from it. If no signs of a kidney mite were found on the currant, then the virus was transferred with planting material or through infected gardening Tools. Reversion - Terry is popular name- does not develop in one year, and the longer the infected bush remains in place, the higher the risk of disease of other plants.

Determine the presence of the virus during flowering:

The currant has no aroma;

Flowers are ugly, greenish or dirty pink (up to purple), with pointed, elongated petals;

The leaves are darker than usual, denser and wider, with three corners instead of five.

Due to the terryness, inflorescences do not develop: not having time to give the ovary of berries, they crumble to the ground. The virus is not treated: the infected bush will lie down to be removed. For several years, currants cannot be planted in this place.

Another common virus is the striped mosaic virus. On the leaves of an infected plant, along the veins, appears bright pattern, gradually filling the entire surface of the sheet. This leads to a decrease and complete absence of yield, and death of the plant. As with terry, the bush with the virus is uprooted and burned.

Redcurrant: diseases and treatment. How to defeat anthracnose?

In the common people, he is called a fly-cat. For red currants, it is even more destructive than for black or white. Infection can be identified by spots: at first, small brown dots on the leaves gradually increase in size, and, merging, form tubercles that deform and disfigure the leaves.

This leads to their abscission: in red currants, even a few spots can cause premature dropping of leaves and a sharp decrease in yield.

It is good that anthracnose is treatable:

Spraying the bush and the ground around it with a solution of copper sulfate or "Nitrafen": this must be done before the buds open;

Three times spraying with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid after flowering with a frequency of two weeks;

Prevention of the disease gives a very good result, preventing fungal spores from spreading through the garden:

In autumn and spring, the soil around the bush is dug up;

Fallen leaves, in which the fungus overwinters, are collected and burned;

Do not allow thickening of the bush and carry out timely pruning;

Before use, garden tools are scalded with boiling water so as not to transfer spores to healthy plants.

Since anthracnose, in addition to leaves, affects the stalks and shoots, treatment should be quick and comprehensive.

goblet rust

One of the most annoying diseases. The lower surface of the leaf is covered with small orange spots, which, if no action is taken, grow into "glasses": it is in them that the spores of the fungus ripen, which at the end of summer are carried by the wind to neighboring bushes and ... sedge. If there are thickets of it within a radius of half a kilometer from the site, then it was from there that the rust flew into your site. It is imperative to get rid of sedge: in spring, rust spores are carried by the wind to currants.

In addition to the standard treatment with Bordeaux liquid and fungicides, there is a proven folk recipe:

Make two infusions: for the first, take 1 cup of garlic cloves and 2 liters of water, for the second, 200 g of tobacco and 3 liters of water. Keep both infusions in dark place 2-3 days, strain and then drain into a 10 liter bucket;

Add 1 tsp to the bucket. ground pepper, 1 tbsp. l. any liquid soap, insist 3 hours, strain.

The composition is prepared in advance: it is necessary to spray the plants to combat diseases of the red currant before it blooms. Leftover garlic, tobacco and pepper can be used as mulch. After a couple of weeks, the bush is sprayed with infusion onion peel.

And if there is no trust in folk remedies, then you can purchase special preparations: Agrolekar, PropiPlus, Prognoz and Chistoflor.

Septoria on red currant

It should be noted that red currants are not as often affected by white spot as other species. However, sometimes this happens - it means that it is necessary to treat.

The disease begins with the appearance of brown spots. As they grow, the center of the spot turns pale, and as a result, a large gray-white spot with a brown border remains on the leaf plate.

Septoria is treated with almost the same methods as anthracnose, its pathogen also endures winter in fallen leaves. In addition, you can use fungicides: "Tsikhom", "Fitosporin-M", "Chistoflor" and "Forecast". To prevent the onset of the disease, the currant bush is sprayed with Bordeaux liquid, blue vitriol or Nitrafen before flowering. Be sure to thin out the bush and remove shoots with signs of septoria.

Sferoteka red currant: what is this disease? Powdery mildew treatment

Name " powdery mildew» is more familiar to the gardener. This disease causes a lot of trouble with its frequent relapses, but it is already well known and studied, so there is a chance to win. Signs of damage to currant powdery mildew:

The appearance on the leaves and fruits of a light gray coating, which gradually becomes brown;

Leaf deformation: twisting, shedding;

cessation of growth;

Fall of unripe berries.

The danger of the sphere library is that, due to growth disturbance, the plant becomes less winter-hardy, and if it survives the winter, then powdery mildew will overcome the bush completely by next year and go to next plant.

