Indoor lily flower how to care. Indoor lily care

These flowers tolerate well any soil and climatic conditions and do not require special care during cultivation. That is why the cultivation of lilies is carried out in open ground, pots and containers.

Features of growing and caring for lilies at home with photos and videos will be described in detail in this article.

Lily is one of the most popular garden ornamental plants attracting attention not only with its bright lush color and an amazing aroma, but also unpretentiousness to climatic soil conditions.

However, it will be useful to know some of the features of growing this crop in the open field. First of all, you need to start by choosing a site and preparing it.

Features of site preparation

Lilies grow and bloom best in sunny areas, sheltered from the wind. Before starting cultivation, prepare the soil, as these flowers have been growing in one place for several years (Figure 1).

Note: The soil must be dug up, removing the remains of other plants, as well as their roots. Moreover, for autumn planting the soil is prepared in the summer, and for the spring - in the fall.

To increase soil fertility, together with digging, well-rotted manure (1 bucket per 1 square meter), superphosphate (30-50 g) and wood ash (0.5 liters) are introduced. If you want to plant plants on a ready-made flower bed, pay attention that the plantings do not coexist with too tall plants that will shade the flowers. For the same reason, it is not recommended to plant them under trees or bushes.

Figure 1. The procedure for growing in the open field

Try to avoid dry areas of the soil, give preference to well-drained soil. Pay attention to the level of acidity: an alkaline or slightly acidic reaction is considered optimal. If the soil is too acidic, it is necessary to add wood ash or liming.


Despite the fact that growing these flowers in the country is considered easy, and even novice gardeners will be able to do it, a number of conditions must be met for abundant flowering.

When growing lilies outdoors, follow these rules.:

  1. Choose a well-lit, slightly raised area with good drainage.
  2. Fill the soil with organic and mineral fertilizers before planting.
  3. Try to bring the soil acidity level to optimal level by liming or adding wood ash.
  4. Inspect carefully planting material in order to detect diseases, disinfect the bulbs before planting.
  5. Plant late blooming varieties in spring. Autumn landing begins in late summer and lasts until mid-autumn.

The ways

Lilies are cultivated as in flower pots and containers that can be exposed in the open air, and in the open field in a flower bed and in a garden, and in conditions closed ground- in the greenhouse.

At the same time, all kinds of breeding methods are used: bulbs, seeds, scales, children. Each of the methods has its own advantages and difficulties. Let's take a look at some of the outdoor cultivation methods.

Growing lilies from seeds at home

Breeding with seeds is a rather lengthy process, but it makes it possible to immediately obtain a large number of young, viable plants resistant to various diseases. In this way, new varieties are also bred.

For successful cultivation lilies from seeds at home, you need to know some features(picture 2):

  • Different varieties have different temperature regimes for seed germination, but mostly most of them emerge at a temperature of 20-25 degrees.
  • The seeds do not need preprocessing cold, their germination does not depend on lighting, but depends on the timing of collection.
  • It is recommended to plant seeds no later than the second year after harvest.
  • To increase the germination rate of seeds, they are pre-soaked for 15 hours, and to reduce the risk of infection various microorganisms and bacteria are treated with bleach or 0.04% zinc sulfate solution.
  • To obtain seedlings, seeds are sown from February to March.
  • Crops are made in a substrate consisting of garden soil with the addition of peat, humus and sand.
  • For crops, containers with a depth of 10 cm are used, while sowing seeds to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm.
  • The sown material is sprinkled with earth, moistened with a spray bottle, covered with a film or glass cover.
  • After the emergence of shoots, the shelter is gradually removed, starting from a few hours a day and until it is fully disclosed.
  • Seedlings are provided with scattered sunlight while lowering the temperature environment up to + 12 + 20 degrees.
  • Regular watering of seedlings is carried out, preventing the soil from drying out.

Figure 2. Growing lilies from seeds

With the appearance of the first leaves, young plants are transplanted into separate pots, observing the rules of care, which consist in gentle loosening, watering and maintaining the level of lighting.

In late spring - early summer, seedlings are transferred to open ground, having previously selected and prepared a site with light and fertile soil. When planting young plants, keep an interval of 30-40 cm between them. Subsequent care involves loosening the soil, watering and timely feeding.

From the video you will learn how to properly plant and grow these flowers at home.

