Gala apple tree: a feast of taste in your garden. Gala apple tree: a feast of taste in your garden Chemical composition and use

The Gala apple tree and its clones can be seen in industrial gardens in many countries of the world, located in zones with temperate and warm climates. And its spectacular and sweet fruits can be found in almost any supermarket. Where and how you can grow this apple tree - we will help you figure it out.

Description of the variety

An autumn variety of apple trees of the New Zealand selection, obtained in 1962. Since the mid-1970s, it has been tested in Ukraine, and since 1993 it has been zoned in the steppe zone. In 2014 entered into the State Register of Russia and zoned by North Caucasus region... The industrial cultivation of Gala apples in Russia is concentrated in the Crimea and the Kuban. In backyards and country gardens occasionally found in the southern regions of the Middle Belt.

The tree is medium-sized with a broad-oval medium thickened crown. Departure of skeletal branches from the trunk at an angle of 45-75 °, fruiting on annelids, fruit twigs and ends of annual shoots.

Gala bears fruit on ringlets, fruit twigs and ends of annual shoots

Winter hardiness in your region is average. The variety has a high immunity to powdery mildew, medium - to scab and zero - to European crayfish.

It blooms in mid-late terms (late May - early June), has good pollen viability - 73-89%.

The viability of pollen is its ability to germinate on the stigma of the pistil when favorable conditions... The higher this indicator, the more self-fertile the plant is.

The pollinators for the variety in the growing region are apple varieties:

  • Kate;
  • Elstar;
  • James Grieve;
  • Idared;
  • Red Delicious.

On vigorous rootstocks, it begins to bear fruit 6-7 years after planting. The Gala apple tree on a dwarf rootstock will bring the first harvest in 3-4 years. While the apple trees are young (up to 10 years old), they bear fruit annually and in moderation. An adult tree can bear up to 55-80 kilograms of fruit. When overloaded, the fruits become smaller and the frequency of fruiting is observed.

Fruits are one-dimensional, round or round-conical with a slight ribbing at the top. Average weight 130 grams, maximum - 145 grams. They have the main color of a dense and thin skin of yellow or greenish-yellow color with a striped, blurred, orange-red blush almost on the entire surface of the apple. The pulp is crispy, juicy, dense, has a light yellow color. The taste is excellent, sour-sweet. Tasting score - 4.6 points.

Apples of the Gala variety have the main color of dense and thin skin of yellow or greenish-yellow color with a striped, blurred, orange-red blush almost on the entire surface of the apple.

Apples reach harvesting maturity in mid-September, and they are ready for consumption in November. Shelf life in a cool place up to 60-80 days. At a temperature of 0-5 ° C, they are stored for 5-6 months. Purpose - for use in fresh and juice production. Transportability is average.

Advantages of the variety:

  • Excellent dessert taste of apples.
  • Versatility of use.
  • High productivity.
  • Early maturity.
  • Powdery mildew immunity.

Disadvantages of the variety:

  • Insufficient winter hardiness and limited growing region.
  • Low immunity to scab.
  • Lack of immunity to European apple cancer.
  • Shrinking of fruits when overloaded with crops.

Popular varieties and types of Gala apple trees

The Gala apple tree has about twenty species and clones, but no sources detailed descriptions and the characteristics of each of them. Let's take a look at some of the more common ones.

Gala Mast

Recognized as the best of the clones. It has larger fruits (160-220 grams) of rich ruby ​​red color. And also its increased resistance to powdery mildew is noted.

The Gala Mast apple tree has larger fruits (160-220 grams) of a rich ruby ​​red color.

Video: an overview of the Gala Mast apple tree

Gala Royal

This species is distinguished by a more spectacular red-crimson color, a conical shape of apples and a slightly larger weight (150 grams). Distributed in the USA and Europe.

Gala Royal apples are distinguished by a more spectacular red-raspberry color

Gala Shniga

Italian clone of the Gala Royal variety. Ripens in late August - early September. Refrigerated storage for 4-5 months. Relatively hardy. Strongly susceptible to scab, bark and wood diseases. Powdery mildew is weakly affected. The crown is well branched. The fruits are very beautiful, excellent presentation. The color is yellow with a pink barrel and a dark red striped blush on most of the apple surface. The taste is very sweet.

