Orchid - home care. Indoor orchid: care and reproduction. How to care for a room orchid

Orchids belong to the Orchid family - the largest of the monocotyledonous families, which includes almost a tenth of all the world's plants. This family is quite old, since the first representatives were found in the layers of the Late Cretaceous era. Orchids have not been found only in Antarctica, but they grow everywhere, where there are conditions necessary for their habitation. Most species prefer the tropics.

The word orchis, which gave the name to the flower, is translated from Greek as an egg. The famous representative of the Orchid family - Vanilla planifolia The pods of which give the aromatic spice vanilla.

Most of the species are epiphytes. Orchids lack the main acquisition of flowering plants - a double fertilization process. Some species can grow up to two meters, while others are dwarf.

The orchid lifestyle is quite peculiar. Many tropical species live in trees that support them and help them fight for light. Others have chosen steep cliffs, launching roots into cracks and crevices - the remains of plants and water accumulate there. There are also underground representatives of the family who never see the sun, and their flowers are pollinated by underground insects.

The beauty of orchids has long haunted people. She was associated with vice and shrouded in the mystery of many legends. Even today, superstitions are alive that somewhere in the tropical jungle, predatory orchids grow, feeding not only on animals, but also attacking the human race. In reality, predatory flowers exist, but they feed on midges and small spiders caught in their flowers.

It is widely believed that orchids are very finicky and capricious at home. This is partly true, because the flower needs enough high humidity air and does not tolerate dryness and dust. Even two or three spraying increases the humidity level only temporarily. It is optimal to grow these exquisite beauties in indoor greenhouses.

If you adhere to the general requirements for care, almost all species can be grown at home and achieved flowering without much difficulty. The main thing is not to forget that it is very important for a plant to observe a dormant period.


An orchid should be determined for a place of residence on a sunny window or in a special aquarium, remembering the love of humid warm air. If the average daily temperature long time keeps at around 15-16 degrees, this can cause untimely formation of flowers. Orchids are bred in containers made of clay or plastic, where there are several bottom holes, and preferably wall holes. While the plant is young and not yet matured, it is better to remove the peduncle.


Orchids do well under fluorescent light. The lamp should be placed at a distance of 30 centimeters from the flower and the "solar" procedure should be carried out for about 12 hours. The sufficiency of light is determined in a practical way. If the plant has shortened internodes, and the leaves are strongly lowered or extended upwards, there is an excess of light rays. Small leaves, long and thin internodes are a disadvantage. The aquarium with flowers can be located in a warm, albeit dimly lit place.


Orchids can be divided into three groups: heat-loving, medium-temperature and cold-loving. Depending on the type of orchid, it is necessary to select the right optimal temperature for a flower.

Heat-loving orchids prefer temperature regime within: in the daytime - 15-32 degrees, at night - 15-18 degrees. Medium-temperature orchids thrive at a temperature of 18-22 degrees during the day and 12-15 degrees at night. Cold-loving orchids need a temperature of 22 degrees during the day and 12-15 degrees at night.

Important! Almost all types of orchids will grow well at average temperatures of 18-27 degrees during the day and 13-24 degrees at night.


Water the orchid flower with boiled, settled water, spraying is carried out with melted or distilled water - hard water leaves salt deposits on the leaves, forming a whitish bloom over time. Top dressing can be done while watering.

Air humidity

Orchids love high level humidity, and in hot summer or in rooms where there is a centralized winter heating, two or three spraying will be of little use. Orchids should be moistened from time to time for hygiene reasons. The plant is not sprayed if it is located in the sun, and during flowering, the procedure is carried out so that moisture does not get on the flowers.

It is best to do spraying in the morning or in the afternoon. At night, this can be done only when the flower is located not on the veranda or balcony, but in the room. That is, there is no risk that the temperature at night will drop significantly.

Well-humidified air is the main and very important criterion for keeping orchids at home. It is possible to increase the air humidity by breeding plants in special aquariums, indoor greenhouses and greenhouses. Also, a nearby terrarium with water or a regular aquarium with fish will be excellent humidifiers. It is a good idea to place the orchid on a pallet with pebbles and water. Alternative option can become a cat's pot, then pebbles or stones will not be needed, they will be replaced by the lattice located there.


If you just bought an orchid from a store, then you don't need to repot it right away. The flower is able to grow in its substrate for two years. An orchid needs an immediate transplant if sphagnum moss was used as a substrate in the store before.

