Additive types of behavior. Addictive disorders. general characteristics

Every second person in the world suffers from uncontrollable cravings for something. Few people know what serious consequences and changes in life such a problem can lead to.

Concept definition

You can find a lot of information about the nature of this pathology, how it appears, affects a person, what methods of treatment exist. The problem of attachment to something in many people is associated with drugs, alcohol and smoking. But there is also an attachment to gambling, slot machines, etc. Pathology occurs for 2 reasons:

  • physiological craving - a substance or object affects the human brain and causes the need to smoke, drink, play or take the drug again and again;
  • psychological dependence - a person begins to smoke, drink, play or take drugs due to problems in life, frequent stress, depression.

Addictive behavior is one of the types of destructive behavior in which a person wants to get away from problems, to close himself off from others.

He begins to actively get involved in various subjects, change the type of activity and his psycho-emotional state with help chemical substances.

The disorder manifests itself due to various life situations. For example, problems at work or in the family. The individual wishes to close real world and plunges into his own, in which there are no problems. Craving for a certain substance or object begins with a simple addiction, and when a person realizes that his emotional state from the substance is normalizing, he turns to him again for help.

A person with additive behavior uses various substances, is fond of forbidden games in order to change his life and psychological condition.

Reasons for development

Where does addiction come from? There can be many reasons for the occurrence of addictive behavior in a person:

  • various situations that negatively affect the psyche;
  • disagreements with others;
  • personal dissatisfaction with appearance, etc.

The factors that cause the problem can be divided into 3 classes: social, biological, psychological. All of them are interconnected. Also, the patient can simultaneously observe all 3 groups of reasons for which addictive behavior develops.

The social type of addictive behavior develops due to problems in the family, at work, in children due to study. Also strongly influenced by political turmoil, the low interest of the state in people's lives.

Biological dependence is formed due to the influence of psychotropic substances. Also, a person is prone to addictive behavior due to hereditary predisposition.

The psychological variation of addiction is formed for various reasons. Character traits of a person, the presence of complexes, low intelligence, no interests and meaning in life. Severe psychological state of a person - the presence of stress, shock, depression, grief. Psychological dependence often develops due to poor upbringing (drinking parents), childhood traumas (death of parents, problems in childhood and inability to overcome them).

Signs of deviations

Addictions and addictive behaviors are a severe disorder. To start helping a person in treatment, you need to know whether he is sick or not. It's hard to define, especially initial stage. The characteristic features of addictive behavior are discussed below.

  1. Deception is a pathological dependence of a person. He likes to lie, to shift his duties to another person.
  2. presence of complexes. The patient is closed from the surrounding reality. He is looking for ways to stand out from the crowd by changing his appearance.
  3. Attachment fear. The patient does not want attention. He lives in complete solitude and does not try to find his soul mate.
  4. Excitement. The patient experiences paranoid excitement, because of this, he can stay close to the object of affection all the time.
  5. Manipulation. The patient has many complexes with which he can manipulate his relatives. Threats that he will kill them or himself in order to get what he wants.
  6. standard thinking. The individual does not live the way he wants, but the way others want him to. He does not have his own opinion, he always listens to his friends.
  7. Such people are usually notorious, because they believe that their opinion is wrong.
  8. Irresponsibility. The individual is not responsible for his actions and is afraid of criticism and condemnation.

Characteristics of an addictive person

At the present time, it is difficult to recognize a person's addictive behavior, even if all of the above symptoms are present. Due to the fact that the life of a person often changes, difficulties arise. They can arise in communication, behavior and actions. The individual does not show his abilities to the end, in connection with which he develops an inferiority complex, stereotypical thinking and etc.

Mental dependence arises from emotions and manifests itself in relation to objects, things and phenomena. With normal people addictive does not communicate. Pathology completely changes a person. The consequences of addictive behavior include the loss of family, love, work and friendship. The individual gradually leaves normal life for the world of illusions. A disturbance occurs, and the object to which the person is drawn begins to play an important role in her life.