Gala Shniga - Italian clone of the Gala Royal apple tree

Planting a Gala apple tree

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Choosing a landing site. Required characteristics of the plot for growing Gala apple trees:
    • A small slope in the south or southeast direction.
    • Protection from cold winds from the north or northeast in the form of dense trees or walls of buildings.
    • Good lighting and ventilation.
    • Soil requirements:
      • pH 6.5-7.0.
      • Loose loam, sandy loam or black soil.
      • Good drainability.
    • The distance from buildings and neighboring trees is at least three meters.
  2. Timing of boarding. There are three options:
    • Early spring. Before the onset of sap flow when the soil warms up to + 5-10 ° C.
    • Autumn. After the end of sap flow, but not less than a month before the onset of frost.
    • If seedlings with a closed root system are purchased, then the planting time does not matter. It is possible to do this from April to October.
  3. Purchase of seedlings. This is best done in the fall, and in the case of spring planting, the seedlings are stored in the basement or buried in the ground.

    The seedling is buried in an almost horizontal position

  4. Preparation of the landing pit. It is prepared no later than 20-30 days before planting. If planting is planned in the spring, then the pit is prepared in the fall. The order is as follows:
  5. A few hours before planting, the roots of the seedling should be soaked in water.
  6. In the landing pit, a hole of sufficient volume is made and a small mound is poured in the center of it.
  7. A wooden or metal peg is driven in at a short distance from the center. Its height above the soil level should be 90-130 centimeters.
  8. Remove the seedling from the water and sprinkle the roots with Kornevin (Heteroauxin) powder.
  9. The seedling is lowered into the hole, placing the root collar on the top of the mound and spreading the roots along the slopes.
  10. They fill the hole with earth, carefully tamping it. During this procedure, you need to ensure that the root collar ends up at the soil level. For this it is convenient to use wooden lath or a bar.

    To control the location of the root collar during planting, it is convenient to use a wooden lath or bar

  11. After that, as usual, a near-trunk circle is formed along the diameter of the pit and watered big amount water in several steps. It is necessary that the soil is well saturated and the air sinuses in the root zone disappear.
  12. The trunk of the plant is tied to a peg with a fabric tape so that it is not squeezed.
  13. The central conductor is cut at a height of 80-100 centimeters from the ground, the branches are shortened by 30-50%.
  14. After a while, the soil is loosened and mulched with a layer of 10-15 centimeters. To do this, you can use hay, straw, humus, compost, rotted sawdust, etc.

    After watering, the soil is loosened and mulched with a layer of 10-15 centimeters

Features of growing and subtleties of care

The rules for growing the Gala apple tree and caring for it do not have significant differences and features in comparison with other varieties. Let's briefly show the main points.

Watering and feeding

There is no information in the sources about the drought resistance of the variety. Therefore, we will assume that the watering requirements for this apple tree are average. As usual, the tree requires more frequent watering in the first years of life, while the root system is still underdeveloped. At this time, the tree needs eight to ten waterings per season. With age, as a rule, the need for them decreases and depending on weather conditions they will need 4-6 during the growing season. It is most important to moisturize the soil in the spring and first half of the summer. Watering is usually stopped 2-3 weeks before harvesting. In the fall, pre-winter moisture-charging irrigation will be required. Mulching the soil in the tree circles will help maintain proper moisture and prevent weed growth.

Regular fertilization promotes stable fruiting and high quality fruit. They start feeding the apple tree 3-4 years after planting, when the supply of nutrients in the planting pit begins to dry out.

Table: Gala apple dressing schedule

Timing Fertilizers Method of application Frequency and dosage
AutumnCompost, humusDiggingOnce every three - four years, 5-10 kg / m 2
SuperphosphateAnnually, 30-40 g / m2
SpringUrea or ammonium nitrate
JunePotassium monophosphateIn liquid form, dissolving in water for irrigationAnnually, 10-20 g / m2
June JulyLiquid organic concentrates. They are prepared by steeping mullein in water (2: 10), bird droppings(1: 10) or fresh grass (1: 2) within 7-10 days.Annually, 1 l / m2, 3-4 feeding at intervals of 1-2 weeks
Complex mineral fertilizers are applied according to the attached manufacturer's instructions

Cropping and rationing of the crop

Like every tree, the Gala apple tree needs to be given a certain crown shape in the first years of life. For this variety, a bowl-shaped formation is recommended, which provides good ventilation of the entire crown volume, its illumination by the sun's rays, ease of harvesting and maintenance.

To ensure stable yields, it is necessary to thin out the crown annually by removing excess shoots that thicken it. If this is not done, the fruits will shrink. And also, as usual, sanitary pruning should be carried out every fall, during which dry, diseased and damaged branches are removed.

The tendency of the variety to overload the crop requires its rationing by removing some of the flowers and ovaries. And also this can be done by additional thinning of the fruit twigs.

Harvesting and storage

A few simple rules will allow the gardener long time preserve the harvest of sweet juicy Gala apples without losing taste.

