Hibiscus stubbornly refuses to bloom. You can handle it! Features of growing hibiscus: why the Chinese rose does not bloom

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis with glossy dark emerald leaves and large double flowers most often of scarlet color, it is a living decoration of offices, restaurants, cafes, halls of public premises. Many housewives also fell in love with hibiscus - they are happy to grow a flowering ornamental tree at home. Experienced florists claim that Chinese hibiscus is unpretentious indoor plant, while ensuring optimal conditions for growth and nutrition, it long time pleases the owners beautiful flowers, rich foliage.

In contrast to their claims, there are complaints from some amateur flower growers. On many thematic forums, their questions and requests are periodically "heard": why does not hibiscus bloom, what am I doing wrong, help with advice. An obvious fact: with their flowers Chinese rose thanks the owners for the correct, balanced care. Sometimes an excess of care turns into a scourge for a houseplant, it can lead to its death or improper development. Too "good" (in your opinion) growing conditions will provoke the active growth of the tree - you just can't take your eyes off the green foliage with an emerald tint, but waiting for the buds to appear is futile.

What's the matter?

Any imbalance can be the reason for the termination of the flowering of hibiscus:

  • direct sunlight or lack of light;
  • waterlogging of the soil or too little watering;
  • nutrient-poor soil or excess fertilizer;
  • cramped pot or too roomy tub;
  • a sharp decrease in temperature or a sweltering summer heat.

How to determine what exactly does not suit the plant? How to make him stop rebelling and cover itself with beautiful red flowers every season? First of all, it is necessary to determine the optimal conditions for hibiscus flowering, to ensure them as much as possible. If you want to wait for terry roses as soon as possible, and you are very upset that hibiscus does not bloom, analyze your mistakes in care and hurry to correct them.

Correct fit: in cramped quarters, but not offended

Hibiscus is picky about the soil, a fertile loose soil mixture is excellent for the growth and development of a tree, the acidity is neutral. It is desirable that the mixture includes clay turf, humus, charcoal chips. Do not forget about the drainage layer (expanded clay can be used).

If your tree is still very small, you need to be prepared for frequent transplants, picking up a larger pot (tub) each time. There is no need to replant an adult hibiscus every season, but so that it does not stop flowering, it is worth removing upper layer soil in a tub, adding a nutritious soil mixture.

Immediately plant a young plant in a large container "for growth" - typical mistake novice florists. Important: transplanting into a beautiful roomy tub can be one of the reasons why hibiscus stopped blooming! Yes, the tree pleases with the rapid growth of green mass, the leaves sparkle, have a uniform green color. Clusters of buds seem to be about to appear, but this is not happening. The explanation is very simple: the roots of hibiscus must "embrace", master the entire clod of earth. What need to do? Wait or repot the hibiscus in a smaller pot.

Hibiscus also wants to eat: we water and feed the rose tree correctly

In order for hibiscus to bloom regularly and magnificently, due attention must be paid to the procedure for watering and feeding it. Too much moisture at a low temperature in the room is fraught with root rot. At best, the hibiscus will shed flowers and buds. If the situation is not corrected in time, the leaves turn yellow and fall, the plant gets sick and dies. The Chinese rose gets rid of flower buds and with insufficient moisture or nutrients.

5 basic watering rules for those who do not have hibiscus blooms

  1. In winter, you should not water the hibiscus often and allow stagnant water.
  2. Do not feel sorry for moisture in hot weather, but do not re-water the flower until the topsoil dries.
  3. In addition to watering in hot weather, it is highly recommended to spray hibiscus leaves daily, place containers of water next to them to increase air humidity.
  4. Tap water it is advisable to stand for several hours, the plant responds well to watering with soft water.
  5. Optimum temperature- 25-30˚С.

Hibiscus may not bloom due to "hunger" or malnutrition. During the period of active growth (March - September), it is advisable to feed the rose tree weekly, during the rest period (October - February) - no more than once a month. Experienced florists recommend using a complex mineral fertilizer specially designed for beautifully flowering plants... Periodically, you can use a weak solution of organic fertilizers for watering.

