From aphids on indoor roses. How to get rid of aphids on roses and other indoor flowers? How to get rid of aphids

The appearance of aphids on indoor flowers can be the most unexpected. This insect, which lives on vegetation in the garden, can enter the room through an open window or balcony. Quite often, aphids enter the house with a bouquet of chrysanthemums or roses.

One female can produce up to a hundred larvae. Therefore, for very short term this insect infects almost all indoor flowers, if action is not taken in a timely manner. First of all, aphids settle on flowering plants. Representatives of the Palm family suffer the least from this pest, since aphids do not like them.

How to get rid of aphids on indoor roses

Many grow roses just in apartments, a tea rose, as well as a Chinese rose, or hibiscus, has long become a popular flowerpot. To get rid of aphids on indoor roses, you should choose safe means without chemicals, since there may be animals at home that can lick the plant, it is also unsafe for households to breathe insecticides.

To get rid of aphids on Chinese or tea rose, as well as on other types of house plants that I have chosen green aphid, currently in production whole line non-toxic oil-based preparations. They have a local effect and are safe for people and animals, and do not harm the environment. Only stems and leaves of roses should be processed, but from aphids on tea rose buds or Chinese rose must be removed manually.

Popular folk recipes for fighting aphids on indoor roses

To protect roses from aphids, the most common preparations in the form of soap and herbal ingredients with a strong odor have long been used.

Folk methods give good results, but they should be used from the very beginning, because over time the aphid spreads over the entire surface of the flower, and it will not be easy to eliminate it.

Chemical preparations against aphids on a room rose

Get rid of aphids with chemicals should only be if folk remedies and mechanical cleaning did not give positive results. Before spraying roses with aphids, you need to purchase certified insecticides. It is advisable to do this in special gardening stores. It is easy to use them - instructions for use are available on the packaging of each drug. True, there is a risk here, which we have already mentioned above - the destruction of not only aphids, but also beneficial insects. The fact is that chemical agents get rid of aphids only for a certain period, after a while the attack may return again, but in the rose garden there will no longer be those worm-bugs that eat it. We hope our lengthy review will help each reader to choose the best, in his opinion, method of dealing with aphids on pink flowers. On the other hand, we would like to remind you that best protection is an attack. That is, it is better to periodically carry out preventive spraying with biologically safe substances than to radically fight harmful aphids later.

Well, what kind of florist would deny himself the pleasure of having an open or winter rose. The queen of the flower world will really decorate any flower garden, however, in addition to pleasure, she can also bring a lot of trouble. It often happens that, without having time to blossom, the fragrant bud is covered with small nasty midges. This means that aphids appear on roses - you will learn how to fight right now.

A garden rose with regular prevention of aphid infestation will look like this

What is an aphid?

Aphids are small green wingless insects, although adults who have reached the last stage of development grow wings. Aphids have a soft tender body. It exists only in society, that is, not one pest appears on a rose, but a whole colony at once. Flying from plant to plant, in a very a short time aphids spread throughout the garden. It becomes noticeable by the onset of the first hot days, approximately in April. It was during this period that the successfully overwintered pest moves from fallen leaves and bark to young actively developing shoots. If nothing is done, that in a couple of weeks the population will increase to serious proportions.

Aphids have an unaesthetic repulsive appearance

Important! Often, along with aphids on roses, and then on other plants, such troubles as rose leafhopper and spider mite appear.

Ways to deal with aphids on roses


So, aphids on roses - how to get rid of, preferably in a way that is harmless to plants. In this case, we want to focus on prevention.

  1. Flower growers with experience know that the right neighborhood will provide protection to the beautiful rose. For example, all known marigolds (tagetes) will scare away aphids with a specific smell. In addition, these small yellow reddish flowers, without requiring any care, will delight the eye from early summer until late autumn.
  2. If we are talking about a room rose, in order to scare away aphids, it is worth placing flowerpots with plants unattractive to midges nearby. It could be the same geranium. But the neighborhood with citrus fruits is categorically not welcome, because they attract various pests.
  3. Birds and insects are the main enemies of aphids. Sometimes all sorts of bugs, spiders and flies cope with this garden pest more effectively than expensive drugs. So, it is known that in just 1 day an ordinary ladybug is able to eat about 250 aphids. Aphids are eaten with no less desire by wasps and lizards.

Where there are ladybugs, there are no aphids.

