Capricious orchid: how to properly care for a tropical beauty. How to care for orchids at home

It is difficult to believe, but orchids are not much younger than fern. They existed 130 million years ago. Perhaps no flower has increased in such a multitude of legends as orchid. In one of them it describes that beautiful Aphrodite, running through the forest, lost a shoe, and at this place there are no less beautiful orchid flower.

Another tells about the broken rainbow, from whose fragments have grown orchids.

For a long time, it was believed that their breeding is possible only in Orangers. Now lovers of houseplants proudly demonstrate the collections of orchids grown on window sills of urban apartments.

Orchid flower description


This is a seal on the stem containing a stock of water. It is almost on the root, it is from there that flower pains and leaves go. The form of the pseudobulb is spherical, ovoid and cylindrical.


Collected in the root rosette, dense, green, oblong, while quite broad.


Have a compiled shape using which they are embroidered to any plant.

Features of cultivation

For a long time, the orchid was considered difficult for dilution at home flower. Now the situation has changed. Orchid now quite home flower. For successful cultivation Sufficiently small experience and practical knowledge.

Orchid purchased in the store, it is not always necessary to transplant, but only in several cases:

  • the flower does not hold in a pot, reasons: the leaves grew on one side - it is necessary not just to transplant orchid, but take a pot or choose a heavy glass of glass;
  • if there was moss-sfagnum in the transport pot;
  • if another pot is cooked for orchids.
  • there is little soil in the capacitance, and the flower is swinging - to glue the substrate or transplanted orchid;
  • speed \u200b\u200bthrough the transparent walls of the problem with the roots - orchid should urgently remove, remove bad roots, sprinkle sections of coal sections and transplant; If there will be little healthy roots, the floweros will have to cut, otherwise the plant will die, the roots will not be able to fully provide it with power;

Methods landing

Orchid planted into a transparent pot, because her roots are involved in photosynthesis on a par with leaves. On the bottom there should be a lot of holes for the flow of water and the flow of extra. Orchid pot can be plastic or glass. Step-by-step instruction According to the planting method, it is shown below in the "Orchid Transfer" section.

Optimal time for landing

Best time For landing - Spring.

Soil for landing

For orchids, ordinary soil is not suitable: their roots are used to getting a lot of air, most of them grow on trees. It is better to buy a finished substrate for orchids. Then the plant is guaranteed normal air permeability. If there is no such possibility, you can mix a pine boron chopped into small pieces (pieces of approximately 1-2 cm) with garden earth.

Corre needs to be rejected for an hour. In the mixture add plowed charcoal.

In the process of plant care, there are three main components: light, watering, temperature.

Plant Location and Lighting

Right organized lighting - The key to successful breeding orchids. They need a lot of light, but it must be scattered, soft. In summer, sunlight is filtered using curtains or special filters sticking to the window.

In the fall, you can let the sun rays into the room: They will no longer be able to burn gentle flower leaves. In winter, it is not only necessary to remove everything that prevents natural lightingBut also add it artificial. Light day for orchids lasts up to 12 hours.

It is desirable that the orchids stood on the southern windowsill, especially from the fall in spring, but they feel good in southeast and southwestern, although there will be a problem of additional lighting. With good artificial light, some types of orchids feel comfortable on northern window sills. Orchids can be taken out on the street, but do not forget to diagnose and not put out on the draft.

Air humidity

Plants need high humidity. It is useful to regularly spray, increase moisture different ways, but only in the warm room. With cold content and high humidity in orchids can heat the roots. Under all conditions it is necessary to ensure the care of the leaves of orchids, thoroughly wiping them with a wet cloth and spraying.

With the cultivation of miniature orchids, the problem with humidity is simply solved. It is convenient to grow in aquarium. At the same time, the polyvku minimize: they will only enough moisture in the environment and its stock in pseudobulb.

To choose the temperature for orchids, you need to know that different types of plants prefer different temperature. You can allocate:


They need a high temperature that gives up in summer to 30-32 degrees and not lowering below 20. In winter, it is grown at 15-18 degrees, but the difference between day and night temperatures should not be more than 3-4 degrees. These orchids come from rainforest: mostly phalaenopsis, dendrobiuma, some varieties of cattle.

Growing at medium temperatures

In summer, they will arrange a temperature of 18-25 degrees, in winter 12-15. These orchids were once brought to Europe from the tropics, but from the mountains and foreguides, hence such low growth temperatures. These are miltonia and odontoglosums.

Cool temperature lovers

In summer, such orchids will successfully grow at a temperature of 18-22 degrees, and in winter it is enough to 10-13. They are from high spirits and areas of subtropics. Australian dendrobiuma, almost all pafioediliums.

But most orchid owners bought them in the store or received as a gift, again the donor acquired them, as a rule, in the nearest flower kiosk. They themselves and their ancestors were grown in Europe, most likely in Holland, and perfectly feel at a temperature of 20-27 degrees in summer and 15-18 in winter.

Orchids are sick of stuffy rooms: The room must regularly ventilate. But it is impossible to arrange drafts.

How to water

To organize the right irrigation, it is necessary to prevent well in what conditions orchids grew in nature. And closer to watering as close to natural:

  • all Orchids Plants - Epiphyts, so they can easily transfer a small break in watering, but it cannot be allowed to be allowed: the leaves will start wrinkling;
  • some orchids (phalaenopsis, cymbidium, pafioedulum) They love the substrate constantly slightly humid; Other (oncidium, dendrobium, cattleya) require that the soil is first kind;
  • water must be soft and warm; Ideally, rain or thareme preheating; water water can be boiled;
  • it is better not to water the plant from above, but to put directly in a pot into a thickness with water and leave for a few minutes, then take out, give water to the water.

Ideally fertilize orchid do not need. She is enough for the reserve of nutrients in the substrate. But then the flower should be relocated regularly every two years.

If there was no transplant, then it is better to make feeding. You can not take any fertilizers for colors. They require only special for orchids. It is necessary to strictly observe the proportions called in the instructions. Fertilizers are entered in a period of flowering once a week.

Trimming orchid

Orchids cut the flowerons after flowering.

Ways trimming

After the orchid is wondering on the main axis, you can cut a blossom, leaving up to 5 kidneys from a sheet outlet. Then the flowerons from the kidneys found themselves below cut, and flowering will continue. When the plant wonders finally, clip all the blooms.

Orchid transplant

The flower is transplanted once every two years to replenish nutrients in the substrate. If the pot has become small, then transplant more often. The plant transplant in the spring, but it can not be done if the orchid released the floweros. She may not bloom.

Methods of transplant

The transplant causes many questions from novice flowerflowers. Here it is necessary to follow a specific algorithm:

  • carefully sharp narrow knife to separate the walls of the pot and the root com (roots can doctors in the pot);
  • clear old soil and cut dead and rotten roots;
  • in a new kashpo pour a little soil;
  • install the plant in Kashpo, trying to be in the middle;
  • carefully straighten the roots, they are brittle;
  • first, we gradually fill the emptiness between the roots, then the entire pot to the very edge, while shaking it from time to time so that the substrate filled everything evenly;
  • on top of the soil slightly to strip with something flat, for example, a spoon;
  • after transplanting, orchid put in a warm place and begin to water little.