Stages of formation

Addictive addiction has 5 stages. On 1 and 2 patients can be saved. This will help a psychologist who will determine the cause of development and prescribe treatment. But at the last stage, a person's life completely collapses. The consequences can be the most unpredictable, because the mental disorder is serious. The stages of development will be discussed in detail below.

  1. "Initial trials". At this stage, a person gets acquainted with an object or substance that causes addictive addiction.
  2. "Addictive Rhythm". This is the so-called transshipment point. The patient is aware of all the difficulties and thinks whether to continue taking the dose, play, drink or stop.
  3. "Addictive behavior". The person denies having a problem. There is excitement and anxiety. He inspires himself that this “thrust” is simply necessary for him.
  4. "Complete submission to the disease." The old human "I" is killed, the substance no longer brings joy.
  5. The last stage is "Catastrophe". The psychological and biological personality is completely destroyed.

Types of destructive behavior

The problem of addictive behavior is widely known today. Every day there are more reasons for its appearance. Subordination consists not only in attachment to cigarettes, drugs and alcohol, but also to computer games, sports, gambling, etc. Types are divided into chemical and non-chemical.

Chemical type

The chemical type of disorder requires a specific substance that causes cravings. It can be alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc. It is possible to help a person in the presence of such a disorder only at the initial stage. There are 8 chemical type symptoms:

  • the dose of the substance used is increased;
  • temporary memory loss;
  • pain, fear;
  • deterioration of speech;
  • addiction denial;
  • misunderstanding of others;
  • thoughts only about a new dose;
  • substance use for the sake of peace and joy.

Non-chemical type

Non-chemical types of addiction are behavioral types of pathologies. These include computer, sports addiction, as well as cravings for gambling, Internet hobbies, work, shopping, starvation and overeating. You can identify non-chemical cravings by the following symptoms:

  • everyday dissolution at work, at the computer, in games, etc.;
  • nervousness and irritation;
  • weakness;
  • impossibility of self-control;
  • new interests and negative environment.


To determine whether a person has an addictive tendency, it is necessary to seek help from a psychologist or narcologist. First, the doctor will talk to the person. Appearance and the behavior of the patient will give an answer about the presence of addictive behavior. If this is a chemical addiction, you need to go to an appointment with a narcologist. He will conduct a series of tests by which you can determine whether a person is addicted or not.

If a person has all the signs of dependence on harmful substance, it is necessary to urgently go to the hospital: the chemical type of traction is very harmful to human health.


The problem can be cured when the patient himself realizes that he is unwell. It will be difficult to start treatment against the will of the person. The quality and method of treatment also depends on the patient and his consent. First of all, support from the patient's relatives is needed. The method of treatment is determined by the doctor. If the problem is of a narcological nature, then the patient is admitted to the hospital and, under the supervision of specialists, the body is detoxified. Judging by the stage, sedatives are used to prevent the patient from escaping from the clinic.

Treatment gambling addiction and other non-chemical types of attachment are carried out by a psychologist.

The doctor prescribes a course of psychotherapy. Conducts classes with the patient individually or in a group.


It is better to identify the addiction at the initial stages and not let it advance further. Preventive actions have a specific plan of action.

It is necessary to try to determine the tendency to addictive behavior in childhood or adolescence. With the help of conversations, you can understand if there are problems in the family: the child has low self-esteem, problems at school and other experiences.

It is important to tell children as much as possible about the dangers of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. It is necessary to talk about the methods by which you can cope with stress.

In extreme cases, you can contact a psychologist who will conduct a conversation and correct the child’s negative outlook on life.


Addictive behavior is a psychological state of a person. To avoid problems, the individual changes his life with the help of chemicals and non-chemicals. The chemical type of addiction includes drugs, alcohol and smoking, the non-chemical type includes gambling, sports, shopping, etc. If a non-chemical problem can be cured at any time, then a chemical one is treated only at the initial stage.

