A necessary set of tools for the home. The best tools that masters choose

So, let's say that you have finally finished making repairs and now the task is to leave at home only those hand-held power tools for homework that can be useful in Everyday life. In general, you can generally do without power tools if everything has already been done on a turnkey basis. But still, let's go through the most popular electric building units and try to understand whether they will be useful to us for performing typical “man in the house” tasks.


As practice and feedback from users of building communities and forums show, it will be almost impossible to live without a screwdriver. And this is not surprising - after all, you always need to screw something up somewhere, redo it, or move it to another place. Often, an ordinary screwdriver will also cope with these tasks, but we are used to saving our own time, and it’s not in vain that progress is stepping forward: it’s time to get used to comfort.

What is important to know when choosing

  • Choose the right bits for all the slots found in your home;
  • For the house, a corded screwdriver is also quite suitable, but if you don’t want to run around with carriers, unravel the wires, it’s better to use a cordless one;

Impact drill or hammer drill

The walls in our apartments are most often made of bricks or blocks, and the ceilings are made of concrete floors, so it is important to have a percussion instrument. Well, its use is quite understandable: to hang a picture, a shelf or a mirror, and also to outweigh what was done during the repair fuss, contrary to the rules of the interior. There are also three-mode rotary hammers: drilling, impact drilling, slotting. Universal tools that replace several others are popular among home craftsmen.

What is important to know when choosing

  • Pick the right drills, remember that for concrete you need victorious ones. The most popular sizes of drills: 4, 5, 6, 8, 10mm, we recommend that you purchase them in a set, where they are packed in a convenient case. So the drills will not be lost and will be convenient to use;
  • Take care of your neighbors. Remember that a neighbor with a puncher is the embodiment of hell on Earth, do not make enemies for yourself. Operate the hammer during reasonable hours and not daily;
  • It may be worth getting a mixing attachment in case you are thinking of a small local refurbishment of the repair.


It will help to assemble / disassemble a computer, change or repair a socket with a switch. Again, it is replaced by a set of screwdrivers, but here it’s convenient for anyone.

What is important to know when choosing

  • Choose the right bits. You may need small bits for spot work;

electric grinder

For those who like to “correctly” sharpen a knife and those who do not want to mess with whetstone An electric grinder will do just fine to save time.

What is important to know when choosing

  • Protect yourself and environment from sparks arising in the process of working with this tool;


If the floors are wooden, then this tool may fit and even be quite popular. But in general, its necessity seems doubtful. In a country house, if there are stairs, a wooden floor in a bath can become an indispensable assistant.

construction vacuum cleaner

If you are often going to make or remodel something in a house or apartment, a construction vacuum cleaner can help with one of the most hated tasks of a builder - cleaning up after work. An ordinary vacuum cleaner will not cope with a large amount of construction debris and quickly become clogged, but a construction vacuum cleaner will suck up all the waste from your production with pleasure.

chain saw

In a country house with a bath, it will help with the quick preparation of firewood. Also with its help it is possible to work on a site with thick trees.

reciprocating saw

In an apartment, it is unlikely that you will be able to find a use for this tool, but in a suburban garden plot suitable for trimming branches and local installation work with wood, pipes.

Angle grinder (Bulgarian)

Considering how versatile this tool is, which can cut, grind and replace a wall chaser, perhaps a 125 mm angle grinder. will definitely come in handy on the farm.

Multifunctional tool (renovator)

Until now, disputes about this tool have not subsided: someone considers it indispensable in view of its versatility, someone insists on its unprofessionalism and inefficiency. However, we recommend that you at least take a closer look at such tools, because for rare non-global works, the renovator can be very useful, while not taking up much space. And given the possibility of expanding its functionality by purchasing additional nozzles and a rather affordable price, the purchase of this universal tool is becoming more and more tempting. The Bosch Gop and Black & Decker Multievo models are popular, primarily due to the rich set of features out of the box.

