Rust streaks in the toilet. Removing rusty plaque from the toilet

Even the most ideal housewife can get rust in the toilet. The brown stripe in the center of the bowl spoils the aesthetic look.

You can prevent its formation. There are many proven recipes for fighting rust.

Causes of occurrence

The main cause of rusty streaks is pipelinemade of non-galvanized steel. In old houses, almost all pipes are made of her ... Over time, they rust, together with the water, the rust gets into, from where it flows into the bowl.

The way out is to replace the plumbing. Pipeline must be replaced with polypropylene or metal-plastic.

The second reason is poor quality water. She carries with her a lot of substances, including those that destroy the walls of pipes and toilet bowls. Iron salts are components that cause rust formation.

The problem can be solved by using special tablets. They dissolve slowly in water, give a pleasant aroma and change its color.

Third reason drips in the bowl - poorly adjusted bowl. If water is constantly flowing out of it, it is necessary to adjust the float. If it is broken, replace the tank.

These methods will prevent further rust formation. But what to do with the rusty streaks that have already appeared?

There is not always money to replace plumbing. How to remove it and tidy up the toilet? To remove rust, folk and professional tools.

Alkaline chemistry

Alkali-based products are available as liquids. They have an increased pH value, Ph is more than 7.

Alkaline formulations are developed on the basis of soda and chlorine. The only negative is the strong smell.

Work with alkaline chemicals should be in gloves and a respirator, brush.

How to clean the rust in the toilet? Domestos or Dosia cannot cope with the problem. Funds fight limescale, greasy marks and yellowness. However, they cannot cope with rust.

You can clean it with Bios, Basix from DeLaval, Sif.

How to get rid of rust:

  1. Delete bowl liquid rags.
  2. Wipe the surface with a dry cloth.
  3. Apply the cleaning agent under the bezel. Spread the dripping liquid evenly over the bowl.
  4. Wait for the time given according to the instructions.
  5. Rub actively with a brush and rinse with water.

It may not be possible to wipe off rust the first time turn out ... Repeated application will be required household chemicals.

Acidic substances

Acid is more effective than alkali... Apply in advanced cases,not regularly, damage to the bowl is possible.

How to clean: Silite, Sanfor and acids.

How to clean rust from a toilet:

  1. Silith is the best. Fights rusty streaks very well. Silit is very liquid; when spraying the surface, abundant foam appears. After application, wait 5 minutes, rub with a brush, rinse with water.
  2. Sanfor - antibacterial agent... Perfectly cleans and removes rust quickly.
  3. Hydrochloric acid in the composition is harmfulfor humans, but effective in the fight against rust. To clean it, you need 20 gr. An acidic substance is treated walls the bowls are washed off after 20 minutes.
  4. Phosphoric acid removes any stains in the bowl. 5–7% solution is applied for 15 minutes, thoroughly rubbing the surface. Phosphoric acid is used in apartments with metal and plastic pipes.
  5. Oxalic acid is a powder. Remove excess liquid from the bowl, sprinkle the substance on wet walls. Wait 10 minutes and rinse. In case of severe pollution, a solution of hydrochloric and oxalic acid is used for the toilet, mixed in equal amounts, washed off after 20 minutes. The method is not suitable if the pipeline is plastic.

Acidic toilet bowl cleaners are effective against mold and limescale... They are used sparingly, do not scratch faience and do not have a pungent odor.

Abrasive fine-grained products

Red streaks on the toilet give an unkempt look to the washroom. Abrasive substances are cheaper than acid and alkaline compounds, they are cleaned just as well.

They contain particles that quickly eliminate red spots.

The following compounds will help remove rust from the toilet:

  1. Pemolux helps to speed up the removal of rusty streaks. Gently cleans surfaces, does not contain harsh chemicals. Does not leave streaks and does not have a strong odor. Pemolux will not help with old dirt.
  2. Sarma is a well-proven cleaning agent. Quickly removes rust, keeps the bowl whiteness and shine for a long time. Sarma "Anti-rust" kills bacteria under the rim. Application: remove water, sprinkle surfaces with cleaning powder, wait 15 minutes.Rub activelypolluted places, wash off with water.
  3. Sanita "Anti-rust" will become irreplaceable assistant cleaning the bathroom. How to wash: the contaminated areas are treated with gel, left for 15 minutes. The product foams - this is the reaction of the composition with rusty spots. Sanita works quickly and efficiently.