  • You need to know that if the apples are wet during harvesting or storage, they will not be saved. Therefore, they are collected exclusively in dry weather.
  • It is better to sort them right away, rejecting damaged and substandard fruits. They can be recycled immediately for juicing.
  • Quality fruits are placed in cardboard or wooden ventilated boxes. Apples in one layer will last longer. Fruits that are supposed to be consumed earlier can be folded in 3-4 layers.
  • Cellars with air temperatures from 0 to +5 ° C or cold rooms are suitable for storage. Do not store apples in the same room as root vegetables and cabbage.
  • When storing, spacers with a thickness of 4-5 centimeters should be installed between the boxes to ensure ventilation.

Diseases and pests of the apple tree

Such troubles will less often annoy the gardener if he regularly takes preventive measures.

Table: measures for the prevention of diseases and pests of the apple tree

Term Scope of work Methods of execution The resulting effect
OctoberThe fallen leaves are raked into heaps and burned together with the branches removed during sanitary pruning. The resulting ash is stored for use as fertilizer.Destruction of spores of pathogens of fungal diseases, as well as wintering pests
Examination and treatment of the barkIf cracks or damage are found, they should be cleaned and cut to healthy wood, then treated with a 2% solution of copper sulfate and covered with a layer of garden varnishPrevention of European (common) apple cancer and other bark diseases
WhitewashA solution of slaked lime is prepared by adding 1% copper sulfate and PVA glue to it. This solution is used to whitewash the trunks and thick branches of the apple tree.Prevent sunburn, frostbite
NovemberDigging of near-trunk circles with overturning of earth layers. It is carried out as late as possible before the onset of frost. Then, as a result, the pests hibernating in the soil will be raised to the surface, where they will die from the cold.
MarchEradicating herbicide treatmentCarried out before bud break, using DNOC (once every three years) and Nitrafen (in other years)Prevention of pests and diseases
Installation of trapping beltsFishing belts made of scrap materials are installed on the trunks of apple trees, creating obstacles to getting on the crown of the tree various pests(ants, beetles, caterpillars)
Before flowering, immediately after flowering and 10 days after floweringSpraying with fungicides (preparations for combating fungal diseases) such as Horus, Skor, Strobi, etc.Prevention of fungal diseases, including scab, powdery mildew, European (common) apple cancer, etc.
Spraying with insecticides (pest control drugs) such as Decis, Fufanon, Iskra, etc.Prevention of pests, including flower beetle, moth, aphids, etc.

Long known and widespread fungal disease fruit crops... Spores of the pathogen overwinter in fallen leaves and fruits. In spring, when the growth of young shoots begins, spores with the wind fall on the crown and, thanks to the existing mucous layer, adhere to the lower surface of the leaves. If the humidity is sufficient and the air temperature is between 18-20 ° C, then the spores germinate in the outer layer of young shoots and leaves. This can be easily seen by the formation of light olive stains on them. Over time, the spots grow, turn brown, crack. In summer, the disease spreads to the fruits, which are covered with coarse dark brown spots, cracks. Treatment consists of removing the affected parts of the plant and treating with fungicides. Fastest effect in emergency cases gives the drug Strobi, which quickly blocks the course and spread of the disease.

Fruits affected by scab are covered with hardened dark brown spots, cracks

European (common) apple crayfish

Often found in the southern regions and the Crimea, a disease of bark and wood caused by the marsupial fungus Nectria galligena Bres. She came to us from Europe, which led to its name. The pathogen enters the plant through unhealed wounds, cracks, and frost holes. While developing, it causes the appearance of deep open wounds on the trunks. Large nodules of the so-called callus are formed along the edges. On thinner branches, the nodules close, leaving a small gap - in this case, the disease proceeds in a closed form. In winter, the callus is destroyed by frost, due to which the wounds do not heal and expand, affecting more and more vast spaces. Treatment is reduced to cleaning the wounds to healthy wood, disinfection with a 2% solution of copper sulfate and applying a protective layer of garden varnish.

Cancer causes deep open wounds to appear on the trunks

Apple tree pests Gala

There is no information in the sources about the susceptibility of the variety to pests, so we will assume that in some cases they can attack. We will briefly give information about the main representatives.

  • Apple moth. It is a nondescript light brown moth. Lays eggs on the upper tiers of the crown. Caterpillars, crawling out of eggs, penetrate the ovaries and unripe fruits, where they feed on seeds. One caterpillar is capable of destroying up to four fruits. The fight is effective at the stage of flight of butterflies by performing preventive spraying.

