The best interior doors: rating of manufacturers. How to choose interior doors by quality Which is better to install interior doors

Choosing an interior door, or How to avoid becoming a victim of low-quality products

Renovation of an apartment, office or country house- a costly and troublesome task. I want every detail to be designed in the intended style and at the same time remain functional and durable. This is especially true for interior doors - after all, they bear a considerable daily load. How to choose a truly high-quality, but at the same time aesthetic door?

Types of interior doors

Practice shows that most buyers of interior doors focus on the appearance of the product, while some are not at all interested in the materials used and other features of the product. Of course, design plays one of the significant roles: it must correspond general type finishing - classic, modern or other style.

However, to enjoy aesthetically pleasing doors are more than one year old, it is worth paying attention to a number of features:

  • Product design . Classic swing doors or unusual sliding doors? Or maybe folding ones? The first ones are more common and simpler in design, which means choosing an inexpensive and at the same time high-quality product will be much easier. Folding and swing doors save space and add originality to the room, but are more expensive and more difficult to manufacture. If you choose the second option, evaluate the quality of the fittings (hinges, guides, etc.).
  • Production technology : veneered, laminated or solid doors. The first ones are based on solid wood or furniture board, but covered with a thin cut of expensive wood, easy to care for and unpretentious to the climate and humidity in the room. The second ones are almost similar, but instead natural veneer The coating is a durable artificial film. And finally, solid wood is expensive natural material, which allows you to create stunning luxury interiors in a classic or antique style, but much more difficult to operate. However, the price of the product will not necessarily be prohibitively high - for example, among amateurs natural materials Products made from solid pine are popular, not as expensive as, for example, oak, and perfect for a summer house or country house.
  • Material . Despite the fact that wood-based doors remain the most popular in our country, there are also supporters of glass and plastic products. Glass is different highest stability to the temperature and humidity of the room, it is not without reason that modern doors for baths and saunas are made from it. Apartments and houses are tinted glass products They are installed mainly at the entrance to the bathroom, but in some cases they are also appropriate for other rooms.
    PVC products are not so popular for use in apartments; they can more often be found in offices and shops - this is due to their rather modest and distinctly urban appearance.
    Wooden products, laminated or veneered, covered with PVC film, solid or with glass inserts, still fit much better into the design of most residential premises.

But if the material and fittings can only be checked “live”, how can you determine the quality of the door at the initial stage of selection in order to immediately discard unsuitable options? This is where information about the manufacturer comes to the rescue: after all, it has long been no secret to anyone which countries are famous for the excellent production of such products, and which countries cannot boast of making durable and beautiful doors.

Manufacturers of interior doors

Due to the difficult economic situation in our country, the market for interior doors has undergone significant changes: if previously a significant share of it was occupied by the elite category, now the demand for inexpensive but high-quality doors has noticeably increased. The main producers in this segment are four countries:

  • Israel. The country, better known for its entrance doors, nevertheless supplies interior doors to the Russian market. Of course, this product cannot be called the most budget-friendly on our list, but thanks to its high quality, it deserves to take its place even in apartments with exquisite interior. A significant problem is the small range of Israeli interior doors - mainly, as already mentioned, entrance doors are presented in Russia.
  • Finland. Finnish manufacturers are known for their skill in working with wood; their simple, laconic products in predominantly natural light and white colors have won the hearts of many of our fellow citizens. The assortment includes wood products - paneled doors made of solid wood, laminated, veneered, as well as glass products. At the same time, many consider the disadvantage of Finnish products to be their simplicity - straight lines and the absence of any design “excesses” will not be combined with every interior.
  • Belarus has been attracting lovers of inexpensive, reliable furniture for many years. Belarusian doors are also known for their quality and a wide variety of designs: many companies use European technologies in their work, and the products are often not inferior to those of Italian craftsmen at a significantly lower cost.
  • Russian Manufacturers have gained unprecedented popularity in recent years, and this is understandable: in terms of price-quality ratio, they have surpassed most foreign companies. Leading domestic factories have embodied in their products, on the one hand, the centuries-old experience of their ancestors, who knew how to create real works of art from wood. On the other hand, they came to us from abroad Newest technologies, ensuring the reliability and cost-effectiveness of products. Now Russian manufacturers can boast of good quality, European design, and low prices.

