How to Water Geraniums: Tips from Experienced Florists. Features of growing geraniums in a pot: how to care at home to bloom

How to care for geraniums

An unpretentious culture requires minimal but proper care. If they are created good conditions, then pelargonium will delight you with beautiful lush bouquets.

  1. Main condition - more sun . Geraniums can even be placed in direct sunlight. To avoid burning the leaves, it is covered only on too hot days.
  2. Watering. Rigid cold water. In winter, it is necessary to water 2 times a week, without falling on the leaves. In summer, daily watering is necessary, but without excessive moisture, so as not to rot the roots.
  3. In order to prevent stagnant water, it is necessary to make a good drainage. A pot for geraniums should be chosen small in size so that it is completely filled with roots.
  4. Air humidity . The culture does not like spraying, washing the foliage. Wet condition is very dangerous for her.
  5. Indoor geranium is demanding on soil. It is necessary to prepare a mixture consisting of peat, garden soil and sand in equal proportions. He likes frequent loosening so that air easily penetrates to the roots.
  6. blooming geranium should receive such fertilizer, where there is a lot of phosphorus and potassium, but she does not like fresh organic fertilizers, she tolerates mineral ones better.
  7. After flowering, she needs nitrogen top dressing. Fertilizers should be applied once a week from April to early autumn. After transplanting 2 or 3 months, top dressing is not required.

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Causes of yellowing foliage

Novice flower growers ask most often: why do the leaves turn yellow?

The following reasons can be given:

  1. A cramped pot in which it is difficult for the roots to extract nutrients.
  2. Lack of drainage.
  3. Soil waterlogging.
  4. Lack of moisture.
  5. Wrong place for a flower (shade, draft, not far from the battery).
  6. Incorrectly used fertilizer.

What to do if the pelargonium turned yellow in the summer. The first reason is improper watering. It is necessary to water so that water appears in the pan, which must be immediately poured out. If you still poured water, then do not water the flower of day 2 or 3. And pay attention to drainage, this is important for geraniums.

The cause of yellowing may be a large temperature difference or a change in location. To relieve pelargonium from stress, treat it with the adaptogen Epin.

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What to do if yellowing occurs in winter

In the cold season, shortened daylight hours, dry air, and improper watering can be the cause. Sometimes it is enough to rearrange the flower in a bright place away from heating battery.

Why are the leaves drying up? Dry indoor air is one of the common causes drying of the leaves. I already wrote that it is necessary to put containers with water on the batteries, for example, turned upside down plastic bottles with holes cut out at the bottom. Or ventilate and spray the room more often with a spray bottle.

If the leaves turn yellow after transplantation, then the root system is broken. Treat the geranium with Kornevin. An overdose of fertilizers can also cause yellowing of the leaves.

The plant can be affected by thrips. How to discover? WITH inside small pimples are visible on the leaves. Treat the plant with Fitoverma, remove the affected areas.

If dark brown spots or fluffy formations appear on the stem, then this dangerous fungus. What to do? The affected parts should be cut off, treated with a fungicide, watering should be reduced to a minimum, at least for 7 days.

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Favorite plants for flower growers

What types of geraniums are most often grown by flower growers. The most beloved is royal pelargonium. She flaunts large bouquets of a very different palette: from pink to burgundy and purple. The diameter of the inflorescence can reach 16 centimeters.

characteristic feature the royal flower are corrugated or wavy petals, on which stripes or dark spot.

Fragrant geranium has a very pleasant smell, for which it got its name. If you touch the leaves of fragrant pelargonium, then you will feel a rather strong mixture of aromas of rose, lemon, strawberry, ginger, mint.

Today, hybrids have been bred that have an apple smell, as well as nutmeg, almond, lilac, even kiwi and pineapple. Flowers different shapes have pink and beautiful purple. It is from this variety that a unique geranium oil is obtained.

Every flower grower simply dreams of planting a geranium called tulip-shaped at home. The flower of extraordinary beauty impresses with its sophistication and tenderness.

Inflorescences look like unopened tulips. They form pretty little bunches, which is what attracts flower growers.