Advice! Before resorting to the use of chemicals against aphids, it is worth carefully studying the microflora of a particular garden. Spraying can kill not so much aphids as destroy its natural enemies.


tomato broth

Green tomato leaves are used. They are boiled for 15 minutes, then cooled and filtered. This liquid agent suitable for washing rose leaves and buds, as well as watering the plant. A person practically does not feel the smell, but effectively expels aphids.

soap solution

There is a universal way to solve the problem: aphids on roses - how to process? This is an unknown solution. laundry soap. Both buds and leaves are washed with warm soapy water several times a month, then the plant must be put on Fresh air- This is for a room rose. A garden beauty you need to spray, for example, from a spray bottle. The treatment period is 2 weeks. The time of the procedure is evening at sunset. Solution formulation: 200-gram bar per 10 liters of water.

Purified from aphids indoor rose looks like that

Advice! IN Lately flower growers note that instead of soap, 50 g can be added to water (half a liter) detergent for dishes, for example, the brand Gala. Mix the solution well and spray. The next day, the insects will turn yellow, and after another 3 days they will turn black. After such a procedure, the aphid will “forget the way” to the garden for a long time.

Potato + soap

Another remedy for aphids on roses: half a kilogram potato peelings filled with 2 liters of boiling water. After keeping the composition for 2 days, it is filtered and mixed with liquid soap. The resulting liquid should foam strongly. It is important to start processing it as soon as the first signs of infection appear.


You can just plant a few plants among rose bushes. They do not emit a smell that is perceptible to humans, but pests are greatly repelled. You can also spray the plants with an infusion of garlic (you can also add onion) husks. The procedure is used both as a preventive measure and directly for the destruction of aphids.

Aphids suck juice from plants


What to do if aphids appeared on roses - pour tobacco or ash under the root. First, dry matter is poured, and then watered. It only takes a few days for aphids to leave the plant due to a bad smell. By the way, this method is suitable not only for roses.

Advice! Dichlorvos also belongs to folk remedies for getting rid of midges. It just needs to be applied in a special way. Sprinkle the substance on the cotton wool, and then place it in plastic bag which is worn on indoor plant and tied up. It takes 30 minutes for "the enemy to be defeated." For an open rose garden, such a procedure will be difficult, although a cotton swab with dichlorvos can be placed under each bush.


Aphids from roses are destroyed and mechanically. For example, it can be simply washed off with the pressure of plain water. Many insects will die in the water, and those that remain will go to feed other insects.

Aphid insects can be destroyed with water from a hose


Rather, kerosene emulsion. The composition is being prepared according to the following algorithm: 100 g of laundry soap + 100 g of boiled water + 200 g of heated kerosene + 10 l of water. Mix everything well and spray roses with a frequency of 1 time in 7 days. After each procedure, the next day, the plant is washed with plain water.


Take 1 part of milk and 10 parts of water, move and add 20 drops of iodine. Experts say that the remedy is hypereffective.


Indoor rose infested with aphids

A certain flower grower often believes that rose aphids are best destroyed only with store-bought insecticides. They are easy to use - instructions for use are available on the packaging of each drug. True, there is a risk here, which we have already mentioned above - the destruction of not only aphids, but also beneficial insects. The fact is that chemical agents get rid of aphids only for a certain period, after a while the attack may return again, but in the rose garden there will no longer be those worm-bugs that eat it.

We hope our lengthy review will help each reader to choose the best, in his opinion, method of dealing with aphids on pink flowers. On the other hand, we want to remind you that the best defense is an attack. That is, it is better to periodically carry out preventive spraying with biologically safe substances than to radically fight harmful aphids later.

Garden roses are an attractive object for numerous pests. Aphids are especially often found on them. About how it is dangerous, and how to deal with it, is described in this article.

Rose aphid: general description and harm

Garden roses are one of the favorite fodder plants for rose aphids. The same insect damages the apple, pear or quince, which also belong to the Rosaceae family.

Rose aphid appears on plants in late spring and early summer, when the growing season is active and tender young growths grow. It is on them that the colony settles, feeds and breeds. The female founder gives her a start - a wingless light green insect, 3.5 mm long, with black paws and antennae. She has the ability to parthenogenesis - reproduction without a male. In a short time, the founder gives birth to about 80 larvae.

The larvae of the first generation after molting give rise to the next generation, so the reproduction of an aphid colony is a matter of several days. All this time, both adult insects and larvae need to eat. The harm from their vital activity becomes noticeable quickly enough. It consists in the following:

  • pollution of shoots and buds of roses with waste products that impede normal photosynthesis;
  • weakening of plants and cessation of growth due to loss of cell sap;
  • serious infection of plants infectious diseases– jaundice, stem cancer, viral wilt, etc.

