Indoor lily: growing and care. Lily indoor photo home care

Home lily - unpretentious plant... V indoor conditions her varieties are grown: Asian, dwarf, oriental, royal and long-flowered.

Before planting, the bulbs are prepared by stratification and decontamination. Then they are placed in a suitable soil for the plant and lightly watered. When caring for a flower, top dressing and loosening of the soil are regularly performed. In one pot, a plant can be grown for 3-4 years, but after that it should be transplanted, following a number of conditions.

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    Varieties of home lilies

    Breeders have developed special varieties of domestic lilies. These are oriental and Chinese hybrids that give few children. Such varieties are capable of growing for several years without transplanting. It is possible for them to regulate the flowering period and get large, beautiful buds if they are properly cared for.

    Domestic lily grows up to 2.5 m. There are also species that form small compact bushes.

    Variety nameDescriptionPhoto
    RoyalThe variety was bred at the beginning of the 20th century, it belongs to the type of tubular lilies. Adult plant reaches a height of 1-1.2 m. The culture has a strong green stem, covered with narrow linear leaves. Their length is from 7 to 12 cm, width is 1.2-1.5 cm. The flowers are white, large - tubular, with strongly bent petals and a copper-yellow throat. Outside, the buds are covered with a violet-lilac bloom. Inflorescences reach up to 15 cm. There are up to 8 buds on one stem, so each of them represents a ready-made bouquet. The seed box contains up to 200 seeds, which ripen by the end of September
    DwarfThe plant is 20 to 50 cm high. It has a cylindrical bare stem. The onion is white, round, 2 to 4 cm in diameter, covered with a gray membranous shell. Leaves are linear, 7-11 cm long.The flowers are bright red, solitary, on some stems there are 2-3
    EasternThe hybrid is obtained by crossing the East Asian species. Lilies have large flowers that appear closer to autumn and smell good. They reach a diameter of up to 260 mm. There are white, red and pink lilies. The leaves of the variety are wide, lanceolate. Flowers are located both at the top and on the side. They are star-shaped and turbid in shape.
    LongiflorumThe stem of plants is smooth, pubescent, brownish or green in color, up to 2-2.5 m in height, but in some it is only 15-20 cm. Leaves are sessile, one or more leaves from one node. Longitudinal veins are visible on them. The width of the leaves is from 2 to 6 cm. There are more of them on the lower part of the plant. Flowers are usually waxy white
    AsiaticPlant height reaches from 40 cm to 1.5 m.The flowers are large, from 10 to 14 cm in diameter, have a wide variety of colors - from white to black

    Preparation for growing

    To grow a lily at home, you need to take into account the following nuances:

    1. 1 Bulb size. They should be strong and weigh about 40g.
    2. 2 A variety of a home flower. Preference is given to dwarf, Asian, oriental, royal and long-flowered species.

    Before planting, plants perform the following actions:

    1. 1 Bulb stratification. The procedure is carried out by placing planting material in the refrigerator for 15-20 days at a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius.
    2. 2 Disinfection of onions. Before planting, they are soaked for 2-3 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
    3. 3 Plant feeding. The flower bulbs are kept in a solution of nutrients and growth stimulants for 12 hours.

    Lily bulbs do not tolerate low temperatures, so they cannot be stored on the balcony.

    Pot selection

    It is important to choose the right pot for growing your indoor plant. It must meet the following agrotechnical conditions:

    1. 1 The taller the plant, the higher in height and the larger in diameter the pot should be. For example, for a lily up to 1.5 m high, a container with a height of 40-45 cm is required.
    2. 2 One bulb needs about 16 sq. cm square. A pot with a diameter of 40 cm will fit 3-4 lily onions.

    If you plant single bulbs, then with a large space around them, small children appear, which interferes with the timely onset of the flowering period. The plant does not bloom until it fills the empty space. In this case, the flower will appear only after a few years.

