Strawberry raspberries - worth a look! Raspberry tempting, or strawberry

Strawberry raspberries have been growing in one of the gardens next door to my summer cottage for several years. But until last summer, I somehow did not manage to ask the owner of the site what kind of amazing plant with unusual corrugated leaves, large snow-white flowers and bright scarlet berries. At first it seemed to me that it was, but after taking a closer look, I found that the stems on each bush were dotted with numerous thorns and realized my mistake. This is what a neighbor told me about this wonderful plant.

It turned out that this is not spinach-raspberry at all, and not even a hybrid of raspberries and garden strawberry, and a little-known variety of raspberries is rose-leaved raspberry (its Latin name sounds like Rubus illecebrosus).

Zemmalina, as this plant is also called, is a short perennial bush (40-60 centimeters) with many leaves. original form... This culture is not picky about care, although it prefers loose, humus-rich soils with good drainage.

In taste, strawberry raspberries resemble both strawberries and raspberries at the same time, although, I must say, in this parameter they are somewhat inferior to both. But the period of fruiting in zemmalina is very long - the harvest begins in July and ends in late autumn, with the onset of the first frosty days. The berries are large (3-4 centimeters in diameter), their color varies depending on the variety - from deep red to amber yellow.

The crop is harvested in waves and they start this business not when the berries turn red or yellow, but when the fruits begin to easily separate from the branches - unripe zemmaline is completely unsweetened and tasteless.

The berries of this culture are good both raw and prepared in the form of jam, compote or jam. Just keep in mind that there is almost no acid in them - therefore citric acid or other fruits and berries with sourness (for example, black or red currants) should be added to the preservation.

It turns out very nice and unusual. I'm sure your guests will never guess what this jam is made of!

How to grow strawberry raspberries

On the site, Zemmalina behaves like a real aggressor - in this respect, she will give odds even to her raspberry relative, who, by the way, also does not differ in particularly exemplary behavior (by the way, about how to properly "educate" her raspberries so that she does not climb where no need, you can read).

In this regard, it is better to take a place away from other plantings under the garden bed for this culture, or the selected area must be properly fenced. Otherwise, you will simply be tortured to fight with the rapidly spreading overgrowth of strawberry raspberries.

In this case, the barrier must be done very thoroughly - it must go deep into the soil, at least 40-50 centimeters. Best suited for this case flat slate or wide sturdy boards.

Without proper supervision strawberry raspberry grows very quickly, while ferocious thorns and dense bushes create significant inconvenience when picking berries. Therefore, I advise you to grow this crop on rectangular beds with a width of 70 to 100 centimeters with slate sides buried to the depth mentioned above. To help preserve moisture in the soil, it is better to mulch the surface of the garden bed with any organic matter with a layer of 10-15 centimeters.

When is it recommended to plant this crop? In general, this can be done both in early spring (zemmaline wakes up very early) and in autumn (even in the second half of October or in November, if the weather is warm). But the ideal time for this will, of course, be September-October - this will give young plants the opportunity to root properly and they will not leave weakened for the winter.

Frost resistance in strawberry raspberries is excellent, but in especially cold winters, when the temperature drops below -20 degrees, it is still advisable to insulate plantings with hay, straw, sawdust or peat. It is not recommended to use high-moor peat for this - it acidifies the soil, and zemmaline loves soil with a neutral reaction.

By the way, the shoots of this culture live only one year - for the winter all aerial part bushes dies off. Therefore, the first thing to do in spring in terms of caring for plants is to remove all old dried branches from the garden (and remove mulch, if any), thereby clearing the way for the "young".

With the arrival of this spring, in the second half of May, it is advisable to feed the zemalina bushes with a solution of Baikal EM-1 (1: 1000). Per summer period It is also useful to regularly (once every 1.5-2 weeks) water the garden bed with a solution of chicken manure (1:20) or mullein (1:20), as well as treat the plants with herbal "tea" (you can read about how to prepare it correctly ). But you can do without top dressing altogether if you mulch the gaps between the plants with a generous layer of well-decomposed ones.

