What solution of potassium permanganate is needed for soaking seeds. In baking soda. Influence of trace elements on seed germination

I would like to devote at least a book to these tiny carriers of genetic information, because it has been proven for centuries - “you reap what you sow”. However, in this work, we will restrict ourselves to brief, but informative and, undoubtedly, useful information for all gardeners.

All of them faced a paradoxical situation when from the seeds of plants collected with their own hands in the fall and sown in the spring, a crop ripened, half yielding to last year's and, moreover, only vaguely reminiscent of the parent variety of cucumbers or tomatoes. Although both the seeds and the soil were good, and as owners, they took an unreasonable care of the crops! What happens then?

It turns out that before sowing the seeds require very careful and painstaking preparation. Earlier, I mentioned some of the seed treatment methods. Now I will try to summarize and systematize this information.


Before sowing, the seeds are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate: in a gauze bag, dipped in a saturated pink solution of potassium permanganate, removed after 15-20 minutes and washed under running water. The main thing is not to burn the seeds in too strong a solution.

The following procedure is - ash treatment deciduous trees. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ash is poured into 1 liter of water, insisted and filtered for a day. In this solution, tomato seeds are soaked for 5 hours, cucumber seeds - 10.

More suitable for cabbage ascorbic acid ... Its solution is prepared at the rate of 1 g of vitamin per 1 liter of water. The seeds are soaked in it for 10 hours, then washed.

Treatment of seeds with potassium permanganate and ash not only disinfects them, but also feeds them with microelements necessary for growth. So, experienced gardener soaks the incised bulbs in a solution of potassium permanganate, not so much to disinfect the seedlings, but to stimulate root formation.

Soaking seeds in water

If you sow the seeds dry, there is a chance that you will never see the seedlings. Therefore, in order to accelerate the germination of seeds, they must be soaked in water before sowing. (If the water is warm, the germination energy will increase.)

However, in everything you need to know when to stop. So, the seeds of parsley, onions and carrots are soaked for 1 day; pumpkins, zucchini and cucumbers - 12 hours, beans and peas - 4 hours. In order for the seeds to have enough oxygen, it is important not to overexpose them in water. They should not be completely wet, it is generally better to wrap them in a damp cloth. And sow only in damp ground.


After disinfection with potassium permanganate and ash, many gardeners harden the seeds. More than others, this applies to the seeds of cucumbers and tomatoes. In linen bags, they are placed in the refrigerator for 19 hours, then taken out, kept for 5 hours at room temperature and placed back in the refrigerator. This is repeated 5 times.

Maybe someone will find it very troublesome, but it's worth it: after all, seedlings from hardened seeds can withstand all spring frosts.

On a note

Sometimes it seems that seeds that have been lying for a long time have completely lost their ability to germinate and the best thing to do with them is to throw them away. However, don't rush ...

Beans. They can be planted even 7 years after purchase. The beans hold the record for germination longevity.

Cucumbers and tomatoes the strongest shoots are obtained from 2-3-year-old seeds (if, of course, the required storage conditions are met: the seeds are kept in paper or linen bags in a dry and warm place).

Cabbage and pumpkin seeds remain viable for 3-4 years.

Carrots, parsley, beets and sorrel the seeds gain the greatest power by 2-3 years of age.

Dill on the contrary, it loses its germination after 2 years. By the way, dill seeds contain essential oils slowing down the growth of the plant. Therefore, before sowing, they must be soaked for 2-3 hours, often draining the water. Then you should check the seeds for full weight. By dipping them into a salt solution (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water), it is easy to achieve the goal: full-weight seeds will drown, "empty" ones will float to the surface. Good seeds should be rinsed with water, and "empty" seeds should be thrown away.

Of course, one should not forget that none of the existing and separately taken means is universal and omnipotent. Best results are achieved in case of complex application various means and methods of plant protection.

Seed treatment before sowing- methods of processing seeds of various agricultural crops, aimed at improving the quality of the seed. The leading processes in preparing seeds for sowing are their treatment with microelements and dressing (treatment with pesticides).