Control measures include:

Full spraying of currants with fungicides;

Folk remedy: a solution of soda ash (50 g per 10 liters of water);

A solution is prepared from mullein and water in a ratio of 1: 3, insisted for 3 days, diluted again in the same proportion and the infected bush is sprayed weekly.

Of the fungicides, Alirin-B, Baktofit, Thiovit Jet, Fitosporin-M, Topaz can be used.

There are also preventive measures powdery mildew control. This is a mandatory pruning of damaged shoots, cleaning and burning fallen leaves. You can not treat this with disdain, because if you do not destroy the infected parts of the plant, then the spores of the pathogen fungus will sooner or later end up on other plants, and the entire course of treatment will have to start all over again.

In general, the methods of combating red currant diseases do not differ from the treatment of bushes with black or white berries. It’s just that she is more or less susceptible to some diseases: this must be taken into account before starting treatment in order to have time to save the plant.

Since the red currant is very resistant, pests and diseases do not annoy its owners very often, especially if it has been selected. right sort and good site for its cultivation.

Nevertheless, one should not rely only on the innate qualities of this plant, and if necessary, be able to distinguish the results of pests and diseases, and also know how to cure your currant.

To do this, we have prepared a list of the main pests and diseases of red currant, as well as methods for dealing with them.

For prevention

If they do appear - do not start with a "chemical bombardment" of your site, but try manual pest removal methods. You can apply folk remedies, and against fungal diseases - biological preparations. A good non-toxic option, such as green soap.

And only if these methods did not bring results, and the situation worsens, you can use chemical agents.

Diseases of red currant

Anthracnose: This disease is caused by a fungus that attacks the leaves of plants. This disease can be identified by brown spots of various shapes. Anthracnose in the last stages leads to browning of the leaf, twisting of its edges and drying.

Treatment: in early spring, the soil is sprayed with copper sulphate or systemic fungicides. You can also use Bordeaux liquid, sulfur. Biological fungicidal preparations will be effective.

Powdery mildew: red currant is "afraid" of this disease. Like the previous one, it is caused by a fungal pathogen, while traces of the disease can be seen throughout the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bush: on leaves, branches, berries. The areas affected by it are covered with a specific white coating, really similar to flour. Over time, it becomes denser, and under its action the leaves are twisted, and the shoots are bent.

Treatment: among the chemicals that will cope well with this disease are Topaz, Oksihom, blue vitriol, colloidal sulfur, Topsin-M, systemic and contact fungicides. Biological preparations, such as Trichodermin, will be effective.

White spotting (septoria): a fungal disease similar to the previous one, while the leaves are affected by spots. Black dots may be visible on gray spots - a sign of an advanced stage of the disease. The leaves, as in other cases, curl.

Treatment: the same as in the previous cases.

Goblet rust: orange spots can be seen on the leaves, which eventually take on a shape similar to a glass - be sure, this is a glass-like rust, a fungal disease.

Treatment: As with other fungal diseases, rust is fought with the fungicides listed above. Additionally, you can use chemical agent"Rovral" or biological "Pentafag-S."

Terry currant: This disease is caused by a virus and, unfortunately, there is no cure for it. Because of it, the leaves narrow, the harvest ceases, and the leaves can change their color up to purple. The method of struggle is the cultivation of resistant varieties and the fight against already infected plants.

Red currant pests

Among the pests of red currant, it is especially worth noting the following:

Spider mite: you can detect it by the layer of cobwebs on the leaves, from which it sucks the juices. Acaricides are used to fight: for example, Aktellik and others. An alternative is folk remedies: laundry soap and 96% ethyl alcohol.

Gallica currant: small, yellowish insects whose larvae feed on leaves and buds while they have not yet blossomed. There are practically no effective methods of struggle, because best solution- Cultivation of resistant varieties.

Gooseberry fire: the caterpillars of these insects directly harm the berries, entangling them with their cobwebs. Good prevention moths - autumn digging and hilling, soil mulching and removal of spider nests. If it doesn’t help, insecticides or infusions of needles, mustard and ash are used.

Zlatka currant: beetle eating internal parts shoots. Because of it, the branches quickly dry out. If there are few damaged shoots, they are removed and burned. If the threat is serious, insecticides are used.

gall aphid: is determined by the formation in the spring on the underside of the sheet of spherical seals - galls. Effective prevention by means of anthracnose, insecticides, such as actellik, karbofos, as well as biological means. From folk remedies Soap solution works well.

