Ladybug animal or insect. Useful insects Garden

I told about Tel, and showed her photo. Today's story about the chief enemy T'li - god's cow. All familiar appearance of this bright red bug with black dots on the back, but not everyone knows how her larvae looks, which are not less important, and sometimes destroyed because of some similarity with larvae colorado beetle. Today I will show how the larvae of God's cow looks like, as it grows, lines, as he eats a TRU, pumped up, and some of her hatching. I will show adult beetles of God's bows of different types: semitic cow (Lat. Coccinella septempunctata.) I. two-point cow (Lat. Adalia Bipunctata.) And I will tell you what they differ.

Ladybug, perhaps the most widely known beetle. Any child knows him. And most people are quite suitable for this common name for quite different appearance Dozens of types of cows, which make up a whole family of beetles with the Latin title Coccinellidae..

Ladybugs are small insects, well-known thanks to their bright color and lack of fear in front of a person. Most people are known semitic ladybug, but species diversity These insects are huge. In the world there are 5,200 species of ladybugs allocated in the family of the same name in the transshipment of severe. Thus, the relatives of God's cows are numerous types of beetles.

What does a semitamine ladybug look like

Semitic cow (Coccinella septempunctata L.) This is almost round in terms of the beetle with red hollows and black points on them are called in Ukrainian villages affectionately - Sun. And indeed, the omnipresent of the inhabitant of fields, meadows and gardens can not help but cause sympathy. Many, he is associated with childhood memories, many at least once kept him in their hands and watched, like, picking on his finger, the bug spreads the wings and flies "on the sky." But entomologists know perfectly well that the peaceful bows of this lady is one visibility. In fact, this is a true predator. He is constantly in finding new and new victims who eat greed.

Nechwood has bright red with black spots. It remembers everything. 3 on each hopper and one total training - only seven. With a careful inspection, we see two more whitish stains: they are located on the forehead. The body length of the beetles can be different: from 5 to 8 mm. This does not mean that the little beetle is young, and the big one. It's just that in the first case, the larva, from which the beetle was formed, clearly did not adopt, simply - starval. And in the second - ate fellowship. That's the result turned out different.

What does a two-point ladybug look like

Different from her in appearance Two-point cow (Adalia Bipunctata.). Very changing in the color of the ladybug. Usually the red spryge, each with one black spot. Can be completely black or black with 2-3 red spots on each pulp. The conntion in bright forms yellow with a M-shaped black spot, in dark forms of black with yellow or white sides. Foot and chest black, bright forms are sometimes brown-black. Roth parts and ugrels are yellowish-brown. Body length is 3.5-5.5 mm.

The view is very common in Russia. It occurs in the fields, in the gardens, parks, forest belts, less often in the forests. Winter beetles in the litter in the same places where they are developing in summer period. Sometimes winter beetles are found in the creams of the crust on the trees. Appear before other types of ladybugs; Already in the second half of March it can be found in an active condition.

During the season, the bio-point cow is a change in biotopes. In the spring and at the beginning of summer, it meets mainly in the gardens, which is powered by apple, peach and reed, and also settled on other rocks of trees. On the herbatous plants This time the species is very rare. From the middle of the summer, when the amount of threes in the gardens decreases, the beetles in search of food settle more or less evenly on herbs and trees. At this time they are found on grain and other field crops.

How does ladybug develop

On the bottom side of the leaf, the female postpones his orange testicles with bouches before the fifty in each. Only one female is able to postpone up to 600 eggs. Through one - two weeks of them, there are 2-3 mm larvae with yellow stains of the larvae. Being completely more babies, they already show their predatory temper and attacked all living things that they see around themselves. Naturally, during this period, the victims correspond to the size of a predator: usually these are balls of tools or just born their larvae.

A month later, destroying the set of aphid and reaching a whole centimeter in the length, immediately in the power zone, the larva turns into a black fixed doll. And after a week, one and a half of the skin cracked along the back, bugs come out. He dug a little and waiting for his pulpittle to redeemed and strange, he realizes that he is hungry and embarks on the search for food.

In the photo of a molting of the larvae of God's cows. She resets the exhaust (old skin) and under it a new skin of light gray. Insects have an external exoskeleton and are forced to drop an old small, increasing the new large as they grow.

