The dishwasher began to wash the dishes poorly for reasons. The BOSCH dishwasher washes poorly, does not wash. The control module is out of order

The quality of the wash depends on several factors. But usually, users do not pay attention to the operating rules, which is why the device starts to work worse and worse. Among the reasons why your Dishwasher began to wash dirty dishes poorly:

  • untimely cleaning of parts;
  • operating errors;
  • poor quality cleaning agents or their incorrect dosage.

The dishes may remain dirty if the machine is not used correctly.

If your dishwasher does not wash the dishes, first of all, analyze how you use the unit. Among the most common mistakes are:

  • loading a larger volume of dishes than is allowed;
  • choosing the wrong mode;
  • illiterate stacking of plates and glasses in cages.

Before turning on the dishwasher, you should carefully read the instructions. The dishes should be positioned so that they do not interfere with the operation of the spray arm and do not block access to the detergent. In addition, the plates that are on the lower level should not interfere with the passage of water to objects higher.

Place dishes in the dishwasher correctly

The more dishes you put in the dishwasher, the worse it will wash out. If you overload the machine, the dishes will have to be washed again after washing. Another mistake is the setting of a mode that does not correspond to the type of pollution. If you need to wash the pan and you have turned on the glass mode, the utensils will remain dirty. A quick wash will also prevent grease from pots and plates from being removed. If your dishwasher has become difficult to wash dirty dishes, and you do not know what to do, read the instructions first. It describes all types of possible downloads, modes and other useful information.

If stains appear on dishes that have been in the dishwasher all the time, most likely the unit needs to be cleaned. Any model must be regularly inspected and the condition of the following parts must be checked:

  • sprinklers;
  • mesh filter for food;
  • Heating element and tank;
  • bulk filter.

Take a look at the instructions to see where the food particle filter is located. If the appliance does not wash the dishes, it is most likely dirty. Usually the element is located at the bottom of the unit and looks like a fine mesh. It needs to be washed every ten days.

Dishwasher and hand washed appliances

If the water is hard, watch the filter core - it can be seen at the inlet to the unit. When the filter becomes clogged, the water pressure is weakened. This is another reason why the machine does not wash dirty dishes.

The heating element and the tank may suffer from limescale. To prevent its appearance, buy the appropriate product. It is important that it matches the type of dishwasher you are using. Run it periodically in idle mode, adding a composition that removes scale.

To internal elements are not rusted, after all procedures, wipe them with a dry cloth.

If your dishwasher has become difficult to wash dirty dishes, one of the options for how to fix this is to check the used powder. If you changed your line-up, and to kitchen utensils plaque and stains began to appear, the reason is obvious. Buy another and your machine will perform much better.

If you always add the same product and the dishes remain dirty after washing, the reasons may be different:

  1. The machine does not wash away traces of coffee, tea and lipstick poorly - there is not enough bleach. To solve the problem, buy the necessary supplements or change the product.
  2. Gray bloom and ugly stains are a sign of a lack of rinse aid. To solve the problem, adjust its flow.
  3. Plastic plates remain greasy - there is not enough fat dissolving agent. To remedy the situation, change the composition or add additives yourself.
  4. White streaks are observed on the pots - the salt powder gets inside the machine, as a result of which plaque appears.

The reason for the problems may be the use of a composition produced for solving other problems. At first everything will be fine, but in time performance characteristics the unit will begin to deteriorate, and then it will fail.

Poor quality dishwashing detergents may be the cause.

If plaque remains on the plates, you may have added special salt a long time ago. In such a situation, due to hard water, the ion exchanger breaks down, as a result of which the detergent particles dissolve poorly. If you reapply salt, the dishwasher will quickly return to normal.