And what other advantages, in addition to the abundance of sweet berries and decorativeness, does the cultivation of zemalina on the site give?

  1. Evil thorns and dense growth make this crop an excellent candidate for a hedge. Any thief or homeless person will think twice before deciding on a closer acquaintance with this "cute" plant.
  2. A bush of strawberry raspberries, carefully transplanted into a spacious flowerpot or flower tub, will become a delightful decoration for your loggia, balcony or gazebo. Just be sure to place it in a well-lit place so that the plant will delight you not only beautiful flowering, but also an abundance of juicy berries.
  3. Zemmalina can be moved into any enclosed space (for example, between curbs or garden paths). In this case, she will not fight for territory with other plants, and you will enjoy her beauty all summer and autumn.

The biological features and all the nuances of the agricultural technology of this culture are discussed in great detail in a series of videos that I invite you to watch.

Do you want to grow an unusual berry in your summer cottage and surprise your friends and loved ones? Plant a raspberry-strawberry hybrid. It is simply amazing, but it combines the tastes of these two berries, so beloved by us and familiar from childhood.

Many hybrids are known to gardeners, and it is difficult to surprise them with something. But in this situation, it seems incredible that scientists have obtained a hybrid herbaceous plant with bush. Many will not believe that this is possible. And rightly so. The breeders have nothing to do with it.

It turns out that we are talking about a new variety of raspberries, little known to Russian gardeners. It is called differently: Tibetan, zemmalina, rose-leaved, strawberry, Chinese, Himalayan, clubmaline, raspberry ...

This shrub was brought to our latitudes from East Asia, but in nature it is found on mountain slopes and in mixed forests. Unlike garden raspberries, which are about 1.5 meters high, it can reach 3 meters in height. But in conditions of temperate latitudes on our soils, its height ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 meters.

The shrub has thorny shoots and green leaves with yellow veins and denticles along the edges. One of its names is rose-leaved raspberry, the shrub received because of the similarity of its leaves with rose leaves. It blooms with white five-petal large flowers(up to 5cm). The bush pleases with flowering from July to late autumn, its flowers perfectly coexist with unusual large red berries, their aroma resembles strawberries.

The berries taste a little sour, similar to blackberries with pineapple. The plant is so unusual and decorative that it is perfect for decorating a garden or suburban area... This is lovely hedge: pleasing to the eye with beauty and guards with thorny branches.

The first harvest of strawberries and raspberries can be harvested at the end of summer and feast on this unusual berry until late autumn. At the same time, the harvest is quite decent: one branch is capable of producing up to 5 berries weighing 3 g each. Berries in shape and outward appearance resemble strawberries.


The shrub is planted in the usual way for garden raspberries. It grows from 50 cm to 1.5 meters. The unusual raspberry has large and very sharp thorns. Therefore, the planting of this thorny plant must be done with thick gloves.

In the temperate zone, planting Tibetan raspberries is preferable in the southern and sunny side plot. In areas with dry and hot climates, the plant feels good in partial shade. You can plant raspberries as separate bushes or in rows, observing the basic planting rules.

Raspberry-strawberry planting rules:

  • Before planting, it is necessary to dig small trenches (for planting in rows) or holes (for cluster planting).
  • When planting, strictly observe the distance: between the bushes - 0.8 m, between the rows - 1.5 m.
  • It is recommended to apply fertilizer in pits or trenches in the form of a mixture of 1 bucket of peat and 0.5 bucket of rotted manure.
  • After planting, water it abundantly.
  • To make raspberries easier to take root and not get sick, it is better to plant them in the fall, before frost (from September to October).
  • For transplanting or when propagating their bushes, they act like this: carefully dig up the shoot with an earthen lump and carefully transfer it to the right place.
  • When choosing a place for this plant, find one where there is abundant root growth will not harm other garden pets. And also keep in mind that the shrub does not like constantly wet places.
  • If necessary, it is possible to limit the growth of raspberries in some ways: for example, with slate sheets dug around the perimeter.
  • At the first serious frosts, young seedlings should be sprinkled, sprinkling their root system 30 cm with soil.