Breeders have bred 14 varieties that have colors: from pale pink to a breathtaking shade of raspberry!

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If you want to add a sophisticated touch to your interior, then plant an ampelous geranium in a flower pot. Pink, snow-white, red, purple lilac, lavender inflorescences will complement the interior of any room.

Ampelous pelargonium is a rather capricious plant, but with proper care, it will delight you with lush flowering.

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I want to admire the flowers, but they do not bloom

In order for your indoor pelargoniums to bloom, you need not only proper care, but also secret watering with iodine water:

  • Iodine - 1 drop.
  • Dissolve in 1 liter of water.
  • Take 50 ml of this water, then slowly, along the walls of the pot, pour this composition.
  • After such watering, the plant begins to bloom violently!

How to make pelargonium bloom? Are there other ways? Yes, but it's hard to believe. If your favorite flower is not blooming, try applying castor oil. According to scientists, this product is the most powerful stimulator of growth and flowering of green spaces.

What to do with castor oil? To feed geraniums during the formation of buds, dilute 1 teaspoon of castor oil in 1 liter of water. Sprinkle the leaves of the flower, or rather pour it under the root of this culture.

After watering with castor oil, you will see how the planting will increase in growth, begin to bloom beautifully, and stop hurting. When the plant is at rest, such top dressing is contraindicated.

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When to water geraniums

Experienced flower growers it is advised to find out by the state of the leaves about the excess and lack of watering:

  • if only the edges of the leaves dry, then the plant is deficient in moisture;
  • greens are sluggish or begin to rot, then the reason is excess moisture;
  • if the lower leaves fall, and the stem is bare - a lack of light.

How to pinch? To get even lush bush hic, the top should be pinched on 8-10 leaves, side shoots- on the 6-8th. Remember to turn the pot towards the light in different directions.

Geranium is considered a kind of symbol of the family hearth and is widely known throughout the world. In addition to aesthetics, it has large quantity other valuable qualities. Official name given indoor flower- pelargonium is rarely used and almost no one knows .

Distinctive feature geraniums - this is a simple care for her at home. However, it has its own characteristic requirements and features. It depends not only appearance plants, but also the duration of his life, which, with a competent approach, can exceed ten years. Geranium has not only bright beautiful flowers, but also a characteristic pleasant smell, which is different for different species.

The fragrant pelargonium secretes bactericidal substances that have a disinfecting and purifying effect on the air. In addition, they are credited with a harmonizing effect on the room.

Principles of care for geraniums at home

At proper care the plant is able to bloom throughout the year with periods a little rest. Otherwise, despite the unpretentiousness, it can be destroyed quite quickly.

The rules for caring for him are as follows:

  • during watering, the liquid should not fall on the leaves and stem;
  • it is desirable to place the flower on the south side of the building, slightly darkening the window in the summer;
  • pots for geraniums are chosen in small sizes;
  • transplantation is performed only in extreme cases;
  • the temperature in the room is maintained at least 10 degrees;
  • to improve the branching of the plant, its shoots should be pinched;
  • all types of pelargonium need regular pruning;
  • dried inflorescences must be removed.

In addition, it is important to provide good drainage in the pot and a moderately fertile soil composition, which is fertilized as needed. Abundant watering is recommended, but without a constant excess of moisture.

Attention! Spraying should be avoided: the leaves are looked after by wiping them from dust. Do not place the plant in the wind or draft. To provide access to fresh air to the roots, the ground in flower pot it is necessary to loosen twice a month.

Consider each of the stages of cultivation in more detail.


This plant is usually pruned in autumn. At the same time, stems with 6-7 leaves are left and excess shoots coming from the leaf axils are removed. Do not prune geraniums in winter, especially from December to January. If, as a result of this, the flower grows again during the winter, the procedure is repeated in the spring, leaving only a few buds on the stem.

Fragments of cut branches are used for propagation as cuttings. To make the bush more dense, pinch the shoots after every 4-5 leaves.


Avoid frequent transplants of this flower, which he especially does not require. For him, this is a whole test, to which he is subjected only when the roots of the plant begin to peek out of the drain hole. This usually happens every 2-3 years.