It is often not recommended to wipe off dirt with abrasive compounds. After applying them, the surface becomes rough. The toilet gets dirty faster.

Improvised compositions

Washing the bathroom is not the most pleasant experience, but if done regularly, you can avoid the formation of red spots and the accumulation of bacteria under the rim.

For the bathroom, formulations made at home from improvised means are used.

How to get rid of rust:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia mix in a ratio of 1:20. Apply the made composition to dirty areas. Rub with a brush, rinse off after 30 minutes.
  2. Battery electrolyte is an inorganic acid. Treat stains with composition, soak on dirt for 30 minutes. Rinse the cleaned toilet well with water several times.
  3. Vinegar and salt. A thick mass is prepared from the ingredients. The composition is used to treat the bowl. Rub the entire surface in a circular motion, rinse with water. A worthy alternative to vinegar is citric acid.
  4. Toothpaste is an uneconomical option for removing impurities. It is used internally and externally. Apply a little paste on red spots, rub with a brush.
  5. Do not remove water. Flush the toilet clean water... Pour out the bottle of Whiteness. Leave on for 8-10 hours. In the morning, rub the surfaces, rinse. For achievement positive result repeat the process.

With folk remedies, you also need to work with gloves. The choice of composition depends on the degree of pollution of the toilet bowl.

Tank wash

A reddish-brown plaque forms not only on the toilet inside the bowl, it covers the walls of the tank. It will be possible to clean it with the help of household chemicals and household compounds.

How to clean the toilet cistern:

  1. Shut off the water supply, drain the remaining liquid. Be careful when removing the tank cap. Cover the inner walls with Whiteness or another cleaning agent. Work carefully to avoid touching plastic and silicone parts. Many aggressive drugs will corrode these materials.
  2. Leave the composition to act for 20 minutes.
  3. Pour water into the tank, rinse the tank well

In addition to liquid formulations, the tank is well washed with special tablets. They are the most harmless, do not damage rubber and silicone parts.

From folk remedies use carbonated drinks in which there is phosphoric acid. The tank is filled with Coca-Cola or Pepsi. Leave for 2 hours with light contamination or overnight if all walls are covered with rust.

Cleaning errors

Do not reuse the soft sponges and rags used to clean the toilet. They accumulate pathogenic bacteria and fungus. Throw away after cleaning.

Toilet bowl cleaners are selected based on the type of pollution and the state of the toilet. Old plumbing must not be treated with strong chemicals.

Reduce the use of abrasive compounds up to 2 times a month. Cleaning powders destroy the protective coating of plumbing fixtures.


Cleaning rust in the toilet is not difficult if you know the tricks. But it's easier to prevent it from appearing and never come back to questions about its removal.


  1. Clean the toilet daily with a mild detergent that does not contain aggressive substances.
  2. Treat the bowl with bleach once a week. This is necessary for disinfection.
  3. Use strong chemicals like Silit, Domestos or Whiteness once a month.
  4. Check the condition of the pipes. If they are rusty, replace them with more modern ones - plastic ones.
  5. Treat not only the visible part, but also the area under the rim. A lot of bacteria collect in this place, rust is not always noticeable.

Choosing a toilet bowl, you must give preference to porcelain. This type has a smooth surface. Pollution does not stay on it for a long time.

Do not neglect your own hygiene. Many harmful bacteria collect in the toilet bowl.

If you do not want to waste precious time on dirty work, they hire trained people from a cleaning company. For a reasonable fee, they will quickly get the job done.

How to clean the rust in the toilet? After constant use of the toilet, rust appears on it, because this plumbing is constantly in contact with water. Of course, ugly red spots greatly spoil the appearance of the toilet, and also significantly disrupt its functioning. Therefore, many modern housewives want to know the answer to the question of how to clean the toilet bowl from rust. However, before removing rust from the toilet, it is important to correctly determine the cause of this phenomenon, otherwise an unpleasant red bloom will constantly appear on the basis of plumbing.