How to grow lilies from bulbs

Growing lilies from bulbs is one of the most popular ways, because it does not require much cost or effort. To do this, you need to first stock up on the bulbs of the desired varieties. It is best to plant the bulbs in early fall when the plant is already dormant (Figure 3).

Note: It is recommended that when examining the bulbs, remove all dead scales and shorten the roots to 5 cm, then decontaminate the planting material immediately before planting using a weak solution of 0.2% foundationol.

If you are wondering how to grow these flowers from bulbs, you will be pleasantly surprised that the process is quite simple. To plant the bulbs, dig holes with a diameter of no more than 40 cm and a depth of 25 cm. The bottom of the holes is covered with gravel to ensure a good outflow of water. The drainage layer is covered with fertile soil on which the bulbs are laid.

Figure 3. Features of growing lilies from bulbs

The planting material is covered with earth in such a way as to hide the tops, the soil is compacted. Subsequent care consists of loosening, watering, feeding, pest control.

The author of the video will tell you even more useful information about the methods of breeding lilies.

How to grow lilies in a pot at home

Among the huge number of varieties, those are bred that are adapted for growing in indoor conditions(Figure 4). These include Asian and oriental hybrids, which form a small number of children, and therefore can grow in one pot for several years.

By growing indoor varieties, you have the ability to regulate the flowering period. To do this, it is enough to correctly determine the landing time and provide the necessary conditions.

Pot selection

Interested in the question of how to grow lilies at home in a pot, you should know that these plants have some peculiarities.

Figure 4. Features of growing flowers in pots at home

One of necessary conditions for the full growth of indoor varieties is right choice flower pot. To do this, you should know well the features of the cultivated variety, because the higher the flower is, the higher the pot should be. For example, with a stem height of one and a half meters, the planting container should be about 40 cm high.

Note: You should know that one onion occupies 16 cm2. seat.

This fact should also be taken into account when planting a crop in a flower pot, since an excess of free space provokes the production of children by the plant until the entire container is filled. For this reason, it is not recommended to carry out single plantings, but to plant several bulbs.

Caring for a lily in a pot

After planting the bulbs in a pot and before germination, it is necessary to provide the plant with a low temperature and water as the soil dries. With the emergence of seedlings, the first soil fertilization with liquid organic fertilizer is carried out. A week later, the second is carried out, but now with the use of a mineral fertilizer saturated with potassium and phosphorus.

Figure 5. Planting and caring for indoor varieties in a pot

Twice a week, it is recommended to spray the sprouts with a growth stimulant in order to establish the development of large bright colors... When the sprouts reach a height of 10 cm, it is necessary to add soil to the edge of the container. Then they carry out regular loosening of the soil, water it daily, feed it every week flowering plants... Until the crop has blossomed, its leaves can be sprayed for rapid growth and development, being careful not to expose wet leaves to direct sunlight (Figure 5).

Flowering plants need to be sprayed very carefully, trying to avoid moisture from entering the petals, as this leads to a reduction in the flowering period itself. Starting from the age of one month, the plant begins to harden, gradually accustoming it to being outdoors. However, at night, the culture can be outdoors without losses if the air temperature does not drop below +10. At abundant flowering additional supports are installed in the pot to support the stem and peduncles.

Pineapple lily: cultivation and photos

The pineapple lily variety is grown mainly in the open field, since in indoor conditions the plant blooms only at a good ambient temperature and sufficient lighting, which can be difficult to organize. Therefore, it is left in flower pots only for wintering, and in the spring it is transplanted into open ground (Figure 6).

Note: As a rule, eukomis is grown from bulbs - babies, which are separated from the mother's bulb. The bulbs are planted in separate containers using a light fertile soil with sufficient drainage from early March to late April. In this case, they should be placed so that the top remains level with the ground.

While waiting for the sprouts, sparing watering is carried out as needed, and after the appearance of peduncles, irrigation is made more frequent and more abundant. Before transplanting eukomis into open ground, it is recommended to harden by taking pots with young plants to the open air.

Figure 6. External features pineapple lily

It is possible to transfer a plant from a pot to a flower bed only when the soil warms up enough, that is, approximately in mid-May. In the southern regions of our country, eukomis bulbs can be immediately planted in open ground without prior germination. It is important to know that the pineapple lily is a prominent representative of light and heat-loving plants. Therefore, for planting, set aside an area that is well lit by the sun. This variety is completely frost-resistant, so its bulbs must be dug up every year and stored.