Multievo promises to replace 10 tools:

  • drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • grinder;
  • mini-disc saw for wood, chipboard, MDF and laminate;
  • oscillating tool (cuts into wood and drywall);
  • milling cutter;
  • screwdriver (included are nozzle bits);
  • trimer garden;
  • perforator;
  • pump with pressure gauge;

Just do not try to make repairs completely exclusively with this tool, because the hammer attachment will never give the functionality, power and efficiency that a classic electric hammer with one function (and sometimes several speed modes) has.
But for small tweaks it will do. And considering that all this will fit in one case and will not get lost around the apartment or country house- very tempting.

  • do not buy bad and cheap power tools for the home. Give preference to value for money. An expensive brand is not always good, and among unknown manufacturers you can find quite high-quality devices;
  • Don't forget about quality. Tool without consumable will lie idle;
  • Purchase protective equipment and boxes or cases for easy storage.

In our age of aggressive emancipation and gender equality, there is practically no concept of "female" and "male" instruments. But a few decades ago, the first was understood as something like a ladle, skimmer and cutting board, and under the latter - a hammer, nails and pliers. What can you do, the world is changing. However, even in our time, there are still houses where a “bag” with tools is kept, the undivided owner of which is the head of the family. To spite the skeptics, we can argue that a modern man is able not only to touch the keyboard with his fingers, but also to hammer a nail or fix an outlet. And to make it as high quality as possible, he needs to always have a universal set of tools at hand, with which he can quickly and efficiently fix any problem.

For those who consider themselves to be representatives of the stronger sex, we have prepared a selection of tools that every craftsman needs - "crazy hands".

Claw hammer

Well, what's a toolbox without a hammer? They say that even if a man just holds it in his hand, his testosterone level will immediately increase.

A hammer is a percussion instrument known to everyone, which is mainly used for driving nails and breaking objects (chopping walnuts does not count). It consists of two main parts: a metal impact part and a handle made of wood or plastic. The hammer can be of several types, depending on the size and shape of the impact part, as well as its purpose.

Ideally, each home master there should be several hammers. But if you decide to limit yourself to one, then the most universal option- This is a hammer with a nail puller. On the opposite side of the impact part, the strikers are in the form of a fork, so that with this tool it is possible not only to hammer, but also to extract the nails back.

Adjustable wrench

Have you ever wondered why in the old German porn movies the plumber comes holding not a plunger (which would be logical), but an adjustable wrench? At the sight of a man with this tool, most women at the subconscious level begin to experience a complacent awe, because this is how they should look a real man.

An adjustable wrench can replace a dozen simple wrenches, because its size can be adjusted, which means it can be used for almost all types of bolts.


Incredible useful thing! Without it, you can’t hang the picture evenly, level the floor, put a volume of Dontsova under the refrigerator so that it doesn’t stagger ... Without a level, most likely, you will spend a lot of time and nerves until you achieve a more or less tolerable result.

Now on sale are more advanced modifications of the standard levels that can make your work as easy as possible.

Universal square

Possibly in adulthood faced with difficulties in using this tool, you once again regretted that you were inattentive in geometry lessons. The universal square can be described as an improved model of the school protractor, because it is also used to measure and build angles.

Having one universal square, you can save on the purchase of a thicknesser, bevel, measuring and drawing ruler and other tools.

Screwdriwer set

Screwdriver - perfect necessary thing in every house. Most of the species pass with her participation. minor repairs e.g. changing sockets or switches, fixing household appliances etc. For different types works have their own versions of screwdrivers, so it is advisable to purchase a set right away. Believe me, this purchase will definitely justify itself sooner or later.


Roulette is a very necessary thing that should be in the arsenal of any master. It can come in handy for the most mundane tasks, like comparing the width of a cabinet with the amount of corner you want to fit it into, or measuring the size of a TV. The tape measure will not get tangled, will not tear and is unlikely to be lost. Simple and easy to use.


A hacksaw is another mandatory attribute of a man whose hands grow from right place. A hacksaw is especially necessary if you live in your own house: you can use it to cut branches. It is also convenient to use it for cutting lumber, and indeed, a real man will always find something to cut off, the main thing before that is to measure at least seven times ...