If the above measures do not work, the problem can be significant. One of possible reasons- failure of some parts:

  1. Heater burned out. This element is in contact with water, therefore scale forms on it. Over time, the heating element simply burns out. In this case, the water does not heat up, and it is impossible to wash the plates with cold liquid.
  2. The sprinkler does not work - as a result, water does not get into all places, and the dishes remain dirty.
  3. Broken water turbidity sensor - used only in newer models. It controls the quality of the water: if it is cloudy, the washing continues, if it is clean, the process ends. When the device is not working, the machine does not know exactly when to end the cycle.
  4. The thermostat has burnt out - it detects the temperature of the water and gives the command to heat it. In the absence of a signal, it remains cold, and the dishes are not washed.
  5. The recirculation pump is out of order - it provides. In the event of a breakdown, the device will not work.
  6. Failure of the control module - this element is responsible for everything. If it is out of order, the machine will not work well or stop completely.

The master repairs the dishwasher

To eliminate the listed malfunctions, call the technician or take the dishwasher for repair.

How to wash dishes in the dishwasher

To achieve the desired result, place the dishes loosely so that the water can easily flow downwards. Remove leftover food from plates before loading and soak pots and pans first. Check the condition of the sensors regularly, keep everything in stock necessary funds... Wipe down the internal parts after each cycle, and do a full cleaning once a week.

When choosing a dishwasher model, be sure to consider the size of the load. If the house accumulates a lot dirty dishes, a compact device will not work for you - an overloaded machine will not be able to wash the dishes.

Treat the dishwasher with care, carefully select detergents, do not violate the rules of operation and regularly clean it from dirt, and it will never let you down.

If the equipment does not cope with its functions by 100%, it is worth looking for what the problem is

With the advent of the dishwasher, controversy over dining table about whose turn it is today to wash the dishes is finally stopped. However, the technique requires special attention and careful maintenance, and any errors in operation immediately affect its work. It happens that the machine suddenly ceases to cope with its task efficiently, and instead of the usual shine, you find stains, stains or food residues on clean dishes.

Why is the dishwasher bad at washing dishes? Based on the experience of the owners of similar equipment, you can easily understand the mistake made during the operation of the machine, determine and eliminate the cause of the malfunction.


Deterioration in results is usually not related to the brand of equipment used. The reason is the inattention of the hostess or the wrong detergent. Dirt accumulates, blockages form, the movement of the sprinkler blades is impeded, as a result of which the water circulates unevenly, and at the end of the cycle dirt, grease or cloudy deposits remain on the dishes.

Failure to comply with the rules of operation

The appliance will not cope with the task if you overload the machine with dishes or put them in the baskets incorrectly. Objects cannot be piled up, the distance between them must be sufficient so that water can freely wash them... Also, the dishes must not block the movement of the sprinkler impellers. Place it correctly and evaluate the result - perhaps now you will be satisfied with the quality of the wash?

Wrong mode selected

More or less clean dishes will be washed efficiently even at low-temperature "fast" modes, but greasy bowls and dirty pots will not. Use the programs correctly, clean the dishes from food residues before loading, and there will be no problems.

Filters and / or holes clogged

Regular dishwasher care will save you from problems

This problem is the work of careless housewives who systematically forget to clean the device. What to do if the dishwasher does not wash the dishes well due to the negligence of its users? Inspect regularly internal details and clean them to avoid blockages that obstruct the flow of water from the sprinklers and interfere with fluid circulation.

The machine should be washed weekly - with a special product or water diluted with vinegar (1 glass / 5 l). Pay special attention to places where dirt and scale tend to accumulate.

    Sprinkler shaft and blades with holes for water supply. Wipe each with a vinegar-soaked cloth and check for clogged holes. Remove dirt from each with tweezers or a toothpick, rinse with water and wipe dry.

    Remove the filter from the drain hole, rinse under the tap running water with dishwashing gel. Remove debris from the drain system - bones, seeds and other solid food debris can collect there.

    Keep the powder or tablet compartment dry and clean - the product may get stuck or not completely go away.