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Seed dressing (seed treatment)

- one of the targeted, economical and environmentally friendly measures to protect plants from diseases and pests. In the process of dressing, seeds are applied to destroy not only external, but also internal infections of plant origin, protect both seeds and seedlings in the field from soil-dwelling phytopathogens and various pests.

Presowing seed treatment

, along with, is the most effective and economical way to use micronutrient fertilizers. Trace elements, getting into the soil, form poorly soluble compounds. This is why expensive, water-soluble trace element salts are recommended for seed treatment as well.

The most popular and effective pre-sowing treatment seed material complexonates,. These elements are technologically advanced enough for seed treatment, non-toxic, non-fire hazardous.


Our site contains information about and intended for pre-sowing seed treatment.

Presowing seed treatment with pesticides

Combined preparations are created with the aim of expanding the spectrum of fungicidal action, imparting properties to disinfectants, introducing fertilizers and retardants.

Combinations are created by combining simple dressing agents.

Basic requirements for seed dressing

Only conditioned seeds that have been sorted and tested for germination are subject to dressing.

Do not pickle heavily damaged seeds or with high humidity.

The treated seed should be stored in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area.

Influence of trace elements on seed germination

Certain conditions are necessary for seed germination. First of all, this is the receipt enough water. Air-dry seeds contain only 20% water and are in a state of forced dormancy. They quickly absorb water and swell.

It has been established that under the influence of micronutrient fertilizers, water flows faster through the seed shell, and its swelling increases significantly.

Influence of micronutrient fertilizers on seed swelling(% of the original weight). According to:

Experience Option


Time from the start of soaking, (hours - 3, 7, 25)



Processed with trace elements


Together with the water, the microelements dissolved in it come to the seeds. They are localized mainly in the embryo and primary roots, thereby stimulating and improving their growth.

Studies carried out at the Institute of Plant Physiology of the UAAS have shown that seed treatment with micronutrient fertilizers improves germination energy, increases the number and length of roots. Thus, seed treatment with micronutrient fertilizers improves all indicators characterizing the first stages of plant ontogenesis.

The use of micronutrient fertilizers for seed treatment and their effectiveness


used for sugar beets, fodder root crops, flax, cotton, sunflower, leguminous crops. For dusting seeds, it is produced on talcum powder containing boron in the form boric acid.

The positive effect of boron during pre-sowing soaking of seeds in a solution of boric acid was obtained for table beets and carrots on sod-podzolic soils. Leningrad region... The use of boron in all methods of its introduction contributed to an increase in the yield of carrots and beets by 11-50 c / ha. At the same time, the content of sugars in the roots of both crops and carotene in carrots increased.


... For pre-sowing seed treatment, ammonium molybdate is used. They are treated with seeds of peas, vetch, broad beans, soybeans, lupine, clover, alfalfa, vegetable crops... In addition, molybdenum is used for pre-sowing seed treatment. It is a mechanical mixture of technical talc and finely ground dry molybdenum. It is used for legumes and melons, cucumber, tomatoes, cabbage, perennial legumes. Dry dusting of seeds with ammonium molybdate is often combined with dry dressing.

High efficiency molybdenum during sowing treatment of seeds by wetting has been proven in experiments with a legume-cereal mixture on sod-podzolic loamy soil; on the Ramenskoye experimental field - with clover seeds. High efficiency of molybdenum use was observed for alfalfa. At the same time, the yield of ground mass increased by 14.1%, and the yield of seeds - by 34.1%.

Thanks to pre-sowing treatment pea seeds, the seed yield in two years increased by 3.6 centners / ha, that is, by 21%.

Field experiments on sod-podzolic soils for sugar beets in three years increased the yield of root crops from 325.9 to 373.7 c / ha, and their sugar content - from 17.1 to 18%


... For pre-sowing seed treatment, copper sulfate is used in the form of a 0.1-0.02% solution. Dusting seeds with copper sulfate is carried out in conjunction with the treatment. For the treatment of seeds of corn, legumes and grain crops, flax, hemp, cucumber and melons, tomato, cabbage, perennial grasses, copper is used. It is a mechanical mixture of finely ground copper sulfate and technical talc.