Strawberry-raspberry is unpretentious. But, despite this, it needs minimal maintenance.

Strawberry Raspberry Care Tips:

  1. In dry weather, it is advisable to water the shrub regularly. Keep in mind that the plant does not like waterlogging.
  2. To prevent the soil from drying out around the shrub, it is recommended to mulch it using peat, compost or humus (this is especially necessary for bush plantings).
  3. It is advisable to weed the soil around the shrub with your hands, so as not to damage the root system close to the surface.
  4. In the spring, it is necessary to feed the shrub with any mineral fertilizers for raspberries (5 tablespoons for each shrub) or liquid manure (1 part of manure for 20 parts of water).
  5. Chinese raspberries reproduce by root shoots, many of them are formed during the season.
  6. Before stable frosts, the aerial part of the raspberry is cut to the ground, and the roots are sprinkled.
  7. Raspberry tolerates winter well. It is only required to cover the plant in extremely cold and little snowy winters.

As you can see, this unusual plant picky to care for, and takes no more time than regular raspberries.


Antonina, 65 years old, Ufa

Saplings are expensive, and the taste of the berries is not particularly encouraging. But I found a way out! I planted several bushes (multiplied my own) in front of the house. Now neighbors passing by admire the outlandish bush and are very surprised to learn what kind of plant it is.

Nikolay 43 years old, Kostroma

I gave my wife an outlandish raspberry, which I read about on the Internet. The wife is happy, now she has something to surprise her girlfriends and summer residents.

Anna 38 years old, Ulyanovsk

I got such a miracle raspberry 5 years ago. Raw berries smell like strawberries, taste sour, they make good jelly and compote, as well as unusual jam and preserves.

Maria 29 years old, Krasnodar

My 5-year-old daughter Lena really likes the taste and vivid view these berries. I am glad that they do not cause allergies in her. While treating her grandmother, she said: "Eat, this strawberry and raspberry have become friends!".

Victoria, 40 years old, Elektrostal

Sapling of this unusual bush took from a friend in the country, I liked him with his interesting view... He easily took root in my garden, and every summer he pleases my guests and loved ones.

As we found out, this amazing shrub with different names has many wonderful qualities. He fell in love with many summer residents and landscape designers. Perhaps it will take root on your site.


Many people prefer to plant only such, but there are those who do not welcome their cultivation on their own. What are the features of remontant plants and what are they like?

What is remontability: differences between remontant and ordinary varieties of strawberries, raspberries, strawberries

Repairability means the ability of a plant to bloom and, accordingly, bear fruit several times in one season... The term comes from the French word "remontant", which means "to rise again."

Not only the designated garden ones, but also their wild counterparts have such a feature. It is also typical for some other plant species. Distinctive feature such plants - most often the fruits are not inferior in size to non-repaired plants, and regardless of how many crops the plant gives per season.

However, it is often noted in the descriptions of the remontant that it has less pronounced taste characteristics. Another problem is that such plants do not live long - on average, two years.

Did you know? English-language literature operates with other terms regarding similar varieties: fall-bearing - fruiting in autumn, everbearing - continuously fruiting, autumn-fruiting - autumn-fruiting.

Popular varieties of remontant berries

There are a lot of similar types of berries. They have their own characteristics in cultivation and yield.


Garden berry This type produces a crop twice a year, but it pays for it with smaller ones, who do not have such a pronounced taste. The bush has weak foliage and is short-lived. However, there are a lot of similar species. The best remontant is obtained from the following:

  • "Mitsa Nova", which has sweet berries compared to other multi-yielding options;
  • "White Dream", the berries of which have a smack;
  • "Arapaho" - large-fruited and high-yielding species bred in the United States;
  • "Lyubasha" - comparatively the new kind universal use, ripens early, frost-resistant.
Also among popular varieties its useful to note Irm, Tristar, Fort Laremy, Red Rich, Ozark Beauty, Tribute, Superfection, Geneva.

