Radish leaves in holes, what to do. Radish pests: photos and control of them, folk remedies and preparations. Biological and chemical preparations against radish pests

The main pests of radishes are:

Flea beetles on radishes

Important! It is advisable to use chemicals only when more than 4 individuals settle on one plant.

You can decide which is better to spray radishes against flea beetles by studying the properties of these pesticides:

Note! When processing plants, be sure to wear protective equipment: goggles, gloves and a respirator.

Radish pests in a greenhouse

Insect pests can harm radish plantings not only in open ground, but also in a greenhouse. Most often, in greenhouse conditions, radishes are attacked by cruciferous flea beetles. They chew on radish leaves, creating holes in them. Sometimes novice gardeners do not know what to do if through holes appear on the radish leaves and what to treat with. If there are black flea beetles on radishes, what should you do to protect the plant?

You can fight fleas with the help of pesticides, but it is better to use proven traditional methods.

You can sprinkle tobacco dust, ground pepper or mustard between the beds. These same means of control are also used for preventive purposes.

Tobacco dust

Folk remedies against pests

For example, if a cruciferous midge eats a radish, what should you do in this case? Both in open ground and in a greenhouse, it can be combated with the help of pepper, tobacco and ash.

Ash particles enter the respiratory tract and the insects die. For prevention, plants are sprinkled with a mixture of lime and ash (1:1) once every 7 days.

If there are few pests, you can simply crush the radish leaves a little with ashes.

Add ashes

A tincture of potato tops helps against cutworm larvae. Immediately before spraying, add 50 grams to the infusion laundry soap. Treatment is carried out in dry weather.

Thanks to such preventive measures, you can protect radishes from pests.

All gardeners want to get as many healthy fruits as possible from radish beds with juicy, tasty pulp full of vitamins and minerals.

But not everyone manages to grow good harvest due to diseases and other reasons: sometimes radish pests get in the way, and methods to combat them do not always help. Due to insects not detected in time, vegetable growers may be left without radish fruits, but more often they can still be defeated with the help of insecticides.

At any climatic zone There are plenty of insects that can harm radishes and other cruciferous vegetables. Before you find out how to treat radishes against pests, we will consider the main winged and crawling insects - the enemies of the vegetable.

  • Cabbage moth. This is a small insect of a brown-gray color, whose wings are decorated with dark fringe. It is not the moth that causes harm to radishes, but its larvae, which feed on the sap and tissues of the plants.
  • Cabbage whites. This white butterfly with a black border along the edge of its wings is known even to children. She lays eggs in radish plantings. Caterpillars, hatched from eggs, actively eat the lower part of the leaves, moving from rosette to rosette.
  • Vegetable and cabbage cutworm. Gray-brown butterflies laying eggs on radishes. The larvae destroy the leaves, turning them into transparent skeletons. Plants attacked by the pest stop developing.
  • Cabbage fly. It happens in spring and summer (the latter fly has larger dimensions). Ash-colored fly producing egg clutches on vegetable plantings, from which white worms hatch and attack the roots. Radishes become unusable in 2-3 days.
  • Cruciferous flea beetle. The most dangerous enemy of this crop, eating the leaves of young plants: after its invasion, the tops resemble a sieve.
  • Wireworm. The beetle larva is a click beetle that can destroy the entire plant, including the roots.

As you can see, radishes have many enemies who want to feast on the delicate foliage and roots, reducing all the efforts of gardeners to nothing.

How to treat radishes in the garden against pests

Such an extensive list of harmful insects that can destroy crops is cause for concern. However, many insecticides have been developed against pests that can easily cope with the scourge: their list is no less.

Biological and chemical preparations against radish pests


It is used in liquid and dry form: dissolve the product in water according to the instructions and spray the plantings, or spray the drug in powder.

Entobacterin - universal biological agent from different insects, is especially good at destroying cabbage moths and their offspring.


Dilute 50-100 g of powder in 10 liters of water, add 40 ml of liquid soap and water the radishes over the leaves in dry weather.

Biological drug, safe for bees and pets, copes well with many harmful insects.


Dissolve 20 ml in a ten-liter bucket of water and spray the plantings (this solution is enough for 10 m²).

A good remedy against cabbage fly and other winged enemies of radishes.

Zemlin and Provotox

They are used according to the instructions against wireworms and other pests living in the soil: cabbage fly larvae, ants and others.


We fill a liter container three-quarters full with sand, mix it with 30 g of the drug and add it to the soil when planting (the composition is enough for 20 m²).