The planted eukomis must be watered sparingly until the first leaves appear. Then watering is gradually increased, given that the plant needs a lot of moisture during the flowering period. After the plants have faded, the introduction of moisture begins to decrease, and after the leaves turn yellow, they stop altogether. It is also necessary to regularly feed with complex fertilizers that do not contain nitrogen, since this element causes plant diseases. Unlike other varieties, eukomis under conditions indoor growing requires an annual transplant into a new container with a complete replacement of the substrate. Bulbs from open ground are dug up, disinfected and sent to storage in a dry, cool room.

Indoor lily - beautiful delicate flower... The lily has long been considered a symbol of excellence and chastity. In painting, the image of this flower was very common, especially during the Renaissance. For example, in some of the canvases, Madonna is depicted with a white lily in her arms. A brief excursion into the story is over. We turn directly to how to properly care for a lily.

Land for home lilies.

The earth must have the following components:

  • Peat,
  • Sand,
  • Humus,
  • Bone flour,

It is best if the soil is loose. You can buy it ready-made in a flower shop.

Watering indoor lilies.

Never water the lily ice water and tap water. It is better if it is a little warm and settled for a day. Watering is necessary often so that the soil does not dry out. During the period of flowers dying, watering should be slightly reduced.

Where to put your home lily.

The lily room should be cool and ventilated, but free from cold drafts. With the arrival of warmth, the indoor lily will feel great on the balcony. The main thing is to avoid the scorching sun.

Planting lily bulbs.

No big pot needed. It should be 15-20 cm in diameter. It is necessary to pour drainage on the bottom, about 2-3 cm. Next, pour some earth on top (from 3 to 5 cm). Then place the onion and gently spread the roots. Fill in the soil, about halfway down the onion, so that eventually the soil reaches half the pot.

Transplanting a room lily.

A lily transplant is highly undesirable. If the lilies have grown baby bulbs, they must be planted.

Top dressing of home lilies.

Feeding is needed 2-3 times a year. It should be fed with liquid fertilizer together with watering. Protect the leaves from getting fertilizer on them.

Reproduction of lilies.

When your lily turns 4-5 years old, “babies” form in the main bulb. They will already have their roots. They must be carefully separated from the main bulb, without damaging the roots, and planted in another small pot.

When indoor lilies bloom.

Lilies rarely bloom in the first year of their life. If they bloom, then it is "not splendid". From the second to the fourth year, the lily comes to its bloom (blooms magnificently and profusely). By the fifth year, the rapid flowering subsides. This is a signal that it is time to put the "kids" away.

Storage of lily bulbs.

In early spring, purchased bulbs are stored in the refrigerator, in an air-letting container filled with sawdust. They cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than 2 months.

We hope our tips will help you take care of your indoor lilies... And for a long time they will delight yours with their flowering.

Home lily - unpretentious plant... In indoor conditions, such varieties of it are grown: Asian, dwarf, oriental, royal and long-flowered.

Before planting, the bulbs are prepared by stratification and decontamination. Then they are placed in a suitable soil for the plant and lightly watered. When caring for a flower, top dressing and loosening of the soil are regularly performed. In one pot, a plant can be grown for 3-4 years, but after that it should be transplanted, following a number of conditions.

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    Varieties of home lilies

    Breeders have developed special varieties of domestic lilies. These are oriental and Chinese hybrids that give few children. Such varieties are capable of growing for several years without transplanting. It is possible for them to regulate the flowering period and get large, beautiful buds if they are properly cared for.

    Domestic lily grows up to 2.5 m. There are also species that form small compact bushes.