Orchids and Feng Shui

Orchid flowers are believed to distract from everyday problems and help find spiritual Zen. Orchids help to cope with depression and inspire creative people... Dark red orchids drive away laziness and apathy.

Proper care of orchids (video)

Orchid is a beautiful, but very capricious flower that requires increased attention from the owner. And this applies not only to the irrigation and lighting regime, but also to some other activities that will help ensure the health and long-term flowering of the culture.

This article details the basic steps of caring for orchids to grow beautiful flower even beginners could.

Flower adaptation after shop

This stage plays a very important role in the successful cultivation of the flower. The fact is that the orchid is very capricious in its location, and even a slight movement can lead to the flower dropping its buds or starting to fade.

That is why, immediately after the purchase, it is necessary to carry out some activities aimed at the quick adaptation of the plant in your home.


The very first condition that needs to be provided for a newly purchased orchid is quarantine. In other words, the flower pot is set apart from other indoor plants for two weeks.

It is important to consider that it is better not to expose the plant on a windowsill that is constantly illuminated by the sun. Direct sunlight will negatively affect adaptation, so it is better to choose places with sufficient lighting, but without direct exposure to the sun. For example, you can put a flower on a bedside table or in any other place located at some distance from the window.

For the quarantine period, it is undesirable to feed the plant, even if, along with the flower, you were advised to buy special fertilizers for it. Wait for the plant to fully adapt and only then apply top dressing. It is also undesirable to water the crop immediately. As a rule, in stores, flowers are provided with sufficient moisture in the substrate, so there is no need to water it at home. It is enough just to observe overground parts plants and roots in order to timely identify pests that could settle in the pot, and take measures to eliminate them.

After the completion of the two-week quarantine, the flower can be gradually accustomed to the sun and watered if the substrate begins to dry out and the pot becomes too light.


You should not immediately start transplanting an orchid purchased in a store. The substrate in which the flower was planted will contain useful substances necessary for development for two years.

Note: A transplant may be required only if the plant was not planted in a special substrate, but in sphagnum moss.

Regardless of whether you transplanted or not, it is not recommended to treat the flower with anti-stress drugs or pest control agents for prophylactic purposes. The plant has already undergone stress, and excessive processing can only aggravate its condition. If you leave the culture alone, it activates its defenses on its own and adapts to a new place faster.

How to care for an orchid at home

The orchid, as a resident of the tropics, is very demanding on the conditions for placement in the house. This applies not only special treatment watering and lighting, but also the location of the flower.

In order for your orchid to bloom for a long time and beautifully, not to get sick and not fade, it is necessary to provide it with optimal conditions close to natural. Let's consider each of the stages of home care in more detail so that you can provide your flower with a comfortable environment.

Choosing a place for a flower

The location of the plant directly affects the quality and duration of flowering. It is better to place a pot with a plant in a well-lit place, but without exposure to direct sunlight. Otherwise, the leaves may appear sunburn, and the culture itself will bloom less abundantly (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Options for placing a flower at home

In addition, it is advisable to choose one for her permanent place, since the orchid does not tolerate even the slightest movement and adapts for a long time, even if you moved it only half a meter.


Proper lighting plays a key role in growing. If there is enough light, the flower will regularly be covered with buds, and if there is a lack of light, the leaves of the plant will gradually fade and turn yellow.

To provide the orchid with optimal conditions, you need to take into account several important nuances:

  1. The light should be diffused, as direct sunlight can cause leaf burns.
  2. In summer, the flower must be shaded with a matte film or a piece of plastic. In the fall, shading can be stopped as the light intensity decreases at this time of the year.
  3. Daylight hours play an important role. Its duration should be 12 hours, therefore, if the duration of illumination is shorter, it is necessary to provide the flower with a source artificial lighting.


Orchids are divided into several types depending on the temperature requirements. So, thermophilic varieties, which are naturally found in tropical forests, need a temperature of + 15 + 32 degrees during the day, and + 15 + 18 degrees at night. These varieties include Dendrobium and Phalaenopsis.

Medium-temperature species require a different temperature regime: during the day no more than +22, and at night - from +12 to +15 degrees, since in natural conditions such varieties are found in the tropical mountains (for example, Miltonia and Odontoglossum).

There are also cold-loving species that grow in tropical highlands (Australian dendrobiums, laelias and most varieties of papiopedilums). In summer, the daytime temperature for such varieties should not exceed +22 degrees, and at night - + 12 + 15 degrees.