How to treat radishes against wireworm pests? Just Bazudin: he also deals with mole crickets, cabbage fly larvae, weevils, etc.


30 g of the product is enough to treat 15 m². Prepare a mixture of ¾ liters of sand and 30 g of the product and scatter it on the ground around the seedlings.

The initiative destroys not only wireworms, but also those radish pests that some drugs cannot control: cutworm and white moth caterpillars, cruciferous flea beetle, larvae of any flies.


A universal insect repellent used at the rate of 5 liters per hundred square meters. Kills aphids and caterpillars hatched from the eggs of butterflies and moths. Dangerous for bees.

Actofit also copes well with pests. The biological preparation, dissolved in water according to the instructions on the package, destroys aphids, cutworms, cabbage whites and many other insects that feed on cruciferous plants.

Folk remedies for radish enemies

How else can you treat radishes against pests? Folk remedies, especially if early varieties are planted, from which nitrates from chemicals will not have time to escape.

Ash and soap

Dissolve 50 g of laundry soap and 2 cups of wood ash in 10 liters of water, and water the radishes on a fine but not hot day.

The product helps with the invasion of many harmful insects, especially the cruciferous flea beetle.

Ash and tobacco

By regularly pollinating the plantings after watering or rain with tobacco dust or ash, it is easy to get rid of caterpillars and other vegetable pests.

Pepper and mustard

Mix 1 tsp in 10 liters of water. any powder hot pepper, 2 tbsp. salt and 2 tbsp. dry mustard. We water the plantings to destroy the caterpillars of cabbage whites, moths and armyworms.

If it rains after treating the beds with traditional insecticides, repeat watering or pollination, otherwise insects will destroy the plantings.

Now it is clear what types of radish pests there are and methods of combating them - folk and industrial. We remember that for early varieties radishes can only be used folk remedies or biological products that do not harm human and animal health.

Gardeners value radishes for their tasty and healthy root vegetables, which they look forward to. However, in some cases, the harvest can be significantly and a short time spoiled by pests called cruciferous flea beetles. These little bugs cause a lot of trouble. We’ll talk about how to save seedlings and get rid of insects in this article.

What kind of pest is this?

The cruciferous flea beetle mainly harms plants of the cruciferous family, which is why it got its name. The flea has hind legs on which it jumps like a flea, but is not a blood-sucking insect. The bug prefers to settle on weeds such as wild radish, shepherd's purse, garden crops especially loves turnips and cabbage. However, radishes remain the pest’s favorite early treat.

The insect is very small in size, the length of its oval oblong body is up to 3 millimeters. At the same time, the flea can fly. There are several varieties of the pest, including black, blue, light-legged and others. The differences are determined largely by the color of the elytra.

The bugs live in the European part of Russia, excluding the regions of the Far North. The harm from the insect is expressed in the fact that it damages the leaves in which it gnaws out peculiar holes. The flea beetle is especially dangerous for young greenery, as it can gnaw through tender leaves. Thin roots of crops serve as a delicacy for the larvae. Pests are most active during the day, excluding the period from 13 to 16 hours, when the sun is especially scorching.

IN winter period An adult flea beetle hides in the remains of plants, crevices of greenhouses, and soil. When spring comes and the ground thaws, insects come out and begin to actively look for food, after which eggs are laid. Cruciferous flea beetle larvae live in the soil for about 3 weeks, after this time they pupate and new young individuals emerge to the surface. An insect can give birth in a lifetime summer period up to 3 generations.

Prevention measures

It is easier to prevent any problem than to deal with its consequences later. Therefore, experts and seasoned gardeners They recommend several prevention methods that will help protect radishes. Let's consider. what needs to be done to protect the plantings from the pest at the initial stage.

The proximity of coriander, dill and garlic repels the pest, since the insect really does not like the smell of these plants. When radishes are planted towards the end of the season, it is recommended to place the beds next to calendula or marigolds, which the flea beetle also cannot tolerate.

Fighting methods

In order to get rid of the cruciferous flea beetle, you need to make sure that the crop is being harmed by an insect of this particular species. This is not so difficult to do, because despite the small size of the pest, it can be easily detected visually. Bugs jump on leaves that have gnawed holes.

The main danger of the flea beetle is that if there is no fight against it, the gardener may completely lose seedlings. Since radishes often appear earlier than other sprouts, it is the radishes that bear the main blow from the bugs that become active after hibernation. In addition, a large number of these insects can harm adult plants, as well as even hardened radish seeds, so protection measures should be started as early as possible.

