When to plant mandarin at home. Does a growing tangerine tree need to be grafted? Reproduction, pruning, shaping

In flower shops, you can often see a tangerine tree strewn with fruits and shiny green leaves for sale. Such an exotic is not cheap, so not everyone can afford it. But you shouldn't get upset. A citrus tree can be grown from a seed at home. To do this, you need to study the basic rules of its planting and recommendations for care. And even novice flower growers will be able to admire an exotic pet on their windowsill.

Citrus house tree - ornamental mandarin

Mandarin belongs to the root family. The plant is distinguished by evergreen leaves changing every four years, and amazingly smelling white flowers.

tangerines are breeding vegetatively or by seeds. At home, citrus fruits are most often grown from seeds. However, the result is a decorative bush that is not able to bear fruit.

In greenhouses fruit plants obtained by grafting. Therefore, if you want to enjoy juicy fruits, then an exotic pet will need to be vaccinated. But first of all, it will be necessary to germinate the bone, and make room on the lightest window sill.

Growing an exotic pet is an interesting activity. Therefore, you can start growing a tangerine tree with the whole family.

Preparing the ground

Citrus fruits do not like sour dry soil. The soil mixture for them should not contain peat. Soils are sold in stores, which include peat. That's why the mixture is best prepared by yourself. It should include:

  • leaf ground - 2 parts;
  • humus - 2 parts;
  • sand - 1 part.

The result should be a light, well-permeable land for air and water. If it is not possible to prepare such soil, then in specialized stores you can buy special blend for citrus or for roses.

How to germinate a mandarin seed?

In order to obtain, when germinating planting material, positive result, it is recommended to stock up on a few bones. In this case, the probability of obtaining seedlings will be greater.

Bones will need to be selected from ripe tangerines no rot or damage. Before landing in the ground, they need to be allowed to swell and hatch. To do this, you can choose one of the following options:

  1. Moisten a napkin or gauze with water, and wrap the bones in it. Planting material will swell for several days. You need to make sure that the gauze is always wet.
  2. You can use a special hydrogel, among which constant moisture will be provided to the bones. You can buy such a gel in flower shops.

But how to plant a tangerine if there is no time or opportunity to soak planting material? Bones can be planted in the ground without hatching. In this case, the sprouts will simply appear later.

Planting seeds in the ground

Hatching seeds first planted in seedling boxes or individual disposable small cups. At the bottom of the tank you need to put drainage in the form of expanded clay, perlite, nuts, shards or pebbles.

In the prepared soil, seeds are sown to a depth of 4 cm, and sprinkled with earth on top. Seedling containers are covered with glass or cellophane, and placed in a warm place. The greenhouse effect will turn out, and the seedlings will sprout quickly and amicably.

After the seeds hatch, it will be tedious to rearrange them in a bright place, shaded from direct sunlight. The temperature in the room where the seedlings grow citrus plants, must be at least + 20C. Do not forget to moisten the earth in time.

When the seedlings grow up and get stronger, they can be transplanted into pots, the volume of which should be about 4 liters. Transplantation is best done by transshipment, so as not to damage the roots. In this case, young bushes will quickly take root in a new place.

Features of caring for a citrus tree

Mandarin loves the sun, so you need to choose a bright place for him, preferably on the southern windowsill. However, care must be taken that the midday rays do not burn the leaves of the bush.

At home, when caring for an exotic pet, it is required observe the following rules:

  1. Water and spray the plant regularly, as high humidity is vital for citrus fruits. It is necessary to water with settled water for at least three days. Watering should be regular and plentiful. high humidity air can be provided by spraying. It would also be nice to moisten the air around the plant with a tray of wet expanded clay, peat or moss, placed near a pot of tangerine.
  2. A young plant needs to be transplanted every spring into larger pots. This must be done without damaging the integrity of the soil around the root system. A plant that has reached the age of eight requires a transplant every two years.
  3. Two weeks after the appearance of the first sprouts, they need to start feeding. To date, there are special fertilizers for citrus fruits on sale, which are recommended to be used. Top dressing should be done only after watering. It is better not to water dry soil with a fertilizer solution, as you can burn the roots.