    The apple moth is a nondescript light brown moth

  • Gall aphid. A small insect that settles on the underside of leaves and feeds on their sap. As a result, the leaves curl, red bumps appear on the outside. Ants bring aphids onto the crown in order to subsequently feed on its sweetish secretions (honeydew). The fight is reduced to the mechanical collection of affected leaves and shoots, followed by treatment with insecticides (Iskra, fufanon, Decis).

    Gall aphid is a small insect that settles on the underside of leaves and feeds on their sap

  • Apple blossom beetle. Small - up to three millimeters in size - weevil beetle wintering in upper layers soil. In the spring, when the soil begins to warm up, it rises to the surface and crawls onto the crown. There, the females gnaw through the buds and lay one egg in them. The larvae crawl out of the eggs and eat the flower (bud) from the inside. Thus, you can lose the entire crop if you do not take preventive and control measures.

    Apple blossom beetle hibernates in the upper layers of the soil

Apple varieties 15 Jan 2017

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Apple variety Gala (Solemn) is one of the world leaders in commercial gardening. He comes from distant New Zealand, where at the end of the 50s of the last century he was obtained by crossing the famous light-fruited Golden Delicious and the local Kids Orange Red.

For several decades, the new form has occupied vast territories in industrial gardens of both hemispheres: it grows in the Northern and South America as well as in Europe. Our Gala was accepted for testing in the seventies. In 1993, the variety was zoned in the steppe zone of Ukraine.

The best conditions for its cultivation are in the central regions of Ukraine and in the south of Russia. In most of the territory of Russia, it is of little use for cultivation due to its low winter hardiness. However, Gala apples can always be bought in shops, supermarkets and markets. It is difficult to collect together all the reviews about the described variety - the conditions of growth and consumption differ too much, and it is not always clear which variety is in question.


Gala fruits are smooth, rounded, with a slight ribbing at the top. They are medium-large, weighing up to 150 grams. The smooth, dense yellow skin is almost completely covered with a light striped red-orange blush, like that of. The subcutaneous points are slightly visible through it.

The yellowish pulp has a dense, juicy, crunchy texture. Dessert taste, sweet-sour, not sugary, with a caramel aroma. It was rated by the tasters at 4.5-4.7 points. The variety is fruitful, approximately 50-70 kilograms of apples are removed from the tree. Fruiting is regular.

Fruits are harvested in the second or third decade of September, and they acquire consumer ripeness in November. Purpose - universal: fresh consumption, culinary preparations, drinks, baby food, bakery. The fruits are not prone to pre-harvest shedding, but if overexposed on the tree, they can crack.

Transportability in the sources is characterized as average. Keeping quality very much depends on storage conditions. In an unventilated cement basement, apples retain their properties for 2-3 months. In industrial storage facilities with a constant temperature close to 0 ° C, optimal humidity about 85% and controlled atmosphere, this period doubles and is six months. During storage, there is a risk of infection with gray mold and bitter rot.

Gala trees are of medium height, branches branch off from the trunk at a slight acute angle and form a wide-oval crown. The rate of entry into fruiting depends on the stock. On a tall seedling it is 6-7 years, and on a short or dwarf one only 3-4 years. Flowers bloom mid-late.

a brief description of

Pollinators and care

The variety is partially self-pollinated, the best pollinators: Idared, James Grieve, Katya, Melrose, Red Delicious, Elstar and others. Frost resistance up to -28 ° C, provided that frosts are short-term. Resistance to scab, powdery mildew, moniliosis and fire blight is average or slightly higher. Of the pests, the moth is the most dangerous.

When caring for the garden, first of all, the characteristics of the variety should be taken into account. Gala is prone to crop overload, which is why its already medium-sized fruits can become smaller, and fruiting becomes periodic. That's why spring pruning should be held annually. You can also regulate the yield by plucking out excess flowers or ovaries, but this is difficult to do on an industrial scale.

Another important point in maintaining plant health is regular prophylaxis with fungicides and insecticides. In farm gardens, the frequency of spraying is selected by the agronomist, usually 6 treatments per season. In individual farms, you can get by with four. Two eradicators are done during the dormant period, early spring and late autumn. In addition, spraying is added on the blossoming leaves and on the eve of flowering. Well, of course, watering, fertilizing and cultivating the soil under trees are always relevant.

Like most apple trees, Gala prefers warmed fertile land, black soil, loam or sandy loam. Well-lit areas with a low groundwater table are selected for it. General rules and planting dates practically do not differ from those used for other varieties.

Gala varieties: Royal, Mondial, Mast

Foreign breeders began to improve the consumer qualities of Gala almost immediately after its appearance. Scientists have taken the path of increasing the brightness of the color and size of the fruit, rightly believing that this will strengthen the market position. In total, about two dozen clones are known.