If all else fails, unscrew and clean the inlet filter on the side of the inlet hose - sometimes debris is hiding there, on the outside. This often happens after cleaning. water pipes... If there are old pipes in the house, the filter will have to be cleaned regularly. it will periodically become clogged with the contents of the pipes (rust, scale).

The water is too hard and the salt is not enough

The salt softens the water and protects the dishwasher from limescale deposits. If you are regular, check if there is enough of it during washing: refer to the instructions and adjust the flow level according to the water hardness.

Detergent not suitable

Use quality detergents

If the dishwasher is in perfect condition, but the dishes at the exit are still dirty, remember if the deterioration in the quality of washing coincided with the purchase of new tablets. Have you decided to try something new and accidentally stumbled upon a fake? Replace the remedy and the problem is resolved.

Why are there smudges and whitish spots on the dishes? Perhaps the dishwasher washes poorly due to the fact that there is not enough - increase its supply, and do not forget to add to the compartment as needed.

Universal 3-in-1 tablets may not match the composition and hardness of the water in your city or area. The owners of Bosch brand equipment note that the problem of plaque usually disappears when switching from tablets to separate products - salt, powder, rinse aid. Some housewives buy salt and rinse aid in addition to tablets.

Remember that in fast modes "3 in 1" tablets do not have time to dissolve completely, which can also affect the quality of washing - use powder or change the mode.

The dishwasher refuses to wash: what are the reasons?

Unfortunately, sometimes there are unexpected breakdowns of parts due to defects or wear. Any mechanism can fail: a water heating element, a pump, a thermal sensor, a program unit, etc. In this case, the device does not wash the dishes due to the fact that at some stage of the cycle its operation stops.

Water does not heat up

If the heating element is out of order, repair with replacement will be required heating element... Sometimes malfunctions in the operation of the control unit make themselves felt like this.

Remember that the formation of scale accelerates the wear of the heating element. To prevent its appearance, you should run every 3-4 months preventive cleaning with a professional or folk remedy(soda, vinegar).

Water does not drain

Because of severe blockage drain hose or the coarse filter, the water stops circulating. Disconnect the parts and remove the blockage blocking its outflow - most likely, the machine will resume operation. If there is no blockage in the drain system, and the water refuses to leave, then the drain pump is faulty and must be replaced.

Water is not collected

Check for clogged sprinkler holes or inlet filter? If everything is clean there, then the reason is a malfunction of the water pressure blower.

The device does not turn on

Use a different outlet - if that doesn't help, it's a breakdown of the power filter, failure of the control unit or the power button.

How to place the dishes, and how it usually happens

How to properly wash dishes in the dishwasher?

Make sure that the dishes are free in the baskets and that the water can drain from top to bottom. Before loading, shake off food leftovers from the plates, and soak pots and pans in water before loading - this will better wash them off. Monitor the condition of the sensors and maintain a supply of rinse aid and salt. Wipe down the inside of the machine after each cycle and do a full cleaning once a week.

Make sure the load is appropriate for your family's needs. If a lot of dirty dishes accumulates in the house, then give up compact models - an overloaded machine will not be able to wash the dishes efficiently.

Treat your assistant carefully and attentively - choose the detergents carefully, use them correctly, clean them of dirt on time, remember about prevention - and it will not let you down.

There are hardly many people who love to wash dishes. Many housewives have long felt from their own experience how important it is to have a dishwasher in the house. This wonderful assistant is able to do wonderful things: save you from standing for many hours at the sink and please you with clean dishes washed to a shine. High-quality dishwasher models can work reliably for many years. But sometimes, after a while, the hostesses begin to notice that the dishwasher does not wash the dishes well, that stains, grease stains, plaque or even food debris are visible on it.

Why does such an incident happen? What to do? How can you help your beloved assistant, eliminate the malfunction and improve the quality of washing?

Of course, the quality of washing cups and plates in a dishwasher depends on many factors. But all of them can be roughly divided into four main groups:

  • improper operation;
  • blockage or scale formation;
  • the use of low-quality detergents or dosing errors;
  • dishwasher malfunction.