Protection of mandarin from pests

Citrus pets at home often get sick, and then killed by pests. Most exotic pets suffer from attacks:

  • scale insects;
  • citrus whitefly;
  • spider mite;

These pests, imperceptible at first glance, feed on the sap of the plant. As a result, the bush is depleted, the leaves fall off, and the tree dies.

Young plants need to be inspected from time to time. And, having seen the smallest cobweb or the pests themselves, it is urgent to take action:

  1. You need to rinse the bush well in the shower. spider mite very afraid of water.
  2. Better to use at home folk remedies in the form of infusion onion peel or garlic. Good treatment with "green soap" also helps.
  3. A heavily infested plant requires application chemicals, which include "Fitoverm" and "Aktelik".

Sometimes around a pet you can see flies that live in wet ground. Their larvae could already be in purchased soil, or appeared from constant waterlogging of the soil. When such flies appear, the soil must be loosened, dried, and sprinkled with Grom-2.

How to plant mandarin at home?

In order for a grown tree to bear fruit, one cannot do without vaccination. The best time for her is August, April and early May.

To vaccinate an exotic pet, you need to prepare:

After everything is ready, you can get vaccinated.

  1. First of all, an incision is made on the stock in the form of the letter T. It should be located at a height of 10 cm, and have a vertical length of 2-4 cm, and horizontally - 1 cm.
  2. Leaf blades and spikes are removed from the scion, and it is carefully inserted into the incision.
  3. The joint is wrapped with tape.
  4. The bush is closed from above with a plastic bag or a jar.
  5. About a month after the bud sprouts, the plant needs to be ventilated daily.
  6. The ventilation time is gradually increased. A month later, the trunk of the stock is cut obliquely. This should be done 3 cm above the shoot. The cut is processed with garden pitch.

Now your tree is grafted, and soon, with proper care and cultivation, it will begin to bear fruit.

As can be seen from the instructions, plant and grow a fruit-bearing exotic tree not so difficult. The main thing, have patience and strictly follow all recommendations. As a result, a tangerine bush grown from a stone will complement the home environment with coziness, comfort and a pleasant aroma.

This plant is a popular indoor crop, but not all lovers of bright orange citrus decide to plant this exotic tree because they do not know how to grow a rather whimsical tangerine. Meanwhile, it is not difficult to grow it, and if all the rules of planting and care are followed, the tree will begin to bring a good harvest by 3-4 years.

Reproduction of mandarin

There are several main ways to propagate mandarin at home: seeds, grafting, cuttings, layering. The easiest and most common way is planting seeds. However, in this case, fruiting will occur only at 6-7 years of the tree's life. For planting, large seeds of ripened fruits are taken, washed in warm water and allowed to dry a little. Then put in a glass of water room temperature and clean in a warm place, for example, on sunny side window sill. After a while, the seeds will swell and hatch. After that, you can plant them in the ground.

How to plant a tangerine and what soil mix for this choose? For planting, they take a small pot with a diameter of 5-7 cm. At the bottom, a drainage layer is made from small stones or shards. From above, a soil mixture is poured, consisting in equal parts of leafy and soddy soil, a small amount of rotted manure and river sand. You can use a ready-made citrus potting mix available at the store. Seeds are placed in the soil to a depth of 1 - 1.5 cm and lightly sprinkled with earth, then watered. The pot is covered with foil or glass jar Thus, they build a greenhouse and place it on the window on the south side. During the day for 30 min. the greenhouse should be opened so that moisture does not accumulate. The first shoots will appear in 2-3 weeks. After 5 leaves are formed on the seedlings, they can be transplanted into larger containers.

Grafting: how to graft a mandarin (with video)

Grafting a mandarin by budding (eye) will help speed up the onset of fruiting. This will require a young tree with a trunk diameter of at least 6 mm and a cutting from a 1-2-year-old branch of a fruit-bearing citrus, taken immediately before grafting. The best time for this work is April - May, that is, the period of sap flow. You can perform this procedure in August.

Before grafting a tangerine, a graft and a stock with matured wood are prepared. The rootstock is the plant that is grafted onto. It can be a seedling of a lemon, orange or grapefruit.

A scion is a cutting or "eye" that is grafted onto a stock. The thorns and leaves are removed from the scion, leaving only the petioles located next to the buds.

Budding (grafting on the "eye") is performed as follows. The rootstock trunk is cleaned of dust with a damp cloth, at a distance of 7 cm from the ground, a T-shaped cut of the rootstock bark is carefully made with a sharp knife, trying not to touch the wood. The length of the horizontal incision is 1 cm, the vertical one is 2-2.5 cm. The edges of the bark are folded back with a knife, an “eye” is inserted into the incision, holding it by the petiole of the leaf located next to the kidney. At a distance of about 1.5 cm from the kidney, two horizontal notches are made on the bark, after which an oval of the cortex with a kidney between these notches is cut off. When cutting the “eye”, one bark should be captured, and the area under the kidney should be cut off with a piece of wood (with a shield).

An oval section with a kidney is covered with the edges of the rootstock bark, providing close contact and rapid fusion. The grafting site is wrapped with electrical tape so that only the bud and petiole of the leaf remain free, then covered with polyethylene to create a mini-greenhouse. If after a while the petiole turns black, then the vaccination was unsuccessful. A yellowed or fallen petiole testifies to an accustomed kidney. With successful vaccination, the tape is weakened, and later removed completely.

When a sprout emerges from the bud, you can begin to air the grafted plant more often. When a shoot grows from a bud, the stem of the stock is cut obliquely slightly above the base of the shoot. The cut is treated with garden pitch.

In order for the young shoot to stretch upward, it is tied to a stick installed nearby.

The video below will tell you more about how to plant a tangerine:

Care: how to care for a tangerine

A grafted tangerine should be cared for daily and very carefully. This is necessary in order for the young citrus to quickly gain strength and develop. The main condition for its full development is bright lighting throughout the year. In the warm season, the tree is recommended to be taken out on Fresh air. In strong heat and sunshine, create shading. Provide protection from wind and drafts. Watering should be plentiful and regular. On hot days, the crown should be sprayed with water at room temperature. It is useful to periodically wipe the citrus leaves with a damp cloth or cotton swab dipped in water.

When growing this crop, it is important to know how to care for mandarin in winter, because during this period the plant enters a state of rest and gains strength for future flowering and fruiting. The plant should overwinter at a temperature of 12-14 ° C. In cool conditions, flower buds are laid on mature buds. For wintering, a balcony, loggia or winter Garden. With a lack of light, artificial lighting is used so that the mandarin daylight hours last at least 12 hours. The number of waterings is reduced to 1 - 2 times a week. Monitor the drying of the earthen coma. The soil should be moderately moist, but not overdried. An excess of moisture will negatively affect the condition of the roots and the tree as a whole.

In the absence of a cool wintering, the mandarin lives no more than 4 years, gradually weakens and dies. The rest period lasts from November to February.

Landing: how to plant and transplant a tangerine

Every gardener who grows this crop should know how to properly transplant a tangerine, since the citrus root system is very sensitive, and careless transplantation is fraught with the death of the plant. Transplantation of a young mandarin, who has not reached the age of 3-4 years, is carried out annually. This work must be done in the spring, when the process of active plant growth begins. The tree is transplanted into a larger pot, 3-5 cm in diameter larger than the previous one. When transplanting, the transshipment method is used, trying to preserve the old earthen clod as much as possible so as not to damage root system. In no case should the roots be washed with the exception of their defeat.

Fertilizers for mandarin

A lot of nutrients are required for citrus during its growth and fruiting, so the tree is abundantly fed during the growing season (from March to October) 2-3 times a month, organic and mineral fertilizers for the tangerine. It is possible to combine crown spraying with foliar top dressing. It is enough to carry out such a procedure once a month. It is useful to use fertilizers containing copper, manganese, iron, boron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen. It should be borne in mind that this culture needs a large amount of nitrogen.

Also, once a month, citrus is watered with a solution iron sulphate. This procedure will serve as the prevention of chlorosis.

During the dormant period, top dressing is not necessary. In addition, it is impossible to feed a heavily shedding plant, since the cause of leaf fall does not always lie in insufficient nutrition of the tangerine, and an excess of fertilizers in the soil can aggravate the situation and lead to a burn of the root system and death of the tree.

The most obvious sign of excess fertilizer is the formation of a dry border around the edges of the leaves.

In some cases, the plant reacts negatively to new fertilizers. In this case, the soil is washed large quantity water, after which in the next month only foliar top dressing is used.

Growing mandarin

When growing mandarin, pruning plays an important role. In the first year of a tree's life, its "skeleton" is formed. When the side branches grow, the largest ones are selected from them, the rest are removed.

Pruning an older mandarin is necessary to speed up the onset of fruiting and give the crown a compact, beautiful shape. Best time for this - the beginning of February, that is, the end of the dormant period. The apical shoots are pinched at the tree so that the bush begins to branch, weak and thickening branches are removed. In summer, too long and fattening shoots are shortened.

Everything we send out into this world comes back. Creating a tangerine tree at home, a person will spend a lot of effort, especially growing a tangerine from seeds at home. The goal will be the opportunity to receive delicious fruits and give them to loved ones. At the same time, each fruit will contain one of the messages - harmony, balance, abundance, love. A person, together with a tree, cultivates the well-being of his family and the world around him. Good motivation!

Why tangerine brings good to the house

Also in ancient China the guest who came gave the owner two tangerines as a wish for well-being. No matter how valuable the main gift was, tangerines were always accepted with gratitude. But the departing guest was also presented with a couple of tangerines as hosts.

According to the theory of Feng Shui, in a prosperous home, everything matters and is responsible for the karma of the inhabitants. A tangerine tree in the southeast side of a clean home is a symbol of good luck in business, prosperity. It combines green color with orange, this combination symbolizes gold. And since the tree grows and is alive, it is a symbol of growing well-being. How to plant and grow home happiness with your own hands?

Technology of growing tangerine tree

For growing in room conditions Japanese Mandarin Unshiu or Satsuma will do. They grow in the south of Russia. Growing mandarin at home consists in obtaining a plant by grafting or growing by layering. They have almost no seeds. But a seedling can be obtained from any variety, and it is precisely an escape from a cultivated home tree that can be grafted.

The technology of how to grow a tangerine from a stone is simple. First, the seeds that were taken from the fruit should be soaked in a damp environment. If there are a lot of them, it doesn't matter. Not everyone sprouts, only the strong grow. The science of how to grow tangerines from seed is simple. Fertile loose soil is being prepared. In the conditions of the city, the purchased substrate "Rose" or "Biohumus" is suitable. The remaining soil mixtures contain peat and are not suitable for this crop. You can independently prepare the composition for growing seedlings and for young plants in the following proportions:

  • sod land - 2 parts;
  • river sand - 1 part;
  • humus or -1 part.

For adult plants, the content of garden soil is increased, fresh mullein is used instead of humus and a little clay is added.

All land is disinfected, including purchased, dishes also require thorough disinfection so as not to bring pests into young plantings.

Sow swollen seeds in a pot with a moist substrate, put in a warm, bright place, covering the bowl from moisture evaporation. At times, the surface of the soil is slightly moistened and waiting for the emergence of seedlings, which will be few.

If you need to grow decorative tree with small and tasteless fruits, further care consists in timely watering, creation and humidity. If it will be created cultivated plant with your own hands, you will need to leave a few plants, because it is not known whether the mandarin grafting will work at home. A video on how to perform this operation can be viewed on the page. Of the several experiments, one is sure to be successful.

The rootstock by this time should be two years old and as thick as a simple pencil. Sequence of vaccination operations.

  1. On the trunk of the stock, make a T-shaped incision in the bark, if budding is done, or a split, if the scion is a twig.
  2. The rootstock must be young and freshly cut to keep the cambium layer alive.
  3. By combining the living tissues of two plants, they are fixed and the resulting plant is covered from above to create a constant air humidity.
  4. A month later, the condition of the stock is checked and the weak plant is gradually accustomed to air, the fixing bandage is removed.
  5. After the grafting was successful, remove the remnants of the old stem of the seedling (during budding).

The whole procedure must be planned in advance. A sharp sterile instrument is conveniently at hand. Workplace clean. Vaccination is done only during the period of intensive sap flow, in April-May and September.

If such long-term grafting with your own hands seems too difficult, you can buy a ready-made grafted tree in the store.

Mandarin Care

young tree they begin to grow in a container with a diameter of 7-10 cm, increasing the volume of the pot every year during transshipment. You can not immediately plant in a large bowl, as the roots will turn sour and the plant will die. After 8 years, transplantation is done a year later. There are no difficulties in transplanting a tangerine tree at home in the first years of life. Later, they try to create such a container so that it is possible to open the bottom and partially replace the soil.

Top dressing is best used special, designed for citrus plants. At the same time, they fertilize at the beginning of summer, thereby achieving an improvement in the taste of tangerines. Fertilizer is applied only to moist soil. For trees that can no longer be transplanted, fertilizing watering is done every three weeks, including organic top dressing.

Watering a tangerine is a guarantee of his health. In summer, watering is done several times a day with warm settled water. In winter, you have to water up to three times a week, depending on the condition of the soil.

Tangerine lighting should be at least 12 hours a day, even during the winter months. Therefore, artificial lighting is welcome.

To increase humidity, frequent spraying with a fine spray is used, placing an aquarium nearby, or just containers with water. The plant must be bathed in the shower while it is small. A mandatory procedure will be to remove dust from the leaves that interferes with the absorption of solar energy.

The pests of the tangerine tree are the red spider mite, whitefly, and scale insect. You can get rid of them with the help of special preparations, but not by spraying, but by rubbing the composition of each leaf and particle of the trunk and branches. So that flies and other inhabitants do not start in the pot from frequent watering, the earth needs to be loosened more often and sometimes a weak solution of potassium permanganate is used when watering.

How to make citrus fruits bloom - video

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How to plant a tangerine?

Anyone who cultivates citrus at home, the question is of interest: how to plant a tangerine so that it quickly begins to bear fruit? Despite the fact that this fruit is exotic, it is not at all difficult to grow a tangerine from a stone at home, and after 3-4 years, subject to certain rules, you can get a good harvest.

Growing a tangerine tree is possible at home, if you follow the necessary care.

Soil preparation and planting seeds

First you need to prepare correct soil, since tangerines do not tolerate acidic soil. At the time of buying ready mixes you need to pay attention to the fact that they do not contain peat. The best option he will prepare the earth himself at home, for this you need to take 2 parts of humus, 2 parts of forest land and 1 part of sand.

Mandarin seeds can be obtained from a regular fruit.

Indoor tangerine can be propagated in several ways: cuttings, seeds, layering and grafting. But the simplest and most common way is propagation by seeds. In order to grow a tangerine from a stone, you need to buy well-ripened, soft fruits and select about a dozen large seeds from them. Then the seeds are placed in a small cloth or gauze bag, placed in a small container and periodically moistened with water so that the seeds swell and hatch.

After the seeds have swollen, you need to prepare the pot. Drainage is laid at the bottom of a small pot, which may consist of small pebbles, shards or nutshells. Then the container is filled with prepared soil and several seeds are planted to a depth of about 4 centimeters. Before germination, the pots should be kept in a warm place and monitor the soil moisture. After the appearance of the first 5 leaves, seedlings can be transplanted into large pots.

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Mandarin care at home

At the heart of caring for a tangerine tree is providing it with sufficient light and warmth. The temperature in the room where citrus grows must be maintained at least 20 ° C, since mandarin is a heat-loving plant and does not tolerate cold weather. The length of daylight hours must be at least 12 hours, otherwise it will be necessary to use special phytolamps that replace daylight.

