Reproduction of honeysuckle and care of seedlings. Propagation of honeysuckle by lignified, combined and green cuttings

Honeysuckle- This is a shrub, so it can be propagated by seeds, cuttings and division of the rhizome. Propagation of honeysuckle by cuttings is the most productive way to plant this plant. Seeds are usually used when it is not possible to purchase seedlings. But before you start doing this, you should familiarize yourself with how to grow honeysuckle from cuttings.

How to propagate honeysuckle cuttings?

It is better to prepare green cuttings of honeysuckle when their bases are just beginning to become stiff, and the tops are still grassy, ​​but the first berries are already ripening. In this case, the probability of rooting is high. It is better to take the upper part of the branch, removing the flower buds. The cuttings should have 1-3 internodes and 2-3 buds. The upper cut is made 1 cm above the knot, and the lower one is 0.3-0.5 cm lower.

To make it easier to insert into the soil, the lower cut can be made obliquely. The leaves in the lower part should be removed, and the upper ones should be left, cutting off a quarter of the leaf blade, if it is large, to reduce moisture evaporation.

Rooting cuttings of honeysuckle

It should be noted that not all cuttings will take root. If you make a few scratches in the lower internode and hold the root former, rooting will be more successful. Cut cuttings should be placed in water so that they gain moisture.

Growing honeysuckle with cuttings is best done in a nursery or greenhouse, where mixed sand and peat are poured onto fertilized soil in a ratio of 1: 1. The planting material is deepened by 1.5-2 cm. Then they are watered and the greenhouse is covered with frames with polyethylene film. The recommended air temperature there should be + 25-30 °, and humidity - 90-95%.

To create the required level of humidity, water 3-5 times a day during hot days and at least 2 on cool days. It is better to use fogging sprayers, as the leaves should be covered with a film of moisture, especially in the first days after planting. After about 14 days, small roots form, and a good root system develops by early autumn. You can also plant cuttings in the garden, but be sure to cover with a cut plastic bottle, allowing air to enter. It will be necessary to water as the soil dries, maintain moderate soil moisture until the buds and growth appear on the cuttings, and later water as the topsoil dries.

Until spring, they are covered with leaves with a layer of about 10 cm. An indicator that the seedlings have taken root are the sprouts that have appeared. It is not recommended to immediately remove the shelter from the seedlings, but this should be done gradually. It is necessary to finally remove the shelter from them only at the end of summer.

Planting cuttings of honeysuckle

Before you propagate honeysuckle with cuttings, you should prepare a place for their landing. This plant prefers sunny areas with fertilized soil. For you should not choose too dry, as well as waterlogged land. Seedlings should be protected from strong gusts of wind, because young leaves are damaged and berries fall off. It is better to plant them next to the fence and maintain a distance of 1-1.5 m between plants.

Before planting, the broken branches and roots are cut off from the seedlings. The neck of the root should be located with the soil at the same level or not lower than 3 cm. To improve pollination, it is recommended to plant 2-3 different ones. Doing so better in autumn(September 15 - October 15), so the seedlings take root before the soil freezes.

By the end of autumn, young bushes should be covered with a pillow of foliage. fruit trees. And in the spring, honeysuckle will come to life and begin to grow already at a slight positive temperature.

More and more gardeners are trying to plant honeysuckle on the plot, the berries of which are rich in vitamins and minerals. The culture belongs to the early ones, as the fruits ripen by the end of spring. There are several ways to propagate a honeysuckle bush so that it quickly takes root and gives an ovary. Gardeners buy ready-made seedlings on the market, but their cost is quite high, so it is cheaper and more useful to study the features of growing this crop on your own. Seeds, cuttings, layering are used for propagation.

Conditions for successful breeding of honeysuckle

This garden plant does not cause difficulties in care and reproduction. Having rooted it once, every spring you can get a bountiful harvest of fragrant berries. It often happens that, subject to agricultural technology, the culture does not bear fruit or produces few berries. Therefore, the reproduction of honeysuckle should be based on the study of plant biology.

Decorative varieties bred in the same ways as edible. To propagate honeysuckle Capricole (fragrant liana), seeds, cuttings or layering are equally often used.