Let's take a closer look at these causes and think about how to eliminate their consequences.

Read the instructions

If your dishwasher does not wash the dishes well, then first pay attention to how you operate the unit. Typical mistakes that hostesses allow for use can become such as:

  • exceeding the volume of loaded dishes, in other words, there is too much of it;
  • violation of the operating mode - the program is incorrectly set;
  • the dishes are not placed in the rack correctly.

Before putting dirty cups and plates into the basket, you should at least once look at the instructions on how to do it correctly. This is especially true for models from the Electrolux or Bosch brands. The location of the dishes should be such that they do not interfere with the rotation of the sprinkler and do not block access to where they are detergent... You also need to make sure that the utensils located below do not block the access of water to those objects that are above.

Now the next step. As you can imagine, the more dishes are loaded into the dishwasher, the more less water and powder per unit volume. If you load the car too tightly, the water and powder will simply have nowhere to turn around - you will have to wash everything again.

The next mistake is the choice of an operating mode that does not correspond to the type of contamination. If you put a greasy frying pan in the dishwasher and turn on the glass mode, the frying pan will remain dirty, because it needs to be washed differently. In the "quick wash" operating mode, which assumes a water temperature of about 45˚, you simply will not be able to rinse the grease from pots and plates. All variants and types of downloads, as well as operating modes suitable for them, are also described in detail in the instructions.

Dishwasher breakage and blockages

If stains on dishes after the dishwasher have become a constant occurrence, then most likely you need to clean them. Yes, yes, like any other Appliances, the dishwasher can get dirty and work worse. In any washing unit, regardless of type and model, there are several places worth visiting regularly:

  • strainer for food residues;
  • bulk filter;
  • sprinklers;
  • Heating element and tank.

First of all, follow the instructions for use and find a filter in your dishwasher to catch food particles. If the dishwasher does not wash well, it is most likely dirty. Usually the filter is located at the bottom of the unit and is a fine mesh. It should be cleaned and washed at least once every 10 days.

If in your apartment not too clean and soft water flows from the pipes, then be sure to regularly change the core of the coarse filter, which is located at the entrance to the dishwasher. If this filter is clogged, then the water pressure entering the unit will be significantly weakened. Weak water pressure is another reason why the machine does not wash dishes well and deposits remain on it.

Nozzles, heating elements and the tank of your assistant may suffer from the presence of limescale, in other words, scale. To prevent this, purchase special tool limescale suitable for your dishwasher. Run it in idle mode at least once a month. Use a product that dissolves and removes limescale.

To prevent the inside of the dishwasher from rusting and becoming an additional source of problems, wipe the inside with a dry soft cloth after finishing work.

If you notice that the dishwasher does not wash the dishes well, take a closer look - the reason may lie in the use of low-quality powder or other detergent. If you recently changed your detergent and began to notice plaque and stains on mugs and plates, do not hesitate, this is precisely the reason. It's easy to fix the trouble - buy the right product, and your dishwasher will wash better.

If you are using the same product as before, and the machine has begun to wash the dishes worse, then perhaps the matter is different:

  • seemingly clean dishes are visible gray bloom and there are stains - there is clearly not enough rinse aid in the water, you need to adjust its consumption;
  • the machine washes traces of tea, coffee and lipstick poorly - the detergent contains little bleach; to improve the result, purchase the appropriate additives or change the detergent;
  • for some reason, white streaks remain on the pots - the salt lid is not closed tightly; salt powder gets inside the machine and a white coating is obtained;
  • plastic dishes remain greasy - there is not enough fat-dissolving substance; change detergent or add additives manually.

The dishwasher may malfunction if a product is used for another purpose. It may seem to you that everything remains the same, but over time, the performance of the unit will deteriorate, and soon it will stop washing dishes altogether.