For example, Royal Gala differs only in the conical shape of apples and there are more bright color... Therefore, on large areas of existing European and American gardens, it is he who is mainly represented.

Another popular New Zealand mutant, Mondial Gala, has slightly elongated fruits, and its blush is lighter and covers half of the surface.

Gala Mast was recognized as the best clone. It surpasses the base variety in apple size (about 170 grams) and is considered the largest-fruited among its analogues. In addition, the fruit is more intensely colored, the red blush is not striped, but solid. Another advantage is its increased resistance to powdery mildew.

Harvest varieties on video:

One of the most widespread - the Gala apple variety - was obtained in 1957 by crossing the yellow-fruited ‘Golden Delicious’ and the red ‘Kidd’s Orange Red’, a favorite in the Western Hemisphere. The selection took place in New Zealand. New variety absorbed the outstanding qualities of his parents and received the solemn name Gala. It was introduced to the market in the early 1960s and soon gained worldwide popularity. Since then, it has been successfully grown on almost all continents where there are suitable conditions, and in terms of productivity it takes an honorable second place.


Apple tree Gala is a late autumn, partially self-pollinated variety, which is characterized by fruiting mixed type... Trees bloom profusely and quite late in late spring, rarely suffering from recurrent frosts. The yield of one-dimensional fruits is formed on both annual and adult shoots. Equalized beautiful fruits with a thin but strong peel that protects the fruits well from damage, are ready for harvest from the beginning of autumn to November. Yellowish pulp with high organoleptic characteristics: juicy, crispy, sweet and sour taste, received a tasting score of 4.5-4.7 points. Apples can be used both fresh and after culinary and industrial processing, ideal for baby food.

Gala subspecies

Following the widely popular Gala, breeders set about breeding other hybrid varieties on its basis in order to get more marketable fruits with a rich color. In total, over 20 mutations with excellent characteristics have been cloned from the original variety. By now, the most widespread varieties are:

  • Royal Gala- standard for red apples, transportable;
  • Gala Mast- the most popular apple tree with more impressive fruits;
  • Mondial Gala- oblong fruits with a purple blush over the entire surface;
  • Galaxy- very large, with a carmine blush and rich dark strokes;
  • Spoor Red Gala- undersized, with spur (on ringlets) type of fruiting;
  • Earley Ed Gala- the most early start fruiting.

Gala Mast

Apple tree Gala Mast is a subspecies, also known under other names with the prefix Regal: R. Gala, R. Queen, R. Prince Gala. It is considered the most successful among the rest of the clones and is the most widespread. It stands out for its magnificent abundant flowering and generous fruiting. Fruits have a round-conical shape, classic for the variety, with an expansion in the area of ​​the calyx, and reach a mass more than the original variety - up to 180 g. The attractive rich skin cover becomes more pronounced by the end of August. Juicy grainy, creamy flesh is hidden under a thin, strong cover. If the storage conditions are not followed, the fruits are susceptible to rot and gray mold.

Comparative characteristics of the two most popular varieties is given in the table:



Gala mast

Wood Crown shape wide oval, not dense, of upward and deviating branches wide, conical, medium thick

medium, up to 3.5 m

The beginning of fruiting

after 5-7 years or after 3-4 years depending on the stock


50-70 kg, maximum 90 kg

Pollinators James Grieve, Elstar , Melrose, Elstar
Disease tolerance not resistant to fruit rot, black and root crayfish; medium scab resistance moderately resistant to scab and fire blight, more resistant to powdery mildew
Pest resistance

prone to the invasion of leafworm, weevil, apple moth

Winter hardiness

medium, withstands short-term frosts not lower than -30 ° C

Fetus The form mostly conical, less often rounded rounded-conical, resembles a diamond
Weight 130-150 g 160-170 g
Peel glossy, thin but dense; yellowish with reddish-orange stripes more colorful fruits with a solid rich carmine blush
Pulp juicy, dense, crispy, granular, with anise-nut flavor creamy, quite dense, very juicy, fine-grained, with a light pleasant aroma
Taste sweet and sour, pleasant, 4.6 points sweet with a slight sourness

September - early November


3 months / up to 6 months - under controlled conditions


from the end of November


Advantages and disadvantages

Gala is rightfully recognized as an outstanding variety for industrial cultivation and processing. Along with numerous advantages, it has some disadvantages that in no way detract from the popularity of this variety.


  • high productivity - yields above average;
  • marketability of fruits;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • excellent organoleptic qualities of apples;
  • the fruits are well kept on the branches, they fall off a little;
  • tolerance to major diseases;
  • versatility of use;
  • stored for a long time.