    Variety nameDescriptionPhoto
    RoyalThe variety was bred at the beginning of the 20th century, it belongs to the type of tubular lilies. Adult plant reaches a height of 1-1.2 m. The culture has a strong green stem, covered with narrow linear leaves. Their length is from 7 to 12 cm, width is 1.2-1.5 cm. The flowers are white, large - tubular, with strongly bent petals and a coppery-yellow throat. Outside, the buds are covered with a violet-lilac bloom. Inflorescences reach up to 15 cm. There are up to 8 buds on one stem, so each of them represents a ready-made bouquet. The seed box contains up to 200 seeds, which ripen by the end of September
    DwarfThe plant is 20 to 50 cm high. It has a cylindrical bare stem. The onion is white, round, 2 to 4 cm in diameter, covered with a gray membranous shell. Leaves are linear, 7-11 cm long.The flowers are bright red, solitary, on some stems there are 2-3
    EasternThe hybrid is obtained by crossing the East Asian species. Lilies have large flowers that appear closer to autumn and smell good. They reach a diameter of up to 260 mm. There are white, red and pink lilies. The leaves of the variety are wide, lanceolate. Flowers are located both at the top and on the side. They are star-shaped and turbid in shape.
    LongiflorumThe stem of plants is smooth, pubescent, brownish or green in color, up to 2-2.5 m in height, but in some it is only 15-20 cm. Leaves are sessile, one or more leaves from one node. Longitudinal veins are visible on them. The width of the leaves is from 2 to 6 cm. There are more of them on the lower part of the plant. Flowers are usually waxy white
    AsiaticPlant height reaches from 40 cm to 1.5 m.The flowers are large, from 10 to 14 cm in diameter, have a wide variety of colors - from white to black

    Preparation for growing

    To grow a lily at home, you need to take into account the following nuances:

    1. 1 Bulb size. They should be strong and weigh about 40g.
    2. 2 Variety home flower... Preference is given to dwarf, Asian, oriental, royal and long-flowered species.

    Before planting, plants perform the following actions:

    1. 1 Bulb stratification. The procedure is carried out by placing the planting material in the refrigerator for 15-20 days at a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius.
    2. 2 Disinfection of onions. Before planting, they are soaked for 2-3 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
    3. 3 Plant feeding. The flower bulbs are kept in a solution of nutrients and growth stimulants for 12 hours.

    Lily bulbs do not tolerate low temperatures so they cannot be stored on the balcony.

    Pot selection

    It is important to choose the right pot for growing your indoor plant. It must meet the following agrotechnical conditions:

    1. 1 The taller the plant, the higher in height and the larger in diameter the pot should be. For example, for a lily up to 1.5 m high, a container with a height of 40-45 cm is required.
    2. 2 One bulb needs about 16 sq. cm square. A pot with a diameter of 40 cm will fit 3-4 lily onions.

    If you plant single bulbs, then with a large space around them, small children appear, which interferes with the timely onset of the flowering period. The plant does not bloom until it fills the empty space. In this case, the flower will appear only after a few years.

    Soil preparation

    After selecting the seeds and preparing them for planting, a balanced soil is prepared. At home, they take for the mixture sod and deciduous soil, humus, river sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 0.5. You can also use a composition of coconut fiber, vermicompost and washed coarse river sand in a ratio of 2: 4: 1.

    A complex must be added to the prepared soil mineral fertilizers... For 1 kg of soil, about 50 g of a mixture containing nitrogen, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium is taken.


    Before filling the pot, the soil and dishes are disinfected. Drainage from sea pebbles or expanded clay, polystyrene and broken brick is placed on the bottom of the container. The drainage layer must be at least 5 cm.

    You can use ready-made primer for bulbous plants or warm up the soil prepared by yourself in a frying pan, or steam it in the oven at 180 degrees, and then spray the mixture with fungicide or potassium permanganate.

    It is necessary to pour a 10-centimeter layer of the fertile mixture into the pot and water it lightly. The bulbs should be planted with the top up, slightly pressing the end to the ground. Gently lay a 12-15 cm layer of nutritious soil on the onions. As the sprouts grow, you will need to add soil to the edges of the pot.

    You can plant lilies at any time of the year. To decorate the balconies, you need to plant home flowers no later than mid-March. Plants planted during this period will bloom by mid-May. It is best to plant the bulbs at intervals of 2 weeks to get flowers at a later date.

    To get a bouquet in December, a lily is planted in a pot at the end of September. Planted in winter period the plants are additionally illuminated after the emergence of seedlings. Daylight hours for them should be 12-14 hours.

    Flower care

    Caring for the plant at home after planting consists in watering, observing temperature and light conditions and feeding with a balanced composition of mineral and organic fertilizers. Get long lasting and lush bloom possible only if all agrotechnical requirements are followed.