Do not think that the elite segment has disappeared from sale - there are still products on the market from famous brands in Italy and Spain. However, rising prices and the introduction of sanctions have hit this niche hard: the range of classic European products in stores is very scarce, and buyers are increasingly “voting” in favor of economical and at the same time reliable interior doors from the above countries.

Price gradient

Of course, an important criterion for choosing doors is their cost: in stores you can find products up to several hundred thousand rubles, but not everyone can afford such a luxury. What are the fundamental differences between doors of different price categories?

  • Elite doors - are made mainly from solid oak or alder with veneer from valuable wood species. May have complex non-standard or classic design, decorative carved elements, often created to order. The price for elite class products starts from approximately 35–40 thousand rubles and depends on the complexity and individual characteristics doors, as well as from the manufacturer. However, do not forget that more expensive is not always better: do not let your guard down and take the time to inspect the model before purchasing.
  • Middle price segment - most often these are doors made of timber coniferous species and MDF covered with oak veneer. However, there are also other materials: for example, products made from solid pine using brushing technology - artificial “aging”, coated with varnish that emphasizes the natural grain of the wood are very popular. Prices for middle-class products start at approximately 10 thousand rubles per door leaf.
  • In the economy segment Mostly doors are made of solid pine coated with varnish, eco-veneer, as well as laminated products. Despite the low cost (from 1500–4000 rubles per canvas), in this category there are excellent examples of quality and reliability. For example, doors with eco-veneer are very popular, they are practically indistinguishable from products made from natural wood, are absolutely harmless and at the same time inexpensive.

The most expensive doors available for sale can be found in the city of Bucharest: real works of art with finishing genuine leather and tens of thousands of Swarovski rhinestones will cost the buyer about 2.4 million Russian rubles. And this is not the limit: the most expensive door in history was sold at auction for 105 million rubles.

So we have listed everything small nuances, which you need to pay attention to, and came close to the issue of choosing a door.

Which interior door to choose?

First of all, when purchasing an interior door, you need to evaluate the room in which it will be installed: size, opening, climate and humidity of the room. For example, most users recommend purchasing special moisture resistant products. Enjoy the ease of opening a classic swing door- it may be wiser to choose more compact sliding or folding ones. Also pay attention to the dimensions of the opening - with non-standard parameters, the door will most likely have to be ordered individually.

It is best to choose the type of door decoration based on financial capabilities and room design. For expensive interiors with solid wood furniture, it is optimal to select the appropriate models. To save money, you can prefer solid pine coated with a two-component varnish. A good option there will be veneer - outwardly it is practically indistinguishable from solid wood and, moreover, according to experts, it is even more reliable and easy to maintain. For simple interiors You can choose doors with lamination or eco-veneer. The most budget options There will be products made from solid pine without coating - these are perfect for a summer house.

All components must be made and installed soundly: door frame, canvas, hinges, locks, handles. It is not necessary to pay attention only to expensive foreign brands - high-quality Russian fittings will help you significantly save money without losing quality.

It is important to remember that a high-quality door is not only a reliable door, it is the competent execution of the entire cycle of work, from measurements to installation. Remember: replacing doors is much more difficult and expensive than their initial installation. By choosing a high-quality door and qualified craftsmen, you will receive a product with a service life of up to several decades - which means you will ultimately save a considerable amount.

For those who want to make their apartment or house cozy, you need to take care of modern and stylish interior doors.

To choose doors, you need to learn in detail about their types, advantages and disadvantages of each material from which they are made. And also see photos of how they look in the interior interior doors in the apartment. This is exactly what will be discussed in our article.

Types of interior doors

Doors can be divided by type of design:

  1. Paneled doors. The base is a wooden frame. The space between the parts is filled with panels. These are special shaped elements that combine tenon joints. Pine and veneer are used in production.
  2. Panel door leaf. Pine is most often used in production because the material is inexpensive and easy to process. The door frame is covered with MDF sheets. Internal voids are filled insulating material, cardboard construction. Doors are decorated with veneer. Laminate and other materials are also used.
  3. Tsar doors. They are a massive structure assembled on a wooden frame. Empty openings are filled with planks or bars. The design is often combined with glass and other materials. The doors are strong, massive, reliable.
  4. Molded door leaf. One of the most simple designs. The frame is based on slats or metal, internal filling from glass. In addition to glass, plastic and metal are also used. The original appearance of the product makes it possible to use them in different interiors. They look especially good in techno and eclectic styles.