(from English addiction - addiction, addiction; lat. addictus - slavishly devoted) - a special type of forms of destructive behavior, which is expressed in the desire to escape reality through a special change in one's own mental state(see addiction). The main types of addictions are distinguished: the abuse of one or more substances that change the mental state, for example. alcohol, drugs, drugs, various poisons; participation in gambling, including computer games; sexual addictive behavior; overeating and fasting; "workaholism" ("workaholism"); prolonged listening to music, voices based on rhythms, manipulation with one's psyche; unhealthy passion for literature in the style of "fantasy", "ladies' novels", etc. When addiction is formed, interpersonal emotional relations are reduced. In a narrow sense, addictive behavior is limited to only one type of addiction. Addiction and addictive behavior are relatively new concepts, and at the moment there is a lot of disagreement among psychologists in its definition. For example, Ilyin E.P. understands addictive behavior as behavior caused by "bad habits of adolescents and young men." Of course, the concept of addiction and addictive behavior is much broader, and, as a rule, it is not correlated with deviant forms of behavior. Addictive behavior is considered by most of the authors who started developing this problem (Ts. P. Korolenko, A. S. Timofeeva, A. Yu. Akopov, K. Chernin) as one of the forms of destructive (destructive) behavior, that is, causing harm person and society. Addictive behavior is expressed in the desire to escape from reality by changing one's mental state, which is achieved different ways: pharmacological (taking substances that affect the psyche) and non-pharmacological (focusing on certain objects and activities, which is accompanied by the development of subjectively pleasant emotional states). Alcoholism, for example, as one of the forms of addictive realizations, is considered by the authors (Ts. P. Korolenko, A. S. Timofeeva, etc.) as a disease that was caused by addictive forms of behavior. In the emergence of addictive behavior, personal characteristics and the nature of environmental influences matter. Persons with low tolerance for psychologically uncomfortable conditions that arise in Everyday life natural periods of decline are more at risk of addictive fixation. Such a risk can also increase when faced with difficult, socially unfavorable, psychotraumatic situations such as the loss of former ideals, disappointment in life, family breakup, job loss, social isolation, loss of loved ones or friends, a sharp change in habitual life stereotypes. The role of personal and social factors in the emergence of destructive realizations has been noted by many authors before. A. Adler, for example, used his doctrine of an inferiority complex for a psychoanalytic, but liberated from the sexual basis, explanation of behavioral destructiveness (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.), which, in his opinion, develops in a person from a sense of his helplessness and alienation from society. But he believed that in an alcoholic, for example, the aggressiveness, conflict, and cockiness that develop in him from the same infringement or inferiority complex are most noticeably manifested in a state of intoxication. So, in fact, sometimes perversely, the symptoms are understood clinical picture intoxication, the etiology of which entirely depends on the pathophysiological patterns of the work of the central nervous system a person under the narcotic, toxic effects of alcohol. But, however, despite this, many authors note personal and social factors as the root cause of destructive behavior.

Every second person in the world is addicted to something. However, few people think that this can lead to serious consequences and affect not only their own lives, but also the lives of their children and relatives. Today you will learn about such a disorder as addictive behavior, about the reasons for the development of such a problem, about the types of addictions in science and the prevention of these addictions.

What is addiction

In psychology, the concept of "addiction" is a form of disorder that entails destructive behavior. Studied in clinical sociology and psychology. Because of life difficulties or relationships in the family, a person seeks to escape from reality into a virtual or unreal world. Addiction begins with a simple addiction and, after emotional satisfaction, it becomes an addiction. A person prone to addiction begins to use various substances in order to change their own psychological state.