Proper watering

Orchids also have specific watering requirements. It is worth noting that all varieties, without exception, tolerate slight drying out of the soil better than waterlogging. It is this nuance that should be guided by when watering a flower (Figure 2).

Note: Active watering is required only during the rapid growth of the flower, during the period of ejection of peduncles and during flowering.

Determining if you are watering the plant properly is easy enough by its appearance. So, if there is not enough water, the leaves and pseudobulbs will wither and shrivel. If there is too much water, root decay will begin, and the leaves will begin to turn yellow.

Figure 2. Proper watering indoor plant

Watering can be completely stopped in winter when there is little light and the temperature is low enough. In addition, the intensity of watering can be reduced immediately after flowering and during the vegetative rest of the plant.

Irrigation technology itself plays an important role. It can be done in two ways: put the pot in a container of warm water for 10-15 minutes or water the plants from the shower. In the latter case, the soil will be completely moistened, and excess water will begin to come out through the drainage holes. After watering, it is advisable to put the culture on the grate for a short time and let the water drain, and only after that it can be transferred to a permanent place.

Pot selection

An orchid pot must have drainage holes through which excess moisture will come out. In addition, it is advisable to choose containers made of transparent plastic: this will make it easier for you to assess the condition of the roots and the degree of moisture in the substrate.

It is better not to use ceramic pots, as the roots of the plant quickly grow to its inner surface... But, if you are confused by the unattractive appearance transparent plastic pot, you can additionally put it in a larger glass or ceramic container.

Top dressing and fertilizers

It is important that feeding is needed only during active growth. It is important to use only special fertilizers, since the plant does not tolerate the high concentration of mineral salts in the substrate. That is why it is important to alternate feeding and watering, carry out each of the stages of care in a week.

During the rest period and in winter, fertilizers do not need to be applied. It is also not recommended to use preparations intended for other flower crops.

Orchid bloom

The main value of the orchid is its unusual flowering. However, it should be borne in mind that at this time the plant requires increased attention.

First of all, it is necessary to provide the culture with enhanced watering. It is best to water the flower under a warm shower, and after watering it is necessary to allow excess moisture to drain so that the root system does not start to rot.

In addition, during flowering, it is recommended to increase the night temperature by 5 degrees, and also to ensure required amount nutrients by making special dressings. It is not recommended to rearrange the plant during flowering, as this stress can cause the buds to fall off.

Post-flowering care

Care after flowering is also considered to be no less important. When the flowering is over, you need to wait until the peduncle dries up and turns black, and cut it to the very base (Figure 3).

After that, you need to stop feeding and reduce watering. In winter, watering is carried out only once a month, but the plant is sprayed with water approximately every week.

Figure 3. Pruning a plant after flowering

In addition, after flowering, you can start transplanting, but only if the pot has become too small, or more than two years have passed since the previous transplant.

Diseases and pests of orchids

In most cases, diseases and pests affect the orchid due to improper care. For example, if the leaves have become flabby, it is quite possible that rot has developed on the roots due to waterlogging of the substrate. In this case, you need to reduce watering, and if the problem is too serious, transplant the plant into a new substrate.

If the plant is covered with small cobwebs, it is quite possible that it settled on spider mite... Also, sometimes you can see aphid colonies or characteristic growths on the leaves (scale insects). In this case, the flower must be washed with soapy water and treated with special insecticides.

Flower protection

In order to prevent damage by diseases and pests, you must strictly follow the basic rules for caring for the plant, since it is improper watering, lighting and temperature that can cause the development of diseases.

When transplanting a flower, you need to buy a special substrate, and when preparing a mixture at home, carefully boil and dry the main components in order to destroy the larvae of pests.

Flower propagation

There are several ways to reproduce a flower, and most of them are quite simple and quite suitable for home use (Figure 4).

Among the common breeding methods, there are:

  1. Stem offspring (children): using small side shoots, a new plant can be successfully hatched. If you notice children in your culture, spray the plant more often and wait for the roots to form. After that, the new plants can be separated and transplanted into a container with a substrate.
  2. Layers: this method only suitable for certain varieties with long shoots. The cuttings are simply placed in another pot with wet moss, without separating from the mother plant, and covered plastic bottle or glass jar... When the cuttings take root, they must be carefully separated from the mother plant and kept under cover for some time until the plant is completely rooted.
  3. Vegetative method, or dividing the bush best used when transplanting an adult plant. To do this, simply divide the bush into several parts and plant it in separate pots.