Mandarin seedlings need to create their own microclimate so that it is sufficiently humid and warm.

Mandarin seedlings do not tolerate dry air and moist soil. Their leaves need to be constantly sprayed and wiped from dust. Watering is carried out with filtered or boiled water, the soil should always be slightly damp. AT winter time watering is slightly reduced, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out.

Another condition for the proper care of an exotic tree is pruning. In the first year of life, the skeleton of a tree is formed. When the side branches grow strongly, the strongest of them are selected, and the rest are simply removed. In older tangerines, pruning is carried out in order to form a well-groomed crown and faster fruiting. It is best to carry out the pruning procedure in early February, when the dormant period ends. For this purpose, the top shoots are pinched and old branches are removed. In the summer, you can shorten too long branches.

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Mandarin graft

Everyone wants to get delicious and tasty fruits from their citrus seedling as soon as possible. juicy fruits, and when tangerines ripen, then the joy of gardeners knows no bounds. In order to get a rich harvest of healthy fruits, a tangerine seedling must be grafted. It is better to carry out this procedure in April-May, when the movement of juice begins, but it can also be done in August, when the plant gains strength. For a rootstock (a plant that is grafted), seedlings of orange, lemon or grapefruit are most often chosen.

The cutting for grafting is taken from a healthy fruit-bearing tree, cutting it off from a one-year-old or two-year-old branch. All manipulations are carried out with a sharp disinfected instrument. Leaves and thorns are removed from the handle, leaving only the tangerine bud. For the rootstock, a pencil-thick plant with well-developed bark is selected. The trunk of the plant at a height of about 10 centimeters from the ground is carefully wiped with a wet cloth, and all dirt and dust is removed from it. Next, with a sharp knife, trying not to touch the wood, make an incision in the shape of the letter T on the bark, top part which is 2.5 cm, and the lower one is 1 cm. Then, with the tip of a knife, the bark is gently pushed aside and a stalk with a kidney is inserted into the resulting hole, after which it is covered with the edges of the bark, lubricated with garden pitch (a viscous mass of cow dung and greasy clay) and wrapped tape or a piece of cloth so that the kidney remains on the surface. The grafted plant is placed in a small greenhouse constructed from plastic bag or plastic bottle. Every day, the greenhouse must be opened and ventilated to prevent excess moisture.

In 2-3 weeks after appearance cuttings can be judged on the success of the grafting operation. If the grafted cutting turns black or dries out, it means that it has not taken root and the procedure must be repeated. If the stalk turns yellow, then this indicates a successful vaccination, the bandage can be loosened a little, and later removed completely. When a shoot begins to grow from the bud, the stem of the stock is cut obliquely 10 centimeters above the grafting site. The cut is treated with garden pitch, and the shoot is tied to a wooden support.

It is not difficult to vaccinate a mandarin grown from a stone at home. The main thing is to observe sanitary and agrotechnical rules so that the plant does not get sick. Grafted tangerines bloom profusely and for a long time, bring sweet and large fruits.

When is the right time to plant a tangerine

Vaccination is needed for tangerines planted from the stone. If you bought an already strengthened tree in a specialized store, the procedure is not needed.

Gardeners who have been growing citruses from the stone for a long time know when and how to plant a tangerine at home so that it actively bears fruit. The optimal months for the procedure are:

  • March;
  • April;
  • August.

Mandarin can be grafted in March, April, May and August

In spring, the plant wakes up, the active movement of juices inside the shoots begins, in August the plant is as strong and strong as possible. During these months, the mandarin will successfully tolerate the vaccination.

In autumn and winter, the plant is dormant. Vaccination during this period will not work, you can harm the tree.

The main methods of vaccination

As a scion, it is necessary to use a cutting with 2-3 buds from a fruiting mandarin tree. The procedure is recommended to be carried out immediately on 2-3 seedlings, because not all grafts successfully take root.

