When is it better to transplant roses to a new place and how to do it correctly? Is it possible to transplant a rose in summer


Every gardener has to spend a lot of time in the garden. Redo something, replant plants. This is facilitated by the search better conditions for them, various aesthetic tasks. All this is a lot of trouble. In addition to only purchased ones, perennial adult bushes, such as roses, are also subject to transplantation. But this operation also requires certain techniques.

Rose transplant dates

The best time to transplant roses is in early spring and late summer, until mid-September.

Sometimes it happens that the transplanted rose does not have time to take root, and the frost is already hitting. Gardeners often hold discussions about why not replant roses in the summer like many other flowers.

The fact is that roses are not very fond of not only summer transplants, but they also do not like when they are transplanted at all. Therefore, it is better to do this infrequently. But if there is no other way out, then they say that sometimes it is possible. But at the same time, the beauties will become capricious, and flowering in the next season can hardly be expected.

At the beginning of the transplant, it is advised to cut the bush to the maximum - then all the forces in the new place will throw the roots on themselves, get stronger and take root. If the bush is tall, then the shoots leave no more than half a meter. At the same time, young, green shoots, as well as buds and flowers, are cut off. If the bush is small, then you still need to cut it off, but try not to damage the thin roots.

After the summer transplant, you need to water the roses often. Moist soil helps the roots take in nutrients.

But the direct rays of the sun are undesirable. Therefore, it is better to shade the plants as much as possible. Roses love spraying, a cool shower, and the transplant itself is best done on a cloudy day.

Rose transplant stages:

  1. First you need to dig a planting hole. Remove weeds and their roots from it and nearby. It is desirable that the pit stand for several days, and the earth has settled slightly.
  2. Roses are advised not so much to transplant as to reload. This is the process of digging out the roots along with a clod of earth. Thus, the rhizome will not have to take root for a long time, and the roses will not hurt. But handling roses is not easy. The soil around the roots is loose and crumbles immediately. Therefore, the plant is first watered abundantly, and then dug up. Wet ground will hold up well.
  3. So that thorny branches do not interfere, they are tied.
  4. If the rose bush is large, then it will be very difficult for one person to transfer the roots together with a lump of earth to another place, so it is better to have an assistant.
  5. A narrow ditch is dug around the flower, but it needs to be quite deep. This is how an earthen lump is formed. It is tied with a cloth or polyethylene, and buried under the root. Too long rhizomes can be chopped off. At proper care this will not do much harm to the rose.
  6. A durable tool, such as a crowbar, is inserted under the base of the bush. The shovel in this case may break. Lifting it with a crowbar, pull out the bush and put it on a piece of cloth. It is very convenient to transfer it to a new place on it. If the plant is being prepared for transportation, then the lump is wrapped in a cloth and made sure that it is always wet.
  7. A rose with a clod of earth is put in a ready-made landing pit... In this case, the level of the ground should remain the same as in the previous place. If necessary, the hole needs to be dug, or vice versa, to fill up the earth.
  8. After installing the rose, the pit is filled with earth up to half, and the strapping is removed. After that, the process stops, since the rose needs to be watered abundantly. Wait a while until the water is completely absorbed. Then the earth can be filled up to the top. The rose is watered again, and a tubercle of earth is formed at the base of the plant. Then it is compacted so that no voids remain near the roots.

Roses, despite their beauty and grace, are quite persistent. Although they do not like transplanting flowers, they cannot do without them due to the impoverishment of the soil.

From time to time, it becomes necessary to move plants on the site from one place to another. Transplanting roses requires adherence to certain rules that allow you to successfully root a perennial flower in a new place. Often, novice gardeners make mistakes: they transplant blooming rose are choosing the wrong time to move the bushes. As a result, the plant begins to ache, stops blooming, or dies.

When is the best time to replant roses

The reasons why roses in the garden need to be transplanted can be different:

  • depleted soil;
  • deterioration in illumination due to overgrown neighboring plants;
  • regular attack of pests;
  • creation of new flower beds.

