Lily oriental potted care. Transplanting indoor lilies. How to transplant a plant

What does home lily care include? Compliance with the rules for keeping lilies at home will allow you to enjoy the appearance of healthy and flowering plants... But how to provide flowers comfortable conditions when growing in pots?

Lily in a pot, care

How to plant a lily in a pot

Before planting, lily bulbs are kept in the refrigerator for 16-19 days, at temperatures of 3-6 ° C. Then placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about 2 hours. After that, it is useful to dip the bulbs in a solution of any growth stimulant.

The soil should be nutritious and loose. You can buy it in the store or make it yourself by mixing soil from the garden with compost, humus and fertilizers.

One lily bulb is planted in a tall pot with a diameter of 16-18 cm. Several bulbs will require a larger container. You should not use a planter that is too spacious: the plant will direct all its forces to the formation of daughter bulbs, and not flowers.

A drainage of small stones is placed on the bottom of the pot, a layer of earth about 10 cm is poured, an onion is placed, covered with a layer of earth up to 20 cm. The pot is placed in a cool shady place, and after the sprouts appear, they are rearranged to a lighted one.

How to care for a lily

Growing lilies require:

Constant supply of fresh cool air;

Fertilizer nutrition;


Spraying with water;


Carelessness in any of these steps can damage the plant.

Fertilizing is done every 7-9 days. The top layer must be loosened regularly, doing it carefully: a depth of up to 6 cm will be enough, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the roots.

If you care for the lily correctly, it will take root well and you will be able to plant fresh bulbs every year, getting a new plant.

When the stem reaches 10 cm, they begin to take the flower pot out onto the balcony every day for 20-30 minutes, gradually increasing the time. When hardening the plant, you need to be careful. Do not leave home lilies in a pot on the balcony at night if the thermometer drops below 12 ° C.

It is useful to spray the lower parts of the lily from a spray bottle, while placing the plant in the shade (otherwise there will be a burn on the leaves). Inflorescences and buds cannot be sprayed: this leads to rapid flowering and wilting.

One of the most beautiful flowers, grown on the windowsill, is the house lily. She possesses pleasant aroma and lush greenery. For the plant to please the owners long time, you need to know how to properly care for him.

V open ground lily does not always withstand wintering, and home care ensures its comfortable growth. There are many varieties of the plant, and each requires special conditions. It is important to observe a certain temperature and humidity, the lily loves a lot of light. It grows well in the summer on the balcony, but the scorching rays of the sun burn its leaves. For wintering, they provide a temperature not lower than +16 degrees.

The stem can reach from 40 cm to 1.5 m in height. With a short daylight hours, shoots develop until the period of bud formation. During the flowering of lilies, a lot of light is needed at home. Planting and grooming requires some knowledge. If everything is done correctly, the houseplant will delight the owners. lush flowers and fragrance.

House lily varieties

Many varieties have been developed that are suitable for growing at home. They differ in stem height and flower shape.

The classification depending on the shape of the petals is as follows.

  • The pygmy lily and Citronella are stunted species. The height of the stem reaches 60 cm. Flowers with bent petals small size, their diameter does not exceed 5 cm.
  • Royal Gold, Lily Domashnaya, Long-flowered, Regal are distinguished by funnel-shaped petals collected in a tube.
  • Lily of Taiwan and its hybrids look very beautiful on the windowsill. A compact bush does not exceed 40 cm in height. TO dwarf species include Miss Rio and Garden Party, they have fairly large flowers.
  • Asian hybrids are odorless, but very beautiful flowers with specks, stripes, specks.
  • Grand Commander, Empress of China, Lily Beautiful, Gilded have flowers shaped like a bowl.

Also, many hybrids have been bred, perfectly adapted for growing at home.

How to determine the type of lily on the bulb

Growing lilies at home requires compliance necessary conditions for the selected plant species. How to identify it? By the color of the bulb, you can determine which type of indoor lilies are:

  • white - in Asian and LA hybrids, they require slightly acidic soil, can be fertilized with ash;
  • multicolored friable with yellowish, pink, purple veins - in oriental plants, they require acidic soil, ash cannot be added to the composition;
  • purple and other dark shades - in tubular lilies, they need soil with the addition of lime;
  • colored yellowish, pinkish - in OT hybrids adapted for outdoor cultivation.

