The use of tangerine peels in gardening, a decoction of pests. The use of tangerine peels from garden pests Ground citrus peels from pests

Shredded shells I bring in every spring in trunk circles roses, as well as beds for peppers, eggplants, watermelons and melons, for beets and other crops that love calcium. One or two glasses per 1 square meter happens to be enough. When eggs are boiled, part of the calcium is washed out of the shell, so the shell is more useful for deoxidizing the soil. raw eggs. If you simply put it in a bag, then soon a very bad smell rotten eggs - this is the smell from the protein that remained in the shell. Therefore, I rinse the shell with water, then dry it so that there is no bad smell. Periodically I tamp it in the bank to fit more. In the spring before use, I grind even more. I leave part of the shell in the form of large pieces. I lay them out when planting potatoes in holes to protect against moles (they do not like their sharp edges). Shredded shells are also good for compost heap.onion peel IN Lately I also prefer onion skins. It contains a complete set of micro and macro elements, as well as bactericidal substances and substances that prevent the reproduction of pests. horticultural crops.Onion peel helps to cope with aphids, thrips, and spider mites: 1 liter jar of onion peel is poured with two liters of hot (+40 degrees) water, insisted for one or two days, filtered. For better adhesion of the infusion, liquid soap is added. When spraying, the infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. strawberry mite it is necessary to persistently spray the plants for a month and a half once a week, while trying to get the solution on the lower part of the leaf. Leave for two days. And spray the garden against aphids, as well as ticks. They can’t stand the onion spirit and such pests as plant bugs, suckers, codling moths, thrips. For them, this is an onion woe! An infusion of onion peel will also help when processing radishes, cabbage, turnips and radishes against cruciferous flea. To do this, pour half a bucket of husk hot water to the top, cover with a lid. Insist for two days, strain and spray with this infusion without diluting it. Onion infusion also helps against false powdery mildew, which in some places in August causes serious damage to cucumber plantings. Spray, of course, in advance, before the first signs of the disease appear. And repeat the treatment every four to five days. It is very useful to water the tomatoes with onion water so that the bushes do not get bacterial cancer. In the infusion of onion peel, it is useful to soak the potatoes before planting, and carrots will be better stored if you spray the root crops with infusion of onion peel before storing .Infusion of onion peel can be used for foliar feeding of yellowing cucumbers and zucchini. Sometimes it is enough to spray their leaves with such an infusion: pour 10 g of onion peel into 5 liters of warm water, leave for four days, strain. Or like this: pour a couple of handfuls of onion peel into a bucket of warm water, cover with a lid, bring the water to a boil, keep it under the lid until it cools. When the broth has cooled, strain it. Then take 2 liters of broth, add up to 10 liters of warm water, pour the plants directly over the leaves from the watering can. After a few days, watered plants will be transformed. Yellowed leaves even turn green again. For example, I prefer a decoction when I’m not very sure that the husk is not infected with thrips (I throw away the husk from diseased plants) - when boiled, its larvae die. Houseplants also respond to such watering. Still: here is nutrition, and getting rid of diseases and pests. The only condition: all onion peel infusions must be used on the day of preparation in evening hours. I throw out the husks left after straining the infusions on a compost heap or under bushes of berry bushes. Collected dry onion peel can be stored for a long time without losing their positive properties if it is collected from healthy bulbs. Drinking tea and coffee I add drunk tea and coffee to the holes when planting seedlings in the ground, or simply mix it with the soil and bury it. They serve as good food for worms there. But from using them as mulch indoor plants