Why geranium leaves turn yellow and how to prevent it. Why do geranium leaves turn yellow in room autumn and winter

How to care:

  1. For the comfort of the plant, watering must be correctly selected: in a warm season, watering is needed more abundant than in winter time... It is important to monitor the condition of the soil: watering is needed as it dries up.
  2. Geranium needs bright lighting, but it should be protected from direct sunlight.
  3. Geranium leaves are very sensitive, water ingress has a detrimental effect on them, and, therefore, spraying is unacceptable for such plants.
  4. The soil in which the flower grows must be provided quality system drainage.
  5. Geranium loves fertilization and feeding. Healthy plant leaves are the first indicator of their well-being.

Cutting geranium propagation method is faster and more efficient... To do this, follow these steps:

In addition, with the cuttings method, the cut crown can be placed in a glass of water until the roots appear. And when young roots sprout 2-3 cm - transplant the plant into a soil substrate to a permanent place.

Watch a video about the propagation of geraniums by cuttings:

Dividing the bush

The technique of dividing the bush is also applicable:

  • the dug plant is divided into two parts;
  • planted in separate flower pots.

Seed breeding method

Seed breeding method for geraniums is more painstaking:

  • in January-February, seeds are planted in moist, loosened soil in small pots;
  • the seeds are sprinkled with a small amount of soil, and covered with a film on top;
  • watering must be carried out carefully, moisture must be removed from the film;
  • after two weeks, the seeds sprout at a temperature of 20 degrees;
  • after the appearance of two leaves, the sprouts need to dive and grow at a temperature of 16-18 degrees;
  • in the seventh week can be planted in individual pots.

IMPORTANT: Geranium grown from seed produces abundant sustainable flowering.

What does a healthy houseplant look like?

The leaves have a delicate porous texture, the color is dark green with a duplicate pattern, which is peculiar to each plant variety individually.

Consider the main diseases of geranium:

  1. Mushroom Botrytis... The first sign of the disease is the appearance of spots of gray brown colorcovering the leaves in a circle and the presence of fluff on the plant. On the darkest spots of the flower, rotting appears, provoking leaf fall. The cause is over-watering the plant.


    • Remove diseased plant parts from the soil.
    • Loosen the soil for ventilation and drying of the root system.
    • Remove infected leaves and stem areas.
    • Do not water the plant until the soil is completely dry.
  2. Decay of the root system... Root decay occurs due to infection with a fungus. Dryness of the leaves begins with their increasing yellowing, followed by darkening of the areas up to brown or black. A light cobweb-like dusting is formed on the flower.


    • Dry and loosen the soil.
    • Avoid watering with nitrogen-rich fertilizers.
    • Eliminate the diseased elements of the flower.
    • Conduct chemical treatment fungicides.
  3. Rust... With such a disease, areas covered with rusty-yellow spots appear on the leaves of geraniums (which is indicated by geranium spots on the leaves we talked about). During an illness, conceived, capsules filled with a spore-containing powder appear on the leaves of the flower. In the apotheosis of the disease, the plant looks drooping and loses its leaves.

    In case of rust, it is important to carry out rescue measures in a timely manner, before the appearance of blackness:

    • Eliminate sore areas of the flower.
    • Watering through the pallet.
  4. Bacterial disease... It is a consequence of the vital activity of microbes and manifests itself in the form of triangular dark spots on a sheet plate. With a bacterial disease, geranium looks lethargic and dry (you can find out about what to do if geraniums wither in a pot and why this happens).


    • Replace potting soil.
    • Watering through the pallet.
    • Carry out chemical treatment with fungicides.
  5. Viral infections... They inhibit the development and growth of the flower, causing dryness and spots on the leaves with different pigmentation. The disease is eliminated by similar measures required in the treatment of bacterial diseases, but it is worth paying attention to the presence of harmful insects that carry the virus with their subsequent elimination.
  6. Spotting or Alternaria... Alternaria manifests itself in the form of bubbles that have arisen on the lower surface of the leaf plate, the leaves turn yellow, lethargic, and then fall off.


    • Remove infected leaves.
    • Thin out the processes.
    • Carry out chemical treatment with fungicides.

    All geranium diseases can be cured with timely and well-chosen treatment.

    Drying and yellowness of geranium leaves is a sign of flower disease, mistakes or a series of mistakes in taking care of him. It is necessary to understand the causes of flower discomfort in order to save the plant and return its lost beauty. The following factors can affect the dryness of geranium leaves:

    Lower after transplant in new pot, which is not a sign of disease. In this case, yellowed leaves can be removed, and a healthy flower will grow further.