We should start with prevention and deterrence, chemicals are used as a last resort.

Folk remedies

Not all gardeners accept the use of chemicals. In some cases, traditional methods are quite effective, but when using them, it must be taken into account that in this case it is not enough to treat the crops once or twice; systematic care will be required, which, accordingly, requires a lot of time. There are several most common traditional methods, the excellent action of which is confirmed by a huge number of examples:

  • humid environment;
  • dry pollination;
  • shelter non-woven material;
  • setting traps;
  • spraying with infusions.

Let us consider the listed methods in more detail.

Wet environment

The red flea beetle thrives in hot and dry weather, but it does not like humidity. Therefore, when planting, it is recommended to choose the wettest part of the garden. Abundant watering will also repel the pest. At the same time, do not forget that he is afraid of strong odors, so it would be useful to add sharp-smelling products to the water.

Dry pollination

Plantings can be pollinated by various means, since the bug chooses the cleanest leaves for food. This method is very popular among gardeners, as it does not require large financial costs and is very effective. Mixtures can be different; the most commonly used is ash in combination with tobacco or road dust, as well as fluff lime.

The components should be taken in equal proportions and mixed thoroughly. It is recommended to carry out the procedure itself early in the morning so that the composition settles on the dew, and you also need to water the radishes first. In humid conditions, particles of the mixture adhere well to wet leaves. For the most effective and uniform result, the composition is placed in a gauze bag, and then gently shaken over the sprouts. This method is also called dusting.

Minus this method is that it does not work with one-time use. Good protection can only be achieved if dusting is carried out systematically.

The ideal option would be when the gardener can carry it out after each watering or rain. And also to achieve maximum effect, crops should be treated not only from above, but also from below.

Covering with non-woven material

If the crops are covered with canvas, they will be protected not only from insects, but also from weeds and cold weather. The material must be chosen wisely; it must allow light, water and air to pass through, but at the same time be an insurmountable obstacle to pests. Lutrasil or spunbond, for example, work well.

In addition, many recommend dusting the radishes before covering, which will serve additional protection. When placed under such a cloth, the radish will grow, become stronger, the leaves will become a little coarser, so when the cover is removed, it will no longer be an easily accessible and especially attractive treat for the flea.


The use of a sticky flag is often used to help get rid of the pest. The procedure is quite simple and does not require special skills.

To make a flag, a piece of fabric is attached to a stick and treated with some kind of adhesive compound. Solid oil is excellent for this purpose. After this, you need to walk along the beds with radishes, slightly touching the leaves with the flag. This will disturb the insects, which will try to hide from danger and, flying away or jumping, will touch the material and stick to it.

Gardeners advise carrying out this procedure in the middle of a dry and hot day, and repeating it several times, maintaining short time intervals. Catching fleas this way will help significantly reduce the number of insects in the beds.

Another trap is made using waste machine oil, in which a piece of cloth is soaked. Boards are laid out along the beds with radishes, on which the soaked fabric is laid. So that as much as possible more insects trapped, the material needs to be turned a couple of times a day.

Spraying with infusions

Infusions can be made based on various components. For example, ash and tobacco dust, which are used for dusting, are suitable. There are many popular recipes; each one chooses the simplest and most effective one in a particular case. Here are the most common ones.

A glass of ash is poured into one liter of boiling water, mixed and left for 48 hours. After this, you should grate the laundry soap and add it to the infusion. Can also be used liquid soap. Radishes are sprayed with this composition.

A glass of tobacco dust should be poured with a bucket of boiling water and left for 24 hours. After this, 100 grams of soap is added, and the infusion is filtered through cheesecloth.

The garlic should be chopped. Stepchildren of tomatoes are added to it. The ratio should be 1: 1. The mixture is poured with warm water and infused for 5-6 hours, after which it is filtered and a little liquid soap is added to the resulting infusion.

Radishes, like other tasty vegetables, are often affected various pests– cruciferous flea beetle, wireworm, etc.

It happens that it is overcome by tiny white worms, and then, having found out why the radish is wormy, gardeners take all measures to get rid of uninvited guests. Worms do not appear in radishes on their own: one of the main pests of cabbage, radishes, turnips and other cruciferous vegetables, the cabbage fly, is to blame for this.

The cabbage fly looks like a house fly, but is half its size. During the breeding season, it lays eggs, from which larvae hatch - those who eat radishes in the ground, making many moves in the root crops and rendering them unusable.

Eggs are laid in moist soil fertilized with manure or humus.

