Ammonium chloride in the fight against the bear. Fighting a bear with ammonia. How to use ammonia to protect the garden and garden from pests

Ammonia is a medicinal substance familiar to everyone, which is an aqueous solution of ammonia (10%) with a very pungent odor. In medicine, it is used for withdrawal from fainting, inducing vomiting, in the treatment of myositis, neuralgia, etc. However, experienced gardeners know that ammonia is widely used in the garden.

Did you know? Properties ammonia first discovered by the Egyptian priests. It was they who took out “nushadir” – transparent crystals – from the manure of camels.

Why ammonia is useful to an agronomist

Ammonia, a gas without color and with a strong specific odor, combines with water to form a new substance - ammonia. It's for real universal fertilizer suitable for feeding most garden and horticultural crops. Feature- harmless to pets and people. Also used to protect against many common pests.

Ammonia as a fertilizer

Nitrogen source - beneficial properties of ammonia solution

Apart from medical properties, ammonia also has a number of other characteristics, thanks to which it has found wide application in horticulture, where it acts good fertilizer for plants. Most often, it is used as a wonderful source of easily digestible nitrogen - the main component of plant organelles, chlorophyll and lipoids. After all, despite enough substances in the air (78%), plants can absorb it only from the soil, in a bound form.

Nitrogen fertilizers are applied to enhance the growth of branches and foliage, and thanks to them the plant has a rich, bright green color. It is advisable to start feeding garden crops when they signal a lack of nitrogen in a pale color (the formation of chlorophyll is disturbed). Onions, garlic, tomatoes, cabbage, and cucumbers respond well to ammonia as a source of nitrogen. Also thank lush bloom for fertilizing lilies, geraniums, clematis, hydrangeas.

How to fertilize plants with ammonia

Ammonia can be a great helper in the fight for the harvest.

Tomatoes are sensitive to the introduction of this medicine. But only here it is necessary to gradually increase the amount of fertilizer so as not to overfeed the plants. The maximum allowable concentration of the solution is 1 teaspoon of ammonia per liter of water. This liquid is also poured over the soil under the bushes.

Ammonia is a real delicacy for onions. First of all, the substance contributes to the rapid and lush growth of foliage, therefore, periodically watering the onion with a solution of ammonia (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) will help form strong green feathers.

To get large fruits, onions are also fed with ammonia. For this, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of medicine is added to a bucket of water, after which the beds are watered with the resulting mixture once every 7 days.

At the beginning of the formation of fruits, it is advisable to feed cucumbers with ammonia, therefore, once a week, an appropriate solution is added to the soil under the crop (2 tablespoons of ammonia per 10 liters of water).

Feeding garlic with ammonia will significantly increase the yield of this crop. The plant is watered twice per season with a mixture of medicinal substance at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon for 10 liters of water.

Important! Preventive fertilizing with ammonia is carried out no more than 1 time in 6-7 days, starting with weakly concentrated solutions. Further, the dose can be increased if necessary.

How to use ammonia to protect the garden and garden from pests

What pests can ammonia protect against?

Processing plants with ammonia will help get rid of pests such as:

50 ml of ammonia from aphids are diluted in a bucket of water. Any odorless grated soap is also added there, after which the resulting liquid is gently mixed. Plants are sprayed with it.

Did you know? Soap is needed so that the mixture adheres better to the surface of the foliage.

Ammonia against aphids will not only help get rid of the insect, but is also a good top dressing for the plant.

The fight against a bear with the help of ammonia consists in the fact that a solution of the substance (10 ml per 1 bucket of water) is poured over cabbage, tomato seedlings (under the root). One such treatment at the beginning of the season is enough to completely get rid of the pest.

The pungent smell of "ammonia" will also help in the fight against onion and carrot flies (5 ml of the medicine is diluted in a bucket of water and watered the soil under the plants). To protect the tomatoes from the wireworm, 10 ml of ammonia is dissolved in 10 liters of water, and then half a liter of the mixture is poured under each plant.