    What to do if geranium leaves begin to dry:

    1. Make sure of suitable size pot and in stock good drainage, if necessary, transplant into a suitable sized pots. If the plant is in bloom, trim the peduncles carefully.
    2. Place the flower pot in a place away from radiators and heating devices.
    3. Set the pot on sunny side, protecting from direct sunlight.
    4. Create optimal temperature conditions.
    5. Humidify the air.
    6. Watering and feeding is carried out in sufficient quantity.

    Healthy plants during the flowering period should produce luxurious expressive flowers. However, there are situations when the buds that appear do not give beautiful flowering, but begin to turn yellow and dry.

    Dry buds can be caused by the following care mistakes:

    • lack of minerals in the soil, in particular phosphorus;
    • lack or over-watering. Failure to comply with the correct watering regime leads to dryness and death of the buds;
    • the presence of diseases or insect pests (in this case, plant resources are spent on fighting the disease);
    • lack of light, since pelargonium loves bright indirect sunlight;
    • finding geraniums in a state of stress: the plant needs some time to adapt to new conditions of detention;
    • the hot dry air of the room also does not allow the buds to bloom;
    • individual characteristics of plant varieties: some of them give lush color only in the second or third year of growth.

    Measures to eliminate drying out of buds:

    The plant is withered: resuscitation at home

    There are situations when the geranium has dried completely. How to save a dried plant:

    1. Inspect the dried flower: if a living trunk remains, then the geranium should be removed for wintering in a cool place. The stem can grow back in the spring.
    2. If the stem is dry, dig up the root and place it in water, if the root gives new roots, then plant it in the ground.

    TIP: To create favorable factors for the growth of geranium and prevent its dryness and diseases, it is necessary to perform a set of preventive procedures.

    Preventive measures:

    • carry out a neat, timely transplant into suitable pots;
    • conduct moderate watering according to the degree of drying of the soil surface;
    • establish the location of geraniums in a place protected from drafts;
    • apply organic and mineral fertilizers (during the flowering period - twice a month);
    • diagnose and eliminate pests;
    • when yellow leaves appear, their timely removal is required.

    Despite the unpretentiousness of geraniums, it takes some effort to grow beautiful, well-groomed plants. Any disease can be cured if the necessary measures are taken correctly in time.

    Plant buds can be helped to bloom. Even a dried flower can be reanimated... By creating necessary conditions, the owner will be rewarded with an ornate blooming space.

If anyone knows all the secrets of growing indoor plants, so these are those who themselves grow such beauty at home. Florists professionals or amateurs will help you find the answers to everything fAQthat arise when "communicating" with home flowers. For example, why do geranium leaves turn yellow? room autumn and in winter and how to solve this problem, not allowing the plant to die?

Geranium is called pelargonium. This is a surprisingly unpretentious and easy-care plant that will decorate the windowsill with bright attractive flowers. It is valued most of all for its beauty. But not everyone knows that this plant can be used in folk medicine, since it has a mass medicinal properties... The problem that growers often have to face is that the leaves turn yellow in room geranium... This phenomenon can be seen in autumn and winter, even with all the watering rules are followed.

Causes of yellowing leaves

Geranium is one of those plants for which you do not need to apply at all special efforts... Yellowing of the leaves can be a signal in such situations:

The flower pot has become small, and you just need to pick up the container bigger size;
Wrong watering regime;
Not quite the right soil composition;
Excess fertilizers or incorrect selection;
Diseases or pests

Now more about each of possible problems... As for the choice of a container for growing geraniums, it should not be too spacious. Many growers choose wider pots so that the plant develops faster and more, but these factors are not related. Pelargonium feels comfortable in pots with a diameter of 13-14 cm and a height of no more than 15 cm. This space and soil volume is quite enough for the plant to bloom and grow regularly.

If you begin to notice that yellow leaves have begun to appear, pay attention to the frequency of watering. Geranium doesn't belong too moisture-loving plants... Check the condition of the topsoil: if it is dry, water the plant.

Periodically, the soil needs to be loosened to provide better air access to the roots.
By the way, about the soil. If the plant does not like the composition you have chosen, it will never bloom or will be lethargic, constantly turning yellow. Geranium thrives in garden soil with the addition of peat. A drainage evil must be present so that moisture does not accumulate at the roots.