Stationery knife

This tool is most often found in classic English detective stories, as a crime weapon. It is difficult to say why exactly the stationery knife so excited the imagination of eminent writers, but in everyday life this tool is very useful. It is sharp and always at hand.


This useful little thing can come in handy in unforeseen situations, for example, when you need to press something, but there are not enough hands. Pliers can also be used to unscrew bolts and nuts with stripped edges.

Cordless Drill

Probably, each of us "dreams" to be next to a person who often uses this tool during repair work. Although, seriously, it is almost impossible for any master to do without it. With the help of such a drill, you can make a hole in the wall or tighten the screw.

When purchasing this thing, you need to pay attention to the battery voltage. You can buy a cordless drill up to 18 volts, but keep in mind that the higher the voltage, the more the tool weighs. 12 volts is enough for small jobs. domestic work. It is also equally important that the drill has several speeds and has a reverse function, so that there is always the opportunity to unwind the screw back.

Another important nuance when working with a cordless drill/driver is that it is better to turn it on on weekdays and on weekdays. work time, if you do not want to turn all the neighbors against you.

A real owner is quite comparable to a doctor who always has everything at hand. In the event of any problems in household, he will quickly take out his set of tools and eliminate the causes of a household "accident".

So what should be in the “first aid kit” of the real owner of the house? Scroll necessary tools is large enough, and it is very difficult to figure out what is more needed. Let's start in order and with the most necessary.

  1. What surely must be is a hammer and nails! It is desirable that the hammer was with a nail puller.
  2. A drill is also a very useful and necessary thing in the household, one might say - an indispensable pair of hands! Very often there is a need to hang something, whether it be a picture, shelves, some kind of hook, etc. To wrap a few screws - you can not do without a drill. This power tool comes with a lot of useful attachments - grinding, polishing, etc.
  3. An alternative drill is a hammer drill. A very serious and solid tool, which differs from a drill in greater productivity. The question is, how much is it needed as part of a “home first aid kit”? It's up to you.
  4. The home master will also need good set screwdrivers, in which the role of the "first violin" is assigned to the rod and cruciform models, it is desirable that they be of different calibers (differ in size).
  5. It would be nice to include various “adjustable” wrenches designed for plumbing work in a set of home tools.
  6. It is advisable to purchase a fully equipped tool kit, which will include various bits, socket wrenches and other necessary little things. We advise you to foresee plumbing problems associated with water leakage, and stock up for a critical case with a set of rubber gaskets of various sizes.
  7. A zealous owner always holds such tools as wire cutters and pliers in high esteem. They become especially popular if the repair is associated with electrical wiring. In this case, an indicator screwdriver will not be superfluous. With its help, it will be easier to replace the old outlet or switch.
  8. A chisel is useful for woodworking, and may also be required in order to knock down an old ceramic tiles, plaster, punch a hole in the wall (strobe) for the electrical wire.
  9. If there is a need to saw something off, you will, of course, need a saw, or better, a hacksaw for wood or metal.
  10. A file is required for sanding metal or wood pointed areas.
  11. And, of course, in the toolbox there must be a place for a variety of nails, bolts, nuts, washers, screws, dowels, self-tapping screws, drills and other necessary little things.
  12. Make sure that the home master kit includes sandpaper (for delicate grouting of surfaces), electrical tape, a tape measure for various measurements and a flashlight. The latter very often turns out to be an indispensable assistant.
  13. Without a set of brushes, this list will not seem complete enough. After all, the need to tint or glue something somewhere can also arise. It is better to have brushes with artificial bristles (for water-based paints and wallpaper glue), as well as with natural - for varnishes and enamels. Brushes must be included different forms and sizes: large and small, round and rectangular, special on a long curved handle for painting central heating radiators.

Well, that's probably all. We have collected with you the most necessary arsenal of "household first aid kit" for home use. It can be replenished with other tools, but this is at the discretion of the owner of the house.