    Soil preparation

    After selecting the seeds and preparing them for planting, a balanced soil is prepared. At home, they take for the mixture sod and deciduous soil, humus, river sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 0.5. You can also use a composition of coconut fiber, vermicompost and washed coarse river sand in a ratio of 2: 4: 1.

    A complex of mineral fertilizers must be added to the prepared soil. For 1 kg of soil, about 50 g of a mixture containing nitrogen, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium is taken.


    Before filling the pot, the soil and dishes are disinfected. Drainage from sea pebbles or expanded clay, polystyrene and broken brick is placed on the bottom of the container. The drainage layer must be at least 5 cm.

    You can use ready-made soil for bulbous plants or warm up the soil prepared by yourself in a frying pan, or steam it in the oven at 180 degrees, and then spray the mixture with fungicide or potassium permanganate.

    It is necessary to pour a 10-centimeter layer of the fertile mixture into the pot and water it lightly. The bulbs should be planted with the top up, slightly pressing the end to the ground. Gently lay a 12-15 cm layer of nutritious soil on the onions. As the sprouts grow, you will need to add soil to the edges of the pot.

    You can plant lilies at any time of the year. To decorate the balconies, you need to plant home flowers no later than mid-March. Plants planted during this period will bloom by mid-May. It is best to plant the bulbs at intervals of 2 weeks to get flowers at a later date.

    To get a bouquet in December, a lily is planted in a pot at the end of September. Planted in winter period the plants are additionally illuminated after the emergence of seedlings. Daylight hours for them should be 12-14 hours.

    Flower care

    Caring for the plant at home after planting consists in watering, observing temperature and light conditions and feeding with a balanced composition of mineral and organic fertilizers. Get long lasting and lush bloom possible only if all agrotechnical requirements are followed.

    Lighting and temperature

    An ornamental plant loves space, coolness. Lilies are placed on the windowsill of the south or west window. A potted flower must be fenced off from direct sunlight in summer and provide additional lighting in winter. For this, an LED or phytolamp is installed at a height of about 40 cm above the pot.

    With the appearance of sprouts, the required temperature regime is provided. The optimal room temperature is considered to be at the level of 22-24 degrees Celsius.

    Watering and feeding

    Moistening the soil is carried out as the earthen coma dries up - every 3-4 days. The first feeding is done a week after the leaves appear, the second - a couple of weeks later, using a preparation containing phosphorus and potassium.

    It takes about 3-4 months from planting to flowering. At this time, it is important to prevent mold and rot on the soil and on the crop.

    2 times a week, the lily is sprayed with growth stimulants. The process has a beneficial effect on the bookmark flower buds and ensures the development of large buds. If the plant does not bloom, then it is watered with stimulants or organic products.

    Loosening and hardening

    The soil is regularly loosened, not forgetting about the safety of the bulbs. With a wooden stick or spatula, carefully crush the earth without damaging the underground part of the plant. This procedure allows air access to the root system.

    In the spring, monthly seedlings can be taken out for hardening in the garden. Every day, the time spent in the fresh air is increased by half an hour, gradually bringing it to 10 hours. At night, pots with seedlings are not left outside, since a drop in temperature can destroy the plants.

    On outdoors respect important rule: Watering and spraying is carried out in the morning, before the beginning of the activity of the sun's rays. Otherwise, the greens will suffer from burns. Water caught on the flower petals will also shorten the flowering period.

    In the presence of heavy and large buds, support structures are installed to support the stems.

    Culture transplant

    The lily is transplanted at home after the end of the flowering period. In this case, you need to wait until all the buds fall off, the stems turn yellow and dry. But you cannot cut them off. Watering is stopped gradually. The nutrients stored in the foliage are transferred to the bulbs. Powerful buds are laid for the next growing season. After waiting 2 weeks after the stems have dried, they dig out the underground part. The soil in the pot is changed because it is depleted and unable to fully nourish the root system.

    After taking out the bulbs, carefully separate them. Children are put in separate containers. Large adult specimens are washed under warm water. Shoots are cut 5 cm above the bulb. The selected raw materials are poured with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 40 minutes. Then the disinfected material is dried in the fresh air.