When choosing a toilet cleaner, it is important to be extremely careful, since its choice primarily depends on the cause of the unpleasant plaque. Currently, plumbers identify several factors by which rust can quickly attack the base of the toilet.

The main reasons include:
  • poor condition of the whole sewerage system water utility - most often red spots appear if it contains old pipes, the base of which is covered with a thick layer of rust;
  • the presence of iron in the water;
  • rough surface of the toilet, which not only attracts, but also retains rust and other dirt;
  • leakage of the tank, as a result of which water runs out of it constantly in a thin stream, however, it is enough for the appearance of rusty spots;
  • frequent contact of the toilet bowl with water (this usually happens in public toilets which are used constantly).

When thinking about how to remove rust from a toilet bowl, you should pay attention not only to professional cleaning products for plumbing, but also to improvised rust removers that can qualitatively clean the toilet bowl and the bowl itself from unpleasant brown plaque.

To clean the toilet, it is not necessary to contact a professional, since even old rust is easily cleaned from plumbing using one method or another.

Today, several effective and effective ways that wash away efficiently rust stains with plumbing. In this case, cleaning the toilet is obtained using highly concentrated compounds made from chemistry.

You can buy such formulations at any store. Gloves, long clothing that cover your skin, and a respirator should be worn before using toilet cleaning fluids. And in the event that the composition gets to skin covering rinse the affected area immediately big amount water .

How to remove rust from the toilet? Usage chemicals is the main and most well-known method, as a result of which rust will quickly disappear from the base of the plumbing.

You can get rid of rust with the following compositions:
  1. Silith or Dressing Duck, which are acidic plumbing cleaners. They are able to quickly wash away rusty stains from the inside or outside of the toilet. It is quite simple to use them - the composition is applied to the rust, remains there for a while, and then removed with a brush. In addition to high-quality removal of rust in the toilet, Toilet Duck and Silit are capable of disinfecting the base of the toilet, as well as destroying all unpleasant odors.
  2. Domestos. To find the answer to the question of how to clean drips and rust from plumbing, it is recommended to use this alkaline agent, which is able to overcome even strong and stubborn dirt. How do I clean the toilet? To do this, Domestos is applied to rusty spots, remains on them for 20 minutes, after which it is completely washed off. To achieve a positive cleaning effect, it is used more than once.
  3. Comets. The most famous remedy, the components of which remove any rusty stains. It is used like the above compositions. TO negative qualities Comet refers to the fact that if the product is kept on the stains for too long, it can ruin the surface of the plumbing.

How to get rid of rust and how to clean it from the base of the toilet?

Delete unpleasant spots on the toilet, chemicals will help, but they should be used strictly according to the instructions.

In addition to chemicals, they will perfectly clean the toilet and folk ways capable of removing even old rusty marks.

How to remove rust:

  • we mix ammonia and peroxide in a small container (proportion 1: 5), after which we apply the composition to the spots and wait half an hour - after that, its remnants need only be wiped off with a brush;
  • best remedy- store soda (Fanta, Sprite, Coca-Cola), which is poured onto stains and removed after 30 minutes (if the rust is strong, you can soak a rag in the drink and then put it on a dirty surface);
  • acids, such as oxalic or hydrochloric, are able to easily and quickly remove redheads from the toilet - a pre-cleaned toilet, on which there is corrosion, we treat with one of the acids, and after 20 minutes we wash the dirty area;
  • plumbing can be quickly and efficiently cleaned if it is treated with Whiteness and left overnight;
  • as a quick-acting remedy, it is permissible to use ordinary tooth paste, which is applied to the dirt, and after an hour it is washed off with a brush.

Any cleaning agent to be cleaned should be used once a week - then the rust will not dry out, but will be able to quickly wash off the base of the plumbing.

When choosing one or another cleaning agent, it is imperative to take into account its good and positive traits, because only with their help it will be quick and easy to clean the toilet.

It is impossible to ignore the pollution of the toilet sink: disgusting appearance, unpleasant smell in the room. During cleaning, fresh dirt is first washed off, but rust is more difficult to clean, eating into the enamel. Rust and stubborn stains on the toilet can be removed with the help of available tools.