  • compulsory rationing of ovaries;
  • trees do not tolerate too well low temperatures, in the suburbs can freeze out;
  • the frequency of fruiting in case of non-observance of agrotechnical methods;
  • chopping fruits as the tree matures;
  • instability to fruit rot, black and root crayfish;
  • susceptible to attack by the moth.

Growing features

The Gala apple variety has conquered almost the whole world. Recommended for cultivation in the south of Russia, in steppe and forest-steppe regions with fertile soil. The variety is zoned in Ukraine, in 2014 it was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in the North Caucasus region. When growing it, you should adhere to the generally accepted principles of planting and care, taking into account some features.


Seedlings of the Gala variety are preferable to plant on permanent place autumn, and do it better in month term before the first frost begins. Elevated areas with rich soils are suitable for planting. Prepared two weeks in advance of disembarkation landing pit should be located in a well-lit place. The lack of insolation will negatively affect the formation of fruit buds, worsen the organoleptic qualities and the volume of the crop.

The need for irrigation

Trees of the variety and clones of Gala do not like waterlogging of the soil. For young trees, weekly one-time moderate watering is allowed. And for adults at the time of fruiting - watering only in dry weather as the land dries up in trunk circle... At high humidity air additional hydration no soil required.

Crown formation

The crown begins to form from the second year: the top and growths are cut off. This is done in the spring, before bud break. Correct pruning not only affects the plant's habit, but also helps it withstand frost. Each year, the growth is cut off by one third, as a result of which more side shoots appear, the crown becomes more luxuriant, and the yield increases.

Ovary and fruit quality control

With sufficient pollination, the fruits of Gala set well, and if the number of ovaries is not regulated, then the tree overloaded with harvest is depleted. When the ovaries are normalized, after their formation, the central ovary is removed from each bundle. Without such thinning, the variety can bear fruit for periods: following a productive year, the next season can be left without apples at all. It is also recommended to remove irregularly shaped fruits.

Disease prevention

Due to the high susceptibility of the variety to the attack of moths, trees should be treated with insecticides in time. During the season, you need to carry out 5-6 treatments. In early spring before bud break, the trunk is whitewashed, creating a protective layer. At the same time, the crown is treated with fungicides (Bordeaux liquid, copper oxychloride). After setting the fruit, it is recommended to repeat the treatment with the preparations.


The tree begins to yield a harvest at 3-4 years of age, if the scion is made on dwarf plant... And at a later date - for 6-7 years, if the scion is made on a vigorous plant. Fruiting in all subspecies of the Gala variety is of a mixed type, in which the ovaries are formed on all branches: annual growths, fruit tops, short ringed shoots.

Gardeners' opinions

Numerous comments from gardeners cultivating Gala varieties and clones on their plots convincingly speak of its well-deserved popularity. The variety is resistant to major diseases, in general, unpretentious, although it requires adherence to some special agricultural practices. Ideal for climates with warm winter... With sensible care, it retains a decent yield for a long time.

I am glad that, subject to the conditions of cultivation, Gala gives a bountiful harvest, which is enough for fresh consumption, and for processing, and for storage. With only two trees, you can even get additional income by selling the apple harvest from your plot in the market.

The Gala apple variety is famous for the quality of delicious fruits, which are mainly obtained only positive reviews on thematic sites. It is popular throughout Europe and America. Therefore, if climatic conditions permit, then at least one Gala apple tree should be in your garden.

Apple tree gala - harvest

The Gala apple tree was bred in New Zealand half a century ago by breeder D. Kidd. It was based on such varieties as Kids Orange and Golden Delicious. Gala's rapid spread neighbouring countries was due to highest quality fruits, and the variety took 2nd place in the world for the cultivation of industrial apples.

Apple tree gala variety description

The Gala apple tree is very much appreciated among Russian gardeners. Its early maturity, yield and winter hardiness distinguish it from many other species. There are also many subspecies based on the Gala variety.

Gala apple trees are low, medium-sized with a wide oval crown. The branches are not very dense and have a large angle of inclination from the trunk (up to 80 degrees). Both annual shoots and old branches are capable of bearing fruit. Gala apple blossoms start quite late (late spring).

Refers to partially self-pollinated. To achieve maximum fruiting, it is best to plant several other apple trees side by side, such as Elstar and James Grieve.

Apples gala medium or large size, their weight can reach up to 150 g. The shape is round, sometimes slightly elongated towards the bottom. Ripe fruits yellow color may have a large bright blush. The skin is thin, soft and easy to chew.

Gala apple pulp is dense, yellow in color, very juicy, has a unique caramel flavor. The tasting score is 4.5 points out of 5 possible. Fruits are versatile in use and are suitable for cooking and preservation as well as for eating raw. Gala is one of the main varieties from which baby food is made.