Signs of Addictive Behavior

Addiction is a very complex disorder. To come to the aid of a loved one, it is necessary to determine whether he is addicted or not. It is difficult to identify this, especially when a person is between "two fires", that is, in the early stages of the disorder. To find out at what stage it develops this problem, consider the characteristic signs of the disorder:

  • Lie. Is it either pathological personality trait person or acquired. A person hides the truth and tries to transfer responsibility to another.
  • Complexes. A person begins to close, constantly looking for ways to humiliate himself. Externally, the patient is trying to find a way to look and behave better than others.
  • Fear of getting attached. A person avoids any manifestations of attention to his person, prefers to remain alone and not look for a soul mate.
  • Anxiety. The patient has paranoid anxiety, due to which he can stay near the object of his addiction for a long time. A premonition of some kind of trouble does not allow a person to go out into the street.
  • Manipulation. Due to the fact that the patient has different complexes, he tries to manipulate his loved ones, threatening violence or suicide, wanting to achieve what he wants.
  • stereotypical thinking. Roughly speaking, an addicted person tries to imitate the "herd", that is, his close circle. This happens regardless of the desire of the patient with addiction. Other people's thoughts are his thoughts. The patient cannot express his own opinion, he is notorious, he believes that his point of view does not mean anything.
  • Unwillingness to take responsibility for their actions. A patient with such a disorder does not want to be responsible for his actions, deeds, he is afraid of criticism or condemnation.

Characteristic features of an addictive personality

V modern world define deviant behavior a person is difficult, even considering all of the above signs. The point is that society social life people are constantly changing. Because of this, communication difficulties arise, and the person cannot fully reveal his potential, he simply does not have time. This gives rise to complexes, a sense of inferiority, stereotyped thinking, and more.


If your loved one is characterized by gambling, loneliness, the desire to stand out from the crowd, psychological instability, adverse everyday circumstances, and others, he is at risk. Addictive behavior manifests itself when a child or person lives in a family that is in a difficult situation. That is, any negative emotions and attempts to express themselves at the expense of a psychologically weak child or person lead to such consequences.

Addiction can manifest itself through generations, from parent to child. This disorder affects children from immoral or single-parent families, where violence, scandals or criminal tendencies are present. The development of the disorder can also be influenced by a public place (school, university, work). In such institutions, hard work and the acquisition of knowledge are above all, but not relations between peers.

Dependent behavior of teenagers

Unfortunately, today the majority of teenagers suffer from an addictive disorder. The problem is that in adolescence, the child tries to fit into a group of peers who may turn out to be bad company. He unconsciously begins to drink, smoke or take drugs in order to prove that he is the same as others.

A temporary bad habit gradually turns into a permanent one. A family in which the child does not feel needed and loved can also lead to addiction. He runs away from problems by shutting himself in, playing games or drinking with peers in the yard. If signs of an addictive disorder are not noticed in time, the child can destroy himself: during this period, his emotional threshold is very high.

What is the destructive nature of addiction

The destructive nature of addiction is manifested in emotional relationships with inanimate objects or phenomena. Patients do not contact people, gradually lose their significance. Addictive realization replaces love and friendship and becomes the purpose of life. The person keeps walking away real life to virtual or unreal. The subject occupies a central place in the life of a person who no longer shows love, sympathy, pity, support and sympathy for other people.

Stages of formation of addictive behavior

Addictive behavior is divided into five stages. On the first two, a person can still be saved by taking him to a psychologist in order to determine the main causes of the disorder and take measures to avoid the subsequent development of addiction. In the last stage, the person's personality is completely destroyed, which can lead to other more serious mental disorders. Let's take a closer look at the steps:

  • Stage 1. "First trials". At this stage, a person first gets acquainted with the subject that causes an addictive addiction.
  • Stage 2. "Addictive rhythm". This stage is considered a "transit point". Depending on the severity of the problems, a person decides whether to move on or stop everything.
  • Stage 3. "Addictive behavior." On the this stage The patient does not recognize his addiction. He develops anxiety, anxiety and other reactions of addiction. If at the second stage a person still doubts, then at the third stage a conflict between “I am the old one” and “I am the real one” begins inside the patient.
  • Stage 4. "Complete predominance of addictive behavior." The former "I" of a person is destroyed, the subject of dependence does not bring the former pleasure.
  • Stage 5. "Addictive catastrophe". At this stage of an addiction disorder, a person's personality is completely destroyed mentally and biologically.