Folk remedies have the same effectiveness in fighting rust as specialized ones. detergents... Most of them remove dirt in a mode that is more gentle for the enamel of the sink and are not as harmful to humans when cleaning as artificial ones. chemical compounds.

Preparing to remove rust from the toilet:

  • prepare thin medical gloves for hands or heavy gloves for household work;
  • need to open the windows, the door to toilet room for ventilation, turn on the hood or toilet fan;
  • prepare a container to obtain the desired cleaning solution.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Prepare a solution of 5 grams of ammonia and 100 grams of hydrogen peroxide. Apply the resulting solution to hard-to-reach and particularly rusty places for half an hour.

After the time has elapsed, clean the surface with a stiff brush, rinse with clean water.

Battery electrolyte

If this inorganic acid is at hand, it can be used for, and avoiding unpleasant contact with the surface.

The electrolyte should be kept on the stains for half an hour, then the acid should be thoroughly washed off.

Hydrochloric acid

A small amount of acid should be applied to the stains and left to work for 20 minutes.

Hydrochloric acid is an aggressive substance! When using it, you should wear gloves, a respirator and it is desirable that the room is well ventilated.

Wash off the product hot water... Boiling water cannot be used for the toilet sink, it may split.


Dissolved Whiteness will be less effective. In preparation for cleaning, you must shut off the water supply to the toilet, which will help prevent premature flushing of the cleaning compound. If it is possible to drain the water from the tank, this should be done.

The whiteness is poured into the toilet sink and left on long time, for example, at night or at least for a few hours. If it is not possible to leave the liquid in the toilet for a long time, then it is kept for an hour. At the end of this time, remove old stains with a stiff brush, then rinse with clean water.

Vinegar essence

The liquid should act within 15 minutes. Need to wet thick fabric with acetic acid and cover the toilet bowl with it. After the time has elapsed, it is necessary to grind the acid residues with a stiff brush, removing especially strong dirt, remove the residues of the product and rinse with running water.

You can also use vinegar to prevent the formation of rusty smudges in the toilet: periodically pour vinegar into cistern.

Lemon acid

Citric acid is often used in home cleaning, including helping.

It is necessary to make a concentrated solution citric acid and rub the surface with a stiff-bristled brush.

Combination of acetic and citric acids

These organic acids are effective in dissolving rust and various stubborn stains.

The proposed method is suitable for those who do not have a brush or other means for mechanical cleaning of stains at hand.

Dissolve two sachets of citric acid in a glass of water. Spray the resulting solution over the surface of the toilet bowl with dirt. Pour acetic acid into the tank. When mixed, these liquids will come into chemical reaction, thanks to which rust stains are successfully dissolved. Allow to react for about five minutes or until characteristic foaming has passed.

With this cleaning, not only the stains will go away, but also the blockage in the pipe.

Dry oxalic acid

It works quickly and removes stains, stains and rust stains without a trace.

Cleaning should be done with gloves!

Dip a damp cloth for cleaning in oxalic acid and grind on a rusty place.

For convenience, you can use liquid composition: Dissolve the acid so that a 5% solution is obtained.

Caustic soda

If there is no time for cleaning, you should pour caustic soda into the waste tank and rinse. It is necessary to carry out such a procedure periodically.

There is one significant drawback of this cleaning method: it is quite difficult not to damage the enamel with soda, as with other abrasive agents.

Carbonated drinks (Coca-Cola) and toothpaste

Experienced housewives prefer this tool. This drink helps in the fight against old toilet stains, while improving pipe patency. Use liquid in the same way as described for Whiteness.

If rust stains are very recent, a thick strip of toothpaste will help remove them. For this purpose, it is better to use a bleaching agent. Apply the paste in a thick layer, let stand for 5-10 minutes, rub with a stiff brush and rinse off the remains with running water.

To prevent the appearance of rust in the toilet, it is recommended to carry out daily.

There are several ways to help remove rust from your toilet. For this, strong concentrated chemical compounds are used. It is preliminarily recommended to buy personal protective equipment (gloves, respirator). If concentrates come into contact with the skin or eyes, rinse the problem areas under running water.