Figure 4. The main methods of plant propagation

They also practice the method of growing orchids from seeds, but this method is too complicated and requires sterility, so it is not used at home.

Winter orchid care at home

In general, orchid care is not overly difficult. Despite the fact that the flower requires a special substrate, fertilizing and watering technology, these activities do not need to be carried out often. The main thing is to choose a suitable place to place the flower and work out a care schedule. In this case, the orchid will regularly delight you with abundant flowering.

In winter, watering and feeding the orchid is not necessary, since at this time a period of vegetative dormancy begins, and an excess of moisture and fertilizers can cause the death of the plant.

You will find more information on caring for orchids at home in the video.

Many lovers of growing beautiful flowers at home, bringing home an orchid, wonder how to properly care for it? What is required for this?

First of all, you need to arrange a kind of quarantine for the plant. It needs to be put in a secluded place for two weeks, away from other home flowers. And the sun's rays should not fall on the plant, it should be in complete rest. At this time, the plant does not require additional fertilizing.

How is an orchid transplant done at home

If you have just brought an indoor flower home, then you do not need to transplant it. The plant will feel great in its own substrate for a couple of years. It is necessary to replant the plant only if it is in sphagnum moss.

Flower need remove carefully from the pot... During this operation, you must try not to damage root system... Sometimes you even have to cut the pot.

The roots are freed from the substrate, dried and rotten ones are removed. Then everything is washed clean running water... Orchid placed in new pot with a substrate, add soil, until the empty cavities between the roots are filled.

It is forbidden to cover the top of the flower, it must always be on the surface. The soil is moistened, the pot with the orchid is placed in a dark place and kept for several days.

Gardeners believe that the plant after transplanting is under stress, so it needs to be treated with special flower anti-stress » ... Orchids do not need this, she herself is successful copes with stress and easily adapts to new conditions, which is clearly seen in the photo.

It is not required to treat the orchid leaf with insect-killing drugs. Do not poison a plant that has just undergone a move.

What kind of lighting is required for an orchid

Looking at a photo of a colorful orchid, you always wonder how to create the right lighting for this plant at home. Indeed, its future flowering and growth largely depends on this.

In normal lighting, the flower will delight the eye beautiful flowers, and if there is not enough of it, the leaves will begin to acquire a light green color, begin to stretch, and begin to turn yellow.

To make the flower look like in the photo, need to create lighting, according to certain rules:

  1. Indoor orchid grows well in diffused light. Direct sunlight will cause negative impact on the orchid. This nuance must be taken into account when caring for an orchid at home.
  2. In the summer, it is advisable to put the plant in more dark place... This is especially true for a location where the hot rays of the sun hit the leaves.
  3. V autumn period indoor orchid does not require darkening. The amount of sunlight decreases, the shoots of the orchid begin to ripen. She begins to lay new flower shoots.
  4. For this plant, the duration of daylight hours is of great importance. It should last at least 12 hours. With a decrease in daylight hours to 10 hours, artificial lighting is required. For this purpose, you can use the fluorescent bulbs shown in the photo.

Varieties and differences of orchids

It is known three kinds heat-loving orchids, which require a certain temperature regime. These include the following names:

  • Dendrobiums.
  • Phalaenopsis.
  • Cutley.

Since these plants are native to tropical forests, they must be kept at a temperature of no more than 32 degrees. The temperature should not drop below 18 degrees at night. The temperature drop per day should not exceed five degrees.

Medium temperature orchids

The plant is divided into several types, the name of which is:

  1. Miltonia.
  2. Odontoglossums.

Houses must be created for such an orchid cooler mode... In summer, the daytime temperature should not exceed 22 degrees, on winter nights the temperature can fluctuate in the range of 12-15 degrees.

Cold-loving species

Such orchids are found in subtropical climates, grow in the highlands and have the following names:

  • Dendrobiums.
  • Lelia.
  • Paphiopedilums.

The plant grows well in summer at a temperature of 22 degrees, and in winter no more than 15 degrees. Almost any kind of orchid, grows well at home when the daytime temperature does not exceed 27 degrees, and the nighttime temperature does not exceed 24 degrees.

How to water orchids at home

In order for the plant to develop well and delight the eye with beautiful flowers, as in the photo, it is very important to water it correctly. In natural natural conditions, orchids do not grow in water, they cannot tolerate stagnant moisture for a long time.