Types of addictions

The problem of addictive disorder in the modern world has become significant. The fact is that the causes of the appearance of this disorder are replenished. Addictions appear depending on the appearance of new gadgets, liquor, drugs and other items that cause addiction. Addictive disorders are divided into chemical and non-chemical types of addiction.


Chemical types of addictive disorder require a specific substance, which causes addiction. These include such dependence options as: alcohol dependence (alcoholism), drug addiction, substance abuse, smoking. Next, we will discuss the signs of a chemical addiction disorder. There are only seven of them, however, only at the first stage can one still somehow help a person:

  • the measure of the use of the substance is lost;
  • memory losses;
  • physical suffering, change in speech;
  • negation;
  • thoughts are directed towards satisfying their needs regarding addiction;
  • taking substances to improve well-being;
  • problems in the environment.


Non-chemical addictions do not require any specific substance that causes addiction. Behavioral addictions include activities such as: computer addiction, relationship addiction, workaholism, Internet addiction, sports addiction, shopaholism, overeating or starvation, procrastination, gambling. Signs of non-chemical addiction disorder:

  • the player is constantly in the game;
  • the range of interests is changing;
  • loss of control over oneself;
  • the appearance of irritation and anxiety;
  • loss of strength to resist.

How to know if you have an addictive addiction

In order to determine if you have an addictive tendency that results in addictive behavior, there are several types of tests that can be found on the Internet. You can visit psychological centers where you can take an addiction test in a relaxed atmosphere, then give answers to experienced specialists and get results with recommendations.

Treatment for addictive behavior

Addiction can be dealt with only if the patient is aware of the complexity of the problem and seeks to get rid of the addiction. The quality of treatment depends on the desire of the patient. However, this is possible if it is supported by family or close people. Practical treatment is prescribed by a psychologist or narcologist. In the case of drug addiction, the patient is placed in special drug treatment centers for detoxification of the body.

Addiction Prevention

Prevention of addictive behavior consists in diagnosing (identifying children and adolescents who are prone to addictive disorders), conveying information (consultations, lessons, lectures on bad habits, their consequences, methods of counteraction), correction of the violation (the psychologist works with the patient, corrects his negative views regarding his personality and forms skills to cope with difficult situations in life).


The behavior of addicts in interpersonal relationships characterizes a number of basic common features:

Decreased tolerance for difficulties

is determined by the presence of a hedonistic attitude (the desire for immediate pleasure, the satisfaction of one's desires). If the desires of addicts are not satisfied, they react either with outbursts negative emotions or avoid problems that have arisen. The formula of G. Selye does not suit the addict: "Stress is the aroma and taste of life." For him, this is a threat and an excuse to flee. This is combined with increased resentment, suspicion, which entails frequent conflicts.

Hidden inferiority complex

is reflected "in frequent mood swings, insecurity, avoidance of situations in which their abilities can be objectively tested."

The superficial nature of sociability

and her limited time are combined with a heightened desire to make a positive impression on others. Alcohol addicts, for example, sometimes make an impression with their specific humor on alcohol topics, stories about their adventures, embellishing their stories with details that have nothing to do with reality. This is especially true when taking alcohol in groups. “At the same time, long-distance communication with them is difficult, uninteresting. Addicts are boring, monotonous people in everyday life. Relations with them are superficial, they are not capable of deep positive emotional relationships and avoid situations associated with them.

Trying to tell lies

Addicts often do not keep their promises, they are not obligatory, non-compliance with contracts.