If a rapidly developing colony settles on young rose seedlings, it is able to destroy them.

Causes of aphids on garden roses

By the middle of summer, in one of the generations, female settlers appear inside the colony of the pink aphid. These individuals have wings, and their task is to search for a new host plant. Having found a suitable one, the winged female gives birth to a generation of striped birds - normal males and females. By autumn, they produce fertilized eggs, from which new founders emerge after wintering.

Another way that aphids get to garden roses is ant "pastures". Ants are able to save aphid eggs in winter, as well as transfer pest larvae to suitable plants. Therefore, if there is an anthill near the rose garden, it will be more difficult to get rid of aphids.

Sometimes the appearance of aphids on roses is facilitated by some erroneous actions of gardeners:

  1. Poor maintenance of the rose garden.
  1. Excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers.

Plants need nitrogen for building new cells and active growth, but its excess makes tissues soft, overly juicy, and loose. On such shoots, aphids feel especially good.

  1. Neglect of preventive measures.

The appearance of aphids in the garden is difficult to prevent, but the inclusion of preventive spraying in the plan of agrotechnical measures significantly reduces this risk.

Tip #1 Too densely planted roses are a factor that increases the risk of aphids spreading. The recommended landing patterns must be strictly followed.

Aphid symptoms on garden roses Oh

It is quite difficult to detect aphids at the initial stage of colony development. The founders hide on the undersides of the leaf plates and, thanks to the protective coloration, are made almost invisible.

The presence of aphids is detected, as a rule, already after the appearance of the first generation of larvae according to the following signs:

  • lack of gloss and dirty coating on stems and leaves;
  • the appearance on the tops of the honeydew shoots - sticky sugary secretions of aphids;
  • transparent larval skins adhering to leaves and buds.

In later stages, the colony becomes visible naked eye. With a massive attack of aphids, roses look oppressed, young shoots are deformed and stop growing, buds do not open and die.

Agrochemistry against rose aphids

The use of chemical insecticides is the most radical way fight against rose aphids. An analysis of the drug market showed: the least dangerous for environment, but the effective means are the following:

A drug Advantages and disadvantages Mode of application


Copes with aphids during the day. It is not washed off by rain, the protective effect lasts up to a month. The disadvantage is that it is dangerous for bees, aphids can develop immunity.

Dilute 4 g of the powder in 5 liters of water and spray the roses.


Destroys an aphid colony in three days. Effective against adults, larvae and eggs. In plant tissues, it is short-lived, quickly excreted. The disadvantage is that unscrupulous and dangerous fakes are often found.

Dilute 4 g of powder in 10 liters of water and spray roses.


A strong systemic drug, copes with aphids in a day. The first result is observed about an hour after application. Protection is maintained for 2-3 weeks. The development of immunity was not fixed. Not dangerous for bees. Disadvantages - dangerous for some useful predatory insects(for example, for encarsia).

2.5 g is dissolved in 1 liter of water, after which the volume of the solution is brought to 10 liters with thorough mixing. Roses are sprayed with a solution.


Systemic insecticide that quickly kills larvae and adult aphids. The effect is noticeable a few hours after spraying. When alternating with other drugs, it is not addictive. Disadvantages - moderately dangerous for bees, remains in the ground for a long time.

Dilute a 1 ml ampoule in 2 liters of water and spray the roses.

Highly effective drug with a high speed of action. The first effect is noticeable an hour after treatment. Loyal to beneficial predatory insects. Decomposes quickly in soil. Disadvantages - at a temperature of +25 0 C it works worse, it cannot be used near water bodies.

Dilute 1 g of the drug in 10 liters of water and spray the roses.

All the proposed preparations are not toxic to the roses themselves and are safe for humans, subject to consumption rates and rules for working with chemicals. However, a high degree of insecticidal activity makes them dangerous to bees to varying degrees. Therefore, gardeners who own an apiary should use these drugs with caution.

Tip #2 In order to do less harm to pollinating insects, it is better to use chemical insecticides on roses that have not yet bloomed - in the budding phase. On flowering bushes it is better to fight aphids with less aggressive means.

Folk remedies against rose aphids

With aphids on garden roses, it is quite acceptable to fight with sparing folk remedies. They are especially effective on initial stages defeat. Among the most effective recipes the following can be noted:

Means Recipe and method of application

Garlic infusion with soap

Finely chop the head of garlic, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 3 hours and strain. Dissolve a bar of laundry soap in the infusion, thickly spray the rose shoots affected by aphids with the solution.