The secretive proboscis also cannot stand the smell of ammonia, which means that 25 ml of therapeutic liquid diluted in 10 liters of water will help to cope with it. The resulting mixture is watered with beds.

Important! Onions and garlic from the secretive hunter are processed in this way once a week, at the beginning of summer.

A very weak solution of ammonia (1-2 ml per 5 liters of water) can also be used to water indoor plants, which will help get rid of small midges. In addition, ammonia is an excellent remedy for ants, and all that is required of you is to pour the anthill with a mixture of ammonia (100 ml) and boiled water (1 l).

You can also process the plants themselves. For this, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the substance is dissolved in 8 liters of cooled boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour, and then the leaves and branches of plants from ants are sprayed with liquid.

Bears live underground, come to the surface at night, crawl around the garden,. Signs of the presence of pests on the site are the absence of seedlings, the death of seedlings, the drying of root crops. To expel pests use professional, folk remedies including ammonia alcohol. Fighting a bear with ammonia is an old, proven method.

Features of ammonia

Ammonia from a bear in the garden is used to expel pests, prevention. It acts on pests in several directions.

  • An unpleasant pungent smell repels insects, does not allow them to settle, drives them out of their own shelters, i.e. works by type. But there is one drawback - the smell quickly disappears on fresh air. Medvedka protection works as long as the scent is present. You have to repeat the treatment procedure every week.
  • Ammonia, also known as ammonia, is a strong nitrogenous fertilizer. It has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of plants, increases the useful indicators of the soil. But the increased content of nitrogen negatively affects the well-being of the bear. It is difficult for them to breathe in the thickness of the soil. After a while, the pests move to more favorable places for themselves.

Ammonia from the bear works, as evidenced by real reviews gardeners.

Application features

It is easy to guess how to use ammonia - in its pure, diluted form. There are proven recipes with ammonia against a bear in the garden.

  • Prepare a solution. The dose is strictly observed. Since a high amount of nitrogen in the soil negatively affects garden and horticultural crops. 3 art. spoons, or 10 ml per 10 liters of water. Pour the solution into the ground near the plant, avoiding contact with the green part. Water the aisles, if you have to fight in the beds with carrots, beets.
  • Ammonia from cabbage helps in a concentrated form. In the beds with cabbage or in other parts of the garden, rags soaked in the preparation are laid out. It is recommended to stuff them into holes or place them in places where pests can build them.

On a note!

To keep the smell longer, resort to little trick- place a heavily dampened rag in plastic bag, tie. Make small holes.

In addition to the use of ammonia, there are many more that will interest all owners of garden plots.


Medvedki wound up in the country. fought folk methods. Chemistry was not used. The soil was treated with a solution of ammonia every week for a month. Additionally, bottle traps were made. Caught the old ones, drove the new ones away. Application of ammonia beyond this time is not recommended as vegetation may be affected. As the yellow leaves noticed, we must stop.

Daria, Voronezh

Before planting seedlings, I pre-prepare the soil. I make holes, water them with a solution of ammonia. I plant plants, dig in the earth. Beneficial for both land and seedlings. Medvedki bypass such beds. Can be applied to any hole. A neighbor plants cabbage like this.

Antonina, Saratov

Planted seedlings, after a while began to die. I pull out a seedling, it is separated from the root system. I began to explore the area - I noticed small footprints, holes, depressions. It prompted the idea - bears. I began to prepare a remedy from ammonia. The solution should be poured over the ground near each plant. The seedling survived, the bears disappeared.

Alina, Moscow

It is rather difficult to get rid of the bear on the site, but if you do it systematically, do not forget about prevention, you can prevent the settlement of pests and save crops.