Doors are divided according to material:

  • Laminate. It has gained popularity due to its low cost, protective properties, and durability.
  • Door leaf made of MDF. This is a great alternative to wood. The cost of products is influenced by external decoration and style features. The doors do not deform under the influence of temperature, are reliable, color stable, and do not fade.

    Compared to chipboard coating, MDF is considered more environmentally friendly and safe, as well as lighter.

  • Natural veneer. This is a thin cut of wood. The material retains color perfectly, absorbs paint perfectly, and is not subject to temperature changes.
  • Eco-veneer. This is a more inexpensive option for doors. The material exactly replicates the wood pattern, but the doors are not environmentally friendly. Formaldehyde is used in production. It is recommended to install the door leaf in places where people rarely visit.
  • PVC coating. The material is impact-resistant, can be of different colors, and it is possible to apply any design to the film.
  • Glass. It is used as a filler doorways. The material is durable, reliable, it can be painted and stained glass. The disadvantage of glass doors is poor sound insulation.

  • Door leaf made of plastic. They are suitable for offices and balconies, as well as for rooms with increased level humidity. Externally, they look no worse than other samples. They are moisture resistant and budget friendly. This is their main advantage.

The door leaf can also be classified according to the method of opening:

  • Single swing. These are the most common and popular doors.

  • Double. The design is used in rooms with high ceilings. They can be hinged, sliding or folding.
  • Sliding door leaf. It is recommended to install such products in small rooms to save space. The canvas moves parallel to the wall and is mounted on roller mechanisms.

  • Doors assembled like an accordion. The advantages of this door design include the fact that they do not take up much space, and when assembled they are small in thickness. Folding doors can be plastic, laminated or magnetic.

  • Pendulum door leaf. Doors are also called revolving doors. The basis of the work is fastening from ceiling to floor. The main advantage is the ability to open in any direction. The disadvantage is that the doors do not retain heat and have poor sound insulation.

Wood products received the most praise from consumers. Doors are made from solid fabric. They look representative and solid.

Choosing the door size

Most tips that relate to choosing interior doors relate to materials and cost, but it is important not to forget about the size of the door leaf.

The optimal door size is 2000 x 600 x 700 – 800 mm. The opening under the door, taking into account the parameters of the frame, needs to be made a little larger. No more than 1 cm is allowed for sealing.

When ordering a wooden canvas, be sure to determine the dimensions:

  1. The perimeter of the doorway.
  2. Box thickness.
  3. Measure the thickness of the platbands.
  4. Size of additions and thresholds.

Exist standard sizes doors are designed for various rooms:

Doors with good sound insulation

When purchasing doors, many buyers do not always think about such a factor as sound insulation. They care about the design and color of the door leaf, the material used, and the price.

Soundproofed door leaves protect against external noise. The design allows you to protect yourself from sound penetration from the room. Products with internal fillers help achieve the necessary sound insulation. These are panel and molded doors with external finishing. Good sound insulation will be achieved thanks to the honeycomb filling made of cardboard or MDF.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of doors

1. Solid wood doors have many advantages:

  • Excellent sound insulation.
  • Great appearance.
  • They are environmentally friendly.
  • They serve for many years.

In addition to the advantages wooden canvas there are disadvantages. Wood is a highly flammable material that is not resistant to moisture. Also the products are expensive. By giving preference to doors made of veneer, you can save money; the quality of the products is excellent.

2. Panel doors have advantages:

  • Durability.
  • Sustainable.
  • Not deformed.
  • Low price.

The disadvantages include considerable weight and low sound insulation.

3. Tsar doors have various advantages:

  • Structural strength.
  • Not affected by moisture.
  • Stylish.
  • Practicality.
  • Stable.

The door leaf also has disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the low safety indicator. Also, the doors are heavy because the slats and massive parts are used during production.

4. Like other door leaves, molded doors have many advantages:

  • Durability.
  • They don't dry out.
  • Moisture resistant.
  • Reliability.
  • Original design.

This type of door also has disadvantages. They are heavy and have low sound insulation.

5. Plastic doors also have advantages:

  • Easy to care for.
  • Stylish appearance.
  • Strength.
  • Resistant to moisture.
  • Wear-resistant.
  • Lungs.

Among the shortcomings plastic doors One can highlight the lack of sound insulation; they do not retain heat.