Factors for successful breeding include:

  • shrubs should grow in sunny areas of the garden;
  • in order to vegetatively propagate edible honeysuckle, you need to choose young and strong shoots that are not damaged by diseases and pests;
  • overall yield depends on cross-pollination of at least 4 plant species growing on the same garden plot. Some varieties of honeysuckle are self-fertile, and for reproduction it is necessary to plant dessert, sour, sweet varieties in one area;
  • thermal conditions play an important role high humidity and shading from the bright sun, necessary for the active growth of the rhizome. For this reason, young bushes need to be grown in greenhouse conditions;
  • transfer to open ground carried out only when the seedlings have adapted and hardened. As a rule, honeysuckle is rooted after 2 years.

Reproduction by layering

This method is among the least troublesome. This option is suitable if there is not enough experience in breeding with seeds or cuttings. For propagation of edible honeysuckle, horizontal or air layering is used.

In the first option, in March, it is necessary to press 2-3 lower branches to the soil and fix in this position. The shoots are sprinkled with earth, and grooves are made on the bark to stimulate root formation. With this method, survival is observed in 100% of cases, and in mid-October, the layers give their own roots. A year later, in the spring, fresh sprouts should be separated from the mother bush and transplanted to permanent place, on which honeysuckle will give a large number of fruits in the future.

In rare cases, the plant produces cuttings underground, called offspring. This is observed if the root system grows and adnexal buds appear on it.

This method of propagation will not work if the honeysuckle variety does not have lower branches. Then transplantation is carried out by air layering. To do this, it is necessary to make shallow cuts in the lower part under the kidney on a suitable branch growing horizontally. Cut a plastic cup lengthwise and fill it with damp soil. The halves should be connected, secured with tape and put on a branch in the place of the furrow. All summer, it is plentiful to water the air layers, and the roots that have appeared are cut off and sent for growing to the greenhouse.

Reproduction by cuttings

The method is recommended to be used in summer, when the earth warms up enough and the air temperature is 25-30°C. Young shoots are chosen for propagation of honeysuckle by cuttings. They should be green, but less elastic (they break when bent, not bend).

For cuttings of honeysuckle, lignified parts of the plant can also be used. When choosing this method, agrotechnical work should be carried out in the spring.

Reproduction by green cuttings

After flowering is completed in May, it is necessary to cut off young branches, selecting the most suitable for rooting. If you do this after the formation of the ovary and the appearance of the first berries, the shoots will not grow stable root system.

Harvesting cuttings in the spring should be carried out in cloudy weather or early in the morning. You should choose only large, strong branches and cut them obliquely, leaving 2-3 buds. The optimal length is up to 12 cm.

Leaves should be removed from the bottom of each cutting, and the top should be shortened to retain moisture. Place the prepared branches for one day in water with the addition of the Kornevin stimulant, and then plant them in open ground.

You can do this in 3 ways:

  1. Container right size(50 by 50 cm) fill with sand and garden soil in a ratio of 1:4. After abundant watering, plant green cuttings and cover the box with foil. For the next few months he should stand in dark place. After the roots appear, the container should be opened and regularly ventilated, and watering should be reduced.
  2. On the garden plot, knock down a box of boards around the perimeter of the garden bed, pour 5-7 cm of fine drainage onto the bottom. Fill container from above soil mixture(earth, peat) and a layer of sand (2-3 cm). After irrigating the beds, plant the cuttings, keeping a distance of 5 cm between them, and then cover with a film or glass.
  3. by the most in a simple way is to plant the selected cuttings immediately into the ground and cover them on top with a plastic jar or bottle. When choosing this method of reproduction fruit crop do not forget about regular watering and airing.

Breeders recommend using not only green young shoots for cultivation. After all the leaves have fallen, it is necessary to cut the strongest branches and, wrapping them with a damp cloth, cover them with sand in a box. Store the container with planting material in the basement, and cut the cuttings in the spring and plant them in any convenient way. Until September, the root system has time to get stronger and gain strength in order to survive the frost. On the next year lignified cuttings are transplanted to a suitable sunny area.

You can propagate the honeysuckle bush in another way in the fall (mid-October). To do this, cut cuttings from strong annual branches so that 2-3 buds remain on each. Wrap the shoots with a damp cloth and cover with sawdust. Keep a box with cuttings until March - April when low temperatures ah (in the basement), and then planted at an angle of 45 ° C in moist soil, leaving only the upper bud above the ground. The rooting process will begin on the 20th day.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

This technique is suitable for breeding if the plant is no more than 5 years old. It is possible to determine whether a fruit crop is suitable for propagation by dividing a bush visually. It should be strong and with developed roots, able to survive frosts. To stimulate the growth of lateral appendages in the spring, you need to spud the plant.

For planting by dividing a shrub, it should be carefully dug up with a rhizome. Cut several bushes with secateurs, which can be immediately planted in a suitable place. This breeding method is considered the simplest, and it is recommended to carry it out in March or September. To breed bushes, you need to remember that each cut fragment should have a large part of the root system and at least 3 strong shoots.

Reproduction by seeds

It is not always possible to purchase affordable price a bush of honeysuckle to further propagate it. In this case, gardeners practice the cultivation of fruit crops by seeds. This method is quite labor intensive.

Growing honeysuckle from seeds has a significant drawback - it is impossible to predict in advance which variety will grow on the site. Often after 2 years it turns out that it turned out to be a wild, and not an edible culture.

Seeds can be bought in specialized stores or collected independently at home. They are taken from ripe fruits, washed and dried thoroughly. naturally. There are 3 tactics for sowing honeysuckle:

  • Podzimny. Carrying out agrotechnical work at the end of October has an advantage. Seeds undergo natural cold hardening and are distinguished by high immunity. Grown seedlings are strong, with a powerful rhizome, and in the summer they are ready to be transferred to a permanent place.
  • Early spring. Reproduction by seeds of honeysuckle can be carried out in March. Fill the containers with loose soil mixed with a nutrient substrate, deepen the planting material by 1 cm into the holes. After abundant watering, cover the container with seeds with a film and leave for 1 month, not forgetting to moisten the ground. Cultivation in a container is continued for about one year, and the next spring the plant is transplanted into open ground.
  • Summer. Honeysuckle seeds can be planted during the summer months as soon as they are harvested from the ripe fruit. By autumn, the first sprouts and leaves will already appear on the site. Before winter, young shoots need to be covered with a film so that in early spring vegetation continues.

At first glance, the process of propagating honeysuckle may seem laborious. But if you study in advance all the features of agricultural technology and biology of the plant, there will be no difficulties in growing. Each of the methods has its pros and cons, when choosing, you should focus on quality. planting material.

Edible honeysuckle bears fruit at the beginning of the hot season. The fruits are saturated useful elements that have a positive effect on health. They are especially useful for those suffering from varicose veins, pressure problems and weak immunity.

As time passes, honeysuckle bushes run wild and cease to bear fruit as actively as before. Honeysuckle transplantation, as well as a kind of reproduction, should take place in the summer, but has several methods.

The most common way is to propagate honeysuckle by cuttings, since seed propagation provokes the loss of varietal properties of the plant.

There are only two ways to propagate honeysuckle by cuttings: green young and tree-like.

First method

Young, not yet stiff cuttings are cut off in the middle last month spring. You need to catch the moment when the bush has faded, and the ears of berries are already appearing. Green cuttings cut before flowering often simply rot and rarely take root. If they are selected after flowering, during the active fruitful period, they will not be able to release the rhizome necessary for stable life.

Rules for choosing the right cutting:

  1. It is necessary to prepare cuttings early in the morning on a bad day. The shoot - the progenitor of the chosen cutting, should be young, which appeared this year.
  2. An oblique cut is needed to increase the area of ​​rhizome formation.
  3. From one shoot, several future shoots can be obtained, but each must be at least 8-13 cm. Specimens with the presence of 2-3 developed buds - internodes are selected.
  4. Since moisture evaporates through the leaves, all the lower ones are removed, but you can leave a couple of the upper ones if the segment is extreme.

Selected pieces are immersed in water for 24 hours. To increase the number of viable cuttings, they are placed not in water, but in a solution of stimulants aimed at enhanced development and formation of rhizomes.

There are two ways to plant cuttings germinated in this way:

  • those who produce propagated honeysuckle by cuttings for sale or mass seedlings are professionals who create a special container for sprouts. A wooden box without a bottom, in which one of the sides is slightly higher than the others. Insulated from the outside, inside it is filled with special drainage, covered with a mixture of sand with earth and peat. Upper layer- river sand, not less than 3 cm.

Before planting, the resulting wooden box the soil is watered abundantly. Holes are made in the ground with a stick of small diameter, into which the cuttings are immersed. Sprinkle with earth on top and water again. From above, this small garden is covered with a film or canvas. Thus, the reproduction of honeysuckle by cuttings goes to mass production by hand, but perfect order. The box should be in a dark place, otherwise the sun's rays and the film will create a powerful greenhouse effect;

  • an easier way is to propagate honeysuckle with cuttings under plastic bottles. Landing in a regular garden bed, a curtain or a prepared wooden container, as in the previous version. The soil is the same simple earth prepared for landing. Bottles are cut in half and if used top part, then it must be closed with a lid.

Choosing any of the methods, do not forget that the seedlings need to be watered and ventilated periodically. It is not recommended to completely remove the shelter, otherwise there will be a risk of spoiling the created microatmosphere inside.

Honeysuckle should be kept under cover until at least the end of summer. Even if the plants get stronger and go into independent growth, they should not be transplanted into the final soil before. Only strong sprouts need to be chosen for transplantation, and weak ones should be grown to an optimal state.

Second method

Reproduction of honeysuckle with woody cuttings is an option for those who did not have time to cut specimens for seedlings at the right time. Such blanks are cut closer to the middle of autumn. The choice of escape is similar to the option of cutting green sprouts. A honeysuckle stalk with at least 3 internodes is wrapped in damp burlap, after which it is kept in a cool, dark place, under sawdust or sand, which will maintain the desired level of humidity and create optimal conditions for germination. The planting of such germinated plants is carried out in early spring, in loose soil and in a level position. Deep enough so that only the upper kidney remains outside. The strongest will germinate in a couple of weeks.

The option of germinating woody cuttings is very small. If propagation by green sprouts gives a survival rate of about 65%, then stiff ones - no more than 20%.

Decorative honeysuckle, or honeysuckle, is often used to decorate garden or suburban buildings, since it has the properties climbing plants and beautiful flowers. And its reproduction is also possible by cuttings, using the same methods.

Honeysuckle is a new crop in our gardens. This is the very first and earliest berry that opens the season and saves us from spring beriberi. Its juicy bittersweet fruits contain a lot of vitamins C and B and more than a dozen useful minerals. It is good if several honeysuckle bushes grow on the site, but not everyone succeeds in making friends with this culture the first time. Today we will talk about how to properly propagate honeysuckle in different time year, and also consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of the methods of reproduction.

Honeysuckle breeding methods

Most plants, including honeysuckle, reproduce not only with the help of seeds, but also vegetatively:

  • dividing the bush;
  • layering;
  • cuttings;
  • vaccination;
  • cloning.

Each of the above methods has its pros and cons. When propagated by seeds, the characteristics of the variety are usually not preserved, but as a result, a plant can be obtained that is much superior in its properties to the parent form. Seed propagation is used very rarely in horticulture, but sometimes you can’t do without it. Honeysuckle is sown in cases where:

  • in the area where the site is located, complex weather(hard frosts, drought) and plants from outside do not take root;
  • it is not possible to transport a full-fledged seedling;
  • I want to experiment and develop my own variety.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of different methods of reproduction

Reproduction methodAdvantagesFlaws
seedsPlants are better adapted to the specific conditions of the site.
  • It is impossible to predict what properties seedlings will have; it might even happen wild plant with bitter berries.
  • A full harvest can be harvested only after 5-6 years.
  • Seedlings do not tolerate damage to the root system very well, they need increased attention and care.
  • Young plants have predetermined properties.
  • Seedlings start fruiting 2-4 years earlier.
The new generation takes from their parents not only best properties but also undesirable signs.

Vegetative propagation of honeysuckle

How to choose a parent plant

In any case, you first need to choose a mother bush. It must be remembered that young plant will be similar to the parent in 98 cases out of 100. Therefore, if you decide to grow a seedling yourself, first take a closer look at the future parent during the season. It is desirable that it meets the following requirements:

  1. The bush should be compact, without drooping branches and visible signs of disease.
  2. The berries are juicy, large, should not crumble in an unripe state and wrinkle heavily when harvested.
  3. Additional advantages are dry detachment and simultaneous fruit ripening.

The berries on the mother bush should be large and sweet

How to make layering from the mother honeysuckle bush

If you need only one young plant, proceed as follows:

If you plan to get 10–20 plants from one parent bush, then layering is done a little differently:

When propagated by layering, strong plants with a branched root system are obtained. Such seedlings get sick less during transplantation and can give a full harvest the next year.

Honeysuckle seedlings obtained from cuttings have a branched root system

Honeysuckle roots are very sensitive to desiccation. This must be taken into account when digging and transporting.

Features of cuttings of honeysuckle

Cuttings are a method of propagation in which parts of the plant take root separately from the mother liquor. There are two types of cuttings:

  • Lignified - they are cut in early spring from overwintered last year's shoots. It is important that the kidneys swell a little, but do not have time to turn around.
  • Green, which are cut in early summer.

Honeysuckle seedlings can be grown from lignified cuttings, which are cut in early spring, before the buds open.

Honeysuckle is much better propagated by rooting green cuttings. However, this method requires careful execution of all stages of work.

Propagation by green cuttings

Green shoots are cut in early summer, immediately after harvest. Long, powerful branches are chosen for cuttings - they have more nutrients. When growing in large volumes, it is necessary to install fine sprinklers in the greenhouse. Small shelters can maintain the desired microclimate and humidity on their own.

Stages of growing seedlings:

  1. The shoots are cut off and immediately placed in a damp cloth or film, periodically sprayed from a spray bottle. It is very important to prevent the leaves from sticking.
  2. Indoors or under a canopy, shoots are cut into cuttings in 3-4 internodes. The upper cut is made even, retreating 0.3–0.5 cm above the kidney, the cutting is cut obliquely from below.
  3. On the resulting piece, all the leaves, except for the top pair, are removed. Do this carefully, trying not to damage the skin on the kidneys - this dramatically reduces the percentage of survival. It is best to cut the leaves with scissors, leaving a small piece of the petiole. During operation, honeysuckle shoots are constantly sprayed with water, covered with a film from wind and sun.

    Honeysuckle shoots are cut into cuttings with 3-4 internodes, leaving only the top pair of leaves on them.

  4. The resulting cuttings are tied into bundles and placed in water so that only leaves are on the surface. Place them in a cool shaded place for 12-20 hours. Periodically, the leaves are sprayed. Cuttings should be properly saturated with water before planting.
  5. planted green cuttings in cool time - early in the morning, in the evening or during a rain. The soil is prepared in advance, it must be both loose and retain water well. Usually they take deoxidized peat with sand in a ratio of 2: 1. 1 cm of clean sand is laid on the surface. This technique helps to avoid the formation of mold. Also, arcs for the film are pre-installed.
  6. Cuttings are stuck into the ground at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. This must be done carefully, as broken or crumpled plants do not take root. The crown of 3-4 cm with a pair of leaves remains on the surface. During operation, the cuttings are constantly moistened. The soil is well shed with water.

    Green cuttings of honeysuckle are stuck into the ground at a distance of 5–7 cm from each other.

  7. After planting in the ground, green cuttings are covered with a film. It is best to use a white translucent material for this purpose, and a regular film can be shaded with light agrofibre.
  8. The stalk is hermetically sealed. If there is no fine watering, then the greenhouse is watered once a day, in the morning, so that moisture evaporates and settles on the leaves during the day.

    The cuttings are covered with a film or other transparent material to create favorable conditions for plants.

Cuttings root in 3-4 weeks. After that, they begin to gradually accustom to the conditions environment, slightly opening the cuticle in the cool time of the day. In autumn, during leaf fall, young plants are planted in ordinary soil for growing.

At favorable conditions roots on cuttings of honeysuckle are formed in 3-4 weeks

Video: cuttings of honeysuckle in your own area

Green cuttings can be rooted not only in a greenhouse, but also cut in half plastic bottles(no more than 3-4 cuttings are placed in one). Such a mini-cutting plant can not be watered, it is enough just to moisten the soil properly once.

Reproduction of honeysuckle by seeds

Honeysuckle is a plant adapted to cold climates. Its seeds germinate only after prolonged exposure to low temperatures (stratification).

Carry out the procedure as follows:

This is the easiest way to stratify. After the snow melts, the bowl with seeds is taken into the room and the appearance of seedlings is monitored. In the phase of the first true leaf, the sprouts are planted in a seedling box (according to the scheme 5 by 5 cm) or in separate containers. Further - care as for ordinary seedlings.

If you managed to get berries in the middle of winter, then stratification can be done in another way:

After about 1-1.5 months, shoots may appear. Then the container is taken out, young plants swoop down in pots in the phase of the first true leaf. If you do not make a pick in time, the seedlings will stretch out a lot and die from thickening. In summer, it is better to take the plants out into the air, since indoors honeysuckle grows pampered and weak.

Some of the seeds remain viable in both frozen and dried fruits. Honeysuckle berries bought in the supermarket can be used for sowing.

Seedling care

When planting young honeysuckle in a permanent place, it should be remembered that this plant has only recently entered the culture. Therefore, the main task of the gardener is to create conditions close to the natural habitat of honeysuckle. It is better to choose a place slightly shaded, where the sun appears for about half a day. It is recommended to plant the plant away from paths and common areas.

Honeysuckle is very difficult to transplant and any damage to the roots. Therefore, it is better to prepare the pit in advance, and transfer the seedling to a new place already during the dormant period (after the leaves fall and before the buds awaken). After planting, the plant is watered abundantly and immediately mulched. trunk circle cut grass. Periodically update the mulch. Weeding with a hoe, loosening and digging is undesirable for at least the first five years, until the bush grows properly. Pruning is also not carried out until the age of four. Then you can adjust the height of the bush, thin out the crown and remove old and dried branches.

Honeysuckle - interesting and useful plant, which does not require careful care, complex pruning and fertilization. Perhaps it will be to the taste of supporters organic farming. Traditionalists will have to get used to the fact that honeysuckle does not tolerate bare soil under it. Look closely at the plant, do not leave it unattended, and then even in a capricious touchy you will be able to see just a timid forest beauty.

These berries make delicious jam, reminiscent of forest blueberries in taste and aroma, therefore honeysuckle trees are in the price of gardeners.

This berry is bred in different ways - by seeds or layering, but many choose the propagation of honeysuckle by cuttings in the summer as the most convenient way. We will learn how to get richly fruiting honeysuckle bushes using the cutting method, most often used in the summer.

Summer plantings of future berry bushes are made using green cuttings: they take root more easily, do not get sick after planting in the ground, and begin to yield faster. In contrast, cuttings with bark tolerate planting worse and form a root system for a long time.

Procurement of cuttings

We start harvesting green cuttings in early June: at this time, the bushes are covered with green berries.

If it is hot outside, we cut early in the morning, or late in the evening, when the heat subsides.

In cool weather, harvesting planting material can be done at any time.

We cut the branches as follows:

  • We select a bush for cutting shoots.
  • We cut off healthy and developed young branches from below or from the side that appeared this year and have a diameter of about 5 mm. Young shoots will also fit for planting.
  • We cut the cuttings into segments about 12 cm long, having at least a couple of well-formed nodes (2 pairs of leaves) and one internode.
  • From above, the cutting should be cut horizontally, indented from the kidneys by 1.5 centimeters, and from below - obliquely. If it is obtained from the apical shoot, we make only an oblique cut at the bottom.
  • We remove the lower foliage, cut the upper one in half.

Shoots with a heel take root very well, not cut, but torn off from last year's branches.

We connect the shoots, cut for propagation of honeysuckle by cuttings in the summer, into bunches and attach labels with the date of planting and the name of the varieties.

To prepare the planting material for planting in the garden, put the bunches in a container with a growth stimulant solution (heteroauxin, etc.), further diluting a liter of the solution with a glass of water (for greater effect) and wait 10 hours.

We make sure that the cuttings are immersed in the liquid by no more than one and a half centimeters. Foliage should not touch the solution.

Landing site preparation

Before planting and rooting the cutting, we disinfect the soil in the greenhouse by spilling it with a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate.

Planting green cuttings of honeysuckle

When cutting the shoots in the morning, we plant them that evening, when cutting them in the evening - early in the morning, until there is no heat, not forgetting to rinse them with clean water.

Planting cuttings of honeysuckle in the greenhouse is carried out vertically or with a 45-degree slope. Embedding depth - 5 cm. Having planted the cutting, be sure to compact the soil around the seedling.

With multiple plantings, we plant shoots in rows, observing a checkerboard pattern, ten-centimeter aisles and a distance between shoots of 6 cm.

Rooting honeysuckle shoots


Until the plants take root, moisture enters them through the leaves, so it is important to keep them moist. We spray the shoots six times a day, without moistening the ground, using a spray bottle with a very fine sprayer. If the weather is cool, do not water them at all: waterlogging will lead to decay.

The soil should be warmed up to 18-20 degrees: if it is warmer, we ventilate and shade the greenhouse.

Honeysuckle cuttings take root in 10-30 days. All this time it should be humid in the greenhouse, and there should be drops of water on the leaves.

top dressing

  • 7 days after rooting, we feed the plants with nitrogen, choosing ammonium nitrate or urea. The main thing is to fertilize them with one third of the dose intended for large bushes.
  • For the second time, we fertilize the soil in the last days of August, so that the shoots do not grow much and ripen better. We use potassium-phosphorus supplement.

Rooted seedlings no longer require frequent watering - we reduce them so that they get used to dry air.

Every day we open the greenhouse for half an hour to harden the honeysuckle shoots.

Now you know how honeysuckle is propagated by cuttings in the summer and how to take care of the planted shoots. The main thing is not to transplant rooted seedlings into open ground this year: they must grow to 30 centimeters or more, have a fibrous root system and a root collar with a diameter of about 7 mm.