This variety of apple trees belongs to late autumn. Ripening begins at the end of September and lasts until November. Apples can be stored well for up to 2-3 months without losing their qualities. Their transportability is average.

The Gala apple tree begins to bear fruit 6-7 years after planting. If you give preference to dwarf seedlings, then this period will be reduced to 3-4 years. The yield is good and can reach up to 90 kg per tree. Fruiting is regular and annual, but with the age of the tree, the size of apples tends to decrease. To avoid this, it is necessary to regulate the number of flowers: a decrease in the volume of the crop will lead to an increase in its quality.

Gala is a variety of average winter hardiness, it tolerates cold weather well with short frosts down to minus 30 degrees. Celsius. Apple trees are resistant to diseases such as powdery mildew and scab.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Gala apple tree is one of the best industrial varieties and has the following advantages:

  • apples have an excellent dessert taste and are widely used both in household and in production;
  • the yield level is above average;
  • annual fruiting;
  • mid-season variety;
  • the attachment of apples to the legs is quite strong, which prevents the crop from falling off;
  • resistance to many diseases;
  • long period storage.

But Gala apples also have some minor disadvantages:

  • a decrease in the size of fruits with the age of the trees (but this can be influenced by adjusting the number of flowers);
  • low winter hardiness (does not tolerate lingering cold weather);
  • is attacked by the moth and some diseases such as monoliosis.

Apple tree Gala is the undoubted leader among other varieties. Due to its medium resistance to frost, suitable for growing in middle lane Russia.

Gala apple varieties

There are several dozen clones based on Gala. Their main goal is to increase the color of fruits and give them an even more attractive presentation. The most common ones are:

  • Royal Gala;
  • Scarlet and Red Gala;
  • Gala Mast;
  • Big Red;
  • Galaxy;
  • Spoor Red Gala.

Royal Gala

This is one of the first clones. It is actively distributed in the industrial areas of Europe. It practically does not differ from the original one - only the elongated shape of the fruit and the brighter color of the skin and pulp.

Gala Mast

Apple trees of this subspecies are more resistant to powdery mildew. They are well pollinated by other varieties such as Idared and Gloucester. Differs in abundant flowering and fruiting. The apples are very large and can reach up to 180 g. This is the most successful and widespread subspecies of the Gala apple tree. The fruits have a deep red color and their shape resembles a diamond.


The Gala apple variety is famous not only for the beauty of the fruits, but also for their quality and taste. It is popular throughout Europe and America. Excellent performance make it one of the best industrial varieties.

Gala is a late autumn (sometimes referred to as early winter) diploid apple variety, bred in 1962 (according to another version - in 1957) in New Zealand by breeder J. H. Kidd as a result of crossing two varieties - (Golden Delicious) x Kidds orange Red ( Kidd "s Orange Red). The new variety quickly gained worldwide popularity (2nd place in the world for apple production), almost immediately after its breeding, its gardens were planted in the USA, Canada, Brazil, Europe. On the territory of the North American continent and in In the UK, the Gala apple tree has become a leader in apple production, along with world-renowned varieties such as Red Delicious and Golden Delicious. Many English farmers and gardeners have begun to cultivate this apple in the 1980s on a commercial basis. the total volume of British commercial apple production accounts for about 20%. In 1993 it was zoned in the steppe zone. But still, Gala occupies an insignificant place in the plantings of industrial gardens.

The trees are medium-sized. The crown is broadly oval, of medium thickening. Skeletal branches are of medium strength, when they leave the trunk, they form an angle of 45 to 75 degrees, the ends are directed upwards. Fruiting of a mixed type, fruits are tied on ringlets, fruit twigs and tops of annual growths.

Trees bloom in mid-late periods. The pollen has a good viability (73 to 89%). Gala belongs to the partially self-pollinated varieties. The best pollinators are Elstar, Katya, James Grieve.

Fruits are fairly uniform in size, usually average size, one apple weighs on average 115 - 145 grams (the maximum weight does not exceed 170 g). The shape of the fruit can be round or round-cut-conical, the ribbing is weak and noticeable mainly on the top of the apple. The main color of the fruit is yellow or greenish-yellow, the integumentary color is expressed in the form of a striped-blurred blush of an orange-red hue practically on the entire surface of the fruit. The skin is dry, thin, but firm.

