Insulation of heating pipes in the basement. How much protection is needed for the heating main? Pipe insulation with polystyrene foam

During severe frosts, problems arise with freezing of water in water pipes located in basements apartment buildings. Rupture can occur with both plastic and metal water pipes.

Today we will try to reveal as much as possible the principles associated with pipe insulation in basementapartment building.

What to consider when performing thermal insulation

Before you begin insulating a structure located in the basement of an apartment building, you should understand the basic requirements in order to get the expected result and avoid numerous problems.

  • Maximum service life.
  • Self-extinguishing ability.
  • Availability of water-repellent properties.
  • Easy to install.
  • Low cost.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Low thermal conductivity.

Thermal insulation in an apartment building

Which materials are preferable?

Today, the variety of materials with which you can easily and quickly insulate water supply in the basement is impressive.

Among the effective and most popular are the following:

1. Mineral wool

Elements made on the basis of mineral wool will cope with temperature changes. With its help, you can insulate not only pipes in the basement of an apartment building, but also those located outside or in the ground. You can see what mineral wool looks like in the photo below.

2. Polyurethane foam

Ideal for insulating basement water pipes and attics. In essence, it is the outer shell of the water supply system. This design minimizes heat losses and adds strength. This heat insulator is not afraid of chemical influences and does not rot. But it has one drawback - high cost.

3. Expanded polystyrene

This material is characterized high level rigidity. Expanded polystyrene insulation is sold in the form of a part of a pipe that has protrusions for fastening.

4. Polyethylene foam

This heat insulator is best suited for internal insulation heating systems.

5. Foam

Polystyrene foam is good for insulating heating and water supply systems on ground and basement floors. Has a low level of moisture absorption. Foam plastic is also very durable and can be used for more than two decades.

6. Foam rubber

The heat insulator has a number of advantages. It is elastic, temperature resistant and not afraid of fire. Due to the fact that it is fire resistant, it is suitable for insulating external pipelines.

7. Liquid heat insulator

High-quality material that can compete on an equal footing with others. For example, one layer of paint can replace a 5-centimeter layer of polyurethane. In addition to its insulating properties, liquid thermal insulation can protect metal from corrosion and provides good appearance pipes But it is not used for thermal insulation of plastic pipes.

Regardless of the material you choose, the main thing is that the insulation is effective and there are no problems with tearing or other damage on cold days. More detailed instructions You can watch a video on how to install a particular heat insulator on the Internet. It is worth noting that working with insulation is not difficult; you can easily do it yourself.

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Do-it-yourself insulation of heating pipes: methods for self-execution

Foamed polyethylene and mineral wool- excellent insulation of the heating main in the attic

Hello. Today I want to talk about how to insulate heating pipes inside and outside construction sites with your own hands. The topic is of considerable interest, since proper thermal insulation can reduce the level of heat loss when transporting coolant from the thermogenerator to the heating device. I hope you find the instructions in this article interesting and useful.

A few words about current insulation methods

Insulated heating pipes are used if the route runs outside a construction site or through outbuildings, attics, basements and other non-residential premises. There is no need to insulate pipes in a living room, since the pipeline releases heat into the environment and acts as a heating radiator.

At the moment, there are many varieties of thermal insulation materials and methods of their use. Pipelines, depending on their configuration and location, are insulated with expanded polystyrene, foamed polyethylene, foam rubber, mineral wool, foil insulation, etc.

Current methods of pipeline insulation are distinguished by such characteristics as the thermal conductivity of the finished result, the temperature range at which long-term operation of the insulation is possible and, of course, price.

Unfortunately, not all methods of insulating pipelines can be done with your own hands. Therefore, in my review I will talk about those technologies that I myself have encountered and the results of which I was pleased with.

So what will we look at in this article?

  • Application of liquid insulating compounds;
  • Application of polyurethane foam;
  • Application of mineral wool;
  • Application of insulating shell.

Application of coating liquid insulation on heating mains

Easiest to implement insulation of heating pipes in the basement, attic and outbuildings is carried out using liquid coatings, such as “ARMOR CLASSIC” (ultra-thin thermal insulation).