Seeking to blame the innocent

, (even if it is known that the person is not really to blame).


in making decisions and dumping it on others, looking for justifying arguments at the right time.

Stereotyping, repetitive behaviour.

The stereotype of behavior that has been folded is easily predictable, but it is difficult to change it.


manifests itself in the form of submission to the influence of other people with an addictive orientation. Sometimes there is passivity, lack of independence, a desire to receive support.


in addicts it is closely associated with an inferiority complex, dependence. The peculiarity is that in crisis situations, anxiety can recede into the background, while in ordinary life it can occur for no apparent reason or during events that are not a real reason for experiencing.

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Types of addictive behavior have their own specific features and manifestations, they are not equivalent in their consequences. With involvement in some activity, psychological dependence develops, which is milder in nature. But all these types share common addictive mechanisms. Let's take a closer look at the individual forms of addictive behavior.

Types of addictive implementation:

Alcoholism."According to the World Health Organization, the alcohol problem, considered only in a medical aspect, ranks third after cardiovascular and tumor diseases. The role of alcohol abuse in modern society increases especially in view of the psychological and socio-economic consequences associated with this phenomenon.

The beginning of the development of alcohol addiction may be the first meeting with alcohol, when intoxication is accompanied by intense emotional experiences. They are fixed in the memory and provoke the repeated use of alcohol. The symbolic nature of drinking is lost, and the person begins to feel the need to take alcohol in order to achieve a certain desired state. At some stage, due to the action of alcohol, there is an increase in activity, creativity increases, mood and working capacity improve, but these sensations are usually short-lived. They can be replaced by a decrease in mood, apathy and psychological discomfort. "The appearance of such a state is one of the options for the development of alcoholic addictive behavior, as a person begins to strive to "reproduce" it, for which he intensively resorts to alcohol." "Especially dangerous is the emergence of mechanisms of addictive behavior associated with the doping effect in cases where the latter is expressed in the emergence of a mental state that subjectively facilitates the creative process in people involved in painting, writers, poets, musicians, etc." Often, addicts impose their style of behavior on friends and relatives, which happens without any fear of the possibility of a rack. alcohol addiction. Traditional anti-alcohol propaganda is ineffective, because it can only reinforce the addict's confidence in the safety of the chosen means of addictive realization, because his own experience of drinking alcohol contradicts the content of propaganda declarations. V Lately there is a growing network of institutions calling to get rid of alcohol or nicotine addiction using coding or other methods that do not have serious psychological work with the causal mechanisms of addiction, adequate personal correction and support. Advertising of such services is quite intense, but, firstly, it is intrusive, which can provoke a reaction of rejection, and, secondly, it helps to strengthen the illusion that you can get rid of a destructive addiction at any time and without much effort.

Long-term use of alcohol leads to physical dependence. It is characterized by the following signs: the phenomena of alcohol withdrawal ("hangover syndrome"), the loss of situational and quantitative control, an increase in alcohol tolerance by 8-10 times compared to the initial one (the need for a larger dose to achieve the same effect). Mnestic processes are gradually disturbed, the circle of interests is reduced, frequent mood swings, rigidity of thinking, sexual disinhibition are observed. Criticism of one's behavior, a sense of tact decrease, a tendency to blame one's troubles on an unsuccessful marriage, work, situation in the country, etc., is manifested. social degradation(family breakdown, job loss, antisocial behavior). As alcohol addiction progresses, people with this style of behavior show similarities in motives, interests, habits, and in their entire lifestyle.