You can remove rust from the toilet using industrial cleaning products - this is the simplest, most affordable and effective method. Depending on the composition and mechanism of action on rust, cleaning agents are divided into several groups:

  1. 1 "Dressing duck", "Cillit" refers to acidic products. They clean the toilet effectively and are affordable. Acidic products are easy to use: they applied, waited for the allotted time, rubbed with a brush for effectiveness and washed off. Such compositions have disinfectant properties and pleasant aroma... But they are very concentrated and can harm the skin.
  2. 2 "Domestos" are classified as alkaline and effective means that can cope with heavy but superficial contamination. "Domestos" is applied to the area of ​​mud, left to act for 20-25 minutes, and then washed off with water. The procedure can be repeated several times.
  3. 3 "Comet" is referred to as abrasive toilet care products. These are some of the most popular and cheapest sanitary ware cleaners. It is applied to the toilet, intensively cleaning the places of dirt. The product is washed off with water after 15-20 minutes. The disadvantages of this method, experts attribute the possibility of damage to the surface of the toilet, which can lead to reappearance dirt and rust.

The use of improvised means

To clean the rust in the toilet, the following cleaning methods are used:

  1. 1 Mix ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in a 1: 5 ratio. Apply this mixture to problem areas in the toilet, wait 30 minutes, rub with a brush and rinse with water.
  2. 2 An excellent cleaning agent - regular store Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite. Pour 1 liter of one of these drinks into the toilet and wait 30 minutes. Then rinse with water. You can lay a rag on the area with rust, and pour a soda drink on it. After 30 minutes, the rag is taken away, the toilet is flushed.
  3. 3 Effectively cope with rust deposits of acids - hydrochloric and oxalic. They can be used individually or together. Spread 20 g of acid on the contaminated site. After 25-30 minutes, problem areas are cleaned with a brush. A large amount of water is drained into the toilet.
  4. 4 Battery electrolyte can easily remove rust in the toilet. To do this, you will need to apply it to dirt and rinse off after 30 minutes. This method cleaning cannot be used if the drain system is equipped with plastic pipes.
  5. 5 Application of "Whiteness" - the product is poured into the toilet bowl at night, and in the morning the product is cleaned with a brush and rinsed with water.
  6. 6 Regular Toothpaste applied to rust, treated with a brush, washed off after 30 minutes with water.
  7. 7 You can pour several bags of citric acid into the toilet, wait 2-3 hours and rinse with water.
  8. 8 Application of 70% vinegar - it is necessary to heat 1 cup of vinegar to a temperature of 40-45 ° С. The liquid is poured into the toilet, left overnight. In the morning, the plumbing is rinsed with water. For greater effectiveness, you can add 1 tbsp to vinegar. l. soda. The procedure is repeated if necessary. If 9% vinegar is used, then iodine is added to the container.

Additional formulations

If the rust is cleaned with special means, then 2-3 bottles of the composition or 2-3 plates of tablets are required. It is preliminarily recommended to study the instructions, buy protective equipment. Then it is necessary to remove the water in the area of ​​problem areas. This will require a disposable cup, a long stick, and gloves (to protect your hands from scalding).

The tool is left for an hour, but is periodically topped up. Then the plumbing fixture is polished with a brush, then the drain button is pressed. If the rust is partially destroyed, then the procedure is repeated. If an ineffective result is obtained, another remedy or "Whiteness" with a plunger is used.

In the latter case, you will need to pump the water until it remains in the bowl. Then a bottle of "Whiteness" is poured or the procedure with a glass is repeated. The procedure is performed at night. Everything is washed off in the morning. This technique is applied until the rust is completely removed.

Before cleaning rust at home, it is recommended to buy 33% hydrochloric acid. You will first need to wear protective gloves and a respirator. If necessary, a medical gown or a kitchen apron is used. 200 ml of acid is poured onto the surface of the bowl.

It is recommended to dry the bowl beforehand. The solution is poured neatly. Do not inhale or spray acid. Then the removable toilet lid is closed. The mixture must be left to act for 15 minutes. The product is washed off. Hydrochloric acid can be replaced with another similar solution. This technique is used if the toilet is connected to the system using metal pipes.