The product is intended for application to polymer and metal surfaces at an ambient temperature of at least +7°C. Storage of the material is allowed only at positive temperatures. Operation of the material is allowed in a temperature range from +200°C to –60°C.

According to the manufacturer, the service life of the insulation is at least 15 years.

Instructions for insulating pipelines are given in the following diagram.

Let's consider the main stages of working with liquid insulation in more detail:

  • We prepare the surface, namely, we remove crumbling rust, dust and dirt from the material, and then wipe it with a rag soaked in thinner;
  • While the surface is drying, prepare the material - open the jar and mix the contents;

Liquid insulation is used with the consistency of thick sour cream, so diluting the product with water to thin it is not recommended.

  • We apply liquid thermal insulation with a regular brush over the entire surface in 2-3 layers, with a break for each previous layer to dry.

Explanations for installation work:

  • Despite the fact that the product is not toxic, we use protective gloves and goggles when working with it;
  • We work at good lighting so that when covering the working surface there are no unpainted areas left;
  • We do not paint fittings and moving areas of shut-off valves, since when liquid thermal insulation dries, it forms a dense crust, which will subsequently be difficult to remove.

How to thermally insulate a route using polyurethane foam

In one of the previous articles, I talked about how polyurethane foam is sprayed. PPU is a universal material that can be applied to various surfaces including heating pipes.

To complete the planned work you will need:

  • installation for spraying polyurethane foam;
  • components for producing foam;
  • roofing felt and soft aluminum wire;
  • plywood for cutting stiffeners.

Instructions for insulation work are shown in the diagram.

Let's look at these steps in more detail using the example of polyethylene pipe insulation:

  • We cut out rings with a slot from plywood or fiberboard in order to put them on the pipe, calculating that the diameter of the ring should be twice the diameter of the pipe;

  • We place the rings at a distance of approximately 60 cm from each other;

When installing the rings, direct the cut upward. To make it easier for the rings to fall into place, bend the edges of the slots and then move them.

  • install the PU foam supply hose in the slots on the rings so that its end reaches the last ring;
  • fix the hose in place with electrical tape or a plastic clamp so that it can later be pulled out;

  • Next, we wind the roofing material so that the edges of the strip lie on two adjacent rings and the edges extend outward by about 10 cm;

  • we connect the winding of roofing felt with soft wire;
  • along the entire length of the pipe in the shell, we punch holes with a diameter of 5 mm every meter;
  • after the shell is assembled, we press the open end with a piece of plywood or fiberboard and release the foam;

  • when the foam appears from the end of the pipe, covered with a piece, pull out the hose 0.5 meters;

  • when foam appears from the first hole at the end made in the shell, pull out the hose another half a meter, etc.;

  • As a result, after the hose is fully extended, the pipe will be surrounded by strong and reliable insulation.

We leave the roofing material without removing it even after the foam has completely dried. Firstly, roofing felt will protect the foam insulation from mechanical stress.
Secondly, the presence of an outer shell will prevent the foam from being exposed to UV radiation, which will extend the life of the insulation.

If the above instructions seem complicated to you, you can do it easier and apply an even layer to the surface of the route polyurethane foam from a can.

Unfortunately, the price of foam from a container in terms of the treated area is high. In addition, using a balloon it is not easy to evenly treat all parts of the pipe and it is even more difficult to apply a uniform layer without bald spots and without bumps.

Other thermal insulation methods

Mineral wool has long been used for thermal insulation of heating pipes located in the open air. Thermal insulation was built as follows:

  • strips of mineral wool were wound over the pipeline and secured with wire;
  • a chain-link mesh was installed on top of the insulating winding;
  • A layer of cement-sand plaster was applied on top of the chain-link mesh, which was designed to protect the insulation from precipitation.

You can implement this method yourself, especially since there is nothing complicated about it. If the pipeline is of small diameter and runs through the basement or attic, instead of full reinforcement, a layer of dense polyethylene film can be wound over the mineral wool.

Finally, a few words about shells, which are made from mineral wool, expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam.

It is believed that the polyurethane foam shell is intended for heating pipelines, while expanded polystyrene, that is, foam with a dense structure, is designed to insulate water pipes and. In fact, heating pipes can be insulated with both shells, since polystyrene foam melts at a temperature of +160°C, while most heating mains do not heat up above +80°C.