I refused: all sorts of flies start up there, and mold appears on the surface of pots with such mulch. You can feed grown seedlings with sleeping tea. To do this, a glass of dry tea is poured into a three-liter jar, poured with hot water and infused for 4-5 days, stirring occasionally. Then they filter and use the solution as top dressing, adding a half dose of nitrogen fertilizers. A neighbor shared with me an interesting experience of using tea: she treats blackcurrant cuttings cut for rooting before planting with tea to prevent infection with a kidney mite. To do this, 2 g of tea is brewed with boiling water in 1 liter of water, aged for 1 day. (Freshly brewed tea can damage plants.) Immerse the cuttings in the solution for 3-4 hours and plant them in moist soil. After that, he tries not to water them for as long as possible, covering them with a non-woven covering material. Before pouring tea or coffee into storage, they must be thoroughly dried, otherwise they will become moldy. Any tea can be prepared: black, green, small, large, whole leaves, even tea bags can be used in this way. Potato peels for plant nutrition Over the winter, I stock up more dried potato peelings. After all, in our family, potato dishes are never boring. And if you consider that even with the very good quality about a fifth of the tubers end up in waste, then the amount of the latter is decent. I dry these cleanings on a battery or freeze them on the balcony and take them to the dacha. There, in the spring, I pour them into a barrel and fill it with water. When the dry cleanings are soaked, I mix everything. And when I plant cucumbers or cabbage, I spread the resulting porridge under each seedling: I put a porridge cake on the bottom of the dug hole, then a layer of earth, then potato porridge again, sprinkle it with earth, and plant seedlings there. Grows great. In a garden bed, “mashed potatoes” mixed with soil will appeal to billions of soil bacteria, worms, our most useful helpers. An infusion of cleanings can also be used as top dressing. I mix it in water, water it from a watering can without a strainer (so as not to clog) or with a ladle under the root and the result is not long in coming. So, it turned out that peeling potatoes replace organic fertilizers for cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins and squash. Only tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and other plants of the nightshade family should not be fed with tuber peels: they naturally have many common diseases. But everything is good for pumpkin, cabbage and even onion crops. During my replacement of manure with potato peelings, I set a few more rules for myself. potato peelings causative agents of late blight, black scab and some other diseases may persist; before use, I must first scald them with boiling water. First I dry them, then I pass them through a meat grinder, after which I finally dry the resulting mass. citrus peels Another cleaning will help to cope with pests - these are orange and tangerine peels. Use them against aphids, thrips, spider mites. Plants are sprayed with this infusion: 1 kg of peels are passed through a meat grinder, poured with water into three-liter jar. Close tightly, insist in a dark place for five days. Then strain and squeeze well. Bottled and sealed tightly. If dry peels are used, then they are pre-soaked and then crushed. For spraying, take 100 ml of infusion and 40 g laundry soap per 10 liters of water, treated at least 2-3 times. Against spider mites - at least 5-6 times with an interval of 5-7 days. You can also make a smaller dose: insist the peel from one or two oranges in 1 liter of warm water for a whole week in the dark. Then add liquid soap to this water, strain, and the spray is ready. Particularly afraid of phytoncides contained in an orange, and laundry soap, hard-to-eradicate aphids. This treatment with orange peel infusion replaces weekly pesticide treatments against aphids and mites. I know that some of my friends who have cars take kitchen waste to their summer cottage, pouring it onto a compost heap. But most summer residents prefer to throw waste into the trash, without thinking about the benefits that they can bring to them if they make efforts to save them until spring.