Decoction onion peel

Collect complete liter jar onion peel, pour it into a bucket, pour 3 liters of water and boil. Let it brew for 3 hours, strain and bring the volume of the solution to 10 liters. Wash the roses thoroughly.
Mustard infusion Mix 1 tablespoon of table mustard powder in 1 liter of water and leave for 2 days. Strain the infusion and process the affected rose shoots.
Infusion of tomato leaves Chop 1 kg of fresh tomato leaves and cut stepchildren, pour 10 liters of water and insist for a day. Strain and wash the roses.
Milk with iodine In 100 ml of fresh milk add 0.5 ml alcohol tincture iodine and shake well. Dilute the mixture with 1 liter clean water and spray roses.

You can also fight aphids by dusting plants with sifted wood ash or tobacco dust. These products are very effective, but, unfortunately, they reduce the decorative effect of rose bushes.

Biological methods of dealing with aphids on roses

high efficiency and at the same time the highest degree environmental safety demonstrate biological methods rose pest control.

One of these methods is to attract to the rosary natural enemies aphids. These include primarily ladybugs, hoverflies, lacewings. The larvae of these insects are capable of destroying a huge number of aphids. And not only. Lacewing larvae are incredibly voracious. They also eat ticks, thrips and other pests.

To attract beneficial insects to the rose garden, you need to plant special plants for them. For example, hoverfly flies most of all like flowering umbrella flies - dill, cumin, coriander. Ladybug loves yellow or orange flowers, especially wild tansy.

Creating mixborders of roses in the flower garden, attractive for predatory insects of annuals and herbs, you can forget about aphids for a long time. And to beneficial insects stayed in the garden long years, they should build special wintering shelters.

Another way of biosecurity is the use of organic-based insecticides. These include:

A drug Characteristics and mechanism of action
"Fitoverm" It is based on the waste products of the microorganism Streptomyces avermectilis - aversectin C. Having a pronounced intestinal and contact effect, it paralyzes aphids in a few hours. Rapidly decomposes in soil and plant tissues. Harmless to bees. Resistance in pests to the drug does not develop.
"Lepidocide" Bacterial insecticide based on the spore-crystalline complex of the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis. It is highly toxic to aphids, causing intestinal paralysis of the pest four hours after spraying, and their complete death in a week. Harmless to bees, does not cause the development of resistance in pests.
"Gaupsin" Insectofungicide of biological origin based on the bacterium Pseudomonas aureofaciens. It copes well not only with aphids, but also with a number of pathogenic fungi, and also has a growth-stimulating effect on the rose. Harmless to bees. The development of resistance in aphid populations has not been recorded (See also the article ⇒).

The biosecurity methods used in the complex show a very high efficiency in the fight against aphids on garden roses.

Disinsection of the greenhouse in case of aphids

For flower growers who are mastering greenhouse business or driving roses for sale in greenhouses, the issue of disinsection of greenhouses is a separate issue.

Aphids and other pests of roses overwinter in upper layers soil. Usually they are disposed of by digging and steam disinfection using a special steam generator. But since roses are perennial plants, these methods are difficult to apply. It remains to water the soil with insecticides.

To destroy the larvae and eggs of aphids in the soil of the greenhouse rose garden, you can use the preparation "Aktara". Judging by the reviews, he copes well with the task. The solution is prepared at the rate of 8 g per 10 liters of water. The only problem is that the drug is toxic to beneficial soil insects.

Biological products (for example, Fitoverm) can also be used for irrigation. But since their action is strictly intestinal-contact, and aphids do not feed underground, the effectiveness of this event is questionable. The effect in this case depends on whether the drug solution gets on the hidden insect.

Prevention of the appearance of aphids on garden roses

Prevention of the spread of rose aphids in the area consists in the following system of measures:

  • security good care for roses, including timely pruning;
  • security proper feeding, without excess nitrogen fertilizers, with an emphasis on phosphorus-potassium fertilizers;
  • mixed plantings of roses with plants that attract natural enemies of aphids;
  • fighting ants in the flower garden;
  • preventive spraying of roses with biological products or chemical insecticides.

The resistance of roses to aphids is well increased by regular treatment of bushes with micronutrient fertilizers and phytohormones. For example, fertilizers of the Mikrovit series, as well as Epin-Extra, Zircon and all kinds of humates are well suited.