Therefore, it is necessary to water the orchid at home in the same way as in the real conditions of its residence. For example, the Phalaenopsis flower loves a slightly moist substrate, but for Oncidium it must be completely dry. In other words, for each type of orchid certain watering is required.

In addition, the intensity of watering depends on other factors:

  • temperature;
  • humidity;
  • lighting;
  • dimensions of the pot;
  • the composition of the substrate;
  • seasonal vegetation.

Since orchids are epiphytic plants, they are able to withstand a little overdrying of the soil.

However, if the orchids stop watering, they start to fade quickly, the leaves become wrinkled and unsightly. If there is an excess of moisture, the roots will begin to rot, the perimeter of the sheet will be covered yellow... This is very clearly seen in the presented photo.

Orchid needs pour soft water... The most suitable is considered to be well settled in the summer, rainwater. In winter, you can organize watering with melt water.

If you water a flower with tap water, then it is necessary boil beforehand... The water temperature should be three degrees higher than room temperature.

In the summer, watering is carried out several times a week, but no more than three. And only when it starts to dry out upper layer substrate.

In winter, it is enough to water the plant a couple of times a week, when the pseudobulb begins to wrinkle.

If a flower grows in a pot, it is watered from above, if in baskets, then they are simply dipped in water for five minutes. Excess water must drain completely, it must not stagnate.

Required fertilizers

You need to feed the plant only when it grows. Fertilizer should be applied once a month. The most suitable are:

  1. Greenworld.
  2. Pocon.
  3. Bona Forte.

It is very important to add fertilizer according to the proportions indicated on the package. The plant does not tolerate large accumulations of mineral salts in the soil. The orchid may just wither.

That is why the substrate, before adding fertilizer, needs Rinse clean water ... Flushing and feeding should be alternated every week.

Fertilizers intended for other types of flowers are not suitable for an orchid. You do not need to feed the plant in winter time and when it is at rest.

How does orchid propagation

Reproduction by "Children"... By "babies" is meant small new plants from which new orchid species can emerge. These side shoots most often appear in plants with a high nitrogen concentration.

When "children" appear, it is advisable to spray the orchid more often. After the "kids" have grown up and given roots, they can be separated, processed charcoal and put in a separate pot.

Reproduction type by layering... For reproduction, layers are used, which are found only in sympodial flowers. To work, you will need to create a small greenhouse located directly above the bent part of the stem. Then you need to moisten the moss and wait until the sleeping bud begins to awaken.

If the shoot does not have foliage, it is located horizontally in the greenhouse, it must be constantly heated, and regularly moistened. After about 30 days, the dormant kidneys will wake up. Young plants will appear green leaf and roots.

When the small plants are well established, they are carefully separated from the main shoot, processed and planted in a small pot. You don't need to remove the plant from the greenhouse right away. Let it stand there for a few days.

Vegetative propagation method

It is suitable for any kind of orchid. The roots of the flower are simply divided into several parts, each of which has two pseudobulbs. Only large orchids can be propagated using this method.

The flower is removed from the pot. The roots are carefully removed from the soil. Rhizome cut into several pieces, on which a few bulbens remain.

The cut is sprinkled with charcoal. The planting of each fragment is done separately. New flowers need to be watered lightly and sprayed daily until the plant sprouts and leaves appear. This will be further proof that the orchid has begun to grow.

Caring for an orchid at home after flowering

When the indoor flower is at rest, you do not need to water it. It is enough to monitor its condition, the color of the leaves and other parts. It will be nice to take a photo of the flower at this time, so that later you can compare its new state with the old one.

Such a kind of quarantine is necessary to detect flower pests, and further fight against them. Two weeks will pass and the orchid can be put on the window, it should get used to the sun. You can start to lightly water the plant.

The field of the end of flowering, when the peduncle has completely dried and turned black, its cut under the base and removed. When flowering is complete, much less feeding is done. In winter, orchids are watered once every 30 days, the plant is sprayed several times a month.

I must say that if you need to transplant a flower, then in order for it to bloom in the future and its leaves turn green, you need to put the pot in another place.

In the case when, after flowering, the leaves of the orchid began to wrinkle and turn yellow, the peduncle stopped completely, the pot also need to rearrange... It will begin to bloom again.

Let's summarize all of the above. If you properly care for orchids at home, you can always enjoy the view of these beautiful flowers at home.