    Moss, sawdust and onions are folded into a paper bag and placed in the refrigerator or in the basement. Store the prepared material until planting in new pot... The bulbs are inspected regularly so that they do not deteriorate.

    Identifying the species by bulb

    By the bulb, you can determine which group it belongs to:

    1. 1 Asiatic and La hybrids are white in color.
    2. 2 Oriental - looser and more colorful. They have pink, purple and yellowish streaks on their scales.
    3. 3 Tubular lilies are deep purple.

    Signs and superstitions

    Exists folk signs associated with home lily. According to popular beliefs, the flower:

    1. 1 Adds perseverance and craving for knowledge to children, broadens horizons, opens up new abilities.
    2. 2 Fills the surrounding space with positive energy and destroys the bad.
    3. 3 Eliminates fatigue, depression, maintains peace.
    4. 4 May cause insomnia and should not be placed in rest rooms.

    Lily is poisonous and can be dangerous for children and allergy sufferers.

    You can add spectacularity to the interior of the house with the help of well-chosen ornamental plants. Indoor white lily is popular among flower growers. Caring for this perennial is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If done correctly, ensure quality care, the plant will delight you with a charming look and abundant flowering.

    Blooming lily - home decoration

    The white lily is a symbol of purity and purity. The enchanting flower begins to bloom as early as February, when other plants are still dormant. There are about 300 species of lilies, each of which has its own characteristics, requires attention and proper care... To know how to properly care for a flower, you need to determine the species. When growing indoor plants at home, you need to have information about what temperature they prefer, how often they need to be watered, what fertilizers to use for feeding, why the culture does not bloom for a long time.

    Flower planting rules

    To plant a room lily at home, you need to buy bulbs ornamental plant, and be sure to ask what kind it is. Healthy planting material should not have brown scales, be wrinkled. You will also need a spacious pot with a diameter of about 20 cm. Planting consists of several stages:

    1. First, you need to disinfect the planting material. The bulb is placed in a 1% manganese solution for half an hour, then taken out, left on a paper towel until completely dry.
    2. During this time, we put a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot. It can be expanded clay, crushed stone, broken brick.
    3. Lay out on the drainage layer soil mix... It is best to use a special lily primer that you can buy at a flower shop. If not, take the soil pre-fertilized with compost, mix it with sand and use it for planting a lily.
    4. We place the roots in a pot, cover with earth so that it covers half of the onion, lightly ram it.
    5. We place the flower pot on the windowsill so that enough sunlight gets on it.

    When sprouts appear, the indoor lily is placed in a permanent "residence". It should be sunny and well ventilated.

    Care and feeding

    If you follow the recommendations for caring for a white lily, it will bloom very beautifully, fill the house with a magical aroma. There are a few general rules that should be used when caring for different varieties of an ornamental plant:

    • Watering. All species need regular but moderate watering. Waterlogging of the soil should not be allowed, this can ruin white lily... Lack of moisture also negatively affects the condition of the flower.
    • Top dressing. Throughout the growing season, the plant must be fed organic fertilizers... A non-concentrated, liquid mullein solution, similar in consistency to regular water, is best suited for this.
    • Airing. All species are sensitive to dry and stale air. The room in which the plant is located must be regularly ventilated, but drafts must be avoided.
    • Lighting. Indoor lily is a light-loving plant that requires care and attention. For normal growth and development, it needs a sufficient supply of solar heat and light.

    With proper care, the flower will delight with bright inflorescences

    After flowering, all species enter a dormant period. At this time, leaving will be slightly different. The flower needs to be moved to partial shade, watered less often, no need to feed. After the end of this period, mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil. Why is this necessary? To provide the plant with the strength for abundant and long-lasting flowering, saturate with useful substances.

    Protection against diseases and pests

    Growing white lily, you can meet such unpleasant diseases as fusarium, anthracnose. As a result of the improper watering regime and non-observance of the rules for care, the bulb can rot, brown scales appear on it. Almost all types are susceptible to diseases. The death of a flower can be prevented by treating it with special preparations that can be bought in a specialized store.

    Room lily is a wonderful decoration for any interior. She will help to complement or soften the image, making it gentle and noble at the same time. The beauty of flowers was appreciated even in Ancient egypt and Greece, and in France this delightful flower adorned the coat of arms of the king.

    Beneficial features. The petals can be used not only as decoration, but also as a medicine. For example, apply the bulbs to the inflamed areas, after boiling. And the ready-made broth can be used as a tonic for lightening freckles.

    The perfect time to plant is October and November, but flesh can usually be planted before March.

    Lily is perennial , related to herbaceous and bulbous. Each onion consists of scales that are tightly adjacent to each other. Bulb sizes vary from 2 to 20 cm, average value- 7 cm. The roots are located at the bottom of the bulb, sometimes there are additional ones. The color of the plant is very varied: from white to red and purple.

    Types and varieties of room lilies

    There are about 300 species of lilies in the world, which are divided into main groups:

    1. Cup-shaped. Petals of this kind are presented in the form of a bowl - wide open. Cup-shaped varieties include: gilded lily, Empress Lily of China, Grand Commander.
    2. Funnel-shaped. The petals are tightly packed and form a tube. Funnel-shaped lilies include Long-flowered, Regal, Royal Gold, as well as a dozen hybrids that differ in very different colors: from light yellow to bright orange shades. TO this kind ranked as the most planted lily - indoor.
    3. Fezovidnaya. The flower is in the form of bent petals. Fezovidny plants are distinguished by a low stem and a small flower diameter. Lilies such as Dwarf, beautiful species and L. Citronella belong to the fezid lilies.

    In addition to the above varieties, there are Asian, American, Oriental lily, as well as Tubular hybrids, Candidium hybrids, La hybrids, etc.

    Each species has its own characteristics that are responsible for resistance to low temperatures and other unpleasant weather conditions.

    Planting indoor varieties

    Planting lily bulbs (tubers) in a pot

    Before planting a room (room) line, you must select a pot, soil and provide adequate drainage. Planting and growing indoor lilies at home will not take much time and hassle.

    The pot should not be more than 20 cm in diameter. Pour drainage on the bottom (about 3 cm). Use a soil mixture designed for plants with bulbs or nutrient-rich, organic soil as the soil.

    Plant the bulb to a depth of about 8 cm, stepping back 3 cm from the edge of the pot. There is one onion per pot. The pot should be half full.

    Transplant rules

    After 3 years, new shoots can be transplanted. A similar procedure should be carried out every 3 years. Before you dig up the plant, you need to cut the flowers. This is done so that the lily bulb does not weaken. Dig up new bulbs as carefully as possible in a small pot.

    Care during flowering and at rest

    Indoor lily loves warmth and light during flowering therefore it is recommended to keep it in a well-lit and warm place.

    During rest and sleep - vice versa, that is, it is necessary to limit the flow of light and heat. Nice place, for cultivation is a window sill overlooking sunny side... During the cultivation of lilies, it is necessary to feed the plant 2 times a year with liquid fertilizer. Avoid getting fertilizer on the leaves of the plant.

    Watering the plant correctly

    Watering indoor lilies is carried out quite often, avoiding getting water on the leaves. It is necessary to water with pre-settled water (temperature about 22 degrees Celsius).

    Do not allow the soil to dry out. As the lily blooms, it is necessary to increase the frequency of watering, since it is during this period of time that baby bulbs are formed. V winter time the frequency of watering can be reduced.

    Post-flowering care

    After the flower has faded, it is necessary to reduce the amount of watering and change a sunny place to a shady and cooler one.

    Flowering plant and description of problems

    Only on our website 56 varieties of lilies are described

    Lilies, as a rule, do not bloom in the 1st year of life. From the second to the fourth, the peak flowering is reached. Plants bloom magnificently and luxuriously. At the end of the fourth year, flowering weakens, then completely stops. Just at this time, the plant sheds offspring.

    If the lily is not blooming, then most likely you have the hippeastrum variety. It requires special care: from the beginning of spring to October, provide the plant with sun, watering and frequent feeding (once a week). Limit watering and sun from October.

    Bulb propagation in detail

    Lilies begin to multiply from 4-5 years old. They are separated and transplanted into a pot, being careful not to damage the root system.

    How to store bulbs

    Plant bulbs should be stored following a number of rules:

    1. The storage location should not be excessively dry. So, the bulbs can lose moisture and shrivel.
    2. The storage area should not be excessively damp. For example, the bulbs can become moldy, rot or grow prematurely.
    3. The temperature in the place chosen for storage should not be low (threatens with freezing of the bulbs) or very high (threatens with premature growth).
    4. The storage area for the bulbs must be well ventilated so that the bulbs do not get sick or mold.

    - from planting and forming the pot, to correct watering, describing the amount of light required by the plant and the fight against diseases.

    Indoor plant diseases and their treatment

    Diseases of a room lily, as a rule, occur due to a large amount of moisture, a low supply of oxygen to the soil, or when infected with harmful organisms.

    1. The bulb rots and grows moldy, it is necessary to limit watering and change the soil. Possible reasons there may be insufficient drainage or heavy soil.
    2. If the flower turns yellow, becomes dry, has lost color, it is necessary to increase watering frequency.
    3. The presence of insects such as flies, aphids, or beetles. In this case, use special means aimed at eliminating dangerous insects.

    Prevention of the occurrence of such diseases includes strict control the frequency of watering and soil air permeability.


    The price of a bulb depends on its type. For example, Asian variety can cost you between 75-120 rubles. Lily oriental at a price of about 150 rubles. A species lily is more expensive for many, its cost can reach more than 500 rubles. Lily hybrids cost from 120 rubles.

    Indoor lily is one of the brightest and most beloved flowers for many people. Unusually beautiful inflorescences, incredible aroma and relative ease of care - these qualities are appreciated by both professional flower growers and amateur gardeners.

    There are many varieties of lilies that can be grown at home, on the windowsill and on the balcony.

    These include:

    • oriental and asian hybrids;
    • long-flowered;
    • golden;
    • beautiful;
    • dwarf;
    • royal lily.

    Also, representatives of the Amaryllis family can be attributed to this group of flowers: hippeastrum and amaryllis.

    If the care of the plant is of high quality, then the flower will delight you with regular flowering for several years. But many gardeners use lilies as seasonal decorations for balconies and loggias.

    Legends have long been composed with these flowers. Literally translated from ancient Greek, the name "lily" is translated as "white-white". It was these plants that were symbols of divine beauty, strength and power.

    For example, they were used to decorate clothes and tapestries of the royal families of France and many other countries. So, in the photo of the paintings of those times, you can clearly see the luxurious embroidery of lily flowers.

    These plants are perennial. They have fleshy stems with different foliage arrangements. In some varieties, the greens are collected at the base of the bulb, while in others they evenly envelop the stem. The main advantage of the plant is its flower, large, consisting of 6 petals, with an unusually rich aroma.

    Care features

    The soil

    To make the lily feel comfortable, it is important to pay attention to the choice of soil. Be sure to mix fertile soil with river sand. This will provide the soil with sufficient friability and the bulb with adequate ventilation to prevent root decay.

    Basic care for lilies involves regular loosening of the soil. It is important that the bulb and rhizomes receive enough oxygen. It is also worth regularly (once a month) pour a little into the pot wood ash... It is rich in antioxidants and is an excellent preventive measure against diseases.

    If you plan to grow a perennial plant, then it is better to remove the inflorescences of the first year. Let the flower gain strength so that the buds that have blossomed for the second season are as large as those that can be found in the photo from the Internet.

    Lighting and temperature control

    The indoor lily is a sun-loving plant, but the direct rays of the daylight should fall on it only in the first half of the day. If you place the pot on a window where sunlight permanent, it will begin to dry and bloom sparsely.