The best time is early spring. At the same time, the capacity is taken only 2 centimeters more than the previous one. Otherwise, you will get a lot of branched shoots, but there will be no flowers.


In the period from March to November, pelargonium is fed with liquid fertilizers. Liquid organics that are not tolerated by geraniums should not be used for these purposes. good remedy is a solution of 1 drop of iodine in 1 liter of water. 50 ml of this fertilizer is carefully poured along the walls of the pot. After its application, geranium will bloom profusely and for a long time, an example of which can be seen in the photo. Too much solution can burn the roots.

Advice! When the plant is in the process of active flowering, it is very useful to add fertilizers based on potassium or phosphorus to the water for irrigation.


For planting, use a cutting about 10 cm long with four to five leaves. It is placed in a glass of water and wait for the roots to appear, after which it is transplanted into a pot. Ordinary garden soil is quite suitable for planting. Its mixture with peat and sand, taken equally, is well suited.

Pots are preferred natural materials, for example, from fired clay. If the selected container is made of plastic, then watering should be more closely monitored. Since the earth dries out much more slowly in such pots, root rot can occur.

At the bottom it is necessary to lay out good drainage, for example, from expanded clay. The optimal size of dishes is 13-15 cm in diameter with a height of about 12 cm. Several geranium bushes can be planted in such a flowerpot at once.

More in a simple way breeding is planting directly into the soil. To do this, the stalk is immediately stuck into a wet peat-sand mixture, after which the pot is placed with it in a cool shaded place. It is useful to first dip the stalk in aloe juice, then sprinkle with powdered activated carbon and then plant it in the soil.

Another method of reproduction is seed. It is considered more troublesome than those described above and is used only by experienced flower growers.

Features of keeping in winter

The question often arises, how to care for geraniums in winter? First of all, it should be placed in a place protected from the effects of cold. If in warm weather it grew on open ground, then for the winter it needs to be transferred to a small pot.

The plant will grow best in a cool, well-lit area. The southern windows will be the best place. The flower will not die even with a slight dimming, but abundant flowering it will not give. The main sign of a lack of light is that the leaves fade and lose their rich color.

In winter, it is necessary to reduce watering, since intense moisture, combined with low temperatures, can cause rotting of the root system. But, if the plant began to turn yellow, wither, shed its leaves, it means that the incoming moisture is not enough for it. Top dressing in winter is also reduced, spending it 1 time in a month and a half.

Advice! Since during this period the geranium falls into a short hibernation, shoots should not be pruned.

Diseases and treatment

Pelargonium very rarely gets sick, and all its diseases are considered the result of care errors. The main disease is black rot. When it appears, the stem begins to gradually turn black, and the whole plant to wither. Since this disease is not treatable, the diseased flower is simply thrown away.

To avoid this, it is important to carry out thorough prevention and monitor the degree of soil moisture, avoiding excess moisture in it. Before transplanting, it is advisable to scald the earth with boiling water or warm it in the oven.

Aphid attacks can be a serious problem. Modern pharmaceutical preparations can help with this and folk remedies- solution laundry soap, chamomile, tobacco dust.

Geranium can also be subject to such a disease of a fungal nature as "rust". At first, it appears as brown spots on the surface of the leaves, which later dry and fall off. In this case, the treatment consists in treating the plant with Bordeaux liquid or phytosporin, which is repeated after 10 days.

If yellowing of the leaves is observed, then this may be due to a lack of moisture. This plant needs a lot of watering. The opposite condition, which consists in waterlogging the soil, is also manifested by this symptom, but then the leaves are soft and easily separated from the stem.

Yellowness and dryness of the leaves are sometimes observed in case of a cramped pot or insufficient lighting. The reason for the poor condition or death of the plant may be non-compliance temperature regime. Its wilting may be caused by unwanted changes in location. If it is noticed that the flower began to look worse in a new place, you should return it to its former place.

Attention! In some cases, the yellowness of the leaves is not considered a sign of illness, it is a normal life process, as a result of which obsolete tissues are shed.