Important! The yield ratio for such varieties is usually 30% on the first run and 70% on the second.

Be prepared for the fact that with remontant bushes they will periodically be exposed in different places... The fact is that after the first harvest, some of the bushes die. The process continues with each next harvest. The maximum that a remontant bush can live is three years.


Signs of repair are observed in both garden and forest. At the same time, it can produce fruits of medium and large sizes... She begins to bear fruit from mid-May and continues until the first frost. However, the most large harvest can be removed only in the first two years of the plant's life. Then, gradually, its strength abruptly fades away, and it is necessary to completely replace the plantation.

Many gardeners note that remontant varieties are noticeably inferior in taste to the usual ones. However, they willingly cultivate and multiply their various varieties. The most popular are "Monthly White" and "Monthly Gridneva", which reproduce only with a mustache. Among those that can be bred by dividing the bush, it is worth noting "Hummi Gento", "Ostara", "Mount Everest".


Usually these varieties are planted in order to get several harvests one after the other up to. But it is believed that autumn harvest much inferior in its taste characteristics, since for the first summer plant gives up most of its internal resources.

Today remontant has a wide variety of varieties. When choosing, one must be guided by the soil and climatic requirements of each. On average, they yield 1.7-3.7 kg of fruit per bush. Sorts such as "Elegant", "Ruby necklace", "Bryansk Divo", "Atlant" can yield more than 20 tons per bush.

Productivity depends on the average mass of berries, their number on one shoot, the number of such shoots on one bush. In addition, the climatic conditions, which allow or do not allow the entire crop to ripen on the bush, also affect the yield.

Therefore, in northern regions usually prefer to grow varieties such as "Eurasia", "", "Bryansk Divo", which in cool conditions have time to give about 1.3-1.6 kg per bush. Worst of all bear fruit in such conditions, "Diamond", "Indian Summer". Their productivity is on average 1 kg per bush.

Important! When purchasing seedlings, check with the seller what is remontant raspberry... In relation to this berry, the term may have a different meaning - a variety that bears fruit on both annual and biennial shoots.

The difficulty of growing remontant lies in its reproduction. traditional ways... As a rule, such varieties give few replacement shoots, which creates a deficit planting material... On the other hand, they are easier to care for.

Usually, these plants are planted on the south side in the sunniest and warmest parts of the garden in order to get a bountiful harvest. But if we are talking about the southern regions, then it is possible to plant in partial shade, even in the shade. It is desirable that the soil is fertile and loose. But all the same, after watering it is advisable to loosen it and remove weeds.

To smooth out possible disadvantages remontant varieties (low yield, loss of flavoring and external qualities), some gardeners choose to forgo the first harvest. All the same, it is not as significant as the second one. Therefore, they mercilessly cut off the first flower stalks.

Strawberry raspberry

Mysterious zemmaline

Three years ago, in August, I found myself in Postavy and entered the market. Walking among the rows where agricultural products and seedlings are sold, I noticed plants resembling raspberries.

Their height was 40-60 cm. On some specimens- attractive, bright red fruits. Noticing my curiosity, the seller treated me to a few berries. They tasted like raspberries, but with a pronounced strawberry aroma. While I was deciding whether to buy seedlings or not, the woman said that the plant is- strawberry raspberries. Her son brought her seedlings from St. Petersburg. Agricultural technology for growing zemalina is simple and accessible to any gardener. It grows on any soils with a neutral reaction, but still prefers light and fertile soils. It responds well to feeding with rotted manure and wood ash.