Ladybugs are trying to postpone the eggs next to the clusters of the victims (tool). Thus, the larvae of God's cows from the first minutes of life is provided with food, however, it is not difficult for them to find food, since the larvae is moving and quickly run. Larms are small, with an elongated articular body, some species may have branching grows. Coloring larvae Gray (less yellow) with yellow or red dots. The larvae is just as voracious, as well as their parents and can even attack the prey exceeding them. Their development continues from 2-4 weeks to 3 months, during this time each larva can eat up to 1000 tox.

The larvae of the two-point cords of campodium shape. The head is yellow, only the side pieces of it is black. Breast segments white with black shields. The tergites of the abdomen brownish with a small white spot in the middle of almost all segments. Middle Parasolias on the fourth abdominal segment, as well as the space between them - orange. This sign is expressed clearly and well characterizes the view. The length of the fourth-age larvae is 5.2-8.2 mm.

What do ladybugs eat

The overwhelming majority of ladybugs are insatiable predators and only a few species of roasting. The predatory ladybugs are extremely voracious and can eat up to hundreds of small insects - tool, web ticks, Chervers, whiteflink, and they hunt not only on adult individuals, but they also eat their larvae and eggs. Occasionally, ladybugs can even attack butterfly caterpillars. The victims of God's cows are larger, so the hunt for them comes down to the simple eating of the victim.

Enemies of ladybugs

The ladybugs themselves have few enemies themselves. Of course, they fall "to tooth" birds, but they have effective tool protection. From the articulation of the paws, they highlight caustic yellow liquid with an unpleasant taste, so the birds and lizards are more often spoiled by caught, than eat it.

In the photo of the larva of God's cow with black spikes and yellow stains eats a wielding tool.

Ladybugs from a long time used by honor and love of people. In all peoples, these bugs were considered a symbol of good, well-being, gulling. Interestingly, in 55 world languages \u200b\u200bthere are 329 titles of these insects, one way or another associated with the concept of God! These insects are called "God's cows", "God's lambs", "God's cattle", etc. English name (In the literal translation of the "Bird of Virgin") points to the Virgin Mary.

And this connection arose thanks to the seven dots on the back of the most common species - the semitamic ladybug. The British interpreted the red color of God's cows as a reminder of the passions of Christ, and seven black dots were associated with seven sorrow God's Mother. Ladybugs were a favorite object children's folklore, because they willingly sit in arms and clothing, and are available to observe even the smallest naturalists.

In the photo of the larva, the lady of the cow studies a leaf for the presence of aphids. It would seem that she, green, sits, but the larva of God's cow is looking for a leaflet on the other side.

And no accident. On the bottom of the leaflet, there is no place from the plants weighted to veils. A noble feast will have a larva!

When the larvae of God's cow will grow enough and rebuild nutrients, the time of transformation occurs. She once again drops the skin, attached to the back of the body to some sheet and turns into a doll. After some time, the red beetle with black dots get out of her.

What is useful to ladybug

Now these peaceful and beautiful beetles continue to carry serving people. Ladybugs are used on an industrial scale to combat pests of crops. Farmers of the whole world are happy to see God's cows on their green plantings, moreover, there is a practice of corrupts of large parties of these beetles in many countries as a natural control regulator different species Tley. The destruction of pests is the main task of two-point cows, because it helps to reduce the total number of affected plants.

One entertaining story is connected with a semitfulbird. Knowing about the striking voraciousness and the huge benefits that she brings, protecting plants from the tool, American entomologists decided to deliver (as they say in such cases - to introduce it to her North America. They fairly believed that if this species acclimatizes, that is, adapt to the American climate, will begin multiply and independently settle, local farmers will receive a great free assistant in the fight against harmful insects. Cows thousands were caught in Europe, placed in special box containers and sent to the USA. They produced them everywhere, believing that they themselves would escape themselves the most appropriate residence. So it lasted for many years. And all to no avail. It must be said that by no means intrapuction of the useful insect, as well as other animals and plants, it is possible to easily. Sometimes all efforts are due to failure, and the works are expended in vain. In other cases, many years are required to acclimatization. But here, what happened, in the end, with a semit cow.