Actual questions about the fight against rose aphids

Question number 1. Are there varieties of garden roses that are resistant to aphids?

The resistance of roses to aphids is determined by the strength of the integumentary tissues. The denser and coarser they are, the less attractive the plant is for pests. From this point of view, varieties with dense leathery leaves show greater resistance. These include, for example, rose varieties Karina, Leonardo da Vinci, Schneewitchen, Fairy. But at the same time, it is important to remember: resistance is the potential of a plant, which manifests itself only when proper agricultural practices. Even the most resistant variety can be weakened by improper care, and then it will be damaged by aphids and other pests.

Question number 2. How long does it take to get rid of aphids on roses?

It depends on the chosen tool. Chemical insecticides give almost instant results. Folk and biological agents act softer and last longer. However, in this matter it is not always advisable to chase speed. Preserving the stability of the ecosystem is much more important than momentary gain.

Question number 3. Can aphids from roses move to other garden flowers?

If roses are affected by rose aphids, then other flowers will not be affected. This is a pest narrow specialization. But in greenhouses, greenhouse aphids can sit on roses, which can also damage chrysanthemums, begonias, fuchsias and other plant species. Methods of dealing with this type of aphid do not differ from those given above.

Question number 4. Are there any safety rules when working with insecticides?

Certainly. Firstly, the preparation of working solutions should not take place in living quarters. It is advisable to do this outdoors. Secondly, when treating plants with any pesticides, it is necessary to use means personal protection- Gloves, goggles and a mask. Spraying should not be done in windy weather. If solutions come into contact with the eyes, esophagus or respiratory tract, flush with plenty of water and seek medical attention.

There is no definite answer why aphids appear on roses, this is preceded by several reasons, the main of which is a change temperature regime. Such finicky plants love coolness and average level humidity, if the environmental parameters change, the immunity of the flower weakens, so the risk of pest infection increases significantly.

To date, there are several proven and effective methods fight against garden pests. You can get rid of aphids in the following ways:

  • mechanical cleaning - such an event should be carried out in disposable rubber gloves. The flower bud should be gently squeezed between your fingers, and, moving your hand in the direction of plant growth, remove the accumulated insects. The stem is cleaned in the same way. The main thing is not to transfer the delicate tissue of the flower, so as not to damage the blossoming buds;
  • you can get rid of aphids biologically, it consists in alternating various plants, for example, tagetes (marigolds) can be planted in a rose garden, these are small yellow or red flowers that do not require special care and do not grow too much, so they do not clog roses. To fight aphids on domestic roses, you can install pots with plants unattractive to insects nearby, most importantly, beware of proximity to citrus trees, which themselves attract various pests;
  • folk remedies
  • store-bought insecticides are considered the most effective and in a simple way pest control. It is enough to treat the plants with the amount of the drug indicated in the recipe, as the insects will forget the way to you for a long time, but in this case there is a risk of harming the flower or rendering other plants located in the neighborhood unusable. Chemical ingredients should be used with extreme caution and at the same time adhere to safety rules.

To combat aphids, everyone chooses their preferred option, but it is best to simply not allow pests to actively spread on plants, then you do not have to worry about protecting them.

To protect roses from aphids, the most common preparations in the form of soap and herbal ingredients with a strong odor have long been used.

Folk methods give good results, but they should be used from the very beginning, because over time the aphid spreads over the entire surface of the flower, and it will not be easy to eliminate it.

The first appearance of aphids on roses coincides with the appearance of stepchildren on tomatoes and arrows on garlic. Therefore, both of these vegetables are excellent raw materials for the preparation of aphids. It is enough to fill the green mass with water and leave for 24 hours, then strain and process the roses with the resulting infusion.

Aphids suck the juice from roses, as a result of which, in the absence of care, the bushes affected by aphids dry out. They are easy to recognize. They look like this:

How to deal with aphids on roses?

Exists chemical treatment various chemicals, folk ways pest control and mechanical cleaning from aphids. Each method has its own efficiency and technology for influencing pests, therefore, when choosing how to spray roses with aphids, the advantage should be given to the method that has the least effect. Negative influence on the growth and development of roses.

Mechanical elimination of aphids

The easiest and most harmless way to remove aphids. It is recommended to apply it at the first appearance of aphids. It is enough to put on gloves designed for gardening and crush the aphids with your fingers. Nothing disgusting or complicated about tacos there is no cleanup. This is just a simple protection of roses from pests. Aphid - so much small insect that a bunch of these pests in the palms cannot be distinguished from ordinary dirt and dust.