It is easy to propagate at home, if you have certain knowledge.

Methods of breeding

There are two main ways: seeds and vegetative reproduction. In reproduction, seeds can not receive a plant, the same with the parent.


This method is suitable if the plant is large. Then the rhizome itself during the transplant disintegrates into parts. It can be divided:

  • orchid get out of the tank and carefully clean the roots from the soil;
  • a knife, which is pre-disinfected on an open fire, divide the rhizome between pseudobulb;
  • sections are powered by coal;
  • flowers are planted in Cachepo according to the already described method.

Do it better in spring.

Reproduction of cuttings

Not all sorts like this can be divided, but some, for example, Wanda, can be.

The topping break is separated by a sterile knife, the location of the cut is dipped into the crushed coal and planted in a pot.

Breeding kids (sipped siblings)

Many flowers, such as phalaenopsis and dendrobium, give side shoots, kids. If such a babe was formed, it should be preserved, often spray and wait patiently when she gives roots. Then it is separated and planted into the container, sprinkled with coal cut.

The appearance of such a kid can provoke. This requires: high temperature indoor and nitrogen fertilizer.

Reproduction with gagging (pseudobulbami)

The pseudobulb is neatly separated and after treatment with coal, it is planted into the ground. Further care lies in watering.

Reproduction of seeds

Orchid seeds are very small, it is the main complexity of such reproduction. They enjoy only those who are engaged in selection. Seeds are placed in an artificial nutrient medium in sterile conditions so that mold fungi does not develop, and germinate for 3-9 months. Then planted in the substrate and waiting for another 2-3 years, until the plant can be transplanted. Flowers grown from orchid seeds only after 3-4 years.

The store buy blooming orchid. Therefore, before each owner is sharply two questions: is it possible to make it blooming for a long time and how to force her blossom again, if quickly poured.

When the orchid flowers blooms

They bloom, reaching the age of 1.5-2.5 years.

In order for orchid pleased with bloom, it is necessary to create certain conditions for it:

  • provide a long daylight, orchid should lay the desired number of kidneys and form a color scheme, this is a long process;
  • we necessarily need differences and night temperatures, during this period they can reach 5-7 degrees.

But if the orchid does not want to bloom, you can try to force her, arranged extreme conditions Contents:

  • to withstand it 15-20 days at a temperature of 15-17 degrees;
  • it is noticeable to reduce watering during this period.

In different types of orchids, the flowers differ significantly as a form and shades of color. But there is also a common: the bottom petal in shape resembles a lip, there are two cups on the sides of it, two side petals are tested above them, the top cup completes all this.

Orchid care during flowering

Orchid depending on the type and how much the kidneys was laid during the preparation for flowering, can bloom from 2 to 10 months. During this period, watering is doubled, the air temperature must be at least 20-25 degrees.

Orchid care after flowering

First of all, cutting a bloomon to give the opportunity to form a new one. Orchid can be filtered. When ordinary care is going.


  • anthracnose - manifests itself with brown stains with points on the leaves - treated with drugs containing copper;
  • fusariosis - on the leaves there are rotting stains, this happens due to excess moisture - transferred to a dry room and cease watering;
  • rust - Rust stains from the bottom of the leaf-treatment is not amenable to; The plant is destroyed so that others are infected;
  • black Rot - Sprouts and leaves die, the reason in too cold room is better to destroy the plant so as not to infect the rest.


  • aphid - a mixture of milk and water is destroyed in equal proportions;
  • soft-fat tick - the affected areas in the form of sockets are cut and sprinkled along the edge of the ashes;
  • cobed tick - thoroughly washed with soap all the plant, window and windowsill;
  • shield - live in highlights and tubercles, get rid of them with a soap foam;
  • tripses - Translucent bugs that live at the bottom of the sheet, the affected places are cut out.

If such methods do not help, then turn to chemical preparations And treated the plant according to the instructions.

Popular views (varieties)

  • Orchid Falenopsis- the view common in bedroom flowering, on sale a lot of hybrids, successfully growing in the house;
  • Orchid dendrobium Nobile - There are many varieties, they all bloom in spring, the most popular white orchid, such plants having pure white color, occur from Thailand;
  • Orchid Cumbrius- artificially derived plant, it blooms for a long time, grows well on the windowsill;
  • Orchid Ludiizia-thevention with very beautiful leaves, grows in the room only with very high humidity;
  • Orchid Miltonia-thest variety for breeding, but with very beautiful fragrant flowers, in shape similar to pansies;
  • Orchid Cymbidium- very large plants, are now brought miniature varieties that are so easy to care that they are offered to novice flowers;
  • Orchid Kattleia-Vid with spectacular wax flowers, whose hybrids are successfully growing in the rooms;
  • Orchid Vanda - successfully grows in rooms to a meter;
  • Oncidium - Flowers resemble butterflies, grows in the house, but with strict observance of the rules of care.
  • If there is a large window in the bathroom, then this is an optimal place for orchid.
  • Buy orchids are better in spring or summer.
  • If the flower gave air roots, they need to spray them.
  • After the orchid wonders, it must be rearranged on a new place.

Answers to readers

Each type has its own life expectancy. At home orchids live from 3 to 10 years.

Is it possible to keep this plant at home?

This flower will decorate any home.

Does this flower poow?

This house plant is not poisonous.

Why not blooms orchid?

Preparatory activities were not conducted.

Why yellow (dry) leaves?

The reason is most often in excess of moisture or in its disadvantage.

How does the wintering plant occur?

Wintering in a cool room with average temperature From 15 to 18 degrees and limited irrigation.

For the first time orchids, according to experts, 130 million years ago appeared, but in fact they arose in Japan and China about 3-4 thousand years ago. The plant then considered therapeutic, even confuction wrote about it. How to care for orchids you will learn from our article, all the main points, as it is multiplied, how to water, and much more further.

In Europe, the orchids fell not so long ago - about 200 years ago. By this time, the number of varieties was 30 thousand.

The occurrence is filled with different legends. According to one orchid, these are fragments of a broken rainbow. In another attached, it is said that the flower appeared where I left my Sanding of Aphrodite. The plant symbolizes revival and love.

Scientists brought home grade. It is worth saying that it is not easy to care for orchids. This requires special knowledge. But if you know how to properly care for orchids, she will delight you for a long time.

Proper lighting photo

To the plant grow well, it will take proper lighting. Choosing the light, follow the recommendations: the lighting should be scattered, orchids are afraid of the direct sun enter. If the light is as much as you need, the plant blooms regularly. If the lighting is not enough, the leaves become blond, stretch and yellow.

IN summer periodWhen there are a lot of light, the flower needs to be dialed. It is required that the leaves of orchids do not get burns, and the plant gradually got used to the abundance of light after the winter. As a blackout, you can use plastic or matte film.