Desperate American entomologists were ready to abandon this venture, as one day, one New York Family of Nature brought to the entomological museum of the unprecedented Dotola's entomistological museum on the American continent of the beetle. What was the surprise of experts, when they found in the "found" that years and the mass of money were spent on whose injection and acclimatization. When investigating history with the capture of Zhuk, it turned out that it was found near the main airfield of New York. Began to examine its surroundings and quickly discovered a huge number of these beetles. They were fine here and appetite eaten exotic foods - North American Tli. It turned out that not far from the airfield somehow was chosen by a large batch of Christmas firs from Europe, who came into disrepair during long-term transportation. They most likely, and were accidentally lined with cows. In one of european countries They settled on the wintering in the thick of these pre-harvested fluffy Christmas trees. But instead of the calm expectation of the arrival of Spring, unexpectedly, the ocean was unexpectedly. Here they did not have anything to do how to wake up in the warm climate ahead of time And proceed to nutrition and reproduction.

Photo: Pavel Timofeev /

Probably, the ladybug is one of those insects, which is well known to almost everyone. As a childhood, the red bug with stains was put on his palm and sentenced: "God's cow, fly on the sky and bring the babes of bread."

Bug plenty to the tip of the finger and, placing the wings, took off.

After 6-7 days from eggs appear larvae - worms painted in dark gray with yellow or red pattern. After the time, the larvae begin to pumped up and become yellow.

After one or two weeks, a new bug is coming out of the doll, soft, pale colors. He sits motionless and waiting. Points begin to appear on the hollows, and the feet themselves are hardening. The final color of the bug is acquired by about 3 days.

For a while, the outcrows of a young beetle remains lighter than adult insects insects.

Young bug embarks food. The more Tly and other food, the more active ladybugs are multiplied.

Ladybug is predatory insect and engaged in hunting.

Ladybug moves leisurely, and where she hurries if she hunts on sedentary insects that live with colonies and feed on plant juices.

Beetles are so arranged that, despite the existing eyes, do not see and do not feel prey. In order to eat it, ladybugs should stumble upon it and feel sick.

Ladybug moves in a straight line - along the stem or sheet, until it comes to prey. Having reached her, she is looking for other insects located nearby, for which she crawls from side to side by writing down zigzags.

Interestingly, the Tly is often under the protection of ants-collectors who "milk" tool and therefore protect them.

But, nevertheless, one ladybug eats no less than hundreds of insects per day. Plus also destroys small caterpillars, their eggs and dolls of insect pests.

To get to the tool living on the roots of plants, ladybugs are buried in the ground.

It is a pity that ladybugs do not like the eggs of the Colorado beetle and eat them only if it does not find anything more tasty.

Ladybugs eat mold fungi, dust with pollen plants and drink. In drought and in the heat they can squander small pieces green leaves For quenching thirst.

Ladybugs at all like migratory birdsare going to big flocks and in August-September fly to wintering in warm countries, and in the spring come back home.

We fly ladybugs on very big height. They cannot fly in the rain or strong wind, so they fall on the ground and waiting for a flying weather. It is said that during such forced stops, the earth is literally covered by the siscean red dots of hundreds of thousands of God's cows.

Unfortunately, many of the ladybugs are lying on aqueous spaces. Exhausted bugs fall into the water and the waves carry them to the shore, where they form a wide red strip from the edge of the water. Few, which of insects manage to get out, dry in the wind and continue their difficult path. Most of the insects perish.

Wintering ladybugs are most often high in the mountains, clogging into cracks, cracks, under the accumulations of dry foliage, under the crust, under stones, moss, forming clusters consisting of 35 - 45 insects.

Such clusters allow God's cows to maintain a higher temperature and safely survive the winter. On the plains of ladybugs do not winter.

Interestingly, ladybugs are always in the same place. Scientists still do not know how young individuals find the way to wintering, because Ladybugs live for a short time and the next generations are sent to wintering every time.

Before spring, bugs are in a state of stupor, and how the sun prigerates, they fly into different directions.

Returning from wintering, ladybugs are first worked out, then the eggs are already beginning to put eggs.

Interestingly, the larvae of ladybugs is no less voracious than adult insects and for some 20 days of their adults eaten more than 600 tools. At the same time, the larvae continue to look for food and where we desperately find her adult insects.

Against other enemies, the ladybug uses a yellowish-orange liquid with a bitter taste and a sharp smell, which squeezes out of the joints of the legs. This fluid is called hemolyimph and is a poisonous for most insects, birds and animals. Grabbing the beetle, a predator, as a rule, hesitated him and no longer hunt to God's cow.