Remember once and for all that an orchid is an epiphyte. Simply put, it lives on trees in natural conditions, it is for this reason that you cannot plant it in the ground, you will need a separate substrate. You can buy ready-made orchid substrate in stores, although you can make your own. To do this, you need dry pine bark, put it in a pot of water and boil, then dry it and leave it for two days. Boil again to kill all bacteria and microorganisms. Next, cut the bark into several small pieces, about 2 centimeters each. Add powdered sphagnum moss, this completes the preparation.

Then you need to choose a pot for an orchid, keep in mind that a transparent or white translucent pot is better, because it does not lend itself to heating by the sun's rays, even the roots of the plant will not heat up. A plastic pot is much preferable, since in a clay pot the flowers quickly take root against the porous walls, and this threatens injuries during transplantation. Choose a pot with holes, as orchids need excellent ventilation. It is also good because the water will not stagnate for too long.

Next, you need to simplify the care of the orchid, it's easy to do - put the drainage on the bottom of the pot, which is needed to move the liquid. You can use pieces of styrofoam about one centimeter in size for drainage. The layer should not be too small or too large, it should occupy about 20% of the pot's volume. Then lay the orchid growing medium, and lay the orchid directly. Be careful not to press on the roots of the plant in any way. When you have laid out the plant, you can cover the rest of the pot with substrate.

Since the orchid grows in the room, it does not really tolerate warm air and high temperatures, so you need to take care of airing the room with the plant. In the form of soil for orchids, you can use prepared soil with sand for flowers. Although the special soil used to grow this plant is much more convenient, you can buy it at the hardware store. As drainage system both foam and stone are suitable, but they must have small size- 1 centimeter. Also note that you cannot transplant the plant too often, this is done once every three years.

How to transplant an orchid correctly

It is necessary to change the earth only when the crust collapses and the earth becomes denser. As a rule, the substrate becomes unusable in 3 years, therefore, it must be changed with such frequency. You can use substrates from hardware stores, it is called "orchid substrate". Since plants grow faster in spring and absorb nutrients more easily, it is better to transplant at this time of the year. The plant is in any case undergoing severe stress, but if transplanted in autumn or winter, it may not withstand stress and die. You cannot transplant when the plant is blooming, otherwise it will end instantly.

As mentioned earlier, transparent pots made of plastic are ideal for orchids. The fact is that the photosynthesis of roots in an orchid is exactly the same as that of leaves, therefore sunlight must go to the roots. During transplantation, they get rid of empty and dry roots along with the worn out substrate. They carefully get rid of dead roots that have reached the walls of the pot, in order to carry out the procedure, you need to water the plant 50 minutes before transplanting so that the roots and substrate receive a sufficient amount of liquid. This makes it easier for the roots to move away from the walls of the pot. Pieces of bark will also remain there, you can not get rid of them, even if the roots are pressed against them.

To improve the rooting and growth of the plant, you need to water the orchid for several months, as a rule, two months of watering are enough. Add Zircon to the water, about 3 drops per 200 milliliters of water. After transplanting, in any case, flowering will be delayed for a couple of months, but in rare cases, after transplanting, the plant immediately begins flowering. It is not entirely clear how stress will affect the health of an orchid.

How to water an orchid

There are so many to consider important nuance like watering a plant. It is from watering that the flowering rate and the orchid plant will depend. They bloom easily, but you need to control the development and do everything possible so that during the growth period the plant obtains all the necessary substances. First of all, you need to take care of enough water. As soon as the growing season is over, you can reduce the amount of watering the plant.

How to determine the frequency of watering? It depends on the composition of the substrate, room temperature and the amount of incoming light. It should be borne in mind that it is better to underfill the orchid than to pour it over. Since the orchid is classified as an epiphytic plant, it copes without problems with a temporary decrease in moisture in the soil. You need to pour water into the plant carefully, the water should be soft so that there are no coarse salts in it. Boiled water at room temperature or rainwater is suitable for this. The water temperature should be 2 degrees higher than the room temperature. Please note that the top layer of the substrate should not be too dry, remember that the season affects the amount of moisture in the substrate. The plant needs more water during the summer season.

Watering the plant should be started from above if it is planted in pots. If the plant is in a basket, immerse it in water for a few minutes, then let the water drain and put it back. Water the plant in the summer three times a week, then wait until the outer layer of moss is completely dry and let it rest for one day. During the winter season, the plant lives in conditions of low moisture, but you will immediately know when to water the plant, as there is a slight shrinkage. It is also necessary to take into account the living conditions of the orchid, often the method of watering depends on different circumstances, for example, on the temperature level, the amount fresh air, the volume of the pot, the drying out of pine bark and sphagnum, and so on. Orchids cannot live in conditions of increased moisture, therefore they cannot withstand stagnant water. It is preferable to water the plant in the morning, it is undesirable to water the orchid on cold, hot or cloudy days.