The use of shells is reliable and simple. Two or three halves (depending on modification and diameter) are folded together. Finished design tightened with clamps or the locks are foamed with polyurethane foam.


So, now you know how to insulate heating pipes outdoors. Moreover, you can choose one of the listed methods and handle it yourself.

Eat personal experience in thermal insulation of pipes? Tell us about it in your comments, I think everyone will be interested to know about it. By the way, I recommend watching the video in this article.

July 29, 2016

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Heat loss in a pipeline is the main problem both autonomous and central lines of the heating system. And if the reduction of heat loss within the region is entrusted to public utilities, then the owner of a private house needs to take care of the insulation of heating pipes himself, and due to the insignificant amount of work, do it himself.

Is it necessary to insulate heating pipes and what benefits does it give?

Thermal insulation for heating pipes allows:

  • reduce heat loss in places where pipes pass along the ground, are mounted by air (ground) or are located in an unheated room;
  • prevent freezing of the liquid, which is the coolant (freezing is fraught with a pipe break);
  • reducing the likelihood of corrosion on the surface of the pipe (for metal pipelines);
  • saving money on heating your home.

Thus, the more reliably the heating system is insulated, the more heat the user will receive (the higher the efficiency), and the less he will have to pay for gas for heating (or for electricity, if an electric boiler).

Due to the fact that the coolant moves through the heating system, the task of pipe insulation is reduced to minimizing heat loss and preventing rupture of the system due to freezing.

A popular solution in this case is the use of thermal insulation materials. This is the most cost-effective and easiest insulation method from the point of view of independent implementation.

Thermal insulation for outdoor heating pipes

A variety of insulation materials makes it possible to choose exactly the one that suits you the best way for a specific application location (outdoors, underground, basement, attic) and budget.

The selection of a heat insulator is carried out taking into account the following factors:

  • heating system pipe diameter;
  • operating conditions (location of the heating system);
  • average heating temperature of the coolant;
  • thermal conductivity indicator of insulation (the lower, the better);
  • water absorption rate. Shows the ability of the insulating material to perform its functions in a humid environment;
  • resistance to combustion, biological and chemical activity, ultraviolet radiation and other factors external environment;
  • life time;
  • ease of installation (provided that sufficient tightness is ensured);
  • price.

How to insulate outdoor heating pipes with your own hands

To choose the right pipe insulation, you need to know what types of thermal insulation for heating pipes exist, and what are the features of each of them.

Classification of thermal insulation materials for heating pipes

1. According to installation method:

  • hard sheet insulation . These include: polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam. Despite the high thermal insulation properties, the installation of such insulation is quite complicated from the point of view of ensuring the tightness of the insulation;
  • roll insulation. These include: polyethylene (used as an additional component of insulation), foil penofol, wool (mineral and glass wool). Application roll materials requires the arrangement of their reliable fastening to the pipe;
  • segmental (casing) insulation. There are two types of such insulation: hard - shells made of polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam (PPU) or polystyrene foam, and soft - polymer pipes. The advantage of segment materials is that they hold their shape well, are easy to install and provide the required level of tightness between the heat-insulating material and the heating pipe;
  • sprayed insulation, incl. thermal paint. Penoizol has proven itself to be an excellent sprayer, as it allows you to insulate even small cracks. Thermal paint has the same property. The only disadvantage of these materials is that they are quite expensive and applying them yourself is problematic.

2. By type of insulation:

  • polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam. They have the best characteristics in terms of maintaining the original temperature of the coolant. Their use in the form of a shell simplifies installation and provides reliable protection of the system;

  • wool (mineral, glass wool). Can be used as a roll or sectional material. Regardless of the type and configuration, cotton wool insulation for heating pipes has a significant drawback, which is that cotton wool is hygroscopic. Those. it needs additional protection from moisture. When wet, cotton wool loses its properties. Therefore, sections often have additional protection in the form of a foil layer. But cotton wool is great for insulating pipes in the basement or attic.

  • foil penofol. Due to its small thickness, it is used primarily for insulating pipes indoors.