6. Paneled doors have many advantages. Main advantages:

  • Light weight. This is achieved through the use of thin inserts.
  • Resistant to temperature changes and moisture.
  • They don't dry out.
  • It can be restored and decorative elements can be inserted.
  • Durability.
  • Reliability.
  • Low cost.
  • Varied assortment.

There are practically no disadvantages to this product. When purchasing paneled doors, the buyer should pay attention to the quality of the wood. It must be perfectly dried so that the door leaf does not deform after installation.

7. Veneered doors also have many advantages. Main advantages:

  • Large assortment of tree species.
  • Long service life.
  • Possibility to insert decorative elements.
  • Reliability, surface strength.
  • Easy to restore.
  • Lighter than wooden doors.
  • Not high price.

Among the disadvantages, they note sensitivity to moisture; veneer can fade when exposed to direct sunlight.

8. Doors made from MDF also have advantages:

  • They do not deform when exposed to temperature.
  • Eco-friendly. The product contains wood shavings and paraffin, which does not emit harmful substances.
  • Ease.
  • Strength.
  • Sound insulation, retain heat.
  • Heat resistant.
  • Wear resistance.

The main disadvantages of doors are the possibility of rapid fire if a spark hits the surface. They deteriorate easily when exposed to water. Also, the main disadvantage of doors is their fragility. MDF doors are hollow inside, so they are easy to break if you hit them hard. There is a high cost of production.

Before purchasing doors, be sure to decide on the price and design. It is recommended to purchase doors from one place. Sometimes identical models differ in color if the doors were produced in different batches.

  1. Take all necessary measurements.
  2. Use one and two-door designs to divide the room.
  3. Quality. There should be no stains, streaks or heterogeneous marks on the surface from the paint coating.
  4. Run your hand along the door. There should be no holes or protrusions, otherwise the product will be of poor quality.
  5. It is recommended to select doors to match the tone of the floor, as well as furniture; sometimes it is worth giving preference to products with a more saturated shade.
  6. In the living room and kitchen, purchase doors with glass inserts, this will visually expand the space. The glass should not shake and be firmly fixed in the frame. There should not be any on the matte surface. greasy stains, other traces. It will be very difficult to wash them off from frosted glass.
  7. In the bathroom, doors are installed from materials that are resistant to moisture and temperature changes.
  8. Light doors are recommended for use in rooms with a lot of decorative elements. Light designs suit any interior style; they visually make a small coin appear light and large.
  9. It is necessary to select doors based on the decoration of the room and the style of the interior, so that the door leaf is in harmony with the furniture and other objects. When purchasing, pay attention to:
  • shade of the floor and walls.
  • furniture color.

The best option is always White color. Skirting boards to match the doors will allow you to fit a door leaf of a non-standard shade.

So, in order to purchase high-quality and reliable interior doors, you need to study the tips and also spend a little time so that the purchase brings pleasure for many years.

Interior doors in apartment interiors in the photo:

PVC doors in the interior

Glass sliding doors

I have been selling doors for more than 10 years, and in this article I will tell you what to look for when choosing doors for rooms, baths, toilets or kitchens.

Typically people choose doors based on the following parameters:

  • according to the materials from which the doors are made (solid wood, veneer, eco-veneer, laminate)
  • by color
  • by design (solid, with glass, with a pattern)
  • by design (sliding, single or double, hinged, folding)
  • by price


In my experience optimal doors- VENEERED and Eco-veneer

Selecting interior door material

The sound insulation, durability and appearance of the door depend on the material.


Pros: The most important advantage can be noted that this natural coating. Veneer is thin sheets of wood that have a natural color and structure. You can add to the advantages - environmental material, unique texture, aesthetics of the material.

Cons: Since this is a natural product and has a natural color, there is a possibility of different colors, that is, one canvas may be lighter or darker than a similar model. This is not so noticeable when the doors are located far apart, but if it double door or, the doors are not located far from each other, then the different tone will be clearly noticeable. And the factory manufacturer does not accept this phenomenon as a defect and they are right, Mother Nature still takes its toll.

If you want to be surrounded by at least some portion of nature in our modern synthetic world, veneer doors are what you need.

Eco-veneer is a polypropylene film that naturally imitates various wood textures and is environmentally friendly.

  • the coating does not fade under the influence of sunlight,
  • resistant to chemical attack,
  • does not crack or peel due to temperature changes and mechanical stress.
  • the ability to simulate the structure of various types of wood;
  • wear resistance and durability (thanks to the vacuum production method);
  • wide choice of colors.