How to choose a substrate for an orchid

For any orchid, the ideal substrate is pine bark, but initially it needs to be boiled and chopped so that it is divided into small pieces of 2 centimeters in size. Then clean the bark from dust, and divide it into two parts, one with small and the other with large particles. Bark from dry pines is preferable, but you need to immediately throw out the resinous or rotten pieces. You can cook the bark directly after grinding, but this will require boiled or rain water. It takes about an hour to cook the bark.

Then drain the water and cool the pine bark, pour it on a baking sheet in a thin layer. This is convenient in that it immediately cools and dries up, because the bark should not be wet. Then you can add a small part of sphagnum moss, about 20% of the amount of bark. But carefully read the moss, it is quite possible that there are microorganisms in it. Then cut into 3 cm pieces. If you have a terrestrial orchid, add more moss, about 60%. Also, to improve the effect, you will need red peat and lime chips.

Proper lighting and temperature conditions for petunias
It is preferable to care for the orchid in the west or east window. But you can do this in the room itself under a fluorescent lamp, which illuminates the plant with white light. A lamp with useful substances is also suitable for care. More light is needed in autumn and winter, while daylight hours take about 14-15 hours. Best temperature for a plant in summer about +25 degrees Celsius, and in winter +18 degrees. To make it grow faster, you need to change the temperature from time to time, for example, decrease it by three degrees at night, and increase it during the day. You need to spray the leaves of the plant at least three times a day, preferably more.

The exotic beauty and sophistication of orchids amazes people even far from floriculture. Is it hard to tame tropical beauty, and how to care for an orchid so that it delights with both luscious greenery and luxurious inflorescences?

Many indoor floriculture lovers who have not previously grown these unusual plants, there may be a misconception about caring for an orchid as overly painstaking and time-consuming. But getting to know the flowers better, it turns out that keeping an orchid of one of the common types in the room is not so difficult.

How to care for an orchid at home, what conditions are required for an exotic culture in a pot?

Right organized care implies the creation of conditions close to natural. An orchid will preserve health and decorativeness for a long time if:

  • all the flower's needs for food, lighting and watering are taken into account and provided;
  • the plant is satisfied with the temperature and humidity conditions, the composition of the soil and the applied top dressing.

When choosing a flower for home cultivation it must be remembered that orchids have many varieties that differ and external appearance, and the conditions of natural growth, and needs.

Without disregarding this fact, it is possible to significantly simplify the care of orchids for beginners and for those who already know a lot about the maintenance of this culture of flower growers.

Most of the plants found in interiors are epiphytes that came from the tropics. They are easy to recognize by their juicy airy rhizomes, which not only provide the flower with moisture and nutrition, but also take part in the process of photosynthesis. There are orchids that are used to living on rocks, where the soil layer, like on trees, is extremely small.

For such plants, air humidity and looseness of the substrate are important. But soil species, in addition to the usual care of the orchid, also need nutrient soil.

Lighting features

In the tropics, where the vast majority come from indoor species, orchids grow in conditions of long daylight hours and moderately bright, diffused lighting. The same conditions are recreated in a situation when the orchid is looked after at home.

The optimal duration of daylight hours for actively growing and blooming orchids is 13-15 hours, practically not decreasing in winter. Therefore, additional lighting will not be superfluous when caring for an orchid.

You should not put the pots on the southern windows without pre-thought out shading. Bright sunlight can leave brown or yellow marks on the foliage, and the buds will completely fall off under direct hot rays. The best place Is the east or west side. On the northern windows, illumination will be required even in the summer.

If the place for the plant is chosen incorrectly, even with proper home care, the orchids, as in the photo, turn yellow, their leaves lose their elasticity, dry, flowering becomes rare or does not occur at all.

Moisture in the air: the key to successful home orchid care

High air humidity is extremely important for successful cultivation tropical plant. And if in the summer it is quite possible to reach the desired 60-70%, then in the winter the grower will have to try.

How to properly care for an orchid while working heating devices, mercilessly drying the air in the room? To maintain such air humidity, electric humidifiers and household products are used.