On my site, I allocated a sunny place for the zemmaline with well-fertilized soil. I planted her in rows. The distance in the row is 10-20 cm, and between the rows is 30 cm. With this planting scheme, the zemmaline can weed easily and conveniently. In July, the first ovaries appeared on the plants, and at the end of July we already tasted the first ripe berries. Low, about 60 cm, spreading bushes seemed to burn red from bright, rather large, juicy and sweet berries, similar to strawberries and raspberries at the same time. They are very firmly attached to young shoots. You should not rush to harvest the crop. The brightly colored berries, although beautiful, remain unripe for a long time, with a herbaceous flavor. Having tried these, many are disappointed in them. I noticed this feature and now I am trying to let the berries ripen on the bush for about 10 days. Then they become ruby, tasty, crumble at the slightest touch.

Zemmalina shows remontance. It bears fruit from July to September. If the weather is warm and sunny in September, the berries have time to ripen well and gain sugar content.

Jam, juices, compotes can be made from fruits, they are added to jam with high acidity... Zemmaline berries do not contain acid, therefore, a little lemon, apples are added to juices, compotes and jam from them, citric acid, any juice from berries and fruits containing acid. Those who made wine from strawberry raspberries note its delicate pleasant taste and aroma.

There is confusion about the name of this culture. Some article authors mistakenly combine information on two plants: strawberry raspberry and strawberry spinach. It is two various plants... Zemmaline- it is a species of raspberry (Rubus illecebrosus). Its leaves and shoots are very thorny. When weeding plants and picking berries, I always wear tight trousers so as not to prick myself. Zemaline leaves are similar in shape to raspberry leaves. Strawberry spinach- this is vegetable crop... Its leaves, which resemble the leaves of quinoa, and the fruits located in the internodes of the leaves are used for food. The fruits of zemmaline and strawberry spinach are similar to each other. Therefore, they are often mistaken for the same plant.

Zemmalina is easy to propagate by root shoots. In early spring and in the fall I divide the bushes and plant in a new place. In order for the harvest of strawberry raspberries to be rich, it is advisable to cover it with straw and spruce legs for the winter.

Zemmaline hedges look spectacular. They are short, dense, very attractive during flowering, later delight with berries. Sometimes the aboveground part of the plants freezes, so in the spring it is necessary to remove all dried shoots. It should be noted that root system this plant is very aggressive, intertwined in the ground like a spider web. And if the zemmaline is not stopped, it will spread throughout the garden. Therefore, it can be used to reinforce steep slopes. Many gardeners plant shrubs in large pots or barrels. The beds are fenced with old slate, linoleum from all sides to a depth of 0.5 meters. There is a joke that strawberry raspberries bring joy twice: the first - when the berries are harvested, and the second- when the unexpectedly grown at the other end of the garden was finally eradicated, since this work is not easy.


Vladimir Krylovich

Large, juicy, healthy strawberries and raspberries are the dream of any gardener. Such berries can be obtained, but the plants will require care. Almost everyone loves strawberries and raspberries, so being able to grow them for yourself is a very useful skill.

Let's see what is required of us.

Growing strawberries

June varieties
strawberries are the most popular. Most of the commercially available varieties are of this type. These bushes give very big harvest for two to three weeks, and then the berries run out. Repaired varieties tend to produce fewer berries than June berries, but they produce crops throughout the season. In general, however, they will give less overall yield (if you are growing commercial strawberries) than the aforementioned June varieties.

Strawberries are a very strong plant. She can survive in many places where you would never have thought possible. But to get top scores, there are some basics you should know.

Strawberries if you want large delicious berries, healthy powerful bushes, feed three times a year.

Nitrogen is needed in early spring and late autumn.

In early spring, after pruning the leaves, strawberries are fed at the root with a complex mineral fertilizer(nitroammophos, 1 tbsp. l. per 10 l of water) or organic fertilizer (infusion of mullein diluted with water 1:10, or chicken droppings 1:12). Requires 0.5 liters of solution for each bush.