Many of us are familiar with ammonia from a medical point of view. But not everyone realizes that this drug can also be used in the garden. AT recent times this application is becoming very popular, since its effectiveness is confirmed in practice. Many summer residents are beginning to wonder how to properly use this drug so as not to harm the plants, but, on the contrary, to have a beneficial effect on them.

Benefits of using

In order to process cabbage, you need to take ten liters of water and 80-100 milliliters of ammonia. The resulting solution should be sprayed with plants every few days. But if the slugs are already wound up, then the solution can be poured directly from the watering can onto the head of cabbage. The pests should leave your garden soon.

Advantages and disadvantages of using ammonia

Ammonia has become truly universal garden fertilizer and its benefits are undeniable. Unlike other nitrogen-containing fertilizers, it is completely harmless to both humans and pets. At the same time, ammonia is overnight both a fertilizer and a means of pest control.

However, this drug has negative sides. For example, when oversaturated with it, problems with plant growth may arise. In this regard, it is not recommended to feed more than once a week. If ammonia is used for treatment, then solutions of low concentration should be prepared, and gradually increase it over time. Otherwise, instead of the expected miracle, you can get the opposite effect, and your garden culture will not bring you the joy that you so expected from her.

Ammonia at home and in the country

Did you know that ammonia is great for insects, pests and helps houseplants? Can it restore baby softness to the heels, as well as perfectly clean your windows and whiten linen?

Ammonia: use against insects.

Sometimes there is simply no strength to fight the ants that appear in endless rows in the kitchen from nowhere. Ammonia will help here too!

It is necessary to add 100 ml of ammonia to 1 liter of water and rinse the entire kitchen furniture. Do not be afraid of a specific "aroma" - it disappears in a few minutes. For us. And the “tenants” will feel it for a long time and will forget the path to your house.

Another ammonia will help from hordes of mosquitoes and midges during a picnic in nature. It is enough to sprinkle the resting place with this remedy and peace will be provided to you. Again, the fragrance will be imperceptible to humans after a couple of minutes.

Ammonia: application in the country

Fans of growing flowers, tomatoes and other flower and vegetable crops should also turn to alcohol for help. Lilies, clematis, geraniums, cucumbers are very fond of top dressing with this remedy. It is enough to dissolve 50 ml of ammonia in 4 liters of water and your plants will thank you with their healthy appearance.

By the way, you can combine business with pleasure: water houseplants such a solution. No smells, no midges, and at the same time - fertilized flowers :)

Itching from mosquito bites can be relieved by rubbing the bite with ammonia (a mixture of equal amounts of ammonia and water) or a solution drinking soda(1/2 teaspoon per 1 glass of water).

window washing

To keep longer window panes clean and easier to wash them later from dirt, already clean glass is wiped with a mixture of water (30 parts), glycerin (70 parts) and a few drops of ammonia. Glasses wiped with such a mixture are less polluted, frost does not form on them in winter. When washing glasses, the dirt that has settled on it is easily washed off along with the glycerin film.

Dry ultramarine blue gives the glass a bluish tint.

A warm salt solution helps to quickly clear the window of ice. Wipe the glass dry afterwards.

Your heels will be like a baby's...

This one is very good recipe will help those who have rough hands, cracked heels, corns, toenails "clumsy" and "terrible". In general, there are two recipes with glycerin, but they both "work". We take glycerin, I buy 5 vials at once .In the first case, it is possible with vinegar, in the second with ammonia. The pharmacy bottle with glycerin is not completely filled, so add vinegar to it, shake it. And if with ammonia, then mix in a ratio of 1: 1 (glycerin and alcohol) .You can rub this mixture both in the morning and in the evening, at night on your heels, soles, fingers, and in a few days you will see an amazing result. Your heels will turn pink, your nails will become beautiful and shiny. You can also lubricate the elbows of your hands. This mixture is cheap, available, trustworthy.

How to bleach clothes?

Ammonia is an excellent bleach. When washing linen or cotton products, when soaking, pour 5-6 tablespoons into soapy water. spoons of ammonia. Ammonia softens water, and reduces the effect of magnesium salts, which actually cause white things to become yellowish. To enhance the effect of ammonia, you can add a couple of tablespoons of turpentine. After washing, leave the laundry soaked for 10 hours in a solution of water and turpentine, in a ratio of 5:5.

To bleach woolen and silk items, prepare the following solution:

12 l. water

8 tbsp salt

50 gr. powder

3 tbsp hydrogen peroxide

30 ml. ammonia

Soaked for 4 hours at 40°C.

Healthy bulbs without chemicals

Everyone saw the damage by the secretive hobo: the feather brightens, stripes appear on it. If you break such a pen lengthwise, you can see inside small larvae pest.

It helps in the first half of summer by watering the plantings with ammonia (1 tablespoon per bucket of water) once a week. This is a top dressing with nitrogen, and an odor repellent.

In order for the smell of ammonia to last longer, some time after watering, the bed must be loosened.

Aphid control

But I’ve read another remedy: 2 tablespoons of ammonia are taken on a bucket of water and a little washing powder(for better adhesion) and the plant is sprinkled with this solution, like the aphid dies from ammonia, and it quickly evaporates and if it gets on the leaves, then it will only be useful (as fertilizer) ...

I found it: Kurdyumov writes this in his book "Smart Garden"

If the aphid attacked well, the easiest way is to hit it with ammonia *. Its solution in water is ammonia. Two tablespoons of ammonia in a bucket of water plus an adhesive - a spoonful of shampoo or washing powder. Aphid falls in shock. And ammonia quickly evaporates and gets into the leaf a little - this is the usual foliar nitrogen top dressing

How to get rid of carrot and onion flies?

The easiest way is to treat the beds with a weak solution of ammonia (max ammonia concentration is 0.1%). You can use ammonia - 1 ml. for 5 liters of water.

An indispensable assistant for the fight against the bear

I would be very happy if my review is useful to someone and helps. I live with my family in the village. We have our own garden. And that year there was just a nightmarish invasion of the Medvedka (popularly - Kapustyanka). Moreover, she ate everything from seeds to seedlings. And in the countryside, a summer without a harvest is a year without harvesting. I plant seedlings, and the bear eats it (maximum a week and a garden in general, like no one planted). And most importantly, the poison does not take it. I'm already tired. I went to the market for new seedlings. Grandfather and grandmother are standing selling seedlings of cabbage (such a beautiful, big, green one), well, it's just a sin not to take it. I take it and complain that this is the third time I will plant it, and the bear eats everything away. Grandmother says to me: I'll teach you now how to deal with it. In a pharmacy you buy ammonia, then dilute it with 10 mg per 10 liters of water. And when you plant seedlings, you pour half a liter jar under each bush. And that's all, and you will be with seedlings and with the harvest. I've been doing this for the second year, and you know, it helps. I planted my greenhouse this year. As I sowed the seeds, I flooded the bed with a solution of ammonia and I want to say the result on my face (my seedlings). Now I buy ammonia in large bottles of 100 mg) and advise everyone. In my case, the pungent smell is even a plus than a minus.

Medvedka is a large insect (body length is 5-8 cm) that lives underground and, like most underground inhabitants, looks unattractive and even intimidating. Fighting a bear is an indispensable condition for obtaining good harvests, since even one insect is capable of destroying a huge number of plants. The priority of the pest is cabbage, tomatoes and potatoes. But he will not refuse other garden crops.

The second name of the insect is the earth cricket.

Harm from a bear

Many gardeners are frightened when they see a bear for the first time, but for a person the insect is not harmful - it is not poisonous, does not bite. The pest feeds on the underground parts of plants, eating roots and root crops. After that, the stems also lie down. If you pull such a plant out of the soil, it turns out that it has practically no root, while the stem is healthy, not affected by rot. By this sign, you can accurately determine that an earthen cricket has wound up in the garden. Cut plants are not the only sign of a bear. Crawling in loose garden soil, she digs winding tunnels that are visible on the surface of the soil as oblong mounds.

In the dacha, moving along its own paths, the insect eats the roots of both cultural and wild plants clearing the area of ​​perennial weeds. In addition to plants, earth crickets eat some harmful insects, such as larvae. Maybug. In this sense, they are useful. But the harm from the bear is much more than good. An insect can destroy an onion crop, gnaw on the roots of seedlings grown on the windowsill with love, leave you without tomatoes and cabbage. We can say that the bear is useful in the forest, but it has no place in the garden.

"Pedigree" of the pest

The insect belongs to the order Orthoptera. Its closest relatives are grasshoppers, crickets and locusts. The pest has a gnawing mouth apparatus and wings, with which it can fly long distances in search of a new habitat.

Medvedka is able to fly at a height of up to 5 m. During the mating season, females take off into the air in search of a male who sits in his mink and calls them with melodic “cricket” trills. But the bear cannot jump like her other relative, the grasshopper, since her hind legs are not designed for jumping. But the front legs are a masterpiece of evolution, they are fully adapted for digging.

Medvedka is a southern insect, but in last years due to climate change, it appeared in middle lane. The insect does not tolerate harsh winters and drought, so many gardeners in Siberia, Kazakhstan, northern and northeastern Russia have not even heard of such a pest.

Folk methods

With a small number of pests, gardeners prefer not to poison the bear with pesticides, but to collect it manually when digging or loosening the soil, or use traps.

In autumn, they dig a shallow groove and pour fresh manure into it, cover it with earth from above. When frost sets in, the earth is torn apart. Medvedki hide in warm manure, remaining in the trench for the winter. It is enough to scatter it on frozen soil, and the pests will die.

Medvedok love to eat cats. The well-known popularizer of natural farming Nikolai Kurdyumov in his book said that on his garden plot earthen candles are collected in compost heap, and when he throws the compost, the cat sits nearby and catches the bear. Some gardeners have noted that their furry helpers even pull pests out of the ground and eat them.

There are more ways.

  • You can scare away the bear with the help of windmills or beer cans fixed on metal rods dug into the bed. Devices repel insects with noise and vibration.
  • Most insects cannot stand the smell of kerosene. Effective protection of the beds is to make grooves around the plantings and fill them with sand moistened with kerosene.


Bears make passages at a depth of 2-3 cm. At this level, traps are set into which insects will fall. It remains only to collect them and destroy them.

Any containers with a wide mouth are used as a trap; a little fresh manure should be poured onto the bottom for bait. The neck of the container should be at a depth of 2-3 cm, from above it is covered flush with the soil with a cardboard.

A plastic bottle is buried obliquely in the ground and some beer is poured into it. Medvedki crawl into the bottle, as they are attracted by the smell of fermentation. Candied honey can be used instead of beer.

poisoned baits

Egg shells are harvested in winter, dried and ground into powder. In the spring, during the planting of seedlings, a teaspoon of powder soaked in unrefined vegetable oil. Medvedki who have tasted odorous shells die.

Nest destruction

Medvedka starts building a nest in early June. It can be seen with the naked eye - by the plants that have fallen to the ground. The female gnaws at their roots so that the stems and leaves do not obscure the underground nest. Medvedka has large yellowish eggs a little smaller than a pea. A clutch can contain up to 200 eggs. The pest is an exemplary parent. She often visits the nest and looks after the clutch, turning the eggs over, making sure they do not get moldy. In the south, ground crickets lay their eggs all summer until September.

On such a patch free from plants, you need to open the nesting chamber and pour the found eggs with a solution of washing powder. Destruction of clutches of the bear - The best way insect control. A month later, when the larvae hatch and crawl underground in all directions, it will become much more difficult to destroy the bear.