Lack of flowers

A long absence of flowering is not a disease, but it cannot be called the norm either. The reasons may be as follows:

  • transplanting into a too loose pot;
  • irregular feeding;
  • excessively high soil fertility;
  • prolonged absence of pruning.

Too loose a pot and fertile soil have an overly stimulating effect that inhibits flowering. Therefore, when transplanting, they take dishes that are only 2-3 cm larger than the previous one, and a peat-sand mixture is used as soil in the absence of flowers.

If the geranium lacks light, then provide additional lighting with fluorescent lamps. To make her happy lush color, it must be cut and trimmed regularly.

Growing exquisite pelargonium, it is important to follow all the requirements for how to care for geraniums at home. At the same time, one must always remember that each flower, like a living person, needs an individual approach. It is not always enough to be guided by the stated common truths, you need to show genuine attention, in fact, noticing what is good for your plant, and what is bad for it.

Geranium - a representative of the Geranium family, moved to a comfortable home environment. She admires the variety of colors and leaf shapes. It came to Europe in the 17th century, along with other plants from Africa. Geranium was liked by local breeders who created many interesting varieties. Beautiful and durable indoor plant spread throughout the world.

Perennial, growing in pots, has leaves of a rounded core shape. Their color depends on the variety, it is represented by all shades of green. The stem is erect, the petioles are long, the root is branched.

Reference! Peduncles are long, flowers are collected in brushes. The range of shades includes red, white, pink, lilac. Each flower has 5 petals. After flowering, a fruit-box is formed. In shape, it resembles the beak of a crane.

For cultivation in pots, several types of geraniums are used:

  • ampelous or curly - used for growing in hanging pots;
  • fragrant - a lush bush with small flowers and leaves that emit a pleasant aroma;
  • royal - tall plant with major bright colors, terry or simple;
  • zonal - the most common type, its hallmark- multi-colored circles on the leaves.

When meeting with pelargonium, you need to know her addictions. What does this perennial love? In addition to the specifics of watering, the choice of location and soil, it is worth noting the need for fresh air.

Geranium growing in a pot is taken outside with the onset of the warm season. It can be a balcony, terrace or garden.

In autumn and winter, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room. This the best prevention spread of fungal diseases.


The soil in the pot should not be too fertile, otherwise the green mass will grow without flowering. You can buy a ready-made substrate created specifically for geraniums. need loose and moderately dense.

You can cook it yourself, you will need:

  • sheet (turf) land;
  • peat;
  • sand.

The components are taken in equal proportions. It turns out a light mixture with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.

Advice. Geranium roots need air to get it in. enough loosen the soil after watering.

Choosing the best location

Pelargonium needs good lighting all year round. A pot with a plant is best placed on the south or east side. V winter period artificial lighting is required. Use fluorescent or phytolamps. Geranium needs coolness, in summer the recommended temperature is 18-25 °, in winter - 13-15 °. It is not desirable to drop the temperature below 10 °.

Irrigation liquid should be soft, a lot of salts contained in tap water, can destroy the shrub. It is defended for 2-3 days or cleaned with a filter. In areas where the environment is favorable, rainwater can be used for irrigation.

Temperature - room, cold water provokes rotting of the roots. Moisturizing during the growing season is required every 2-3 days. good drainage in the form of a layer of expanded clay at the bottom of the pot will help to avoid stagnant water. Excess fluid that has leaked into the pan is immediately drained.

How often to water? The exact watering schedule is created individually, taking into account the size of the pot and the temperature in the room. The main thing to take into account is the rule that the next moistening is done after the topsoil has dried. In winter, the volume of watering decreases (you can find out how to care for homemade geraniums in winter and whether it can be moved to the basement). Spraying the plant is contraindicated. Top dressing of pelargonium is required in spring and summer, during the flowering period.


Geranium does not require frequent transplants, they are performed in two cases: a tight pot or soil contamination. Signal for transshipment new pot Roots grow through drainage holes. The new container should be 2-3 cm larger in diameter. The use of ceramic pots is recommended. A drainage layer of expanded clay or gravel must be poured at the bottom. In the process of transplantation, it becomes possible to inspect root system. Sick roots are cut off.