Very big the lineup in the "Modern" style and a combination of various non-standard color schemes, gives you complete freedom when creating your own personal design. Relatively resistant to mechanical stress, doors with eco-veneer coating will easily get along with your four-legged friends.


Pros: the main advantage of laminated doors is its cost, since in most cases it is used cellular content canvases (the frame of the canvas is made of coniferous wood and is lined with MDF or hardboard). Many of you have come across laminated doors in new buildings with so-called ready-made renovations.

Availability, variety of colors and models are the main advantages of laminated doors..

Disadvantages: fragility and brittleness; from experience I can say that the film peels off quickly and they will not last long.

Choosing the color of interior doors

General rule for any decor: dark colors visually make the room smaller, while light ones make the room larger. The exception is a door with big amount glass: dark frame will not affect visual effect, and it will look more noble.

The most popular door colors for 2013

Wenge Brown Black Nut White

With or without glass

A door with glass is more elegant. It can be placed everywhere, incl. in the bathroom. Lots of design options. Most common options glass inserts in devri:

1. Transparent

2. Matte

3. Tinted

4. Embossed

5. Dyed

6. Mirror

7. Sandblasted or engraved design

8. Stained glass

9. C metal elements decor

Inserts may vary in size. There are doors almost entirely made of glass with a narrow frame made of a different material. Disadvantage: glass doors are somewhat more expensive than solid doors. In terms of strength, they are not much inferior to the deaf: they are made of triplex or tempered glass, such a door is difficult to break. If it still crashes, strained glass breaks up into large non-traumatic pieces, fragments of triplex remain on the film.

In addition to glass, combined doors may include metal inserts: forging, embossing elements, etc.

Door opening type

There are 5 types of door opening options in total. Each one is convenient in its own way.

Single leaf

The classic version, the most durable design, installed on hinges.

This type of door installation is more soundproof due to the tight fit of the door leaf to the frame (considering that almost all manufacturers make frames with seals).

Swing (double-leaf)

For openings with large dimensions, 2-leaf doors are installed. The advantage of this design is its practicality, as they say, hang it on the hinges and forget it.

Yes, over time you may need to grease the hinges so that they don’t creak, but you have to admit that even delicate ones can do it female hands and regular vegetable oil suitable for lubrication. This is much easier than on sliding doors, which we will talk about below.


They save a lot of space, they are an integral part of your design if you have it in your plans, and they look very stylish. Varieties: sliding door, pencil door. In some cases, the door is moved along the wall, in others it is retracted into a special niche in the wall (into a cassette).

In addition to single-leaf and double-leaf ones, there are cascade designs: movable leaves move along permanently fixed ones. They can be with a lower guide rail or with an upper suspension (the second option is stronger).

Disadvantages: doors are not very durable, the roller mechanism wears out. Installation is only possible if there is a long wall along which the canvas will move. More expensive than swing ones both during purchase and during operation.


The best option in terms of space saving: no opening space required, no long wall for web movement.

Disadvantage: least airtight design. Varieties: accordion, book.

An innovative solution of recent years in the field of interior doors. When opening interior rotary doors, a mechanism is activated and the leaf moves to the side while simultaneously rotating around its axis.

The rotary-sliding rotary door mechanism is reliable, convenient and silent. In addition, it allows you to open the rotary door in any direction (toward or away from you), which is convenient in any room.

Door sizes

When purchasing doors, it is important to know exactly the size of the doorway. Since I have more than once encountered non-standard doorways - they were smaller in height and the doors had to be made to order.

ATTENTION: if you screeded the floor in your apartment (leveled the floors) and the thickness of the screed was more than 5 cm, then your door opening may be smaller than the standard one, take this into account.

door opening dimensions
Height: 2070 mm, 1970
Width: 970, 870, 770, 670, 620

Standard door sizes th
Height: 2000 mm, 1900
Width: 900 (room), 800 (room) 700 (kitchen), 600 (bath, toilet)

More details about door sizes with examples and numbers -

Interior doors are unique in that even with the most expensive repairs they can influence general form interior, namely to make it even more attractive or to become ugly spots in it. You shouldn't pick them up a quick fix , trying to finish the repairs as quickly as possible. Interior doors should be chosen responsibly so that the products fit harmoniously into the interior High Quality

. Since there are many companies producing doors of this type on the market, it may be difficult to choose the right products. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rating of the best Russian manufacturers of interior doors, as well as learn about the features of their choice.