The grafting procedure is carried out on grown mandarin seedlings. The thickness of the rootstock shoot should be 5–7 mm. Usually biennial trees are used.

Vaccination of mandarin at home is carried out in the following ways:

  • in a split (the easiest way, suitable for beginner gardeners);
  • for the bark;
  • eyes (budding).

For the procedure to be successful, all manipulations must be carried out quickly and accurately. It is important to make even and neat cuts, make sure that the bark of the cuts of the cutting and the tree is in close contact with each other. Before carrying out agricultural work, hands and all tools must be washed with soap and water.

Before planting a tangerine, you need to prepare sharp knife, electrical tape and garden pitch. To prepare the pitch, take rosin in a ratio of 4: 2: 1, beeswax and animal fat (pork or beef). The components are boiled for 30 minutes, the mixture is allowed to cool, and then kneaded into a homogeneous mass.

cleft grafting

Any beginner can graft a mandarin into a split. You need to follow the sequence of actions:

  1. Cut a branch into a rootstock, split the stump to a depth of 5 cm.
  2. Make 2 oblique cuts 3-4 cm long on the handle, a wedge should form.
  3. Insert the wedge into the cut (split) on the rootstock so that the cuts fit snugly against each other on one side.
  4. Wrap the vaccination site insulating tape, the kidney should remain free.

Grafting for the bark

Grafting a mandarin by the bark so that it bears fruit is not difficult. On the rootstock, you need to cut a branch, make an incision in the bark 3 cm long on it. Move the edges of the bark aside and place the scion with an oblique cut inside so that the cambium of the scion and the rootstock are in contact.

On thick branches, 2-3 cuttings can be grafted, at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. The attached scion must be wrapped with electrical tape. After the procedure, the tree is also placed in a greenhouse and periodically ventilated.


Mandarin grafting with eyes, or budding - the most effective method. Work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Wipe the bottom of the rootstock trunk (10–12 cm from the soil surface) with damp gauze to remove a layer of earthen dust.
  2. From the cutting of the scion, carefully cut off the eye - a section of the bark with a kidney.
  3. On the rootstock bark with a disinfected knife, make an incision in the bark in the shape of the letter T with vertical stripe 1 cm, and horizontal - 2.5 cm.
  4. Move the wood to the rootstock with a knife blade, insert the eyelet inside, press it with bark.
  5. Lubricate the slices with var, wrap with tape so that the kidney remains open.
  6. Place the seedling in a greenhouse for two weeks and ventilate every day.

If the vaccination is successful, then after 10 days the grafted eye will turn yellow. The tape can be loosened, and removed completely after a week. When the kidney sprouts, the mandarin stem should be shortened with an oblique cut at a distance of 6–9 cm from the scion.

If the peephole has not taken root, it will begin to blacken or rot. It is necessary to remove the plant from the greenhouse, unwind the tape, remove the graft, process the cut of the bark with garden pitch.

Grafted Tree Care

The grafted tangerine needs to be provided proper care so that it bears abundant fruit in 2-3 years. The tree should grow in a warm, evenly lit room with an air humidity of more than 50%.

Proper care of a grafted tangerine includes the following:

  1. Watering. In summer, the plant is watered 2-3 times a week, in winter - 1 time per week. Use only settled or filtered water. To prevent diseases, once every 2 months the plant is watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Spraying. In summer, mandarin is sprayed with water from a spray bottle every 2 days, in winter - once every 2 weeks.
  3. Top dressing. Specialized organic fertilizers for citrus trees make in spring and summer, 2-3 times a month.
  4. Transfer. Young plants (up to 4 years old) are transplanted every year, adults - every 2 years. Transplantation is carried out in the spring.
  5. Pruning. Unnecessary and damaged branches are pruned so that the tangerine bears fruit better. Periodically shorten the trunk. Pruning is also carried out to form a beautiful crown.

In winter, plants need to provide rest. Otherwise, you should not expect much fruit from him. In addition to reducing the intensity of watering and fertilizing, the temperature in the room is reduced to 15 ° C.