Timely feeding and watering still does not exclude the possibility that the hibiscus will not want to bloom. The reason may lie in the incorrect choice of "food". An excess of nitrogen fertilizers only contributes to the active growth of the crown, the saturated color of the leaves, but not the formation of buds. But phosphates are the most effective companions in the fight for a beautifully flowering home hibiscus, they will make it bloom. Of course, if other conditions for keeping the rose tree are optimal.

Temperature regime is a factor affecting flowering

Sometimes, tired of the "capriciousness" of their pet, the Chinese rose, flower growers lament: why does not it bloom, in kindergartens, schools, hospital corridors there are hibiscus strewn with flowers, but not at home? Another feature of this houseplant is hidden here - in the cold season it is warm in the apartments, and hibiscus needs "hibernation" at a temperature of + 13-15˚С, minimal watering and rare dressings. It was during this period when favorable conditions, the rudiments of flower buds are actively laid for spring-summer flowering.

In public areas such temperature regime in winter - the norm, and therefore hibiscus bloom more luxuriantly. In apartments, in order to make a Chinese rose please you with flowers, you need to send it to a cool place in the fall. Although it is impossible to allow a significant decrease in temperature, it is worth adhering to + 14˚С with possible short-term deviations of a couple of degrees. Sudden changes in cold and heat must also be avoided.

Sleeping Beauty Awakening: Don't Miss the Moment

Hibiscus wakes up by the end of winter, now it needs sunbathing, good food, abundant watering and warmth. It is very important not to miss this transitional moment, to provide the indoor plant in a timely manner the necessary conditions... You can notice that the rose tree has woken up by the growth of young leaves. Do not wait for the buds to appear, because if you are late with the transfer of the flowerpot to a warm, bright place, the hibiscus will not bloom soon - it will throw off the first nascent flowers. Reasons: stress, a change in the microclimate and mechanical damage (delicate buds fall off even from the barely perceptible swaying of the branches).

What to do to make hibiscus bloom more abundantly, have beautiful shape crowns? Carefully prune old branches before he wakes up. The tree will quickly start up young shoots, become more lush and attractive. In addition, terry roses appear only on young branches. If you are sorry to "cut" your pet - do not be surprised why it does not bloom.

We provide maximum light: what is the cost of chasing the sun's rays?

Light is another factor, without which the full bloom of the Chinese rose is impossible. It is as important as moisture, top dressing, nutritious soil and temperature conditions. Hibiscus grows well in partial shade, but will not bloom. It is important to remember that direct, scalding rays of the sun are harmful to hibiscus. In order not to wonder all summer long why my Hibiscus rosa-sinensis does not bloom, take care of it in advance optimal location- maximum of scattered light.

The mistake of so many novice florists: trying to provide the most Better conditions for plants, they endlessly change their location, rearrange them on the balcony, then on the window, then on the sideboard. This is strongly discouraged - hibiscus will not bloom! A pot with a plant sprinkled with flowers and buds should stand in one place all summer, even turning and moving it is undesirable.

Hibiscus grows well on outdoors but the place should be protected from wind and direct sunlight.

All the rules are followed - why doesn't hibiscus bloom?

If you have provided all the necessary conditions for keeping the Chinese rose, but it rebelles and does not please you with luxurious flowering, most likely it is sick. What need to do? Examine the plant carefully:

1. Noticed yellow leaves- a problem with the root system, transplant the hibiscus by removing the damaged roots;

2. Fall off lower leaves and new too pale- the flower has suffered from hard chlorinated water, dry air or hypothermia, it needs to be urgently reanimated;

3. Leaves curl up, become covered with cobwebs, brown spots - serious pest control is ahead, hibiscus are most often attacked by aphids, whiteflies, spider mites.

Provide your hibiscus with comfortable conditions for flowering, just do not "strangle" it with your concern! Give it a rest in winter, do not fill it, cut it off in time, feed it properly, provide protection from drafts, optimal temperature conditions, diffused light - and the Chinese rose tree will certainly thank you with magnificent flowers.

Appreciated for their beautiful flowers... Why does indoor hibiscus not bloom, despite good care? Blooming is a desire to reproduce and gratitude for care. Abundant flowering can be achieved with a balance between good conditions content and a factor provoking to leave the seeds.