    Lighting and temperature

    An ornamental plant loves space, coolness. Lilies are placed on the windowsill of the south or west window. A potted flower must be fenced off from direct sunlight in summer and provide additional lighting in winter. For this, an LED or phytolamp is installed at a height of about 40 cm above the pot.

    With the appearance of sprouts, they provide the necessary temperature regime... The optimal room temperature is considered to be at the level of 22-24 degrees Celsius.

    Watering and feeding

    Moistening the soil is carried out as the earthen coma dries up - every 3-4 days. The first feeding is done a week after the leaves appear, the second - a couple of weeks later, using a preparation containing phosphorus and potassium.

    It takes about 3-4 months from planting to flowering. At this time, it is important to prevent mold and rot on the soil and on the crop.

    2 times a week, the lily is sprayed with growth stimulants. The process has a beneficial effect on the formation of flower buds and ensures the development of large buds. If the plant does not bloom, then it is watered with stimulants or organic products.

    Loosening and hardening

    The soil is regularly loosened, not forgetting about the safety of the bulbs. With a wooden stick or spatula, carefully crush the earth without damaging the underground part of the plant. This procedure allows air access to the root system.

    In the spring, monthly seedlings can be taken out for hardening in the garden. Every day, the time spent in the fresh air is increased by half an hour, gradually bringing it to 10 hours. At night, pots with seedlings are not left outside, since a drop in temperature can destroy the plants.

    Outdoors observe important rule: Watering and spraying is carried out in the morning, before the beginning of the activity of the sun's rays. Otherwise, the greens will suffer from burns. Water caught on the flower petals will also shorten the flowering period.

    In the presence of heavy and large buds, support structures are installed to support the stems.

    Culture transplant

    The lily is transplanted at home after the end of the flowering period. In this case, you need to wait until all the buds fall off, the stems turn yellow and dry. But you cannot cut them off. Watering is stopped gradually. The nutrients stored in the foliage are transferred to the bulbs. Powerful buds are laid for the next growing season. After waiting 2 weeks after the stems have dried, they dig out the underground part. The soil in the pot is changed because it is depleted and unable to fully nourish root system.

    After taking out the bulbs, carefully separate them. Children are put in separate containers. Large adult specimens are washed under warm water. Shoots are cut 5 cm above the bulb. The selected raw materials are poured with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 40 minutes. Then the disinfected material is dried in the fresh air.

    Moss, sawdust and onions are folded into a paper bag and placed in the refrigerator or in the basement. Store the prepared material until planting in new pot... The bulbs are inspected regularly so that they do not deteriorate.

    Identifying the species by bulb

    By the bulb, you can determine which group it belongs to:

    1. 1 Asiatic and La hybrids are white in color.
    2. 2 Oriental - looser and more colorful. They have pink, purple and yellowish streaks on their scales.
    3. 3 Tubular lilies are deep purple.

    Signs and superstitions

    Exists folk signs associated with home lily. According to popular beliefs, the flower:

    1. 1 Adds perseverance and craving for knowledge to children, broadens horizons, opens up new abilities.
    2. 2 Fills the surrounding space with positive energy and destroys the bad.
    3. 3 Eliminates fatigue, depression, maintains peace.
    4. 4 May cause insomnia and should not be placed in rest rooms.

    Lily is poisonous and can be dangerous for children and allergy sufferers.

    Many varieties of lilies can be grown at home. These include the royal lily, golden, dwarf, Asian and oriental groups, long-flowered and beautiful, as well as hippeastrum and amaryllis.

    Bright graceful flowers will help create an atmosphere of incessant celebration in the house.

    Planting and caring for home lilies in a pot

    One onion is enough to get pot with a diameter of 16-18 cm, several lilies can be planted in a large container at once. If you place the bulb in a wide pots, instead of flowering, it will begin to actively develop the space, releasing many daughter bulbs. In addition, the pot must be tall.

    Before planting, the bulbs must lie in the refrigerator at a temperature of 3-6 ° for at least 16-19 days.

    Then they are treated with potassium permanganate for about 1.5-2 hours, keeping in a medium-pink solution. And at the last stage, the bulbs are immersed in a solution of growth stimulants, for example, Zircon, Succinic acid, Epin with the addition of trace elements.