Bright coloring of God's cow warns about the danger of those who want to eat it.

Sometimes the ladybug resorts to tricks and, by pressing the legs and mustache, is being implemented.

Ladybug must be carefully guarded by a person.

In the fight against pests, God's cows began to use farmers in California at the beginning of the last century. For this, the workers at the end of the autumn investigated mountain forests and celebrated on the map of the place where ladybugs were going to wintering, calculated the approximate number of beetles.

And in winter, peculiar billers were sent to these places, which were collected by ladybugs in ordinary bags, were packed in boxes and sent to customers. In the spring of ladybugs produced in the gardens and on the fields.

But, alas, in 1936, chemical funds began to be used to combat pests.

However, if you wish God's cows, you can successfully use in your country or on panstone.

This environmental friendly clean method Fighting pests will not cause any harm, only benefits.
Little defenders in red-orange robes with black dots will save fruit and other trees from Tli.

One semitamine ladybug destroys a day to 150 aphids, and in all her life more than 4 thousand adults. More small species Ladybugs per day are destroyed by more than 60 aphids.

So the right was our ancestors, ladybug insect, blessed by heaven and sent to people as the Great Dar.

Each of us since childhood is familiar to the ladybug. This is a red bug, on the back of which there are black marks. At the points accepted insect. However, this opinion is deeply erroneous, and the number of spectacles is not connected with the age of the beetle. How many points do God's cow and what exactly mean their number? The answer to this question will be devoted to the article.

Where did the name of the insect?

Before you figure out how many points of God's cows, it is interesting to know why the insect was called this way.

How many points of God's cow and what it depends, we will try to figure out.

general characteristics

The magnitude of the beetle is from 4 to 10 mm. Taurus round, convex top. There is a head, conntion, chest, six paws, abdomen, wings and hollows. There are big eyes and flexible mustache on the head, which allow insect to feel everything.

Bug is different bright colorserving a kind of protection against enemies. Its painting can be yellow, red, black, blue. There are stains of black, red, yellow, white color. Sometimes they merge and form patterns. Some representatives have no spots at all.

How many points of God's cow will be on the back, depends on the type of insect, but does not speak of the age of bug. Often, in the indoor pattern, you can find out the floor of the beetle.

Famous species

The family of bugs has more than 4,000 species combined in 7 subfaming and 360 genera. The most famous varieties:

  • Two-point. This is a red beetle and two black dots with a length of 5 mm. Color conntion black, with yellow border on the sides.
  • Semitic variety. By name it is clear how many black dots in God's feeding of this type. The most common beetle. He has red, black dots, length 7-8 mm.
  • Ladybug with 12 dots. A beetle is 6 mm long, pinkish or red, with 6 points on each of the outcrimes.
  • Beetle with 13 dots He has a length of 4-7 mm, red-brown, stains merge.
  • Insect with 14 dots. Yellow or black beetle with dots black or yellow painting.
  • Seventeen-point variety. Beetle length 2-4 mm, color yellow or dark yellow. Meets in Europe.

So, now it becomes clearer, how many points on the wharfs of God's cows and how it is explained. It depends on the species of the insect.

Interestingly, how many black dots on the wraps of God's cows are occurring more often? Red bugs with seven spots are most common in nature. However, the variety of species of these insects is so extensive that ladybugs are known with a minimum point of stains - it is two-point. Well, the maximum number of points on the wielding of insects - 24.

Many stories and legends are associated with God's cows.

In antiquity, the insect was considered the messenger of the Divine of the Sun. With the help of a red bug, even tried to predict weather. If the beetle left the palm, it foreshadowed a sunny day. If he remained on his hand, it promised bad weather.

In some countries, it is forbidden to destroy these insects so as not to expose themselves.

The drawing of the ladybug was considered a symbol of good luck. He was applied to clothes and on jewelry. Such images played the role of talismans and defeated their owner from failures.

With insects associated with many will accept. For example, it is impossible to drive a brewingbreaker in any way in order not to move the fortune. The cow coming into the house, his appearance brings in the family harmony and happiness. Careless families appearing a bug promises the rapid birth of a baby. If you calculate how many black dots on the wharfs of God's cows, you can determine how much happy months is expected next year.

Every year bugs fly to wintering, and the places they choose the same. Scientists until now cannot solve this phenomenon. After all, the life of insects is short, and new offspring of bugs fly to wintering. How they manage to fly into the same edge, unknown.