  • Having decided to purchase doors, it is important to know about the functions they perform, including:
  • interior improvement;
  • marking the boundaries of rooms within the walls of a private house or apartment;

providing sound insulation. To choose the best interior doors for an apartment, you need to know about key points

  1. , by which you can judge whether a given product is suitable for your purposes or not. There are 5 main parameters that should be taken into account: Price
  2. . You need to understand that cost imposes certain restrictions. Long-lasting, high-quality interior doors in the most modern and stylish designs don't come cheap. Also, during renovation, it is recommended to replace all the doors at once so that they are in the same style. Don't forget that in addition to the canvas there is also a box. Taking these points into account, it is worth calculating in advance how much you can spend on purchasing products for installation between rooms. Size . IN different apartments
  3. There are regular openings or with increased width, so when selecting a door leaf, be sure to first measure the opening. Appearance . It is truly diverse. In stores you can see door leaves that are perfect for any interior and taste: solid, with glass or stained glass inserts, in different color solutions
  4. etc. Design Features . This includes the quality of the raw materials from which the door leaves are made and the assembly. Russian manufacturers of interior doors the best material consider solid wood, glass, veneer and laminate. Moreover, two latest species
  5. The design of the canvases is more complex.. Width, height, thickness of the canvas, its internal structure.

The rating of Russian manufacturers of the best interior doors included 7 companies according to the version of the portal. When compiling it, the points of view of experts and reviews were studied potential consumers who have already purchased and installed interior doors in their apartments.

1. Factory "Sofia"

It is considered popular not only among Russian consumers, but also outside our country. The company is constantly developing, improving its products.

The best doors from this manufacturer have great functionality and a wide range of fittings and external design. It is thanks to this that “Sofya” reached the world level.

Door leaves from the Sofya factory are distinguished by an attractive and stylish design. In addition, the range is constantly updated, which makes it possible to choose products to suit every taste and interior in any style.


  • a large assortment of products, regularly updated with new products;
  • high quality fittings with a long warranty period provided by the company;
  • the ability to order canvas according to individual parameters and design drawings;
  • the presence of many dealership centers and representative offices in different cities.


  • on dark-colored door panels, shiny areas and traces from touching with hands may form over time;
  • If you order an individual design project for a product, you will have to wait a long time;
  • quite high cost (varies in the range of 17,140 - 27,299 rubles), but it is due to high quality fittings and a long warranty.

Prices Veneered door Sofia before:

2. Volkhovets

The company has been on the market for almost a quarter of a century (since 1993) and during this time has established itself Russian manufacturer inexpensive interior doors good quality.

Manufactures products from veneered and laminated MDF, solid oak and beech.

Those who already own these paintings confidently call them a successful acquisition. High quality, in good condition color scheme, material, attractive design. Suitable for people with average income.

  1. Solid – canvases made from natural wood 12 different shades. They are distinguished by laconic forms and details in the form of engraving on glass, carvings, applied monograms, etc.
  2. Classic - elegant canvases with ideal proportions, secured with solid wood under varnish, veneer, and glossy enamel.
  3. Art Nouveau - canvases processed according to modern technologies, emphasize the interior with its texture. Will be of interest to connoisseurs of graphic design.
  4. Design – canvases characterized by expressive texture and color contrast. Will fit into the Baroque style interior.


  • rich palette of shades (4 primary colors and 12 additional ones);
  • the opportunity to make an individual order and decorate the canvas with cornices, portals, decorative skirting boards;
  • model range represented by 20 collections;
  • high quality fittings, hidden, card hinges, with Italian and French handles and locks;
  • good warranty period;
  • acceptable cost range (minimum 13,599, maximum – 30,199 rubles).


  • Rarely do you come across defective products, damaged, as a rule, during transportation;
  • many irresponsible dealers.

Prices Interior door Volkhovets 1431 BSh:

3. Alexandria doors

Ulyanovsk company-manufacturer of interior doors.

It is unique in that it carries out a full production cycle: from logging to packaging of finished canvases.

Produces high-quality expensive products using the latest technological line. The canvases are made from environmentally friendly materials that do not emit any harmful substances. The wood is placed in drying chambers for several months, where it is thoroughly processed. After this procedure, the products retain their original dimensions.