Due to their invaluable properties, orange peels are widely used not only in cooking and cosmetology, but also in gardening and horticulture. The crusts are used in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms that destroy crops, as fertilizer and mineral supplements, as a repellent of neighbor cats and ants.

The benefits and harms of orange peel

in peel orange fruit contains a lot ascorbic acid, retinol and tocopherol, essential oils, flavonoids, pectin substances. There are also minerals - potassium, phosphorus and other components that are necessary for the normal growth of plant crops.

You can use orange peels different ways- in the form of tincture, crushed into powder or fresh. With an adequate approach, there is no harm to the soil. The main thing is not to overdo it, since any citrus fruits contribute to the acidification of the environment.

orange fertilizer

In most cases, the product is used to feed crops and improve soil fertility. For this, orange peels, like bananas, are buried to a depth of 50 millimeters. Over time, the soil receives nitrogenous substances from the crusts, as a result of which the germination of plants is significantly improved.

If you throw away orange peels, then only in compost. Here, waste will be beneficial - it will become a breeding ground for microflora and repel insects. For quick decomposition, it is recommended to wash the peels and finely chop.

Orange infusion against pests

For some pests, orange peel is a poison. And all this is due to the high concentration of a special substance. It is called limonene, and contributes to the violation of the protective coating of insects, which leads to their subsequent death.

If plants suffer from spider mites, thrips, aphids, then orange tincture is used for treatment. To prepare it, you need the peel of three oranges. It is finely chopped, then pour 1000 ml of warm water. Within seven days it is necessary to insist "medicine". Then filter, add another 2000 ml of water and a tablespoon of any liquid soap. The resulting infusion treats the affected leaves on both sides.

To get rid of aphids and thrips, a total of up to 3 treatments will be needed; spider mites require 5-6 treatments with a seven-day interval between sprayings. To treat indoor plants, wipe the leaves with a soft cloth dipped in a solution.

Recipes against pests in the garden:

  1. In 1000 ml of liquid, add 100 g of dried and crushed orange peels, leave for four days. Spray diseased plants, no need to add water.
  2. Soak 1 kg of peels in warm water, leave for 5-6 hours. Then pass them through a meat grinder, place in a container, pour warm water. Insist 5 days. For use, dilute 100 ml of home remedy in 10 liters of water, add 40 g of soap to the solution.

Repelling cats and ants

Orange peel helps to repel harmful insects. Particularly effective in the fight against ants. To do this, you need to chop three fruits - twist with a meat grinder or blender, add 250 ml of water to the mixture. The resulting thick solution is watered with ant paths. With the same tool, you can water the anthill itself.

The only drawback of orange ant control is that it is short-lived, this method only helps to get rid of insects for a while. Therefore, it is recommended to think about other methods of protection.

Cats do not like strong odors, so with the help of orange peels can scare away cats. The peel can be placed on the beds or in those places where you most often see cats. As an alternative to peels, orange-based essential oil can be used.

Proper harvesting of orange peels

orange juicy fruits can be purchased at any time of the year. The peel can be started to collect in advance. The main thing is to properly dry the crusts. They are dried in an oven or a special dryer. You can put peels next to the battery, but this method is long.

The dried component is recommended to be stored in a glass container, cardboard box or in a paper bag. Already in the spring, you can find a use for them - grind a small amount to a powder state and sprinkle the soil on them to feed them after the winter.

orange peels - indispensable assistant on suburban area. Bananas, lemons, grapefruits and tangerines have similar properties.

For indoor plants

With its intense aroma and rich chemical composition citrus peel has already found its application in cosmetology, cooking, winemaking and even home economics. But not many people know that this product can do a good job in gardening and horticulture and help summer residents save on the purchase of insecticides and fertilizers.

After defeating the moth

It's no secret that citrus fruits are very beneficial for health. All members of our family are very fond of citrus fruits, and we consume them most actively in autumn and winter. However, I decided to tell not about the value of their juicy, tasty pulp, but about the peel of these bright overseas fruits, which, after a pleasant meal, most of us simply send to the bin. Previously, like many, I simply threw away the peels from these fruits. But one day, after evaluating the effect of the orange peel, when it helped me in as soon as possible to get rid of the moth that appeared in my wardrobe, I decided to use it in my summer cottage to control plant pests. Positive results did not keep me waiting, and now, throughout the year, I carefully collect and dry peels from any fruits of this family that are on sale. In addition to a pronounced aroma, the peel of all citrus fruits, without exception, is replete with a mass useful compounds, so I use it not only to combat a variety of garden and garden pests, but also as a valuable fertilizer that helps increase the yield of grown crops.