The joy of moving into your own home is quickly replaced by a feeling of helplessness with the first minor breakdown. Before, you didn’t think it was so important to know what tools should be in every home, but now a father, brother or ex-husband they won’t screw a fallen cornice and screw a shelf to the wall for you. It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman, you live in own house or in the apartment: there are tools, the ability to use which and the presence of which in the house is simply a must!

Minimum set

If you have never dealt with repair work and tools, then it makes no sense to buy sophisticated equipment. First you need to master the basics and learn how to do simple job at home.

  • Scotch.

Are you laughing? But in vain! Scotch is actually an irreplaceable thing. Yes, it is difficult to fix something qualitatively with its help, but it can fix, for example, a cracked frame in a shower cabin so that it does not completely fall apart. During this time, you will be able to think over a plan of action, buy or borrow the necessary tools and watch a couple of videos on how such breakdowns are repaired, without losing the opportunity to use this very cabin.

  • Roulette.

It is quite inconvenient to measure distances with an ordinary ruler, and we are usually talking about more than the standard 30 or maximum 50 centimeters. Need to fix the countertop at a certain height from the floor? Guess which tool will start the markup definition.

  • Level.

But after all, the countertop must also be installed evenly, and here you simply cannot do without a level. In fact, the level is indispensable in everything: from leveling the walls with drywall to decorating the interior with paintings. For more advanced work, a convenient laser level but it also costs a lot more.

  • Plunger.

In Soviet homes, a plunger was an everyday thing, but now you can’t find it with fire during the day. Is it a shame for people to keep him in the house, or means household chemicals, dissolving blockages, do work, but a plunger is rarely found in the house. But only he can urgently eliminate the blockage both in the toilet and in the bathroom or even in the kitchen, so you do not need to discount this tool.

  • Lantern.

It would seem an elementary thing, but in the economy, it happens, and it is not there. So you have to highlight the trip to the toilet or bathroom in case of turning off the light with an expensive phone. Yes, and there are enough places in the house that need to be illuminated even during the day with the lights on: hidden valves, a sink elbow or storage systems inside the cabinet.

  • Screwdrivers.

For minor breakdowns, where the screws have loosened a little or where you need to disassemble the body of the equipment, a screwdriver will be enough. Just keep in mind that there are screws different sizes, and the threads on the screws come in different shapes, so buy a small set right away.

  • Spanners.

Tightening nuts by hand is a disastrous business, so you will need spanners different sizes. As with screwdrivers, it's best to buy a kit that's designed for typical household tasks, such as installing a faucet or fixing a plumbing system. There are combination wrenches that can be adjusted to any nut, which is very convenient.

  • Glue.

Glue is not exactly a tool, but without a tube of the good old Moment, life in the house is unsettling. Small works fixing without glue would be excruciatingly difficult, so stock up on a couple of its varieties for all occasions.

  • Hammer.

And closes the list of mandatory minimum hammer, which is still considered a measure of the ability to handle tools. Those who do not know how to use a hammer are unlikely to be able to take a step further - to an advanced set of tools.

If you are going to self serve private house, then the minimum amount of necessary equipment will be more than for an apartment, because you will have to not only deal with minor repairs and decor, but also maintain communications, repair the roof and facade.

Extended set

This list is for those who are going to not only repair, but also create. In repairs, these tools are indispensable, but the list of the advanced set is far from exhaustive: if you are interested in repairs in the broad sense of the word, be prepared for the fact that more and more money and space for inventory will go away every year.

  • Drill driver.

In fact, this tool borders on the mandatory list, because without it you can neither screw a shelf nor hang curtains. You will need such a tool more than once, but you will need to learn how to use it: read about dowels, types of screws, find out where your wiring goes so as not to accidentally get into it.

  • Sealant syringe.

You can get rid of puddles in the bathroom after washing yourself if you learn how to use a sealant. Read the instructions, buy a syringe and get rid of annoying smudges once and for all.

  • Clamp.

This device for fixing the product is useful when gluing or other processing things.

  • Construction stapler.

Pliers and wire cutters may also come in handy, especially if you are going to be working with wires or wire.