If the plaque is negligible, then lemon wedges are used.

Then everything is washed off with warm water. If the above methods are ineffective, then you will need the help of professionals.

Prevention measures

There are several ways to prevent rust:

  1. 1 If the problem is related to poor quality water then it is recommended to install a filter.
  2. 2 First of all, adjust your toilet tank so that no water flows out of it. You can do this yourself. To do this, bend the lever of the float in the tank. This technique will reduce the amount of water used.
  3. 3 Application special means for water in a tank: they come in the form of soluble tablets, powder or solution. Such compositions paint water in a pleasant color, freshen the air, and prevent the formation of rust and other deposits.
  4. 4 It is recommended to replace the faience toilet bowl with a new analogue, as on a rough surface, dirt and rust settle faster and penetrate deeper. At the same time, it is recommended to buy plumbing fixtures with a special water-repellent glaze.
  5. 5 When choosing plumbing, preference should be given to products coated with a water-repellent substance. They are more expensive than conventional ones, but they effectively prevent dirt and rusty deposits from settling on the walls of the toilet.
  6. 6 In the event of minor breakdowns, they should be eliminated in a timely manner.
  7. 7 Fresh stains are easier to remove than old ones, so it is recommended that you clean the toilet regularly and keep the toilet clean.

Clean plumbing is an indicator that it is regularly looked after. The toilet is used often, so a variety of dirt accumulates in it. If you do not remove small deposits in a timely manner, they will harden and it will not be so easy to get rid of. The main problems encountered when cleaning the toilet are limescale and urinary stones.

Reasons for the appearance of plaque

Limescale (or water stone) is formed from calcium and magnesium salts that are found in water. These are yellow-orange plaque and stains that appear at the flush points, on the bottom of the toilet, under the rim and even on the lid. The more time elapses between planned cleanings, the thicker the layer of deposits and the more difficult it is to clean them. Limescale must also be regularly cleaned or

Urinary stones are the result of the deposition of minerals in the urine. If you periodically forget to wash off the water, ugly streaks form on the walls, and then a gray-yellow stone.

The formation of deposits is also facilitated by:

  • hard water
  • cracks and irregularities on the surface
  • leaking cistern

Attention! Besides the unaesthetic appearance, the stone in the toilet is the source unpleasant odor and a favorable environment for bacteria.

Remove limescale deposits from the toilet and urinary stone it is possible with the help of improvised means that can be found in any home. In especially advanced cases, if the toilet is old or cleaning has not been carried out for a long time, you will have to resort to aggressive chemistry.

Toilet bowl cleaning rules

  1. Take care of protective measures. Be sure to wear gloves on your hands, and in the case of using caustic substances, wear a protective mask so as not to breathe in vapors.
  2. Remove water from the toilet, scoop it out with a ladle, or use a plunger. Soak the rest with a cloth. This must be done for the best effectiveness of the applied products.
  3. Apply the product of your choice for several hours.
  4. Wipe off deposits with a stiff brush or brush.

Removal of thin to medium plaque

Cleaning with baking soda and vinegar

This strong enough product will help remove the middle layer of limescale and urinary calculus.

  1. Heat the vinegar to 40 degrees. This produces a pungent odor, be careful!
  2. Add baking soda: 1 tablespoon to 200 ml of vinegar.
  3. Add iodine for more effectiveness.
  4. Pour the sizzling mixture into the toilet so that it covers the deposits. Under the rim of the toilet, where stone also accumulates, lay toilet paper soaked in vinegar.
  5. Leave it on for 8 hours or overnight.
  6. Clean off plaque with a brush. Hard to reach places can be cleaned with a toothbrush.
  7. Rinse off the composition with water several times.

Citric acid can dissolve a thin layer of urinary calculus and limescale.

  1. This method does not require removing water from the drain.
  2. Put 2-3 sachets of acid in the toilet and close the lid.
  3. Wait 2-3 hours.
  4. Rub it well with a brush and rinse with warm water.

If in one application all the plaque has not dissolved, repeat the method 2-3 times and there will be no trace of contamination.