There are cannibals and eat their own relatives who have not hatched yet.

For people, this tiny creation is completely harmless, and in relation to them only exhibitness and peacefulness. Therefore, it can easily be put on his hand and tell him about his hopes and desires.

And our ancestors believed that, having heard them, it would fly straight into heaven, where he tells the patrons of the human race, passing all the human requests and messages.

It seems that the spotted color of this bugs since ancient times reminded the residents of Russia's remarkable pets, whose milk at all times was nutritious and tasty. And it was for this reason that such a creature called ladybug. By the way, it is also able to produce milk, the truth is not so useful and snow-white. But about this later.

The family of these tiny representatives of the animal world weares the same name with them and is ranked with biologists to the detachment of tough. The dimensions of the members vary from 4 mm, reaching a centimeter value.

The body shape of such creatures when viewed from above - oval, but elongated only slightly described smooth linesAlmost round. From the sides, this is a slide, the bottom is flat, on six thin, consisting of segments, legs. The body of some species cover barely noticeable hairs.

Ladybugs have a very short head. It is attached motionless with another area - forward. The main part of the body is divided into three components: hopper with poles folded under them; Others two are the abdomen, formed from six segments, and foot.

The eyes of these creatures are quite large. And the mustache, like many other parts of the bug data body, built from a series of segments, are distinguished by significant flexibility.

Ladybug beetle or insect? With full right, it can be considered as both and to others. And it is natural, because the beetles (tough) are the most numerous in the number of types of detachment, ranging to the class of insects.

With the exception of the coldest earth zones, these representatives of the animal world live everywhere, that is, members of this family can be found almost in any of the corners of our Grand Planet.


In the family of God's cows, only some kind of birth numbers about 360. But species in their composition, as can be guess, significantly more, namely more than 4000. All members of them in nature are distinguished by bright colors. And this is not at all by chance, because this outfit is given to the Bukashka nature to scare off possible ill-wishers.

There are many different colors of ladybugs

True, depending on the type, it may be the most different. Exotic rare varieties of these creatures are milking with brown and dark blue shades with the addition of white, red, yellow, black patterns. But the most familiar for us is still saturated yellow, and even more often - bright red bugs with dark spots, black front and legs.

Distinctive feature The dreamed of most types of ladybirds are points (spots). They can be from two to seventeen, in some cases even more, pieces. The family of ladybirds itself is divided into 7 submenses. And the most interesting from varieties with some additions will be mentioned below.

  • Semitic ladybug - The most common variety in the European territory. The magnitude of its representatives is usually no more than 8 mm. Its bright red outfit, as it is clear from the title, marked with seven stains.

Overcrowders are decorated with three black large marks and one more stands out on the front of the back. In addition, the base of these creatures have two small, symmetrically located, white spots.

Semitic ladybug

  • Two-point ladybug. The length of this tiny creature is the entire half-one. Such bugs dwell not only on the European continent, but also in North.

In Latvia, these members of the animal kingdom have been officially announced national insects for almost three decades. The color is made up of dark red and black colors.

  • Ladybug Asian. This species is made to divide on two subspecies, which are easy to distinguish between themselves purely externally in color. One of them is black with orange-red markings on the hollows and light yellow in front.

Total spots 19 pieces. The other is the main background yellow, decorated with small and large black dots.

  • Cow changed. The colors of this small representative of the family consists of yellow-red and black areas. Six black spots that decorate the hopper differ in variability.

Some of them can merge or even completely absent. Such cows in Europe live, and for some time they are delivered to America.

  • Ladybug Bestoby It is a vivid confirmation that not all types of insects described have spots. True, a variety of very rare. It can be brown or red. Thin and small porcens cover the body of such cows.

  • Blue ladybug. This type really has such an unusual shade of Načrylv. These small bugs meet, the length of the body of which usually does not exceed 4 mm, on the Australian continent.

Blue ladybug is a very rare phenomenon

On the photo Glugged ladybug

Lifestyle and habitat

Of course, such creatures can fly, they are stated even in children's counties. And they have as many as two pairs of wings. True, only the rear of them are adapted for airborne displacements, and the front during evolution turned into rigid protective hinders.

Nature reliably secured from the encroachments of ill-wishers. insect. ladybug So bright that it is capable of scaring predators. But here it plays a role not only too notable coloring.