As you can see, red currants can fall victim if attacked by pests and diseases. The main thing in the fight against them is timely detection, and the sequence of actions. Remember: do not get excited once again with strong chemicals.



Blackcurrant diseases are not uncommon in personal plot. They can be caused by both fungal infections and pests that need to be fought year-round. To keep your shrub always healthy, consider the main signs of blackcurrant diseases with their photos and learn how to eliminate them in time.

If the currant began to bear fruit poorly, and its leaves suddenly turned yellow, the problem is not only drought or improper care. The source of infection can be a variety of reasons. First of all, take a closer look at the sheet plates. Yellowing along the main veins is a signal of the onset of a dangerous viral disease - a striped or veined mosaic. Unfortunately, if your currant has become a victim of this virus, it is impossible to cure it. We'll have to dig and burn the bush, and treat the place where it grew with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. To prevent this disease in the future, buy planting material only in proven nurseries, and also fight pests, in particular gall aphids - the main carrier of the mosaic virus.

Signs of a vein mosaic

The second dangerous virus, which leads to disruption of fruit-bearing functions and deformation of leaf plates, is terry. The edges of the leaves infected with the virus become ribbed and asymmetric, significantly compacted. The number of veins on them also decreases, the petals on the flowers become narrow, sometimes the shrub acquires a purple tint. The fruiting functions of the currant are lost. As with mosaics, terry is also carried by pests, such as kidney mites, from a diseased kidney to a healthy one. Therefore, it is necessary to remove such buds in time, so that later you do not have to uproot the entire bush.

As a prevention of infection with the virus, get a healthy seedling, and after collecting all the berries from the bush, treat it with Karbofos, colloidal sulfur. Fertilize blackcurrant with potassium-phosphorus mixtures, this will increase its resistance to terry. But you should not get carried away with nitrogenous fertilizers, on the contrary, they provoke the development of the virus.

Did you know that the word currant comes from the word "currant", which means a strong smell. Indeed, a pleasant berry aroma emanates from all parts of this shrub, which persists even after picking berries and severe frosts.

Before making any diagnosis why your currant began to dry out, you should analyze several possible causes. First, look for the presence of pests on all parts of the plant. They lead to the depletion of the plant, sucking out the cell sap from it. No less often, the currant dries out due to a lack of moisture, which it especially needs on dry days. The age of the shrub can also play an important role in this matter.

Non-cryogenic shrinkage

If the currant does not dry all, but only a few branches, the cause of the disease may be a currant glass. This is a small butterfly with lilac-black wings that lays its eggs in cracks in the bark of a bush. The larvae of this pest eat the core of the branches from the inside, which leads to their drying out. You only need to fight them with insecticides, such as Karbofos or Aktellik.

If the reason for the drying of the plant is a lack of moisture, we replenish it. And if the currant bush is more than 15 years old, do not forget about its rejuvenation. We cut off the old dried branches, giving the opportunity to develop new shoots, and we close up the cuts and cracks with garden pitch.

Depending on the nature of the appearance of spots, their size, structure and color, you can determine what kind of disease it is, and what treatment you have to carry out. If you notice small brown spots 2-3 mm in diameter on the leaves, which gradually lighten, leaving from dark spots only a border, then your plant was struck by white spotting or septoria. In addition to leaves, the fungus can also affect currant berries. The main reasons for the appearance of a fungal infection are poor ventilation of shrubs due to dense plantings. Thin out currant bushes more often.

Blotches on blackcurrant

Along with white spotting, completely opposite spots appear on the leaves of the plant, which are brown blotches with a light border. Gradually, the spots spread over the entire leaf plate, forming a continuous rusty plaque from which the leaves dry and fall off. These are signs of brown spotting and cercosporosis. To combat these fungal infections, we spray Bordeaux liquid at the rate of 100 g of the substance per 10 liters of water. We do the first treatment immediately after detecting signs of the disease on a blackcurrant bush, and the second - 10 days after picking the berries.

Premature dropping of leaves and the appearance of red-brown spots are signs of anthracnose, as shown in the photo. Initially, such spots are small, with a diameter of not more than 1 mm. Gradually, they increase and spread throughout the sheet. The bush affected by anthracnose turns brown and dries. The fungus is carried by wind and raindrops, so anthracnose most often affects currants during heavy rains. The most vulnerable to the fungus are old shrubs and early ripe varieties. Anthracnose spores are resistant to frost, easily hibernate in fallen leaves. So don't forget to clean up autumn leaf and burn it.