Several bulbs belonging to the same species are planted in a pot. It is important. To make all the plants bloom at the same time, choose bulbs of the same size.

Planting in pots

Planting a lily in a pot is carried out in the fall. Sometimes it is done in winter. The most common bulbous method of planting a plant. Pot containers can be made of ceramic or plastic. A vessel of no more than 20 cm in diameter is prepared in advance, drainage is poured onto the bottom in the form of expanded clay, broken brick, foam or pebbles.

To grow a healthy, strong plant, you need to give Special attention the choice of soil for certain kind lilies. Get ready-made soil in the store or make it yourself.

Plants will thrive in turf soil mixed 1: 1 with humus or compost. For a liter of soil, add 50 grams of mineral fertilizers: phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and nitrogen.

The prepared soil is disinfected by pouring boiling water with the addition of manganese. The height of the container is calculated so that after planting the plant, about 7 cm of free space remains between the top layer of the earth and the edges of the pot.

Step-by-step instructions on how to plant a lily in a pot:

  • 10 cm of prepared soil is poured into a container with drainage;
  • lay the bulbs upside down, press them a little into the ground;
  • fall asleep 15-20 cm with soil;
  • watered with warm water;
  • leave until germination in a cool, dark place;
  • after germination and the formation of an additional root system, it will be necessary to add soil to the pot so that it covers all the roots.

Care features

A lily in a pot looks very beautiful, but caring for it requires care and patience. If everything is done correctly, soon the plant will delight you with magnificent flowers and fill the room with a pleasant aroma.

Basic rules on how to care for lilies in order to get lush bloom, the following.

  • After planting, the bulbs are kept at a low temperature. Watering is carried out as the land dries up.
  • After the first shoots appear, the soil is fed with organic additives.
  • After 7 days, fertilizers are applied containing potassium and phosphorus.
  • For the rapid formation of buds, the plant is sprayed with compounds that stimulate growth every 3-4 days.
  • When the shoots grow up to 10 cm, add soil to the upper edge of the container.
  • Taking care of a lily is not difficult at all. It is necessary to regularly loosen the soil to ensure oxygen access to the root system. Water the plant 1-3 times a day. The soil should be moderately moist. Top dressing is carried out once a week.
  • A month later, they begin to accustom the lily to open air... They take the pot out to the balcony for 15-30 minutes, make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on it.
  • Every day, the time spent in the air is increased by half an hour. After the plant has not wilted on the balcony for 4 hours, it can be left until evening and overnight.

You can grow lilies on the balcony all summer long. It should be borne in mind that at temperatures below +10 degrees, they are poorly formed flower buds... Before the budding period, the leaves are sprayed every day, this stimulates the rapid growth and development of the lily. Until the moisture dries, the leaves are protected from the sun. Water ingress on the buds will shorten the flowering period. After the end of the active phase, the pots with the plant are placed in a cool, dry place. At this time, you can transplant the lily.

Diseases and pests

Pests rarely affect indoor plants. But excessively dry air contributes to their appearance. Lilies can infect: spider mites, aphids, mealybugs. In this case, you can see insects on the foliage or stem, and also learn about their appearance by the following signs:

  • yellowing, falling leaves;
  • lethargy, growth retardation.

It is necessary to purchase means for the destruction of uninvited guests in a specialized store and use them according to the instructions.

Indoor lily care, as already mentioned, involves uncomplicated care. In order to recognize a plant disease in time, you should pay attention to the following phenomena.

  • The yellowing of the leaves is due to the dry air. It is necessary to pour expanded clay into the pallet and keep it constantly moistened, spray the foliage, use a humidifier.
  • Leaves turn yellow in spots or on one side of sunburn... You need to rearrange the pot in the shade.
  • Due to the lack of mineral and organic substances, the foliage withers and turns yellow. Feeding is carried out 1-2 times a week.
  • Leaves fall off, become sparse, thinned due to lack of light or lack of essential organic matter.
  • Gray and red rot affects the plant due to abundant watering and stagnant moisture.
  • Fusarium affects the root system, the leaves turn yellow, fall off, the bulb gradually collapses. To prevent the disease, the bulbs are kept for half an hour in a solution of foundationol before planting.
  • The fungus develops when the air is too warm and humid. Yellow spots are formed on the leaves and stem. The plant most often dies.

Growing lilies in pots without transplanting is permissible for 2-3 years. In order for the plant to delight in lush color next spring, it must winter in a cool, dark place. Watering once a month is enough.