Addiction. In most cases, the use of narcotic substances is associated with the desire for new sensations, to expand their spectrum. New methods of administration, new substances and different combinations these substances in order to achieve maximum effect. The most common soft drugs (marijuana series). They quickly call psychological dependence: feeling high, increased imagination, physical activity, philosophizing. There is a fairly rapid transition from soft drugs to stronger substances in the form of inhalants (cocaine, ecstasy) and intravenous injections (heroin), which almost immediately cause physical dependence. But not always the path "from marijuana to heroin and so on is not at all an obligatory phenomenon, often it starts with alcohol, right away with heroin or other drugs, or marijuana remains a" drug for life ". Long-term use of marijuana and many other substances (mescaline , LSD, etc.) provoke mental illness. Drug addiction wears more pronounced character compared to alcohol. Very quickly everything that is not related to addiction is forced out, emptiness sets in faster. Increasing introversion. The circle of communication covers mainly those who are united by drug addiction. Drug abusers try to recruit into their circle large quantity people, prevent the exit from this environment. In parallel with personal decay, serious disorders develop at the organ and mental levels. Increasing need for increased dose can lead to loss of control and death from overdose. Drug addiction is often associated with criminal activity, since the problem of the availability of funds for the purchase of drugs is always relevant.

Reception medicines in doses higher than therapeutic. Reception of tranquilizers (elenium, relanium, etc.) leads to a certain relaxation, it seems that intelligence increases, the ability to control one's condition. The risk of addiction occurs when these drugs are used regularly as sleeping pills. Symptoms of physical dependence appear (frequent cases of use, attempts to stop taking and breakdowns). The slightest psychological discomfort becomes a reason for taking tranquilizers. A number of state disorders appear: drowsiness, difficulty concentrating, absent-mindedness (in this regard, there is a risk of becoming a victim of an accident), twitching of the muscles of the hands and face. Conditions of this kind are sometimes misdiagnosed. The abuse of hypnotics (barbiturates) causes a psycho-organic syndrome: headaches, memory impairment, poor tolerance to heat and stuffy rooms, dizziness, sleep disturbances, loss of control over the intake dose, as a result of which a person may die.

Psychotropic drugs (psychedelics) are attracted by the fact that perception is sharply enhanced, especially visual. These drugs quickly cause long-term changes: illusions, hallucinations, feeling that time is dragging on for a long time, elevated mood, mood swings.

Taking household chemicals. The desire to take highly toxic substances usually arises in adolescence out of curiosity and is of a collective nature. Quite often these inhalants are used also by children. The effect is that a state "resembling intoxication, dizziness of" take-off ", high spirits, carelessness develops. Visions (hallucinations) such as fast-moving animation frames may occur." Inhalation of vapors of organic solvents (gasoline, aerosols, solvents, ether, chloroform, adhesives, etc.) causes "irreversible severe damage to internal organs, brain and bone marrow, leading to death." There may be cases of death during inhalation as a result of paralysis of the respiratory center, asphyxia. Regular use leads to persistent mental disorders: memory impairment, disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere, decreased intelligence, delayed development of mental abilities. The use of inhalants is accompanied by low academic performance, violation of disciplinary norms, aggression, illegal actions.

sexual addictive behavior characterized by an overvalued attitude to sex, the perception of persons to whom sexual attraction arises, not as individuals with their own characteristics and aspirations, but as sexual objects. At the same time, the "quantitative" factor becomes very significant, the target one. Sexual addiction can be masked in behavior by deliberate righteousness, chastity, decency, while becoming the shadow side of life. This second life gradually becomes more and more important, destroying the personality.

Forms of manifestation of sexual addiction are different: Don Juanism (the desire for sexual relations with as many women as possible), attachment to porn products in all its diversity, different types perversions of sexual activity. The latter include such phenomena as fetishism (intense fixation on any objects, touching which causes strong sexual arousal), pygmalionism (fixation on photographs, paintings, sculptures of non-pornographic content), transvestism (the desire to dress in clothes of the opposite sex) , exhibitionism (intense sexual desire to expose the genitals for show to the opposite sex, children), voyeurism (the desire to spy on naked or sexually engaged people). With all these manifestations, there is a "surrogate substitution, a violation of real emotional relationships with people." Sexual addicts are at risk of developing sexual disorders. Their sexual behavior is divorced from the personal aspect, it attracts and harms. In addition, the risk of AIDS is real. The roots of sexual addiction lie in early age in emotionally cold, dysfunctional families, in families where the parents themselves are addicts, where cases of sexual traumatization in childhood are real.