    Special requirements for temperature regime lilies do not. This flower feels great in our climatic zone and can withstand both heat and cool up to +12 degrees. For the winter, lilies can be left on the balcony, but it is important to take care of a quality shelter. For this, it is better to use fallen leaves and peat. The top of the pot is covered with polyethylene to create the necessary moisture and warmth. To prevent decay, you can make a few toothpicks ventilation holes... Such care is required during the rest period.

    Watering and feeding

    The plant loves moisture, but not in excess. Therefore, watering should be carried out not according to the schedule, but as needed, when the earthen fodder dries up. It is desirable that the soil does not dry out completely, remaining slightly damp, but not wet.

    It is especially difficult to care for a lily at home with top dressing.

    Experts have developed a whole schedule of important feeds:

    • First. The onion should be fertilized immediately after planting in the ground, which will give it strength for germination and development.
    • Second. It is introduced when the peduncle is released, but before the flowers open, when the buds are formed. Such care will give the plant the energy to bloom.
    • Third. It is carried out at the end of flowering, somewhere in the middle of August. She will help the flower to prepare for wintering.

    In order for the flowers to be larger, as in the photo from the network and books on floriculture, it is worth adhering to these feeding rules. Fertilizers for the plant can be bought at any flower shop, but do not choose the cheapest products, they are usually ineffective.

    Planting a plant

    In order for the flower to grow quickly and please with regular flowering at home, it is important to adhere to strict rules when planting the bulbs. First, you should prepare the ground. You can buy any fertile mixture at the store and mix it with a little river sand.

    Then lay a drainage layer of medium-sized pebbles, foam or expanded clay (2-3 cm) on the bottom of the pot. After that, fill the container up to half with soil. The bulb will need a little maintenance before planting. Gently straighten its roots and set in the center of the pot, resting on the soil. After that, gently add earth until you cover the onion to the middle. Done, the lily is planted. It is possible to fill up the soil to the top of the pot only after the formation of the first leaves of sufficient height.

    Germination of the bulb requires coolness, so it is better to leave the container in which the flower is located in a cold room (temperature 15-18 degrees). After the shoots appear, transfer the plant to the balcony or to the room - to its permanent place.

    It is important that the lily has a sufficient amount of fresh air during active growth. Therefore, when growing a plant at home, it is worth placing the pot on the balcony.

    Then your lily will delight with large flowers, as in the photo from the Internet.

    Of course, you should follow the generally accepted rules for growing indoor plants. After all, the lily is considered conditionally whimsical. But experienced gardeners have long developed their own "tricks" and specific care that help the flower to actively grow and develop.

    So, if you become the proud owner of a lily, follow these rules:

    Indoor lily - bright and beautiful flower that does not require complex specific care. In order for the plant to please with active growth and abundant flowering, it is enough to provide it with moisture, fresh air and store feeding.

    Among indoor flowers, lilies with bright juicy greens, beautiful large flowers and a delicate aroma take pride of place. Of course, this is not about garden lilies, which can reach a height of one and a half meters or more. At home, a compact indoor lily is grown in pots different types and varieties.

    For home cultivation used oriental, Asian hybrids, long-flowered lilies, golden, beautiful, dwarf, royal. Also, indoor plants amaryllis and hippeastrum from the Amaryllis family are also popularly called home lilies, because their flowers are very similar to real lilies.

    From the article you will learn how to properly plant an indoor lily in a pot, how to care for indoor lilies in order to achieve abundant beautiful bloom and what to do after the leaves fall. With proper care indoor flower lily is able to decorate the interior of your apartment, balcony or winter Garden.

    Video about planting and breeding lilies

    Indoor lilies: planting and care according to all the rules

    Since lilies at home, as in the garden, usually bloom from June to August, it is recommended to plant them in a pot. in early spring... You can plant several bulbs at once in a flowerpot or in a tub, and then you will get a beautiful lush composition of lilies different varieties and colors. For one bulb, a pot with a diameter of about twenty centimeters will be enough; too spacious a container may cause the lily to have no flowers.