A good natural liquid is becoming a good protection against potential attackers, secreted by such bugs in the premonition of danger. It is called milk cow.

In case of danger, Ladybug is distinguished by a specific fluid

It has nasty smell, poisonous, has a yellow tint, and the composition of Cantaridine. This milk frightens all the insidious predators, even the Terrible. And almost no one in nature does not dare to touch his harmless brewingbug.

The habitat of God's cows depends on their variety. Some of them perfectly adapted to live in the meadows, the relaxes of rivers and streams; Others can only exist on trees. Known varieties that will fall only on some certain types of flora, for example, aquatic plants, cane, butter, field herbs; Some open the places of cluster of Tly, because she is fed.

However, ladybugs of any kind are not social and preferred by most part existence, separate from the relatives. But at certain periods, they violate this rule. For example, in the breeding season or, when they are collected together for winter flights in the planet, where there are no connections.

In general, different types of ladybirds spend the cold season in their own way. Those of them who have adapted to life in temperate areas are settled, usually choose comfortable shelters from winds and frosts: terraces, garages, sheds, houses.

Sometimes they are in search of asylums unite into groups, even large communities, the number of individuals in which are calculated tens of millions. In winter, they can hide in a bunch of foliage, bark and stony ruins.


What is eating ladybugs? They destroy the hordes (adult individual can eat about hundreds for the day), eat other insects, their eggs, as well as caterpillars, dolls, and even butterflies.

And because to save the agricultural land, the ladybugs are deliberately diluted and dropped in many airplanes. If they do not have enough power, they gladly throw on the eggs of the famous pest of potato planting - the Colorado beetle.

But there are types of insect data in whose diet are included only vegetable feed: flowers, leaves, pollen, in some cases - fruits of plants, mushrooms. Here they really have a big problem, causing damage to the fields and growing cultures on them.

However, such varieties are more populated by the south of Asia. They exist (for example, alucerne and gentlebrokes), but are rarely found.

Some refer to this bug to pests, only because they are confused with others. For example, there is insect, like God's Cow. This is an epiryach. She devours potato tops, harms tomatoes, pumpkins, corn, cucumbers.

There are pests similar to God's cow, epiils

It is also called potato cow. From the described insects, it is distinguished by the dullness of the paints of the outfit, abundance of stains (their as many as 28 pieces), and at the near future it can be seen on the body thin white hairs.

Reproduction and life expectancy

Only these bugs have time to move away from the winter hemp, flight or hibernation, instinct begins to push them to reproduce themselves like. And they break to this process somewhere in the middle of spring.

Formed specimens (usually these are individuals are not under 3 months or six months) are preparing for mating. The males, obeying the natural program, find a partner on their unique smell. It comes from specific allocations of female individuals.

Next, females attach their, narrowed to the ends and oval in shape, eggs to the leaf of plants on the back side. The cows purposely choose those places where for the coming offspring there is a sufficient stock of the feed, most often in the epicenter of the colonies of insects suitable for food, for example, Tly.

Eggs of cows are in color white, orange or yellow, and their number can reach up to four hundred pieces in one masonry.

In the masonry of God's cow can be several hundred eggs

Sad, but by making your business, the female dies. But life continues, because from eggs soon (no later than in two weeks), they are punctured flat shape or oval larvae.

The color of their pedestrian and represents a kind of composition of black, white, but more - orange and yellow regions. And in some types of cows, the larvae are covered with thin hairs or bristles.

At first, for life, they quite have enough of those nutrients that contain a shell of their own egg. But after a few days, the future cow begins to exterminate pests. On the day, one larva is able to absorb up to fifty instances of the Tly.

The larva of God's bows also feeds

And the assembly is quickly straightened with whole colonies. For saturation and growth passes one or two months, and then the other stage comes - poking.

It is in this period that all parts of the body of an adultbow are formed. It comes out of the pupa somewhere in a week or 10 days. The term of the existence of God's cow is completely underwriter. It can only be 10 months old, but if the individual does not lack the feed, in some cases it is extended to two years.

These familiar to everyone since childhood bugs, like their larvae, are natural enemies tli. Each self-respecting gardener should know about the stages of development and living conditions of God's cows. Sloves in knowledge will help to fill the material of this article.