At the autumn time, when light becomes less, the blackout is cleaned, orchid is alone, it grows shoots, kidneys are formed.

In addition to the brightness of the world, the duration of the day, which is 12 hours. If the day is shorter than 10 hours, the flower needs to create lighting artificially. For this, luminescent lamps will suit.

Temperature room room

Orchids are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Plants that love heat.

They came to us from rainforest. Among them are dendrobiuma, phalaenopsis, individual types of catley. These varieties need warmth year-round. Optimal indicator In the summer during the day - 15-32 degrees, in the winter at night - 15-18 degrees. Temperature fluctuation per day should not be more than 3-5 degrees.

  1. Plants that need average temperature.

This species grows in the middle belt of the tropical zone. These include Miltonia, as well as odontoglosums. They love the cool temperature - 18-22 degrees in the summer during the day and 12-15 degrees in winter at night.

  1. Plants that carry cold.

Grow on the highlands or in subtropics. Among them are Pafioedilyuma, Australian dendrobiuma, some Lelia. A suitable temperature for the orchids of this type is 22 degrees in the afternoon and 12-15 degrees at night in winter.

For many orchids, daytime temperatures in the range of 18-27 degrees are suitable, night - 13-24 degrees.

How to water orchid at home

So that the plant successfully grew, it is important to observe the conditions of watering. Many orchids in nature do not live in water and do not tolerate long moisture. To determine the correct irrigation, you need to know the type of plant. For example, pafioedulum, phalaenopsis, cymbididium, odontoglosum love so that the soil is always a slightly wet, but it should not be wet. Types such as dendrobium, oncidium, Cattleya prefer the earth to be dry before watering.

In addition, the humidity and temperature, lighting, the size of the capacity, the structure of the soil affects the abundance of irrigation. moon phase. Orchid can cope with briefly soil.

If you systematically watered the plant, the leaves of the orchids will be sluggish and wrinkled, the excessive watering threatens at the roots by reinforcing the roots, then the leaf around the perimeter will begin shirt.

Orchid loves soft water. Rainwater is suitable, which sat down, or exhausted water. You can boil and tap water. Water intended for watering should be 2-3 degrees warmer than air condition.

In the summer, the flower must be watering 2-3 times during the week if outer layer The soil will be dry. In winter, watering is obtained 1-2 times in 7 days, when the thickening similar to the bulb below the orchid stem is slightly wrinkled.

If the orchid is planted in a pot, watering is produced from above, blocks with plants, or baskets are placed on 3-5 minutes into water. In any case, it is necessary that the excess water of glass is not stuffed.


Fertilize during the growth of 1 time in 3 weeks. For this purpose, Pocon, Greenworld fertilizer, Bon Forte.

So that there are no concentration of minerals, during the feeding, alternate it with watering every 7-14 days.

Feeding for orchid can be bought in the store for the sale of colors. Do not use fertilizers for other plants, do not feed the fall and winter.

If you reset it once every 2 years, changing the substrate, it will not be necessary to fertilize it. Excessive feeding makes the plant weak, it begins to hurt.

How does orchid flowers?

Presented orchid hung rapidly? How to make it bloom again?

Buying a plant from a flower room, ask what age orchid. As a rule, the plant blooms at 1.5-2.5 years.

The first condition that affects the flowering plant is the duration of the daylight. For each flower there is its own indicator when the flowers are formed. Following this circumstance is a signal for the formation of kidney flowers in orchids. From laying a kidney before the appearance of a time color, there may be many, so you need to wait.

It also affects the difference between the air temperature in the night and daytime. The difference must be 5-7 degrees.

If you comply with the specified conditions, and the plant does not bloom, there are still some methods to force it to bloom:

  • reduce air temperature up to +16 degrees for two weeks;
  • reduce watering (changing the usual mode).

After she bloomed, she will delight eyes with amazing bloom 2-8 months. It depends on the type of orchid and the number of kidneys of colors. During the flowering period, watering should be increased by 2 times. As soon as Orchid wonders, remove the old buds and begin to feed the plant.

Collecting flowers

Flowering orchid photo

You are engaged in breeding orchids and have already become familiar with its specificity, then you can proceed with the reproduction of the kind on you like. This can only be done. Plant multiplied by division large view, with the help of top cuttings, side shoots, children, pseudobulb, as well as seeds.

How to transplant orchid phalaenopsis?

Faleenopsis varieties are negatively reacting to a transplant when the substrate is destroyed. It depends on the fact that during destruction occurs damage to the roots, which grow tightly enveloping the substrate, and so far be obtained and nutrition. Therefore, if the substrate still retains its composition and has not accumulated an excess of mineral salts, then it is better to transplant the plant in a pot of greater magnitude, not a touch substrate, and free space should be filled with a new soil. The method of transshipment of orchids is planted on the same level on which the plant was before the transplant.

The transplant is advisable to exercise after orchid flowed, namely in the summer or in the late spring.

Replancing the orchid varieties of phalaenopsis is needed then if:

  • the size of the old pot has become crashes for the plant;
  • live and dead orchid roots intertwined;
  • the substrate has accumulated excess mineral salts;
  • a pot with a flower cracked;
  • on the surface of the substrate, a raid was formed.

Transplant process

Carefully remove the plant from the old capacity. Try not to damage the roots of the flower (for this, probably you will need to cut the container). Free the roots of the orchid from the old soil, cut the dry and rotten roots with scissors. Carefully rinse the root system.

IN new pot Put the substrate. Lower the plant into the container and carefully pour fresh soil to all root cavities. Try to put a substrate with a flower growth point. He must be on top. Moisten the soil slightly and put a flower for several days in the shadow.


When trimming orchids, try not to damage the plant itself. Colorless stem You can crop at the base entirely or part of the top in the place where the flower was. All orchids have sleeping kidneys, based on the length of the flower, they can be up to 4 pieces. Sleeping kidneys can release a new bloomer or children.


As a rule, pests and diseases in the plant arise due to incorrect organized care. In the event that you are not once neglecting orchid rules, then the plant may be subject to various diseasesTo establish which you can by such characteristic symptoms:

  1. Leaves become flabs.

This can happen due to damage to the roots or, if not respected temperature mode.

  1. Cracks appear in the center of the sheet.

It occurs due to the rapid jump of temperature after the plant was poured, or due to the damage mechanically.

  1. On orchid, spots with cones, dark spots appear.

The reason is the sun liqueur.

  1. Leaves dry and rot.

This is a sign of the presence of pests - soft ticks that are inside the socket. To fight them, you need to use the means of acaricidal action.

  1. On the other side of the leaf there is a cob of silver color.

This is a symptom of a paouth tick. Flowers and plants are yellow, begin to rot. Fight with tick through the same acaricidal drugs.

  1. The plant does not grow, the color is meager.

The reason is nematodes who drink orchid juice spread on the reverse side of the leaves. To fight with them by non-namocidal drugs.