We also fight the fungus with a solution of Bordeaux liquid prepared in the same proportions, spraying the bush in early spring and after harvest. In addition to Bordeaux liquid, spraying currants can be carried out with a solution of iron or copper sulfate.

On hot days of summer, on currant leaves, you can see a white loose coating, which gradually covers the berries and old leaves. Powdery mildew is a disease familiar to many gardeners. Most often it is found on weakened shrubs, with broken rules. To help eliminate the symptoms of a fungal disease by spraying the plant with Fitosporin or a solution of 5% iodine at the rate of one bottle per 10 liters of water. we carry out one of the substances several times with an interval of three days until the shrub is completely healed.

Signs of powdery mildew

In advanced cases, you will have to use copper-containing fungicides, such as Bordeaux mixture, copper oxychloride or copper sulfate at the rate of a teaspoon of the drug per 5-7 liters of water. As a preventive measure for the development of the disease, regularly remove affected and dry shoots, burning them after cutting. To completely neutralize the infection, do not forget to also treat the soil and soil with fungicides. trunk circle where the currant shrub grows.

The rust of currant leaves is no less troublesome. There are two varieties of this fungal disease - goblet and columnar. The first type is a raised orange-colored wart, and the second type is the formation of small orange dots. Goblet rust is carried by the wind from sedge, and columnar rust is carried from coniferous trees. We fight leaf rust with Fitosporin, and in advanced cases we use Bordeaux mixture. We adjust the number of sprayings independently, taking a break of 10 days between them.

If you notice the presence of scarlet spots on the currant, then in addition to anthracnose, they can be caused by gall aphids. At such moments, the question arises, how to recognize the pest and overcome it? There are two varieties gall aphid on currants - leafy and gooseberry shoots. The presence of gall aphids on currants always leaves its mark in the form of red and yellow swellings on the leaves.

gall aphid

Over time, such formations darken, dry out, and the affected parts of the shrub fall off. This pest feeds on plant sap and can produce up to seven generations in one season. Aphid larvae and adults settle on any currant varieties, gradually spreading throughout the area to the rest. cultivated plants. The presence of shoot aphids causes curvature, brittleness and stunting of shoots. After detecting a pest, spray the currants with Actellik or Karbofos, repeat the procedure if necessary after 7–10 days.

Spider mite on currant

To fight spider mite increase the humidity of the air, and also use for processing chemicals with sulfur content - Karbofos, Phosphamide or colloidal sulfur. The same drugs can also be used to combat kidney mites, but they must first be removed mechanically. Kidneys affected by such a pest always differ from healthy ones - elongated and even. They are rounded, convex, have a dense structure; when blooming in spring, they open like a head of cabbage. There are already larvae in such kidneys, and they need to be removed. To remove infected buds, take a container with you, and after collecting, be sure to burn them, in no case add to compost or dry leaves.

When to remove bulging kidneys? This procedure must be done in early spring, when the air temperature warms up to 5-8 degrees. However, many people skip this important point, and as a result, the buds open, and with them the larvae of the kidney mite crawl out. If such buds are not removed, then the shrub will not produce any flowers and set berries, there is a high risk of infection with the leaf terry virus.

One of the most dangerous pests blackcurrant - currant bud moth. These insects damage healthy buds, reducing shrub yields for several years to come. Adults are moths with pale yellow wing patches and fringes. These pests are resistant to frost, winter well under fallen leaves, weaving dense cocoons, and also settle in swelling currant buds.

Currant bud moth

As a preventive measure against pests, it is recommended to regularly cut off damaged and dry shoots, as well as close up cuts and cracks with garden pitch, remove fallen leaves, burning everything in a fire. Apart from mechanical removal damaged buds, spray the shrub with one of the pyrethroid and neonicotinoid preparations.

Another dangerous enemy currants of all varieties - currant goldfish. Adults of this pest feed on the cell sap of the plant. The larvae of the borer hibernate in the shoots, and at the end of May they pupate and crawl out. Within two weeks, the female again lays eggs on the shoots. In July, a new generation appears. Unlike adults, the larvae of the currant borer damage the shoots, making numerous moves in them, which is why the shoots dry and slowly wither.

Since the activity of goldfish occurs during the period of berry growth, it is not recommended to use chemical preparations to combat them. Early in the morning, spread a white cloth around the bush and shake the bush, destroy all collected pests. We cut off damaged branches, affecting healthy tissue. Annual seedlings can be sprayed, as they still do not produce berries in the first year. Use one of the pyrethroid preparations two weeks apart.