Of the 5,000 representatives of the Coccinellidae family, to which God's cows or cocinellds belong, only 100 species live in Europe. Climatic conditions and food availability have a significant impact on the development of these bugs, the rate of their growth, an increase in the number. Ladybugs need warmth, so much of these insects prefers a tropical or subtropical climate. In a colder climate, the cows lead an active lifestyle on warm days, in the cool period they are less mobile - slower and less flying.

Contrary to popular belief, the number of points on the hinds of God's cows does not determine the age of these insects. But in their color and form you can only understand the affiliation of individuals to one or another form.

The most common types of ladybugs :

Glazchable Cow (Anatis OSELLATA) Long 8-10 mm, Yellow-Red Overcrowders With Twenty Black Points Framed by Light Edues, meets in pine Borakh and forests, on garden treesFood is powered.

Cowgery Semitochny (Coccinella septempunctata) - a well-known view, a length of 5-9 mm, spread in Central Europe, feeds aphid, does not occur on trees.

A decade-point cow (Adalia Decimpunctata) has a length of 3.5-5 mm, the hollows are dark brown or dark red, on each of five points of black, the most active view, exterminating to the TRU, hunts for aphid on trees, shrubs, in the meadows.

Fourteen Cow (Propylea Quatuordecimpunctata), its length is 3.5-4.5 mm, has over 100 various shapes, thoroughly red or yellow color Fourteen dark dots feed different species tli.

Picky Ladybug (Stetthorus), its length is 1.3-1.5 mm, it has black hollows covered with hairs, legs and yellow-colored mustaches, hunts on sputum ticks, lives on fruit and deciduous trees.

Chilocorus Bipustulatus (Chilocorus Bipustulatus) and Kidinid (Chilocorus Renipustulatus) has a length of 3.3-4.5 mm and 4.5-5.7 mm, respectively, both types with smooth blacksmiths of black, imago and the larvae of these insects are powered and Cocidami.

Lady Corn Crupping Clitosteethus Arcuatus, Length 1-2 mm, has brown hinders with two dark spots framed by light edges, the pulp covered with hairs, hunts onto the whitefline.

Wooden Synharmonia (Synharmonia Oblongoguttata), a length of 5 mm, has red and pink pulp with eight rectangular stains of black color, destroys the bellows on fruit and deciduous trees.

NEOMYSIA OBLONGUTTATA Lady (Neomysia OblongogUTTATA) has a length of 7-9 mm, black hopper with numerous yellow spots, hunts on a tort, striking coniferous trees.

Cow twenty-dwinched, has a length of up to 4 mm, pulp lemon yellow With eleven black dots on each, the TRU does not eat, feeds on mild fungi on shrubs, trees, meadow plants, vineyards.

Most of the ladybugs feeds on various types of phones, but there are individuals who prefer only specific species These pests. In search of food cow can overcome considerable distances. Adult beetles of cows eat a day to 150 tool. Some feed on shields, tormentless cruises, by pawless ticks, blonde. A small amount of ladybugs eat spores of fungi. In addition to animal food in the menu of these insects, there are plants, their pollen and nectar.

Ladybugs are multiplied only if sufficient number Food. The females lay eggs on the underside of the leaves, in one masonry can be from 10 to 30 pieces of yellow eggs. One female can postpone 400 pieces of eggs. Masonry peashed eggs are usually located next to. Ladybugs, hunting for coccides, put their eggs into the body of the pest, under his shell.

A week later, the larvae hatching, they have dark color and extended shape. The larvae should eat well, so the larvae of the semitamine cow is able to destroy 800 tool. Before the poking, which begins in 3-6 weeks, passes up to five stages of growth and formation of larvae.

Pupae have a rounded shape, orange or black, they are attached on the leaves or trunks of trees. Four to nine weeks the pile phase lasts, after the end of this period, yellow-orange beetles are hatched with barely appealing spots on the hollows.

Period full cycle The development of ladybugs is from one to three months. In one year, these insects can give one or two generations.

Support on the site favorable conditions Life for ladybirds is quite simple. In the fight against pests of gardens and gardens it is better to refrain from use chemicals Fight. Should not completely destroy the TRU in spring periodSince it will deprive the adult generation of food cows.

The presence of a sufficient number of trees, shrubs, lively hedges in the household plot will provide ladybugs in places for wintering. The heaps left in the garden, fallen leaves, lungs, birdhouses, the walls of Sarai and other buildings can be a pier than a colony of God's cows for the winter.

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