Now about feeding. Pelargonium loves various kinds of mineral supplements and organic fertilizers, potassium and phosphorus. But their excess leads to yellowing of the leaves, so do not overdo it. In winter and autumn, feeding should be carried out no more than once every two months. You can add watering with water with a small amount of iodine - the plant will really like it. However, do not put flower pots on well-lit windowsills. IN winter period geraniums need rest to restore strength for flowering in spring and summer. Despite the fact that at home, with proper care, pelargonium can please bright colors all year round, she still needs to rest. To do this, the pots are rearranged in dark places or on the north side of the apartment around the second half of December, when it fades.

Do not transplant the plant in the winter under any circumstances. This will have a detrimental effect on his condition. If there are dead or yellowed leaves, they must be carefully removed. It is also better to shape the shape with the onset of spring.

And finally, let's pay attention to the diseases due to which the leaves at room pelargonium turn yellow. If the leaf turns yellow and spots with spore pads appear on it, then the plant is affected by "rust". To prevent this, you need to often loosen the ground, preventing rotting. Remove weeds regularly and don't over-water. Another disease is fungal - it affects the leaves, manifesting itself as bubbles and almost black spots. In this case, treatment with fungicidal preparations will be required. The fungus is dangerous! It easily passes to other indoor flowers, so the affected parts of the diseased plant must be removed immediately.

Geranium in folk medicine

Few people would think that such an ordinary flower can bring such great benefits to the human body. Even his presence in the room fills the air with medicinal phytoncides that kill bacteria. It is worth lightly rubbing the leaf, as a pronounced characteristic smell immediately appears, due to the presence essential oils... The plant contains a lot of trace elements, pectins, organic acids.

For kidney stones: fresh leaves grind through a meat grinder. You need to calculate the amount so that you get a full tablespoon of the composition. Pour it with two glasses of boiling water, leave for eight hours, wrapped in a warm towel. Drink the resulting infusion 5-6 sips at least 4 times a day. This medicinal composition dissolves kidney stones well, removes sand.

For colds and runny nose: it is enough to tear off one or two leaves, rub lightly and inhale the outgoing aroma. It is an excellent remedy in the fight against viruses, superior in properties to garlic and onions.

For diseases of the cardiovascular system: take an infusion of geranium leaves in several sips during the day. With increased pressure, apply a slightly crumpled sheet to the wrist. The same can be done for wounds, sores on the skin.

Geranium is considered one of the most unpretentious plants on the windowsill. Why geranium leaves turn yellow and what signal the plant gives, it is necessary to understand as early as possible. The flower will tell the attentive mistress about its ailments. And again geranium will throw out baskets of flowers high, refresh the air with the scent of leaves.

Pelargonium agrotechnics

Geranium is considered unpretentious plant... However, to place it requires a bright place without the direct rays of the midday sun. The soil should be fertile and loose. The pot is chosen small so that the roots are cramped.

The soil should be moist and well-drained. Spraying the leaves is not required. Top dressing with a universal composition, but with a smaller amount of nitrogen component. Autumn pruning provokes the growth of new flowering shoots. Geranium does not like cooling a clod of earth and drafts.

Geranium leaf diseases - a signal to the grower

Violation of the conditions of detention leads to the weakening of the plant. The color of the leaves can tell you what to change in the content of the flower. Why geranium leaves turn yellow, curl or dry - there are several reasons. The weakening of the plant differs for the main reasons:

  • incorrect content;
  • illness;
  • settlement by insects.

The result of an incorrect geranium content

In an evergreen pelargonium bush, the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off, this is a natural process. Therefore, the trunk becomes bare with age. But if the leaves fall frequently, then the flower does not have enough light. Need to change location or organize in winter.

Geranium leaves especially often turn yellow in winter. Why is this happening? The biological activity of the flower during the dormant period is not taken into account. A sign of overflow can be yellowing of the top of the plant. This means that diseased roots do not drive the juice with the necessary force and the tip remains without nutrition.

Why do geranium leaves turn yellow in the room? You need to water the plant more often, it does not have enough water. If the plant was on fresh air, when transferred to a warm room before acclimatization, the color will become less bright. It is necessary to wait a week or two, and only then begin to change the conditions of detention.

The leaves will turn yellow if the geranium has not been transplanted for a long time, fed little or the pot has become cramped. Excessive moisture is created in the coma of the earth, the leaves of the geranium turn yellow. What to do in this case? Transplant the plant into new land and a larger container.

Geranium does not tolerate spraying. However, dry air is also unacceptable for her. You can not install a flower in a draft and near a radiator. That is why geranium leaves turn yellow at the edges. The beginning of leaf drying gives a signal of insufficient watering.