If your dishwasher starts to leave greasy deposits and streaks on the dishes, remember the last time you used special salt. The reason may lie in the fact that, due to excessively hard water, the ion exchanger failed and the detergents began to dissolve poorly in the liquid. Reapply salt and the dishwasher will work better over time.

Obvious dishwasher breakdowns

Burned out electric heater (TEN)

Since this element is in constant contact with water, it is very susceptible to limescale buildup. With a long operation of such a "coked" heating element, it simply burns out. If this happens, then the water in the dishwasher simply does not heat up, but wash away grease and dirt cold water impossible.

Sprayer impeller does not work

Each machine has a special mechanism that, when rotating, sprays water into different sides... This is done so that trickles of water can get into the most hard-to-reach places... If this mechanism does not work, water does not reach everywhere and the dishes remain unwashed.

Broken water turbidity sensor

Such a device is mainly found only in new models of dishwashers. The sensor transmits data on the quality of the water to the control module: if it is cloudy, the washing must be continued, if it is clean, the process is completed. When the appliance is faulty, the "brain" of the machine is left without information and the dishwasher does not understand how to complete the cycle correctly.

Broken recirculation pump

This device is responsible for supplying water. If it breaks down, the unit will not work at all, since water does not enter it.

Thermostat burned out (temperature sensor)

This node in the dishwasher measures the temperature of the water and feeds the data to the module program control... Depending on the received data, the "brain" gives the command to the heating element to heat the water. If there is no signal, the water will remain cold and the dishes will be dirty.

Error in the operation of the control module

This is the most serious breakdown. Simply put, your home assistant went blind and deaf at the same time. This part of the unit controls all processes: it gives commands about the intake and drainage of water, the supply of detergent, the degree of spraying, and so on. If the control module is knocked down or broken, the dishwasher will certainly work poorly or stop altogether.

All these malfunctions are very serious. To eliminate them, you will most likely have to invite a foreman or contact a repair shop.

The bulk homework goes, as usual, to the weaker, namely women. But the gentlemen, who are always ready to help, have not yet died out. They invent more and more new machines that should facilitate the hard work of women. After the automatic washing machine, in the second place, you can safely put a dishwasher, which washes the dishes. She really is a great helper, especially in large families with many children.

When we purchase such things, we hope that they will work for a long time and without breakdowns. But, unfortunately, the equipment sometimes fails, even machines from world famous manufacturers, such as Bosch, Siemens, Hansa, can fail. Why, or not at all? There can be many reasons for breakdowns, most often this happens through the fault of the owners themselves.

The dishwasher is a complex machine that requires maintenance, and if you do not follow the manufacturer's recommendations, then its performance may deteriorate.

In this article, we will look at a number of main reasons bad cars when the dishwasher does not wash the dishes well. We will also try to explain how to cope with this without the help of a master, as well as how to prevent serious damage to the unit.

The machine does not wash dishes - what is the reason

As long as the machine is new, it will do its job perfectly - washing dishes. But the eternal mechanisms have not yet been invented, and those that we have need to be taken care of. Also with kitchen appliances, if preventive maintenance is not carried out in time, over time you will begin to find food leftovers on the dishes, which means that the machine is malfunctioning, and it is time for you to look into it. By the way, the reasons bad work most often - they are commonplace, and the owners themselves are to blame. As practice shows, these are mainly:

  1. When purchasing a car, you did not read the instruction manual to the end, and maybe even ignored it altogether.
  2. In the hustle and bustle of everyday affairs, you forgot that the equipment that washes also needs to be cleaned.
  3. They did not buy detergents on time, and for some time the machine worked without them.

Next, we will take a closer look at the reasons indicated above, as well as some others, besides this, we will try to figure out whether it is possible to cope with the problems on our own. The dishwasher inside looks something like this. Read the instructions for your machine - details may vary.

Reason 1 - you haven't cleaned your car for a long time

The dishwasher has begun to wash poorly, and you need to understand the reasons. Whatever model your car is, no matter how reliable it may seem to you, but, like any mechanism, you need to take care of it. Your machine needs regular maintenance cleaning.