The worms feed on radish pulp for 3-5 weeks, after which they pupate and after 2-3 weeks turn into new cabbage flies.

If the pupae remain in the winter, the flies are born in the spring.

How to deal with cabbage fly and its larvae

Finding out why wormy radish, we’ll learn how to repel cabbage flies from plantings and how to treat the beds. The easiest way is to use chemical insecticides, but only light ones - heavy “chemistry” accumulates in fruits in the form of nitrates and does not have time to be eliminated.

Insecticides for cabbage fly

If 5-10 eggs or larvae are noticed on the radishes, we treat the plantings with any of the following products:

  • "Karbofos". We dilute 6 g of 50% Karbofos in a liter of water (enough for one hundred square meters) and spray the seedlings twice (the second time - a week later). The drug repels the fly, preventing it from laying eggs.
  • "Zemlin". A contact-intestinal soil chemical that kills larvae. Mix 5 g of dry preparation with 50 g of sand (enough for processing square meter ridges) and add them to the ground before planting radishes to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The larvae die within 24 hours.

Other chemical insecticides such as “Iskra”, “Rovikurt”, “Grom”, “Hexachloran” or “Pochin” will also help against cabbage flies.

Folk remedies for cabbage fly

Folk remedies that have been tested by more than one generation of gardeners help to cope with the eggs and larvae of cabbage flies:

  • Ammonia. Dissolve 5 ml of ammonia in 10 liters of water and water the soil as soon as we find wilting plants.
  • Ash. Having noticed flies circling over the plantings, we sprinkle the seedlings, after moistening them with water, with dry wood ash every six days. To enhance the effect, you can mix it with the same amount of red pepper or shag.
  • Burdock leaves. Infuse for two days a mixture of 2.5 kg of chopped burdock greens and 8 liters of warm water. Filter and water the radishes.
  • Makhorka. We combine it with black pepper powder or slaked dry lime - 1 to 1. Sprinkle the mixture on the soil around the plants.
  • Copper sulfate. Dissolve a tablespoon of the product in a bucket of water with 1 tbsp. liquid tar soap, water the ridges and repeat watering after 3 weeks.
  • Naphthalene. We combine it with the same amount of sand and powder the soil 5 mm from the radish and add 6 g under the root. We repeat the procedure every 8 days: it is carried out immediately after the discovery of clutches. After treatment, those who eat radishes in the ground will not have time to hatch.
  • Valerian. Dissolve 40 ml of valerian and 2 tbsp in 3 liters of warm water. crushed laundry soap, empty the bucket and add water to the top. After mixing the composition, we spray it on young radishes during the summer of the cabbage fly. Now you don’t have to wonder why radishes are wormy - there will be no worms.
  • Table vinegar(70%). Dissolve 0.5 tbsp. vinegar essence in 10 liters of water and spray the radish plantings.

In order not to worry about how to treat radishes against worms, you can completely do without chemical and organic methods of combating cabbage fly. We buy a mesh transparent covering material such as lutrasil and cover the beds with radishes during the summer of flies.

We make sure that there are no cracks left and the fly will not be able to get inside to lay eggs. When it rains, the canvas can be removed, but on fine days we leave it in place and, if you need to water the radish, water it directly through Lutrasil.

To prevent the appearance of cabbage fly egg clutches, so that there are no questions about why the radish became wormy, you can take several preventive agrotechnical measures.

  • Plant radishes in a different place every year.
  • Fertilize the soil with compost that is at least three years old.
  • Removing plant debris from the site, be it tops or weeds.
  • Autumn digging of future soil for planting to a depth of 1-1.5 shovels.

You can also grow other garden and vegetable crops next to radishes. flower crops, repelling the cabbage fly and protecting radish roots from being eaten by worms.

The best neighbors of radishes, preventing the appearance of cabbage fly larvae

  • Marigold. Tagetes produces an unpleasant, pungent aroma that most insects do not like. We plant several plants directly on the bed under the radishes 2-3 weeks before sowing.
  • Sage, mint or rosemary. We plant aromatic herbs in the radish beds several weeks before sowing the vegetable, digging them directly into the pots, cutting off the bottoms. This is necessary to prevent the spread perennial plants throughout the ridge.
  • Garlic. We plant garlic cloves in a bed under the radishes three weeks before sowing the seeds every 15 cm with row spacing of 55-60 cm. We sow the radishes in grooves cut in the middle of these row spacings.

Fragrant neighbors will play the role of repellents, scaring away the cabbage fly and other harmful insects from the radish beds, and will contribute to obtaining good harvests.