Important! The optimal period for the procedure is early spring. Plants tolerate stress without problems, perceiving the transplant as a development stimulation.

One of the main features of the maintenance of pelargonium is the need for pruning and pinching the bushes. Procedures are carried out at the end of February. Before the active growing season.

Pruning provides several benefits:

  1. allows you to get rid of dead and diseased parts of the plant;
  2. stimulates the growth of young shoots;
  3. prevents growth in the middle of the plant, which leads to a deterioration in air exchange and lighting.

Used for cutting sharp knife, the cut is made above the leaf node with the bud. When removing infected branches, it is necessary to capture at least 5 cm healthy area. Sections are treated with fungicide ("Topaz") ​​or crushed charcoal. After the lateral shoots grow by 3-4 leaf nodes, they are pinched (the top is torn off). From the leaf axils, new branches will begin to grow, on which flower stalks are formed.

After completing the formation of the bush, the plant is fertilized. Suitable top dressing with nitrogen, stimulating the growth of geraniums. Information. Cut cuttings are used for propagation. In February-March, the highest probability of rooting of shoots.

We talked in detail about how to cut a geranium so that it is fluffy, and from you you will learn how to properly pinch a flower so that it is healthy and blooms beautifully.

Watch a video about the secrets of pruning pelargonium:

Mistakes of beginner growers

Novice flower growers often choose a large, spacious pot for a plant. It is not right. In such a container, geranium grows roots, without tying buds for a long time. should be small, then flowering will begin faster. Preparation for spring flowering should begin in winter. It is recommended to keep geraniums in a cool place during this period. plant standing in warm room, often do not bloom for years.

How to care for it to bloom?

Large buds, abundant and long flowering - this is the dream of every geranium lover (read how to properly care for geraniums at home). Help the plant in our power. During the period of laying geranium buds, more nutrients and trace elements are required. In addition to special fertilizing with fertilizers, the use of pharmacy iodine is recommended (you can find out how to properly use iodine with hydrogen peroxide to feed geraniums). A solution is prepared at a dosage of 1 drop of iodine per 1 liter of water. The drug is thoroughly stirred for uniform dissolution. At one time use 50 ml of the composition. Watering is done along the edge of the pot.

Advice! Timely removal of wilted peduncles helps to prolong flowering. Potassium-phosphorus fertilizers will help stimulate flowering. They dissolve in water for irrigation. carried out at intervals of two weeks. In winter, fertilizers are not needed.

Watch a video about the use of iodine for lush flowering geraniums:

Below are photos of geraniums in a pot:

Diseases pursuing pelargonium can be divided into two groups:

  • arising from violations of agricultural technology;
  • infectious.

Reference! The first group includes deficiency and excess of trace elements, freezing, sunburn or drying out from heat. These problems are not contagious, they concern one plant. A common misfortune of pelargonium is the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves.

The causes of the disease are different:

  • only the tips dry and turn yellow - lack of moisture;
  • leaves wither, rot and fall off - soil overflow;
  • pallor and yellowness of leaves, stretching of shoots - lack of lighting;
  • adaptation after transplantation can provoke a painful condition.

Chlorosis is a violation of photosynthesis due to iron deficiency. The disease is manifested by a change in color and growth retardation. Similarly affects the lack of other elements - magnesium, nitrogen, potassium. The solution is a mineral complex with all the necessary components.

Infectious diseases affect plants with a weakened immune system. Pelargonium is most often infected with fungi or bacteria through waterlogged soil. At the first manifestations of rot or other damage, it is recommended to isolate it. Among fungal infections, blackleg is common. The disease affects young cuttings, less often adult plants. The stalk will have to be thrown away, and the top of the geranium is cut off and rooted.

Gray rot is manifested by weeping spots on leaves and peduncles. Fungicides are used to treat it. The most dangerous root rot She shows up late. In the advanced stage, the plant cannot be saved. The fungus completely corrodes the tissues of the roots.

Pests rarely attack geraniums. But on weakened plants, you can see the whitefly, aphids, mealybugs. Infected plants are treated with insecticides: Aktara, Fitoverm, Aktellik. The consequence of the use of insecticides and fungicides can be the drying of all.