    At the same time, they prepare good soil... It should be fertile and loose, you can buy ready-made for lilies or mix garden soil with compost, sand and humus.

    For each liter of soil add 40-60 g of mineral fertilizers.

    They contain magnesium, iron, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. If desired, the soil is disinfected by thoroughly spilling it with fungicidal solutions and boiling water.

    Drainage from pebbles is laid out on the bottom of the container, a layer of soil about 8-10 cm is poured, bulbs are placed on it and covered with an earthen layer of about 17-19 cm. It is advisable to leave sides 6-8 cm high on top, so that you can add soil as soon as how additional roots appear.

    The house lily pot should be placed in a cool, shaded area until shoots form. Then the container is rearranged to the light, providing a constant flow of clean cool air.

    Caring for indoor lilies during active growth and flowering

    How to care for lilies in a pot at home? A lily planted correctly in a pot begins to develop intensively. At this time, she needs to provide good food and moisture access.

    Top dressing is carried out regularly with an interval of 7-9 days with complexes of microelements. They can be alternated with organic fertilizers.

    Before flowering, young plants are sprayed with cool water twice a month, diluting growth stimulants in it. This procedure facilitates the setting of flower buds and subsequent flowering.

    It is very important to regularly loosen the soil in the container so that air access to the roots is continuous. You can loosen the top layer about 4-6 cm thick, not deeper, so as not to damage the root system.

    When the stems grow 9-12 cm in height, the house lily can be taken outside or on the balcony. But first you need to temper it, accustoming it gradually. Start off recommended from 25-35 minutes, increasing the residence time by half an hour every day. If the night temperature drops below 12 °, you should not leave the flower outside in order not to prolong the period of budding.

    The development of leaves and flowers will go faster if the ground parts are regularly sprayed with soft water from a spray bottle. This can be done every day by placing the plant in the shade. Otherwise, you can get leaf burns under the influence of aggressive rays of the sun. Water should not get on the opened inflorescences and buds, as it greatly reduces their lifespan.

    If there are a lot of flowers, it is necessary to install a support to support the stems.


    Almost all types of lilies require a fairly large amount of moisture when growing at home.

    When the soil clod dries out, growth slows down, the plants begin to wither. Therefore, you need to water abundantly and often - with an interval of no more than 3-4 days.

    Only soft water is used - boiled and cooled or settled. You can also use rain or thawed. Watering with hard water forms a whitish coating on the surface of the soil in the pot, which does not allow air to pass through. In addition, salts are deposited on the roots of plants.

    Post-flowering care

    In nature and when grown outdoors, the ground parts of lilies gradually turn yellow and dry, and the bulbs go into a dormant state. Houseplants do the same. To bloom on next year they need to rest. Our task is to provide complete rest for several months.

    At home lilies, the inflorescences first dry up and fall off, then the stems begin to turn yellow. You don't need to trim them! At this stage, the supply of moisture to the plant is reduced, increasing the interval between waterings to 6-8 days, and spraying is stopped. Thus, the transition of all nutrients accumulated ground part, into the onion. This is where the foundation is laid for next season's growth.

    Waiting for the stems and leaves to dry out naturally, stop watering altogether.

    The bulbs should be dug up and placed in a plastic bag filled with slightly damp sawdust or moss.

    The package is removed to a cold place, where the temperature is kept within 3-6 °. This can be a basement, cellar, or refrigerator.


    How to transplant indoor lilies? The transplant should be done every year with a complete replacement of the soil. During the flowering period of the lily, the earth manages to deplete and lose most of the nutrients, so the full development of the bulb and high-quality flowering can not be expected.

    The most important - correct preparation bulbs to a dormant period and subsequent transplant. After the ground parts die off, the bulbs are dug up and washed, removing the soil. Small onions - children are immediately selected and planted in seedling boxes. They will actively grow all winter, gaining strength.

    Large bulbs are examined, rot spots are cut out, processing the cuts with crushed charcoal (wood or activated). If the stem has not yet fallen off, it needs to be cut off, leaving a stump 4-6 cm long... The bulbs are disinfected by immersing them in a solution of fungicides or potassium permanganate for 25-40 minutes. Then it is dried on paper or soft material and put away in the cold.

    At the end of February - March, the bulbs are taken out of the bag and planted in a pot with soil.