All of these tools will help you make fewer repairs and repairs, saving you money, and while they will take some learning, the joy of doing your own work will make you feel empowered and independent.

For construction country house need various tools. It is best to purchase them in advance so that in the process of work you do not have to be distracted by the search for a particular tool.

For the construction of a house and its interior decoration many tools are required, which are divided into several groups.

Earth tools

For earthworks you will need the following tools:

2. Shovel with a straight cutting part.

3. The shovel is pointed.

4. Spade with a straight cutting part.

5. Spade with a flat bottom.

The pickaxe is designed for loosening hard ground. Instead, you can use a pickaxe.

A shovel with a straight cutting part is used for removing light soil and leveling surfaces.

A pointed shovel is necessary for removing soil such as gravel. It is not suitable for leveling surfaces.

A shovel spade with a straight cutting part (Fig. 1) is needed to remove light soil and level surfaces.

Rice. 1. Spade spade with a straight cutting part

A shovel spade with a pointed lower part (Fig. 2) is used for mixing and softening various mortars used in construction.

Rice. 2. Spade spade with pointed bottom

Tools for plastering, masonry, concrete work

For these types of work, the following tools will be required:

1. Hammer.

2. Stitching.

3. Brush and mason's brush.

5. Trowel.

6. Mortar box.

7. Rake.

8. Platform for mixing solutions.

9. Concrete mixer.

10. Barrel for water, bucket, watering can.

11. Rammer.

12. Rule.

14. Chisels and hammer.

15. Filzbrett.

16. Plaster hook.

17. Plaster strip.

The hammer (Fig. 3) of a bricklayer is universal tool because it is suitable for many types of work. When choosing a hammer, pay attention to the nail slot, with which you can easily get a crookedly hammered nail.

Rice. 3. Hammer

Jointing is used to smooth the seams of masonry on the front side of the wall (basement of the house), for masonry chimneys, stone masonry.

A brush (Fig. 4, a) and a brush (Fig. 4, b) of a bricklayer are necessary for wetting the wall with water before plastering and facing work, for wetting the concrete floor and the plaster itself, for painting surfaces with lime paint.

Rice. 4. Tools for wetting the wall with water: a - brush; b - brush

Pliers are needed for cutting steel wire. The most convenient pliers with long handles(23cm).

A trowel, or trowel (Fig. 5), is used for working with concrete: for plastering, smoothing surfaces (for example, floors), masonry.

Rice. 5. Trowel

The mortar box (Fig. 6) can be made independently or a large iron trough or a barrel cut in half can be adapted for it.

Rice. 6. Mortar box

A rake will be needed to mix powdered lime or cement with gravel and sand.

A platform for mixing solutions (Fig. 7) is needed so that foreign objects do not get into the box with the solution. They make it from boards in the form of a rectangle or square, along the edges of which small sides are made.

Rice. 7. Platform for mixing solutions

A concrete mixer (Fig. 8) can be with gasoline or electric motor. With its help, concrete and mortar can be prepared without much difficulty.

Rice. 8. Concrete mixer

Barrel for water, bucket, watering can. Having them on the farm never hurts. A barrel will allow you to have a constant supply of water, a bucket will serve for its delivery, a watering can - for watering mixtures.

Rammer (Fig. 9) - a tool for compacting concrete. It is easy to make your own from wood.

The rule is necessary for uniform distribution over the surface of the lime solution thrown onto it. The recommended size is 20 x 110 cm.

Rice. 9. Rammer

Graters (Fig. 10) in their form resemble the rule. The recommended grater sizes are 12 x 25, 8 x 20 cm.

Rice. 10. Grater

A hammer (Fig. 11, a) and chisels (Fig. 11, b) are useful for minor work, such as gouging various holes.

Rice. 11. Tools for gouging holes: a - hammer; b - chisels

Filzbrett is a grater covered with felt. The working side of the grater is smeared with a plaster solution 1 cm thick, after which felt is glued onto it. Then put the grater with the working surface down and press down so that the layer of gypsum mortar is reduced to 0.5 cm. To harden the solution, a load is placed on the grater for 30 minutes. The tool is used to smooth plaster.