The reddening of the leaf blades will tell the grower that the plant is cold. Perhaps it just needs to be moved away from the glass, closer to the edge. But why do geranium leaves turn red in spring? Most likely, during rapid development, the plant lacks nutrition. You need to feed geraniums in small doses.

Geranium diseases and their treatment with photo demonstration

Sometimes, even if all conditions of detention are observed, the plant has a depressed appearance. For some reason, geranium leaves twist inward, the color of greenery changes. The causes of the disease can be settled in the ground, or on the top:

  • bacteria:
  • mushrooms;
  • viruses.

Then brown spots, oily stains may appear on the leaves, which will eventually dry out and destroy the flower.

Viral diseases are transmitted from an infected plant to a healthy one through insects that previously fed on a diseased bush. Perhaps the cutting was rooted from diseased pelargonium. The symptom is a disease of geranium leaves, visually resembling a mosaic. The sheet shrinks, spots or patterns are visible on it. This is a vascular disease. The plant must be destroyed so as not to infect the neighbors.

Bacterial diseases include various spots and leaf fall. Why does geranium turn yellow and what to do if brown spots are found on the leaves? The first step is to change the conditions of detention. Damp can lead to bacteriosis. warm air in the room. A sign of a bacterial disease is the blackening of the veins on the leaves. If you do not take action, after a while the plant will dry out completely.

The tightness of plants on the windowsill, wetting of the leaf blade from condensation on the window, contaminated soil are disease provocateurs. Different bacteria and fungi give different shapes and colors of spots from gray fluffy plaque to dying tissues inside.

It is necessary to exclude the damaging factors, pick out the stained leaves and process the plant. Contact with water leaves should be excluded. The well-known black leg also belongs to bacterial diseases. If the stalk of a geranium rotts away, turns black and falls - this is it. The plant should be transplanted into a new substrate.

Rust is a formidable disease for geraniums. Why do geranium leaves turn yellow in the room, if this is preceded by the appearance of brown spots. It could be rust fungal disease. Brown spots - bags of spores. Spraying with a fungicide will help. The same disease causes edema - growths on the leaves of pelargonium. With small lesions, the leaves must be picked and burned. Dry the soil, check how the drainage works, give the plant more light and air.

Insects and plant pests

One of the most unpleasant pests is nematodes. Tiny worms live in the ground, feed on roots and attach their cysts to them. The plant is first depressed, then dies. Small, like poppy seeds, peas on the roots are a sign. Getting rid of nematodes is difficult. It is better to take a stalk from the top of the plant, and destroy the pot along with the earth. When loosening the soil with the tool, cysts can be used to populate neighboring pots.

The upper part of the flower can be populated by:

  • whitefly;
  • spider mite;
  • caterpillars and termites.

So that the aphid does not find geranium leaves tender and tasty, the plant should receive enough potassium supplements and little nitrogen. The leaf becomes coarser and does not like aphids.

Whiteflies are small white flies that lay their eggs inside the leaf tissue. It can be removed only by repeated application of systemic fungicides.

Mites feed on plant sap, multiply rapidly, and are the reason why geranium leaves curl inward. A cobweb appears on the back of the sheet, and the entire plate dries.

Termites, pests that feed on woody parts of the plant, settling inside the stem and eating it away. They can get into the ground, if they have populated the foundation of a house, get into a pot of earth.

Various caterpillars happily devour geranium leaves and flowers. IN room conditions they can appear if the leafworm has laid the larvae on leaves or flowers. Caterpillars will feed on greenery or flower petals, depending on the type of insect pest.

It is for geraniums that systemic drugs should be used.

  1. Aspirin, 1 tablet in 8 liters of water, spray on the leaves every three weeks when pests appear.
  2. Messenger - the earth is watered to strengthen the plant's immunity.
  3. Marathon is a universal drug. It should be sprinkled on the surface of the ground and watered.
  4. Monterey - a means for spraying geraniums from caterpillars.

To grow beautiful bush geraniums are not difficult, only care and attention to the green friend is required.

Geranium growing experience - video

Florists sometimes find yellowed and dried leaves on geraniums. The reason may not be proper careand plant damage by infection or pests. In any case, the flower needs to be paid attention to until it is completely dry. Let's find out why geranium leaves turn yellow, and how to save a diseased plant.

There are a number of reasons why geranium leaves dry and turn yellow. It is important to immediately inspect the plant so that others characteristic features identify the source of the problem.

Improper care

If you have a question "Why do geranium leaves turn yellow and dry?", First check the conditions of the plant.