I first cut the peels from oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons, limes and pomelo into small pieces, so that later it would be more convenient to measure the right amount of this product for preparing infusions and decoctions, and then I lay them out to dry in a thin layer on a tray. After complete drying at room temperature I pour cleaning into glass jar and close it with a nylon lid (and I don’t separate the peels by type of fruit, but randomly mix them in one container). Since these colorful fruits are constantly present on our table during the cold season, by spring I have an impressive amount of valuable natural remedy, which not only facilitates my work on personal plot during holiday season, but also significantly saves family budget, allowing you to refuse to buy expensive drugs from a gardening store. However, in order for the peel to be safe to use and devoid of chemicals - which, perhaps, the fruits were processed at the time of cultivation and for the sake of better keeping quality during long-term transportation and storage - the fruits are thoroughly washed with soap and then poured with boiling water before consumption.

For the control of garden pests and garden plants I cook mainly infusions based on citrus peel: in my opinion, with this method of preparation, the drug turns out to be more fragrant. To do this, I pour a certain amount of dry crushed crusts with warm water, close the container with a lid so that essential oils do not evaporate from the liquid, and leave the contents for 4-5 days in a warm place for infusion, periodically mixing G ingredients. After this time, I filter the finished infusion and use it to spray damaged plants. However, if I notice a large dominance of unwanted insects on the plantings, then I immediately start preparing the decoction: I put the contents in the same proportions in an enameled bucket or a capacious pan, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for half an hour. After cooling, the broth is filtered and immediately used for its intended purpose. In order for the infusion or decoction to better linger on the shoots of plants, before spraying, I add a couple of tablespoons of green garden or ordinary liquid hand soap to the liquid.

Against aphids and ants

For the first time, I conducted an experiment on the use of a citrus cocktail in my summer cottage to combat aphids. In just 2 treatments, carried out with an interval of 3 days, my remedy helped rid the currants of the invasion of these harmful insects. To prepare the infusion, I poured a glass of crushed dried citrus fruit peels into a bucket, filled it to the top with water and left it for several days to infuse. Already after the first spraying of aphid bushes on the tops of twisted

there were very few shoots left, and after the second procedure, the rest, the most persistent specimens, were also defeated. Now I use this infusion to combat aphids on all garden, garden and ornamental plants.

The peel of citrus fruits helped me out in the fight against the best "friends" of aphids - ants. To rid my summer cottage of ants, I am preparing the following repellent. I pour a third of a glass of dry citrus peels with a liter hot water, I wait until they swell well, and then I turn the contents into a homogeneous slurry using a blender. With the resulting product, I water the places of accumulation of pests, and they immediately begin to collect their belongings and retire in an indefinite direction.

The strawberries are saved!

I was incredibly pleased with the fact that such an easy-to-prepare citrus infusion from free raw materials, which I used to unknowingly send to the trash can, helped rid my garden of garden strawberries from weevil. The harmful activity of this insect becomes noticeable already during the flowering period of plants: the inflorescences suddenly dry up and fall off, which, accordingly, leads to crop loss. For spraying, which I repeated three times during the season, I prepared a four-day infusion of 10 liters of water and a half-liter jar of dry fruit peel. The first two treatments were carried out with an interval of 3-4 days during the period of plant budding: it is at this time that the strawberry weevil begins to lay eggs in buds that have not yet opened, and after a short time its larvae begin to operate there, which just leads to abscission of inflorescences. The third treatment was carried out immediately after harvesting strawberries, and on next year collected a beautiful and incredibly abundant harvest of large and sweet berries. Despite the fact that I no longer find signs of a weevil on a strawberry plantation, I continue to carry out such spraying annually for prevention purposes, but only once a season, during the period of mass budding from rosettes.