A plaster hook (fig. 12) is needed to attach the planks of wood in order to evenly distribute the plaster both horizontally and vertically. In addition, a plaster hook is necessary for tile work.

Rice. 12. Plaster hook

The plaster strip is used when plastering corners as a template. The size of the bar (its length) must match the dimensions of the corner.

Bricklayer's tools (devices)

The standard set of bricklayers includes the following tools:

1. Level.

2. Level-hose.

4. Folding meter.

5. Measuring rail made of wood.

6. Measuring tape.

7. Square.

8. The cord is twisted.

9. Template for markup.

10. Targeting boards.

The level (Fig. 13) is needed to check the directions (horizontal and vertical). It is equipped with horizontal and vertical devices in the form of slightly curved glass tubes, inside which is alcohol. The two lines at the highest part of the tube indicate the vertical direction, the horizontal direction is indicated by the location of the air bubble between the lines of the second tube. The length of the level should be approximately 40–80 cm.

Rice. 13. Level

When buying an instrument, pay attention to the fact that it retains readings in all directions. To do this, the level is rotated by 180 °, after placing it on a plane, the bubble should remain between the two measuring lines.

The hose level (Fig. 14) is used when determining those points that should be on the same level, for example, when laying plinths, foundations, laying floors, etc.

Rice. 14. Level-hose

This type of level can be made by yourself from a simple garden hose. Both ends of the hose are bent up to a certain height, then transparent tubes closed with plugs are inserted into them. After that, the hose is filled with water so that its level in the tubes is on the same horizontal line. At the same time, the plugs are removed and the necessary points are marked on the column of water.

To increase the length of the level up to 5 m, it can be attached to the bar with rubber bands (Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Level for checking surfaces

A folding meter determines the dimensions of not big parts. To extend the life of the tool, each of its joints is lubricated with machine oil.

A measuring rail made of wood is used when determining the dimensions of large parts. The length of such a rail should be at least 3-5 m, width - 4 cm, height - 3 cm.

With the help of a folding ruler, divisions are applied along the entire length of the rail every 5 cm.

An elastic measuring tape is needed when it is impossible to accurately determine the dimensions of the part using a folding ruler and wooden lath. As a rule, the tool is made of steel or linen tape.

The square is used when working with drawings for rectangular markings, during construction work to create right angles, etc.

A twisted cord (Fig. 16) will be required for hanging building parts, fences, paths, etc. To extend the service life, a new cord is lubricated with oil. For the same purpose, an elastic band 1 m long is attached to one of its ends.

Rice. 16. Cord twisted

A markup template is used to mark frequently recurring dimensions. It is quite possible to replace it with a folding ruler.

Targeting boards (Fig. 17) are necessary for hanging heights and planes.

Rice. 17. Target boards

Woodworking tools

For woodworking, you will need the following tools:

2. Rotate.

4. Impact drilling tools.

5. Planer.

6. Chisel.

7. Gimlet.

8. Twist drills.

9. Cross saw.

10. Bow saw.

11. Hacksaw.

The ax is used for trimming and chopping wood. The blade of this tool is wedge-shaped.

The brace is the simplest tool for drilling holes. In addition, with its help, replacing the drill with a screwdriver, you can screw in and unscrew the screws.

A drill, like a brace, is used to drill holes of various diameters. It is easy to use, which allows you to save not only effort, but also time.

Impact drilling tools are essential for drilling materials such as brick, concrete, stone, glass, tile, metal.

A planer (Fig. 18) is necessary for planing a tree. A planer with a double knife is especially convenient. For a large amount of planing work, a mechanical planer is used.

Rice. 18. Planer

A chisel (chisel) (Fig. 19) is needed to perform through holes, recesses, etc. The width of the tool can be 0.5, 0.1 and 3 cm.

Rice. 19. Chisel

A gimlet (Fig. 20), whose diameter is 0.5 cm, is used for drilling soft woods, such as pine, poplar, spruce, linden.