Removing a bear with ammonia

Ammonium chloride, or ammonia water, is a popular remedy for getting rid of ground cricket and at the same time an excellent nitrogen fertilizer. A sharp "ambre" of the drug repels insects. The smell quickly disappears, so treatments must be repeated every week.

Plant protection with ammonia goes like this:

  1. 3-4 tablespoons of ammonia are poured into a 10-liter bucket of water (this is about 10 mg);
  2. half a liter of solution is poured under each bush, trying not to get on the leaves.

You can simply moisten the rags with an undiluted preparation and spread them between the rows.

Effective insecticides

Experts believe that it makes sense to engage chemical warfare with a bear there is when the number of insects reaches 1 copy per square meter. In practice, gardeners do not expect such a sharp increase in the number of pests and use insecticides not only for control, but also for prevention. In the Non-Black Earth region, even one bear in ten square meters able to leave without a harvest.

  • "Phenaksin Plus" ("Medvetsid").

The active substance is malathion, a compound of the organophosphorus group. "Phenaksin Plus" should not be confused with "Phenaksin" - powder for the destruction of cockroaches. The remedy against the bear comes in the form of granules with a pleasant taste and smell for the pest. Granules are introduced into grooves up to 3 cm deep, added dropwise and watered. The bear that has tasted the bait will die in three to four hours.

  • "Medvetoks"

The active substance is diazinon. Phosphorus-organic preparation of contact action, intended for the destruction of soil-dwelling pests: bear, ants. For the death of the pest, it is enough that he ate only one granule. The agent is scattered into grooves located along the perimeter of the beds, the depth of the grooves is 3 cm. Before embedding in the soil, the granules are slightly moistened with vegetable oil.

  • "Thunder"

The drug is based on the insecticide diazinon. The composition contains eight food components that attract the bear with taste and smell. The granules are laid out in pits 3-5 cm deep, covered with soil and necessarily moistened. Wet granules smell stronger and attract pests. The name of the drug stands for "Granules From Medvedka".

Table: norms for the use of pesticides

  • "Prestige"

German drug for the treatment of tubers and seedling roots. It is a systemic insecticide, it penetrates into all parts of plants and protects not only from pests, but also from fungal diseases.

The tool is valid for a month after treatment. The active substance is imidacloprid. In Russia, "Prestige" is registered on potatoes, in Europe - on potatoes and other garden and horticultural crops.

How to use "Prestige"

  1. Prepare a working solution at the rate of 10 ml of the drug per 100 ml of water.
  2. Treat potato tubers at the rate of 100 ml of working solution per 10 kg of tubers, leave for one to two hours to dry, plant out.
  3. Seedling protection - add 200 ml of working solution to each well.
  4. Protection of strawberries and perennial flowers - add a solution with a watering can to the soil at the rate of 10 ml of Prestige per 10 liters of water (this is enough to process 10 sq. M).


Biological products destroy pests by special methods - by infecting with diseases or introducing predatory insects into the soil, natural enemies bears.

"Nemabakt" - the name of the drug stands for "Nematode plus bacteria." The product contains predatory nematodes that do not harm plants. Nematodes and bacteria of the drug harm only the larvae of soil insects.

"Nemabakt" is not dangerous for earthworms and humans, it destroys the larvae of the earthen candle, the May beetle, the nutcracker, cabbage fly and many other pests. Consumption - a package per hundred. Nemabakt should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2 to +4 degrees. At temperatures above +28 degrees, nematodes die, so it is better to transport the drug to the country in a cooler bag.

The agent is spilled over the site, and this is where the gardener's worries end. Nematodes will penetrate into the soil and, at the first opportunity, penetrate the body of the pest, and the bacteria will complete what they started.

"Antonem-F" is an analogue of "Nemabakt", but it uses a different type of bacteria. The method of application is the same.

So, now you know what methods of struggle can be used against the bear, and you can protect your site from a dangerous underground pest.