Eat cucumbers calmly

Avoid the use of pesticides and rid the plantings of such malicious pests as spider mite and thrips, an infusion prepared from Yule water, 1 cup of citrus peel and 200 - 300 g of freshly picked and chopped wormwood herb helps. These pests can attack the most different landings, but especially often I find them on cucumbers. And if during the period of mass fruiting, spraying cucumber bushes with insecticides turns out to be unsafe, then after treating the plantings with such a cocktail, I remain calm about the environmental friendliness of my crop. I spray in the evening with an interval of 5-7 days until the signs of the activity of these insects completely disappear.

Protect the cabbage

An infusion and decoction of citrus peel is an excellent remedy for combating cabbage moth, cabbage scoop and whitefly. Adults of these insects do not harm cabbage - they feed exclusively on flower nectar, but their larvae, due to their extraordinary voracity, are able to not only pretty spoil, but completely destroy plants in the shortest possible time. To scare away these butterflies and prevent them from laying eggs on cabbage leaves, I start spraying plantings a couple of weeks after planting the seedlings in the ground and try to spray every 7 to 10 days. To do this, I prepare in advance a fragrant infusion of 1 cup of dry citrus peel and Yul water. If, for some reason, it is not possible to process the cabbage bed in a timely manner, and after a while I find caterpillars of these pests on the plants, I urgently prepare a concentrated decoction of 10 liters of water and 3 glasses of dry citrus peels. After 2 - 3 treatments carried out with such a tool with an interval of 1 - 2 days, the plantings are completely free from larvae.

For potatoes, carrots and onions

The peel of fruit saved from the winter helps me out a lot in the garden with potatoes. To scare away colorado potato beetle, which, as it turned out, also does not tolerate the smell of citrus fruits, I prepare a fragrant cocktail from 2 glasses of dry peel, infused in 10 liters of water. I process plantings depending on the number of pests on the bushes: I collect single beetles manually, and if there are too many of them, then I spray the leaf with this drug, after which the insects prefer to immediately change their location.

In addition, with an infusion prepared from a glass of dry citrus peels and a bucket of water, I process beds with onions and carrots at intervals of 2 weeks. With this tool, I shed the aisles after the next watering and thus protect the plantings from the invasion of onion and carrot flies, respectively.

In the compost heap and planting pit

Another unpleasant pest is operating in my summer cottage - the May beetle. The larvae of this beetle used to be found in large numbers in the soil when digging the garden, but most of all they accumulated in the compost heap. And if in past years I tried to pick them out of the ground manually when digging the beds, and into the holes and landing pits I added chemicals, but now I use the same dried citrus peel to fight this malicious pest. I was lucky enough to evaluate its positive effect quite by accident: one season I poured excess citrus peels into the compost heap, and later I was surprised to find that these disgusting white worms disappeared from the compost! After that, I began to specially lay a batch of stored peel in the compost, and also pour a handful into the holes before planting seedlings and a glass into the planting pits for seedlings of trees and shrubs.

The peel of citrus fruits, added to the soil when planting plants, not only protected them from the May beetle, but also the best way influenced them general development. Due to the rich chemical composition, in which elements such as potassium, cobalt, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, sulfur, fluorine and molybdenum are leading in terms of quantitative ratio, the product in question acted as an excellent additional plant nutrition. This came in especially handy in our poor, sandy soil and allowed us to reduce the number of other root and foliar dressings held per season. Now you no longer have to spend so much money on the purchase of ready-made fertilizers: there is simply no such need for them. The plants are lush, actively growing and give me a generous harvest. I also dare to suggest that the increased disease resistance of my country plantations is directly related to the use of citrus fruit peel, which, as you know, has powerful antibacterial properties.

at home

The peel of citrus fruits was useful to me not only in the country, but also at home. In the case when pests (spider mites, mealybugs, scale insects, etc.) attack my indoor flowers, I prepare a two-day infusion from fresh peel of 1 orange or 2-3 tangerines and 1 liter of water passed through a meat grinder. With a ready-made strained infusion, I abundantly moisten the shoots and leaves of plants from a spray bottle, and also spill the soil into flower pots. When using dry citrus peels for this purpose, I fill a third of a glass of raw materials with 1 liter of water, but I insist on the contents for more long time- 4-5 days.