    Why isn't the indoor lily blooming?

    There may be several reasons, and they all relate to errors in maintenance and care. The plant does not receive enough nutrients, and it simply does not have enough strength to form buds.

    Lily suffers from a lack of moisture in the soil and air. The reasons are the lack fresh air and light when the flower is placed in a poorly ventilated area away from the window.

    The bulb is planted in a pot that is too wide. She is busy with the development of the territory, intensively increasing the children.

    Improper maintenance in winter without a pronounced rest period - in warmth or in the light. This is especially true for the hippeastrum.

    Why do the leaves of a room lily turn yellow?

    This problem is the most common, because the yellowing of the leaf blades of the lily signals about improper care of it. What can the color change indicate?

    1. Autumn has come and the yellowing process is absolutely normal.

    2. The direct rays of the sun hit the wet leaves, causing burns. Most often, in this case, only one side turns yellow - the one that is turned towards the sun. The plant must be rearranged and sprayed in the evening.

    3. Excessive dryness of the air. To increase the moisture level, you can place an open container of water next to the lily, or place the pot on a tray filled with moistened stones (such as expanded clay or pebbles). Purchasing a humidifier will also help.

    4. Inadequate nutrition. The plant during the active growing season consumes a large amount of trace elements from the soil, especially potassium and iron... If fertilizers are not applied on time, the leaves will turn yellow due to a violation of the process of photosynthesis, chlorophyll will simply cease to be produced. Feed the lily urgently using mineral complexes or a mixture ferrous sulfate with citric acid(2 tsp acid and 7-9 g of vitriol, stir in 3 liters of cool water).


    To get constantly blooming beautiful plant, it is enough to follow the simple rules described in our article. And live lilies will decorate not only the front garden, but also the interior of the house.

    One of the most beautiful flowers, grown on the windowsill, is the house lily. She possesses pleasant aroma and lush greenery. For the plant to please the owners long time, you need to know how to properly care for him.

    In the open field, the lily does not always withstand wintering, and home care ensures its comfortable growth. There are many varieties of the plant, and each requires special conditions. It is important to observe a certain temperature and humidity, the lily loves a lot of light. It grows well in the summer on the balcony, but the scorching rays of the sun burn its leaves. For wintering, they provide a temperature not lower than +16 degrees.

    The stem can reach from 40 cm to 1.5 m in height. With a short daylight hours, shoots develop until the period of bud formation. During the flowering of lilies, a lot of light is needed at home. Planting and grooming requires some knowledge. If done correctly, the houseplant will delight the owners with lush flowers and fragrance.

    House lily varieties

    Many varieties have been developed that are suitable for growing at home. They differ in stem height and flower shape.

    The classification depending on the shape of the petals is as follows.

    • The pygmy lily and Citronella are stunted species. The height of the stem reaches 60 cm. Flowers with bent petals small size, their diameter does not exceed 5 cm.
    • Royal Gold, Lily Domashnaya, Long-flowered, Regal are distinguished by funnel-shaped petals collected in a tube.
    • Lily of Taiwan and its hybrids look very beautiful on the windowsill. A compact bush does not exceed 40 cm in height. TO dwarf species include Miss Rio and Garden Party, they have fairly large flowers.
    • Asian hybrids are odorless, but very beautiful flowers with specks, stripes, specks.
    • Grand Commander, Empress of China, Lily Beautiful, Gilded have flowers shaped like a bowl.

    Also, many hybrids have been bred, perfectly adapted for growing at home.

    How to determine the type of lily on the bulb

    Growing lilies at home requires compliance with the necessary conditions for the selected type of plant. How to identify it? By the color of the bulb, you can determine which type of indoor lilies are:

    • white - in Asian and LA hybrids, they require slightly acidic soil, can be fertilized with ash;
    • multicolored friable with yellowish, pink, purple veins - in oriental plants, they require acidic soil, ash cannot be added to the composition;
    • purple and other dark shades - in tubular lilies, they need soil with the addition of lime;
    • colored yellowish, pinkish - in OT hybrids adapted for outdoor cultivation.

    Several bulbs belonging to the same species are planted in a pot. It is important. To make all the plants bloom at the same time, choose bulbs of the same size.

    Planting in pots

    Planting a lily in a pot is carried out in the fall. Sometimes it is done in winter. The most common bulbous method of planting a plant. Pot containers can be made of ceramic or plastic. A vessel of no more than 20 cm in diameter is prepared in advance, drainage is poured onto the bottom in the form of expanded clay, broken brick, foam or pebbles.

    To grow a healthy, strong plant, you need to give Special attention the choice of soil for certain kind lilies. Get ready-made soil in the store or make it yourself.

    Plants will thrive in turf soil mixed 1: 1 with humus or compost. For a liter of soil, add 50 grams of mineral fertilizers: phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and nitrogen.

    The prepared soil is disinfected by pouring boiling water with the addition of manganese. The height of the container is calculated so that after planting the plant between top layer the ground and the edges of the pot remained about 7 cm of free space.

    Step-by-step instructions on how to plant a lily in a pot:

    • 10 cm of prepared soil is poured into a container with drainage;
    • lay the bulbs upside down, press them a little into the ground;
    • fall asleep 15-20 cm with soil;
    • watered with warm water;
    • leave until germination in a cool, dark place;
    • after germination and the formation of an additional root system, it will be necessary to add soil to the pot so that it covers all the roots.

    Care features

    A lily in a pot looks very beautiful, but caring for it requires care and patience. If everything is done correctly, soon the plant will delight you with magnificent flowers and fill the room with a pleasant aroma.

    The basic rules on how to care for lilies to get lush bloom are as follows.

    • After planting, the bulbs are kept at a low temperature. Watering is carried out as the land dries up.
    • After the first shoots appear, the soil is fed with organic additives.
    • After 7 days, fertilizers are applied containing potassium and phosphorus.
    • For the rapid formation of buds, the plant is sprayed with compounds that stimulate growth every 3-4 days.
    • When the shoots grow up to 10 cm, add soil to the upper edge of the container.
    • Taking care of a lily is not difficult at all. It is necessary to regularly loosen the soil to ensure oxygen access to the root system. Water the plant 1-3 times a day. The soil should be moderately moist. Top dressing is carried out once a week.
    • A month later, they begin to accustom the lily to open air... They take the pot out to the balcony for 15-30 minutes, make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on it.
    • Every day, the time spent in the air is increased by half an hour. After the plant has not wilted on the balcony for 4 hours, it can be left until evening and overnight.

    You can grow lilies on the balcony all summer long. It should be borne in mind that at temperatures below +10 degrees, they are poorly formed flower buds... Before the budding period, the leaves are sprayed every day, this stimulates the rapid growth and development of the lily. Until the moisture dries, the leaves are protected from the sun. Water ingress on the buds will shorten the flowering period. After the end of the active phase, the pots with the plant are placed in a cool, dry place. At this time, you can transplant the lily.

    Diseases and pests

    Pests rarely infect houseplants... But excessively dry air contributes to their appearance. May affect lilies: spider mite, aphid, mealybug. In this case, you can see insects on the foliage or stem, and also learn about their appearance by the following signs:

    • yellowing, falling leaves;
    • lethargy, growth retardation.

    It is necessary to purchase means for the destruction of uninvited guests in a specialized store and use them according to the instructions.

    Indoor lily care, as already mentioned, involves uncomplicated care. In order to recognize a plant disease in time, you should pay attention to the following phenomena.

    • The yellowing of the leaves is due to the dry air. It is necessary to pour expanded clay into the pallet and keep it constantly moistened, spray the foliage, use a humidifier.
    • Leaves turn yellow in spots or on one side of sunburn... You need to rearrange the pot in the shade.
    • Due to the lack of mineral and organic substances, the foliage withers and turns yellow. Feeding is carried out 1-2 times a week.
    • Leaves fall off, become sparse, thinned due to lack of light or lack of essential organic matter.
    • Gray and red rot affects the plant due to abundant watering and stagnant moisture.
    • Fusarium affects the root system, the leaves turn yellow, fall off, the bulb gradually collapses. To prevent the disease, the bulbs are kept for half an hour in a solution of foundationol before planting.
    • The fungus develops when the air is too warm and humid. Yellow spots are formed on the leaves and stem. The plant most often dies.

    Growing lilies in pots without transplanting is permissible for 2-3 years. In order for the plant to delight in lush color next spring, it must winter in a cool, dark place. Watering once a month is enough.