The pulp has a light yellow color and a dense, granular structure, the taste is juicy, sour-sweet (but moderate sweetness), crunchy, brittle, with a pleasant, fresh nutty-caramel flavor. On a 5-point tasting scale, the evaluation of the taste of apples is 4.6 points. It should be noted that when evaluating fruits of this variety always use three main indicators - freshness, firmness and sweetness. Apples can be used for various purposes: fresh consumption, drying, processing into juices, compotes, jams, purees, preserves, etc.

The period of removable ripeness of fruits falls in the second half of September, the consumption period begins only in November. In storage conditions, apples are perfectly stored up to 2 - 2.5 months, in a refrigerator, the shelf life is increased to 6 months. The long storage period of the fruits is also favored by their high resistance to falls. The indicator of transportability is at an average level.

Fruiting begins at 6 - 7 years after planting on a vigorous rootstock and at 3 - 4 years on a dwarf rootstock. Young apple trees bear fruit annually and form a moderate harvest. In general, the yield is quite high, from 55 to 80 kg of fruits can be harvested from an adult tree. It is also worth noting that the variety has a tendency to overload the crop, in which case the apples become smaller.

Average winter hardiness, apple trees can withstand short-term frosts down to minus 28 ° C. Resistance to scab is average, to powdery mildew - quite high. The variety also has a very high susceptibility to European crayfish. Possible damage by bacterial burns, moth and moniliosis.

Since the fruits may shrink when overloaded with crops, when caring for trees, it is necessary to normalize the total number of flowers and thin out the ovaries to improve the commercial quality of apples.

The main advantages of the Gala apple tree are: excellent dessert taste of the fruits and the possibility of their use for various purposes, high and regular yield, early fruiting, high keeping rates and apple resistance to falls.

The main disadvantages include: a tendency to crush already not too large fruits when trees are overloaded with crops, insufficient winter hardiness, high susceptibility to certain diseases.

It is also worth noting that the Gala variety has a large number of clones. Currently, more than 20 hybrid forms with a more intense color of fruits have been created. After breeding Gala, it was considered that the fruits of a new variety of medium and below average size with an insufficiently bright cover color would not attract the attention of buyers who were accustomed to more colorful and large apples. Of course, the situation began to change dramatically in better side after the appearance on the fruit market of the brightly colored mutants of Gala. Among them: Scarlet Gala, Royal Gala, Extremely Red Gala, Royal Gala, Ultrared Gala, Big red Gala, Galaxy, Mitchgla, Spur red Gala, El Niño and others.

The very first clone was the Royal Gala variety (other names are Tenroy and Ten Hove Gala). It was discovered by the gardener Ten Hove in the city of Matamata (New Zealand). The active introduction of this apple tree into orchards began in 1973; now it is planted with huge areas in industrial plantings in Europe and America. Moreover, according to the main features (the nature of growth, requirements for climate, soil and agricultural technology, morphological signs vegetative organs) Royal Gala is no different from the original variety. The difference is visible only in the shape of the fruit (it is cut-cone-shaped) and its integumentary color (a blurred saturated blush of a dark red hue on the entire surface of the apple, sometimes there are also darker strokes). The color of the flesh is also more intense.

The mutant Mondial Gala (in other words - Mitchgla or Imperial Gala) is very popular. It was discovered in 1978 by the gardener D. Mitchell in Hastings (New Zealand). The shape of the fruit, in comparison with the original, is more elongated, the integumentary color is presented in the form of a brownish-red blush over the entire surface of the apple and it begins to form only 3 weeks before the removable ripeness of the fruit. Also, on Mondial Gala apple trees, apples with a barely noticeable blurry-striped orange-red blush can form on ½ of the fruit surface.

Another popular mutant is Gala Mast (other names are Regal Queen, Regal Gala, Regal Prince Gala). It was discovered near Hastings (New Zealand), in the garden of N. Fulvord. Unlike the original variety, its resistance to powdery mildew is below average. The best pollinators for Gala Mast are Elstar (and clones), Gloucester (and clones) and Melrose. Fruits are set most often on 2-year-old, 3-year-old ringlets and annual growths. The flowering is intense, the fruiting is very generous. Frequency of fruiting is possible without thinning the ovaries. As for the fruits, they are larger and slightly wider in the area of ​​the calyx. The average weight of an apple is 160 - 173 g. This is the largest-fruited mutant of Gala. The shape of the fruit is round-conical. The cover color is very attractive and rich, manifests itself by the end of August, expressed in the form of a bright blurry red carmine blush. The pulp has a yellowish cream color. During storage, the fruit can be affected by gray mold and bitter rot.

Among all the hybrid varieties of Gala, the most famous are Jazz and Delfoga. New, less studied clones of Gala include apple trees: Galaxy, Spur red Gala, Scarlet Gala, Gala Rouge and Galagored (otherwise - Cooper Gala).