    The home lily flower will feel best in a light fertile land mixed with river sand. Lay drainage at the bottom of the pot, then add a layer of special soil mixture or soil enriched with nutrients, put the onion in the middle, gently spreading its roots to the sides. Fill the onion with soil mixture only up to half, while the earth should reach the middle of the pot. It will be possible to fill up the soil to the top after the stems outgrow the edge of the pot.

    A home lily flower will feel best in a light fertile land.

    Before the shoots appear, the lily in the pot must be in a cool dark place, and as soon as you see green sprouts, transfer the plants to a windowsill or balcony. With the onset of summer, growing lilies at home continues in a cold place, where it is possible to provide the plants with an influx of fresh air.

    Further caring for domestic lilies is not much different from caring for garden representatives of this bulbous plant... Lilies will thrive and bloom profusely if you provide slightly moist soil and moist air. It is not necessary to transplant the flower into a larger container.

    How to care for a room lily:

    • water the plant regularly from the moment the shoots appear until the leaves dry in the fall, so that the ground does not dry out, but also is not too wet;
    • spray lily leaves with water from time to time;
    • loosen the soil, adding peat, humus or leafy soil;
    • remove weeds;
    • when flowers appear, tie the stems to sticks.

    In the future, you will need to remove the buds only from those plants that look weakened

    For such a capricious plant as a lily, home care also includes liquid fertilizing. The first feeding should be done before the lily grows, the second - when the buds are forming, the third - until mid-August, after the lily blooms. The lily houseplant will be stronger and larger if you periodically add wood ash to the ground.

    An equally gorgeous room lily, a photo of which is widely presented on the Internet, will most likely turn out for you in the second year. In the first season, it is better to remove everything at once so that the plant gains strength and gets stronger. In the future, you will need to remove the buds only from those plants that look weakened.

    Now you know how to grow lilies at home, but keeping them until next season is not difficult: in the fall, the dead stems are cut off from the plant near the bulbs, the bulbs are removed from the ground and placed in a bag with wet moss in the refrigerator for the winter or stored until spring in a layer of damp sand in the basement.

    The bulbs are removed from the ground and placed in a bag with wet moss in the refrigerator for the winter.

    How to care for a home lily (amaryllis and hippeastrum)

    Often, domestic lily flowers are confused, calling hippeastrum amaryllis and vice versa, although these indoor plants have a different flowering period and dormant period. It is better to immediately determine exactly what kind of home lily you have - caring for amaryllis and for hippeastrum has some differences.

    By outward appearance it is not always possible to determine which genus the house lily belongs to, the photo can only confuse even more. You can find out the genus of the plant as follows: if your home lily blooms from summer to autumn, and is dormant in winter, then it is amaryllis. If flowers appear from winter to spring, and the plant rests in summer, this is hippeastrum. Accordingly, it will be necessary to plant and transplant the bulbs during the dormant period of the indoor flower.

    Both hippeastrum and amaryllis do well in warm, lit places, but they perceive direct sunlight and overheating very poorly. In the summer, it is advisable to take out plants to Fresh air, providing protection from precipitation. Twice a month, amaryllis are fed with mineral fertilizers, and for hippeastrum, organic and mineral fertilizers are alternated.

    Video about growing lilies in the country

    Like many other indoor flowers, lily loves wet cleaning leaves for hygiene purposes. Watering is necessary moderately, as the soil dries up, just do not flood the plant, since amaryllids are easily affected by rot when waterlogged. During the flowering of the home lily, watering is increased, and during the dormant period, it is reduced.

    If lily room care gets the correct one, it is less likely to be affected by diseases and pests, outwardly the plant looks healthy and strong. With a lack of watering and waterlogging of the soil, the lily leaves become lethargic and pale, the flowers begin to darken from the cold, and from the excess of the sun they turn pale. Keep a close eye on how your room lily looks in order to take timely steps necessary measures and then bright beautiful flowers will decorate your apartment for a long time!