However, like any garden plant, red currant requires some care and attention. This shrub is a perennial, reaches a height of about 1.5 meters, grows and bears fruit up to 25 years. The flowering period of red currant begins around the second half of May and lasts 6-12 days.

Ripening of berries begins at the end of June or mid-July, while it all depends on weather conditions. It is not very demanding on watering, but is a light-loving shrub that requires regular pruning and thinning. Except high yield, red currant is also considered a frost-resistant crop.

Diseases and pests of red currant

For red currant bushes, fungal and viral diseases are most characteristic. Consider the most common of them:

  • reversion (terry) currant;
  • anthracnose;
  • goblet rust;
  • septoria;
  • sphere library.

Currant reversion refers to viral diseases and occurs mainly in blackcurrant bushes, however, in recent times cases of red currant disease were also observed. The causative agent of this disease (bud mite) is introduced mainly together with infected planting material.

Signs of the disease are flowers with needle-shaped purple petals, they look unnaturally double (curly). There are practically no ovaries on such bushes. The disease is transmitted from bush to bush for several years.

Anthracnose- a sign of the disease is the presence of dark brown spots indefinite forms. In the neglected form, the leaves dry out and the yield of the shrub sharply decreases.

goblet rustfungal disease. Diseased leaves partially change their natural color to Orange color, and subsequently fall off. The fruits become underdeveloped.

Septoria- also applies to fungal diseases. It manifests itself in the first summer month - currant leaves are covered with round gray spots with a dark brown border. After some time, traces of black specks appear on the spots (fruits of mushrooms with spores). If measures are not taken in time to combat this disease, all the leaves of the shrub will dry out and fall off.

Sferoteka- this disease immediately covers the entire bush, it is covered with a white bloom, which eventually becomes dark brown. As a rule, the plant dies completely.

Control of pests and diseases of red currant

The most efficient way to deal with various diseases red currant is the impact on the bush with fungicides, pesticides and garlic solutions.

In severe cases, treatment is repeated throughout summer season. Many gardeners in their practice are faced with the appearance of red spots on currant leaves. Therefore, further we will consider in more detail what causes the appearance of these spots, and how they can be cured.

Red spots on currant leaves. What to do?

Very often, anthracnose is determined by such symptoms - this is a common disease of red currant, which is caused by fungi of the genus Gloeosporium. Consequences this disease are:

  • decrease in shoot growth;
  • a sharp decrease in sugar content;
  • significant reduction in yield.

Signs of anthracnose: small red spots that can grow in size and merge over time. Spots that have changed their color to brown over time may indicate an advanced stage of the disease. The progression of the disease occurs mainly in the rainy summer period, as it is spread by raindrops and insects. A favorable environment for the development of the disease is considered high humidity– 90% and temperature regime above 22 ºС.

Immunity to anthracnose in plants, as a rule, does not exist. As treatments, it is necessary to use for spraying before bud break (in early spring): copper sulfate or nitrafen. Also used: homycin, colloidal sulfur, 1% Bordeaux mixture, phthalan.

Subsequent spraying is carried out after a two-week break from the moment of harvesting. It is also desirable to burn all the affected parts of the plant for the autumn-winter period, and dig the soil twice: in late autumn and spring. Since it is in the ground that spores of fungi continue to live. At reappearance red spots on next year, the treatment of the shrub must be repeated.

As a radical measure, bushes are sprayed with boiling water in early spring before the budding period. This method has been repeatedly tested in practice by many gardeners and confirms its effectiveness in the fight against anthracnose. In addition to anthracnose, red spots can also be caused by gall aphids. She settles on the leaves of a shrub and gradually sucks out all its juices.

One of folk methods, effective in combating this phenomenon is the use of a solution laundry soap. At the same time, be sure to keep in mind that aphids are mainly located on the back, underside of the leaf, so treat these places with the greatest care. Sick shoots, and leaves must be cut and burned.

According to reviews experienced gardeners, helps in the fight against aphids and the process of pollination of the affected shrub with tobacco dust, cinnamon or infusion of onion peel. Although the last method is the least effective. It can only be used in the very early stages of shrub disease development.

But some gardeners successfully use garlic infusions, which are used to treat the affected areas of red currant. In any case, with careful care, red currants will “repay” you with their increased productivity and large juicy berries.