An infusion of the same concentration helps me out in the spring, when all the windowsills of my apartment are lined with boxes and cups with seedlings. But I do not carry out periodic spraying of seedlings in order to protect them from unwanted insects, but to scare away another “pest” - my cat, who strives to walk among young plants.

And in conclusion, I would like to mention one more pleasant feature of the peel of citrus fruits. In early spring and in late autumn, when it's damp and cold outside, I kindle the stove in my country house and I certainly put a handful of dried peels from these fruits in the furnace. Due to the high content of essential oils, they not only help to quickly start a fire (much better than paper!), but also fill the room with an unusual aroma that gives the feeling unique comfort and tranquility. As you can see, the use of citrus peels can be quite varied. This natural product will give odds to many modern insecticides and act as a valuable plant fertilizer, and at the same time help save the family budget. Therefore, I advise readers not to throw away any more peelings from fruits of this family and be sure to prepare them for future use in the coming winter - the results from their use on a personal plot will certainly please you.

Orange is a delicious and juicy fruit that can be bought in the nearest grocery store. Few people know that its crusts, which are usually immediately thrown into the trash can, can be useful in a summer cottage.


Like many other organic wastes, orange peels are suitable for composting. They contain nitrogen in a form easily digestible for plants. Besides:

  • The harsh aromatic substances contained in the crusts quickly break down into safe compounds and do not harm beneficial soil bacteria and worms.
  • Many skeptics claim that blue mold likes to grow on orange peels. However, the elevated temperature inside the compost heaps does not allow mold to develop.
  • It is known that at the stage of long-term delivery of citrus fruits from overseas countries, their skin is covered with a special protective composition. Contrary to popular belief, this substance does not affect the quality of the compost.
  • Some summer residents indicate that orange peels decompose extremely slowly in compost. This is not entirely true. To speed up the decay process, cut the peel into smaller pieces before composting.

Finely chopped orange peel without prior composting is buried in upper layer soil to a depth of 5 cm. After a while, the decomposing peel will begin to release nitrogen, sulfur, calcium, magnesium and whole line other useful substances.

Aphid remedy

Aphids and the ants that spread it are found in every summer cottage. You can fight them with the help of a number of drugs with varying effectiveness. A good alternative, especially for followers of natural farming, are orange peels. The limonene contained in them destroys the protective wax coating that covers the bodies of insect pests. The strong pungent odor repels ants and aphids. Orange peels are laid out around the affected plants and strung on the most infected branches. Spraying is also carried out with the compositions, which will be discussed below.

Limonene, in addition to aphids and ants, effectively repels fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. Boil the crusts in water, let the composition brew for 2-3 hours, then strain it through cheesecloth. The resulting product is suitable for spraying diseased plants, removing fleas from dogs and cats, repelling mosquitoes and ticks (it is especially useful in the forest, it is enough to spray a little on clothes to achieve the effect).

By the way, do you want to attract more beautiful butterflies that are harmless to the garden to the site? Just carefully arrange the orange peels in different parts of the area, and charming winged insects will not keep you waiting.

Popular recipes for aphids and other insects:

  • 100 g of dry crusts are poured into 1 liter of water and infused in the dark for 3-4 days.
  • 1 kg of citrus peel is passed through a meat grinder and placed in a 3 liter jar. The container is filled with water and insisted in a dark place for 5 days. Before use, 100 ml of the resulting infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water. To enhance the effect, 40 g of laundry soap is added to the composition.
  • Pour the remaining peel from 2 oranges with 1 liter of water and put in dark place infuse for 1 week. Complete the composition liquid soap and strain.

Plants infected with aphids are sprayed with a spray bottle or gently wiped with a soft cloth.