Interior doors are coated with a unique Italian durable and flexible varnish Ivlack, thanks to which they become more resistant to mechanical damage and do not crack or delaminate.

The range of interior doors is represented by 5 collections of 20 different finishes. It covered all the main areas of the door industry. Italian designers participated in the design development of a large number of models. This was reflected in the direction of the manufacturer’s model range.

Today, such canvases can be used as an alternative to Italian canvases, since they are not inferior to them either in design or in decent quality.


  • good build quality;
  • durability;
  • excellent sound insulation.


  • delivery times do not always correspond to those stated;
  • high cost (varies in the range of 14,500-81,000 rubles) per set, but the quality fully justifies it.

Prices Cheboksary doors ChFD Alexandria:

4. Cabinetmaker

Chelyabinsk company for the production of interior doors. The products it produces are priced below average, but the quality does not suffer. When creating doors, European materials and fittings are used, and all of them correspond to the trends of modern interior fashion. Each model is created using natural noble materials, in an original color scheme.

Particularly popular are models equipped with a universal opening system, glazing without the use of baguette, as well as telescopic platbands, designed to facilitate installation in openings where there is complex geometry.

Interior doors from this manufacturer are designed to suit every taste and budget.


  • reliable and high-quality assembly;
  • moisture resistance;
  • reasonable cost (varies in the range of 3745-11300 rubles).


  • Sometimes there is an accumulation of dust;
  • The paint on the handles may wear off.

Prices Interior door Cabinetry door 200 white:

5. Dariano

It has been on the market for more than 15 years and has many achievements.

The factory produces interior doors using independently developed unique technology, and in its model range you can see both classic products and products in the modern and high-tech styles.

The factory managed to achieve affordable prices due to several factors, namely:

  1. Convenient location (in one of the villages of the Ulyanovsk region), which allows you not to spend money on transport costs and production capacity.
  2. The presence of a full-fledged production line - from processing solid logs to packaging finished doors. Due to the fact that the factory produces its own raw materials, rather than purchasing ready-made ones, it is possible to control the quality of products at all stages of production, as well as reduce costs.
  3. Cooperation directly with logging plants. Dariano does not work with expensive and rare wood species, preferring to produce doors from local pine. This allows us to keep the cost acceptable and focus on the quality of the products.


  • a large range of doors, regularly updated with new products;
  • high quality;
  • the ability to make an individual order according to any size;
  • reasonable cost (varies between 7610-26120 rubles).


  • you cannot choose from different tree species;
  • at individual order you'll have to wait a long time.

Prices Dariano Porte Interior door Dariano:

6. Alvero

The company has existed since 2006 in Maykop. It produces interior doors from durable and strong Caucasian oak wood. Initially, only one type of door was produced, but over time the production and model range were improved. Today Alvero competes with other well-known brands.

Doors are produced using European equipment from solid laminated oak.

This distinguishing feature factory, the range of which includes over 20 different models with glass and metal inserts.

Today, the Alvero factory is a brand that is constantly developing and establishing itself in the markets of Russian regions and neighboring countries.


  • production of wood products from durable and strong Caucasian oak;
  • ergonomic design, thought out to the smallest detail;
  • reasonable cost (varies in the range of 15,210-38,700 rubles) for doors made of natural high-quality wood.


  • the model range includes only 20 types;
  • doors cannot be found in every hardware store;
  • It is not possible to make a custom order.

Prices Door Leader (Alvero) “Doors made of solid beech”:

7. Onyx

It has been on the market since 1997 and has always placed emphasis on mass production, although quality finished products didn't suffer. Initially, the factory looked like a large, modernly equipped plant, and over the years it accumulated experience.

Production technologies were adopted from European manufacturers, and the factory was able to compete with other door manufacturers in Russian market. Today, it regularly modernizes equipment and monitors all new developments in the field of technological solutions.

Thanks to this approach, the company allows itself to mass produce good quality doors at an affordable cost.

A separate workshop produces custom-made exclusive doors.

Products from this factory are found in many Russian construction stores, and there are already more than 100 dealership centers.


  • high quality products;
  • long-term warranty;
  • a wide range of canvases made from various types of wood;
  • possibility to make an individual order;
  • relatively low cost (varies in the range of 4800-22600 rubles).


  • dishonesty of employees of some dealership centers;
  • unoriginal appearance due to mass production.