How to make hibiscus bloom at home

In caring for a plant, balance and compliance with all recommendations are important:

  • place of detention;
  • wintering conditions;
  • soil and capacity requirements;
  • watering and feeding the plant;
  • pruning;
  • protection against diseases and pests.

A prerequisite for the flowering of a Chinese rose will be its maintenance in a bright place. The sun should not burn the leaves of the flower. But in a dark room, hibiscus will not bloom.

To admire flowers in summer, hibiscus should be kept at a temperature of 12-15 degrees in winter. The room should be bright. It is at this temperature that the flowering program is laid. Do not wait for the violent opening of the buds in summer, when hibiscus blooms in winter, if kept warm.

Choosing a pot and fertile soil

A Chinese rose grows at home quickly if the plant was allocated a tub for growth and filled it fertile soil... Until the plant fills the entire clod of earth with roots, it will build up its green mass. The overgrown bush pleases with green foliage, receives proper care, but has not opened a single bud? Why does indoor hibiscus not bloom?

It is necessary to transplant the plant into a smaller container so that the roots are cramped. At the same time, they can be trimmed, removing more brown old parts. The pot must have good drainage from expanded clay or other bedding. Place the upper layer of roots almost on the soil surface. Houseplants bloom if the roots are cramped.

The composition of the soil for the Chinese rose should be fertile, but with the inclusion of clay turf. The acidity of the soil is kept closer to neutral. Charcoal chips in the soil help maintain the balance of the substrate.

Timely trimming and pinching

There is one biological feature why hibiscus does not bloom. Flowers form only on the tops of young twigs. That's why home flower systematic trimming or pinching is needed. Getting the branches to bush by pruning is an important part of hibiscus care. He quickly gives young shoots, and the buds develop on them. One of the main reasons why healthy, overgrown indoor hibiscus does not bloom, is the lack of pruning.

Uniform watering

It is important to water the flower properly. At any moment, all beauty can be violated precisely because of improper watering:

  1. The water should be soft. When using it, no scale remains in the kettle, and a film does not float on the surface of boiled water.
  2. For irrigation, the water must be well defended so that there are no traces of chlorine in the tap water.
  3. The temperature of the irrigation water should be around 30 degrees.

In summer, indoor hibiscus is abundant and sprayed with leaves from a spray bottle. But between waterings, the top layer of the earth should dry out. In winter, the plant is rarely watered. In cold, damp soil, inactive roots can rot. Lack of watering or nutrition will cause the buds and flowers to shed when the hibiscus is in bloom.

They are especially effective for flowering. It can be a superphosphate extract, or a special composition for indoor flowering plants. Fertilizers are applied only to wet soil.

What to do if hibiscus does not bloom and how to find the cause. Do not overexpose the rose tree in cold conditions. In order for it to bloom, it is necessary to exclude temperature drops during the growing season. So, if the plant is overexposed in the cold until the buds appear, and then transferred to heat, the buds will fall off from a sharp change in temperature. The same will happen if the plant gets caught in a draft.

A flowering tree requires careful handling. The pot is installed in place once for the whole summer. It cannot even be rotated if the buds have already been picked. The peduncle is very fragilely attached and falls off from the slight swaying of the branch. Therefore, during flowering, you need to walk by carefully.

In summer, hibiscus love Fresh air... The flowerpots should be installed in a place protected from wind and direct sunlight. Loggia, balcony or veranda with a sun curtain will the best place for flowering hibiscus.

Why hibiscus with yellow leaves does not bloom

It should be noted that only healthy hibiscus flowers bloom, which have the necessary conditions for development. If spots appear on the leaves of any format or the leaf blade turns yellow, these are signs of a disease. So, green drooping leaves will say that the plant is dry, then it will lose color and buds.

Yellow leaves can give a signal that there is a disorder with the root system, and there is no need to wait for flowering under these conditions. In addition, insect pests can colonize the plant, taking food from the hibiscus. Therefore, each pruning, watering, wiping the leaves should be combined with a preventive inspection of the plant.

Compliance with agricultural technology will allow you to annually enjoy the victorious flowering of a tropical plant, which brings harmony to the house in the relationship between family members.

Hibiscus care experience - video

Many growers love the Chinese rose or hibiscus. This houseplant is capable of its bright flowers and decorativeness to decorate any interior, and caring for it will not cause much trouble. However, sometimes the Chinese rose refuses to bloom - why this problem arises and how to solve it, we learn from the article.