Many of us throw orange peels in the trash without thinking. However, this simple kitchen waste has a huge potential benefit to your garden. In addition to simply composting, they can also be used on the site as a replacement chemical fertilizers and insecticides.


The first and most obvious way to use orange peel in the garden is to compost it. Prefabricated garden compost is perhaps the best natural fertilizer. To be well balanced, it must contain two types of ingredients: carbonaceous materials (eg dry leaves, straw) and nitrogen-rich organics (dung). Citrus peels are an excellent source of nitrogen, which is necessary for all plants in the early stages of their development.

On gardening forums, I often come across the opinion that orange peels should not be composted. Arguments have been put forward to support this claim, from the fact that citrus peels can kill friendly worms and beetles, to the fact that blue mold likes to grow on them.

However, I want to assure you that this type of kitchen waste can be safely added to the compost, because:

  • aromatics found in the peel of oranges and other citrus fruits used as organic pesticides are highly volatile and rapidly decompose into harmless compounds. Therefore, they do not cause any harm to the soil inhabitants.
  • The temperature inside a properly built compost heap is so high that it leaves no chance for mold spores to survive. Mold reproduces only in a cool environment and dies at a temperature not much higher than room temperature.
  • The peel of most store-bought oranges is coated with a special mild antimicrobial compound. This is done so that the fruit does not have time to deteriorate before the sale. This coating will not affect the quality of your compost in any way, but it will prevent mold growth on orange peel.

Some gardeners don't like composting orange peels because they are difficult to decompose. However, it is enough to simply grind the peel into smaller pieces, as its decomposition will go much faster.

Orange peels as a safe fertilizer

As the orange peel rots, it saturates the soil with nitrogenous compounds. Let me remind you that to speed up this process, the crusts must be cut into small pieces and buried in the topsoil (to a depth of no more than 5 centimeters). In addition to nitrogen, such a fertilizer can give the soil sulfur, magnesium, calcium and many other super-useful substances. By the way, banana peel also makes an excellent top dressing for garden and garden crops - you can read how to cook it correctly.

natural insecticide

Probably every gardener has to deal with ants and aphids on the site. These ubiquitous pests can be successfully combated not only with the help of aggressive chemicals, but also with the help of ordinary orange peels. And the thing is that they contain limonene, a natural substance that destroys the protective wax coating on the bodies of insects, as a result of which they suffocate and die. In addition, the peel has a strong odor that is excellent at driving aphids away from plants.

To do this, it is enough to spread pieces of orange peel around infected plants or pierce holes in them and hang them directly on the stems.

In case you are annoyed by ants, proceed as follows:

  1. Peel one or two oranges. Use the pulp for other purposes, and clean the skins of most of the white fibers.
  2. Place the rest of the orange in a blender and pour about 50-60 milliliters of warm water into it. Close the blender and turn it on for 60-90 seconds on high speed.
  3. Gradually add a teaspoon of water to the resulting mixture until it becomes liquid enough for watering.
  4. Locate an anthill in your area and pour the liquid directly into the ant holes. It's okay if part of the insecticide gets past - it will gradually also be absorbed into the soil and produce the desired effect.
  5. Repeat as needed. If there is more than one anthill on the site, prepare large quantity solution and spill all infected areas.

Other uses

Limonene, which is so abundant in orange peels, can also repel ticks and fleas. Create a natural spray for your dog - boil the crusts in water, after 2-3 hours of steeping, strain it into a sprayer and treat your dog's coat. According to the latest scientific data, limonene is non-toxic to warm-blooded animals and kills insects by acting on their sensory nerves in the peripheral nervous system. By the way, the same spray will also save you from the annoying attention of mosquitoes and other biting creatures while working in the garden - just spray it on your clothes and open areas bodies and a couple of hours of quiet work are provided to you.

If you do not grow on the plot vegetable crops, then you can put the crusts in shallow plates and arrange them near the flower beds. After a while, you will notice how many bright butterflies begin to flock to the smell of oranges, which are very pleasant to watch.