Now it’s clear why radishes are wormy, what kind of white worms they destroy future harvest, and which insect is to blame for their appearance. If worms have spoiled many plants, be sure to remove and burn them, without sending them to compost and without creating excellent conditions for the fly pupae to overwinter. It's better to take it right away preventive measures than to feel saddened by the loss of the lion's share of delicious vitamin-rich vegetables.

By attacking a plant, pests can destroy the entire crop in just a few days.

Damage to the tops is especially dangerous - the growth of the root crop stops and the plant dies.

How to determine what exactly has affected the root crop - a disease or insects?

If a plant overcomes an illness, it changes its physiological state. Symptoms various diseases can be:

  • the appearance of a white oily coating on the stems, leaves, pedicels and seeds;
  • spherical growths on root crops, which over time acquire a brown tint and begin to rot;
  • black, light yellow or brown spots on radish leaves;
  • root crops become covered with brown spots and overgrown with gray fluff;
  • the veins on the leaves or the base of the stem turn black, the leaves turn yellow and begin to fall off.

The causative agents of diseases with such manifestations are fungi and viruses.

Cruciferous flea beetle

Black bugs moving around the garden bed in intense jumps, making them easy to detect. The pest attacks radish leaves, gnawing out fragments and quickly expanding the affected area. Radishes that are attacked stop growing and dry out.

Particularly active cruciferous flea beetle in dry hot weather.

How to fight the pest, how to treat radishes against fleas, are there any folk remedies against this insect?

To protect plantings from flea attacks, you can resort to natural remedy. For the manufacture of protective composition will be required in equal proportions:

  1. Ash.
  2. Tobacco dust.
  3. Mix the components and scatter the resulting mixture over the garden bed once every five to seven days.

In case of mass damage and the inevitable need to use chemicals use the drugs Tod, Alfacin, Zolon, Kaiser, Arrivo.

The plant is processed according to the instructions. For example, Zolon, a drug in the form of an emulsion concentrate, is used as follows:

  1. Spraying is carried out during the growing season.
  2. The composition is diluted in a ratio of 1.6 ml per 2 liters of water. The resulting solution is enough to treat about three square meters.
  3. Carry out the treatment in the morning or evening in calm, dry weather.
  4. The duration of action of the drug is 15-20 days, 90% of pests die on the third day after spraying.


White butterfly laying its larvae in the soil. The emerging caterpillars move onto the leaves and destroy them. To disinfect plants, you need to prepare a composition of the following components:

  1. Mustard – 2 tablespoons.
  2. Ground black pepper – 1 teaspoon.
  3. Table salt – 2 tablespoons.
  4. Water – 10 liters.
  5. Mix all ingredients and spray radishes once a week.

Of the chemical preparations, Iskra M, Kemifos, Fitoferm are effective; they are used according to the instructions.

Cabbage moth

The moth is gray-brown in color, about two centimeters in size. Insect larvae can be found on the underside of leaves. The hatched caterpillars feed on the radish foliage.

To counteract the pest, you need to feed the plantings with superphosphate with calcium chloride.

If there is a massive damage to plants, then to destroy the pests you will have to resort to chemical treatment Lepidocide and Bitoxibacillin, remembering that such treatments are prohibited during fruit ripening.

Application of Lepidocid:

  1. The drug is prepared on the day of use, according to the instructions.
  2. To prepare the solution, only clean, warm water is used.
  3. Spraying is carried out in dry weather up to +35 degrees.

Cabbage fly

This gray-brown fly is not dangerous for radishes, unlike its larvae. They deform the root by gnawing holes in it. The caterpillars are also capable of completely destroying fresh leaves.

The insect does not tolerate naphthalene-based substances, slaked lime and camphor. You can treat plants with formulations that include one of the listed components.

If the damage exceeds 15%, Lepidocide and Bitoxibacillin are used.


A brown butterfly whose larvae eat seedlings. As a result of such a lesion, the greenery may grow, but the fruit may not develop, remaining as a root.

To destroy the pest, you can use the following recipe:

  1. 500 grams of dried tops.
  2. 50 grams of grated laundry soap.
  3. 10 liters of water.
  4. Leave the tops in water in a warm place for four hours.
  5. Add soap before spraying.
  6. Treat plantings in the evening in dry weather.

If a product made from natural ingredients does not work, you need to use chemicals. Zeta-cypermethrin and IntaVir have proven themselves well.