Hibiscus came to us from southern countries, therefore, it is not grown on the street in our country: the plant is thermophilic. The flower is not only able to become an interior decoration, but also protects the house from negativity - at least that's what esotericists and Feng Shui experts believe. In nature, hibiscus can reach a height of 4.5 meters: at home, of course, there is no such high bush. The Chinese rose lives for about 20 years, annually pleasing with flowering.

The plant comes from the Malvaceae family and boasts amazingly beautiful, multiple and bright flowers. The Chinese rose grows quickly: with proper care, it develops from a small seedling to a flowering bush within just a few months.

If you create the right conditions: warm and humid, hibiscus will be able to bloom all year round. In the conditions of our standard apartments, however, creating such a tropical microclimate is problematic. Therefore, the flowering of hibiscus usually lasts for 2-3 months: from mid-summer to mid-late September. With very good care, the decorative period can last longer: from March to October.

Description of flowers

Hibiscus buds are brightly colored and exotic appearance... The size of the flowers is large: the diameter of one specimen ranges from 9 to 16 cm.The buds have a cup-shaped regular shape, double or simple structure... In the core of each flower there is a rather large pistil surrounded by stamens. Flowers usually do not have aroma.

The buds open in the morning, and by the evening they fade. But due to the fact that there are many of them on the bush, the plant does not lose its decorative effect. If the care is good, up to twenty bright buds open at the same time on the hibiscus, and if very good, then up to fifty.

The shades of Chinese rose petals can be different: but most often, red hibiscus is grown in our apartments. Less commonly, you can find varieties with white, purple, orange buds. In general, the shade of hibiscus flowers can theoretically be any: except black and blue.

Why is there no bloom

As a rule, all the reasons for the absence of flower buds in hibiscus one way or another boil down to improper plant care. Next, consider the most likely causes.

Overly spacious pot

Hibiscus is characterized by such a feature: until its roots are completely entwined with an earthen ball, there will be no flowering. Therefore, when you plant a plant in too large a container, its small roots will cope with a huge earthy ball for a long time. And all this time you will not see flowering. Foliage, however, and shoots will grow quite actively.

For a full-fledged life, hibiscus needs a rest period, which lasts almost the entire winter. At this time, the future is laid flower buds, from which buds will be obtained in the next growing season. However, in order for the buds to start, hibiscus should be kept in winter at a cool temperature - about +15 degrees. If the temperature in the room is higher, flower buds may not form at all or only partially.

No clipping and pinching

Since flower buds are formed in the Chinese rose mostly on the tops of annual shoots, the plant for lush bloom needs a mandatory pinching and trimming. If the procedures are neglected, only a few long shoots will grow, instead of abundant branched shoots. Flowering will therefore be poor. Experienced growers can get hibiscus to form buds by pruning it correctly and on time.


An excess of moisture in the soil must not be allowed during the growing season of hibiscus. This plant does not tolerate waterlogging and may well respond to it with the absence of flower buds.

Lack of light

Hibiscus, like any tropical plant, needs long-term and abundant illumination, albeit diffused. The plant does not bloom in the shade, it is also better not to keep it in direct sunlight, since the buds and leaves will get burned.

Sudden temperature changes

If a Chinese rose is tested in the form of a sharp temperature difference, she can respond to this by dropping not only the buds, but all the foliage. It will be extremely difficult for the plant to bloom again after such stress in the current season.

Excess nitrogen

This mineral has very useful property, for which it is appreciated by all gardeners: nitrogen promotes the rapid regrowth of shoots and foliage. However, a set of green mass is needed only in the spring, and then the hibiscus must devote all its strength to the formation of buds. If you continue to feed the flower with nitrogen in the summer, the appearance of buds will either be very scarce, or there will be none at all. This is due to the fact that all the forces of the plant will be directed to the greens.

Diseases, pest infestation

Too probable cause Problems. Most often, chlorosis prevents hibiscus from blooming: both infectious and non-infectious. The fungus also often interferes with the life processes of the plant, inhibiting the hibiscus, preventing it from developing. Especially dangerous root rot- this disease can deprive not only the flowers of the Chinese rose, but also life.