gambling unrelated to state-altering substances, but different characteristic features: constant involvement, increased time spent in the game situation. Displacement of former interests, constant thoughts about the process of the game and loss of control (inability to stop the game in time). The state of discomfort outside the game situation, physical ailments, discomfort and a gradual increase in the rhythm of game activity, the desire for risk; decreased ability to resist fatal addiction. Along with this, the abuse of alcohol, narcotic substances, etc., can occur in order to stimulate activity and exacerbate sensations. Defects in upbringing in the family can contribute to the risk of developing addiction to gambling: hypo-custody (lack of parental attention to raising children), emotional instability, excessive demands, striving for prestige and overestimation of the importance of material wealth.

Workaholic addiction represents a danger already because it is considered an important link in a positive assessment of the individual and his activities. In our society, in the field of industrial relations, in almost any work collective, specialists who devote themselves entirely to their work are highly valued. Such people are always set as an example to others, they are encouraged materially and in words, fixing their style in their behavior. Workaholicism is difficult to recognize not only by others, but also by the workaholic himself. Unfortunately, behind the external generally accepted respectability of workaholism there are deep violations in the emotional sphere of the personality and in the sphere of interpersonal contacts. "Like any addiction, workaholism is an escape from reality through a change in one's mental state, which in this case is achieved by fixing attention on work. Work is not here what it is under normal conditions: a workaholic does not seek work in connection with economic necessity, work is not perceived by him only as one of constituent parts life - it replaces affection, love, entertainment, and other types of activity. "The development of an addictive process in this type of addiction entails personal changes: emotional emptiness, disruption of the processes of empathy and sympathy, preference for communicating with inanimate objects. Departure from reality hides behind successful activity, success in career aspirations. Gradually, the workaholic ceases to enjoy everything that is not related to work. Outside employment, there is a feeling of discomfort. Workaholics are distinguished by conservatism, rigidity, a painful need for constant attention and positive evaluation from the outside, perfectionism, excessive pedantry, extreme sensitivity to criticism Narcissistic traits, manipulative strategies for interacting with others can be pronounced. personal qualities and humanistic values.

Food addictions. We are talking about food addiction when food is not used as a means of satisfying hunger, when the component of getting pleasure from eating begins to prevail and the process of eating becomes a way to distract from something. Thus, on the one hand, there is an escape from troubles, and on the other hand, fixation on pleasant taste sensations. An analysis of this phenomenon allows us to note one more point: in the case when there is nothing to occupy your free time or fill the spiritual emptiness, reduce internal discomfort, the chemical mechanism quickly turns on. In the absence of food, even if there is no hunger, substances are produced that stimulate appetite. Thus, the amount of food eaten increases and the frequency of food intake increases, which leads to weight gain and vascular disorders. This problem is especially relevant in countries with a high standard of living, along with which there is high level stress. The development of food addiction is also real in the situation of availability of food due to the peculiarities of the profession (bar, restaurant, canteen).

The other side of food addiction is starvation. The danger lies in a peculiar way of self-realization, namely in overcoming oneself, in victory over one's "weakness". This is a specific way to prove to yourself and others what you are capable of. During such a "struggle" with oneself, an elevated mood appears, a feeling of lightness. Restrictions on food are beginning to be absurd. Periods of fasting are replaced by periods of active overeating. There is no criticism of their behavior. Along with this, there are serious violations in the perception of reality.

Thus, we examined the types of implementation of addictive human behavior, their characteristics and causality. In connection with the modification of the structure of mental and behavioral disorders and deviations at the present stage, it became necessary to single out addictive behavior in the 10th revision of the international classification of diseases, which is presented below.