  • polyethylene foam– (EPE, PPE) polyethylene foam for pipes.

Comparison of thermal insulation materials for pipes - video

Heating pipe insulation technology

The choice of pipe thermal insulation and the method of its installation are influenced by the location of the pipeline.

Insulation of heating pipes on the street

External thermal insulation of pipes is the most the hard way insulation, because outdoors Not only the pipes need protection, but also the insulation itself. For outdoor installation, non-hygroscopic materials or other materials are used, but reliably protected from moisture by a film or casing.

In addition, it is advisable to use the densest and thickest insulation outdoors. Another requirement is the use of a material that is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, bad weather and mechanical damage.

Insulation of heating pipes in an unheated room

Basement, cold attic, boiler room - a feature of such rooms is the absence of heating radiators. But since the pipes are filled with coolant and are located in an environment with minimal humidity, there are no special requirements for either the thermal insulation material or its thickness.

Insulation of heating pipes underground

The specificity of installing heating pipes underground is that they must be laid below the freezing level of the soil, which is a depth of one and a half to two meters. If you do not adhere to this requirement, the coolant will cool greatly while it passes through the heating main located in the ground. In order to reduce heat loss, you need to take care of high-quality insulation of the underground pipeline.

Experts say that the optimal solution in this case would be to use cable system heating pipes. But due to the high cost, users prefer enhanced thermal insulation of heating pipes.

Good insulation of underground heating pipes requires the following requirements:

  • insulation of insulation from moisture in the soil;
  • eliminating the possibility of deformation of the insulation, because in this case, its properties are reduced. This is especially true for soft thermal insulation materials;

According to reviews, optimal solution– thermal insulation of heating pipes using.

Note. Users recommend using a combined insulation system for pipes that are laid above the ground freezing level, namely: a combination of cotton wool and a hard polyurethane foam shell with a protective fiberglass coating. Ideally, even at the laying stage, use factory multilayer ones.

How to insulate heating pipes with your own hands

Sequence of actions in the form of step-by-step instructions:

  • calculation and purchase of thermal insulation material;
  • wrapping the pipe with foil tape or foil. The foil acts as a heat reflector;
  • installing insulation around the pipe. Sectional hard (casing) or soft insulation is simply “put on” the pipe. As for soft materials, they need to be cut into pieces equal in width to the diameter of the pipe. Next, wrap it around the pipe and secure it with tape, wire or plastic clamps. Hard insulation is the hardest part. From it you need to create a box around the pipe (or use pipe shells of the appropriate diameter);
  • inspect the insulated pipe for the presence of “cold bridges” and eliminate them;
  • if necessary, cover the heat-insulating material with protective material (film) and seal the joints with tape.

The costs of insulating heating pipes, despite their initial value, are quickly recouped by saving on bills for heating the house.

Insulation of water supply pipes in a private house is an important step in creating a comfortable microclimate and reducing the cost of heating premises in private and apartment buildings. In this article we will consider the insulation requirements for polypropylene pipes and whether it is necessary to insulate heating and plumbing.

In private houses, communications have two vulnerable areas for freezing. These areas are located on the street when laying communications from the well to the house or in an unheated basement. If you have not insulated the basement, then it is necessary to protect the pipes in the basement of a private house from heat loss. Let's look at how and how to insulate communications on our own, and tell you what materials to use.

Is it necessary to insulate polypropylene pipes in a private house? If you didn’t do this during construction, then protecting communications from heat loss is simply necessary. If Vacation home rarely used in winter period, then communications can freeze, regardless of what material is used for the water supply pipe - metal-plastic, HDPE or galvanized steel.

How to insulate pipes in a private house with your own hands

When entering cold water pipe In a warm room, condensation will always form on it. If the pipe is insulated, you will protect the room from possible appearance dampness. Heating at home also requires thermal insulation, so as not to waste excess heat in a given room, but to redirect it to the maximum Living spaces, reducing your heating costs.