What exactly needs to be periodically inspected and, if necessary, cleaned:

  1. Filters need constant inspection, as they can become clogged with food debris.
  2. Check the coarse water filters from time to time, especially if the water was dirty.
  3. Look around the nozzles, they can become clogged not only with food debris, but limescale can form in them.
  4. If your water is hard, limescale will soon form on the heating elements.
  5. Similar deposits can also form in the water tank.

Now let's take a closer look at the above points:

  • In the lower compartment of each dishwasher there is a waste water drain, which is covered with a fine mesh (this is called a filter). It must be removed, cleaned, and washed at least once a week, but it can be done every day after use. It gets clogged very quickly with food leftovers, napkins, labels, or anything else, and the drain becomes clogged. This operation is simple, and does not require any special knowledge or skills, any housewife can handle this operation.
  • There is one more filter, which also needs to be checked, but much less often, it can be done once a month. This is a coarse water filter, it is usually placed at the inlet, designed to retain large particles, they appear in pipes after various repairs. There are always enough of them in the pipes, and if this filter is not there, then your machine may fail in the first days of operation. If this filter is not cleaned for a long time, then over time the water pressure will weaken, and the quality of dishwashing will deteriorate.
  • The third position is the nozzles, they can also get food waste, but besides this, their narrow holes over time begin to tighten up with limescale. The nozzles may become clogged. Again, the pressure of the supplied water decreases, and dirt may not be completely washed off the dishes. To clean the nozzles, use special detergents, wash them carefully.
  • The same trouble awaits the heating elements and the tank, they also need inspection and cleaning. Limescale it is easier to clean when it is still a little bit, and it has not hardened, later it is much more difficult to do this.

Reason 2 - violation of operating rules

Even if your car is perfectly clean, but malfunctions can still occur in its operation, what can provoke them? What mistakes are made by the owners of these devices, how they make them malfunctioning, and how this can be avoided. There are three main mistakes that are made when operating dishwashers:

  1. The dishes are not being installed correctly.
  2. The dishes may be oversized.
  3. An inappropriate operating mode is switched on.

In the operating instructions for a machine of any model, it is imperative that it is prescribed how to arrange the dishes correctly. Therefore, carefully read the user manual before turning on your machine.

The basic rule for all dishwashers: plates and mugs are placed so that the water must drain. The plates are placed on the edge, and the circles are upside down. Also between them must be preserved minimum clearance so that the water from the nozzles can reach all objects.

If you have a lot of dirty dishes and you use both baskets, then try to arrange the dishes so that the items on top do not cover the rinsing of the lower ones.

Pans that are too tightly placed will not rinse, the dishes will remain soapy, and you will have to start the machine again or two. And if you stacked the dishes in this way to save time, water and electricity, then after the first time you will understand that you were mistaken, the water does not wash out the soap. Another important requirement for successful washing cookware is the correct mode. Soup bowls are one thing, and pilaf or roast bowls are quite another thing. Greasy and dried dishes when quick wash may not wash, and you will again lose time and wind up extra kilowatts.

Be sure to remove food debris from the plates, only in this case you do not have to clean the filters after each dishwashing.

Reason 3 - using cheap detergents

After buying an expensive dishwasher, some owners of these units, in order to save money, take cheaper products. And as a result: the dishwasher began to wash poorly, dried food will remain on the plates, the water pressure drops, there is no appropriate temperature, the filters become clogged faster.
It would seem that it's okay, it's just not the remedy recommended by the manufacturer, but the problems are above your head. But you don't have to worry too much, all this can be easily solved if you refuel the dishwasher with the necessary chemicals.

If there is hard water in your area, then you definitely need salt to soften it, this is necessary for the stable operation of the ion exchanger.