Known back in ancient greece, the lily has become a symbol of purity and tenderness. Moreover, previously only plants were grown white... French kings exalted the lily on their coat of arms as a symbol of loyalty and loyalty.

Over the centuries, breeders have bred many species that differ in color, shape and size. In addition to garden flowers, which have long gained popularity, their variety has appeared - indoor lilies.

Variety of varieties

Lilies are popular plants grown in apartments and offices. Many varieties bloom in February – March, delighting people who miss spring colors and aromas.

Keep in mind: choosing the required temperature regime, you can predict the flowering of the lily by a certain date.

Types by flower shape

Breeders have bred over three hundred species of these flowers. All types of flower shape belong to three main groups:

  • cupped;
  • funnel-shaped;
  • fezoidal.

Cup lily

The group names speak for themselves. The petals of cupped lilies are wide open.

The representatives of the cupped varieties are:

  • Empress of China;
  • Gold Plated;
  • Lovely;
  • Grand Commander.

How to care for the Wanda orchid at home:

A cluster of funnel-shaped lilies produces flowers shaped like the trumpet of a gramophone. Lily Long-flowered, Regal, Royal Gold, Mid-Century - this is a small list of common varieties, the petals of which are collected in a tube.

Fez lily

Fezovidny lilies are distinguished by a shorter stem, flowers of a smaller diameter.

A characteristic feature of the flowers of this group, which includes the Dwarf lily, L. Citronella, are the petals bent outward.

Hippeastrum and amaryllis


Many amateur flower growers have at least one indoor lily on the windowsill, which is called hippeastrum or amaryllis. Not only housewives, but also botanists argue about the correctness of the name.

Hippeastrum belongs to the amaryllis family, but differs from the amaryllis. And although they have a lot in common, let's consider what their differences are.

They were brought to Europe from different continents. The birthplace of amaryllis is South Africa, and hippeastrum was brought from the tropics of the Amazon.

After the appearance of hippeastrum and amaryllis in the botanical gardens of Europe, breeding work began on their crossing, breeding new hybrid varieties. For several centuries, new varieties were ranked either as hippeastrum or amaryllis.

And only in the twentieth century, in 1954, at the congress of botanists from all over the world it was adopted:

  • one species from Africa belongs to Amaryllis - Amaryllis beautiful;
  • all other hybrids belong to hippeastrum.


Although many flower shops in Russia still offer amaryllis. What are their differences?

They differ from each other not only in origin, but also in the peculiarities of development and appearance. Here are the differences that will help the amateur to distinguish between them:

  1. Amaryllis sheds leaves during the dormant period. Among the hippeastrum, there are species that remain evergreen. But some varieties also shed their leaves.
  2. Amaryllis blooms once in early autumn. In hippeastrum, the flowering time is determined by distillation. Depending on the conditions of detention and temperature regime can bloom twice a year. The traditional time for the appearance of flowers is the end of winter, the beginning of spring.
  3. More precisely, the peduncle will help to determine which lily grows in your home. The main difference is that the peduncle (arrow) of the amaryllis is not hollow. The peduncle of the hippeastrum is hollow inside.
  4. Amaryllis flowers have a funnel-shaped structure, and their color varies from pinkish red to white. Hippeastrum hybrids are distinguished by a variety of flower shapes and colors.
  5. These two kinds indoor lilies have bulbs of different shapes. Amaryllis has a pear-shaped shape with grayish scales, pubescent with inside... Due to the variety of species, the bulbs of the hippeastrum can be either rounded or rounded-conical, with white scales.

Other species

Amazon lily

Among indoor flowers, ranked among amaryllis, you can find two types that differ from the usual hippeastrum. These are eucharis () and hymenokallis (spider lily).

The white flowers of the Amazonian lily are shaped like a daffodil. Wide glossy leaves complement appearance creating a wonderful composition. The plant blooms in autumn, at the end of September, and has a delicate aroma.

Hymenokallis, depending on the species, blooms in summer or winter. Its original white flowers are set on a tall peduncle and have long narrow drooping petals. From here comes the second name - spider lily.


For abundant flowering indoor lily needs a certain temperature and light conditions. During the dormant period, the plant must be provided with coolness and darkness, or at least shade. Watering is also limited.