Orchids. Basic principles of proper video

We hope we were able to answer the question how to care for orchids at home. Follow these rules, and then your orchid will grow healthy, stay with our site We have a lot of interesting things about indoor plants!

Flowering orchid is a magical sight that can decorate any home, and most people buy them or receive a gift with already blurred flowers. However, you need to know what kind of orchids require special care during flowering. Consider its basic rules.

Proper care for orchid begins with a choice of a suitable place. The lighting there should be abundant, but scattered: the flower should not fall straight rays of the sun. In the summer, especially in sunny weather, it can be even stranded with the help of matte film or translucent plastic. This is especially important in the spring when the plant is just beginning to rebuild after short winter days.

But the soft autumn sun will not harm, but on the contrary, will give the plant to prepare for winter. Shading at this time can be removed. So that phalaenopsis at home can be abundantly and long-lasting, the light day should be at least 12 hours.

During the cold period of the year, take care of artificial lighting. A good choice will be luminescent or phytolampa. Especially important illumination, if the plant threw a blooming: sending the main light of the lamps on it, you can achieve the home orchid bloom in winter.

At the same time, the place should be permanent - frequent permutations, even small movements of the pot will become for orchids with stress and its flowering period can be reduced. A place is suitable near southern or southeastern windows.

Temperature mode

Different types of orchids are preferred by different temperatures. For heat-loving phalaenopsis and cattle years, the range of 15-32 ° C is suitable, in winter 15-18 ° C. An important rule: daily temperature drops for them should be no more than 3-5 ° C.

But the dendrobiums, Lelia, Venererians, shoes, and odontoglosums are more like a relative coolness. It is desirable for them that the maximum temperature in the summer in the house does not exceed 22 ° C, and in the winter I kept at 12-15 ° C.

It is desirable that during the flowering of orchids the temperature is maintained, optimal for this variety. Moreover, if you want to enjoy luxurious bloom, you need a difference between the day and night temperature in several degrees - it stimulates the tie of buds. However, such differences should not be sharp, otherwise the plant can get sick.

Regularity of watering

To care well for orchid, you need to observe the rules of watering. When and how to water these flowers?

The need for moisture in different species differs as well as the temperature requirements. Those who care for phalaenopsis know that these plants, like Venus of shoes, prefer a slightly wet soil; But the dendrobiums and oncidiums need watering only after the total soil drying. Faleenopsis orchid It is advisable to water particularly often when it blooms or throws the color pains, but it is important that the water is not stored - it can slow down the development of buds and even lead to the root boost.

In the question, how, you need to pay attention to that water room temperature And at the same time sufficiently soft. If conditions and ecology allow, you can use a melt or rainwater, if not - you need to boil it or even once again marvel over before irrigating.

It is possible to determine that homemade orchids want to "drink", it is possible to roots: hidden, they acquire a light gray shade - it means the flower is needed watering. If the roots are green - they are still wet. On average, it will take 3-4 watering per week, in winter 1-2.

In the care of orchids, two types of irrigation are allowed: the traditional top of the watering can or the soul so that water watering the soil from above (after that it is necessary to drain the flowing fluid from the pallet), or the bottom, when the pot with phalaenopsis put in a container with warm water for about 10 minutes .

It is possible to determine that the plant suffers from insufficient watering, it is possible on a wrinkled pseudobulb.

Air humidity

To properly care for the blooming orchid at home Important maintenance normal humidity air. Typically, blooming orchids have enough room conditions: the permissible indicator can vary from 40 to 70 percent. But if he falls below, the flowers can begin to be proposed, and the plant itself will stop growth. This is possible both in the summer in the heat and in winter when the batteries are overcame air. In this case, it is better to use the humidifier of the air, to put a wet clamzite near the flowers or simply open water container.

For some species, spraying of the leaf from the pulverizer is allowed, it is important only that the water does not get into the sinuses of the leaves - it is staring there and causes the platter. It is best that maximum moisture fell to the lower part of the sheet, where the Ustian is located, which absorb water. It is necessary to spray orchid in the afternoon, with good, but in no case is not direct lighting, otherwise a heavy burn of the plant is possible.

For high humidity Air, whether natural or artificial, you need to often air the room, otherwise the plant can hit the fungus.

Potting and Soil Requirements

Important conditions for the care of orchid phalaenopsis are a translucent pot and special soil. The pot must skip light, because orchids are not only the leaves, but also the roots are involved in photosynthesis. In addition, if the pot is not smooth, plastic, and rough (for example, ceramic), roots can grow to it, which traums them during transplantation.

The substrate for orchids can be purchased specialized or made independently from the moss of Sfagnum and the bark of coniferous trees. For adult plants (over three years old), a clean bark is perfect.

Transplantation Plants

The newly acquired plant needs an immediate transplant only if the supplier used pure sphagnum as the soil. If the substrate, as it should be, includes a bark, you can not disturb orchid and not increase its stress.

Average new transplant for domestic orchid It will be necessary after one and a half or two years, depending on the species, or in the case when the roots become clearly closely.

It is desirable to transplant these plants after flowering. After transplanting the substrate, in no case can not be rapble - it can damage the roots, besides, they need air. After the transplantation, orchid should not be watering within five days (during this time the roots will heal on the roots).

Fertilizer and subordinate

In this case, how to care for orchids, the question of the feeding is quite controversial. Some experts are confident that all the necessary useful substances can get a substrate from the substrate, you only need to change it at least once every two years. Others are confident that for flowering plants fertilizer is important, especially phosphorus and potassium.

In any case, the feeders are recommended only when plants are actively developing and blooming, and this is not more common than once every 2-3 weeks. At the same time, a special rule of orchid care is that after about a week after making fertilizer, the soil must be washed to remove non-discrete mineral salts from it. This can be done with the soul. When the water begins to drain into the pallet, it must be poured and put the pot on the drying grille.

If the orchid flowed and blooming began to push, it should be removed - this will help develop a new one. If he remains green, it is not worth cut - the buds can still form on it.

Video "Care for Orchid"

From this video you will learn how to care for the orchid phalaenopsis.

Now it is difficult to meet a person who would have heard anything about orchids. However, the room orchid is very different from his wild fellow. Some orchids are growing in the wild, in tropical latitudes, on trees whose trunks serve as a support. There are species growing on the rocks, while their roots germinate in the cracks between the stones, where the moisture and humus accumulates. But the most unusual species leading an underground lifestyle.

There are many legends and myths associated with the origin of orchid. For example, Maori tribes and Amazon Indians were sacred to her divine origin. For residents of South America, white orchid is a kind of insurance policy sent by the gods. And some people still believe that in dense thickets of the jungle there are predatory species that can absorb even a person. Before the human orchid still, of course, did not grow, but there are copies that feed on spiders and other insects attracted bright color or smell of flowers.

All about room fellows

The name of his flower received from the Greek word, in the translation of the "testicle". There are very capricious representatives of this family, but for the most part orchids are not particularly whimsical, they are easy to care for them, they are easily blooming at home.