They get rid of these misfortunes by spraying with special preparations of fungicidal and insecticidal action. Washing the foliage with soap and water can also help with pests.

What to do for flowering

We will find out what care measures will help to achieve a magnificent and long flowering Chinese rose at home.

Good lighting

The plant needs sunlight, like air, water and food. Lighting for hibiscus needs sparse, not direct, but long-term: throughout the day. Place the flower pot in the lightest room in the house: ideally on the window on the east side of the apartment. If the window is only south, be sure to shade the flower from the midday sun. In the summer, you can take the pot out to the balcony, loggia.

Choosing the right pot

When planting / transplanting hibiscus, choose a pot wisely. It is necessary to select such a capacity so that it only slightly exceeds the volume of the roots. In this case, the flowering of the plant will begin soon after adaptation to a new place.

The soil

If you want the Chinese rose to bloom well, take care of correct composition soil: it must include clay turf. And the acidity of the substrate should be neutral.

Competent watering

Moisten the hibiscus in the summer, although quite abundantly, but do not allow an excess of water in the soil: a swamp in a pot should not form. In addition to root watering in the heat, also spray the plant to make the microclimate close to the tropical humidity in terms of humidity.


Correct feeding

Be sure to feed the Chinese rose during the growing season: at least twice a month. Use mineral fertilizers, but reduce the concentration by half when preparing solutions. Use nitrogen only in spring; in summer, give preference to potassium-phosphate formulations.

The plant does not perceive dry fertilizers well, therefore, either dilute the granules / powder in water, or combine top dressing with subsequent watering.

Dormant period

Care must necessarily imply giving the plant a dormant period. This period should begin soon after flowering. From about October to February, the Chinese rose should rest and gain strength for the next growing season.

V winter time be sure to give the plant the opportunity to be in a room with a low temperature: optimally about +15 degrees. Do not allow the temperature to drop too much. If the hibiscus has to winter at a temperature of +10 degrees or below, it will throw off all its foliage, It may die if it freezes too much.

During this period of time, watering should be moderate, and the plant does not need feeding. Lighting, however, must be provided normal: daylight hours during the rest period should last at least 10-11 hours. If there is not enough natural light, provide the hibiscus with additional artificial lighting: if there is a lack of light, flower buds will not be able to start.

In February, the plant should be "woken up" by transferring it to a warm place and starting to water it vigorously.


Trim the flower regularly, thus activating the growth of lateral flowering shoots. Before sending a rose for the winter, be sure to prune it. Initially, you need to gradually reduce watering to a minimum: because of this, the plant will quickly shed its foliage. Then you should cut off the bare branches, leaving only "stumps" 6-8 cm long.

If you didn't have time to prune before wintering, be sure to carry out the procedure in the spring - just before the plant comes out of hibernation. In the summer, it is highly undesirable to cut the bush: in this case, the flowering, having barely begun, may soon stop.

  • When the plant begins to lay and form flower buds, you cannot change its location or even turn it.
  • Protect indoor flower from drafts: the plant does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, it reacts extremely negatively to them.
  • It should be ensured and optimal humidity air. In summer, in the heat, be sure to spray the shrub and the air around it, since in dry air the plant often sheds its buds.

We learned why hibiscus does not bloom at home, and what to do about this problem. There may be several reasons for the absence of buds, but they all in one way or another relate to illiterate agricultural technology. Take care of the plant correctly - and there will be no problems with its flowering.

WHY DOES NOT THE CHINESE ROSE FLOWER? The ornamental plant Chinese rose is also called the Chinese rose tree, Chinese Gibiscus (Latin Hibiscus rosa-sinensis); is one of the species of the genus Hibiscus (Latin Hibiscus) of the Malvaceae family (Latin Malvaceae). Of the 300 - 500 currently known plant species of the genus Hibiscus, this species is most often cultivated in indoor and greenhouse floriculture. The entire Malvaceae family is classified in the order Malvolaceae. Flowers of this family, including the Chinese rose, have nothing to do with roses. The real Rose (Rosehip) is included in another order - the order Rosaceae (lat.Rosales). The homeland of the plant is Southeast Asia.

Varieties of the Chinese rose The life forms of the Chinese rose are woody plants: in nature, these are trees and shrubs up to 4 m in height, in indoor floriculture conditions - compact trees with a lush crown and elegant shrubs up to 1.5 m high.Leaves are large oval or obovate on long petioles, shiny smooth dark green or bright green (sometimes variegated - with creamy or pinkish streaks-stripes, edging). The type of leaf edge is serrated. The shape of the base of the sheet plate is rounded. The arrangement of the leaves is regular. Large leaves this shrub effectively cleanses and regulates the composition gaseous substances in indoor air. The leaves, covered with sticky juice, cope with the function of a reliable dust collector. Flowers are simple bell-shaped, double and semi-double, in diameter they can reach 15 - 25 cm. There are plants with the most varied color of flowers.

Flowering of the Chinese rose Flowering - profuse, from March to October, flowering of each individual flower - short-term, no more than 48 hours, then luxury flowers fade, they are replaced by new ones. The plant is classified as low-allergenic: the aroma has a subtle smell, the pollen of the flowers of the Chinese rose does not spread through the air.

Reasons for the lack of flowering Chinese roses at home usually live for a long time, several decades. Plants can withstand cold, drafts, darkness, sunburn... The Chinese rose tree endures for a long time, endures numerous flaws in its care, and then begins to be capricious on the sly - it will drop the buds, then it will bloom to half its strength, or it will stretch out into something awkward or completely stop blooming. Both insecure novice flower growers and experienced amateurs who know how to surround a Chinese rose with care, sometimes bewilderment is born: “Why isn't my Chinese rose blooming? At the post office, in the clinic, in the office lobby, it blooms, and in my cozy apartment No". You can write down a very long list of reasons. The primary reason is ignorance of the characteristics of this plant, ignoring the main phases of it life cycle.

How to make a Chinese rose bloom Spring and summer for a Chinese rose are periods of the beginning of the life cycle and flowering, phases of active growth. A well-groomed shrub or Chinese rose tree at home can bloom from March - April until the beginning of winter. For the harmonious development of the plant during this period, the following recommendations must be followed: - keep the plant at a temperature of 20 - 25 ºС; -Choose for a plant permanent place and do not move from place to place; make a "light mark" on the planter to take into account the angle of incidence of the sun's rays; -when choosing a place, stop at light, sufficiently illuminated, protected from draft and wind corners of the apartment; - protect the future beauty from bright direct sunlight; -in early spring, before waking up (in February), carry out a gentle pruning, later - pinch to form a beautiful lush crown near the tree; -Every year at the beginning of spring, transplant the Chinese rose into larger pots; use moisture and air permeable slightly acidic (pH 6.8) soil, structured with sand, turf soil, leaf humus; -Water the plant abundantly early in the morning, after 1 - 2 days, do not allow water to accumulate in the pan; -periodically, between waterings, loosen the top layer of the soil substrate; -at a high concentration of buds, especially in the case of young plants, remove about every fourth to avoid dropping them; - during the flowering period, regularly (1 - 2 times a week) apply aqueous solutions of complex mineral fertilizers; - when buying fertilizers, keep in mind that the optimal fertilizer formula for a Chinese rose is NPK = 9-3-13; 10-4-12; 12-4-18 (NPK means nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium); fertilizers for flowering plants are not suitable for this plant; the composition “ Universal fertilizer for potted plants "with NPK = 7-3-7 produced by POCON; -To eliminate magnesium deficiency, use Epsom salt or Siliplant fertilizer, or Greenwold fertilizer for conifers containing 3% nitrogen, 2% potassium and 5% magnesium oxide; - carry out feeding on non-noisy days, on a pre-moistened earth coma (note that you cannot feed a recently transplanted plant); - conduct foliar feeding(spray the leaves in the morning or evening with diluted formulations with a low concentration of nutrients); -in case of heat, dry air, spray the plant with water at room temperature; -Fresh, wipe the leaves of the Chinese rose to improve respiration and photosynthesis.

Hibiscus are prized for their beautiful flowers. Why does indoor hibiscus not bloom, despite good care? Blooming is a desire to reproduce and gratitude for care. Abundant flowering can be achieved with a balance between good housing conditions and a factor that provokes leaving seeds.

How to make hibiscus bloom at home

Only by observing the recommendations of flower growers on the maintenance of a flower can you get an abundantly flowering bush every year. But if all the forces are given to flowering, then the growth of the bush will be slow. In caring for a plant, balance and compliance with all recommendations are important:

  • place of detention;
  • wintering conditions;
  • soil and capacity requirements;
  • watering and feeding the plant;
  • pruning;
  • protection against diseases and pests.

A prerequisite for the flowering of a Chinese rose will be its maintenance in a bright place. The sun should not burn the leaves of the flower. But in a dark room, hibiscus will not bloom.

To admire flowers in summer, hibiscus should be kept at a temperature of 12-15 degrees in winter. The room should be bright. It is at this temperature that the flowering program is laid. Do not wait for the violent opening of the buds in summer, when hibiscus blooms in winter, if kept warm.

The Chinese rose grows at home quickly if the plant was allocated a tub for growth and filled with fertile soil. Until the plant fills the entire clod of earth with roots, it will build up its green mass. The overgrown bush pleases with green foliage, receives proper care, but has not opened a single bud? Why does indoor hibiscus not bloom?

It is necessary to transplant the plant into a smaller container so that the roots are cramped. At the same time, they can be trimmed, removing more brown old parts. The pot should have good drainage from expanded clay or other bedding. Place the upper layer of roots almost on the soil surface. Houseplants bloom if the roots are cramped.

The composition of the soil for the Chinese rose should be fertile, but with the inclusion of clay turf. The acidity of the soil is kept closer to neutral. Charcoal chips in the soil help maintain the balance of the substrate.

There is one biological feature why hibiscus does not bloom. Flowers form only on the tops of young twigs. Therefore, a home flower needs a systematic pruning or pinching. Getting the branches to bush by pruning is an important part of hibiscus care. He quickly gives young shoots, and the buds develop on them. One of the main reasons why healthy, overgrown indoor hibiscus does not bloom, is the lack of pruning.

It is important to water the flower properly. At any moment, all beauty can be violated precisely because of improper watering:

  1. The water should be soft. When using it, no scale remains in the kettle, and a film does not float on the surface of boiled water.
  2. For irrigation, the water must be well defended so that there are no traces of chlorine in the tap water.
  3. The temperature of the irrigation water should be around 30 degrees.

In summer, indoor hibiscus is watered abundantly and sprayed with leaves from a spray bottle. But between waterings, the top layer of the earth should dry out. In winter, the plant is rarely watered. In cold, damp soil, inactive roots can rot. Lack of watering or nutrition will cause the buds and flowers to shed when the hibiscus is in bloom.

Phosphate fertilizers are especially effective for flowering. It can be a superphosphate extract, or a special composition for indoor flowering plants. Fertilizers are applied only to wet soil.

What to do if hibiscus does not bloom and how to find the cause. Do not overexpose the rose tree in cold conditions. In order for it to bloom, it is necessary to exclude temperature drops during the growing season. So, if the plant is overexposed in the cold until the buds appear, and then transferred to heat, the buds will fall off from a sharp change in temperature. The same will happen if the plant gets caught in a draft.

A flowering tree requires careful handling. The pot is installed in place once for the whole summer. It cannot even be rotated if the buds have already been picked. The peduncle is very fragilely attached and falls off from the slight swaying of the branch. Therefore, during flowering, you need to walk by carefully.

In summer, hibiscus loves fresh air. The flowerpots should be installed in a place protected from wind and direct sunlight. A loggia, balcony or veranda with a sun curtain will be the best place for blooming hibiscus.

Why hibiscus with yellow leaves does not bloom

It should be noted that only healthy hibiscus flowers bloom, which have the necessary conditions for development. If spots appear on the leaves of any format or the leaf blade turns yellow, these are signs of a disease. So, green drooping leaves will say that the plant is dry, then it will lose color and buds.

Yellow leaves can give a signal that there is a disorder with the root system, and there is no need to wait for flowering under these conditions. In addition, insect pests can colonize the plant, taking food from the hibiscus. Therefore, each pruning, watering, wiping the leaves should be combined with a preventive inspection of the plant.

Compliance with agricultural technology will allow you to annually enjoy the victorious flowering of a tropical plant, which brings harmony to the house in the relationship between family members.