The problem may lie in the wrong lighting. If, along with the yellowing of the leaves, the stem of the pelargonium is disproportionately stretched and it began to bloom rarely and poorly, this indicates a lack of light. The opposite situation is sunburn... Although this plant is photophilous and can withstand direct sunlight, in summer, in extreme heat, geranium leaves can burn out: they turn yellow, and then lighten and dry out.

Often the reason is improper watering. If a yellow border appears at the edges of the leaves, and the affected areas quickly darken to brown, this indicates a lack of moisture. But if geranium leaves turn yellow mainly at the top, we are talking about overflow. In the latter case, a transplant may be necessary. This condition usually occurs due to root rot, which can ultimately lead to stem rot and death of the plant.
Another reason why geranium leaves turn yellow is a decrease in room temperature. Please note: if the leaves turn red before yellowing, the problem is precisely in the cold.

Often, geranium leaves turn yellow due to the fact that the roots have become cramped in the pot. In this case, the edge of the leaf plate first turns yellow, then the whole of it. After a while, the foliage dries and falls off. The buds are not formed, and roots sprout through the drainage hole.

Excess and lack of fertilizers

To the question "Why does geranium turn yellow?" There is one more answer: shortage or excess of the main mineral fertilizers - nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

If the leaves turn yellow, this is often a sign of excess nitrogen. But if you notice that the leaves are shrinking on young shoots, and, moreover, they began to wrap inward, this indicates a lack of it.

Please note that geranium does not need organic feeding at all.

Diseases and pests

Let's figure out what to do if geranium leaves turn yellow.

First of all, it is important to follow the rules of cultivation. For pelargonium, a south or west window is recommended so that the plant gets enough light. In winter, additional lighting with a phytolamp may be required. If a burn is diagnosed, shade the plant with a sheet of paper or a cloth curtain. You can move the pot to a table or bedside table near the window.

Watering the geranium should be done after the earthen lump is almost completely dry. You can check this with a wooden skewer by sticking it into the ground and letting it sit for 10-15 minutes.

Optimal for pelargonium room temperature - + 15 ... + 24 ° С. If you notice signs of freezing, move the plant to a warm place or substitute a Styrofoam plate under the pot. Make sure that the plant does not touch the cold glass. Protect it from drafts and sudden changes in temperature.

Do not transplant geraniums too often, she can hardly tolerate this procedure. But if the pot has become too small, transfer the earthen lump into a container several centimeters larger than the previous one. It is not worth taking a pot that is too large - the water in it will stagnate, and the plant will use its strength to build up roots and green mass to the detriment of flowering.

Indoor geranium is also known as Pelargonium. The botanical name has Greek roots and originated from the word pelargos (stork) due to the similarity of the fruit to the beak of a stork.

At home, only two of the most common varieties are bred: fragrant geranium and royal geranium. The first species rarely blooms and has a strong smell, the second species smells faintly, but has large bright flowers.

Plants, like all living things, can get sick. You water and fertilize the flower, cut the leaves, but the leaves of the geranium began to turn yellow and dry. Why did this happen?

Geranium is sensitive to heat changes. For her, both its overabundance and lack of it are harmful. The best option: 10-14 C. In winter, the flower pot must be removed away from the window slots and the radiator so that the plant is not damaged by drafts and dry hot air.

Cramped Geranium Pot

The capacity needs to be changed as the flower grows. If the roots are cramped, there is not enough space, then the plant begins to die.

Geranium can not stand high humidity... The first symptom of "overflow" is yellowed dry leaves. Then the plant begins to rot and cannot be saved. Upper layer the soil should be moist, but the water should not stagnate in the pot. Spraying geranium is not recommended.

The flower does not like frequent feeding. In winter, it is better to abandon fertilizers, and in summer to use potassium-phosphorus supplements.

Lack of moisture

It can also cause the plant to dry out. Monitor soil moisture.

To do this, you need to properly care for your green friend.

    Geranium belongs to light-loving plants, so direct sunlight is not afraid of it. Shade is only needed in very hot weather.

    The flower likes abundant watering and fresh dry air, but does not tolerate damp soil, so take care of drainage.

    The optimum temperature for development is below average and does not exceed 15 C.

    Top dressing should be done once a week using liquid fertilizers.

    The diseased plant (black leg) is destroyed so that the infection does not spread to other flowers. When damaged by pests, geraniums are treated with special agents.

    Transplanted only when the pot has become small. It is best to do this in the spring: this way the pelargonium will recover faster.

Video about proper care for geraniums

To avoid drying and yellowing of leaves in geraniums, proper plant care is important. Therefore, we recommend that you watch this video on how to care for geraniums at home.

Competent care is the key to the health and beauty of any indoor flower!