The container in which the flowers are grown can be placed on the moist moss placed in a shallow pan. If there is no sphagnum near at hand, which retains moisture for a long time, the same way use expanded clay. Plants feel best in a florarium or room greenhouse, separated from the rest of the room by plastic or glass.

When a florist in care uses foliar spraying, this should be done regularly and carefully, trying not to get on the flowers. It is highly undesirable to allow the orchid to cool down while it is still wet, as this will lead to the development of fungus on succulent leaves and aerial roots.

It is necessary to irrigate the flower in the morning with water at room temperature, until the foliage has dried out, the pot is protected in every possible way from cold air and drafts.

Watering when caring for an orchid in a pot

Studying information on how to care for an orchid at home, a novice florist should not ignore such a question as watering these natives of the tropics.

The appearance of a plant alone can tell a lot about its preferences and needs. Powerful aerial and underground rhizomes are designed to extract and store moisture. In addition, the flower can save a certain amount of nutrients and water in the leaves, which are noticeably thickened in some species.

All orchids are moisture-loving and require abundant watering, in which the soil clod or loose coarse-grained substrate poured into a pot is completely wet.

But how to care for an orchid at different times of the year? Does the frequency of watering change, and how do you know about the "thirst" of a flower in a mixture of bark, expanded clay, pieces of foam plastic and other materials that have little resemblance to traditional soil?

The watering schedule, like other orchid care procedures, must be adjusted when the season changes. In the warmer months, the potted orchid receives water more often than in the winter. But it is better to underfill the plant than to fill it.

Thick leaves and roots will help the orchid survive a short-term drought, but excess moisture, and especially its stagnation, is right step to root decay.

Tropical guests at home are planted in transparent plastic pots or containers with special slots. This makes it possible to monitor the state of the root system, the rhizomes themselves participate in photosynthesis and more easily consume nutrients and moisture. But how to care for an orchid in a pot of such an unusual design?

There are no peculiarities of caring for an orchid, except that you have to water the flower in a solid container from above, and it is convenient to immerse the pots with slots in prepared water for 4–6 minutes. During this time, the substrate will be saturated with moisture, and the excess will drain freely.

In summer, the substrate is moistened 2-3 times a week, when the surface of the soil is dry to the touch. In the cold season, the frequency of watering is sharply reduced.

The need for water is recognized by the rhizomes that have lost their elasticity, slightly wrinkled and drooping leaves. Healthy plant after moistening the soil, it quickly recovers.

But the sluggish foliage of regularly watered orchids should alert the grower. Perhaps the roots were once flooded and are now in need of reorganization.

Feeding indoor orchids

Like other indoor crops forced to grow in a limited amount of substrate, orchids need regular feeding. But you shouldn't fertilize these plants too often. Optimal if specialized liquid formulations applied no more than twice a month and only during the period of active growth and flowering.

The increased salt content in the soil negatively affects the condition of the plant. How to care for an orchid if traces of salinity appear on the surface of the filler in the pot? It is better not to fight this phenomenon, but to prevent its occurrence. Therefore, they alternate with rinsing the root system, for which the pot is immersed in warm soft water for several minutes.

If the fertilizing included in the care of the orchid is excessive, the flower tolerates temperature changes worse, and is also more often affected by pests and fungi.

Orchid care after flowering

The wilting of flowers on an orchid is a sure sign that the plant is preparing for a dormant period. It will not lose foliage, but there will be much less development and nutrition until the future appearance of buds. How to care for an orchid at this time?

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the peduncle left without bright corollas. As long as it keeps green color and juiciness, it is left.

In some cases, buds are re-formed on the same peduncle, and daughter plants, tiny rosettes, are also formed, which, when their own roots are formed, are cut and planted in a separate pot, in a loose substrate for orchids. But signs of wilting of the peduncle suggest that it is time to cut it out.

If the indoor orchid bloomed for a long time and abundantly, it is not correct to allow reappearance buds, as is the case on individual plant varieties. This will only further weaken the flower.

In order for the culture to quickly and well recuperate, after flowering, the care of the orchid includes feeding or transplanting a flower. However, the latter procedure can be stressful for the plant, since the roots not only tightly wrap around the substrate, but also penetrate the holes and go outside the pot.

A video about caring for an orchid at home will explain all the intricacies of handling an effective tropical flower... Subject to the simple rules, even for a beginner, the room collection will be replenished surprisingly a beautiful plant, which, feeling cared for, will respond with a long bright flowering.