During the period of budding and ripening of strawberries, a lot of potassium is required, therefore, it is advisable to use potassium nitrate, ash or chicken manure infusion for feeding.

Strawberries love mulching, and this way you save the berries (by picking them up from the ground). The ideal mulch is straw.

And remove the weeds! Also, remove dry leaves in time.

Please note that spraying strawberries with microelements during flowering and growth of ovaries significantly increases its yield (we take a pinch of boric acid for 10 liters of water for spraying).

After harvesting and trimming old leaves, so that the bushes will please with a bountiful harvest next year, strawberries are fed with complex mineral or organic fertilizer (2 tablespoons of nitroammofoska or 1 glass of ash per 10 liters of water).

In August, it is good to feed the strawberries with urea (30 g per 10 l of water), this contributes to the bookmark and increase flower buds that will increase the yield next year.

Strawberries can also be grown in pots(including in winter, subject to lighting with phytolamps and hand pollination). It is difficult to think of a piece of jewelry that is more fragrant and more beautiful. What's more, strawberries do grow and bear fruit quite well as a houseplant!

How many strawberry bushes should you plant?

At least 6 or 7 plants are needed per person to ensure enough strawberries. A family of 5 should plant 30 and 35 plants. If you plan on canning or making strawberry jam, double the number of bushes (a minimum of 60 or more is needed for a family of 5).

Growing raspberries

Raspberries, as gardeners know very well, are a very tenacious shrub, practically a weed that is difficult to exterminate. Even without leaving, she almost does not get sick. But there is a difference in berries, and it's huge. One and the same variety can produce excellent yields of large, non-worm berries, or grow wild with small, ugly berries.

For raspberries to become a "noble beauty" on the site, you need to pay attention to it.

Raspberries prefer moist soil, but do not tolerate waterlogging. From the end of spring until the beginning of ripening of berries, raspberries need abundant watering 1-2 times a week, otherwise its shoots will be thin, and the berries will be dry and small. Water the bushes under the root, being careful not to get on the leaves. Rains, if they were short-lived, will not save you much: raspberries need good watering even after rain. It's easy to check: if the soil remains dry at a depth of 10 cm after rain, you will have to water!

It is recommended to grow raspberries different varieties: today in stores you can buy raspberry varieties of very different characteristics (including yellow and black), it is much more interesting to pick berries with different tastes.

Raspberries grow well and bear fruit on "fat" soils, rich in organic matter, slightly acidic. Raspberries really need a loose, fertile, very nutritious soil. Therefore, a thick layer of mulch, humus, she needs every year. She will thank you for this with an abundant harvest of "exhibition" quality berries.

Most convenient way growing raspberries - tape. We dig a trench 30-40 cm deep and 40-50 cm wide. running meter planting we add 2-3 buckets of humus or compost, 150-200 g of superphosphate and 70-80 g of potassium salt. Instead of potash fertilizer you can add 500-600 g wood ash... Fertilizers are mixed with the soil, this mixture is poured into a trench when planting plants. In this case, the plants must be mercilessly cut out: with dense planting good berries you won't get it.

If you already have raspberries, and the soil under it leaves much to be desired, you can fix the situation by applying organic fertilizers under the bushes for several years in a row in the fall (compost or rotted manure, scatter superficially). It is recommended to feed raspberries with mullein infusion in May. Such top dressing regularly, several years after planting, requires a trench.

Powerful raspberry bush with good care annually forms powerful shoots 1.8–2 m high (according to experience, and more!), and gives little shoots. If you see a lot of small growth, your raspberries need to be cared for.

Raspberries need a lot of nitrogen, so in the spring, after the snow melts, be sure to add urea under the raspberries (40 g of fertilizer per running meter of the trench), and in the fall (at least once every two years) - 10-15 g of superphosphate and potassium salt for the same square. If at the same time the shoots grow above 2 m, the dose of nitrogen can be reduced starting from the next year.

Happy harvest!