The planned movement of the flower to a new location is best done at the end of the season. Transplanting roses in autumn is considered the safest for the plant. You can transplant a bush in early spring, this will slightly "postpone" the beginning of flowering, but will not negative impact per plant. The most difficult thing is to transplant an adult specimen in the midst of summer season, especially during heavy flowering.

In the spring

A rose transplant in the spring to a new place is carried out at a time when the soil is saturated with moisture after the snow cover has melted, warmed up by 7-10 ° C, and the buds on the bush have not yet swollen. During this period, optimal conditions are provided for the survival of the bushes. The disadvantage of a spring transplant is that the rose spends additional energy on the formation of new roots and adaptation to the place, which interferes with the onset of flowering.

The calendar period for carrying out work on moving a flower depends on the climate. V middle lane roses are planted in early April, in the southern regions in mid-February.


If it becomes necessary to transplant adult bushes in the summer, special rules should be followed. The plant is subjected to cardinal pruning. All buds and flowers are removed, the shoots are shortened by half. In tall roses, trunks are left no more than 50 cm in height, in dwarf varieties cut off shoots after 2-3 buds.

Preferred transfer time - evening hours and cloudy weather. At first, a rose planted in a new place is often watered, protected from sunlight and winds. On hot and dry days, spray with warm water.

In autumn

Transplanting roses in the fall is carried out 3-4 weeks before the onset of frost. In this case, the plant successfully takes root in the still warm soil, but does not have time to grow new shoots. More early date planting a flower in a new place will provoke the growth of green mass, which will weaken the plant before the winter cold. Planting roses just before the temperature drops to negative values ​​leads to the death of a perennial. A weakened plant will not have time to grow new roots, adapt to changed conditions and will not survive the winter cold.

Choosing and preparing a place for a rose garden

Lush bloom, immunity to pests and diseases is achieved if roses are planted in the right place... A plot for a flower garden must meet several requirements:

  • illumination during daylight hours. Do not plant perennials in the shade of trees, shrubs or garden buildings;
  • soil fertility. Flowering plant needs a lot of nutrients;
  • lack of stagnant water and spring flooding of the site. Roses growing in too wet soil are constantly exposed to fungal diseases;
  • wind protection. A site that is blown by cold streams from the north and west should not be allocated for a flower bed with roses.

Site preparation is carried out several weeks before the transplant. The soil is dug up, freed from weeds, old roots and other debris. The soil is enriched with mineral fertilizers and wood ash... Poor soil is additionally fertilized with rotted compost or humus. Top dressing is carried out no later than 2 weeks before transplanting so that the root system of the flower does not get burned.

Preparing the plant for transplanting

The main task when transplanting an adult bush is to preserve as much as possible root system... They move roses to a new place along with the clod of earth in which they grew. Grafted flowers are characterized by deep roots, especially the main stem. The length can be more than one and a half meters. It makes no sense to dig out the main root completely, it can be chopped off. Own-rooted seedlings usually have a superficial root system.

In dry weather, it is necessary to water the flower abundantly 2 days before transshipment. It is quite easy to dig out small specimens, their root system corresponds to the ground part and the procedure is not difficult. The situation is different with large bushes... To transplant such roses, adherence to technology is required:

  • the branches of the plant are neatly tied with twine or wrapped in a coarse cloth. This makes it easier to access the ground around the plant;
  • a trench is dug around the rosebush with a diameter equal to the ground part of the plant, gradually deepening along the entire length of the roots;
  • the longest roots are chopped off with a sharp shovel or other gardening tools. The cut site is treated with ash before planting;
  • the dug out earthen lump is carefully moved onto a strong plastic film, transferred to the place of disembarkation.

If you plan to plant roses the next day, wrap the ground around the roots with a damp cloth to prevent them from drying out.

How to transplant roses

It is advisable to transplant the dug bush into a prepared hole as soon as possible. If damaged areas of the roots are visually visible, they must be removed by processing the cut site copper sulfate or ash. Large specimens of bushes can be moved around the site on sacking and transplanted into the planting pit with it. Roots will grow through loose tissue without any problems.