In indoor conditions, orchid needs a fairly wet room. Flowers easily transfer the lack of moisture. Their roots are arranged so that they quickly absorb moisture and can save it for a long time. For orchids, developing in room conditions, is inherent in the presence of air roots. They are not removed, with their help, orchid catches moisture from the air.

Although the birthplace of orchids are the tropics, care for it is not too different from the care of other indoor plants. It does not require expensive fertilizers or special pots. But some features still should be taken into account. Orchids in roomms prefer accommodation on the eastern windows, as well as looking at northeast and northwest. If it is not possible to create such conditions to it, you can simply prevent, that is, create a shadow on the place where you plan to settle the flower.

Some placed orchids in the depths of the rooms, then the colors need additional lighting. Luminescent lamps can come to the rescue. During the development period, the room flower orchid requires a long day of day, about 12-15 hours. Straight sun rays on the plant should not fall. The light must be scattered. Otherwise, orchid will simply burn. In order to answer the question of how to care for room orchid, you should know the features during flowering. For a period of time, when the active growth of plants, winter and summer is going, the atmosphere around the plant should be wet. This will contribute to the regular spraying of the leaves. Also should be processed and air roots, if available. The flower should not stand on the draft, but at the same time the air circulation in the room should be good. Orchid B. favorable conditions May have a flowering period to six months. Optimal temperature Premises - 20-23 ° C.

Flowering room orchid

For orchids are characterized by a long and long floweringfor which it loves her. Plant flowers are dense and bloom can within a month, sometimes two. Flowerines have an even longer period of life. For proper care They can branch and bloom several times. The older the plant, the more dense, its flowers will be and the more the flowers will appear.

Are your favorite house flowers - Orchid? How to care for her so that it blooms? The flowering of orchid can begin at any time when the most favorable condition is. It all starts with the layout of the color kidney, which at first invisible. It becomes noticeable if the floweros begin to develop. The time period between the kidney stopping and directly increases can be sufficiently long. For the development of color kidneys in the flowers, it is necessary to comply with certain conditions depending on the variety of orchids:

Sharp cutting of watering;

Sharp reduction of the daylight.

But it should be noted that if the floweros has already gone into growth, then the reduction of the daylight will no longer affect this.

Flowering ending: what's next

Many concerns the question of how to care for room orchid after flowering. The first thing that is worth noting is not to hurry and cut the blooming, as soon as the flowers began to push. Yes, and after all the buds opled, you need to watch the flowers. If he does not dry out, then the likelihood of new buds appears on it. It is possible to crop it only if it starts to turn yellow and dry out. After circumcision remains a funeral of 2.5 centimeters. Live flowers are cut in order to adjust the form of orchid.

Orchid reproduction

Room plant Orchid is so beautiful that I want to have more. And sooner or later, the question arises about how the flower is multiplied and how to choose it correctly. Orchid room reproduction suggests in such types:

Often on the flower you can see "air kids". Most often they appear on the flowers. It should be waited for the moment when the process will acquire with its roots, and then rejected into the primer for independent growth. In this way, the dendrobium and phalaenopsis multiplies, when they are indoors with high temperature and sufficient humidity.

The reproduction of cuttings is suitable for phalaenopsis, Vandy, Askocentrum. The stem of such orchids has one top growth point. A cutlets can be a side escape. From the seamless color escape, you can also make a cutlery. The stem is cut into a cutlery up to 15 centimeters long, they fit into prepared soil, sand or moss. After that, the vessel is covered with a film. Each cutlets must have at least a few knots with stubby kidneys.

Like many housewood flowers, orchid can multiply by division. But this method is suitable only to a few representatives, for example, Katlee, Lelia, Dendrobium, Miltonia. They differ in that they have several growth points, each of which gives sprout. Suitable for division time is spring. During this period, the plant is better attached. For this, it is removed from the pot, cleaned from the substrate or washed under the tap with warm water. Purified rhizome is cut by a knife or a secateur so that at least a few pseudobulb remains on each piece. Slices are definitely poured with wood coal powder.

Diversity of Orchid species

Like many flowers of indoor, orchid has many species. Each variety of plants is unique. In leaving them, there are also some differences that you should know everyone who wants to enjoy the beauty of this flower. Room orchids species have such:

Katletya, the most popular representative found in homes. Color color can be raspberry, purple, pink, yellow. The diameter of flowers is large (11-15 centimeters). She needs good ventilation, the minimum air temperature is 15 ° and sufficient humidity.

- Wanda orchid is very beautiful, but a whimsical plant. It has long blossoms and large flowers on them. To bloom, she needs to provide very bright lighting and increased air humidity. It has pleasant aroma. Lower temperature threshold 14 °. The flowering period is autumn-winter.

Likasta has a large size, which is infrequently able to see on sale. Gives preference to the half. Temperature loves cool and moderate. Single flowers, very fragrant.

The dendrobium is very diverse in size. It has long fleshy stems. Colors from white to bright purple.

Miltonia has motley velvety flowers. Does not like drafts. Winter temperature - 12-15 °, summer no higher than 25 °.

Phalaenopsis in room conditions

The phalaenospis is also called butterfly orchids. This room orchid blooms twice a year. Duration of flowering from 2 months to six months. Flowers size different from 2 to 15 centimeters. The color is very diverse, there are views with streaks, specks and spotted. Room orchids Phalaenopsis bloom more often and more worst on southern windows, naturally prieved. It requires a solid watering once a week. Feelable phalaenopsis is needed several times a month, you can add directly to water when watering. This orchid variety does not have a rest period, it means to grow can constantly, even during flowering. In order for the flower blooming, you can intentionally slow down the growth process. IN spring period Put it in a cool place and reduce watering. The temperature difference in the room in day and night should not exceed 5 °. In the summer, at a temperature of 30-35 °, the orchid is intensively increasing the leaves, but does not bloom.

Watering methods

For fully healthy Plant Very important water quality. Room orchid prefers soft and moderately rigid water. It is possible to reduce the rigidity of water by boiling. It is worth noting that many orchids in room conditions die precisely because of overflow. For orchids, drying roots is a necessity. You can pour orchid in several ways.

Water watering. Thin jet, passing through the entire surface of the pot until the water becomes accumulating in the pallet. It must be merged from it. Morning watering is optimal for orchid, then the plant will have time to dry until the evening. Watering flower, you should avoid water from entering it. If it happened, this place is better to dry, for example, a napkin.

Pour dive. To do this, omit the flower into a container with water until it is saturated. It takes weeks 30. After it is necessary to give it a track and can be returned to the place.

Bathing orchid

Room flower Orchid loves to swim. You can implement this procedure several times a month. For this, the pot is placed in plastic bag And it is tied, and the flowers and leaves are under the messenger pressure of warm water. Leave the plant in the bathroom to dry it. Bathing a more useful procedure than spraying. It cleans the leaves from dust and microorganisms. We remember that during the time of the moisture, there should be a minimum. But, for example, the soil of phalaenopsis that does not have a period of "hibernation" should not strongly dispel.