Rice. 20. Gimlet

Twist drills are designed for drilling hard woods such as beech, oak, ash. For many household jobs, you will need drills with a diameter of 3, 5, 8, 10mm.

A cross saw is used for cross cutting wood (Fig. 21).

Rice. 21. Cross saw

The bow saw (Fig. 22) is used for transverse and longitudinal sawing of materials.

Rice. 22. Bow saw

Hacksaws are used for sawing various kinds wood and other materials. In addition, you will need nails. They are of several types (Fig. 23).

Rice. 23. Types of nails: a - a straight, smooth, square nail, with a galvanized or plain surface for construction and carpentry; b - siphon nail, tetrahedral, without a head; c - a nail for roofing, round profiled, used when working with cardboard, roofing paper, etc .; g - ribbed nail, round with a corrugated galvanized surface, necessary for connections with high tensile loads; e - a twisted nail, having a regular or countersunk head, is used in places with a changing load (floor boards); e - a nail with a ribbed profiled surface; g - a nail with an enlarged cap in the form of a washer, round with a ribbed surface, used with an additional sealing washer to strengthen the roof; h - anchor nail, round with a galvanized ribbed surface; and - a hard nail, steel, used when working with concrete; j - round, acid-resistant nail with a rounded head and a ribbed surface, used in places subject to corrosion; l - copper or bronze nail, panel with a ribbed surface and a decorative cap, used in places with high humidity; m - a round nail with a galvanized corrugated surface and a wide hat, used when working with bituminous slabs; n - a double-head nail, used where it will subsequently be removed, for example, in formwork; o - a round, roofing nail with a galvanized corrugated surface and a rounded head with a sealant, used when fastening facing or roofing profiled slabs.

Painting tools

Choosing tools for painting works, you should pay attention to the quality of the materials with which to work, the size of objects or objects that require staining, and their locations.

Tools for surface preparation for painting:

1. Spatula (Fig. 24).

Rice. 24. Spatula

2. The spatula is flat.

3. Washing brush (Fig. 25).

Rice. 25. Flushing brush

4. Sweeping brush (Fig. 26).

Rice. 26. Sweeping brush

5. Wire brush.

7. Hammer for removing rust.

9. Blowtorch.

10. Trowel.

11. Plaster trowel.

13. Shoulder.

Tools needed for marking and measuring:

1. Level.

2. Folding meter.

3. Measuring tape.

4. Wooden plank.

5. Ruler for painting.

6. Chopping cord with hanging weight.

7. Pencil.

8. Any coloring matter.

Tools needed for applying the coloring material (Fig. 28):

1. The brush is round.

2. Varnishing brush (Fig. 27).

Rice. 27. Lacquer brush flat

3. Brush for painting heating appliances (Fig. 28, a).

Rice. 28. Painting tools: a - curved brush for painting steam heating pipes; b - straight brush for painting radiators; c - screw-on brush; g - flat brush

4. Paint roller.

5. High and low pressure spray installations.

6. Atomizer with pressure tank for coloring material.

In addition to painting tools, you need to take care of various containers for storing and carrying materials. These can be cans, cans, canisters, barrels, boxes for bulk materials, buckets, bowls, etc.

Carpentry tools

For carpentry work, the following tools should be prepared:

1. Planer (sherhebel, ordinary planer, double knife planer, jointer, grinder).

2. Chisel.

3. Various clamping devices.

5. Drills.

7. Skobel.

8. Workbench.

A planer is needed for planing a tree. There are several varieties of planers, each of which has a block with a notch and a slot for a knife and chips, and a device for attaching a knife. The tool knife is installed on required thickness shavings.

For rough work, a sherhebel is used - a narrow planer with a rounded knife without a tongue. A regular planer, which has a slightly rounded blade and does not have a sliding tongue, can smooth out a poorly finished surface. To do this, the planer is led at an angle to the surface, thereby preventing the appearance of scoring. Among craftsmen, a planer with a double straight blade and rounded corners is especially popular.

The planer-grinder is equipped with a narrow gap in the last and an accurate setting of the tongue, which makes it suitable for finishing.