IntaVir solution is prepared at the rate of 1 tablet per 5-10 liters of water. Treatment is carried out through a sprayer.

cabbage butterfly

Butterfly white, whose caterpillars feed on young leaves and eat away the pulp, leaving only the veins.

You can control pests by collecting them manually and processing the landing pine concentrate. For this you will need:

  1. Spruce or pine branches and cones – 200 grams.
  2. Hot water – 2 liters.
  3. Place the raw materials in an enamel container, add water, leave at room temperature for a week.
  4. After the required time, strain the product.
  5. Dilute in a ratio of one part concentrate and ten parts water.
  6. Spray in the morning every two weeks.

If there is a need for processing chemical compounds, then Fitoverm, Bitoxibacillin and Lepidocid are good options.


small ones, brown bugs with oblong shaped bodies. Destroy tender sprouts. Adults feed on leaves, and larvae feed on roots.. Plants attacked by wireworms can develop rot and all kinds of fungal diseases. Radishes rot from the inside.

A good option for getting rid of wireworms is burying onion peel in the garden at .

At the first symptoms of damage, applying fertilizers based on ammonium sulfate can help.

If the plant is attacked en masse, use the drug Bazudin. To destroy wireworms, it is introduced into each hole at a dosage of 1 gram per square meter.

Stem nematode

These are thread-like microscopic transparent whitish worms, up to 2 mm long. Their goal is radish juice; they can nest in the root neck of the fruit, roots or stem. Damaged radishes wither and die.

Marigolds are effective against nematodes:

  1. The plant is dried entirely in the open air.
  2. Half a bucket of crushed marigolds is poured with ten liters of water and left for three days.
  3. Add 50 grams of laundry soap to the resulting composition, and filter the solution.
  4. The plant must be sprayed weekly.

To combat nematodes, insecticides are used: Dimethoate, Rogor, Vidat. The use of these drugs makes sense only for young seedlings.

Plants are treated by spraying in the morning or evening hours. To achieve the best effect, choose a warm, windless day.

Rapeseed sawfly

The insect, about 8 mm long, is yellow-orange in color with two black spots on the back. The body is shiny with two pairs of transparent wings, yellow at the base and with a black border along the edges. Female rapeseed sawfly lays eggs in the second half of May - early June on the underside of a radish leaf. The hatched caterpillars eat away numerous holes in the tops and lead to the death of the plant.

An infusion of black henbane will help in the fight against pests. You need to take:

  1. 500 grams of dry leaves.
  2. 2 liters of water.
  3. Leave for 12 hours.
  4. Strain the liquid through a sieve.
  5. Dilute the resulting composition with eight liters of water, add grated soap and treat the beds.

Of the chemical preparations, Dendrobacillin and Entobacterin are effective.

Entobacterin is dissolved in warm water, maintaining a dosage of 10 g per liter of water. Treatment is carried out using a spray bottle.

Cruciferous bug

Small black bugs with bright orange stripes feed on the radish juice and the young shoots dry out. To protect plantings from pests, you can prepare the following solution:

  1. 500 grams of datura leaves.
  2. 10 liters of water.
  3. 2-3 tablespoons of crushed laundry soap.
  4. Mix the ingredients and leave for 12 hours.
  5. Spray the tops every five days.

For chemical treatment, Fosbecid and Actellik are used. The drugs are used according to the instructions.

Summer cabbage fly

Wormy radish fruits are the result of the vital activity of the summer cabbage fly. Harmful insect larvae are difficult to detect - they are whitish, up to 8 mm in length. Destroy inner part stems, make passages and move towards the fruit.

A folk remedy to combat this insect includes:

  1. Salt – 200 grams.
  2. Ten liters of water.

The salt is diluted with water and the beds are watered. Afterwards the ground should be sprinkled with ash.

Effective insecticides in the fight against summer cabbage fly - Karbofos, Zemlin, Rovikurt.


To prevent the appearance of pests, you can also carry out the following procedures:

  • spray on the beds with radishes taken in equal proportions wood ash, slaked lime and tobacco dust;
  • spray radishes with a decoction of green wormwood;
  • Spray only the emerging shoots with a vinegar solution prepared at the rate of 1 glass of 9% vinegar per ten liters of water.

At the end of the season, it is necessary to clean up plant debris., since it is in them that some pests overwinter. Closer to frost, the soil in the garden bed needs to be dug up so that the larvae and adult insects die.

Proper control of the crop, prevention of pests and, if necessary, timely eradication measures will help the gardener win the fight for a rich radish harvest.

We invite you to watch a video about radish pests and methods of combating them:

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