"House" for orchid

The pot for orchids is not just a container, it is also a support. In indoor conditions, orchid feels good in a pot. Suitable plastic transparent pots for this. This allows you to observe the state of the roots, and in the case of phalaenopsis, this is a necessity, since its roots are involved in photosynthesis. Plastic contributes to longer preservation of moisture, salt on the walls does not accumulate. To prevent overflow, you can make additional side openings.

Clay "houses" are good in that they pass moisture and air. They are more cooled, which will like more frost-resistant orchids. Another advantage of the clay pot is his weight. The likelihood that the flower will fall under the weight of its own weight, is small. The disadvantages of this pot include the roughness of its inner walls. Orchid roots can grow to them, and subsequently there may be problems in transplantation.

Substrate not land

Room orchid, in contrast to the familiar colors, in the ground does not take root. Its roots need a lot of air. A substrate consists of components capable of providing a plant with sufficient air and moisture. One of the constituent substrate is the bark. On the territory of Russia most often this is the bark of pine. True, the bark of oak has a larger nutrient. Another component of the substrate should be moss. You can use not only alive, but also dried apart. It is necessary, first of all, as a means for the accumulation of moisture, besides, it is an excellent source of nutrients. He also absorbs the surplus of salt. However, it is necessary to replace it quite often if it was used alive.

Proper nutrition, lighting, air humidity and watering will become a pledge of healthy, beautiful plantwhich will delight you and your guests for a long time.

Room plant Orchid is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful copies in the collections of domestic flowerflowers. Far few of decorative cultures can boast such a variety of varieties. Orchids are about 40,000 them! If you master the secrets of cultivation of orchids, your windowsill round year Will look like an exotic greenhouse.

Description of indoor flower orchid

Orchids (Orchidaceae.) - The largest family of flowering plants. There are, according to various authors, from 17 to 30 thousand species. Orchids are distributed throughout ground Shar., Up to the Arctic latitude, however, most of them are residents of the tropics. Most species diversity - In Asia, on the O-Wah of the Malay Archipelago, New Guinea, in Central America and in the north of South. Growing mainly in mountainous areas, wet forests at an altitude of 1000-2500 m above sea level and above, less - in the plain forests. Separate bodies and species dwell in very dry conditions of Savann.

These plants are very diverse in their appearance, sizes, lifestyle. Check out the photo and description of orchids grown in home culture. Among them are terrestrial plants, lianas, epiphytes. Most of the species grown in the rooms are epiphylet or epiplit plants. They are equipped with air roots, which are covered with spongy cloth from the dead filled with air cells absorbed moisture from air and rainwater. Some orchids are green roots of green, contain chlorophyll and are capable of photosynthesis. Most epiphytic orchids stems thickened, beloved or swollen. They are called bulbs (pseudobulbum, tuberidiums). They spare moisture and nutrients during the rainy season, and this allows the plant to survive the coming, then a dry period, which is sometimes for about six months. In terrestrial orchids, reserves are deposited in rhizomes or in underground tubers.

As can be seen in the photo, at the room plant, the orchid leaves are usually dense, leathery, can also serve as pointed organs:

Of course, orchid flowers deserve a special description: they are built according to one scheme: 3 petal chielistics alternate with 3 petals. The middle of the petals, called the lip, is usually larger lateral, complex form, it is often cut on 3 blades and has a different color. The lip disk between the side blades is often equipped with a variety of outputs. 1 or 2 stamens who have grown with a pistil's column form the so-called column. The underdeveloped stamens are often converted in 1-2 fleshy stamped. At the top of the column there is a boot of 2, 4 or 8 sockets. Pollen in each nest gluits a lump, called polling. The pestle's stroke is located on the inside of the column under the boot and has a kind of glazed fifth. The fruit is a box with a huge number of very small seeds.

When describing the room plant orchid it is worth noting that due to the huge variety of forms and their adaptability to the most different conditions Habitat in culture. Different species behave differently. In relation to the temperature regime, all cultivated in greenhouses and orchid rooms can be divided into three groups:

  • species originating from plain or coastal wet rainforests (phalaenopsis, vandy, some types of cattles, dendrobiums) require a year-round uniform warm content;
  • species growing in medium belts of tropics (Lelia) prefer moderately warm content;
  • types living in highlands or in areas with subtropical climates need cool mode (many Australian dendrobiuma, most patiyoedylumov, cellin).

Orchid growing conditions: temperature and humidity

Almost all orchids in winter need a temperature of 3-4 ° C (or more) lower than in summer. Daily temperature fluctuations are also equally important: during the night the temperature should be 3-6 ° C below the day. Unlikely important condition For the cultivation of orchids - high relative air humidity. This factor plays a big role in the life of orchids than watering. Even the most xerophyte of them growing in extremely dry habitats, there are enough moisture in their homeland in the form of night fogs and morning grews. With the cultivation of orchids and the care of them at home, the plant is better to contain, especially in summer, in a specially equipped greenhouse, preferably with backlight, regularly spraying them in summer 2-3 times a day, in winter only on sunny days or at elevated indoor temperatures.

Excessive humidity at low temperatures in winter, as well as in the summer night, is dangerous, as it can cause the appearance of spots on the leaves and pseudo-bulbs and drop them. For the same reason, we need to water and spray orchids in the first half of the day so that in the evening they managed to dry. This is especially important in the period of growth in order to prevent the rotation of the growth points and gentle young leaves.

Since most orchids come from areas with a seasonal climate, where during the year there is a change of rainy and dry seasons, their views have a more or less pronounced rest period, during which they are laid floral kidneys. Therefore, when cultivating orchid flowers, watering is irrigated unevenly during the year. During the period of growth (in the spring - at the beginning of the summer), the plants are abundant moisturized, with the cessation of growth and the transition of the plant into the state of rest watering gradually reduce and reduce to a minimum, limited only to the maintenance of sufficient humidity in order to prevent excessive wrinkling of the pseudobulb. Water orchids should be mild rainwater room temperature (or slightly higher).

What lighting love orchid flower?

Each flower can know which lighting love orchids. Most plants, and orchids are no exception, light is needed to flow photosynthesis processes. Each orchid's genus requires a different amount of light, because in nature they all live in different climatic conditions. Some species prefer an open bright sun, while others love a deep shadow under the crown of trees. Mountain orchids, for example, require a lot of light, but not direct, but scattered. Burns of leaves and pseudobulb can stop growth for a long time and even destroy the plant. On hot sunny days, shading (Tulle, Marley) is recommended. Each orchid needs to know exactly what kind of orchid is at home, in order to provide him with the required amount of light, which is very important for the occurrence and flow of the flowering process.

When careing orchid at home, the lighting is of paramount importance. For practical purposes, three groups of plants are usually distinguished for their needs for light intensity: orchids requiring abundance sunlight; Flowers requiring moderate light; The least light-loving plants.

What lighting is needed when careing for orchid at home?

This culture requires the abundance of sunlight. What kind of lighting is needed for orchids growing at home? Optimal illumination for them is 30,000 - 40,000 lux. This means that such plants require light shading from direct sunlight in spring and in the first half of the summer from 12 to17 hours when they can get burns. The shading in the spring is necessary for the reason that the plants for the winter were due to intensive irradiation. In the summer it is required mainly to reduce the temperature. Immediately, we note that the plants under consideration are least suitable for indoor culture. Their content in closed premises will require significant costs. This group includes mainly plants of open habitats, bright seasonal forests and some rainy rainforest orchids, living on the tops of trees or the ends of the branches, are some guys, dendrobiums, oncidiums, cathasometers and a number of others.

Plants requiring moderate light need to be illuminated at 15,000 - 30,000 lux. This group includes a large part of orchids suitable for room culture. To obtain this illumination, the intensity of direct sunlight in summer should be reduced by 70-80%. Note that most of these plants can be grown with artificial lighting (under luminescent lamps).

The least light-loving plants require 5000 - 15,000 suite for normal development. Almost all modelies of shoes, phalaenopsis, anecutochiluses, hemaria and a number of other orchids are satisfied with such lighting for orchids. Basically, these are terrestrial species growing under the forest canopy where approximately 1% of sunlight comes. This plant group is most suitable for growing in roommates all year round with artificial lighting.

Plant orientation to the light should be permanent. Control serves as a tag with the title. The most important indicator of sufficient illumination is regular flowering.

With an excess of sunlight, plants can get burns already in March. In the spring, it is necessary to gradually hit the plants to the sun, a sharp transition from artificial light to sunny is especially dangerous. Artificial lighting It is used as a supplement to the natural in the latter intensity and to increase the length of the day.

Substrates for growing orchid flowers

During the active growth of orchids, it is recommended to feed the weak solution of mineral fertilizers. The easiest way to use for this complex mineral fertilizer. The feeders are carried out every 10-15 days very carefully, for epiphytic species - in a weaker concentration.

Epiphylet orchids are grown in baskets or perforated pots and plates. The generally accepted substrate for the cultivation of orchids is a mixture of crushed roots of ferns and sphagnum moss in a 2: 1 ratio with the addition of pieces of wood coal.

Orchids can also be grown on crushed pieces of pine or ate bark or on a mixture of cortex, broken shards and charcoal in a ratio of 1: 1: 0.5. Many orchids are successfully growing on blocks from pine, cork or ordinary oak. Ground orchids are grown on a mixture of leaf land, peat, humid and river sand; Some species - on a more loose mixture of overworked leaves and fibrous peat. In all cases, charcoal and broken shards are added as a tear.

Safagna Moss. - one of the most classic substrates since a long time. An indispensable component of any mixtures for growing both ground and epiphytic orchids. It has a disinfecting effect, which is indispensable for young plants, with the "resuscitation" of orchids affected by pests or diseases, vegetative reproduction. The substrate can be covered on top of a layer of sphagnum 1-1.5 cm.

Roots Osmund. This is one of the most popular substrates for the cultivation of orchids. It is the purified and washed roots of the Osmund Fern (mainly Osmunda Cinnamomea and Osmunda Claytonia applies, which are very similar to the wire. They are able to hold a large amount of water and perfectly retain their properties for a long time.

Coconut. Per lately This product became hit No. 1 in the world of orchids. Someone first noted that Coconet was able to swim for a long time across the ocean, and hitting the shore, begins to give sprouts. This means that there is an excellent substrate inside coconut. When cultivating orchids uses it interior In the form of small pieces of fractions (they are called chips), as well as long fibers - they are tied up orchids. From contact with water fractions are not heavy, but the most amazing feature is that before and after contact with water, they skip the same amount of air. Fibers also hold water as chips. The outer layer of chips dries out, and the inner remains wet. This product is very durable: it will take at least 5 years before the chips will start breaking.

Ceramzit and bit terracotta clay - Structured, durable, affordable, moisture-intensive (terracotta - 15-25%, crumplants - 40% or more). But in terracotta and majolica clays as additives often use lime and dolomite. Water after contact with the clamzite, as a rule, gives an alkaline reaction and has a fair riffness. Such substrates are very prone to salinization.

Reproduction of orchids at home (with photo)

In indoor conditions, orchids are breeding dividing, stalling and air siblings. When dividing the plant is dismembered on parts with two, better with three bulbs at least with one young sprout. Sections sprinkle pounced wood coal or sulfur powder. You can land and single old boulevards. They can also give a new plant. Views with long cylindrical shoots (many dendrobiums, epidendrums, Tsunia) easily multiply stem sections (10-15 cm long), which are put on wet sand or sphagnum moss and are kept in heated greenhouse before rooting. Addodrobium, epidendrums spread by air offspring.

These photos show the reproduction of orchids at home:

Problems and Features of Orchid Growing

If the orchid does not bloom, the reason may be lack of light, the excess fertilizer is not suitable for it. It should be borne in mind that young plants do not bloom under 5 years. If the orchids have darkened the leaves, it may be a consequence of the wrong irrigation or excessive feeding. If white cotton raid appeared on the leaves, the reason may be. Little Dark Round Spots on Orchid Flowers Sign fungal disease. From an excess of the sun, the leaves from orchid will become unusually green. The holes on the tips of the leaves mean that the snails appeared in your house. But if the leaves were wrinkled - this is a sign viral disease. From this orchid it is better to get rid of.

Another common problem is to rotate the roots, manifested in the lethargy of the plant, dropping the leaves, softening the root cervix, can be caused by an unlimited watering, watering cold water, too deep planting of plants, damage to the roots during transplantation. If for some reason orchids lose their roots, it is necessary to maintain those of them, albeit bad, which still remain. To do this, cook sphagnum, scat it, cool, squeeze, polished with a complete mineral fertilizer (for example, Kemira Suite) with a concentration of 0.5 g / l, squeeze, to withstand three days in a closed polyethylene package. After that, the sphagnum is ready to use. Then it is necessary to put the plants on top of the cooked sphagnum and create greenhouse conditions for the remedy plants available tools (greenhouse, aquarium, plastic bag, glass jar) With mandatory illuminated winter. The temperature in the restoration of orchids should be close to optimal - 25-27 ° C.

The absence of flowering first of all can be caused by non-compliance with the peculiarities of the cultivation of orchids, for example, an incorrectly conducted resting period, lack of lighting, too dry air in a room, etc., and also observed when damaged to disease and pests, with incorrect transplantation or landing in inappropriate Soil mixture.

Some types of orchids can be grown only under conditions of small greenhouses with additional illumination and a certain temperature regime.

Way to plant orchids per block (with photo)

There are two main ways to plant orchids: on the block or in a container filled with substrate. The choice of a method of landing depends on your conditions, but sometimes it is uniquely determined by the type of plant.

One of the common ways to plant orchids is planting plants on the block - a piece suitable materialTo which the plant is attached. As a material for block, a piece of pine bark, cork oak, a block of tree fern is most often used. A block of pine bark is not inferior to another quality.