In some cases, even when using the products recommended by the manufacturer, the dishes may not rinse well, what is the reason? The reason is most often elementary - an attempt to save money, the wrong dosage of the product... Therefore, if the dishwasher began to wash the dishes poorly, after washing you noticed streaks on the plates - this means you need to change the dosage of the supplied detergent. But do not overdo it - because if there is a lot of funds, it may not be completely washed off with water from the surface of the dishes, and subsequently you will have food with a taste of chemistry.

How to use the dishwasher correctly, and what products are better to use - in the video.

The dishwasher is an excellent kitchen helper for any housewife. It allows you not to waste time on endless hand washing of dishes. Some models may be within years work without problems. But sometimes the equipment starts to perform its tasks poorly. Then it is necessary to find out the malfunction of the current situation and fix everything.

Possible causes of the malfunction

There are several possible malfunctions of the machine, leading to a deterioration in the quality of work. You must first find out the reason in order to start a quality repair. In addition, some problems can only be solved by a qualified specialist.

Washes dishes poorly

The quality of washing is influenced by many various factors... But the new dishwasher really shows good result. If something is wrong with it, the quality will begin to deteriorate. This may be due to:

  1. With mistakes made when using the machine.
  2. With neglect of the need to timely clean the dishwasher and its parts.
  3. Ignoring the need to use special detergents.

There is a residue on the dishes

In addition to poor-quality dishwashing, you can notice the appearance of plaque on it. Among the main reasons for this phenomenon:

Why the new dishwasher has become bad at washing dishes

To find out the reasons that led to the deterioration in the operation of the device, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics. This will help you understand what led to such consequences. Only after identifying the cause can you start troubleshooting.

How to determine the reasons why the dishwasher does not wash well

If the equipment stops turning on, does not work at all, the indicators do not light up, this indicates a serious malfunction. In such situations, you cannot do without a master.

Some models can analyze their condition and identify a streak. A number will appear on the panel. You need to find it in the instructions and find out the problem.

If the dishwasher functions as normal, but the washing quality has deteriorated, in many cases the breakdown can be repaired by yourself.

Problem solving methods

The problems that have arisen can be solved in the following way:

How to diagnose and cancel a malfunction on your own

It has already been noted that some faults can be eliminated with my own hands... For this, diagnostics are carried out. And if DIY repair possible, it's worth getting started.

The need for regular cleaning of the device filters

If the filters become clogged with food debris, the washing performance will be impaired. Ignoring such a need will lead to more serious damage. Therefore, you should regularly clean:

  1. Coarse filter - at least every six months.
  2. Filter at the bottom of the apparatus - every week.
  3. Sprinkler.
  4. Heating element where scale can form.
  5. Inner body.

Reference! The equipment tank, holes in the rocker arms and heating elements must be cleaned at least once every six months. To do this, the machine is started at idle speed with detergents.

Importance of Compliance with Manufacturer's Operating Rules

It is necessary to use the dishwasher correctly, in accordance with the operating rules reflected in the instructions. Often, the quality of washing is affected by the wrong arrangement of dishes, a large number of them, an error in the choice of the mode.

You need to arrange the utensils correctly. It is important not to block the spray arm and detergent drawer with dishes. All items should be positioned so that water flows down. Observe the distance between the dishes.

Why you should always use a specialized dishwasher detergent

Poor quality of products negatively affects the quality of washing. Therefore, you should only use suitable means according to the required dosage. Insufficient amount of rinse aid will prevent thorough rinsing of the utensils. An unsuitable detergent will not be able to cope with serious dirt.

When you can't do without the help of a specialist

Some repairs can be done with your own hands. But sometimes you must definitely contact a specialist. A master is required in the following cases:

  1. Water heater malfunction.
  2. Rocker arm impeller problems.
  3. Failure of the temperature sensor.
  4. Failure in the program module.
  5. Problems with the water transparency sensor.

These problems require qualified diagnostics. Only a craftsman can fix a dishwasher. It is not recommended to repair the damage on your own.