The positive effect of copper sulfate in the treatment of flax seeds by spraying was established on moderately podzolized loams. At the same time, the yield of flax straws increased from 33.2 to 38.5 c / ha, the yield of seeds - from 4.3 to 4.7 c / ha with a simultaneous significant improvement in fiber quality.

On the dark chestnut soils of the Dagestan Experimental Station, an increase in cotton yield was observed as a result of seed treatment (pre-sowing soaking) in a solution of copper sulfate.

All field studies showed a distinct effect of copper fertilizers on the yield of agricultural crops, both with pre-sowing seed treatment and with foliar treatment.


... For pre-sowing seed treatment, zinc sulfate, zinc polymer fertilizers, as well as those containing zinc, are used. Seeds of corn, cotton, sugar beets, cucumbers, melons, tomatoes, cabbage and some other crops are treated with zinc fertilizers. Zinc sulfate is used in conjunction with.

Pre-sowing soaking of seeds in a solution of zinc sulfate has a beneficial effect on many crops: the yield of beans grows by 19-26%; tomatoes - by 22.4 kg / ha; corn - by 5.6 centners / ha. At the same time, the quality characteristics of crops are improved.

In addition, the incidence of brown spotting in tomatoes decreases, and in cucumbers, resistance to rootworm nematodes increases.

The positive effect of pre-sowing zinc treatment was observed in experiments with winter and spring wheat, sunflower, winter barley. The yield of grain crops increased over two years by 1.56 c / ha, the content of protein and gluten in the grains of wheat and barley increased. The sunflower harvest increased by 2.8 centners / ha, while the oil content increased from 34.4 to 36.2%.

Presowing treatment of sugar beet seeds in combination with a single foliar treatment in the chestnut soils of the Kazakh SSR increased the yield of root crops by 63 c / ha.

Preplanting potato tubers with zinc increased the yield by 29%. Moreover, in this case it was less effective. An increase in potato resistance to late blight and other diseases was also noted.

When pre-sowing seed treatment, manganese sulfate in combination with foliar under conditions closed ground not only increases the yield of tomatoes, but also increases their sugar content, the content of vitamin C in fruits, and reduces the incidence of brown spotted tomatoes.

It was experimentally found that in field conditions pre-sowing treatment of seeds with manganese sulfate in combination with foliar dressing increases the yield of tomatoes by 9.5-12.2%, and carrots - by 11.3%.

Experience Option

Yield kg / 100 m 2

The amount of sugars,%

Vitamins C, mg /%

Plants diseased with brown spot,%

Control (manganese free)

Manganese sulphate

In the course of field and vegetation experiments, positive results were obtained for the action of seed treatment with cobalt for clover, barley, winter rye on limed sod-podzolic soils. The positive effect of cobalt is noted for sugar beets, hemp, grapes in various soil conditions.


... For seed treatment, iodine is used in the form of potassium iodide or sodium iodide.

Presowing treatment of oat seeds with iodine led to an increase in the yield of green mass. There is a positive effect of iodine on the yield of hay of leguminous grasses - clover and alfalfa. In tomatoes treated with iodine, the weight of the fruit increases by an average of 319 g.

Trace element compositions for seed treatment

In practice, it is often necessary to treat seeds with several microelements. For this purpose, various compositions of microelements for seed treatment are available. Such mixtures have a beneficial effect on improving the quality of the seed and the development of plants at all stages of growth.

Inlaying (pelleting or pelletizing) seeds

For pre-sowing preparation of seeds of vegetable and some industrial crops, the method of incrustation (pelleting or pelleting) is used. Bactericides, various micro- and macro-fertilizers, growth stimulants, neutral dyes, adhesives are consistently applied to the seeds. This method provides more even sowing of seeds, obtaining friendly shoots and facilitates sowing small seeds.

A 2% solution of sodium salt of carboxymethyl cellulose (NaKMC) and a 5% solution of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) are used as film-formers. The consumption of film-forming agents is 1-2.5% of the mass of seeds. The polymer film allows water to pass freely, but tightly holds the chemicals on the surface of the seeds. Inlay can be carried out both in advance and immediately before sowing.

Features of pre-sowing fertilization of seeds of some crops

Tomatoes and cabbage

... The seeding rate of seeds for growing cabbage and tomatoes is 400-500 g / ha. Due to the small amount during the pre-sowing treatment, the seeds receive a dose of microelements that is insufficient for the successful development of plants during the entire growing season. Therefore, when growing tomatoes and cabbage, it is recommended to combine seed pollination with foliar and
seeds beaten by a tick
I previously knew about their existence, but so that on seedlings ... and in an apartment ... !!! SHOCK! There are no other words! Fortunately, I did not find the weevil, his eggs are larger, and he himself is not a baby.
Tanya, that's enough, I think this? There are 40,000 species of them. You can't figure it out without a glass!
Tyrophagus are extremely common representatives of acarid mites. In the literature of past years, according to the then accepted nomenclature, they were called Tyroglyphus. Most of them live in the soil and on its surface, feeding on mycelium of fungi and algae. Barley elongated mite (Tyrophagus perniciosus) and Putrescent elongated mite (T. putrescentiae), entering greenhouses and greenhouses from high humidity and temperature, leave the soil and go on to feed on the leaves of plants. An elongated putrefactive mite and some related species are almost always found in the tissues of rotting tubers and bulbs. It not only feeds on the mycelium of the fungus and affected plant tissues, but also actively carries on itself spores and mycelium particles. These mites actively spoil the grain in storage, eating up the endosperm and turning the seeds into dust. For this they are often called "grain" or "barn". Some species of this group settle in hives. Some of the tyrophagus species are pests of cheese making. Other species harm mushroom plantations. Also, ticks of this group were repeatedly found in the anthers of Saintpaulias. In the traditional literature on the Gesneriaceae, there has never been a mention of this tick harming Saintpaulias and other Gesneriaceae, but the observations of many collectors in Russia and Ukraine and photographic material leave no room for doubt.

Tyrophagus is perhaps the only tick to which a monument has been erected.

“Würchwitz is famous for its Milbenkase cheese, which ripens in a box of bran and special mites. Bran is the main food for mites. Isolating these mites and giving this cheese its unique taste and aroma. A monument to this tick has been erected in the village. Address: Germany, Würchwitz "
Materials of the site "Monuments and fountains"

Tyrophagus are small ticks and are difficult to see with the naked eye. Females are elongated oval. The body is shiny, translucent, covered with very long, sparse bristles. The body length of a female elongated barley mite is slightly more than half a millimeter. The female of the putrid elongated tick is even smaller (0.35-0.45 mm). Males are similar to females in shape and body structure and differ only in smaller size.

Larval stages
Larva. Immediately after leaving the egg, the mite has only 3 pairs of walking limbs. The shape and structure of the body is very similar to those of adult ticks. Nymph. After the first molt occurs in the larva, the tick enters the nymph stage. The nymph is slightly larger than the larvae, in addition, they already have 4 pairs of walking limbs.

The egg is whitish, oval in shape. It is clearly visible (under a microscope) on the surface of affected leaves and in the tissues of rotten tubers and bulbs. Eggs of some species have small light longitudinal tubercles.
Signs of defeat
Defeat aboveground parts plants with elongated mites are observed, most often, in micro greenhouses, hotbeds, greenhouses. Leafy cuttings of Saintpaulias, Chirita, Gloxinia, as well as young children get sick. They damage both the upper and lower parts of the leaf blade. The "chipping" of the upper part of the leaf blade is very noticeable. A brownish bloom of scar tissue appears on the underside of the leaf, the same as in the defeat of some plants spider mite... On the upper part of the leaf, under a microscope, grains of tick secretions are visible. Very often, seedlings of cucumbers, asters, and lettuce suffer from tyrophagus. Holes and tears may appear in the leaves of these plants.

Mites of this group can penetrate the anthers of Saintpaulias, causing pollen to appear on the petals.

Curves and holes appear on young leaves of seedlings of cucumber, lettuce, asters. Seedling lags behind in development, loses its presentation.

Damage caused

Mites of this group can penetrate the anthers of Saintpaulias, causing pollen to appear on the petals. These flowers are characterized by early wilting.

Tyrophagus can significantly harm the seedlings of many agricultural and ornamental crops, especially cucumbers and asters.

The presence of a large number of these mites on the leaves of lettuce, spinach, and some types of cabbage can cause allergic attacks in people - both among greenhouse workers and among sellers and consumers.

The leaf stalk of violets, if elongated mites feed on it, gradually withers. Little or no children are formed from such a leaf. Young children do not develop, they often rot and die. If tubers and bulbs are affected by putrefactive elongated mites, the plants may die. In the best case, we will get strongly weakened sprouts, susceptible to any fungal and bacterial diseases.

Tyrophagus not only feed on plant tissues, but also carry the spores of many fungi and harmful bacteria.

Mites of this group often damage the seeds of plants, especially cereals in storage, for which they are often called "bread" or "barn" mites. Also, during storage, tyrophagus can destroy bulbs, tubers, corms and rhizomes of many plants.

“Tyroglyphoid (barn) mites (order Acariform mites) are pathogenic for humans. If swallowed with food, they can cause acute gastrointestinal diseases, and if inhaled, they can cause respiratory catarrh and asthma. Some types of thyroglyphides are regularly found in urine tests and may possibly settle in urinary tract... Some of the barn mites cause occupational allergies in agricultural workers and people associated with contaminated grain, food, etc. Acarus siro and Tyrophagus putrscentiae cause dermatitis in bakers; Glycyphagus domesticus - from grocers; Tyrolichus casei - "cheese" dermatosis "(see. Acariasis).

Part of the text is hidden by the moderator Nivyanik.


Against dry rot, false powdery mildew, vascular bacteriosis seeds are heated for 20 minutes in water at a temperature of 50 degrees. It is convenient to do this in a thermos.

Soaking seeds in aloe

Aloe juice works well against bacteria and fungi. Cut off a leaf with aloe, put in the refrigerator for 2 days at a temperature of 2 degrees. After that, squeeze the juice and keep the seeds in it for a day. Then, without washing them, they are slightly dried and sown on seedlings or immediately into open ground.

In baking soda

Plain baking soda is also useful for soaking: 10 grams per liter of water. Leave the seeds in the baking soda solution for 12-24 hours.

In heteroauxin

This is already classic way growth stimulation. Dose: 25 mg per liter of water. Leave on for 12 hours, then dry slightly and can be sown.

In ash solution

For 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of ash. The solution is insisted for a day, stirring occasionally. The light part is drained and a bag of gauze with seeds is placed in this liquid for 3-5 hours.

In succinic acid

A good stimulating effect is given by seed treatment in solution before planting. succinic acid: 15 ml for 1 liter of water. Processing time is 18-24 hours.

In potassium permanganate

Seeds of cucumbers and tomatoes are disinfected for 20 minutes in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. Immediately after such treatment, they need to be washed. clean water and only then can they be sown. We advise you to read how to process strawberries ammonia from diseases and pests.

In hydrogen peroxide

In a 2-3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, the seeds are disinfected for 30 minutes, after which they are washed and planted in the ground.

In mustard

The mustard solution also destroys pathogenic microbes. Add to 100 ml of water mustard powder on the tip of a knife. In the resulting solution, the seeds are disinfected in 6 hours. Then they also need to be dried without rinsing. Councilum to read why.

Dry heating

A good result is obtained by heating the seeds of cucumbers, peas, pumpkin in a fruit dryer at a temperature of 40-600. They are scattered in a thin layer and heated for 5 hours. Some crops have such small seeds that sowing them becomes a real challenge for the nerves.

Sowing small seeds with gelatin

  • Pour a bag of gelatin with a glass of well warm water.
  • Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  • Add seeds and continue stirring.
  • Pour the liquid into a large syringe without a needle or into a watering can, shake it again and "sow" into the well with a thin stream.