Prices Interior door Onyx Classic:

The coating of such doors is usually melamine, acrylic or polyvinyl chloride films, painted and textured to resemble valuable wood species. They protect the hygroscopic materials of the canvas from moisture and deformation. Laminating films do not require finishing with varnishes or paints. This type of coating is also called eco-veneer. There are types of coatings that convey the texture and pattern of the simulated wood surface so realistically that it can be quite difficult to visually distinguish them from natural veneer. Laminating coatings are used for finishing doors with honeycomb and slatted filling.

Melamine paper, impregnated with formaldehyde resins, and textured to resemble different types of wood, is a cheaper coating MDF doors with honeycomb filler, not resistant to abrasion, mechanical stress and moisture.

Manufacturing technology of laminated doors based on wooden frame includes the following stages:

  • production of a frame from softwood timber;
  • filling internal space filler (cardboard, paper, slats);
  • gluing MDF boards;
  • lining with laminating film and heat pressing.

In the area where the lock is inserted, an additional piece of bar is glued to secure it. In the so-called lightweight doors, a mesh of thin cardboard in the form of a honeycomb, placed on edge. The entire prefabricated structure is glued together at elevated temperature and pressure using a press. After drying, it becomes tough, durable and light. The frame and trim with extensions for such doors are usually made of MDF and covered with film material.

Main dignity laminated interior doors are a low price with fairly good performance appearance. A mid-budget version of such a door assembled with a frame and a set of front trims will cost about 12,000 rubles. Service life and strength characteristics of such door leaves, due to their lightweight frame structure, significantly less high-quality solid wood canvases. However, this does not prevent them from becoming more and more popular, and manufacturing companies are developing more and more modifications of cheap doors for a wide class of consumers.

Features of veneered interior doors

The technology of veneering valuable tree species is used by manufacturers to improve decorative qualities inexpensive interior doors. There are fragmentary and full veneering.

In the first case, the prefabricated product is covered with veneer in separate fragments, then assembled into a single whole. The veneer is glued under a heat press, usually after all the elements have been assembled into a single panel.

In the second case MDF board pre-milled and processed on various machines. Then a special thermosetting adhesive composition is applied, a layer of veneer is applied and sent under a vacuum heat press. The end result is amazing cladding panel for the future canvas.

Veneered doors, as a rule, are more expensive than laminated ones, because... their production technology is more labor-intensive, and the decorating material used has a disproportionately high cost. The average price of doors ranges from 12-18 thousand rubles. Popularity also plays a big role trademark among buyers.

Features of solid wood doors

The main material for the production of doors of any class and price category is wood. Doors costing from 7,000 rubles are made from cheap softwood. The price of exclusive models made from valuable wood species can reach 300-500 thousand rubles. average cost available and common models range from 15 to 30 thousand rubles.

A door made of solid wood is a prefabricated one wooden structure, consisting of guides, crossbars and panels. Instead of the latter, there may be glass inserts. The internal contour of the guides and crossbars, at the whim of the designers, can be ornate, fancy lines that organize the door leaf into a single organic composition.

The design of solid wood doors is very diverse in stylization and mood. The finishing can be the most unusual - from tinted varnishes to patination using gilding and mother-of-pearl. Manufacturers often replace glass with expensive stained glass or trim it with crystals and stones, adding additional luxury and richness to the model.

Among manufacturers quality doors From the array you can also select factories that produce budget, middle class and luxury doors.

Is it difficult to decide?

When deciding which interior doors are best to buy, we advise you not to go to extremes, but to carefully analyze all the features of a particular manufacturer’s products, evaluate financial capabilities and, of course, take into account the interior features of the room in which the doors will be used.

In our rating we tried to present the best manufacturers interior doors in every price category.
Doors made of MDF with honeycomb filling are hygroscopic and are resistant to damp rooms. In addition, they are not durable, and can be more of a temporary component in the interior. In private cottage buildings or country houses Where temperature and humidity differences are wide, it is not recommended to take them.

Expensive doors made from solid solid wood (oak, ash, beech, larch, walnut, mahogany), properly finished and protected from moisture, can serve for centuries, remaining a worthy acquisition for subsequent generations. When buying inexpensive solid wood doors, you need to make sure that the wood is well dried, otherwise very soon they will have to be completely replaced.

Whatever your choice of interior doors, if installed correctly and harmoniously matched to the interior, they will please the eye for a long time and will not become the reason for another exhausting renovation.