Requirements for insulation for pipe insulation

More recently, any available material was used for pipes - old jackets, cotton blankets etc. Today the range of insulation is so wide that you can right choice not so easy. Therefore, you should consider the most popular materials, as well as technological requirements requirements for these materials. Let's consider what to consider when choosing insulation:

  • Duration of operation of the insulating material;
  • Insulation resistance to high humidity and moisture;
  • Fire safety and fire resistance of insulation;
  • Easy installation with the possibility of reuse;
  • Resistance to mechanical and temperature influences;
  • Low cost and availability of pipe insulation.

How to insulate water supply pipes in a private house

A number of important requirements are imposed on materials used in damp and unheated rooms. The technical and operational characteristics of the insulation must meet the requirements of resistance to chemical and temperature influences. Having dealt with necessary set characteristics, let's proceed to choosing the most inexpensive and optimal pipe insulation.

Glass wool and mineral wool insulation

When working with mineral wool, use gloves and a respirator to protect against microparticles getting on your skin and mucous membranes.

When using mineral wool or glass wool:

  1. Take a roll of insulation and cut small pieces from it.
  2. Wrap the basalt insulation around the pipe and secure it with a nylon rope - tie the rope on one side and wrap it around the insulation in a spiral until the end of the pipe.
  3. Secure over the insulation roll waterproofing, for example, roofing felt, isolon or foil penofol.

Insulation made of polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam

Shells made of polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam are often used to insulate pipes in the ground. The insulation is resistant to high humidity, has resistance to mechanical loads. The shell can be reused many times possible repairs systems, and the characteristics meet all requirements. It is optimal to use polyurethane foam shells in country houses.

To use a polyurethane foam “shell,” connect the two halves of the cylinder around the pipe and wrap them with tape. Place the following parts “overlapping” each other. Cylinders made of expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam can have a layer of foil, which makes them similar in characteristics to a thermos and increases the resistance of the insulation to high humidity. Watch the video comparing the characteristics of pipe insulation.

Polyethylene foam insulation

Insulation for pipes made of foamed polyethylene: penofol or isolon is convenient for installation. The material is easy to secure with foil tape or clamps, it can be easily removed if necessary and can be reused. It is optimal to use polyethylene foam insulation to protect heating pipes in a private house in order to reduce heat loss in the basement.

How to insulate pipes in a private house

You should think in advance about how to insulate water supply pipes in a private house, how to insulate columnar foundation and what thermal insulation material to use for various materials. Requirements for the materials used should take into account the ease of installation of insulation, long service life, water-repellent characteristics, environmental and fire safety material.

You should not have any difficulties in your work; anyone can handle this issue. No special skills or special tool for pipe insulation is not required. Check out the video instructions at the end of the article on this topic, and you will understand

Insulation of heating pipelines is important aspect in the creation of energy-saving technologies, and this issue is acute these days.

At the moment, a large number of insulating materials and methods for their optimal use in various industrial fields have been developed.

But energy needs to be used rationally not only in industry, but also in everyday life. Insulating heating lines is not only desirable, but also becomes a vital necessity.

In general, the thermal insulation process is aimed not only at supporting temperature regime at a stable level, but also protects the heat carrier from freezing during cold periods.

Warm insulating materials there are the following types:

  • piece;
  • in rolls;
  • combined;
  • for filling;
  • casing

Depends on technical characteristics and insulation parameters, these materials are used in the following networks:

  • ventilation;
  • cold and hot water supply;
  • technical equipment;
  • steam heating.

The choice of protective material must be approached with great responsibility, because it is the key to warmth and comfort in people’s homes.

The types of most effective insulating material are as follows:

  1. Thermal insulation paint. It is considered one of the achievements of Russian science. One layer of this coating can replace several centimeters of polystyrene foam and mineral wool. However, this material is not harmful. environment and resistant to high temperatures. This type of pipeline insulation is used in difficult production conditions.
  2. . This material is characterized by low thermal conductivity and fire resistance. For these reasons, it has found wide application in the protection of heating systems. But, this type of protection refers to expensive building materials.
  3. Insulation with polyurethane foam. They began to use it for thermal insulation only recently, but they have already appreciated its practicality.
  4. Expanded polystyrene. This is practically the same pinoplast. This option is affordable and easy to install.
  5. . It is a shell shaped like a pipe.

Selection of insulating material

The disadvantage of mineral wool is that it absorbs water and thereby loses its thermal insulation properties. Therefore, insulating a large system with this material is not economically profitable, since along with it you will have to purchase protective equipment against moisture penetration.