Aphids are easily washed off with a stream of water from a hose. It is physically so helpless that it is removed when watering. It is important to be careful here so as not to break the bushes. Washed aphids are usually eaten by garden insects, as they are food for other insects (wasps, spiders, ladybugs).

The aphids should be washed off for several days in a row to wash off the newly emerging insects from the eggs. You can often see ladybugs or birds on rose bushes. In no case should you drive them away, since it is they who eat aphids, while saving plants from damage.

To the most effective means against aphids include:

  • Potato infusion from tops.
    Pour 0.5 kg of chopped tops with boiling water (5 l), leave for 48 hours, strain, add 50 g of laundry soap. Spray rose bushes affected by aphids three times with a weekly break.
  • Infusion of garlic cloves.
    Chopped peeled garlic cloves (about 100 g) pour cold water(3 l), insist 3 hours. Then strain the resulting product, add another 3 liters of water, mix evenly and process the roses. Spraying should be carried out 1 time per week for two months with a weekly interval.
  • Tobacco decoction.
    Tobacco (400 g) pour water (9 l). Boil for half an hour, leave for 2 days, strain through cheesecloth. Dissolve 40 g of laundry soap (preferably green) in a liter of water, mix with prepared tobacco broth. Spray plants. Such processing should be carried out as needed.
  • Tomato-garlic (bulb) infusion.
    Pass 400 g of tomato leaves and 300 g of garlic or onion through a meat grinder. Pour the mixture with three liters of water, leave for 6-8 hours, strain, increase the volume of liquid to 10 liters, add 40 g of grated laundry soap and spray the roses. Repeat the procedure should be carried out only during the new appearance of pests.
  • Onion peel will also help to cope with aphids. It needs to be filled hot water, insist a day and process the shrubs.

Mechanical elimination of aphids is good only with frequent plant inspections and early detection of lesions.

How to get rid of aphids on roses using folk remedies?

Real gardeners have a lot of tricks on how to deal with aphids on roses. With their help, you can carefully grow roses, protecting plants from pests. The most common way to deal with aphids is to protect roses with other plants, for example,. The specific pungent smell of marigolds planted around rose bushes repels aphids and protects roses from damage and.

Soap solution is also popular in the fight against aphids. They should treat roses as soon as the slightest sign of infection first appears. It is very easy to prepare such a solution. You should place a bar of laundry soap in a bucket of water so that the soap dissolves and the water becomes soapy. For the quickest dissolution of soap in water, it is recommended to grate it first. The prepared solution must be poured into the sprayer and the entire surface of the shrubs should be treated, giving Special attention affected places.

If the rose bushes are covered with aphids in a dense layer, the leaves, branches, and flowering buds should be thoroughly washed with soapy water. To simplify the work, it is enough to gently dip the plant in a bucket of soapy water. This processing method will save roses from pests without causing any harm. The only caveat is to be careful when handling so as not to break the stems of the plant.

To get rid of aphids on roses with the help of folk remedies, it is best to use infusions from potato tops, young shoots of garlic, onion husks, tomato tops, and wormwood. To prepare, it is enough to insist the raw materials filled with water for at least a day, and then spray the roses.

Chemical preparations against aphids

Get rid of aphids with the help of chemicals should only be if folk remedies and mechanical cleaning have not given positive results. Before spraying roses with aphids, you need to purchase certified insecticides. It is advisable to do this in special gardening stores.

Choosing suitable remedy from aphids, it is better to give preference to preparations that indicate that they are suitable specifically for roses.

The best proven chemicals for aphids are:

  • "Kinmiks";
  • "Decis";
  • "Spark";
  • "Intavir";
  • "Fitoverm";
  • "Actara".

Do not forget that the use of strong chemicals can harm both the pests themselves and plants and other harmless inhabitants of the garden. It is best to give preference to more gentle methods of dealing with aphids.

It is important for flower growers to observe the following rule: go around flower beds daily, inspect rose gardens, take care of plants as necessary, and regularly inspect them for aphids.

Healthy intact roses, which are constantly cared for and periodic measures against pests are carried out, look like this:

Cons of chemical treatment

On garden plots Not recommended for aphid control chemical substances, because after processing:

  • it becomes impossible to use rose petals for cosmetic and culinary purposes;
  • insecticides used are dangerous for fruits and vegetables growing nearby;
  • pests get used to the drugs and become immune.

It is more expedient to use environmentally friendly products for processing roses, periodically changing and alternating them.

Video: what to do against aphids on roses?