After the end of the dormant period, the plant is transferred to a sunny window, preferably southeast or southwest, and watering is increased. Feeding is carried out at the same time mineral fertilizers... It is also necessary to provide ventilation, but without drafts. In summer, the lily can be taken out onto the balcony.

After flowering is complete, the peduncle is cut off, while removing the yellowed leaves. Move the pot with the plant to a cool place, reducing watering. With the correct alternation of periods of rest, you can achieve flowering lilies twice a year.

The process of preparing a plant for flowering is called forcing. The pot is placed in a cool place with a temperature of at least six degrees Celsius. In summer, it can be a place in the refrigerator, in autumn - a loggia or a glazed balcony.

Periodically, the soil is moistened, preventing flooding and drying out. After the sprouts appear, the plant is transferred to heat.

Diseases and pests

Rot on the lily bulb

The main problem when growing indoor lilies is the appearance of rot on the bulb. Most often this is due to improper over-watering. Indoor lilies are also exposed to diseases such as anthracnose and fusarium. To combat rot and other diseases, fungicides are used, which can be purchased at a flower shop.

Pests of lilies include not only aphids, thrips, but also lily flies, click beetles, and amaryllis bugs. To destroy them, insecticides are used, adhering to safety measures.


Lily with a shoot

Indoor lilies are transplanted every three to four years. When transplanting, the babies of the bulbs are separated, they are planted in new small pots.

Young plants should not be expected to bloom during the first year. When in the second year new lateral processes appear next to it, then one can hope for the appearance of a peduncle in the mother bulb.

Be careful: When buying bulbs from the market or flower shop, you should inspect them carefully. If there are brown spots on them, then this indicates that they have been damaged by rot.

If home bulbs have undergone a disease, then you need to soak them for twenty minutes in a solution of karbofos (0.3%) or potassium permanganate (1% solution). If planting the bulb is delayed for a while, then place it in the refrigerator.

The best storage place would be a vegetable drawer. The onion is pre-wrapped in moss or placed in a box with sawdust.

Carefully consider the choice of the pot and the planting of the bulb. It is very important that the distance between it and the wall of the pot is at least two to three centimeters.

Planting bulbs

The earthen mixture is chosen light, nutritious, with the addition of sand. It is better to purchase ready-made land for liliaceae in stores.

Landing is carried out according to the following scheme:

    • drainage is poured onto the bottom of a pot with a diameter of 15–20 cm;
    • the top layer of earth is about five centimeters;
    • the bulb is carefully placed in a pot, the soil is poured up to half its height.

Note: in order to avoid pest infestation, it is recommended to ignite the earthen mixture in the oven before use.

Growing indoor lilies does not require much trouble, and even inexperienced growers can do it. They can start by planting Asian hippeastrum hybrids, which are more unpretentious and hardy. Long-flowered species are more demanding in terms of keeping conditions, but differ wonderful aroma, unlike Asiatic lilies.

Watch the video where experienced florist talks in detail about the technology of growing and caring for indoor lilies:

Who said that lilies can only be grown in the garden? Large bushes such as the Regale variety will look spectacular in large pots, and the exquisite Henson lilies will fit perfectly in medium-sized pots. By providing good conditions maintenance and decent care for the lily at home, you can get the same abundant and long flowering as in the garden.

Features of caring for a lily at home

Amaryllis and hippeastrum are often called "indoor lilies", although they belong to different families and are similar only in the shape of the flower and the presence of the bulb. Lily, like all bulbous plants, needs special care, because improper watering or non-observance of the temperature regime in the summer and winter time can lead to the death of the flower.


Lily will feel comfortable in rooms with windows facing south-east or south-west. It is good if the tub with the plant will not stand on the windowsill, but on a stand near the window - the flower is preferred by slightly diffused sunlight.

Air temperature

In the spring and summer, caring for lilies is not difficult at all. Considering that this is a fairly hardened plant, the bush will feel good at an average room temperature, firmly enduring both heat and a slight cold snap, but not frost.

With the onset of spring, the tub can be taken out to open veranda, balcony or put in the garden. Fresh air will benefit the plant, so if the lily remains in the room, you need to ventilate the room more often.

Air humidity

Lily - home care does not require maintenance high humidity air, it is enough only occasionally, on especially hot days, to spray the flower from a spray bottle. To remove dirt from the leaves, it is recommended to wipe them once a week with a soft sponge or a piece of cotton wool soaked in water.