Landing scheme

The diameter of the hole for the bush is determined in accordance with the circumference of the main part of the shoots. The hole is dug 15-20 cm wider and 10 cm deeper. The distance between individual seedlings is left according to the following scheme:

  • miniature, undersized species - after 30-40 cm;
  • hybrid tea varieties - after 60-90 cm;
  • weaving, standard types - at a distance of 50-100 cm;
  • large-sized, tall varieties - after 1.5-2 m.

Such a planting scheme will allow growing roses to receive enough nutrients and lighting, will exclude the interlacing of root processes between individual bushes.

Procedure technology

A layer of fine gravel or broken brick is laid on the bottom, sprinkled with a hill of fertile soil. An earthen lump with a plant is placed, a part of the earth is poured and spilled with water. The remaining soil is poured, carefully tamped and spilled again with water. The rose bush is deepened so that the root collar is at the same level as before the transplant. If the rose is transplanted correctly, it will take root in a new location within 2-3 weeks.

Secrets and features

Regardless of the variety, age and condition of rose bushes, there are uniform requirements for transplanting:

  • use clean gardening Tools to reduce the risk of infecting a weakened rose;
  • provide an air shelter for the winter, flowers transplanted in the fall;
  • transplant the bushes no more than once every 3-4 years;
  • before transplanting, remove dry, diseased stems, buds and flowers.

In addition, there are special rules for transplanting different types perennial flower.

How to transplant a blooming rose

It is possible to transplant a rose during flowering, but the procedure will require more time and effort. It is recommended to do this only if urgent need... Old, large specimens can die due to severe stress. In small bushes, shoots are radically cut off, leaves and flowers are removed. This reduces the percentage of moisture evaporation, and all forces are directed to rooting. In the summer heat, frequent watering is required, the soil is kept moist until new shoots appear on the shoots.

Transplanting climbing species

The main difficulty lies in the accurate release of the shoots of climbing and climbing varieties from the support. The optimal period to successfully transplant a weaving species is the autumn months. They begin to prepare the bush for moving in August. In young shoots, the top is shortened so that by the fall it is partially greyed. Old stems are cut by 2/3, diseased and dry branches are removed. The cut site is disinfected with ash or garden pitch.

Transplanting old bushes

It is difficult to transplant a large or old rose to a new place due to large size overgrown root system. It is easier to dig up and move the flower together. It is recommended to transplant an adult rose in the fall or early spring. Growing conditions are selected as close as possible to the previous ones. Before proceeding with the digging, clean and sharp instruments are prepared, with which too long root processes are chopped off. The roots injured by the transplant are easily affected by pests and diseases, therefore the earth and open areas treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The rose has earned a reputation for being a capricious flower. Transplanting a blooming beauty to a new place is not easy, it takes an effort to ensure correct preparation and aftercare. Due to the intense stress the plant experiences when transplanting, abundant flowering resumes one year after successful rooting.

Any florist will definitely plant on his site the queen of all flower beds - a rose. The beauty of her flowers and the most varied shades will serve the best decoration every courtyard. A single bush has its own individual aroma, and the smell from it will be heard throughout the site. Newbie gardeners have a question, how to plant or plant this flower correctly? And how important is transplanting it in the fall?

Why and why transplant a rose

There are several reasons for replanting rose bushes in the fall:

  • When the bush is already old enough and old it must be transplanted, as the flowers become small, dull and not very beautiful;
  • Depending on the soil, they need to be transplanted due to either a strong deepening of the root into the ground. Or, conversely, in sandy ground roots come out of the ground, which is why they dry out;
  • In cases of transfer garden beds from one place to another. Or the proliferation of neighboring plants and shrubs, it is necessary to transplant bush roses;
  • It happens that some buildings on personal plot shade the bush, interfering correct development, so a transplant is required;
  • It so happens that the bush begins to ache, develops poorly, its shoots wither or ceases to bloom altogether. A transplant is essential here;
  • In areas that are very close groundwater, rose flowers need replanting. If this is not done, the root, being in constant moisture, will simply rot.

Before transplanting, you must first select the correct and most favorable place for your rose garden to glow with flowering.

Every florist should know for himself that these flower shrubs do not tolerate drafts at all, so they should be protected from them as much as possible. And best of all, for most of the day they are well lit by the sun, for this the southeastern side of your yard is suitable.

When is the best time to replant roses

Nai best time for transplant, there will be autumn period, namely until mid-autumn. Because the bush needs to take root and take root well. Only then will this royal flower be able to meet the first frosts and winter.

It is best to transplant roses in the fall at least three weeks before the onset of severe cold and frost. Then the cold soil will no longer be afraid of the root color system.

It is important to remember that before transplanting adult roses, the bushes must be carefully dug out without damaging the root system. Then slightly prune dry and too long branches to give the bush the strength to root. But in no case should autumn pruning be confused with spring pruning.

Rose bushes, on time autumn transplant take root and take root better. Such plantings are considered to be stronger and healthier in the future.

So, it is best to replant roses in the fall because:

  • After the summer, the earth is well warmed up;
  • Since there is more rain in the fall than in the spring, this allows the roots to take root well;
  • V spring the weather is unstable and the time for the transfer is more difficult to find.

How to transplant a rose in the fall

In order for it to take root, grow well and bloom, it must be transplanted, following the following rules:

  • If seedlings are transplanted, then you need to examine the roots well. Which are too long or dry, they are neatly trimmed. Then inspect the cut site, it should be white... A dark cut indicates that the root is beginning to rot, so cut it off strictly and in a light color;
  • To transplant an adult rose, you need to make deep grooves in the ground in a circle, half a meter from the root collar, that is, dig in. Then, gently prying a lump of earth, pull out the flower;
  • In a place prepared for transplantation, dig a hole so deep that the bush fits well into it (not deeper, and not higher than it grew before);
  • Flowers are planted at a distance of half a meter from each other so that they do not shade the neighboring bush;
  • In the fall, after transplanting, the rose shrub should be watered with any growth stimulant to help the root take root faster and better.

Transfer climbing rose, runs in the same way as usual. But only if, before transplanting an overgrown bush rose, the branches are cut off 30 cm from the top, then in curly ones, they are cut off half the length.

If the transplanted bush needs to be transported from one place to another, then the rhizome is wrapped with a well-damp cloth and tied at the top with a knot. This is done so that the earth does not crumble from the roots, and they do not get disheveled on the road.

When planting such a bush in a new place, the rag does not have to be thrown away. All the same, over time, it will rot in the ground. It is only important not to forget to untie the knot, which will further inhibit the development of the flower.

Caring for roses after an autumn transplant

It is important to know what not to do in the fall after transplanting roses:

  • Transplanted flowers cannot be fed with nitrogen fertilizers. They stimulate the growth of the bush too much, this is not necessary before wintering. And here potash fertilizers will benefit the root and prepare it for winter;
  • You can not do pruning in the autumn, as in the spring. Otherwise, such a procedure will stimulate the appearance of young, green shoots that will not survive in the winter;
  • Do not water the roses too abundantly, allowing them to develop as much as possible. If there is enough natural precipitation in the fall, then there is no need to water at all.

If the transplanted rose bushes are too tall, provide them with a strong support to which you can tie them. Otherwise, under the influence of strong wind or snow, the flower may bend and bend. In the spring, the rosebush will already take root well and will be much more difficult to align.

Roses are quite picky and capricious flowers. Therefore, the transplant procedure must be taken very seriously. After some time, having received certain knowledge about, there will no longer be any difficulties in transplanting them.

When is the best time to replant roses? This should be done in early spring days or in late autumn. However, when wintering roses, unexpected problems may arise. Therefore, the timing of the autumn transplant is August and September. Summer is not considered the best time to plant, but you can do it. You just need to help the plant to adapt normally in a new place.

General transplant rules

If you have a rose bush big size, you need to leave the flower 40 centimeters, and in the case of a large number of shoots, remove some of them. Thus, you can give beautiful shape bush. If the size of the bush is relatively small and the roots are not damaged, you should still trim the unripe shoots and remove the flowers and buds.

The first month after moving, it is advisable to water the flower as often as possible. It is also necessary to remove it in the shade in time, as well as spray it. In the summer, it is better to transplant in cloudy weather, since it simply will not take root in hot weather.

In regions with mild winters, it is better to plant flowers in the fall, and if the climate in the area is more severe, in open ground roses are planted in the spring. However, gardeners recommend planting these flowers in the fall, then in the spring they will delight with the first flowering.

In the fall, in the middle lane, roses can be planted in the ground from mid-September to October. Transplanting earlier will adversely affect the seedlings. A later planting increases the likelihood that the seedlings simply will not have time to root and will suffer from frost in winter.

Is it possible to transplant roses in the summer?

To properly move the plant, the following steps must be followed:

  • With a spatula, you need to mark the circle of digging in the bushes so as not to damage the main and lateral roots;
  • The bush must be dug from all sides so that a lump with roots is freely removed from the pit;
  • With a shovel, you should pry and turn the root lump into the hole, laying the bush on its side;
  • Remove the bush from the hole and put it on a cloth. Wrap a root ball in it so that the earth does not crumble during transfer;
  • The bush should be transferred to a previously prepared hole, free the root lump from the material and placed in the prepared hole no deeper than it was previously, before transplanting;
  • The bush should be watered well.

Transplanting roses in a pot in summer

This action is best done in August, when the flowers will grow abundantly, and by the time the buds appear, the roots have completely formed. For transplanting, you need to take small pots, since in large land will sink more slowly. And thanks to this, the roots will begin to rot.

Also, large pots look ugly in the interior of the room. In large pots, the plant produces abundant greenery and very few flowers.

Try to grow potted plants in small vases and transplant them frequently by adding mineral fertilizers to the ground. For flowers to grow well, it is best to replant them on a crushed earth layer to protect the root system. The potted plant can be replanted throughout the summer months.

To strengthen rooting, the plant needs to be placed in the shade for a couple of days and moderately watered.

How to transplant roses in the fall

In the fall, the transplant should take place in mid-October. By this time, the plant will fully take root before the first frost. Before planting, the dug bushes need to be shortened a little and long shoots cut off.

Basic rules of the process in the fall:

  • The landing site must be well prepared. To do this, dig a deep hole so that the bushes are at the same depth as before;
  • Dig out the bushes for planting carefully. In a circle in a diameter of half a meter, make notches with a spatula, gently pry off an earthen lump and pull it out;
  • It is recommended to keep the roots as much as possible and carefully transfer the bush with the earthen lump to a new hole;
  • The land around the bush immediately after planting must be crushed, and then, loosened.

It is recommended to transplant shrubs in the garden in good land with addition mineral fertilizers stimulating root growth. Depending on the variety of roses, you need to know how to transplant them correctly. For example, before transplanting bush roses, shoots need to be cut off by 2-3 cm, curly varieties are cut in half, standard ones - by 1/3.

To transplant a rose bush, it is necessary to transfer an earthen lump by placing it on a cloth that is tied in a knot. The fabric at the end can be removed or left on. Matter without the addition of synthetics will simply rot in the soil.

How to transplant a summer rose after shopping in a store

The newly acquired rose must be transplanted immediately or until the end of flowering. An indicator of the tightness of a plant in a pot is that roots come out in the drainage holes. In this case, it is necessary to immediately replant the plant, without waiting for the end of flowering.

Flowers with a high concentration simply do not have enough nutrients and oxygen, so the roots quickly dehydrate. As a result, leaves fall off, the plant may even die.

Basic rules for transplanting flowers after purchase:

When can you replant roses - in summer, winter or autumn? Most best time for transplant it is autumn or spring. At this point, the soil is completely thawed. If necessary, you can do summer transfer in compliance with some rules, such as maximum preservation earthen coma, presence cloudy weather and a little cropping.

Hardly anyone wants to argue that roses are the most beautiful flowers that attract many. And giving one of these in a pot is a good alternative to a donated cut bouquet. After all, the bouquet will wither in a few days, having lost all its attractiveness, and the room, if properly transplanted and actively looked after, will long years please with your flowers.

Probably, many do not know that plants grown for sale and purchased in a store should not continue to grow in the same soil in which they grew. This is because for active growth, the flowers were treated with special fertilizers so that for short term get a grown and flourished sample of garden culture.

Once the plant gets home, it stops receiving the dose of stimulants to which it is accustomed and begins to lose its attractive appearance. To avoid this situation, transfer room rose should occur immediately after it gets into permanent place growth and carrying out all preparatory procedures. How to do it correctly, we will figure it out.


Before you start transplanting a plant, you need to prepare a flower by performing a series of simple manipulations that are extremely necessary.

First of all, the entire plant must be thoroughly washed with soapy water. After such treatment, it is better for the flower to arrange a contrast shower, which will wash away all soap residues. The main thing, to hot water did not exceed forty-degree temperature otherwise, the leaves may be damaged. The pot of soil itself must be placed in a container filled with water and allowed to stand for at least thirty minutes.

After water treatments experts advise to treat the bush with solutions based on a drug called "Epin". This assistant to florists and gardeners has many the right qualities, which provide plant growth stimulation, strengthen immune system flower, which he needs for full growth at home.

From this drug you need to prepare a solution that contains a liter of water and five drops of "Epin". With these compounds, the bush must be thoroughly sprayed. Above the plant needs to be covered plastic bag , but in such a way that the bag comes into contact with the leaves of the flower as little as possible. This can be achieved by installing a simple structure of sticks around the greenery of the bush, and then pulling a bag over it.

Carrying out procedures for processing "Epinoma", you need to know that the bush cannot be left in a homemade greenhouse without ventilation. You need to start with a five-minute airing and increase this time every day. When the buds start to wither, you need to remove all of them and remove the polyethylene. This completes all the preparatory procedures that occur before transplanting a room rose, and the transplant itself begins.

What materials are needed

To carry out a successful procedure, you need to prepare all the materials necessary for this manipulation.

What you need to have in stock:

When choosing a pot, you need to take into account that it should be several centimeters larger in size than the pot in which the flower was bought. This will allow the plant to grow freely. by regularly increasing the root mass.

But do not buy too large a pot, this will provoke the plant to grow actively, not thereby allowing new buds to be tied, but for a rose this is irrelevant, since this flower is acquired precisely because of its charming flowering.

Of course, it is better to buy the substrate in a store where this particular flower is indicated on the package. Moreover the purchase must take place in a specialized flower shop or the garden centers of a large supermarket. This ensures that in the bag with soil there will be a mixture that corresponds in composition to the parameters stated on the package.

If there is no such specialized land, then you can choose the soil yourself, although this is not recommended. It should be loose and have both neutral and slightly acidic reaction.

Buying a ceramic pot entails small procedures that need to be done with him, before transplanting a flower into it. It must be completely immersed in water for several hours.

Make sure the pot has drainage holes. If they are not there, then - this is not a pot, but a pots. In the case of a plastic product the problem is easy to fix by heating a screwdriver on the fire and making holes in the bottom. If the product is made of ceramic, then it is not suitable for planting and you need to purchase another container, more suitable for transplanting.

Instructions for transplanting a room rose

To transplant a flower, you need to start by carefully removing it from the old pot. Then you will need boiled warm water, in which the roots of the plant should be immersed... By ridding the flower of the old soil from the roots, you can thereby free the rose from the excess of chemicals that it was fed with for rapid growth.

The transplanting process itself takes place in two stages:

  • Drainage is poured into the bottom of the pot.
  • A bush is installed in a pot and gradually poured in soil, periodically tamping it.

You need to fill up the soil in the pot in such a way that at least two centimeters remain to the brim.

It is not worth watering the flower immediately after transplanting. It is better to choose a place for him in the shade and leave it there for a day. Then he needs to be assigned to a permanent place where it will be light and cool. Windows are best, facing the southeast side, but if there are none, then you need to put the flower in the most illuminated place in the apartment. You need to water this plant from below, pouring settled water into a tray that stands under the pot.

When the adaptation process after transplanting has passed, as a rule, it takes about a month, the rose bush must be fed with fertilizers intended for flowering plants.

If the flower is comfortable in the created conditions, then soon he will reward for his care with numerous buds that will create a festive and cozy atmosphere. And such a period can last for a very long time, not excluding the winter months.