How to revive?

In the event of a fatal state of the plant, some manipulations should be done:

  1. It is necessary to remove all affected leaves, leaving only the stems.
  2. Remove the geranium from the pot and inspect the root. If he is in order, the plant can be revived.
  3. The root is carefully released from the old soil, in which the chemical preparation is present.
  4. A pot of a similar size is prepared, filled with a moist substrate.
  5. Geranium planted in new ground. The pot is placed in a bright, cool place.
  6. A few days later, the earth is moistened with a solution of Epin, a growth stimulant that helps to cope with stress.
  7. After the appearance of the first leaves, it is recommended to take out on Fresh air or move to a sunny location.

Geranium is not only a beautiful indoor plant, pleasing long flowering. Its aroma has a calming effect, improves sleep. Growing geraniums in a pot will not cause problems if you immediately follow the recommendations for keeping conditions.

Useful video

Watch a video about growing pelargonium at home:

Pelargonium is a genus of plants in the Geranium family. Under natural conditions, it grows in South Africa. This genus includes about 250 species. The smell of pelargonium is very specific, it cannot be confused with anything. Essential oils, contained in the leaves of the plant, create a natural barrier to bacteria and viruses.

ATTENTION: Many people think that pelargonium and geranium are one and the same, but they are not. Geranium, or crail, is also a representative of the genus of the geranium family.

Geranium, growing in wild environment. In Russia, among flower growers, it is not customary to distinguish between these plant species, considering the words "geranium" and "pelargonium" as synonyms. Geranium is used in traditional medicine: for insomnia, depression, rheumatism, heart disease.

If aphids attacked domestic flowers, then it is advised to put a pot of pelargonium next to them, expelling pests.

Periods of growth and dormancy

From December to February, pelargonium enters a dormant phase, so its growth and flowering slows down. It is for this reason that it is not necessary to feed the plant during this period. She needs to be allowed to get stronger, gain strength before the new vegetative period (read about how to feed geraniums for lush flowering, and from you will learn how to properly use iodine with hydrogen peroxide to feed a flower). Until about January, pelargonium will delight its owners with bright beautiful flowers. Its growing season starts from mid-spring to autumn..

How to care at home?

In winter, flower growers should pay attention to following conditions content of pelargonium.

In the cold season, geraniums should be kept in a cooler room than in summer.. If this cannot be ensured, then you can put the pot on the northern windowsill, making sure that the leaves of the plant do not touch the glass. Ideally, the temperature of the content should not exceed 10-15 degrees above zero.

If it is much higher, then there is a risk of dropping just started buds. The temperature of the geranium content can be lowered to 4 degrees.

Protect the flower from drafts.


Since the geranium is of South African origin, it loves bright light.. If the flower is located on the northern windows, then it needs to provide additional lighting. If this is not done, then the pelargonium will not bloom, and its leaves will become small. Daylight hours should be at least 12 hours.

To create additional illumination, you need to use a lamp marked "phyto", placing it at a height of 10 centimeters from the top of the flower.

IMPORTANT: No need to be afraid of direct sunlight: the flower tolerates them calmly.


Pelargonium loves regular watering. In winter, it is permissible to water it once a week. It is necessary to ensure that the earth in the pot is always evenly moist. Stagnation of water at the roots of geraniums leads to the death of the flower!

To adjust the irrigation system, select the appropriate drainage system and light soil for the plant (about what should be the composition of the soil for room geranium and whether universal soil is suitable, you can find out). Expanded clay and perlite can be used as drainage.

If you do not regularly prune, the plant will stretch and stop blooming beautifully.. It must be borne in mind that uncircumcised pelargonium is prone to various diseases. When pruning, use only sterile tools (scissors or a knife). All shoots growing from the axils are removed, leaving only 6-7 leaves on the stem. Carry out such a procedure in the fall or at the very beginning of winter.

From December to January, it is better not to prune geraniums. Dried flower stalks and leaves should always be cut, even in the cold season. They can be easily detached without harm to the plant, even without scissors. Several times during the cold season.

Miniature varieties of geraniums do not require pruning. You can learn how to prune geraniums).

Watch video about correct pruning geraniums:

Basement storage rules

Some geranium lovers plant it in the garden for the whole summer (we talked about how to care for geraniums in the open field). Before the winter cold, they have a problem how to save garden geraniums. There are several ways to store geraniums:

  1. Pelargonium bundles are hung in the basement at a constant temperature of 2 to 7 degrees above zero.. Some growers wrap plants in newspaper or paper bags instead of hanging them. In this case, you need to ensure that the packages are open for ventilation. The roots of plants are periodically moistened. This method is called "dry storage".
  2. Geraniums are planted in pots, before that, the roots and stems are cut by two thirds.(you can find out how to pick up and what kind of pot is needed for geraniums, and from you will learn how to transplant geraniums at home). The prepared plant is stored in the basement at a constant temperature of up to 10 degrees, the room should be twilight. Pelargonium planted in this way is watered infrequently, only when the soil becomes dry. This method of storing geraniums is called "canning".

ADVICE: Humidity in the basement should be at least 80%.

How to welcome spring?

Closer to spring, when the temperature outside reaches 2 degrees above zero, you can take pots with pelargonium to the balcony. You need to start from half an hour, gradually increasing the time the geranium stays on the balcony. In this way, pelargonium can be helped to bloom constantly.

If the geranium was stored in the basement, then before taking it outside, soak the bunches in water with fertilizer, then plant them in a pot. Potted geraniums should stand indoors for about a week. Only after the onset of the last frost, pelargonium is planted in a garden flower garden..

Thus, geraniums in winter should be placed in a cool room, provide additional lighting and monitor soil moisture. You also need to break off dried leaves and flower stalks from time to time. Subject to all these simple rules, pelargonium will delight with its aroma immediately after leaving the rest phase.

Geranium or pelargonium has long and firmly occupied many window sills as an unpretentious and beautiful plant. It can be grown at home and in flower beds: the flower looks great anywhere. Before buying, it is recommended to read how to care for geraniums at home.

Geranium: general information

Its scientific name is geranium - pelargonium - translated from Greek means "stork" or "crane". This unusual name the plant received because of the fruits - long as a bird's beak.

There are more than 400 species of geraniums in the world, which can be found almost all over the world, about 40 species are found on the territory of Russia. It is noteworthy that in Germany geraniums are called "stork's nose", and in the USA and England - crail.

It is a meadow annual or perennial, growing up to 60 cm. The leaves are soft, covered with hairs, have palmate-lobed or palmately dissected forms. Large flowers have 5 regularly arranged flowers, usually collected in inflorescences. They can be terry and smooth, among the shades there are white, red, purple and blue.

Among the most popular types home geraniums are present:

In addition to "pure" varieties, there are a huge number of hybrids that you can grow yourself. Among domestic species, the name pelargonium is often found. They belong to the same geranium family, but differ in appearance. Despite this, care for pelargonium at home, like for geraniums, is almost the same.

Home care for geraniums, photos of which are easy to find, has borne fruit, it is necessary comply with the basic conditions:

  1. Geranium feels great room temperature: in summer it can fluctuate in the range of + 20-25 degrees, in winter it should not fall below + 10-14 degrees. It is better to choose a place away from drafts.
  2. But the flower is more capricious towards the light: the plant can even be left in direct sunlight without fear of harm, since the lack of light leads to the shredding of leaves and flowers. The only thing that may be required is to turn the pot from time to time so that the plant forms on all sides. In winter, the lack of light is filled with fluorescent lamps. If there is not enough light, the leaves will begin to rapidly turn pale.
  3. For geraniums, the simplest purchased universal soil is suitable. You can cook it yourself by mixing 1 part of turf and foliage, one and a half parts of humus and half of the sand. Drainage should be placed at the bottom of the pot.
  4. The flower loves moisture and requires regular and frequent watering. In this case, water should not stagnate in a pot or fall on the leaves. High humidity also contraindicated. You can use settled tap water, rain and melt moisture is also suitable. In winter, it is required to halve the frequency of watering, as the plant is at rest.
  5. A transplant is required only if the pot has become small. You should not choose large pots: geranium treats them badly and blooms profusely only in "cramped". Optimal sizes will be: height 12 cm, diameter - 12-15 cm.
  6. The plant is not picky about feeding and is content with standard mineral fertilizers. They are brought from March to September twice a month. You can also use specialized fertilizers for geraniums.
  7. To form a beautiful appearance, you can occasionally cut the upper and side branches, as well as remove dry leaves and flowers.
  8. Reproduction of pelargonium occurs by cuttings at any time of the year.

Proper transplant

Geranium not good for transplant, and therefore it is better not to change the pots more than 1-2 times a year. The reasons may be the following factors:

  1. The roots have become cramped: you can check this by carefully pulling the geranium out of the pot;
  2. Due to excess moisture, the flower began to wither;
  3. Despite the care, the geranium does not develop and does not bloom;
  4. The roots are very bare.

Pelargonium is usually transplanted in the spring, February to April, but this is not important: you can transplant a plant even in winter, only the bush will take root longer. It is also not recommended to touch flowering plant: it already spends a lot of energy on flowering and will not perceive well new house. Instead of transplanting, you can update upper layer soil, adding fresh as needed.

Some flower growers, as an additional care, transplant geraniums every spring to the street in a flower bed, and in the fall they "take" it back. This helps to heal the plant itself, and at the same time split the roots for propagation.

  1. It is necessary to prepare all the tools, and treat the pot with a bleach solution if it has already been used previously for another plant. This will avoid the transmission of the disease.
  2. Drainage is laid out at the bottom of the pot. It can be small stones or foam.
  3. Geraniums are watered to keep the ground moist. Then you need to turn the pot over and carefully remove the plant from it, trying not to break or damage the roots. To separate the earth from the pot, you can lightly knock on the walls and bottom.
  4. The roots are inspected, and if rot or signs of disease are found, they are carefully cut off.
  5. The flower is lowered into a pot and the empty places are covered with earth, lightly watered, compacted and poured with more soil.
  6. After transplantation, geraniums are harvested in dark place for a week, then transferred to a designated place. After 2 months, you can feed.

In a similar way, the plant is transplanted from the street in the fall before the onset of frost. If necessary, you can make a gentle cut. To do this, shorten all the shoots, leaving about 20 cm. The cut should be a few millimeters from the node. During the winter, geraniums will not be able to produce strong enough stems, and therefore pruning will have to be repeated in February-March.

Pelargonium can be propagated by seeds and cuttings: the first option is suitable for obtaining new varieties, the second for a new bush. Also, geraniums can be propagated by rhizomes, but waiting for this you need to have some experience.

Reproduction by seeds

It is possible to plant pelargonium seeds from the beginning of March, having previously cultivated the earth with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to protect against diseases. Can be used purchased soil by adding to it sand and humus. The seeds are scattered over a loosened surface and lightly sprinkled with earth on top, then the container is covered with a film to create a greenhouse effect and removed for several days in heat. When the sprouts are strong enough, they can be planted, after which standard care begins.

Reproduction by cuttings

The best time for propagation by cuttings is spring. A cut cutting with 3-4 leaves (it is better to cut it off from the top) is placed in water and waiting for the roots to grow. After the pelargonium is dried and buried in the ground.


If the appearance of a geranium has suddenly changed for the worse, this need to pay attention:

  1. With a lack of moisture, the leaves dry out and turn yellow, with an excess, they become lethargic and unnecessarily dull, gray rot appears on the stems;
  2. If the leaves, especially the lower ones, have begun to fall off, there is a lack of lighting;
  3. If the plant has stopped blooming, this indicates an overly large pot or lack of dormancy in winter.

Like any plant, geranium even after good care subject to attack by pests and diseases.


Geranium is unpretentious plant, with home care that even novice gardeners can handle. It does not require special growing conditions and frequent transplantation, easily tolerates straight sunlight and drought. The only thing to remember: geranium has a negative attitude towards high humidity and systematic transfusions. In such conditions, she will quickly wither and die.

home geranium care