A jointer 60 cm long is used for processing long parts.

A chisel is used to gouge holes for locks and spikes. It consists of a hardwood handle and a blade fixed in it with a wedge.

To increase the strength of the connection of parts, clamping devices will be required, for example, a bollard, a clamp, a door clamp.

Cycle and scraper - tools for finishing. With their help, irregularities on the surface of a tree treated with a planer are eliminated.

The workbench belongs to the equipment of the carpentry workshop. It performs almost all carpentry work.

Glass Tools

For glass work you will need the following tools:

1. Diamond glass cutter.

2. Carbide glass cutter.

3. Pincers (pliers).

4. Chisel.

5. Ruler.

6. Hammer.

The diamond glass cutter is considered the best tool for cutting glass. It is equipped with a metal hammer, in which there are slots for breaking glass.

Carbide glass cutter is used to cut glass. Cutting is carried out by three rollers inserted into slotted heads.

Pliers (pliers) are used to break off already cut glass.

A chisel is required for finishing the frame under glass, as well as for other work.

The ruler is used for more precise and even cutting of glass.

A hammer is needed to strengthen the glass in the frame.

Devices for transporting building materials

For transportation you will need:

2. Trolley.

3. Rocker.

4. Stretcher.

The wheelbarrow is used at a construction site as a vehicle. Working with it requires some skill.

It should be remembered that the load must be placed in the middle part of the wheelbarrow.

The trolley is also used at a construction site as a vehicle. It is perfect for carrying heavy loads, thereby facilitating the work of builders.

The rocker is used to carry baskets and buckets filled with water, sand, cement, etc.

Stretchers are needed to move goods.

Tool sharpening

In order for the work to be of better quality and not to expend too much effort on them, you need to ensure that all tools are well sharpened.

To sharpen tools you will need:

1. Sharpener.

2. Bar.

3. File.

A sharpener sharpens the blades of cutting tools. When sharpening the blades of a chisel, planer and chisel, the whetstone is rotated towards the blade (Fig. 29). The blade after sharpening is ground with a bar.

Rice. 29. Sharpener

During the sharpening process, the stone is moistened with water from time to time so that the steel from which the tool is made does not anneal.

To sharpen the saw, a trihedral file is used, the size of which must correspond to the size of the saw teeth.

Before performing work, the teeth of the tool are set so that they have the same height and width of the set. Divorce of teeth is done with a special wiring or adjustable tongs. Before sharpening the saw, it is tightly clamped in a vice so that the teeth protrude from the vise by only 2 cm. The saw is sharpened with right side its blades towards the left (when sharpening the saw teeth, burrs are formed, which increase the efficiency of working with the tool). Care must be taken to ensure that each tooth has the same number file movements.

The teeth of a saw designed for working with raw wood are sharpened on both sides.

To sharpen the blades of a chisel and planer, a support is attached to the grinding box, which makes it possible to sharpen the tool knives evenly and correctly. During sharpening, pay attention to the position of the tip: it must be completely adjacent to the grindstone. After sharpening, the tip is slightly rounded so that when working with the tool on wooden surface grooves and notches did not appear. To remove burrs from a knife or a planer, it is brought on a bar, performing circular movements and turning it over one side or the other.

Tools such as chisels and punches are sharpened with an electric sharpener. The point and blade of the punch and chisel are not sharpened as sharply as the blades and points of tools used for woodworking. During operation, it is necessary to ensure that the sharpening angle is more obtuse. During the sharpening process, the tool is cooled from time to time.

The cycle is sharpened with a file. Fine-tuning of the cycle is carried out until a burr is formed over the chamfer of the tip.

High-quality, accurate holes are obtained with a well-sharpened drill. But its sharpening should be carried out only by a specialist. If the tool does not drill well, it can be slightly corrected with a simple knife file with a fine cut, with light movements directed counterclockwise.

In order for cutting and other tools not to fail prematurely, they must be handled correctly: stored in a strictly defined place, their cutting parts should be protected from dust, sand, moisture, etc.