The size of a piece of cortex is chosen based on the features of the growth of orchid and its size. There are plants that have rather large distances between new shoots, and they will quickly "crawl" outside the block. Other orchids look better when they form a large number of blooming shoots, therefore, and the other will need quite large blocks. To once again not injure the plant with a transplant, it is better to foresee it in advance.

The main feature of the content of plants in blocks - fast drying roots after watering. For some plants, this is crucial. In nature, some epiphytes exist precisely in such conditions: after the rain, their roots can dry out for several tens of minutes, the winds have been lad at the ends of large branches in the top of the trees. Roots plants on the block always get sufficient number Air, they are less susceptible to shutting.

In addition, the epipheit on the block looks more naturally. The plants should be placed on the blocks that will be placed in the room greenhouse - here they will not experience the lack of moisture in the roots, and during the rest they will not lose a lot of water.

Landing orchids in the substrate at home (with video)

Orchids are typical epiphytes, and pots for them are not so much a container for the Earth as a support for the plant. To plant orchids at home in the substrate, you can use various containers: conventional ceramic or plastic pots, baskets from various materials. Clay porous pots are not suitable for orchids in rooms (outside greenhouses): they evaporate moisture too quickly. It is better to use plastic pots or glazed. The width of the pots should be slightly less than their height. In the walls and day of the dishes there should be several holes with a diameter of 6-7 mm for the flow of excess water and aeration of the substrate. There are also high (1/3 heights) drainage from shards, ceramzit, foam, and so on.

As can be seen in the photo, when boarding orchids, the top pot must be wider than the foundation, otherwise it is very difficult to extract the plant during transplantation without damping the roots:

The selection of the capacity depends on the requirements of the plant and the specific conditions of content. Phalaenopsis, for example, plant in tanks from transparent glass, so on. They are in the roots of photosynthesis.

Baskets are used in the content of epiphytic orchids growing in natural conditions Usually on the stump or in the developments of the branches of trees. As a result of such a lifestyle, many orchids are formed by drooping or growing down flowers. If you plant such orchids in the pot, they usually grow pretty good, but you can lose the flowerons. If you grow this plant in the basket, the flowers will naturally hang out, as in nature. Baskets are different sizes - From 10 cm to large baskets at 25 cm. The suitable size is selected depending on the situation.

The moisture remains longer in plastic containers, faster than the substrate dries in baskets. Of course, the speed of drying the substrate depends on its composition and particle size. Therefore, if you want to raise plants less often, take plastic container and a more moisture substrate. The ratio of components depends on the conditions of content and can fluctuate widely. For example, a mixture of a pine crust and peat may contain these components in a ratio of 7: 1 (average moisture intensity) or 1: 1 (very high).

On the video "Landing Orchids at home" is shown how this operation is performed:

Orchid transplant at home with step-by-step photos

The correct correction of orchids at home is very important. The best time for transplanting cymbidium, oncidium, dendrobiums and the Miltonium is the beginning of the appearance of young new sprouts. Be careful and do not break them, because they are so gentle! This stage of plant development means its active growth.

Between the transplantation of different plants should be used latex gloves or wash your hands in the intervals. Orchids can transfer each other viruses and bacteria, so keep cleanliness. This will increase the life of your wards.

Orchids do not endure frequent transplant. It is recommended to transplant them on average every 1-3 years, when it becomes noticeable that the soil decomposed and loses his porosity, has white flag or the plant is already closely in a pot. More often advise only the top layer of soil. Do not distinguish between plants with a transfer, orchids love to sit in cramped dishes, even if the roots begin to germinate from the holes. When dividing the bush, pruning the "extra" roots, they often sick, stop in growth, sore, and even die without visible reasons. Therefore, pick up dishes, the substrate so that it is enough for at least 2-3 years, divide the plant only as needed. Orchids are transplanted only when, because of the pasties, the pot suspend their growth or the need to divide the bush.

Transplant method:

  • Before transplanting orchids, it is necessary to prepare a new container. It is advisable to do additional holes in the side walls, it will improve the aeration of the roots. Holes in the walls of the clay pot are easy to drill with a drill, wetting the wall with water. After that, it is desirable to attach a piece of rigid wire to the pot to which the plant will be attached. It opens the scope for your ingenuity.
  • Remove the plant from the old container. You may need special tool. Remove the entire substrate from the roots. Do it or hands, or screwdriver (knife). If you use tools, then pre-sterinate them on fire.
  • Separate dead or softened roots. Be careful with alive roots.
  • Use a new container, picking up its size so that all the roots touch its edges. In some situations, when there are many dead roots, it is possible to switch to a smaller container. This is normal.
  • Drainage layer (gravel, ceramzit, broken brick, shards, foam) is placed on the bottom of the tank. Its height should be about 1/3 of the height of the pot. Bad drainage - most probable reason Placing roots. When planting a plant in a basket on its bottom there is a plastic mesh, which can be replaced with moss or lay holes with large pieces of bark. The same is done with holes in the side walls of the basket. When landing in a basket disappears the need for drainage.
  • Keep orchid in a container with one hand in such a way that the base of the plant and the location of the roots are at the level of the top edge of the container.
  • The dimensions of the bark fractions: cymbididiums, miltonia, shoes, dendrobiums, oncidiums need fine bark fractions (you can mix with 20% sphagnum to preserve humidity), phalaenopsis - in the middle faction of the cortex, vandas - a large bark fraction.
  • Place the plant in the pot, tie to the prepared wire support and put it off the roots with the substrate, leaving the horizontal part of the stem (rize) on the surface. Fill the bark container around the roots, trying to make the substrate evenly distributed between the roots. When the container is filled, slightly confuse the top edge of the substrate with thumbs or tool. You can not allow too free to accommodate the bark in the container, check it out by turning the container on the side: the bark should not fall out. On the other hand, do not compact the boron excessively, otherwise you can damage the roots. The correct is considered to be the landing at which the base of the pseudobulb is located 1-2 cm below the walls of the dishes. After landing, orchid is desirable to securely fix for faster rooting.
  • Do not forget to put a label in the container and change gloves before the start of transplant next plant. If you use a container re-wash it thoroughly.
  • After planting a plant, it is desirable to create a softer microclimate, which is required in normal, to put away from direct sunlight, into a somewhat cooler and humid conditions. Watering orchids begin depending on the state of the roots and the season, usually 2-3 days after the landing, but they regularly spray. In the fall and winter plants with large mature pseudo-bulbs, it is better not to water and, if there is an opportunity, put in room greenhouse. Such orchids are cautiously watered only when the growth of new roots begins or (if the roots are in good condition) of the new escape. If the roots are missing, it is not watered, but only slightly spray the surface of the substrate and the leaves. The frequency of spraying depends on the humidity of the air and the status of the plant - the weak spray more often. For some orchids, there is a danger of moisture in the middle of a young escape.

After 1-3 years, the plants have to transplant in a fresh substrate.

Here you can watch step-by-step photos of orchid transfers at home: