Decorating a playground: the best ideas for DIY implementation. DIY street crafts with photos and videos

Vacation home with a plot for most people is not only a place where you can have a good rest, relax and relieve the accumulated fatigue, but also space for creative inspiration. Each owner wants to transform and decorate his personal plot in any way possible for this. Some plant beautiful ones, others try to come up with an original one, others begin to tinker or, the fourth make crafts for the garden with their own hands. We will dwell on the latter in detail in this article. We will find out the latest news, novelties and main trends of the summer cottage season.

DIY crafts for the garden (photo)

To create an original art object for your garden, you don't have to run to the store to buy material. Your new creations can be made without them. Take a look around. After all, for sure in your household there is something that you have not used for a long time for one reason or another.

It can be a broken bike, an old, leaky bucket, worn out tires and tires, accumulated, remains, basins, barrels, unnecessary shoes and much more. Give new life all these used things are very simple, the main thing is not to be afraid of experiments.

A visual diagram of how to correctly make a decorative well for a summer residence with your own hands

First you need to decide for yourself in what style you want to see the design of your garden. Provence or modern style, or you prefer. Taking into account characteristic features each direction, as well as your own preferences, and you should begin to design and decorate it.

DIY made crafts for the garden can be not only an aesthetic addition to your garden, but also carry a functional component that can be useful on the farm.

Natural materials will also help decorate your garden. Field boulders, river stones, tree trunks and their stumps, clay, glass, etc. All this will bring beauty and improve the habitat on your site.

The most important thing is the pursuit of excellence, it will help create a unique and beautiful decor for your site.

Stones for garden decoration

Flat stones - a real find, especially if they are large. You can draw anything on them. And most importantly, making crafts for the garden with your own hands from stones is exciting and fun, especially with children.

Big stones can just decorate the garden, and stones of medium size will serve as excellent helpers in the garden. It is necessary to take pebbles in the shape of a certain fruit or vegetable, draw it on it and put it in the garden in accordance with the one drawn. The garden and vegetable garden will immediately be filled with bright colors.

Ladybugs Made of Stones - Design by Crafts by Amanda

DIY figurines for the garden (photo)

If you decide to decorate your garden yourself, remember that here you need to subtly feel the line between the stylistic direction of the garden and a sense of proportion. Since when decorating a garden, overdoing it with the number of figurines or choosing the wrong image of decorative figurines, you can easily spoil the aesthetic appearance of your site.

After all, you must agree that the figures of a red cap, baba-yaga, kolobok or other fairy-tale character in japanese garden... Even more strange will look a green lawn decorated big amount artificial palm trees, under each of which there will be a gnome figurine.

Based on the requirements of landscape design, try to choose images of figures in unison with the main direction of the style of your site.

Crafts for the garden from tires and tires (photo)

Using old car tires as a material for making garden decor has long been a common practice for many people. For this, absolutely all tires of any diameter are suitable.

Having a range of fresh and practical ideas in the head, as well as certain skills in using piercing and cutting tools and accessories, you can turn a boring piece of rubber into a beautiful art object, thereby decorating your garden in an unusual way.

There is nothing complicated in this work, and as practice shows, it takes less than one hour to make crafts for the garden with your own hands from car tires, even for a novice master.

A little fantasy and old tire found a new life in the form of a children's swing "overweight"

Tire products are just the case when you do not need to spend too much time and invest heavily in purchasing expensive materials on DIY garden crafts.

Scope of old car tires, where they can be used as a material for making crafts, a huge amount. Starting from the design of ordinary flower beds and flower beds, ending with full-fledged playgrounds for your children. Garden Tire Crafts Are simple, cheap, well-proven products, the design forms of which know no boundaries.

Crafts for the garden from scrap materials (photo)

In order for the crafts you have created for the garden with your own hands, as long as possible, retain their original external appearance, try to choose the right source material for them. Also important is considered to be thorough for the application of paints and varnishes.

For open air perfect modern synthetic acrylic paints, which are distinguished by reliable resistance to constant changes in air temperature and ultraviolet radiation.

In such a responsible matter as decorating a garden with your own hands, absolutely any little thing can come in handy, which has been gathering dust on your site idle for more than one year. As they say seasoned gardeners, in the country there is nothing unnecessary and nothing superfluous!

To add a special chic to your creations, experienced designers recommend using various sequins, beads, beads, colored glass, etc. as decor. With their help you can create an original image of fairy-tale characters, gnomes, small figures of animals or insects. Well, if you add a little magic to the surface of the products, in the form fluorescent paint, you can enjoy the beauty of your garden not only during the day, but also at night.

New garden ideas to inspire you (photo)

Everyone wants their site to look nice and cozy. It is so pleasant to admire this beauty during warm summer evenings. To do this, you need to spend a lot of time and money, because often purchased decor items are not cheap at all and unfortunately not everyone can afford it. And yet, even from this situation there is an excellent budget solution - to make crafts for the garden with your own hands.

First of all, of course, you should take care of the improvement of the site:

  1. Pay due attention to paths, paths, trees, flower beds and flower beds;
  2. Also, do not forget about the recreation areas (,), where you often like to relax on warm summer evenings. They must look perfect.

Talking about more interesting projects, then you can aim at creating decorative mini-garden or other decoration... The miniature will look best surrounded by small figurines and various figurines.

A pond decorated with artificial lilies or swans will look no less beautiful. If you do dIY waterproof crafts for the garden it is difficult for you, then you can easily purchase them in specialized stores. There you will certainly be able to find suitable products that will harmoniously fit into landscaping your garden.

It is important to remember that some products (especially those made from cheap plastic) are afraid of extreme temperature changes. Therefore, if necessary, in winter period, all can be moved from the street to a more secluded place where it will not be threatened by the cold.

DIY master class - everything for the garden and garden (photo)

Many decorate their garden using classic techniques - beautiful figures of little gnomes, unusual birds, as well as funny and funny animals. This style of design for the site is very popular, especially for those who have small children. It has been proven that the fabulous atmosphere in the garden created in this way has a beneficial effect on the development of the child.

If you supplement the garden with a drinker or bird feeder, then in addition to improving the aesthetic beauty of the site, you will make a significant contribution to saving the starving birds in winter. Thus, you will teach your kids to love all life on earth from a very young age.

Garden decor - photos of the best DIY crafts

If recently there was construction or repair on the site, then some building materials, for example, cement, probably remained. You can create an excellent dIY garden decor.

  1. To do this, you need to find the largest leaf, a burdock or water lily leaf is perfect;
  2. Then a layer of cement should be applied to this sheet, not very thick, but not thin either. In order for the sheet to subsequently stand, it must be even and smooth from above, otherwise the sheet will have to be dug into the ground;
  3. After that, you need to wait about 5-6 hours, until the solution is completely dry, turn it over, remove the sheet from the cement and now the decor is ready.

To make concrete crafts with their own hands did not look too gloomy, in the middle you can glue colored stones or just paint the sheet in any color.

Wall decor with flower pots (photo)

Flowers are beautiful idea for decor... If there is an empty boring wall on the site that needs to be decorated with something, then hanging flowers and photo frames will be a great option.

  1. To do this, you need to find empty cans or unnecessary flower pots, preferably the same size;
  2. Holes are made on the sides into which you need to pass a rope or chain. It will be a latch for holding the craft on a vertical wall;
  3. If the wall is wooden, then you can simply drive a nail into it, in the event that we are dealing with a brick or block wall, then we cannot do without a puncher and anchor dowels;
  4. Around the pots, which can be colored at will, you can hang frames with photos or children's drawings.

Also, on the wall, clay products will look very beautiful and spectacular, which will give an image that resembles a structure from old Russian fairy tales.

Beautiful garden - this is not a dream, since today you can make any dreams come true. By decorating your plot with original and beautiful crafts, you will not only transform it appearance, but also make it different from the rest.

In creating decorative items, the main thing is imagination and some skills that come with time. A little perseverance, and everything will definitely work out. Faithful helpers in that exciting process will become your own handmade crafts for the garden.

For many, a dacha is not just a place of rest, but also an attempt to express the creative potential of their personality. Wanting to decorate their plots or make them as convenient as possible, many of their owners begin to make crafts for giving with their own hands.

The benefits of a variety of crafts for giving

Can not imagine a private house without hand-made products. They serve as the hallmark of any owner, his desire to ennoble the site, making it more adapted to comfort on vacation.

Crafts for giving have a number of advantages. For instance:

  1. This is a great time with your family. By involving children, you can instill in them diligence in such a simple and interesting form for them, as well as draw imagination from restless kids, which will help diversify the creative process and bring something new to the products.
  2. In addition, you can use those available tools that will not hit your pocket. Craft material:
    • tree;
    • laser discs;
    • car tires;
    • styrofoam;
    • concrete;
    • plastic bottles;
    • stone and many others. dr.
  3. Hand-made crafts will give confidence in your abilities and special joy from rest, and at the same time the dacha will look much more attractive.

Well, the most important thing is that you can make it quickly and without special efforts... Even the tool will need the one that is in every home. It is very easy to choose a suitable craft for, the photos of the products located on this site will help with this.

Craft art for bottle gardening

The simplest and most common material is bottles. In every house during the winter they accumulate in enough... It's time to take them all to the dacha in the spring, and instead of garbage, the bottles will easily turn into a masterpiece that will delight the eye. Products made from this material serve two purposes. You can make practical crafts from them, for example, a fence in the garden, an openwork curtain on the door or a bird feeder. Also, crafts have decorative properties, for example, artificial flowers and animals, original flowerpots.

Crafts for giving from bottles are quite practical:

  • Due to the advantageous characteristics of the thin plastic from which the bottles are made.
  • In addition, you can use different parts of the bottle, from the cap to the bottom.
  • And another advantage of bottles is that they are easy to cut and can be connected different ways, and materials: wire, thread, fishing line, rubber band and even glue.
  • The color scheme of such crafts is also striking, because they can be painted.

Therefore, bottle products are very diverse, beautiful and useful. They are easy and interesting to make, you can even start designing yourself and come up with something new.

On each personal plot there are trees. This is what suggests that another common material can be used. Wooden crafts for giving are useful and giving positive emotions. Old stumps are also used, branches that are regularly cut from trees as autumn or spring pruning, leftovers from repairs and unnecessary boxes.

Big and small wooden structures can be very necessary in the country. What dacha is complete without a cozy bench, without an arch or a fence? All of these products are designed to cozy rest the whole family. But also original lamps, birdhouses and flowerpots can also give the cottage warmth and a great kind of holiday.

What crafts can you do with your own hands from tires?

To make crafts for a summer residence with your own hands, you do not need a special skill, because the shape and elastic flexible material all the time suggest a lot of ideas.

What can be made from tires? These are just some of the suggestions:

  • tracks;
  • garden bed fencing;
  • furniture (tables and chairs);
  • high beds;
  • rugs;
  • flowerpots;
  • and much more.

It is clear from this incomplete list that this is a durable material that is not afraid of any weather makes it possible to design perfect country crafts. Their purpose will be as diverse as possible. Taking into account all the possibilities of tires, it is easy and fun to practice landscape design personal plot.

Original ideas for crafts

There are other tools at hand that make great products. Given their shape and material, you can come up with many different crafts. Bright, creative designs are able to transform the boring look of a garden plot, turning it into an ideal world for rest and play for children. For example, original sculptures and beautiful flowerpots successfully decorate the garden and courtyard.

Many crafts are created for the convenience of the summer resident. So if old tire, cut into small pieces, and fix these parts on the wall, you get suitable shelves for small parts and tool. And cut plastic bottles, connected to each other, turn into a water chute.

Children will also benefit from handicrafts, because these are sandboxes and playhouses specially designed for them.

Decorating your allotment, and making it much more convenient, will help crafts for a summer residence and a garden. What functions do these products perform:

  • They make the site much more comfortable and give perspective. So humble wooden canopy or a birdhouse, an unusual lamp or a small one turns the cottage into cozy place recreation.
  • Help to differentiate different zones cottages. For example, the recreation area is separated from the work area by a conveniently located garden bench.
  • They decorate the courtyard and garden of the cottage. Even, and decorated with a curious craft, it helps to see the makings of a designer, to enjoy the opportunity, and pleasantly surprise guests and neighbors.

Some photos of handicrafts for a summer residence, made by hand, can convince of the practicality of this venture, and inflame the desire to try something of this kind yourself.

Useful Tips

Of plastic bottles, stones, old tires and other seemingly unnecessary items, you can make a huge amount of things.

DIY crafts can be used for home or garden decoration, and also in order to give a neighbor.

Kids will love it too participate in the production of colorful and original crafts, especially if these are crafts for themselves.

Children's crafts from plastic bottles

Summer on the street or winter, cute toy animals will always delight kids.

In this master class, you can learn how to make penguin crafts using plastic bottles.

You will need:

Clean plastic bottles (any volume)

Acrylic paints


Below is the scheme to follow to craft penguins:

DIY kindergarten crafts. Living stones.

It can get very creative and useful decor any garden or vegetable garden. You just need to find a few simple stones and start working with paint and imagination.

It will be easier if you use smooth stones. But in the end it all depends on the pattern and pattern you are going to apply.

Here are some simple examples - animals, bugs, fish.

Children will not only be interested in painting, but also to play with such pebbles in the garden.

In addition, these colored stones can be used to decorate the interior and exterior.

You will need:


Acrylic paints

Colorless varnish

Simple pencil

1. Prepare the stone, wash it and let it dry.

2. Use a pencil to draw the desired pattern on the stone.

3. Start painting with gouache.

* It's good if the color of the stone matches your drawing. Drawings with a black outline are very good.

* When the paint dries, you need to anoint the stone with a colorless varnish, thereby the paint will not be erased.

You can do something more difficult, such as a snake and a turtle.

An even more complex version is the image of a rabbit.

Children's paper crafts. A whole paper platform.

It is very easy to do such a craft.

You will need:

Colored paper


Glue (glue stick)

You need to cut strips, squares, etc. from colored paper. and make swings, slides, ladders, tables, paths and much more.

Everything is limited by imagination - do what you want and build the site that you dream of.

Crafts for the playground. Giraffe from a tire and a log.

A very cute giraffe can be made for a playground or kindergarten.

You will need:

Old tire

2 logs (short and long)

Plastic bottle.

Eyes from an old toy

Watering can (for tail)

1. Half drip in the splint.

2. Make a muzzle out of a short log and connect it in the shape of a letter L with a long log using nails. The body of the giraffe in the image is about 1 meter long, and the head is 25-30 cm.

3. Drive in a long log next to the tire (see picture).

4. Prepare a plastic bottle and make giraffe ears out of it. Next, attach these ears with glue or nails to the muzzle.

5. The eyes of the animal can be made from the caps from under plastic bottles... On each cap, glue the eyes from an old toy (or you can draw them with a marker).

6. You will need a watering can spout to make a giraffe's tail.

7. It remains only to paint the craft so that it looks like a giraffe.

Crafts for kindergarten. Zebra made of tires and logs.

Just like a giraffe, you can make a zebra and the African savannah will be filled with more animals.

You will need:

1 tire

2 logs

Eyes from an old toy

Plastic bottle

1. First, dig in the tire halfway.

2. Make a muzzle and a neck out of the logs. The body of the craft in the picture is about 70 cm long, and the head is 25-30 cm.

3. Drive in the log next to the tire.

4. Make ears from a plastic bottle and attach them to the muzzle.

5. Eyes can be made from plastic bottle caps or use parts of an old toy.

6. Make a tail from the spout of the watering can, and insert a brush made from an old tire inside.

7. The nose can be done using thick rubber.

8. It remains to color the craft.

Children's craft from a plastic bottle

Using plastic bottles, you can make many beautiful and sometimes even useful crafts.

Take, for example, this socket for every little thing. It is not difficult to make it, but it will come in handy for a little fashionista who can store jewelry, brushes and pencils in it.

Also, this craft can be used as a flower vase.

1. Prepare the bottle and cut the top off with a utility knife.

2. Using scissors, cut thin strips of equal width on the bottle (up to the middle).

3. Now the strips need to be folded. Make it so that they are perpendicular to the bottle.

5. It remains only to arrange the outlet.

Baby bottle crafts

Lots of interesting crafts for home, garden and vegetable garden can be found in our articles.

Every person who has a dacha sooner or later thinks about decorating it. To do this, you can buy various items by installing them on your summer cottage... But for people who want to do everything with their own hands, it will be much more interesting to create various crafts on their own, coming up with something interesting and original or copying from already finished products... Decorating the cottage homemade crafts, you can create a very comfortable and cozy atmosphere that delivers a lot of pleasure and attracts the attention of others. And the warmth of hand-made products cannot be compared with anything!

In addition, the independent design of the dacha allows you to develop and realize your creative potential. And also usefully apply a number of old things that are a pity to throw away and are no longer in demand on the farm.

We have collected latest ideas for giving with your own hands in one place. And for your convenience, we have arranged them in the form of a catalog with detailed descriptions and vivid images.

Choosing ideas for giving with your own hands - photo.

Each summer resident, if desired, can find a wide variety of ideas for giving do-it-yourself photos that are on the Internet. For the manufacture of small architectural forms, you can use improvised items that are available in almost every household. At any cottage you can find some kind of unnecessary furniture, construction Materials and many other items that can be useful in the design of the site.

The choice of an idea ultimately depends on personal preferences, skills, availability the necessary tool and materials. As well as readiness for additional financial investments.

Try to find yourself an inspiration and a reliable assistant, then the work will go much faster and more fun. And the “look from the outside” is certainly useful, especially for enthusiastic people who find it difficult to stop in time. And remember that your summer cottage is primarily a natural landscape, and nature loves harmony.

Crafts for giving with your own hands from scrap materials with photos.

Various kinds of crafts (figurines, houses for birds and pets) are the most popular and affordable objects for self-construction. As a rule, they are made from what is at hand and require minimum costs time. Thus, this is the most affordable and fastest way to transform the garden area. Next, we will take a closer look at specific ideas for giving.

How to create funny figures.

Even simple bottles from under various drinks can be used to make figures that will look beautiful at their summer cottage. For the manufacture of figures, you can use a wide variety of bottles and containers, pre-collecting it in the required amount. From plastic bottles and other various containers, you can make animals decorating the site. These can be horses, piglets, cows and much more. By making various shapes from bottles, you can reveal your talents and create more and more perfect crafts each time.

Making a birdhouse.

From a simple felling of a tree you can make beautiful feeder for birds. To do this, you need to select a saw cut of a tree of suitable thickness and cut a notch in it in the inner part, and then fix it on a tree or any other convenient place on the site. Placing food in the feeder, the birds will be able to peck it during flights and thereby decorate your summer cottage. Make a feeder yourself simple type can be made from many objects, the same plastic bottles, similar ideas for giving a photo with your own hands can always be found on the Internet and try to repeat.

Making a stuffed animal.

Decorate the vegetable beds in your garden with an unusual bird scarecrow. As a result, you will get a double effect - you will save the harvest and bring zest to your garden. Garden scarecrow - benefit and great mood for the summer resident.

There are a lot of options for decorating a summer cottage with your own hands, the main thing is to have a desire and imagination. You can always find on the Internet various photos examples.

Including imagination, you can use a variety of objects to design a summer cottage. Old tires are suitable for creating flower beds that can be colored and distributed throughout the site.

For making crafts with your own hands in your summer cottage, you can use the most common corks from plastic bottles. You will need a lot of traffic jams, but you can find them if you wish. From bottle caps, you can make very beautiful patterns that decorate walls, fences and many other elements at their summer cottage or drawings of animals. Figures and patterns from bottle caps can be painted with paints in different coloursmaking the exposure even more interesting. With their help, you can create whole works of art.

Country house outside the city often bought with the expectation that there could be a good rest from the bustle of the city for adults and children. Buying a summer cottage, everyone plans to create on their site unique design, decorating it with products that will be made by hand. Often there are summer cottages with well-groomed beds on which there is a small house. Even a child will get bored in such a dacha. Any even the smallest site with a nondescript house will be transformed, if you are not too lazy and embody the most unusual ideas for giving with your own hands. Photos that are presented in this article. Use your imagination, put in a little effort, and passers-by will admire your garden.

Consider the plot you bought as a space for creativity for the whole family. Creative ideas for a dacha with your own hands, you can make from scrap material. The entrance will go to whatever you were going to throw away. Baskets, old clay jugs, barrels, car tires, even uprooted old wood, with good processing, can turn into beautiful table and chairs. Find out even more creative items by reading our article about .

Ideas for giving with your own hands - arrangement of the territory.

We are laying the pond.

From natural stone on the territory of the summer cottage, you can lay out a beautiful pond of the most diverse shapes. To do this, you need to decide on its size, dig a depression, seal it, pour water and cover it with a stone at your discretion.

Thinking over the play area.

Having thrown all their strength into the improvement of the site or home, adults often forget about the device children's corner... The design of a summer cottage should start with the construction of a playground, this will help create a play area for children, and they will not interfere during work.

For construction you will need:

  • large saw cut of logs (swing base);

And here's another selection unique ideas for giving with your own hands, photos of which will help you decide on the architecture on the playground for children. Create a simple swing for a child, all kinds of slides with houses and rope ropes, a sandpit with seats on the sides and a heating element overhead from the sun. If your site is too small and does not allow you to allocate an area for the play area, create it outside the site. Connect neighbors who have children and build a playground using materials from disassembled barns.

We decorate the fence.

An unusual fence will add originality to your summer cottage and make it stand out from the rest. Even the most ordinary fences at first glance can be transformed with the help of our DIY ideas for giving (photos prove this).

  • A regular mesh netting or garden trellis can be decorated with a stencil and paint. It looks very original.

  • Round timber with sharp end paint in different colors and your fence turns into a huge set of pencils. Fun and pleasing to the eye.

  • Even an ordinary tyn will look harmonious in the overall ensemble of your garden.

Do-it-yourself fence at the dacha - a photo to the envy of neighbors.

Laying garden paths.

Garden paths able to transform any site. Even if you do not pay enough attention to the arrangement of flower beds and the construction of small architectural forms. The path at the dacha, paved with stone, wood or ceramics, will give you not only practicality and ease of movement around the site, but also lay the foundation for its further design. Wooden walkway.

The path, paved with tree rings, looks environmentally friendly and fits well into the natural landscape. Give it a more winding trajectory, plant along it coniferous trees and enjoy a leisurely walk through the woods. - An excellent version of the idea for giving with your own hands.

You can choose the diameter of the wood rings at your discretion, just like the order of their laying. The photos below perfectly illustrate the possibilities of using this material. And once again prove the infinity of the creators' imagination.

Despite all the obvious advantages, wood is more susceptible to moisture and various pests... Therefore, be sure to take care of its primary processing. Working off or drying oil is suitable for processing saw cuts.

Substrate preparation is equally important. Work begins with marking and deepening the soil. The use of geotextiles extends the lifespan of such a track. Wooden rings are laid on a sandy substrate, and the gaps between them are covered with the same sand.

Stone path.

The material can be gravel, river pebbles, bricks, paving slabs, ceramics.

There are also a great many variations on the theme of patterns. In order for the track to serve as long as possible, take the time and effort proper preparation grounds.

The main stages include:

  • Digging a trench;
  • Formation of a gravel substrate;
  • Sandy layer;
  • Curb styling and pattern flattening;
  • Filling vertical voids with sand.

We break up the flower garden.

There are many ideas for giving to create flower beds and flower beds with your own hands. it favorite place work and leisure of all women. Every housewife can create an original flower bed on her site.

  • Pyramidal flower beds with ampelous plants made of old tires of different diameters or unnecessary containers will delight your guests and save space on the site.
  • You can organize an original flower garden using any item that is not needed in the household, for example, a cart, an old chair, a basket or a clay tub.

We fantasize over a place to rest.

Connect the recreation area and the play area with a wooden bridge overlooking an artificial reservoir. The creation of a small reservoir at a summer cottage is not difficult and everyone can do it. A beautifully designed small lake will become the central accent of the entire design of your summer house.

Create a piece of paradise with your own hands! After reading the article "", you will learn how to create wonderful decorative elements for home and summer cottages from scrap materials.

Country sofa.

A well-maintained dacha with your own hands photo gives much more positive emotions from staying on it. We invite you to discuss another object that has a beneficial effect on the dacha environment. This patio is a seating area, usually paved with stone or wood. It can be adjacent to the house or be located at a distance from it, but preferably in the open air. Although the choice of the final version of the patio will be based on the prevailing climatic conditions.

Summer residents have already appreciated the patio as a place for friendly and family gatherings over a barbecue or aromatic tea. And the main criterion for collecting big company, is the convenience of everyone present.

In addition to the table, a spacious sofa made of pallets can serve as the centerpiece of the patio. "Doesn't sound very good" - you might think. However, take a look at great options its execution! And you will not notice how you are already mentally scrolling through the structure and design of the country sofa in your head.

And so, let's get down to business! To begin with, we thoroughly clean the surface of the pallets and remove all traumatic elements (chips, nails, etc.) using woodworking tools (jigsaw, hammer, saw, plane, hacksaw, etc.). The specific list depends on the quality of the source material.

Since the sofa will mostly be outdoors, consider impregnating the pallets with protective equipment. This will increase the service life, protect against mold and decay. And to assemble the structure together you will need nails, corners, foam rubber and upholstery fabric.

The main stages of implementing this idea for a do-it-yourself summer residence are as follows:

  • drawing creation;
  • assembly of a structure from pallets;
  • sheathing of the facade and sides with plywood for aesthetic design;
  • production of soft covers and pillows.

By the way, a similar sofa can also be placed in a gazebo or on the veranda of a country house.

Dacha do-it-yourself photo - exterior decoration of the house.

And so, if you have ennobled the territory, and your soul and hands require continuation - take a look at the garden house itself. Perhaps its façade should be updated or made more attractive and fun.

Such creativity, otherwise this activity and you cannot name it, it is also attractive because it allows you to escape from the routine realities of truck farming (digging, weeding and watering). In addition, it does not require tireless work, because it can be performed in free time and intermittently. There is no time frame at all. Will you decorate the dacha facade for a week, a month, or finish only the next year - it depends on the level of complexity of your plans, the availability of available material and your irrepressible desire to create.

Of course, it will not be possible to talk about all the techniques for transforming the facade, but we will consider the most popular ones now.

Mosaic facade.

Mosaic is a picture made of small elements of different shapes and colors. The material can be glass, ceramics, small stones, and also corks from plastic bottles. We will dwell on the last option in more detail. The advantages of a cork facade are its low cost. And the difficulties lie in the collection the required amount traffic jams.

"What surface of the house to expose this kind decor? - you ask. Absolutely anything: from ornaments around a window or doorway to a solid wall decoration. Photos of the works of real craftsmen testify to the boundlessness of their imagination and inexhaustible patience.

When decorating surfaces large area concentrate on the symmetry of the ornament. Pre-markup will help you with this. And in the process of installing the covers, periodically step back and evaluate the harmony of your work.

Evening garland.

Glowing garlands are a unique way to create a romantic atmosphere in the country. Yes, it’s romantic! It would seem, what kind of romance can there be among the beds and greenhouses? If everything is organized correctly, then it is quite possible to select a corner for a pleasant pastime.

A similar idea for a summer residence can be easily implemented with your own hands and be used as part of a friendly party at fresh air, and also as a festive attribute for lovers or newlyweds.

The colors of the garland are chosen for the occasion. It can be an extravaganza of colorful lights or a monochromatic scale. Large light bulbs look spectacular and somewhat mysterious in the dark. white... And to choose a warm or cold shade of white - decide for yourself!

Floristic motives.

Facade decoration with decorative plants and flowers has been used for a long time. Everyone was greeted by the walls of houses, filled with green liana-like plants (loach, wild grapes, etc.) But how many of you have heard of a vertical garden bed or useful gardening at home?

The most practical gardeners live in a constant need to make the most of the available fertile resources, especially in a situation with a small land plot... And this, believe me, is not uncommon. Therefore, they decided that a number of fruit and vegetable crops could be grown in a somewhat non-standard way.

An example of this is vertical bed - interesting and useful way decoration of the facade of the house. There is, however, some limitation - a southern or southeastern / western wall is suitable for such a bed.

The whole structure is based on a frame made of picket fence, nails and wire. It is along it that our fruitful shoots will crawl up. The stems are fixed (as they grow) with textile ropes or cellophane tapes.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins and zucchini can now grow very close and delight the eye with natural colors.

By changing frame structureYou can create various patterns on the wall, controlling the direction and density of plant growth. It also keeps the inside of the house cool on a hot day.

There are also more affordable landscaping options. These are flowerpots at the entrance and on the windowsill. Flowers in the morning will wake you up with their fragrance and cheer you up. And in the afternoon they will bloom to the delight of guests and neighbors.

Beautiful handicrafts for the street (yard, summer cottage, site kindergarten) from plastic bottles and cellophane bags: seals, squirrel, swans. Master Class.

Crafts from improvised and waste material to decorate a kindergarten site (or summer cottage, yard, street)

The authors of these wonderful works - Konovalova Elena and Fedotova Natalia from the town of Gryazovets. Many thanks for the photo and preparation of the description of the manufacture (master class) Pivneva Olga Alekseevna, a kindergarten teacher, to decorate the site of which these crafts were created.

Elena is very creative person, she loves making various figurines from scrap material.

Every year, the group's educators, together with their parents, decorate the kindergarten site, make various street figures for its decoration.

These children's crafts were made by Elena and her sister Natalya for the courtyard of the preschool educational institution.

Craft "Swans" for the street (yard, cottage, garden)

Materials and tools for making 1 swan:

  • 1 plastic bottle (5 l.);
  • 2 plastic bottles (2.5 l.);
  • thick wire;
  • cellophane insulation;
  • white bags - "T-shirts";
  • black greenhouse film;
  • scissors;
  • stapler;
  • glue "Titan";
  • red, white and black self-adhesive.

How to make crafts "Swans" from plastic bottles and cellophane bags

Take a 5 liter plastic bottle and wire. Connect them: the bottle will be the body, the wire will be the neck and head. Wrap the wire with insulation. Cut out the wings and tail from a plastic bottle (2.5 liters), attach to the body of the bird.

Cut the bags - "T-shirts" and the black greenhouse film into strips 7 cm wide. Then cut the strips across by 1 cm, not cutting slightly to the edge. Using a stapler and glue, attach the strips to the parts of the swan's body, starting from the bottom. Make eyes, a beak from self-adhesive.

Place the birds in a decorative pond.

Craft "Squirrel" for the street (yard, dacha, garden)

Materials and tools:

  • 1 plastic bottle (1 l);
  • glue "Titan";
  • orange garbage bags or orange grocery bags - "T-shirts";
  • wire;
  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • stapler;
  • red, white and black self-adhesive;
  • walnuts (1-2 pieces).

How to make a craft "Squirrel" from plastic bottles and cellophane bags

Take a bottle of 1.5 liters., Cut out the middle of the bottle. Connect the neck and bottom with tape - this will be the head for the squirrel. Connect the squirrel's head and torso (the torso is a 2.5 liter bottle.) Attach a bottle (1L) to the bottom of the torso by making a hole in the torso - this is the squirrel's tail. Cut the garbage bags into strips 7 cm wide.Then cut the strips 1 cm across, not cutting slightly to the edge. Use a stapler and glue to attach them to the bottles (head, torso, tail). Make eyes, nose, mouth. Attach walnuts to the squirrel's paws.

Craft "Cats" for the street (yard, cottage, garden)

Materials and tools for making 1 cat:

  • 1 plastic bottle (2.5 l.);
  • 1 plastic bottle (1.5 l.);
  • foam ball;
  • scissors;
  • glue "Titan";
  • white and black bags - "T-shirts";
  • scotch;
  • stapler;
  • paper clips (4 pcs).

How to make crafts "Cats" from plastic bottles and cellophane bags

Take a 2.5L bottle (this will be the torso) and a foam ball (this will be the head), put them together. Cut out the tail and legs from a 1.5 liter bottle. Use a stapler to attach the tail to the bottom of the 2.5 liter bottle.

Cut the bags - "T-shirts" into strips 7 cm wide. Then cut the strips across by 1 cm, slightly not cutting to the edge. Then cut the strips across by 1 cm.Using a stapler and glue, attach them to the bottles (to the head, body, tail). Glue the paws too. Attach the tabs to paper clips. Make a nose, eyes and mouth out of self-adhesive.

Enjoy your creativity! Especially for blog readers "MORE creative ideas for children" (https: // site), sincerely yours, Julia Sherstyuk

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