Artificial stone in the interior. Decorative stone in the interior: all the secrets of exquisite decoration Room interior with natural stone

Stone for the construction and decoration of dwellings began to be used in antiquity, but modern architects, sculptors, designers admit that this material has a special charm, natural beauty and amazing, attractive, even magical power!

I use natural stone mainly for finishing houses or apartments on the lower floors. The fact is that this material is quite heavy, so it is replaced with artificial counterparts that weigh much less. Stone finishing has a lot of advantages: unique texture, good sound insulation, naturalness, big choice textures, shades, ease of care and durability.

An important role is assigned to the color of the stone - it must be in harmony with common style premises. For classic interior you should choose calm colors, an accent wall made of stone in a contrasting shade will suit the interior in modern style. A deliberately rough large stone will perfectly emphasize the beauty of the Provence or country style, the same well-crafted stones - perfect option for the antique style, but it is also appropriate in the loft or fusion style. Do not abuse the finish of natural stone, otherwise the room will produce an oppressive and oppressive impression.

It is best to combine natural stone with warm materials- fluffy carpets, pastel-colored pillows and bedspreads, beautiful curtains help to balance the coldness of the stone. Bright accents of orange, yellow, red, warm brown shades will transform even the most strict room.

You can also experiment with masonry joints: if you make them from contrasting materials, you will emphasize the beauty of the stone. Stone decoration will acquire a special charm if it is made of stones of different sizes. The original combination will be the decoration of the corners and part of the ceiling, and if you paint the stones, you can play with textures, contrasts and make the interior softer or vice versa, colder.

To make the stone look more profitable, you need to take care of suitable lighting: it should not only be central, they will give a special color to the room Spotlights or stylized bras. If there is not enough lighting, it will give the impression that a person has fallen into a cold and uncomfortable cave. An excellent addition to the stone will be exotic plants- there should be few of them, but then the design will be more natural. Beautifully combined stone with glass, as well as warm tones textiles, steel or chrome elements will also fit into modern interior pretty organic.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that natural stone looks most harmonious in spacious rooms with high ceilings, otherwise, it will enhance the feeling of tightness.

Where and how is natural stone used?

Stone is a universal material, without exaggeration, with its help any dwelling can be turned into a real palace. Accents look very nice: stone steps, trim around a window or doorway, all kinds of niches, bar counters and podiums. It's great if the element has unusual shape, masonry will only emphasize the originality and individuality of the interior.

Most often, natural stone cladding is used when decorating fireplaces: if the fireplace is wood-burning, then masonry is preferable, because it can withstand any temperature difference, and is suitable for electric fireplaces. decorative analogue. An interesting option will be the stone decoration of the space around the TV and other household appliances and also near the head of the bed. The accent wall will give the room a special charm and at the same time will not irritate.

Arched openings, columns, curbs can also be lined with stone. In this case, the so-called chipped stone is used - the entrance is more like an old castle, and stone columns or niches give a special mysterious touch. The space is perceived more complex and multifaceted.

Stone is appropriate not only in the interior of the hall, hallway or living room, but also in the kitchen. Most often they decorate working area or the so-called apron. Natural stone is easy to clean, and with the use of abrasives, it is resistant to moisture and temperatures. This is the perfect option for classical cuisine or kitchens in the style of Provence, country, shabby chic. It would be great if the kitchen also has a stone countertop or a niche trimmed with stone fragments - this way the stylization will be sustained throughout the room.

river pebbles

If you have always wanted an interior in nautical style, natural stone will fit perfectly into it. The stone will emphasize the theme of the interior, and fantasy compositions can be supplemented with shells, corals and other seafood. River pebbles will ideally fit into such an interior: by the way, you can suffer and stick pebbles on the base, or you can purchase whole ready-made panels. River pebbles look very natural, suitable for finishing not only walls, but also floors - such “islands of nature” look very organic.

Cellular limestone

Limestone is a rather soft material, but its decorative properties are unique. Decorative limestone has a porous structure, it seems that it was formed under the action of water. Limestone can be finished not only on the exterior, but also on the interior. Look best accent walls and columns.

Facing stone

Thin facing stone- These are small tiles having a thickness of up to 3 centimeters. They are made of natural stone, but weigh a little, and their cost is quite affordable. The tiling looks very nice, it's perfect for finishing various premises: from the kitchen and bathroom to the bedroom or living room.

Marble and granite

These are the most popular materials for interior decoration, most often they are used for finishing countertops, window sills, fireplaces, pools. Such items not only fulfill their intended purpose, but also are an interior decoration. The bar counter made of marble or granite, elegant tables and so on also look beautiful. Some craftsmen even manage to decorate furniture with natural stone - this is really a worthy way to individualize your apartment!

Today - a very common way to create an exclusive, and at the same time comfortable, entourage, not only in office but also in your home. Depending on the budget, such a finish can be carried out in completely different ways.

Advantages of using decorative stone in the interior of a residential or office space:

Wall decoration with decorative stone one-room apartment or studio has a number of advantages:

  1. Non-susceptibility to fungi and bacteria;
  2. Such a finish is not subject to decay;
  3. The material is environmentally safe, does not contain any components harmful to humans;
  4. Does not require special care. Any can be cleaned detergent containing no abrasive particles.

A wide selection of tint types, which you can see in the photo on the Internet, allows you to choose suitable options for any interior.

Basic rules for interior design using stone

When planning to finish a one-room apartment with a decorative stone with your own hands, you should follow certain rules.

It is important to remember the coexistence of stone and light. in an apartment or studios where such a design is planned, there should be excellent lighting, as seen in the photo. Thanks to him, it will be possible to emphasize the features of the structure of this material.

On a note! An insufficient amount of light will lead to the fact that the space will be visually squeezed, and this will only give the room a gloomy and gloomy look..

A great solution would be to complement the stone finish with living plants. Indeed, on any natural landscape, a decorative stone will look amazing. That is why rooms with such decoration must be decorated with various plants.

Metal and glass are perfectly combined with stone decoration, this is clearly seen in the photo. Therefore, the design of premises with a similar interior may suggest metal surfaces, furniture, decor and interior items made of glass and metal.

It is important to remember that the stone needs space. If stone trim is used in a small room, it will look even narrower. In general, it is not recommended to use this material in, as well as for finishing ceilings.

Advice! It is better to use it in living rooms, bedrooms or other spacious rooms. It is possible if it decorates separate parts of walls, rooms or ceilings.

  • Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to achieve the integrity and beauty of the interior using decorative stone.

What can be decorated with decorative stone?

Most often and most successfully, they decorate the entrance hall with stone, line doorways, and are just as successfully used for fireplace trim or as original wall panels. And almost never used for decorating ceilings.

The finishing area can be completely different - both a small piece and the entire wall. For example, if you finish doorways or arches indoors, taking into account the fact that the area to be trimmed will not be large, you can change the appearance of the interior beyond recognition, this can be observed from numerous photos on the Internet.

For fireplaces, facing with decorative stone is used very often. Moreover, it is possible to achieve the expected result even without brick cladding.

Important! One of the essential advantages of decorative stone is its ability to insulate the room. In addition, through such a solution, you can decorate your apartment in any stylistic options - Gothic, , empire and etc.

Where to begin?

Inside each of these points lies quite a lot of little things that cannot be discounted if you make out the design of the room with your own hands. It is thanks to small details that a whole picture of the interior is created.

How to choose a stone for decoration?

The first step is choosing a stone. The most budget options offer to use artificial stone. More often they prefer one of the two most popular types:

  1. decorative stone based on gypsum;
  2. colored concrete.

These types of stones differ in physical properties.

  • Artificial stones created from colored concretes are characterized by stronger structure . In addition, they have good moisture resistance , which cannot be said about gypsum stones.
  • But gypsum options weigh half as much than analogs. This parameter is important, as it affects the method of fastening and determines the durability of the finish of the apartment. The cost of gypsum stones much lower .

On a note! Gypsum stones can be trimmed or decorated with any materials at hand, which cannot be said about analogues made of colored concrete, the processing of which is possible only with the use of a grinder.

These types of decorative stones are in very wide choice which is clearly visible in the photo. This opens up the possibility to choose them for any design. To obtain not only a beautiful, but also a durable result, you need to take care of the coating for such a stone.

Advice! So that the hallway premises or not lose in space, but rather, on the contrary, win somewhat, you can put various drawings, hieroglyphs on the walls, even possible.

More expensive options:
  • Granite or quartzite finish. When decorating the design with such stone options, it should be borne in mind that both of them have low water absorption and high stability to pollution, besides require a minimum of care.
  • Marble often used for cladding apartments or studios. Wall decoration with such a stone in hallway or living room emphasize the refined taste of the owner. The overall interior will look expensive, elegant and noble.
  • Travertine outperforms marble and granite in terms of thermal conductivity. In addition, this material has all the characteristics that are beneficial for wall decoration.

The use of stone during the construction of various kinds of buildings has centuries-old traditions. The material was the main one and was used in construction in ancient civilizations (Rome, Greece, Egypt and even India). At first, stone blocks were the main parts of the structure, on which the entire load was applied. But after a while, cardinal changes took place in the construction industry, as a result of which bricks, concrete and other materials appeared. But this does not mean that they completely replaced natural stone. Minerals remain, but are used more as decorative element in the interior or exterior.

Main advantages

IN last years people began to appreciate natural materials. And this is very correct. After all, the stones pass positive energy home, which means they make living more comfortable.

Judging by the quality, the minerals can not be compared with artificial materials. They are many times superior to them in all positions. For example, for characteristics such as:

  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • strength;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • the beauty.

Attention! There is one minus of minerals - and this is the price. If such a disadvantage does not scare you, but you do not know how to find stone processors, then we will help you. We recommend contacting Amigostone. Here you can easily find a specialist who will help bring any idea to life.

Material selection

Finishing with natural stone is a fairly popular and widely used building design technique. Variety of textures and textures decorative material makes it possible to transform the building beyond recognition. With the help of finishing, you can even old house improve and make it more modern. However, for this it is necessary to choose the right material.

Types of natural stone are as follows:

  • marble;
  • granite;
  • olomite;
  • shell rock;
  • limestone;
  • travertine;
  • sandstone.

All of them are popular in one way or another. but most widespread received granite and marble. Actually, this can explain the high price of these materials. But the result is worth it. After all, the object after decorating with such wonderful rocks becomes more effective, which is noticeable at first sight.

Natural stone: application

Many natural minerals become the decoration of the walls of facades, fences, fireplaces. Those who cannot afford full stone decoration choose more a budget option. They decorate only window or doorways, as well as individual places which I would like to emphasize.

A stone such as travertine is widely used for decoration of buildings in antique style. This mineral has a porous structure, due to which upper layer be sure to cover with mastic. This is done in order to prevent possible cracking and significantly extend the period of use of travertine. And certain breeds appearance reminiscent of an aged tree bark, dotted with uneven cracks. Such materials are relevant in country or eco style.

As for the shell rock and sandstone, they are very malleable to processing. The advantages of these materials also include their low price. Stones are often used as facing material for facades. The resulting finish adequately withstands the most severe climatic conditions and is characterized by high strength.

A very important and significant category is the manufacture of countertops and other interior items from natural stone. Similar material is also used for flooring. In this case, it turns out stylish, spectacular and very interesting design premises. When entering a room with a "stone" floor, the eye is drawn only to it. Whatever mineral is used for styling, such decor looks aesthetically pleasing and solid. This is a great option for interiors made in a classic, Gothic or antique style. Although in modern designs The "stone" floor also finds its place. For example, styles such as art deco, constructivism, eclecticism, etc.


  • The use of natural stone for decorating exteriors…

Solid rock formations have been used by people in the construction of dwellings since ancient times. But before they were in abundance, and in our time natural stone in the interior not everyone can afford.

A few years ago, in order to give the interior of the house a "natural" look, it was fashionable to use wallpaper with a pattern of seams. brickwork or "stony" background. Now stylish solution It is considered to use natural stone in the interior.

Natural stone in the interior - the advantages of decorating

In the art of design, a huge number of applications have been created, both natural and artificial.

A good imagination will help to imagine and bring to life many variations of cladding that will decorate any home.

The use of natural stone has the following advantages:

  • unique texture pattern;
  • naturalness;
  • good soundproofing qualities;
  • a large assortment of colors, textures and prices;
  • long time service, easy to use.

The following varieties are widely used in decor:

  • brick;
  • rocks of limestone and sandstone;
  • slate;
  • coral stones.