The application is simple:

  1. Pour the bottle into the toilet without water.
  2. Close the lid and set aside overnight.
  3. Rinse off with warm water and then apply a brush.


Soda will help to clean the toilet bowl with little dirt. Better to use calcined.

  1. Sprinkle baking soda on contaminated areas
  2. Leave to act all night
  3. Rinse off with warm water in the morning

Coca Cola

Put away yellow bloom and rusty stains can be done with Coca-Cola.

  1. Pour a large bottle of soda into the drain hole
  2. Leave it overnight
  3. Clean with a brush and rinse with water

Household chemicals

  • Powders. The most popular: "Komet", "Pemolux", "Chistin", "Biolan". Their action is based on an abrasive effect. Some contain chlorine. It is simple to use them, but you need to remember that mechanical action leaves micro-scratches on the faience. Over time, dirt will clog in them, so in order to extend the life of the plumbing, it is better not to use powders.
  • Liquids. For example, "Whiteness", "Sanox". They are poured into the place of contamination and left to act for a while, then washed off.
  • Gels. This form is most convenient for cleaning: due to the thicker consistency, they slowly flow down the walls of the toilet bowl, corroding the plaque. The gels are applied under the rim of the toilet, the exposure time is about 30 minutes. Then a brush is applied and the product is washed off. Gels contain strong acids and alkalis. For example, "Dressing Duck" contains 15% hydrochloric acid, therefore it will perfectly cope with a stone in the toilet. Domestos is mainly used for disinfection.
  • Creams. Acts on the principle of a gel, but has an even thicker consistency. The cream is applied with a sponge or brush to the contaminated surface, given a time for exposure, then washed off. The most famous is "Cif". Creams are more economical in consumption and gentle on the surface.
  • Cistern pills. They are used to prevent lime and urinary stones, and provide a pleasant smell and cleanliness with each rinse. The tablet is placed directly into the container and, with each flush, stains the water bright color. Clear water Is a signal that a new pill is needed.

Removing thick plaque with strong acids

If no folk and cleaning products help, strong acids can be used. These are extreme measures that should be rarely resorted to and strictly observe the exposure time, since such chemicals can corrode enamel and harm pipes and plastic parts.

Oxalic acid

Medium toxic organic acid. A popular sanitary ware cleaner in the days of our grandmothers. Provides perfect whiteness and effectively removes stone. Nowadays, it can be purchased at building stores... Before use, read the instructions carefully and put on thick rubber gloves.

Mode of application:

  1. Sprinkle powdery acid on a damp cloth.
  2. Apply to contaminated areas. If you need to clean the drain, dissolve it in water.
  3. Wait 1 hour, during which time the plaque will dissolve.
  4. Rinse thoroughly with water using a brush.

Is an inorganic acid medium strength. With it, you can not only clean the toilet from the stone, but also remove rust from internal parts tank. The main advantage of this acid is that it does not damage rubber and plastic elements. Mode of application:

  1. Pour 100-150 ml of acid into the tank and drain hole
  2. Wait 15 minutes
  3. Rinse off with plenty of water and clean with a brush.

Hydrochloric acid

It is a very strong toxic agent. Will remove stone instantly, but should be used with extreme care. Wear protective goggles, a respirator and thick rubber gloves before use. The fumes of this acid are also dangerous!

Mode of application:

  1. Apply liquid to the walls and pour half a glass into the drain hole.
  2. The exposure time is 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse with plenty of water

Attention! This method is not suitable if you have installed plastic pipes, they will leak from acid damage.


Battery electrolyte is produced on the basis of sulfuric acid, and you can find it in any shop for motorists. This powerful and very dangerous agent perfectly dissolves limescale and urinary stones. It can only be used on rare occasions. The method of application is similar to the method with hydrochloric acid: Apply, leave on for 10-15 minutes and rinse off with water. When applying, observe all safety measures, avoid splashing the product, as you can get chemical burns.

Preventive measures against limescale and urinary stones

  1. Clean the toilet bowl with special cleaning agents at least once a week. The frequency of washing depends on the number of people using the plumbing.
  2. After each use, drain the water and apply a brush if necessary.
  3. Do not allow the reservoir to leak. To do this, make timely minor repairs or replacement of drain fittings.