Watering lilies

In the spring-summer period, you need to remember the basic rule - to water more often, but with a small amount of water. It is known that bulbous plants rot quickly, so dampness should not be allowed. Better to water a little early in the morning and if upper layer the earth began to dry up - repeat the procedure in the late afternoon. Water the flower should be done only with soft water, warmed to room temperature.

Important! The flowers of the lily are heavy enough that it is recommended to tie the stems to a support so that she does not overturn the pot.

The composition of the soil for growing lilies

In order for a strong and healthy lily to grow, planting and caring for it must be carefully thought out and you need to start with choosing a good substrate. It is better to prepare the mixture yourself, it should be light, loose and at the same time nutritious.


  • sod land - 3 parts,
  • sheet land - 1 part,
  • fresh humus - 1 part,
  • coarse sand - 1 part.

It is imperative to prepare drainage: large expanded clay, ceramic shards and other materials are suitable. The drainage should take up at least a third of the pot's volume.

Too spacious container for lilies is not needed, otherwise it will affect flowering. But you can plant several specimens in one tub, in which case you will need a wider container.


After planting, caring for the lily must necessarily include regular feeding with complex mineral compounds and organic matter. It is better to choose fertilizers specially formulated for bulbous plants, and apply fertilizing according to the attached instructions. It should be taken into account that in the phase of active growth, the lily needs nitrogen, and with the appearance of the first flowers - in potassium and phosphorus.

The best organic food for a flower is considered to be slurry, diluted in a ratio of 1:10, it can be started to be applied with the onset of warm spring days and no more than 1 time in 3 months.

Planting and transplanting lilies

Planting bulbs is best done in autumn, the most favorable time is October. Bulbs should be chosen that have a fairly well developed root system and there are no spots of rot. At the bottom of the pot, you need to pour drainage and some prepared soil, then carefully place one or more onions and sprinkle them with soil about 2/3. In this case, the pot should not be filled to the top with the substrate, after the leaves grow, the upper part of the bulb will need to be filled up.

Before the young leaves appear, the flower should be in a cool and shaded place in a slightly damp substrate. After the emergence of shoots, the pot should be rearranged on the windowsill and gradually increase the watering. As you can see, planting and caring for a lily will not cause much difficulty.

It is undesirable to transplant lilies into larger containers; it is enough to replace the substrate.

Advice! To prevent the bulb from rotting, experienced florists it is recommended to plant it on a "pillow" of sand with a layer of 3 cm, previously calcined in the oven.

How to provide lilies with a dormant period during the winter season?

In autumn, the life processes of bulbous plants slow down and they need to provide a "rest" phase. During this time, the lily should be kept at a temperature of about +5 ° C, away from sunny color... Watering should be reduced as much as possible and only slightly moistened the substrate. With the onset of spring, the container can be placed on the windowsill and the frequency of watering can be gradually increased.

If it becomes necessary to separate the daughter bulbs, then it is best to do this in late autumn, so the mother plant is less injured, and the children can be immediately planted in separate containers.

The life span of a lily is 5–6 years, and at this age it blooms less and less, so it is better to plant the tub and re-grow the bush from young bulbs.

Diseases and pests of lilies

When caring for a lily at home, you need to carefully examine the bush, because in the fight against diseases and pests, it is important to detect the symptoms of damage as early as possible.

  • The leaves are pale and lifeless - this indicates improper watering, you need to check the condition of the substrate.
  • The flowers of the plant begin to darken - the room is too cool.

Excessive dampness can make a lily sick gray rot. it infection which at first strikes lower leaves and then spreads throughout the bush. No less dangerous disease -fusarium, its causative agent is a fungus that enters the bulb with mechanical damage, therefore it is so important to sprinkle the cut sites with crushed charcoal . The spread of the disease starts from the bottom of the bulb and gradually spreads to the entire surface. If the condition of the flower is not running, then you can try to cure it with the help of modern antifungal drugs.

Like most houseplants, in dry and hot weather, the lily can fall prey to spider mites or thrips. Spider mite characterized by a silvery bloom and yellowish spots on inner surface leaves. Thrips are small, light green insects that quickly spread throughout the bush. You can start treatment by flushing the pests with a solution of household or potassium soap, and fix the result with reliable broad-spectrum insecticides.