Innovative insulation - penofol

Today, penofol is increasingly used for thermal insulation of highways on the street. This insulation is made of polyethylene foam covered on one side aluminum foil for protection and maximum thermal insulation.

All these calculations are difficult to carry out, and in order to save time, many use a personal computer and a special software. At the same time, they quickly and successfully obtain the desired result. We suggest downloading free program for windows.

Protection of external systems

Insulation of external heating pipelines is necessary so that the coolant retains heat for as long as possible. It is especially relevant for external heating lines.

It takes a large amount of heat to warm up the water, and if the external systems are not insulated, a significant part of it will simply be wasted on the way to the destination.

Pipeline insulation in buildings

Insulation of existing heating pipelines in a room does not lose its relevance. It is clear that in those areas where the pipeline must give up its thermal energy, there is no need to isolate it.

But, areas in the room where pipes pass, for example, in the wall, need to be insulated. Otherwise, the heat will be lost to heating the wall.

Such protection is not used very often indoors, and it should be noted that without it, the quality of heating suffers.

For a system located in the floor, high-density protective materials must be used. For example, any type of foam insulation will be effective indoors. They are great for insulation, and for ease of work it is better to take tubular options.

These are soft and flexible tubes equipped with a longitudinal section. They are easy to put on and are secured with a special clip. If the installation of such insulation in a room is carried out correctly, it will last for a very long time.

Thermal protection on the street

Insulating heating pipelines outdoors requires a special approach. First of all, during such work, the possible influence of moisture should be calculated. Outside it's snowing or raining. Also, when laying thermal insulation outdoors, it is necessary to provide a waterproof layer.

The generally accepted options for thermal protection of the heat supply network on the street are as follows:

  • A winding made up of silk threads.
  • Ruberoid.
  • Winding from wire resistant to corrosion processes.

Outdoor protection options must meet the following requirements:

  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Resistant to moisture. Moisture should not accumulate in the protection; this is especially important for a highway running in the ground.
  • Resistance to the influence of aggressive environments. It should not be destroyed by low temperature and wind.
  • Long time of use.
  • Simple gasket.

Insulation rules

The rules for insulating heating pipelines are quite numerous, here are some important points from them:

  1. First of all, you need to study the rules and regulations of SNIP.
  2. Insulation materials should be purchased from official suppliers. They manufacture products in compliance with all rules and standards.
  3. It is necessary to carry out thermal protection of pipelines in order to concentrate thermal energy in the radiator area. If you ignore the rules for pipeline insulation central heating, then the heat will be directed towards the walls and window openings.
  4. Designers who are engaged in the arrangement of premises can improve the appearance of thermal insulation. But to do this kind of work you also need to follow your own rules. For example, when covering with plasterboard, we must not forget about the holes for access to the fittings.
  5. Some insulation for heating pipelines simply needs to be cut. But some will need additional material for guard.

Requirements for choosing heating insulation

When searching for thermal insulation for a heating network located outdoors, in addition to the above nuances, you must be guided by the following requirements:

  1. An indicator of the thermal conductivity of a material.
  2. Ability to withstand the environment.
  3. Temperature range for work.
  4. Length of period of use.
  5. Easy to install material.

Video: thermal insulation of pipes outdoors

Thermal insulation in the basement

Having completed the construction of a house, its owner must find out how to insulate the pipes for the heating network.

After all, the solution in this situation directly depends on the type of room where they take place. Therefore, thermal insulation for heating pipes in the basement should also be carried out after studying the options intended for such actions.

Video: thermal insulation in the basement

If there is increased ventilation in the attic, then high humidity this room does not exist.

Things are completely different with the basement. For blanks heating system this place is called the most critical.

Despite the fact that the highway runs below the freezing point of the soil, this does not exempt people from such an event.

And from the point where the heating network enters basement to the location of the plumbing, it still needs to be thermally insulated.

ADVICE! Regardless of the type of product chosen to protect pipelines running in the ground, they are additionally covered with a layer of waterproofing.

It doesn’t take much time to decide how to insulate the pipes in a given room. Experts are convinced that from the perspective of the best ratio of quality and cost, the most a good choice- This is polystyrene foam.

This product is produced for products of different volumes, and each individual can handle the installation independently.

The use of mineral wool involves performing the work in two stages:

  1. First stage. This is a tight wrapping of the workpiece with cloth and fastening with a cord.
  2. Second phase. Protective waterproofing is formed from roofing felt. Pre-cut, it is placed on mineral wool. A nylon cord holds it all in place.

When doing work in the basement, we must not forget that correct selection designs and correct installation become the key to long service and efficient operation of the heating network.

Features of a heating pipeline running underground

Thermal insulation for pipes in the ground is indispensable in cold weather. winter time. Without good insulation the thermal energy of the coolant will simply be spent on heating the air, soil, and more. Accordingly, the efficiency of the network in such conditions decreases.

For a heating system located in the ground, the following is necessary to reduce heat losses.

According to SNiP standards, material for heating pipes that are laid in the ground must have a density of almost 400 kg/m3.

Additionally, these documents indicate that insulation structures should not contain flammable compounds.

Until now, only mineral and glass wool were used to insulate pipes in the ground. It can be found in heating networks even now, but this option has some disadvantages.

They become the reason for using other insulation materials with best characteristics. A significant drawback in this case is high hygroscopicity, which leads to reduced protection of workpieces in the ground.

Also, mineral wool, after prolonged use, suffers damage to its structural integrity, and this reduces its ability to retain heat.

IMPORTANT! A significant advantage of glass wool is its ability to work at high temperatures. This also includes excellent tolerance to chemical influences, excellent fire-resistant properties and low price.

The latest technologies have brought insulation based on polystyrene foam, foam rubber with the addition of fire-resistant additives.

They are hygroscopic, but ease of installation and low cost have led to the fact that they are installed most often.

Foamed polyethylene, which is currently very popular among consumers, deserves special attention.

The advantage of this product is its environmental safety. Big row positive characteristics put it in a leading position in the ranking of the best products.

A little less often, thermal insulation of pipes in the ground is carried out with synthetic rubber. This material also has a large range positive qualities, but has a higher price.

This problem is especially acute in a situation where the pipe line is hidden in the walls or floor, or is covered with plasterboard construction.

Such channels heat not only the apartment, but also the walls. Consequently, heat is lost going outside. The same thing happens with concrete screed. The heat simply goes into the soil.

From the above, the conclusion suggests itself that the system running in the apartment needs thermal insulation.

Today, most often for wiring heating system take plastic. It conducts heat poorly, but, nevertheless, they do not fall to a minimum.

When producing this insulation in an apartment, the polyethylene foam is cut lengthwise. So it fits comfortably on eco-plast.

Each stick of such a product contains a drawn line along which an incision is made. After attachment to the workpiece, this thermal insulation takes on its previous shape.

In order for the installation to be tight and free of gaps, the cut must be made with extreme precision.

IMPORTANT! The topic of insulating the heating system in an apartment comes up regularly. But during discussions, regional features are not always remembered. If in some southern regions you can afford to do without insulating the heating system, which is hidden in the wall, then in any northern region such actions are tantamount to sabotage.

Thermal insulation in the apartment without loss, thanks to modern materials can be done without much difficulty.

Video: Stenoflex 400 insulation

And speaking of such measures, one cannot help but recall liquid thermal insulation, which is an alternative to other methods. This composition is characterized by special stability of heat transfer.

This paint is applied in a thin layer to the pipe. One such layer replaces protection made of polyurethane or polyethylene up to 5 cm thick.

How much protection is needed for the heating main?

There are a certain number of people who question this issue. They ask: “Why install thermal protection on an already warm heating network?”

You need to understand that thermal protection not only improves heating efficiency by retaining heat. It also prevents Negative influence external environment on the pipeline, does not allow structures to overheat or condensation to form.

To this we must add that effective thermal protection is important point saving money, and on a fairly large scale.

IMPORTANT! Thermal protection itself High Quality may become ineffective if unprofessional installation actions are carried out by craftsmen.

Choose required material not difficult. The construction market offers a lot of options for these purposes, and they are all different affordable price and good quality.