Decorate a room, greenhouse or winter Garden using tub lilies is a snap. They will not only delight large and bright flowers, but also fill the room with a delicious and delicate aroma.

Lily planting video

Picking up suitable option indoor plant for the decoration of an office, hall or other premises of strict appointment, we advise you to pay attention to the Amazon lily (see the photo below).

This is an option that is notable for its neatness, clarity of lines and a romantic touch at the same time.

Its second name is Eucharis ("graceful") - a symbol of grace and beauty.

Botanical description

In the amaryllis family, eucharis occupies one of the leading places. A plant that is easy to care for, but requires attention and accuracy, has been familiar to European growers for a long time, from the first half of the XIX century.

Often decorates the backyard area in areas with a warm climate. V middle lane takes its rightful place in home greenhouses and office premises.

The appearance is not exotic: wide leaves on long petioles, rounded, slightly elongated. The surface is smooth and glossy. The embossed leaf pattern is clearly visible. The color of the leaves is often dark green, although it can change with a change in the usual lighting.

In February-March, the plant throws out one (rarely two) arrows, on which there are several delicate and touching flowers. They bloom gradually, so the flowering process can take several weeks. Flowers are a six-petal frame for well-developed stamens, gathered in a circle.

The plant has a bulbous root system, which ensures its resistance to adverse conditions (drought) for some time. The soil should contain equal parts turf and peat land mixed with sand.

It is interesting: eucharis does not need bright sunlight. The light should fall softly and diffusely, as a wide, smooth surface can naturally burn. Such lack of demand sunlight allows you to place the plant in the second tier, under smaller living compositions.

You can place a pot with a room lily on shelves, bedside tables or special stands. Larger specimens can be placed on the floor by placing the plant in a large, deep pot.

Care features

Watering is one of the main requirements in successful care at such an Amazonian beauty. Drying out of an earthen coma is also undesirable, as well as waterlogging.

The bulbous root system is able to accumulate moisture in significant quantities and for a certain time does not need it anymore. Therefore, the pot must necessarily have holes to drain excess water.

For irrigation, it is advisable to use water at room temperature, settled for two hours to destroy chlorine and precipitate solid suspended particles that determine its hardness (calcium, phosphates, iron, sulfur, and others).

Whether to use tap water can be decided by knowing it chemical composition and methods of disinfection. For areas with high natural mineralization of water, it is necessary to use preliminary boiling.

Lily leaves will be happy to sprinkle and create a humid microclimate in the place of its growth. At the same time, the flowers do not need droplets of water, so it is better to cover them when spraying.

Once every two weeks during watering, the plant can be fed, using alternately special organic and.

How to transplant a plant

The average frequency of replanting a plant is once every four to five years.

It is during this period that the overgrown tubers will optimally take up all the space available in the pot. Transplanting will take place effectively in the spring, especially in the first half of it.

Having divided the rhizome into separate bulbs, it is necessary to select healthy full-fledged options and place them in tall vessels, at the bottom of which there is gravel or expanded clay drainage... Planting depth - no more than 5 cm.

In the absence of leaves, it is necessary to ensure that top part escape came out to the surface, and was not buried in the ground. For the bulbs to start, you do not need to place them in wide containers at all. It doesn't matter for the bulbs, and excess soil is excess moisture.

Reproduction methods

The only way to reproduce is to transplant individual bulbs.

True, as a result of flowering, seeds ripen, which theoretically can be used for the emergence of new plants.

But in practice, this method is practically not used.

Why does the plant not bloom

According to the observations of numerous flower growers, the home lily does not bloom if:

  • the pot with the plant is large, which only contributes to the proliferation of leaves;
  • the soil is constantly in a state of waterlogging;
  • its temperature is above 20-22 o.

Note: in order to achieve flowering, it is necessary to dry the lump of soil in which the lily grows, cool it to 15 ° and hold it at this temperature for a week or two. Then raise the temperature abruptly (using artificial soil heaters or placing soil with a bulb, wrapped in polyethylene, in a warm environment, for example, a thermos).

A plant like eucharis, at first glance, is unpretentious and hardy. It has biological protection against disease and grows well, rapidly increasing in size.

At the same time, it is vulnerable and sensitive. Should constantly feel the love of the owner and his positive energy... Only in this case will he answer with the unsurpassed beauty of flowers and the luxury of leaves.

How to properly care for Amazon lily, see tips an experienced gardener in the following video: